Lavoz August 2012 - issue

Ahora hay tres personas que se curan de las ayudas, causados por el virus del VIH. Ray Brown, "el paciente de Berlín", cuenta ahora con dos pacientes de Boston, Massachusetts, que han sido completamente curado del sida. La "cura" estaba vinculada origi- nalmente a trasplantes de médula ósea procedentes de donantes sin un receptor llamado CCR5. Los nuevos hallazgos son el resul- tado de una combinación de trasplante de médula ósea, los medicamentos contra el VIH y la quimioterapia y una estrategia de "shock y muerte cuando un nuevo ciclo de infección se evita. Now there are three persons that are cured of aids, caused by the HIV virus. Ray Brown, “the Berlin patient” is now joined by two patients from Boston,Massachusetts who have been com- pletely cured of Aids. The “Cure” was originally linked to bone marrow transplants from donors without a receptor called CCR5. The new findings are the result of a combination of bone mar- row transplants, HIV drugs and chemotherapy and a strategy of “shock & kill here a new cycle of infection is prevented. El masacre en Aurora, Colorado ha dejado 12 personas muertas y 58 heridos. James Eagan Holmes, 24, usó armas legales y causó alarma de armas entre la pobla- cion. Procedimientos legales continuan. James Eagan Holmes, 24, killed 12 people and wounded 58 others in a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado using a variety of legal weapons including a 12-gauge shotgun, a .40-caliber Glock pistol. He also used an M&P 15 semi-au- tomatic rifle with a 100 round clip. The horrific masacre of innocent persons has left a nation shocked and fo- cussed on guns. Legal proceedings continue. Hubieron varios días de manifestaciones en Anaheim, California, tras el asesinato de un pandillero sospechoso por la policía. La co- munidad latina expresó su disgusto sobre el tratamiento de mano dura. Los manifes- tantes han sidos disparados con balas de goma, mientras salian a las calles para protestar contra los tiroteos policiales. Una investigación federal ha sido llamada por el FBI y la oficina de los EE.UU. Fiscal del Distrito para atender las preocupaciones de la comunidad. There wer several days of demonstrations in Anaheim, California after the killing of a suspected gang member by police. Latino Community members expressed con- cerns about heavy-handed treatment by police as many demonstrators have been shot by rubber bullets dur- ing street protests. A federal investigation has been called for by the FBI and the U.S. District Attor- ney’s office to address com- munity concerns. Protestas de Latinos


Lavoz August 2012 - issue / Hispanic Magazine, Bilingual media, Bilingual Publication, Spanish News

Transcript of Lavoz August 2012 - issue

Page 1: Lavoz August 2012 - issue

Ahora hay tres personas que se curan de las ayudas, causadospor el virus del VIH. Ray Brown, "el paciente de Berlín", cuentaahora con dos pacientes de Boston, Massachusetts, que han sidocompletamente curado del sida. La "cura" estaba vinculada origi-nalmente a trasplantes de médula ósea procedentes de donantessin un receptor llamado CCR5. Los nuevos hallazgos son el resul-tado de una combinación de trasplante de médula ósea, losmedicamentos contra el VIH y la quimioterapia y una estrategiade "shock y muerte cuando un nuevo ciclo de infección se evita.

Now there are three persons that are cured of aids, caused bythe HIV virus. Ray Brown, “the Berlin patient” is now joined bytwo patients from Boston,Massachusetts who have been com-pletely cured of Aids. The “Cure” was originally linked to bonemarrow transplants from donors without a receptor called CCR5.The new findings are the result of a combination of bone mar-row transplants, HIV drugs and chemotherapy and a strategy of“shock & kill here a new cycle of infection is prevented.

El masacre en Aurora, Colorado ha dejado 12 personasmuertas y 58 heridos. James Eagan Holmes, 24, usóarmas legales y causó alarma de armas entre la pobla-cion. Procedimientos legales continuan.

James Eagan Holmes, 24, killed 12 people and wounded58 others in a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado using avariety of legal weapons including a 12-gauge shotgun, a.40-caliber Glock pistol. He also used an M&P 15 semi-au-tomatic rifle with a 100 round clip. The horrific masacreof innocent persons has left a nation shocked and fo-cussed on guns. Legal proceedings continue.

Hubieron varios días de manifestaciones enAnaheim, California, tras el asesinato de unpandillero sospechoso por la policía. La co-munidad latina expresó su disgusto sobre eltratamiento de mano dura. Los manifes-tantes han sidos disparados con balas degoma, mientras salian a las calles paraprotestar contra los tiroteos policiales.

Una investigación federal ha sido llamadapor el FBI y la oficina de los EE.UU. Fiscal delDistrito para atender las preocupaciones dela comunidad.

There wer several days ofdemonstrations in Anaheim,California after the killing ofa suspected gang memberby police. Latino Communitymembers expressed con-cerns about heavy-handedtreatment by police as manydemonstrators have beenshot by rubber bullets dur-ing street protests.

A federal investigation hasbeen called for by the FBIand the U.S. District Attor-ney’s office to address com-munity concerns.

Protestas de Latinos

Page 2: Lavoz August 2012 - issue



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Page 3: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


WWHHAATT’’SS IINNSSIIDDEE66 ““I wake up American everyday butwhen I leave home I’m reminded bysociety that I am Mexican” 2020 La Voz de las Estrellas

Victoria Justice

2121 Chismes/ Gossip

22 22 Joven Productor Mexicano se abre paso en Hollywood

2323 Películas para el mes de Agosto / August Movies

2626 Top 7 Benefits of Kickboxing Workouts

2727 St. Joseph Festival 2012 /Festival de San José 2012

2828 Cocina: La Calabacita, un delicioso sabor yPocas Calorías

3030 Clasificados /Classifieds





Dr. Jose A. Flores EditorialUnited States V Arizona - Atty Samuel Medrano

Community News/Noticias de la ComunidadNews/NoticiasLatino Leaders Blast Fox News, Hypocrisyin Latino New SiteOperation Homefront Launches Back-to SchoolBrigadeLa Historia de Javier Hernández “Chicharito”Campaña para Prevenir AhogamientosSpots / Deportes

Lowriders Corner

Community Events/Eventos en la Comunidad

Page 4: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


Dr. José A. Flores,Editor-In-Chief

Daniel Flores,SalesRep

Grand Rapids

Concepción Flores,Guardian Angel

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Page 5: Lavoz August 2012 - issue



WEAPONS FOR CRIME AND VIOLENCEI was at the opening of Batman Rises in my safe little communityof Grand Rapids, Michigan while the horrific massacre of innocentmovie- goers was taking place in Aurora, Colorado at a movie the-atre where patrons never thought they would be in danger’s path.Who could have known that a mentally sick individual would carry

out his plan to kill others without cause in what most people consider a safe place in arelatively safe community. We are all rightfully alarmed by the event in Aurora, whichcould have happened anywhere. We are very concerned that someone who is obviouslymentally ill could so easily attain weapons and ammunition. After the disbelief and theevents were fully reported including the list of victims and themedia shared details of their killings, I couldn’t help but hold backmy own tears of sorrow for the victims, their families and lovedones left behind to grieve for them. As human beings and Amer-icans, we want to do something about this to prevent it from everhappening again.

Every time a major tragedy, terrorist threat, or attack, shootingtakes place in our nation, we are forced by the politics of Gun Con-trol advocates to zero in on the issue of removing guns from thestreets and from the hands of criminals. These are noble causessince criminals and the mentally disturbed should not have accessto weapons. The problem is in disarming all Americans and re-stricting the kinds of weapons, they enjoy for hunting, target practice, survival skills train-ing, and self-defense. The use of assault weapons is common for civilian Para-militarytraining such as that of minutemen who stand ready to defend our nation in the eventof an all out war on our own land. The use of bullet clips that carry five or more shellsare also useful in target practice and necessary for a citizen militia described by our con-stitution. Gun owners, the National Rifle Association and other gun rights groups areright in saying to politicians that guns are not the problem…keeping them in the handsof responsible Americans without malicious intent is the issue. It was not the gun thatcarried out the violence but the lunatic behind the weapon. Keeping guns out of thehands of evildoers is the issue!

Communities with record numbers of citizens with concealed weapons permits have not

experienced the kind of mayhem that cities without CCW’s have. In fact, there have beena number of incidents during recent years where perpetrators of mass violence have beentaken down; stopped in their tracks by armed private citizens, security officials, militaryand off duty police. Perhaps we should look at better screening, psychological testing,and enforcement of our laws to round up criminals that pose an obvious danger to ourcommunities so that we do not take away the basic right of gun ownership provided bythe United States Constitution described in the Second Amendment. We should not over-react. A weaponless society does not necessarily make us safer. It does, however, leaveus defenseless and less secure in our homes and businesses.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution states: A well regulatedmilitia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of thepeople to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Our forefathers including George Washington recognized that thegreatest defense of freedom rests with the people. A well-armed cit-izenry is the best defense that a nation can possess against the foesof liberty.

Yo estaba en la apertura de Batman en mi comunidad segura deGrand Rapids, Michigan, mientras la masacre horrible de inocentesaficionados al cine se llevaba a cabo en Aurora, Colorado, en una sala

de cine en el que nunca los clientes pensaban que estaría en peligro de ruta. ¿Quién po-dría haber sabido que un individuo mentalmente enferma fuera capaz de llevar a cabosu plan para matar a otros sin causa en lo que la mayoría de la gente considera un lugarseguro en una comunidad relativamente segura? Todos estamos justamente alarmadospor el evento en Aurora, que podría haber sucedido en cualquier lugar. Estamos muypreocupados de que alguien que es, obviamente, un enfermo mental podría fácilmentealcanzar las armas y municiones. Después de la incredulidad y los acontecimientos se reg-istraron la plena inclusión en la lista de las víctimas y los medios de comunicación paracompartir detalles de sus asesinatos, no podía dejar de contener mis propias lágrimas dedolor por las víctimas, sus familias y seres queridos que quedaron atrás para llorar ellos.Como seres humanos y los estadounidenses, queremos hacer algo al respecto para evi-tar que vuelva a ocurrir.

By Dr. José A. Flores

......Spanish version on page 15

Page 6: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


“I wake up American everyday but when I leave homeI’m reminded by society that I am Mexican,” Dr. José A. Flores

Arizona SheriffArpaio denies

targeting illegalimmigrants by skin


PHOENIX (Reuters) - Veteran Ari-zona lawman Joe Arpaio, self-de-scribed as "America's toughestsheriff," denied on Tuesday thathis deputies targeted people be-cause of the color of their skin ina controversial crackdown on ille-gal immigration.

Arpaio, sheriff of Arizona's Mari-copa County, was testifying in aclass-action lawsuit in late Julythat will test whether police cantarget illegal immigrants withoutracially profiling Hispanic citizensand legal residents. Since the U.S.Supreme court ruling regardingArizona’s SB 1070 racial profilingcharges have been filed againstArizona’s law enforcement agen-cies.

hispanos y residentes legales.Desde la sentencia de CorteSuprema de EE.UU. sobre SB1070 de Arizona cargos de per-files raciales se han presentadocontra las agencias de aplicaciónde la ley de Arizona.

Arizona, el sheriffArpaio niega contra

los inmigrantesilegales por

el color de la piel

PHOENIX (Reuters) - El veteranorepresentante de la ley de Ari-zona, Joe Arpaio, se autodefinecomo "sheriff más duro de Esta-dos Unidos", negó el martes quesus diputados fueron dirigidoscontra personas a causa del colorde su piel en una ofensiva decontroversia sobre la inmigraciónilegal.

Arpaio, sheriff del Condado deMaricopa, Arizona, estaba testifi-cando en una demanda colectivaa finales de julio que pondrá aprueba si la policía puede diri-girse a los inmigrantes ilegalessin perfilar racialmente a los ciu-dadanos


In 2010 that answer was a re-sounding no. When the Pew Re-search center asked in anopen-ended question to namethe person they consider "themost important Latino leader inthe country today," nearly two-thirds (64%) of Hispanic respon-dents said they did not know. Anadditional 10% said "no one."While there is not a more recentsurvey, it is a safe bet that if thesame question was posed tomost Hispanics today they wouldrespond similarly.

According to demographers, theHispanic community in theUnited States will double in sizeover the next 40 years. Hispanicswill comprise more than 30% ofthe United States population by2050.

Hispanic representation in ourpolitical system remains dismalat best. There are 31 Hispanic'sserving in the 112th Congress,5.7% of the total membership.Twenty-nine serve in the Houseand two in the Senate. There areonly two Hispanic Governors inthe entire country in Brian San-doval from Nevada and SusanaMartinez from New Mexico.

Do you know who our leadersare?

¿La comunidadlatina tiene unLíder Nacional?

En el año 2010 que la respuestaera un rotundo no. Cuando elPew Research Center le preguntóen una pregunta abierta paranombrar a la persona que consid-eran "el líder latino más impor-tante del país hoy en día," casidos tercios (64%) de los hispanosencuestados dijo que no sabía.Un 10% adicional dijo que"nadie". Si bien no hay un estudiomás reciente, es una apuesta se-gura que si la misma pregunta sele hizo a la mayoría de los his-panos de hoy responderían demanera similar.

Según los demógrafos, la comu-nidad hispana en los EstadosUnidos se duplicará en tamañoen los próximos 40 años. Los his-panos representan más del 30%de la población de EstadosUnidos en 2050.

La representación hispana ennuestro sistema político siguesiendo sombrío en el mejor. Hay31 hispanos en servicio en el 112º Congreso, el 5,7% del total demiembros. Veintinueve servir enla Cámara de Representantes ydos en el Senado. Sólo hay dosgobernadores hispanos en todoel país en Brian Sandoval de Ne-vada y Susana Martínez, deNuevo México.

¿Sabe usted quiénes son nuestroslíderes?

DHS immigrationplan could cost


Fox News and the AssociatedPress repported that the Obamaadministration's plan to let thou-sands of young illegal immi-

grants stay in the country andapply for work permits reportedlycould cost more than $585 mil-lion to carry out.

According to internal documentsobtained by The AssociatedPress, illegal immigrants will beable to request permission tostay in the country and apply fora work permit starting Aug. 15.

U.S. Citizenship and ImmigrationServices could receive more thana million applications in the firstyear alone, costing $467 millionto $585 million to process.

Most of that is expected to bepaid with fees from the appli-cants. The report estimates thefees will add up to $484 million --though this still leaves a short-fall.

Waivers of the plan's $465 paper-work fee could dramatically af-fect the government's share ofthe cost. The plans said therewould be no waivers, but Home-land Security Secretary JanetNapolitano told Congress lastweek that the government wouldgrant waivers "in very deservingcases."

Republicans pounced on the pos-sibility that taxpayers could footat least part of the bill.

"By lowering the fee or waiving italtogether for illegal immigrants,those who play by the rules willface delays and large backlogs asattention is diverted to illegal im-migrants," House Judiciary Com-mittee Chairman Lamar Smithsaid. "American taxpayers shouldnot be forced to bail out illegalimmigrants and PresidentObama's fiscally irresponsiblepolicies."

The Department of Homeland Se-curity, though, claimed the pro-gram has to be covered byapplicant fees and "will not re-quire any taxpayer dollars."

Spokesman Matthew Chandleralso noted that the process is"not final."

The government estimated thatas many as 890,000 immigrantsin the first year would be immedi-ately eligible to avoid deporta-tion.

Once immigrants submit their ap-plications, it could take two to 10days for the Homeland SecurityDepartment to scan and filethem. It could take up to fourweeks longer to make an ap-pointment for immigrants to sub-mit their fingerprints and takephotographs. A subsequent back-ground check could take sixmore weeks, then three moremonths for the government tomake its final decision before awork permit would be issued.

Napolitano said new informationabout the program should bemade available by Aug. 1. Shehas said immigrants would gen-erally not be detained by immi-gration authorities while theirapplications are pending.

El plan del gobierno de BarackObama de detener la deportaciónde jóvenes inmigrantes y conced-erles permisos temporales de tra-bajo podría costar más de 585millones de dólares, y necesitaráademás la contratación de cien-tos de nuevos empleados fed-erales para que procesen elmillón de solicitudes previstas,de acuerdo con un documento in-terno del Departamento de Se-guridad Nacional.

El texto, obtenido por The Asso-ciated Press y en el que se indica"no para distribución", describelos trámites que tendrían queefectuar los inmigrantes, incluidoel pago de una tarifa de 465dólares para compensar el costodel programa, y la manera comolo administraría el gobierno.

Los inmigrantes no autorizadospueden pedir permiso de perma-nencia en el país mediante la pre-sentación del documento"Solicitud para Acción Diferida aFavor de Personas que Llegaronde Niños", y pedir simultánea-mente un permiso de trabajo apartir del 15 de agosto.

Conforme al nuevo plan, que elpresidente Barack Obama anun-ció en junio, los inmigrantes quepueden inscribirse en el pro-grama deben haber llegado a Es-tados Unidos antes de los 16años, tener 30 años o menos,haber vivido en el país los últi-mos cinco años, ir a la escuela ohaberse graduado, o haber pre-sentado su servicio en las fuerzasarmadas.

Jose HernandezU.S. Astronaut

Hilda SolisU.S. Sec. of Labor

Dolores Huerta Civil Rights Lrdr

Arturo VargasPres. of NALEO

Janet MurgiaPres. NCLR

Arturo Rodriguez Pres. UFW

Margaret MoranPres. LULAC

Luis GutierrezU.S. Congress

Page 7: Lavoz August 2012 - issue



By Samuel MedranoIn the US Supreme Court's recent decision on the constitutionality of Ari-

zona's immigration law, the court found 3 controversial provisions preempted byfederal law such that neither Arizona nor states with similar laws can enforcethem. The first of these provisions made illegal presence a state offense. The sec-ond made working or seeking work without legal status a state offense, and thethird empowered police to arrest individuals who they had “probable cause” to be-lieve committed an offense that is basis for deportation.

But the court found that the fourth provision was not preempted by fed-eral law and could be enforced. That provision allows police to investigate the im-migration status of individuals in certain situations on stopping them and also onarresting them.

What triggers this investigation is the presence of “reasonable suspicion.”“Reasonable suspicion” is a lighter criteria than “probable cause” and exists if thepolice can articulate objective reasons which, taking rational inferences into con-sideration, reasonably support a suspicion that the person committed a violation.For example, if someone is driving erratically, that is an objective reason for sus-pecting the individual of drunk driving. In such case, the police can stop and de-tain the individual while they investigate to confirm or dispel their suspicion. Thesame holds true if the person is speeding or has a burnt headlight. In those cases,there is more than “reasonable suspicion” to believe that the person committed atraffic violation. In all these cases, the Arizona decision teaches us that police, onstopping the individual, may confirm his immigration status without offending thefourth amendment and its prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures.Moreover, criminal evidence discovered in that investigation may be used in thecriminal case, and the immigration status may be used in the immigration case.

But what happens if police really detain an individual for racist motives?The case of Whren v US, 517 US 806 (1996) teaches the controversial lesson thatthese motives have no relevance for purposes of the fourth amendment if there is“reasonable suspicion” that the person committed a violation. On the other hand,if the person did not commit a violation and the police only stopped the individualto investigate his immigration status, there we have an absence of an objectivereason to suspect or believe that the individual committed a violation. In suchcase, the fourth amendment is offended and evidence discovered in the investiga-tion together with the immigration status can be suppressed, both in the criminalcase and also in the immigration case. Moreover, that violation can also be basisfor suit for violation of Equal Protection under the 14th Amendment, particularly ifthat act is part of the practice and policy of the police.


Por Samuel Medrano En la decision reciente de la corte suprema sobre la constitucionalidad de

la ley inmigratoria de Arizona, la corte encontro 3 porciones contraversiales deesa ley preemptas por ley federal con el efecto que ni Arizona, ni tampoco otrosestados con leyes similares, pueden esforzarlas. La primera de esas porcioneshizo el estar presente sin documentos un crimen estatal; la segunda hizo el traba-jar o buscar trabajo sin tener documentos un crimen estatal; y la tercera em-podero a policias a arrestar personas quienes ellos tenian “causa probable” encreer cometieron una ofensa que es bases para deportacion.

Pero la corte encontro que una porcion no estaba preempta y se podiaesforzar. Esa porcion permite a policias que investigen el estado inmigratorio depersonas en ciertas situaciones al pararlas y detenerlas y tambien al arrestarlas.

El gatillo que permite esa investigacion es la existencia de “sospecho ra-zonable. “Sospecho razonable” es un criterio mas liviano que “causa probable” yexiste si la policia puede articular razones objetivas que, tomandose en cuentacon inferencias racionales, razonablemente soportan sospecho de una violacion.Por ejemplo, si algien viene manejando de manera erratica, alli hay razon objetivapara sospechar esa persona de manejar ebrio. En tal caso, la policia puede pararlay detenerla mientras investiga para confirmar o despojarse de su sospecho. Lomismo si la persona viene corriendo recio, o si tiene una luz del carro quemada.Alli hay mas que “sospecho razonable” para creer que la persona cometio una vio-lacion. En todos estos casos, la decision de Arizona nos ensena que la policia, alparar esa persona, puede confirmar su estado inmigratorio sin ofender la cuartaenmienda y su prohibicion de esculcos y confiscaciones irrazonables. Ademas, evi-dencias descubiertas se pueden usar en el caso criminal, y el estado inmigratoriose puede usar en el caso inmigratorio.

Que pasa si la policia realmente detiene al individual por motivos racis-tas? El caso de Whren v US, 517 US 806 (1996) nos ensena el punto contraversialque esos motivos no tienen importancia para propositos de la cuarta enmienda sihay “sospecho razonable.” Pero si no hay “sospecho razonable” sino que la policiasolo lo detiene porque se le pone de investigar su estado inmigratorio, alli hayfalta de razon objetiva para sospechar o creer que la persona cometio una viola-cion. En tal caso hay ofensa a la cuarta enmienda y evidencias descubiertas juntocon el estado inmigratorio se pueden suprimir, ambos, en el caso criminal, y tam-bien en el caso inmigratorio. Ademas, esa violacion puede ser bases para deman-dar por violacion de Proteccion Igual bajo la Enmienda 14, particularmente si esehecho viene a ser parte de la practica y politica de la policia.

Page 8: Lavoz August 2012 - issue




Inolvidable festejo organizó su mamá AnaMaria Jimmez, para celebrar el cumpleaños deAndraina Jimmez, mismo que tuvo lugar en elcentro comercial de la calle 34, en WyomingMi., donde se reunió con sus familiares y ami-gos amigas. Le expresaron los mejores deseosy convivieron con ella por algunas horasdonde las horas transcurrieron casi sin sentir.

Happy Brithday to Andraina Jimmez fromAna Maria Jimmez, June 23 2012 at34street mall in Wyoming Mi.

Yajaira QuintinoJune 23, 2012

Church: IglesiaPentecostal 2017 EasternAve GrandRapids, MI.

Felicidades paraYajaira Quintinoquien celebrósus 15 años elpasado mes deJunio.

Ana Jami AlonsoJune 30, 2012Church: Immaculate Con-ception Church63559 60th AveHartford, MI.

Felicidades paraAna Jami Alonsoen sus 15 años,quien los celebró elpasado mes deJunio en Watervliet, MI.

Remembering LupeOntiveros: Actress, Feminist, Activist


We are deeply saddened at the loss of our dearfriend, Lupe Ontiveros.

Lupe Ontiveros leaves a huge gap in ourLatino Community. She was a gifted actressand strong feminist, and gave of her time andtalent to all of the progressive causes in thecommunity.

She persevered in her career opening doors toothers and encouraging them in their careers.Lupe was in the original cast of the play andthe movie Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez. Herhumor and authenticity brought spirit and joyto every occasion.

Lupe was an early supporter of the DoloresHuerta Foundation for Community Organizing.She participated in all of our events from ourfirst Golf Tournament in Bakersfield to our re-cent Zoot Suit Birthday Celebration on April

29th at the Los Angeles Museum of Culture atOlvera Street.

We offer our condolences to her husband,Elias Ontiveros and her three sons Nicholas,Alejandro, and Elias Ontiveros.

Lupe Ontiveros, que trocó una carrera comotrabajadora social por la de actriz y creó per-sonajes indelebles en el cine, la televisión y elteatro, murió anoche en un hospital de Los Án-geles. Tenía 69 años.

Favorita de directores de cine independiente,ganó un premio como mejor actriz de repartodel National Board of Review por Chuck andBuck.

Recibió una nominación al Emmy en 2005cuando interpretó a la madre de Eva Longoriaen la serie de ABC Desperate Housewives e in-tepretó en Broadway el papel de Dolores enZoot Suit tras crear el papel en la producciónoriginal en el Mark Taper Forum de Los Ánge-les.

Third Annual Expo FeaturesMinority-Owned Businesses

Over 200 expected to attend Grand Rapids’ Minority-OwnedBusiness Expo showcasing 40 exhibitors and a wide range ofvendor products and services

GRAND RAPIDS–Minority entrepreneurs will get a welcome boost in visi-bility at the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce’s third annual Mi-nority-Owned Business Expo set for Thursday, August 16 from 5-7 pm atthe Goei Center, 818 Butterworth St. SW.

“Minority entrepreneurs and their businesses are an important part of avibrant economy in Grand Rapids, and it is crucial that we foster and sup-port the growth of these entrepreneurs,” said Chamber President & CEORick Baker.

“The Minority-Owned Business Expo is a great opportunity to showcasethe talent and trades available within the minority community,” contin-ued Baker. “The event offers companies a way to expand their vendor listand a chance for newcomers to connect with local businesses.”

A perfect opportunity for those wanting to explore minority businessesor expand their supplier and vendor options, the August 16th event isopen to the general public and is free for all of those who would like toattend. Registration is required. Light hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar willbe provided.

To download exhibitor forms or to register as an attendee, for more information.

Additionally, free listings in the new Minority- and Woman-OwnedBusiness Directory are also available. Information is due by Monday,

August 13 at more information, please contact

Leslee Fritz at 616.771.0357 or [email protected].


Le felicitamos a la Srta. Angelica Raquel Andrade en suQuinceañera el dia 11, deAgosto 2012. Sus padres Ermelinda y Arturo Andradeestan muy orgullosos de ella.

Congratulations to AngelicaRaquel Andrade who will cele-brate her fifteenth birthdayon August 11, 2012. Herproud parents are Ermelindaand Arturo Andrade


MINORITARIOSSe llevara acabo una opportunidad para comerciantes minoritar-ios cononcer mas de 200 personas en una exhibicion de comer-

cios el dia 16 de Agosto desde las 5-7 p.m.en el Goei Center, 818 Butterworth St. S.W., Grand Rapids, MI.

Page 9: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


“You’re Welcome” – Detroit Community Boasts Immigrant

Diversity, Art, CultureDETROIT – Friday, July 6, the Garage Cultural in Detroit’s ChadseyCondon neighborhood was the scene of drumming, dancing and vi-sual art with origins in Africa, the Middle East and the Americas. Wel-coming Michigan hosted “You’re Welcome,” an arts event thatshowcased the diverse forms of creativity of one west side Detroitneighborhood. Young people were at the core of the festivities spon-sored by Welcoming Michigan, a group of native born and immigrantresidents working to make Michigan welcoming to immigrants.

Welcoming Michigan is a project of the Michigan ImmigrantRights Center with support from the Ford Foundation and W.K.Kellogg Foundation. To learn more about Welcoming Michigan,

please join us at or find us onFacebook.

Entering its 18th year, the Lansing JazzFest is a two dayFREE music festival that brings national, regional, and localacts to an audience of roughly 10,000 people from acrossMichigan and nearby states. National entertainers appear-ing at JazzFest have included Mose Allison, Michael Kae-shammer, Stanley Jordan, and Eric Reed.

JazzFest’s music truly is living music, history in the mak-ing. Each artist at the festival is asked to play an originalcomposition, something that hasn’t been played at anyother festival.

This year’s festival will take place Friday, August 3(4:30pm-12:30am), and Saturday, August 4, 2012 (1pm-12:30am), in the streets of Old Town, surrounded by thebest of the Capital City’s art galleries as well as unique re-tail stores and grand architecture. Vendors offer deliciousfood, beverages, art, clothing, and crafts, and nearby gal-leries and boutiques open their doors during festivalhours.

2012 JazzFestAug. 3 & 4


Date: August 2 and 9 (12:00 pm - 1:00 pm and6:00 pm - 7:00 pm)Title: Intro to GROW Presented by: Tom Heinz, Program Manager atGROWLocation: GROW, 25 Sheldon Blvd SE, Ste. 210,Grand Rapids, MI 49503For more information and/or to register, contactGROW at (616) 458-3404 or go to

Date: August 7, 14, and 21 (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm)Title: Small Business GPS: Marketing StrategiesClusterLocation: GROW, 25 Sheldon Blvd SE, Ste. 210,Grand Rapids, MI 49503. Cost $60-$70 for the 3-part course. For more information and/or to regis-ter, contact GROW at (616) 458-3404 or go

Date: August 16 (6:00 pm - 9:00 pm)Title: Start SmartPresented by: Tom Heinz, Program Manager atGROWLocation: GROW, 25 Sheldon Blvd SE, Ste. 210,Grand Rapids, MI 49503Cost: $25-$35. For more information and/or toregister, contact GROW at (616) 458-3404 or go

Date: August 22 (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm)Title: QuickBooks SeriesPresented by: Kyla Bos, QuickBooks ProAdvisor,Owner of Ladi Bos and DaughtersLocation: GROW, 25 Sheldon Blvd SE, Ste 210,Grand Rapids, MI 49503Cost: $50-$85. For more information and/or toregister, contact GROW at (616) 458-3404 or go

Date: August 23 (6:00 pm - 8:30 pm)Title: Be Bright. Be Brief. Be Gone.Presented by: Jennifer Maxson, Practice GroupLeader and Consultant at Varnum ConsultingLocation: GROW, 25 Sheldon Blvd SE, Ste 210,Grand Rapids, MI 49503

For more information and/or to register, contactGROW at (616) 458-3404 or go to


Date: August 15 (11:30am - 1:00 pm)Title: Lunch with Punch! Create Your Own Net-working Plan: Part 2 of 3Location: Holiday Inn, 310 Pearl St NW, GrandRapids, MI 49504Cost: $12-$17. For more information and/or toregister, contact GROW at (616) 458-3404 or go

Date: August 28 (11:30 am - 1:00 pm)Title: AWE Biz Connect: Top 10 Tips in Address-ing Difficult Customer FeedbackPresented by: Allen Kerkstra, VP of Human Re-sources and Operations at Zondervan PublishingLocation: Holiday Inn, 310 Pearl St NW, GrandRapids, MI 49504. Cost $22 - $47. For more infor-mation and/or to register, contact GROW at (616)458-3404 or go to


Entrepreneurial TrainingAugust 2 and 9 - Intro to GROW - Noon to 1 pm or6 pm to 7 pmAugust 7, 14, and 21 - Small Biz - GPS MarketingStrategies 3-part Cluster - 6 pm to 9 pmAugust 16 - Start Smart - 6 pm to 9 pmAugust 22 - Basic QuickBooks - 6 pm to 9 pmAugust 23 - UpClose Workshop: Be Bright. Be Brief.Be Gone. - 6 pm to 8:30 pmAugust 29 - QuickBooks: Beyond the Basics - 6 pmto 9 pm

Nicole NicolasDirector of Marketing & Communications

Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women (GROW)616.458.3404

[email protected]://GROWbusiness.org25 Sheldon Blvd SE, Ste 210

Grand Rapids, MI 49503


COLLINS-SMITH RHETA (NANNY) Rheta Collins-Smith (Nanny, Grammy Gram) departed this life

peacefully on July 19th, 2012.The Community Voice/La Voz Magazine staff wishto express our deepest sympathy to Paul Collinsand his family during their time of sorrow. Rhetawas a very special person that we came to know at

the many public and private events. We will miss her!

Page 10: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


Mexico to aid undocumented

immigrantyouths at 50

consular offices across


The Mexican Embassy onMonday opened the doors toits San Jose, San Francisco and48 other consular officesacross the United States to un-documented immigrantyouths seeking work permitsand deportation relief through

a new Obama administrationdirective.The U.S. gov-ernment won'tbegin acceptingdeportation re-lief applicationsuntil Aug. 15,but the Mexicangovernment willhelp eligibleyoung peopleapply by givingthem informa-

tion and ensuring they havethe proper documents, saidJuan Carlos Lara-Armienta, theMexican Embassy's head ofLatino affairs.The relief directive from theDepartment of Homeland Se-

curity could benefit more than1 million people 30 years oldor younger who were broughtto the country illegally as chil-dren, most of them from Mex-ico.The Mexican Embassy part-nered with a U.S. immigrantadvocacy group, the UnitedWe Dream Network, and hasbeen co-hosting communityworkshops around the BayArea and country. More than200 people crowded an Anti-och forum on Friday.Consular officials are makingsure those born in Mexicohave a Mexican passport thatproves who they are to qualifyfor the relief directive, saidGabriela Márdero, spokes-

woman for the Mexican Con-sulate in San Francisco.

El pasado lunes 23 de Julio,50 consulados mexicanos deEstados Unidos planean llevara cabo una jornada de ayuda ajóvenes inmigrantes sin autor-ización para residir en EstadosUnidos y que pretenden solici-tar permisos de trabajo y versu potencial deportación sus-pendida.Este evento consular es resul-tado de la colaboración deUnited We Dream, la red másamplia de "dreamers" del país,y la embajada de México,aunque se prevé que habráacuerdos similares con emba-jadas de otros países.

Los consulados ayudarán arenovar pasaportes caducadoso a expedir nuevos, así comocertificados de nacimiento quelos "dreamers" no tengan,entre otros documentos. Estetipo de identificaciones sonrequeridos en el proceso desuspensión de deportaciones.

Janet Napolitano, secretaria deSeguridad Nacional de EstadosUnidos, defendió la iniciativa,impuesta por el presidenteBarack Obama. La funcionariadijo que el gobierno aúnsopesa qué documentos solici-tará a los inmigrantes con elfin de que demuestren quecumplen con los requisitos.

(Reuters) - Mexico's InstitutionalRevolutionary Party, or PRI, win-ner of the July 1 presidential elec-tion, on Monday accused theleftist runner-up of exceedingspending limits and using illegalfunds to finance his bid.

The allegations were a tit-for-tatexchange after leftist AndresManuel Lopez Obrador chal-lenged the 3.3 million-vote vic-tory by the PRI's Enrique PenaNieto. Lopez Obrador alleges thePRI resorted to money launderingand vote-buying to win.

PRI officials fired back on Mon-

day, saying Lopez Obrador's cam-paign spent 1.2 billion pesos($88.65 million) more than wasallowed in the presidential cam-paign.

"We have information that publicfunds were siphoned into thecampaign of Andres ManuelLopez," PRI Chairman PedroJoaquin Coldwell told reporters ata news conference.

Joaquin Coldwell suggested thefunds were likely illegally chan-neled from the budget of citiesand states run by the leftist par-ties backing Lopez Obrador'spresidential bid.

The PRI's counterpunch followedthree weeks of allegations fromLopez Obrador, including abroadside on Wednesday that thePRI laundered money to fund votebuying ahead of the election.

Though legal experts doubtLopez Obrador can overturn theelection results in court, thecharges have sullied Pena Nieto'svictory and added fuel to popularprotests against his win.

The PRI ruled Mexico for most ofthe 20th century, mixing patron-age, corruption and outright voterigging until the party was oustedfrom the presidency in a 2000election.

Lopez Obrador, a former mayorof Mexico City, lost the 2006 raceto President Felipe Calderon byless than 250,000 votes. Follow-ing that defeat, he also contestedthe results and led massivedemonstrations that choked thecapital for weeks.

In the aftermath of his protests,Lopez Obrador traveled around

the country to drum up supportahead of this year's race.

The PRI's allegations center onthe funds used to back LopezObrador during this period. ThePRI raised similar accusationsduring the election, which LopezObrador's campaign rejected.

El Partido Revolucionario Institu-cional (PRI), el ganador de los re-cientes comicios presidenciales yque ha sido acusado por sus ri-vales de posible lavado dedinero en la campaña,afirmó el lunes que el can-didato izquierdista AndrésManuel López Obrador sebenefició de un finan-ciamiento ilícito durantelos meses previos a laselecciones.

El presidente del PRI, PedroJoaquín Coldwell, dijo en

rueda de prensa que su partidoha recibido información de queuna asociación civil vinculada aLópez Obrador habría manejadode manera ilegal al menos 1.200millones de pesos (poco más de89 millones de dólares) que sedestinaron para la campaña delizquierdista.

Coldwell dijo que, desde el 8 dejunio, el PRI presentó ante el In-stituto Federal Electoral (IFE) unadenuncia para investigar el origende los recursos de la asociacióncivil "Honestidad Valiente" y queahora pedirán al organismo infor-mar públicamente sobre losavances de su indagatoria.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MEXICOCITY July 23, 2012(AP) — After police found 49

dismembered bodies strewn on aMexican highway leading to theTexas border, it took the army

just a week to parade an allegeddrug trafficker before journalistsas the man who purportedlyoversaw the body dump.

Yet two months after the grislydiscovery in Nuevo Leon state,authorities have not identified asingle victim.

The 49 bodies now appearheaded for an increasingly com-mon fate in this drug war-wracked country: They could jointhe growing ranks of the uniden-tified dead.

That group has become legion asnearly 16,000 bodies remainunidentified, says the NationalHuman Rights Commission, anindependent government agency.In total, 24,000 people have beenreported missing. Many say thecountry's police are simply over-whelmed by the number of drugwar casualties as they strugglewith poor forensic capabilitiesand the reluctance of some wit-

nesses and victims' relatives tohelp.

Cuando la policía mexicana en-contró 49 cadáveres desperdiga-dos en una carretera que lleva aTexas, al ejército le tomó sola-mente una semana para presen-tar al supuesto narcotraficantecomo el responsable del espeluz-nante crimen.

Pero dos meses después, las au-toridades no han identificado auna sola víctima.

Los 49 cuerpos,decapitados y sinmanos ni pies, ar-rojados en la car-retera de NuevoLeón, parecenahora destinadosa una suerte cadavez más comúnen la guerra deMéxico contra lasdrogas: quedarpara siempre

anónimos, engrosando las filasde los muertos sin nombre.Casi 16,000 cuerpos no han sidoidentificados, afirma la ComisiónNacional de Derechos Humanos,un organismo gubernamentalautónomo. En total, 24,000 per-sonas están reportadas como de-saparecidas. Mucha gente diceque la Policía del país está sim-plemente abrumada por la canti-dad de casos, pues lidia conmalas condiciones forenses y conla renuencia de algunos testigosy parientes de víctimas a colabo-rar.

La Protestas y Reclamaciones de Fraude enlas Elecciones Mexicanas continuan

Unidentified Bodies, MissingCases Mount In Mexico

Page 11: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


Lead-ingLatino lead-ers are criti- cizing theFox News website Fox NewsLatino, saying it lacks credi-bility among Hispanics byprofiting from them even asthey are demonized by theconservative parent networkknown for anti-immigrantcoverage.

Since it launched in 2010,Fox News Latino has posi-tioned itself as "the place togo for news that impacts theLatino Community," coveringnews, politics, entertainment,and other stories throughthat lens.

"We were skeptical when weheard about this," Inez Gon-zalez, executive vice presi-dent of the National HispanicMedia Coalition, said of thecreation of Fox News Latino."Fox News is a big voice inthe anti-Latino rhetoric, sowe were skeptical. Some ofthe articles that I have seenhave been interesting to me,[but] I think the owners arehypocrites. I think they aretotally forgetting there isdouble speak here.

"They should be called on fortheir hypocrisy because theyare blasting Latinos in Eng-lish media and courting us inLatino media, hoping no onewho is reading it bilingual. Idon't use Fox News Latino asa source. I would not use FoxNews as a source because Iknow their history. I wouldquestion their statistics be-cause I know where they arecoming from. They're stillFox."

Indeed, the tone of Fox NewsLatino's coverage of issueslike immigration dramaticallydiffers from that of otherparts of the Fox News family,which typically adopt a hard-line slant.

Last month after PresidentObama announced that hisadministration would no

longer seek todeport youngundocu-mented immi-

grants whowere brought

to this countryas children, FoxNews Latino

cov- ered the storyusing the headline "ObamaAdministration Halts Depor-tations for UndocumentedChildren" and featuring aphoto of a Latina activist infront of the U.S. Capitol.

By contrast, the Fox Nationwebsite headlined its storyon the subject "Obama Ad-ministration Bypasses Con-gress, to Give Immunity, StopDeporting Younger Illegals"accompanied by a photo ofhandcuffed young Latinos.

Such disparities in coveragebetween the Latino-focusedwebsite and the rest of theright-wing network are fre-quent, with other instancesincluding a January 2011 bor-der shooting and lastmonth's Supreme Court rul-ing on Arizona's immigrationlaw.

Fox News hosts and person-alities regularly demonize im-migrants, refusing toabandon the slur "illegals"though other outlets havedone so. The network alsocheerleads controversial im-migration laws like those inArizona and Alabama, andoutlandish smears of immi-grants.

"Their record will ultimatelycatch up with them, you can'tbe a media company andthink you are hiding yourmessage," said Arturo Var-gas, executive director of theNational Association ofLatino Elected and AppointedOfficials. "Latinos aren'tdumb. They understand whois on their side and who isnot."

For Angelo Falcón, presidentof the National Institute forLatino Policy, the entire FoxNews Latino approach is away to profit off Latinoswhile hurting them on thehome network.

"One of the things that is in-teresting about the Latino sit-uation is how many peoplesee the Latino community asa market to make moneyfrom," he said in an inter-view. "When you look at theschizophrenia with Latinoson Fox, the bottom line reallyis to exploit the communityfor profit. That's really thebottom line. In the case ofFox, that whole motive isvery raw, it is really evidentthey just don't see in them-selves any kind of contradic-tion. It is like two differentworlds, they just play off ofthat."

Falcón agreed Fox NewsLatino "covers a lot of goodstuff," but added that FoxNews has "written off thiscommunity, they are propa-ganda. This is an admissionthey are not fair and bal-anced. It is so obvious."

Lisa Navarrete, a spokesper-son for the National Councilof La Raza, also found aprofit motivein the FoxNews Latinoenterprise:"At the endof the day,Murdoch is abusinessman firstand their po-litical viewscome sec-ond. Theylook at thedemographicnumbers."

She saidmany Latinoshave troubletrusting any-thing fromFox News,even if itcomes froma Latino-fo-cused site.

"There is anenormousamount ofskepticism inour commu-nity on FoxNews andhow theyhave dealtwith our

community," Navarette said."It is a huge brand problembecause if you say 'Fox News'it triggers in someone thatthey are going to come to thesite with a lot of skepticism.

"They are starting in a holewhen they are dealing withour community, our commu-nity doesn't trust Fox News,doesn't like Fox News. I havea lot of skepticism about howsuccessful they're going tobe."

Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL),chair of the CongressionalHispanic Caucus ImmigrationTask Force, also cited FoxNews' anti-Latino history in astatement to Media Matters:

Whenever Fox News Channeldiscusses immigration, theyalways run B-roll or stockfootage of menacing youngLatino men scaling the bor-der fence or being arrested,sometimes through night-vi-sion scopes. The images arestraight out of a Sharron

Angle advertisement. So nomatter what you are sayingabout sensible immigrationreform in an interview, theimage Fox News Channel isdriving home to its audienceis that all immigrants areLatino male criminals whocame across the southernborder.

I go on Fox News Channelanyway because if I didn't,their audience would neverhear a perspective that is inline with most Americans andmost Republicans, that massdeportation or driving out 10to 12 million people is sillyand we need a different ap-proach.

Fox News and Fox NewsLatino did not respond to re-quests for comment.

Joe Strupp, 46, is a 24-yearveteran journalist who hasbeen with Media Matters ForAmerica since February2010.




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Page 12: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


Operation HomefrontLaunches Back-to-School Brigadeto Prepare Military Chil-dren for School, Seeks Volunteers

Grand Rapids, Mich. – OperationHomefront, the national non-profit thatprovides emergency financial andother assistance to military familiesand Wounded Warriors, has announcedits annual Back-to-School Brigade pro-gram to collect school supplies for mil-itary kids. Operation Homefront, andits organizations and volunteers,across the nation will begin collectingdonated school supplies, along withmonetary donations, that they will dis-tribute to the children of service mem-

bers at the beginning of the schoolyear in the Fall.

This year marks the sixth annual cam-paign by Operation Homefront to givethe children of military families the op-portunity to start school with all thesupplies they need to be successful.Anyone interested in helping militarykids can log on to or tolearn more about how to volunteer ormake a donation.

“Military families, especially those inthe lower and mid-grade enlistedranks, can see a real money crunch atback-to-school time,” said Jim Knotts,President and CEO of Operation Home-front. “People in the community whowant to say thank you to military fami-lies can make a real contribution bybeing part of the Back-to-SchoolBrigade program.”

At a recent Operation Homefront eventhonoring military kids, Joint Chiefs ofStaff Chairman Martin Dempsey said,“It’s incredible to watch the young menand women of our military familiesgrow up. We have a lot to be thankfulfor, and military children are probablyright at the top of the list. Our kidshave the unique opportunity to bewhatever they want to be.”

In 2011, the Back-to-School Brigadeprogram raised over $2 million in

monetary donations and school sup-plies nationwide for military kids.Through the generosity of individualand corporate contributors, OperationHomefront provided 30,000 backpacksto fill with school supplies for childrenof military service members.

Local Grand Rapids and Kalamazooarea Dollar Tree stores are doing theirpart to be active with this program.Some of the locations can be found at28th & Eastern Plaza on 740 28th St SEin Grand Rapids, Beckwith on 1621Leonard St NE in Grand Rapids, andStadium Shoppes on 3346 Stadium Drin Kalamazoo. The supplies that arepurchased here will help out our coun-try’s youngest heroes. Customers canshow their support to the troops byensuring that their children have every-thing they need for the basics of edu-cation.

About Operation Homefront: A na-tional nonprofit, Operation Homefrontleads more than 4,500 volunteers withnation-wide presence, and has metmore than 590,000 needs of militaryfamilies since its inception in 2002. Afour-star rated charity by watchdogCharity Navigator, nationally, 94 per-cent of total revenue donated to Oper-ation Homefront goes directly to assistservice members. For more informa-tion, go to

Grand Rapids, Michigan - OperationHomefront, la organización nacionalsin fines de lucro que proporcionaayuda financiera de emergencia y deotro tipo a las familias de militares ysoldados heridos, ha anunciado en suinforme anual sobre el Programa deBrigada Back-to-School, para recogerútiles escolares para hijos de militares.La Operación Homefront, sus organiza-ciones y los voluntarios de todo el paíscomenzará a recopilar donaciones deútiles escolares, así como donacionesmonetarias, que se distribuirá a loshijos de los miembros del servicio alcomienzo del año escolar en el otoño.

Locales en Grand Rapids y el area deKalamazoo tiendas Dollar Tree estánhaciendo su parte para estar activocon este programa. Algunos de los lu-gares se puede encontrar en 28th &Eastern Plaza on 740 28th St SE inGrand Rapids, Beckwith on 1621Leonard St NE in Grand Rapids, andStadium Shoppes on 3346 Stadium Drin Kalamazoo. Los suministros que secompran aquí va a ayudar a jóveneshéroes de nuestro país.

Para más información

Page 13: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


Chicharito: La historia de Javier Hernández por Hernán Vera Alvarez

Junto a los artistas de Hollywood, nadie dudaque los jugadores de fútbol son las estrellasde nuestros tiempos. Ricos y famosos, ocu-pan las portadas de las revistas más impor-tantes y participan en eventos de caridad.Para muchos, luego de Lionel Messi, es JavierHernández-mejor conocido como El Chichar-ito-quien integra ese Olimpo de prestigiodonde viven Pelé, Di Stéfano, Cruyff yMaradona. Y como ellos, ahora tiene unlibro sobre su vida.

Chicharito: La historia de Javier Hernández(publicado por Vintage Español)es la biografíano autorizada del joven mexicano que juega dedelantero en el Manchester United de la LigaPremier de Inglaterra. Su autor, el periodistaCharles Samuel, quien con la obsesión del bueninvestigador rastrea las huellas de Chicharito

por la ciudad de Guadalajara-allí nació un 1 dejunio de 1988-, las ligas menores de fútboldonde ya a los 9 años mostraba sus dotes dejugador de estilo elegante, su destacado papelen el Club Deportivo Guadalajara, como su in-corporación a la selección mexicana y su vidaactual en Europa.

Samuel pudo entrevistar a Chicharito, a sus fa-miliares, a muchos de sus compañeros en elManchester United y acceder a fotos personalesdel jugador mexicano. Así, el lector se entera deque el joven heredó el apodo por el cual losfanáticos en el mundo lo conocen de su padre,Javier Hernández Gutiérrez, a quien le decían "ElChicharo" por su baja estatura y sus hermososojos verdes, rasgos que El Chicharito tambiénposee. O que a diferencia de otras estrellas deldeporte, Chicharito es la tercera generación defutbolistas: su padre participó en la CopaMundial de 1986 y su abuelo materno es TomásBalcázar, figura mítica del Guadalajara.

A propósito de este tema, el jugador comentaen el libro: "Ellos me ayudan mucho en la can-cha, puesto que también jugaban como de-lanteros, pero me han ayudado mucho másfuera de ella. Eso es lo más difícil para los ju-gadores jóvenes; hay mucho dinero de pormedio y varias cosas pueden desequilibrarte.No soy mejor que los demás, a pesar de misgoles, mi éxito y mis medallas".

El delantero, que al ser vendido por más de 9millones de dólares al Manchester United seconvirtió en uno de los futbolistas más carosdel deporte mexicano, y que en mayo de esteaño fue nombrado embajador de la UNICEF, to-davía se sorprende de su gloria deportiva.

Por sobre todos los datos, las declaraciones defamiliares y amigos, hay algo que se suele olvi-dar y es probablemente lo más destacado del

libro y de otras biografías de ídolos del deporte,y es que en la lectura de sus vidas (muchas deellas difíciles o no tan idílicas como pensaría)hay un mensaje inspirador que puede cambiarla vida de muchas personas, en especial la delos adolescentes.

Charles Samuel es un periodista británico queha escrito ampliamente sobre el ManchesterUnited en revistas de fanáticos de la liga, per-iódicos y sitios web por más de una década.

Next to Hollywood celebrities no one can arguethat soccer players are the stars of our times.Rich and famous, they appear on the front cov-ers of magazines, do commercials, and partici-pate in charity events. For many, after LionelMessi, it is Javier Hernandez-better known as ElChicharito who joins the prestigious Olympus ofsoccer superstars such as: Pelé, Di Stéfano,Cruyff, and Maradona. Now like them, he has abook about his life.

Chicharito: The Javier Hernandez Story, pub-lished by Vintage Español, is the nonofficial bi-ography of this young Mexican who plays as aforward for the Manchester United PremierLeague of England. The author Charles Samuel,with the obsession of a good investigator andjournalist follows the footsteps of Chicharitofrom the city of Guadalajara (where he wasborn on June 1, 1988), to the minor leagueswhere at the age of 9 he was already showingthe elegant style of his soccer talents, then hisdistinguished performance in the Club De-portivo Guadalajara, up to the time he joins theMexico National football team and his currentlife in Europe.

Samuel was able to interview Chicharito, hisfamily members and many of his teammates ofthe Manchester United, as well as have accessto his personal photos. The book reveals how

this young soccer star became known as "ElChicharito" (the little pea). His father, JavierHernandez Gutierrez, a former soccer playerwas known as "El Chicharo" (the pea) because ofhis short stature and blue eyes; physical fea-tures that El Chicaritoalso possesses. Not onlydoes he inherit his father's soccer abilities andphysical attributes, but also his nickname.Chicharito is the 3rd generation soccer playerin his family: his father participated in theWorld Cup of 1988 that took place in Mexicoand his maternal grandfather was Tomás Bal-cázar, a legendary player from Guadalajara.

In regards to his father and grandfather,Chicharitocomments in the book, "They helpedme a lot on the soccer field given that they alsoplayed as forwards, but they have helped meeven more off the field. That is the most difficultthing for a young player; there's so muchmoney involved and various things can take youoff track. I am not better than others despitemy goals, my success, or my medals".

Chicharito was sold for more than 9 million dol-lars to Manchester United, becoming one of themost expensive soccer players in Mexican soc-cer, and this year he became a UNICEF Ambas-sador.

Beyond the interviews with family and friends,there is something that is often forgotten and isprobably the most important aspect of thesetypes of books -the personal challenges thatmany young athletes have had to overcome.This book provides an inspirational messagethat can help change the life of many people,especially that of adolescents.

Charles Samuel is a British journalist who haswritten widely about Manchester United forbroadsheets, websites and fan magazines forover a decade.

Page 14: Lavoz August 2012 - issue



MEDICAL BILLS?By Jason Alderman

It’s no secret that health care costs have been spiralingout of control for years. To fight back, your best bet is tobe a well-informed consumer: Know the true costs ofmedical procedures, supplies and medications so youcan bargain effectively; carefully anticipate and track

medical expenses; and stay on top of your bills.

But sometimes, even when you follow the rules you stillcan get burned. I’ve heard many appalling stories aboutpeople – even those with comprehensive insurance –who have been denied benefits, over-charged, sent tocollections or even forced to file for bankruptcy becausethey couldn’t pay their medical bills.

Here are a few coping strategies:Carefully review each doctor, lab or hospital bill andmatch it against the Explanation of Benefits statementthat shows how much they were reimbursed by the in-surance company. Also, watch for items that may havebeen charged to you by mistake such as:• Medications, supplies, treatments or meals you didn’treceive while hospitalized or getting an outpatient pro-cedure• Duplicate charges for a single procedure (such as x-rays, MRIs and lab work), including those that had to beredone due to a technician’s error.• Charges for a full day’s hospitalization when youchecked out early; or private room rates when youshared a suite.

A few additional cost-savings tips• Ask whether your employer offers flexible spendingaccounts, which let you pay for eligible out-of-pockethealth care and/or dependent care expenses on a pre-tax basis. • Use online price-comparison services like HealthcareBlue Book and to research going

rates for a variety of medical services. • Unless it’s a true emergency, try to avoid emergencyrooms and use an urgent care network facility affiliatedwith your insurance company or ask your doctor for rec-ommendations.

Bottom line: Know what health services cost and don’tbe afraid to negotiate. You’ll haggle over the price of acar – why not your health?

Todos sabemos que los costos de la atención médicahan crecido descontroladamente en los últimos años.Para hacerle frente, lo mejor que puede hacer es estarbien informado: conocer los verdaderos costos de losprocedimientos médicos, los insumos y los medicamen-tos, para poder negociar exitosamente; prever y hacerun seguimiento minucioso de los gastos médicos; ytener el control de sus facturas.

Pero a veces, aun cumpliendo las reglas, puede salirperjudicado. He escuchado muchas historias terriblesde personas a quienes, incluso teniendo seguromédico, se le han negado beneficios, se le ha cobradode más, se las ha derivado a agencias de cobranza ohasta se las ha obligado a presentar la quiebra por nopoder pagar sus cuentas médicas.

Estas son algunas estrategias para evitarlo:Revise detenidamente la factura de cada médico, labo-ratorio u hospital y compárela con la declaración de laExplicación de los Beneficios que muestra el montoque la compañía de seguro les ha reembolsado.

Además, busque si no le han facturado algún ítem demás por error, como por ejemplo:- Medicamentos, insumos, tratamientos o comidas queno haya recibido durante su hospitalización otratamiento ambulatorio.- Cargos duplicados para un solo procedimiento (comoradiografías, resonancias magnéticas y análisis de lab-oratorio), incluyendo los procedimientos que debieronrepetirse por algún error del técnico.- Cargos por un día de internación completo cuandousted se retiró temprano; o cargos por haber estado enuna habitación privada cuando en realidad estuvo enuna habitación compartida.

Algunos otros consejos para reducir los costos:- Averigüe si su empleador ofrece cuentas de gastosflexibles, que le permiten pagar ciertos gastos médicossuyos y/o de sus dependientes de su bolsillo antes deimpuestos.- Utilice servicios de comparación de precios en línea,como el Healthcare Blue Book y paraver las tarifas actuales que se cobran por los diferentesservicios médicos.- A menos que se trate de una emergencia, trate de evi-tar las salas de emergencia y utilice los servicios dealgún establecimiento de emergencias de la red deprestadores de su compañía de seguro, o pídale re-comendaciones a su médico.- En resumen: Sepa cuánto cuestan los servicios desalud y no tenga miedo de negociar. Si regatea el pre-cio de un auto, ¿por qué no el de su salud?

Según reportes de la prensa, otros 106 niños en esasedades requirieron atención de emergencia por inci-dentes de casi ahogamiento. Estos incidentes sirvencomo un recordatorio aleccionador sobre cómo un díade diversión en la piscina puede convertirse rápida-mente en una tragedia.

Las cifras muestran que los niños pequeños, in-cluyendo aquellos entre uno y dos años, son particular-mente vulnerables a ahogamiento porque el 72 porciento de los niños reporta-dos como ahogados desdeel Día de los Caídos teníamenos de 5 años.

A la luz de esta información,la campaña está instando aque parques acuáticos,piscinas municipales y otrasinstalaciones acuáticas eninteriores y en exteriorescelebren el Día Piscina Se-gura, Diversión Asegurada,un evento anual que pro-mueve la seguridad en y alrededor del agua y que ex-horta a las todas las personas a siempre disfrutar conseguridad las piscinas. Las actividades del Día PiscinaSegura, Diversión Asegurada se llevaron a cabo entodo el país durante la semana del 22 al 29 de julio de2012. Más de 70 instalaciones en 30 estados han reg-istrado sus eventos con la CPSC durante dicha sem-ana. Los eventos abarcan desde clases de natacióngratuitas, entrenamiento en resucitación cardiopul-monar (CPR, por sus siglas en inglés), hasta la dis-tribución a padres de familia y encargados de niños dematerial informativo sobre la campaña Piscina Segura,Diversión Asegurada.

Texas tuvo la cifra más elevada de ahogamientos (13)en este período de tiempo y California, Nueva York,Carolina del Norte, Ohio y Pennsylvania reportaroncinco ahogamientos en cada uno de esos estados. Deacuerdo al más reciente informe sobre sumersiones(pdf en inglés) de la CPSC y tomando como base es-

tadísticas del período 2007-2009, un promedio de 390niños menores de 15 años mueren cada año deahogamientos relacionados con piscinas o spas.Alrededor de 5,200 lesiones por sumersión en piscinaso spas en niños menores de 15 años fueron tratadasen salas de emergencias.

La campaña Piscina Segura, Diversión Aseguradaofrece información sobre las medidas sencillas quepadres, encargados de niños y dueños de piscinas

pueden adoptar para asegurarque los niños y los adultos per-manezcan seguros alrededorde piscinas y spas:

Permanezca cerca, esté atentoy vigile a los niños dentro yalrededor de la piscina. Estosignifica nunca dejar niños sinvigilar en una piscina o spa;siempre vigilar a los niñosatentamente alrededor de todotipo de cuerpo de agua; en-señar a los niños consejos

básicos de seguridad en el agua, y mantener a losniños lejos de los desagües, cañerías y otras aberturasen las piscinas.Aprenda y practique habilidades de seguridad en elagua. Esto significa que cada miembro de la familiadebe saber nadar y debe aprender a aplicar re-sucitación cardiopulmonar (CPR, por sus siglas en in-glés) en niños y adultos.

Tenga los equipos adecuados para su piscina o spa.Entre estos se incluyen: cercas, cubierta de seguridadcon cierre, tapas adecuadas para los drenajes a fin deevitar atrapamientos, y equipos de rescate como sal-vavidas y un palo de alcance.

According to media reports, an additional 106 chil-dren of that age required emergency response fornear-drowning incidents. These incidents provide asobering reminder of how a fun day at the pool canquickly turn tragic.

The figures show that young children and toddlersare especially vulnerable to drowning because 72percent of the children reported to have drownedsince Memorial Day were younger than 5 years old.

In light of this information, the campaign is encour-aging water parks, municipal swimming pools andother indoor and outdoor aquatic facilities to cele-brate Pool Safely Day, an annual event promoting

water safety that encourages all Americans to poolsafely every day. Participants from all around theU.S. participated in Pool Safely Day activities dur-ing the week of July 22-29, 2012. More than 70 facil-ities in 30 states have registered events with CPSCduring that week. Events will range from free swim-ming lessons, to CPR training, to distributing PoolSafely information materials to parents and care-givers.

Campaña paraPrevenir Ahogamientos




Ahorre más dinero hoy, para que tenga más para gastar mañana. Y con una Cuenta de Ahorros MI, entre mas ahorre, mas gana. Visite o una sucursal.





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Page 15: Lavoz August 2012 - issue



LAS ARMAS DE LA DELINCUENCIA Y LA VIOLENCIA.... Contnuación del artículo en español de pag.6 Por el Dr. José A. Flores

Cada vez que una gran tragedia, la amenaza terror-ista, o un ataque, o un tiroteo se lleva a cabo en nues-tra nación, nos vemos obligados por la política de losdefensores de control de armas a enfocar el tema dela eliminación de las armas de las calles y de lasmanos de criminales. Estas son causas nobles ya quelos delincuentes y los enfermos mentales no deberíantener acceso a las armas. El problema es en el de-sarme de todos los estadounidenses y restringir lostipos de armas, que disfrutan de la caza, tiro alblanco, entrenamiento de supervivencia en las habil-idades, y las autodefensas. El uso de armas de asaltoes común que los civiles para-militares de formacióncomo el de milicianos que están listos para defendera nuestra nación en el caso de una guerra total ennuestra propia tierra. El uso de clips de bala que lle-van cinco o más conchas son también útiles en lasprácticas de tiro y necesario para una milicia ciu-dadana descrita por nuestra Constitución. Los propi-etarios de armas, la Asociación Nacional del Rifle yotros grupos de derechos de armas de fuego están enlo cierto al decir a los políticos que las armas no sonel problema ... manteniéndolos en las manos de losestadounidenses responsables, sin mala intención esla cuestión. No era el arma que llevó a cabo la vio-lencia, pero el loco detrás del arma. ¡El mantener lasarmas fuera de las manos de los malhechores es lacuestión!

Las comunidades con un gran número de ciudadanoscon permiso de portación de armas no han experi-mentado el tipo de caos que las ciudades que notienen CAC. De hecho, ha habido una serie de inci-dentes en los últimos años, donde los autores de laviolencia de masas que se hayan anotado, se detuvoen sus pistas por ciudadanos armados privados, fun-cionarios de seguridad, y la policía militar en servicioy fuera. Tal vez deberíamos mirar a una mejor se-lección, pruebas psicológicas, y el cumplimiento denuestras leyes para acorralar a los delincuentes querepresentan un peligro evidente para nuestras co-munidades, para que no nos quitan el derecho fun-damental de propiedad del arma provista por laConstitución de Estados Unidos se describe en la Se-gunda Enmienda.La Segunda Enmienda de la Constitución: Una miliciabien regulada, siendo necesaria para la seguridad deun estado libre, el derecho del pueblo a poseer y por-tar armas, no será infringido.

Nuestros antepasados, incluyendo a George Wash-ington reconocieron que la mayor defensa de la lib-ertad reside en el pueblo. Una ciudadanía bienarmado es la mejor defensa que una nación puedeposeer en contra de los enemigos de la libertad.


Jordan Shimmell won his 2nd bout the same way he did his first which was via 2nd round TKO andis now 2-0 with 2 KO's. Jordan stopped his opponent at 2:35 of the 2nd round. Jordan was facing amuch bigger boxer than himself as he was facing Mario Huffman of Cincinnati, Ohio who is 6'6" andweighed in at 263 pounds while Jordan is 6'3" and weighed in at 206.5 pounds. Huffman had losthis 4 round pro debut in April by split decision and was hoping to bounce back with a win in his 2ndfight. Jordan made sure that those plans would not be fullfilled as he stalked his opponent andused his hand speed, counter-punching skills and power to back Huffman to the ropes quite often.Jordan threw hard body punches and counters to the head that hurt Huffman. Finally after a bar-rage of hooks and uppercuts in the 2nd round, the referee determined that Huffman had takenenough punishment and waived off the fight. Just like Jordan's first fight his opponent's cornermenwere waiving a towel at precisely the same moment that the referee stepped in to stop the fight.Once again Jordan Shimmell displayed strong punches and good boxing skills in winning his fight.

Jordan received a warm welcome at the LC Pavilion in Columbus, Ohio where the fight was held. Jor-dan had a good number of fans in the crowd plus the local fans also got behind him during the bouteven though his opponent was from nearby Cincinnati, Ohio. Jordan has now won 2 pro fights injust 21 days and looks forward to staying busy in the near future.

Jordan ganó su segunda pelea profesional. Shimmell pelea de la misma manera que hizo suprimera, que fue a través de segundo nocaut técnico y ahora es de 2-0 con dos nocauts. Jordan dejóa su rival a las 2:35 de la 2 ª ronda. Jordan se enfrenta a un boxeador mucho más grande que símismo, mientras se enfrentaba a Mario Huffman de Cincinnati, Ohio, que es 6'6 "y pesaba 263 li-bras, mientras que Jordania es 6'3" y pesaba 206,5 kilos.

Blue’s Gym Builds Bodies, Minds and Spirit -Boxing SkillsYoungsters in Grand Rapids continue summer fun throughthe Plainfield Ave. Family Fitness Center in the Blue’s GymBoxing club. Kickboxing Master and Boxing Coach, DinoNewville accompanied by serveral adult volunteers are busyhelping to shape the bodies, minds and spirtits of young-sters through the art of boxing. Approximately 25 kids vis-ited the gym on a Saturday morning in July to work outunder the supervision of Coach Newville, Coach DominicMarsigilia, Motivational Consultant Jeff Garcia and CoachMario Alvarez.

After a hard work-out, physical and motivational upliftingDenny Brandt gathered the group and shared biblical sto-ries and messages with the kids to relate the word of Godto life experiences.Coach Newville stressed, “We want our future boxing cham-pions to build character and resist becoming caught up inthe bullying that goes on in neighborhoods and schools.”Jeff Garcia echoed this goal saying, “We want to build theirconfidence and determination so that they can say no tobad influences

”Los jóvenes en Grand Rapids continúan la diversión del ve-rano a través de Blue’s Gym localizado en la Avenida Plain-field, adentro del Family Fitness Center. El maestro delkickboxing y entrenador de boxeo, Dino Newville acom-pañado por voluntarios adultos están ocupados ayudando adar forma a los cuerpos, mentes y almas de jóvenes através del arte del boxeo. Alrededor de 25 niños visitaronel gimnasio en una mañana de sábado de julio para traba-jar bajo la supervisión del entrenador Newville, el entre-nador Domingo Marsigilia, consultor de motivación, JeffGarcía y el entrenador Mario Alvarez.Después de un arduo trabajo de salida, física y de moti-vación inspiradora, Denny Brandt se reunió el grupo y com-partió las historias bíblicas y mensajes con los niños harelacionado con la palabra de Dios. Dijo que estas estánrelacionadas a las experiencias de vida.El entrenador Newville enfatizó, "Queremos que nuestrosfuturos campeones de boxeo construyen el carácter sano yse resisten a ser atrapados en el acoso que se produce enlos barrios y las escuelas." Jeff García se hizo eco de esteobjetivo, diciendo: "Queremos construir su confianza y de-terminación para que puede decir no a las malas influen-cias. " Para más información pueden llamar a FamilyFitness Center al número 616-361-7050.

Page 16: Lavoz August 2012 - issue





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Page 17: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


Jul 27 through Aug 3 - Civic Theatre pres-ents: Ramona Quimby. Times: Performance dates areJuly 27th & 29th, August 2nd &4th. Location: Grand Rapids CivicTheatre. Admission: $8.00 &$14.00. Ramona reminds us howthe ordinary things in life are re-ally extraordinary! The exasper-ating but lovable third-grader,sometimes known as Ramonathe pest, meets the challenges oflife head on. Laugh and cheer as this classic heroinejumps from the pages of Beverly Cleary's books to theCivic stage. Evening performances are at 7:30 PM andmatinees are at 2:00 PM. See website for detailed cal-endar. http://www.grct.orgEl teatro civico presenta: Ramona Quimby. Horario: lasfechas son 27 de julio y 29, 02 de agosto y 4 º. Ubi-cación: el Teatro Civico de Grand Rapids . Admisión: $8.00 y $ 14.00. Ramona nos recuerda cómo las cosasordinarias de la vida son realmente extraordinarias! Paramás información visita

Aug 1 - 12th Annual Beckering Family Carillon Con-cert Series: Julianne Vanden Wyngaard. Times:Wednesdays Noon to 1:00 PM. Location: Lacks Interna-tional Plaza at Richard M. DeVos Center - Pew CampusHosted by: Grand Valley State University. Admission:Free. Serie Anual de Conciertos Familia Carillon: Ju-

lianne Vanden Wyngaard. Horario: miércoles mediodía a1:00 PM. Ubicación: Lacks International Plaza at RichardM. DeVos Center - Pew Campus. Organizado por: GrandValley State University. Admisión: Gratis.

Aug 1 through 3 - Henna Tattoo WorkshopTi-mes: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. Location: GrandRapids Public Library - Main Library, Ottawa Hills Branch,Vam Belkum Branch, West Side Branch, & MadisonSquare Branch Hosted by: Grand Rapids Public LibraryAdmission: Free. Henna Workshop. Días: miércoles, jueves yviernes. Ubicación: Biblioteca Pública de Grand Rapids- Biblioteca Central, Ottawa Hills Branch, Vam BelkumRama, Rama West Side, y Madison Square Branch Or-ganizado por: Biblioteca Pública de Grand RapidsEntrada: Gratuita.

Aug 3 - August in Ada Children's Fair. Times: Friday12:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Location: The Village Green. Ad-mission: Free. August in Ada is sponsored and hostedby the local businesses in appreciation for local support.Activities, arts & crafts, and games are free for all who at-tend. Food, drinks, haircuts and pony rides are availablefor purchase. Come down and slide on the Giant Slide,bounce in the Space Walk, and see Rick the Reptile Guy!Visit the website for more information. Feria de Ada en Agosto para niños. Horario: viernesde 12:00 PM a 4:00 PM. Ubicación:The Village Green.Entrada: Gratuita. Para más información visita

Aug 3 & 4 - White Lake Guitar Fest. Times: Friday7:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Location: TheBook Nook and Java Shop. Admission: $10 pre-regis-tration, $18 at the door. More info at White Lake Guitar. Horario: Viernes 7:00 PM,Sábado 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Ubicación: The Book Nookand Java Shop. Admisión: $ 10 pre-venta, $ 18 en lapuerta. Para más información visita www.white-

Aug 3 through 13 - White LakeChamber Music Festival. Times: Varies byday, see website. Location:White Lake Area-Locations vary by event, see website. Ad-mission: Most events are free. The 3rdannual White Lake Chamber Music Festivalwill be held August 3-13. The festival, facili-

tated by the Music & Performing Arts branch of the ArtsCouncil of White Lake, offers a mix of visiting profes-sional groups and local talent with a wide variety of per-

formances throughout the White LakeArea. El Festival de Música White LakeChamber. Horario: varía según el día,consulte la página web. Ubicación: Enlugares de White Lake Area, varíansegún el evento, consulte la página web.Admisión: La mayoría de los eventosson gratuitos. www.whitelakechamber-

Aug 4- "Miles For Hope" Moving Towards A CureGrand Rapids 2012. Times: Saturday 8:00 AM until noonLocation: Riverside Park. Admission: $20 before July 20,$25 after July 21.Miles for Hope is holding a timed 5KRun/Walk at Riverside Park in Grand Rapids. You canregister online or the day of the event at 8:00am. Therace starts at 9:00pm. There is breakfast, finishingmedals and lots of fun. Miles for Hope raises funds forbrain tumor research and travel assistance for braintumor patients as well as bringing aware to brain tumors."Millas de esperanza" Avanzar hacia una cura en GrandRapids 2012. Horario: Sábados de 8:00 am hasta el

m e d i o d í a .Lugar:Parque deRiverside . Ad-misión: $ 20antes de julio 20,$ 25 después deJulio 21. Millasde Esperanza esuna carrera/cam-inata de 5K, en elParke Riversideen Grand

Rapids. Puede registrarse en el website o en a las 8:00de la mañana el día del evento. La carrera comienza alas 9:00 pm. Para registrarse o más información visita

Aug 4 - 32nd Annual Red Barns Spectacular. Times:Saturday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Location: Gilmore Car Mu-seum. Admission: Event Admission of $9.00 each in-cludes all museum exhibits at no extra charge - thoseunder 11 FREE! ª Espectacular exposición de graneros rojos. Horario:Sábado de 9:00 AM a 5:00 PM. Ubicación: Gilmore CarMuseum. Entrada al evento de $ 9.00 cada uno, incluyetodas las exhibiciones del museo sin ningún costo adi-cional - los menores de 11 años entran GRATIS!

Aug 5- Grand Rapids Color Run. Times: Sunday -Check website for times. Location: Downtown - Map onwebsite. Admission: Please check website. WELCOME TO THE GRANDRAPIDS COLOR RUN! The only question is "Are youready for the craziest, colorful, 5k of your life?" You betyou are. Race it solo or form a "color team" of 4+ mem-bers. HOW DOES IT WORK? The Color Run is a one ofa kind experience that is less about speed and moreabout enjoying a color crazy day with your friends andfamily. Marcha de Color en Grand Rapids. Horario: Domingo aConsulte la página de internet para los tiempos. Ubi-cación: Centro de Grand Rapids- Mapa en la página deinternet. . BIEN-VENIDOS A LA MARCHA DE COLOR GRAND RAPIDS!

Aug 5 - Cook Carillon Summer Concert Series: Ray

McLellan. Times: Sunday 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM. Location:Grand Valley State University. Admission: FREE. de Verano de la serie Cook Carrillon: RayMcLellan. Horario: Domingo 8:00 PM a 9:30 pm. Ubi-cación: Grand Valley State University. Admisión:GRATIS.

Aug 6 through 11 - Coopersville SummerfestTimes: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday& Saturday. Coopersville Summerfest is a volunteer-dri-ven celebration that began as a local-only draw and hasgrown to host an estimated 100,000 visitors on the Sat-urday of this 6-day festival. The week is filled with over25 family friendly, affordable or free activities. Over 400cars will participate in the Del Shannon Car Cruise onFriday night, followed by music and Fireworks, windingup with over 800 cars lining the streets of Historic Down-town Coopersville for the Del Shannon Memorial CarShow on Saturday. de Verano de Coopersville. Horario: Lunes,Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes y Sábado. El festi-val de verano de Coopersville es una celebración dirigidapor voluntarios, alberga alrededor de 100.000 visitantes,400 coches participarán en el Del Shannon Car Cruise,en la noche del viernes, seguido de música y fuegos ar-tificiales, para más información visita.

Aug 7 - Gone Hog Wild! Times: Tuesday 6:00 PM to9:00 PM. Location: D&W Grandville. Admission: $40.00.If you love your pork but are tired of the same old recipes,join Chef Jeff VanderMeulen as he introduces you to theworld of Pork! Learn the different cuts as well as how toperfectly prepare each cut! From stuffed pork chops, per-fectly prepared pork tenderloin, pulled pork and more,you'll learn and prepare hands-on recipes to suit any-one's taste! 21+. Gone Wild! Horario: Martes 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM.Ubicación: D & W Grandville. Admisión: $ 40.00. Si tegusta el cerdo, y estas cansado de las mismas recetas,únete al Chef Jeff Vandermeulen. Para más información

Aug 8 - LAV Budweiser Blues on the Mall 2012 fea-turing: Curtis Salgado. Times: Wednesday 6:00 PM to9:00 PM. Location: Rosa Parks Circle. Admission: FREE.97 LAV Budweiser Blues On the Mall is a free live bluesconcert in downtown Grand Rapids every Wednesdaynight. Listen to music from national blues performers.Enjoy a variety of food and goods from local vendors.Limited seating available. Bring your own lawn chair.LAV Budweiser Blues en el centro comercial 2012:Michael Salgado. Horario: Miércoles 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM.Lugar: Rosa Parks Circle.. Admisión: GRATIS.

Aug 9 through 11 - The Music Man. Times:Thursday & Friday 7:30 PM; Saturday 2:00 PM Matinee& 7:30 PM. Location: Van Singel Fine Arts Center. Ad-mission: VIP Reserved: $18; all other seats $15 adult;$10 student. hombre de la música. Horario: Jueves y Viernes 7:30pm, Sábados 2:00 funciónd de en la tarde y 7:30 PMMatinee. Ubicación: Van Singel Fine Arts Center. Ad-misión: VIP reservada: $ 18; otros asientos $ 15 paraadultos; estudiantes $ 10.

Aug 10 - 2012Grand Rapids Cat-tle Baron's Ball.Times: Friday 6:00PM. for full event,8:30 PM for theLate Night Party.Location: SteelcaseTown Hall. Admis-sion: $150, $250,$500.The Cattle Baron's Ball is an upscale Western-themed fundraiser complete with dinner, dancing, livemusic, auctions, and more. Guests may attend the fullevent or purchase tickets for the Late Night Party. Pleasecheck website for more details.

2012 Grand Rapids Cattle Baron's Ball. Horario: Viernes6:00 PM. para el evento completo, a las 8:30 PM para elpartido de última hora. Lugar: Steelcase Town Hall. Ad-misión: $ 150, $ 250, $ 500.

Aug 10 - Movies in the Park - Winnie the Pooh.Times: Friday at dusk. Location: John Collins Park. Ad-mission: FREE.ículas en el Parque - De Winnie the Pooh. Horario:viernes al anochecer. Ubicación: John Collins Park. Ad-misión: GRATIS.

Aug 10 & 11 - Cowpie Music Festival 2012. Times:Gates Open Friday at 12:00 PM & Saturday at 9:00 AMLocation: Shagbark Farm. Admission: $55.00 in Ad-vance, $70.00 - Day of Event **Ticket includes first-come-first-served camping. For details about reservedcamping options, please check website. de Música Cowpie 2012. Horario: Las puertasabren a las 12:00 pm Viernes y sábado a las 9:00 AMLugar: Shagbark Farm. Admisión: $ 55.00 pre-venta, $70.00 - Día de Evento. Para obtener más informaciónacerca de las opciones de camping reservados, porfavor visite.http:/ /

Aug 11 &12 - Meet Me at the Fair. Times: Satur-day and Sunday 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Location: FrederikMeijer Gardens & Sculpture Park. Admission: Adult 14–64: $12, Senior 65 & older: $9, Students with ID: $9, Chil-dren 5–13: $6, Children 3–4: $4, Children 2 & younger:Free. Me at the Fair.. Horario: Sábado y Domingo 1:00PM a 4:00 PM. Ubicación: Frederik Meijer Gardens yParque de las Esculturas. Admisión: Adultos 14-64: $ 12,mayores de 65 años o mayores: $ 9, estudiantes conidentificación: $ 9, Niños 5-13: $ 6, Niños 3-4: $ 4, niñosde 2 y menores: gratuito.

Aug 12 - Tomato Canning Extravaganza! Times: Sun-day 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM & 2:00 PM. Location: UptownKitchen (East Building at corner of Wealthy & Norwood).Hosted by: Grand Rapids Public Canning Extravaganza! Horario: Domingo 9:00am, 11:30 am y 2:00 pm. Lugar: Cocina Uptown (EastBuilding en la esquina de Wealthy y Norwood). Organi-zado por: La biblioteca Pública de Grand / register.

Aug 12 - 2nd Annual Haunted Hall Bash Golf Out-ing. Times: Sunday 1:00 PM Shotgun Start. Location:Braeside Golf Course. Admission: $60.00 a person$240.00 a team $15.00 for just dinner. Haunted HallBash's 2012 Golf Outing! This year's outing supportsboth Bellowood Rescue and The MSU Division of Pedi-atric Oncology. We have several MSU greats taking partsuch as: Drew Neitzel, Austin Thornton, Marquise Gray,Lauren Aitch, and Lykendra Johnson! We are also work-ing on several others as well. Please see the flyer or visitwebsite for more details. Annual Haunted Hall Bash Golf Outing. Horario:Domingo 1:00 PM Inicio. Lugar: Campo de Golf Brae-side. Admisión: $ 60.00 por persona $ 240.00 por equipoy $ 15.00 sólo para la cena. Para más información

Aug 13 through 17- Ada Dance AcademyWeek-Long Summer Work-shops. Times: Class timesvary, please visit the AdaDance Academy website.Location: Ada Dance Acad-emy. Admission: Class feesvary, please visit the AdaDance Academy website.

Semanas de Verano en la Academia de Baile Ada. Loshorarios de clase varían, por favor visite la página de in-ternet. Ubicación: Academia de Danza de Ada. Admisión:Los precios varía según la clase.


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Aug 16 - 2012 Cherry Street Garden Summer MusicSeries: Alive & Well. Times: Thursday 6:30 PMto 8:30 PM. Location: Inner City Christian Fed-eration (ICCF) front garden. Admission: free.Free family-friendly concert in outdoor gardenvenue. Grab your blanket or lawn chair and apicnic supper, and come to enjoy the music. Cherry Street Jardín de Verano de la serieMúsica: Alive & Well. Horario: Jueves 6:30 pma 8:30 pm. Ubicación: Inner City Christian Fed-eration (ICCF) jardín de enfrent. Entrada: gra-tuita.

Aug 16 through 19 - 48th Annual Danish Fes-tival. Times: See website for list of events. Location:Downtown Greenville. Admission: Varies by event. Cel-ebrate your Danish heritage at the 48th Annual DanishFestival in Greenville, located just over 30 miles north-east of Grand Rapids on M-57. Authentic Danish food,Arts & Crafts Fair, Queen's Pageant & Grand Dansk Pa-rade. Festival Anual Danés. Horario: Véase el sitio webpara la lista de los eventos. Ubicación: Centro deGreenville. Entrada: Varía según el evento.

Aug 17 & 18 - Allendale Boulevard Days. Times:Friday and Saturday 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM. Location:Downtown Allendale. Admission: Free. Allendale Boule-vard Days is a family friendly, community-wide eventhighlighting area businesses offering tent sales, a com-munity-wide garage sale, arts & crafts sale, Softball Tour-nament, Family Fun Challenge, Friday Night KarokeCompetition & Tent Party, Car Show, Kid Zone, and muchmore! Boulevard Days. Horario: Viernes y sábadosde 8:00 AM a 12:00 AM. Ubicación: El centro de Allen-dale. Entrada: Gratuita.

Aug 18 - RandJazzFest. Times:Saturday Noon to10:00 PM. Location: Rosa Parks Circle. Admission: Free.Enjoy a day and evening of live jazz performances - di-verse acts that include Grand Rapids Jazz Orchestrawith Edye Evans Hyde, guitarist Tim Bowman, saxo-phonist Phil Denny, contemporary jazz band WaltGutowski & The Bridge Street Band, Grupo Ayé, and TheSteve Hilger Jazz Quintet. Please check website forschedule. Horario: sábado al mediodía a 10:00 pm.Lugar: Rosa Parks Circle. Entrada: Gratuita.Disfrute deun día y noche de actuaciones de jazz en vivo - diversosactos que incluyen la Gran Orquesta de Jazz de Rapidscon Edye Evans Hyde, el guitarrista Tim Bowman, el sax-ofonista Phil Denny, labanda de jazz contem-poráneo Walt Gutowskiy La Banda The BridgeStreet, el Grupo Ayé, yel Jazz Steve Hilger Quinteto.

Aug 18 - Art on the Riverfront 2012 - Grand Haven.Times: Saturday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Location: GrandHaven Municipal Marina parking lot & Chinook Pier. Ju-ried fine art show in its 9th year with over 40 booths of re-gional artists, sponsored by the Grand Haven ArtsCouncil.Art on the Riverfront 2012- Grand Haven. Horario:sábado de 10:00 AM a 5:00 PM. Ubicación: rand HavenMunicipal Marina parking lot & Chinook.

Aug 19 through 26 - Hudsonville CommunityFair. Times: Check website for schedule. Location: Hud-sonville Fairgrounds. Admission: $3 for adults (kids under12 are free). Mission Statement: To promote Youth, Agri-culture, and 4H of Ottawa County. Feria de la Comunidad. Horario: Visite elsitio Web para el horario. Lugar: Hudsonville Fairgrounds. Entrada: $ 3para adultos (los niños menores de 12 años son gratis).

Aug 20 - Rock the Rapids 2012 presents MirandaLambert. Times: Monday 7:30 PM. Loca-tion: Downtown Grand Rapids. Admission:In addition to two-day general admissionpasses at a low $59.00, two-day CenterStage passes at $89.00 and two-day upclose Center Stage Pit areas at $118, allfor a very limited time only. the Rapids 2012 presents MirandaLambert. Horario: Lunes 7:30 pm. Ubi-cación: Centro de Grand Rapids. Para

mayor información sobre los boletos visita

Aug 20 - Circle Theatre Cabaret Series: Let It Be: (ABeatles Tribute) Times: Monday 7:00 PM. Location:Aquinas College Performing Arts Center. Hosted by: Cir-cle Theatre. Admission: Please check website Theatre Cabaret Series: Let It Be: (A Beatles Trib-ute). Horario: Lunes 7:00 PM. Ubicación: Colegio deArtes de Aquinas. Organizado por: Hosted by: CircleTheatre. Admisión: Por favor, visite

Aug 22- Mayor's Book Club for Kids Kick-off Party.Times: Wednesday 10:30 AM. Location: Grand RapidsPublic Library - West Leonard Branch. Hosted by: GrandRapids Public Library. Admission: FREE, for kids pre-school through 3rd grade's Book Club for Kids Kick-off Party. Horario: Miér-coles 10:30 AM. Ubicación: Librería Pública de GrandRapids - West Branch Leonard. Organizado por: Bib-lioteca Pública de Grand Rapids. Entrada: gratis paraniños de preescolar y niños hasta el tercer grado. http ://

Aug 22 through 25 - Master Arts Theatre pres-ents: Quilters, The Musical. Times: Wednesday, Thurs-day, Friday, Saturday 7:30 PM, Saturday Matinees 2:00PM. Location: Master Arts Theatre. Admission: Adult tick-ets are $18 with $2 discount for senior citizens and stu-dents. Arts Theatre presents: Quilters, The Musical. Ho-rario: Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado 7:30 PM,Sábado función de la tarde 2:00 PM. Lugar: Teatro delas Artes Maestro. Entrada: Las entradas para adultoscuestan $ 18 con descuento de $ 2 para la tercera edady estudiantes.

Aug 24 through 26 - Yassou! Grand Rapids3rd Annual Greek Cultural Festival. Times: Friday 3:00PM to 10:00 PM, Saturday 11:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Sun-day 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Location: Holy Trinity Greek

Orthodox Church. Admission: $2Adults. Children Free!! Grand Rapids 3ra Edi-ción del Festival de la Cultura

Griega. Horario: Viernes 3:00 pm a 10:00 pm, sábado23:00-22:00, Domingo 12:00 PM a 4:00 PM. Ubicación:la Santísima Trinidad Iglesia Ortodoxa Griega. Entrada:$ 2 Adultos. Niños Gratis!

Aug 24 through 26 - 2012 Dozynki Festiwal -Polish Festival. Times: Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 11:00AM to 6:00 PM, Sunday Noon to 6:00 PM. Location:Rosa Parks Circle & Calder Plaza. Celebrate Polish her-itage with authentic food, beer tent, music and activities.2012 Dozynki Festiwal - Festival de Polonia. Horario:viernes, sábados, y domingos de 11:00 am a 6:00 pm, eldomingo al mediodía a 6:00 PM. Lugar: Círculo RosaParks & Plaza Calder.

Aug 25 & 26 - Dahlia Show. Times: Saturday &Sunday 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Location: Frederik MeijerGardens & Sculpture Park. Admission: Free. Show. Horario: sábados y domingos de 11:00 AM a5:00 PM. Ubicación: Frederik Meijer Gardens & SculpturePark. Entrada: Gratuita.







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Victoria Justice is an actress and singer, songwriter, and dancersometimes credited by Vicky. She debuted as an actress at the ageof 10 and has since appeared in several films and television seriesincluding the Nickelodeon series Zoey 101 and Victorious. Shehas also made appearances in several theatrical releases, includ-ing Unknown as well as the 2006 thriller The Garden. She hasalso guest starred in several Nickelodeon series, including TrueJackson, VP, The Troop, The Penguins of Madagascar andiCarly, as well as a contestant on the Nickelodeon gameshow BrainSurge. She has also starred in the Nickelodeonfilm The Boy Who Cried Werewolf.

Aside from her acting career, Justice is also involved inher musical career. She has performed several songsfor the soundtrack to the Nickelodeon musical Spec-tacular!, in which she also starred. She has alsorecorded a number of songs for the Victorious se-ries. Justice has also announced the release of herdebut album, which is expected to be releasedsometime during the summer of 2011.

Justice was born on February 19, 1993, in Hol-lywood, Florida, to Serene and Zack Justice. Hermother is Puerto Rican and her father is ofIrish, German and English descent. She first de-veloped an interest in acting when she was 8years old after watching a children's commer-cial. Victoria and her family relocated to Holly-wood, California, in 2003. Victoria, known byfamily and close friends as Vicky, is a straight"A" student. In 2005, she auditioned and wasaccepted into the musical theatre program atLos Angeles' renowned Performing Arts Mag-net school. Victoria has a younger sisternamed Madison Justice (born in 1996). Herfamily moved from Hollywood, Florida, to LosAngeles when she was 11 after Justice hadstated she wanted to be a part of filming com-mercials as well as television series and films.Justice has done commercials for well-knownclients like Ralph Lauren, Gap and Guess. Shealso appeared in national commercials forMervyn's, Peanut Butter Toast Crunch andOvaltine.

VictoriaDawn Justicees una actriz,cantante y

modelo esta-dounidense,

nacida el 19 defebrero de 1993

en Hollywood,Florida. Es mayor-

mente conocida por in-terpretar al personaje de

Lola Martínez en la serietelevisiva Zoey 101, junto a

Jamie Lynn Spears. Personajecon intenciones y aspiraciones de

ser una famosa actriz, que, rápida-mente entabla amistad con sus condis-

cípulas en la PCA.

Actualmente reside en las ciudades de Holly-wood, Florida y Los Ángeles, California. En sus

orígenes étnicos, se entremezclan la sangrecaribeña de su madre (Puerto Rico) y la irlandesa

de su padre.

Ha participado en importantes campañas publici-tarias, para reconocidas marcas internacionalescomo Guess, Gap y Ralph Lauren. Su debut cine-matográfico se produjo, en el año 2004, en lapelícula Fallacy. No obstante, la verdadera famasería alcanzada por esta actriz en 2005, cuando fueescogida para protagonizar la serie Zoey 101, deNickelodeon. En 2006, junto con Erin Sanders recor-

rieron América del Norte y del Sur, mientras partici-paba en una gigantesca campaña de modas, asociada ala serie que la hiciera famosa, el Lasenza Girl Zoey 101.

Con posterioridad a dicha campaña, se ha transformadoen una abonada de Lasenza Girl.

- En su faceta de modelo, ha estado en la portada de larevista y SIX7’8th y participó en anuncios de Union

Bay y Bratz clothing.- A principios de 2010 estará estrenando nueva

serie, la cual lleva por nombre Victoriosa,producida por Dan Schneider, en esta

Victoria interpretará a una chicanueva que asiste a una escuela

de artes escénicas.”- Participo en el video JustDance de la cantanteamericana Lady GaGa.

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EspetáculosEl cantante neoyorquino, quien también será una de lasgrandes atracciones del Festival People en Español— se llevóocho de los 10 galardones a los que estaba nominado: Vozdel momento, ringtone favorito, canción más pegajosa, "Sí-ganme los buenos" (redes sociales), Video favorito, Cancióncortavenas, y artista tropical favorito. El cantante de ascen-dencia dominicana también se llevó un premio al Súper tour,por la gira Euphoria junto con Enrique Iglesias y Pitbull.

El otro bachatero, Romeo Santos —el más nominado, postu-lado en 11 categorías— sólo se quedó con dos estatuillas:ganó en las categorías Combinación perfecta (por su canción"Promise", junto a Usher) y Lo toco todo, por su disco Fór-mula Vol 1.

Con un premio cada uno quedaron Shakira (en la categoría¡Qué rico se mueve!, aunque no estuvo presente), Pitbull(Artista urbano), Maná (Artista rock), Espinoza Paz (Artista re-gional mexicano) y Camila (Artista pop)

Fernando Colunga recibió el premio especial Su-pernova, por su trayectoria en telenovelas, mien-tras que los reggaetoneros Wisin y Yandelfueron reconocidos con el premio Ídolo de la ju-ventud, por su trabajo construyendo un or-fanato para los niños víctimas del terremoto enHaití.

Sofía Vergara y Antonio Banderas también ga-naron un premio cada uno, como actriz y actorfavoritos respectivamente.

La premiación, en la que no se llegaron a en-tregar los premios de todas las categorías, es-tuvo cargadísima de presentaciones en vivo. Losvenezolanos Chino y Nacho abrieron el show cantando"Bebé bonita" junto al cantante británico Jay Sean. El boricuaVíctor Manuelle cantó su canción "Ella quiere salsa" junto aVoltio y Jowell & Randy. La mexicana Belinda cantó su nuevosencillo "En el amor hay que perdonar", mientras que su com-

patriota Eiza González interpretó "Te acordarás demí".

Por su parte, el colombiano Juanes también cantóen vivo, arrancando con "Nada tengo sin tu amor"y uniéndolo con "A Dios le pido". Romeo Santos in-terpretó "La diabla" y "Magia negra" junto a la es-pañola Mala Rodríguez. Entre los más jóvenes ynuevos artistas, los Vázquez Sounds, Matt Huntery Leslie Grace aparecieron en el escenario en forma consecu-tiva, dándole un toque refrescante al show.

También cantaron Prince Royce, 3BallMTY, Flo Rida, BetoCuevas, Kany García, Espinoza Paz, Pee Wee y Dyland yLenny, quienes cerraron el show junto al DJ Juan Magán.

Pero quizás el momento de mayor impacto en la noche dePremios Juventud se produjo durante la entrega de becas ados jóvenes estudiantes a quienes presentó el preriodista

Jorge Ramos, cuando en una pantalla apareció elpresidente Barack Obama diciendo "Hola PremiosJuventud" y felicitando a las dos ganadoras porsus esfuerzos.

La conducción del show, que tuvo una temáticade superhéroes, estuvo a cargo de la vene-zolana Alicia Machado, Wilmer Valderrama yOmar Chaparro, quienes alternaron con GerardoOrtiz, Eiza González y Ana Brenda Contreras.

Univision's ninth annual Premios Juventud, orYouth Awards, was a big night for New York

singer Prince Royce, winning eight awards.Following the latest releases of The

Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises, the awardshow followed a superhero theme, with multiple hosts such

as actress Ana Brenda Contreras, television personality AliciaMachado, and actor Wilmer Valderrama.

The award

show took place in Miami's BankUnited Center has its winnersvoted by the Hispanic youth in categories ranging from film,music, soap operas, sports, and pop culture.Sofia Vergara was voted as the "Actriz Que se Roba la Pan-talla," or Female Scene Stealer, while Antonio Baneras wonBest Actor for his role in Puss in Boots.

Most of the night's winners came from the 14 music cate-gories, among them were Shakira winning Best Moves, Manafor Best Rock Artist, and Pitbull for Best Urban Artist.Performances at the show included rapper Flo Rida in med-ley, singing "Whistle," "Good Feeling," and "Wild Ones." PrinceRoyce debuted his new song "Close to You," and Pitbull per-formed the headlining song from Men in Black III, "Back inTime."

A big surprise was a message by President Barack Obamapresenting two "Premios Juventud" scholarships to highschool seniors of Hispanic heritage. The scholarships werebased on academic achievement, financial need, and a shortessay submission. Sponsored by State Farm, the scholarshipswere awarded to Stephanie Perez from Florida with $50,000and Margarita Bolanos from California with $25,000.

Univision utilized the power of social media as for the firsttime ever viewers were able to vote for their favorite for theBest Dressed category tweeting #MejorVestido in real time.Fans voted singers Belinda for the female Best Dressed cate-gory "Quiero Vestir Como Ella" and Gerardo Ortiz won in themale category "El de Mejor Estilo."


Como una oportunidad única para ofre-cer una combinación musical llena deritmo, romanticismo y energía califi-caron Marc Anthony, Chayanne y MarcoAntonio Solís la gira "Tres Gigant3s",que iniciarán el 3 de agosto en el Amer-ican Airlines Arena de Miami.

"Se trata de un intercambio musicalúnico en el cual, por espacio de treshoras, cada uno presentará su show yademás tendremos algunas sorpresasen los intermedios que serán muy di-vertidas", dijo el salsero Marc Anthony,quien junto a Chayanne y Solís par-ticipó en una conferencia de prensatelefónica con varios medios.

Cardenas Marketing Network (CMN)has announced the nationwide musictour, "GIGANT3S," featuring acclaimedsinger/producer Marc Anthony, Latin America¹s preeminent singer/songwriter Marco Antonio Solis, and international pop phenomenonChayanne.

Three of the most celebrated ambassadors of Latin music will embarkon a 14-stop stateside tour. Each of the artists on GIGANT3S has en-joyed a stellar career, making each of their performances more thanjust a concert and rather a historic musical event. The CMN-producedtour will kick-off in Miami, Florida, and continue with performances inother major cities in the U.S.


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El joven mexicano Juan Carlos Segura, quien ha trabajadocon grandes personalidades tanto mexicanas como extran-jeras como Tom Sizemore, Stacey Keach, Ana Serradilla,Laura Zapata, Wes Bentley, y Aarón Diaz, estrenará estepróximo 10 de agosto en Video on Demand (VOD) y cinesen Estados Unidos, la película Goats, protagonizada por losfamosos actores David Duchovny y Vera Farmiga. Lapelícula se presentó por primera vez en el Festival de Cinede Sundance a principios de este año y recibió excelentescomentarios de los críticos, asegurando distribución bajoImage Entertainment.

El film de 94 minutos basado en la novela best-seller deMark Jude Poirier que se filmó en Tucson, Arizona narra lahistoria de Ellis (Graham Phillips), miembro de una excén-trica familia e hijo de una madre hippie (Vera Farmiga), de-cide a sus 15 años mudarse a la costa Este de EstadosUnidos para asistir a la misma preparatoria a la cual fue supadre (Ty Burrell). El reconectar con su padre y su nueva es-posa (Keri Russell), presenta un tremendo contraste, espe-cialmente habiendo crecido en la costa opuesta del país ybajo la influencia del 'hombre cabra' (David Duchovny).

Cabe destacar que esta es la segunda producciónamericana en la que Juan Carlos está involucrado.La primera fue este mismo año en Junio, con lapelícula Cellmates que se estrenó en VOD y cinesselectos en Estados Unidos. Este proyecto, sinembargo, lo produjo bajo la compañía Produc-ciones a Ciegas la cual formó hace unos añosjunto a los actores Héctor Jiménez y Olga Segura,quien es también su hermana.

En noviembre de este año podremos ver en cinesmexicanos la película Luna Escondida, dirigidapor Pepe Bojorquez (productor de "Selena") y pro-tagonizada por Ana Serradilla y el americano WesBentley ("Los Juegos del Hambre"). En esta película se narrala historia de amor de Miranda Ríos, una mujer que busca

en sueño americano que migra hacia los Estados Unidos ytermina trabajando en la casa de Victor Brighton, un ameri-cano del cual se enamora profundamente. En este film, quese espera estrenar más tarde también en Estados Unidos,participan también Olga Segura, Osvaldo de León, AngélicaMaría y Héctor Jiménez.

Otro proyecto en puerta que ha causado mucha expectativaes la película Marcelo, antes conocida como Todo Un Hom-bre, la cual promete una gran actuación del actor mexicanoAarón Díaz como nunca se ha visto antes. Esta película fueun guión escogido directamente por Juan Carlos Segura ylos demás fundadores de Producciones a Ciegas y desarrol-lado completa y únicamente por ellos, convirtiéndose en ungran reto y logro. Próximamente se espera en salas de cineen México.


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Opening August 3

The BabymakersAfter trying everything to get his wife Audrey (Olivia Munn)pregnant, Tommy Macklin (Paul Schneider) realizes to hishorror that he may be "shooting blanks." Terrified that hismarriage may fall apart, Tommy recruits his friends to roba sperm bank where he made a deposit years ago. As withany half-baked scheme, everything can and does gowrong, testing the limits of Tommy and Audrey's relation-ship and showing how far one couple will go in hopes ofgetting pregnant. El argumento de The Babymakers nos habla de un hombreque, tras no poder recuperar a su mujer embarazada, re-cluta a sus amigos para robar el depósito que hizo en el banco de esperma años atrás.

360From two acclaimed artists: director Fernando Meirelles(City of God, The Constant Gardener) and writer Peter Mor-gan (The Queen, Frost/Nixon). With a stellar internationalcast that includes Rachel Weisz, Anthony Hopkins, JudeLaw, Ben Foster, Jamel Debbouze and Moritz Bleibtreu,360 is a moving and exciting dramatic thriller that daz-zlingly weaves together the stories of an array of peoplefrom disparate social backgrounds through their inter-secting relationships. Rated: RLa cinta, cuyo guión es obra de Peter Morgan, se basará asu vez en “La ronda”, la conocida obra de Arthur Schnit-zler. En ella, un integrante de una pareja aparece luegocon otro amante, quien a su vez se deja ver posterior-

mente con otra persona y así sucesivamente hasta cerrarse un círculo. Hopkins en-carnará a un hombre que, durante un viaje que realiza para buscar a su hijadesaparecida, conoce a una mujer cuyo novio le ha sido infiel.

Celeste and Jesse ForeverCeleste (Rashida Jones) and Jesse (Andy Samberg) met in

high school, married young and are growing apart. Nowthirty, Celeste is the driven owner of her own media con-sulting firm, Jesse is once again unemployed and in no par-ticular rush to do anything with his life. Celeste isconvinced that divorcing Jesse is the right thing to do -- sheis on her way up, he is on his way nowhere, and if they doit now instead of later, they can remain supportive friends.Jesse passively accepts this transition into friendship, eventhough he is still in love with her. As the reality of their sep-aration sets in, Celeste slowly and painfully realizes she hasbeen cavalier about their relationship, and her decision,which once seemed mature and progressive, now seems

impulsive and selfish. But her timing with Jesse is less than fortuitous. While navigat-ing the turbulent changes in their lives and in their hearts, these two learn that inorder to truly love someone, you may have to let them go. Rated: PG-13.Gira alrededor de un joven matrimonio recién divorciado que intenta conservar suamistad al tiempo que cada uno de ellos busca iniciar una nueva relación.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog DaysDuring his summer vacation, "Wimpy Kid" Greg Heffley, the

hero of the phenomenally successful book series, hatches aplan to pretend he has a job at a ritzy country club -- which failsto keep him away from the season's dog days, including em-barrassing mishaps at a public pool and a camping trip thatgoes horribly wrong.Rated: PG.El filme se centrará en el debilucho joven Greg Heffley, quienmonta un plan para pretender que tiene un trabajo en un lujosoclub. Pero su plan falla y debe sufrir unas terribles vacacionesveraniegas, que incluyen contratiempos en una pileta pública yun viaje al campo que sale muy mal.


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Total RecallWelcome to Rekall Inc., the company that can turn your

dreams into real memories. For a factory worker named Dou-glas Quaid (Colin Farrell), even though he's got a beautifulwife (Kate Beckinsale) who he loves, the mind-trip sounds likethe perfect vacation from his frustrating life - real memoriesof life as a super-spy might be just what he needs. But whenthe procedure goes horribly wrong, Quaid becomes a huntedman. Finding himself on the run from the police – controlledby Chancellor Cohaagen (Bryan Cranston), the leader of thefree world – Quaid teams up with a rebel fighter (Jessica Biel)to find the head of the underground resistance (Bill Nighy)and stop Cohaagen. The line between fantasy and reality gets

blurred and the fate of his world hangs in the balance as Quaid discovers his trueidentity, his true love, and his true fate. Rated: PG-13.En esta nueva versión de “Desafío total”, Colin Farrell se pone en la piel de DouglasQuaid, un obrero que se percata de que es un espía pero que no sabe para quénación trabaja: Euromérica o Nueva Shanghai. Por su parte, Bryan Cranston en-carna a Vilos Cohaagen, líder de la primera de las naciones que, con el pretexto deque así protegerá a su pueblo, prepara una invasión del segundo de los países.

Opening August 10

The Bourne LegacyThe narrative architect behind the Bourne film series, TonyGilroy, takes the helm in the next chapter of the hugely pop-ular espionage franchise that has earned almost $1 billion atthe global box office: The Bourne Legacy. The writer/directorexpands the Bourne universe created by Robert Ludlum withan original story that introduces us to a new hero (JeremyRenner) whose life-or-death stakes have been triggered bythe events of the first three films. For The Bourne Legacy,Renner joins fellow series newcomers Rachel Weisz, EdwardNorton, Stacy Keach and Oscar Isaac, while franchise veteransAlbert Finney, Joan Allen, David Strathairn and Scott Glennreprise their roles. Rated: PG-13.El director y guionista Tony Gilroy expande el universo deBourne, creado por Robert Ludlum, con una historia original

donde conoceremos a un nuevo héroe (Jeremy Renner), al que no le queda más reme-

dio que jugarse la vida como resultado de las tres películas anteriores. Jeremy Ren-ner encabeza el reparto de “El legado de Bourne”, completado por Rachel Weisz, Ed-ward Norton, Stacy Keach y Oscar Isaac en papeles nuevos, mientras que loshabituales Albert Finney, Joan Allen, David Strathairn y Scott Glenn vuelven a encar-nar a sus conocidos personajes.

The AwakeningSet in London in 1921, Florence Cathcart, author of the pop-ular book "Seeing Through Ghosts," has devoted her careerto exposing claims of the supernatural as nothing buthoaxes. Haunted by the recent death of her fiance, she isapproached by Robert Mallory to investigate the recentdeath of a student at the all-boys boarding school where heteaches. When students at the school report sightings ofthe young boy's ghost, she decides to take on the case. Ini-tially, the mystery surrounding the ghost appears nothingmore than a schoolboy prank, but as Florence continues toinvestigate events at the school, she begins to believe thather reliance on science may not be enough to explain thestrange phenomenon going on around her. Rated: R.“La maldición de Rookford” está ambientada en 1921, en laInglaterra de la posguerra, donde muchos de quienes han

perdido a sus seres queridos buscan consuelo en el espiritismo. Atormentada por lamuerte de su prometido, Florence Cathcart dedica sus energías a desmontar presun-tos fenómenos sobrenaturales sirviéndose de sistemas metódicos y racionales. Cuandole piden que visite Rookford, un internado en la campiña inglesa, para investigar lassupuestas apariciones del fantasma de un niño, ella se siente decidida a aceptar elreto. Ya en Rookford, se pone manos a la obra, poniendo trampas y reuniendo prue-bas científicas. Poco a poco empiezan a desvelarse algunos secretos, y el misterio querodea al fantasma parece no ser más que una broma de niños. Sin embargo, cuandoFlorence está lista para marcharse, tiene un escalofriante encuentro que desafía todaexplicación racional. Uno de los maestros, Robert Mallory, se preocupa por el bienes-tar de Florence después del hecho, ya que se encuentra asustada y confundida. Peroella está dispuesta a llegar al fondo de la cuestión, y decide quedarse allí durante lasvacaciones de Navidad, cuando los niños se van con sus familias.

Opening August 17

The Expendables 2The Expendables are back and this time it’s personal...Bar-ney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), Lee Christmas (Jason Statham),Yin Yang (Jet Li), Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren), Toll Road(Randy Couture) and Hale Caesar (Terry Crews) -- withnewest members Billy the Kid (Liam Hemsworth) and Maggie(Yu Nan) aboard -- are reunited when Mr. Church (BruceWillis) enlists the Expendables to take on a seemingly sim-ple job. The task looks like an easy paycheck for Barney andhis band of old-school mercenaries. But when things gowrong and one of their own is viciously killed, the Expend-ables are compelled to seek revenge in hostile territorywhere the odds are stacked against them. Hell-bent on pay-back, the crew cuts a swath of destruction through oppos-

ing forces, wreaking havoc and shutting down an unexpected threat in the nick oftime — six pounds of weapons-grade plutonium; enough to change the balance ofpower in the world. But that's nothing compared to the justice they serve against thevillainous adversary who savagely murdered their brother. Rated: PG-13.Tras la muerte de Tool (Mickey Rourke), sus compañeros juran vengar su muerte.Pero todo se complica cuando la hija de Tool, la guapa Fiona, es capturada por un de-spiadado dictador. Un grupo de combatientes liderado por Barney (Sylvester Stallone)tratará de salvar a Fiona a la vez que intentará salvar a la humanidad de ese tirano.Tras el éxito de “Los mercenarios”, los grandes actores de acción vuelven a reunirseen “Los mercenarios 2″.

SparkleMusical prodigy, Sparkle (Jordin Sparks) struggles to becomea star while overcoming issues that are tearing her familyapart. From an affluent Detroit area and daughter to a sin-gle mother (Whitney Houston), she tries to balance a new ro-mance with music manager, Stix (Derek Luke) while dealingwith the unexpected challenges her new life will bring as sheand her two sisters (Carmen Ejogo and Tika Sumpter) striveto become a dynamic singing group during the Motown-era. La cinta original se basaba en la historia de las Supremes

(por cierto, algo que décadas después también haría“Dreamgirls”). Así, se nos contaba la vida de tres hermanasque comenzaban cantando en el coro de una iglesia y queterminaban formando un exitoso grupo musical (porsupuesto, también se nos describían sus problemas person-ales). En esta nueva versión, Sparks se pondrá en la piel del

personaje que da título a la película, mientras que Houston dará vida a su madre.Epps será Satin, un cómico que se casa con una de las chicas y que la introduce en elmundo de las drogas.

Page 24: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


Opening August 24The ApparitionWhen frightening events start to occur in their home, young couple Kelly (AshleyGreene) and Ben (Sebastian Stan) discover they are being haunted by a presence thatwas accidentally conjured during a university parapsychology experiment. The horrify-ing apparition feeds on their fear and torments them no matter where they try to run.Their last hope is an expert in the supernatural (Tom Felton), but even with his help theymay already be too late to save themselves from this terrifying force...

Rated: PG-13.Cuando empiezan a tener lugar sucesos extraños en su casa, lajoven pareja Kelly (Ashley Greene) y Ben (Sebastian Stan) des-cubre que hay una presencia a la que se llamó por error du-rante un experimento parapsicológico de una universidad. Estahorrible aparición los atormenta a los que tratan de escapar. Suúltima esperanza es un experto de lo sobrenatural (Tom Felton),pero incluso con su ayuda puede que sea demasiado tarde parasalvarlos de una terrible fuerza.

Premium RushDodging speeding cars, crazed cabbies and eight

million cranky pedestriansis all in a day’s work for Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), the best of New York's agile and aggressivebicycle messengers. It takes a special breed to ridethe fixie – super lightweight, single-gear bikes withno brakes and riders who are equal part skilled cy-clists and nutcases who risk becoming a smear onthe pavement every time they head into traffic. Buta guy who’s used to putting his life on the line isabout to get more than even he is used to whenhis last envelope of the day – a routine "premiumrush" run – turns into a life or death chase throughthe streets of Manhattan. Rated: PG-13.Un mensajero en bicicleta de la ciudad de Nueva

York, que recoge un sobre en la Universidad de Columbia, es perseguidopor un policía corrupto que está desesperado por poner sus manos en lacarta.

Opening August 29Lawless

Follows the true story of the infamous BondurantBrothers: bootlegging siblings who made a run forthe American Dream in Prohibition-era Virginia. Inthis epic gangster tale, inspired by true-life tales ofauthor Matt Bondurant’s family in his novel "TheWettest County In The World," the loyalty of threebrothers is put to the test against the backdrop ofthe nation’s most notorious crime wave. Rated: R.1931. En el corazón de la América de la prohibi-ción, en el condado de Franklin, en Virginia, estadofamoso por su producción de alcohol de contra-bando, los tres hermanos Bondurant son trafi-cantes célebres: Jack, el más joven, ambicioso eimpulsivo, desea transformar el pequeño negocio

familiar en un tráfico a gran escala. Sueña con hermosos trajes, armas yespera impresionar a la sublime Bertha. Forrest, el mayor, actúa como jefey está decidido a proteger a su familia de las nuevas reglas que impone unnuevo mundo económico. Cuando Maggie desembarca huyendo de Chicago,la recoge también bajo su protección. Solos contra una policía corrupta,una justicia arbitraria y los gángsters rivales, los tres hermanos escribensu leyenda: una lucha por continuar por su propia senda, durante laprimera gran ola de criminalidad del país.

Opening August 31

The Good DoctorA physician heads down a dangerous road when hesets aside his ethics in this thriller from directorLance Daly. Martin Blake (Orlando Bloom) is aBritish medical student who has come to the UnitedStates to begin a residency at a hospital in South-ern California. He is handsome and charming, butbeneath the surface he's an arrogant man wholongs to wield power over others. Blake doesn'tfare well with his first few patients, and is on shakyground with his superiors when he begins treatingDiane (Riley Keough), a beautiful teenager with akidney infection. Diane is clearly taken with Blake'sgood looks and they enjoy one another's company, while his superiors areimpressed with his care for her. But Blake doesn't want Diane released tooquickly, and he begins adjusting her medication so that her infection willtake longer to clear up. Jimmy (Michael Peña), an orderly, notices what Blakeis doing, and threatens to expose him unless he gets what he wants -- asteady supply of pharmaceuticals. Rated: PG-23.Trata sobre un doctor frustrado y ninguneado por sus propios compañeroscuyo único reconocimiento le llega por parte de una paciente de 18 añosque tiene una infección de riñón, y a la que intentará retener el máximo detiempo posible en el hospital en el que trabaja con cualquier artimaña posi-ble.

Page 25: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


Top 7 Benefits of Kickboxing WorkoutsIf you're stuck in a workout rut or looking for a motivating fitness routine, you mightconsider adding a high-energy kickboxing workout to the schedule. Kickboxing work-outs combine martial arts techniques with heart-pumping cardio, which means you canget a total body workout and whip yourself into shape in no time.

Whether you're a fitness newbie or long-time gym aficionado, undertaking a kickboxingworkout at least once per week can help you feel re-energized and out of a rut. Here areseven more benefits of kickboxing workouts:

Kickboxing Benefit #1: Reduce StressYou can kick and punch your way to a stress-free zone within minutes of your high-energykickbox- ing routine. The movements inkick- boxing challenge sev-

eral core musclegroups and will giveyou a total bodyworkout, fast.

Kickboxing Benefit#2: Boost Confi-dence Levels

According to Dr. Rose Windale of, kickboxing helpsyou release endorphins which will give your mood a boost and helpyou feel more confident. Endorphins will also make you feel hap-pier and more positive for several hours after the workout.

Kickboxing Benefit #3: Improved CoordinationIf you're suffering from posture problems and have poor coordina-tion, you can strengthen your 'core' and improve your reflexes andcoordination skills. The speedy punches and kicks in the kickbox-ing routine will give you a chance to focus your energy to executeeach movement successfully.

Kickboxing Benefit #4: Burn Mega CaloriesMuscle and Fitness Magazine reports that fitness kickboxing canburn over 800 calories per hour, and you'll be toning up your en-tire body as you rev up your metabolism. It's a high-power cardioroutine that's great for weight loss and getting you in shape, fast.(Source:

Kickboxing Benefit #5: Ideal Cross-Training WorkoutIf you've been pounding on the treadmill for several weeks andneed a break from your usual cardio routine, kickboxing is the per-fect cross-training workout. You can add some weights by wearingwrist weights or ankle weights, or just putting on a pair of light-weight boxing gloves for extra resistance. Just one or two routinesa week can help you break out of a fitness rut, fast.

Kickboxing Benefit #6: Energy BoostKickboxing is a high-energy cardio routine that will give your bodyand mind a boost, and will increase your energy levels. You'll bebreathing hard and sweating out toxins; this process will give yourenergy levels a much-needed boost.

Kickboxing Benefit #7: Better PostureIf you're hunched over a computer all day, kickboxing workoutswill challenge many muscle groups that don't get enough attentionthroughout the day, and you'll start to build up your core. Coremuscles in around your abdominal wall are targeted with kickbox-ing routines because you need to use your waist and abs for bal-ance, and to execute each carefully coordinated move.

Kickboxing workouts offer several benefits for your body andmind, and are a great choice for getting out of a fitness rut.Whether you're a fitness fanatic or just getting started with a work-out routine, kickboxing can help you reach your fitness goals.

Si está atrapado en una rutina de entrenamiento o en busca deuna rutina de ejercicios motivadora, usted podría considerar laadición de un entrenamiento de alta energía kickboxing. En Kick-boxing se combinan técnicas de artes marciales con cardio, lo quesignifica que usted puede conseguir un entrenamiento de cuerpoentero y puedes estar en forma en poco tiempo.Si apenas empiezas a hacer ejercicio o eres una persona que siem-pre ha hecho ejercicio, llevar a cabo un entrenamiento de kickbox-ing al menos una vez por semana puede ayudar a sentirserevitalizado y fuera de la rutina. Aquí mencionamos siete entre-namientos más beneficiosos del kickboxing:

Kickboxing Beneficio #1: Reduce el EstrésKickboxing Beneficio #2: Aumenta los niveles de confianzaKickboxing Beneficio #3: Mejora la coordinaciónKickboxing Beneficio #4: Quema muchas caloríasKickboxing Beneficio #5: Sesión de entrenamientoKickboxing Beneficio #6: Te da mucha energíaKickboxing Beneficio #7: Mejor Postura





See club for details

*Both Family Fitness & Endurance Fitness offer a 24/7 Travel Card. *See club for details.


Wyoming Mall1228 28th St

(28th and Michael, Nest to Dollar Tree)


Plainfield/Grand Rapids3325 Plainfield Ave(Former Powerhouse Gym)


Family Fitness/Fitzone* � � � � � � �$900

East Hills Athletic � � � � � ? �$50+

YMCA � � � � � � �$50+

Snap Fitness � � � � � � �$30+

Anytime Fitness � � � � � � �$30+

Endurance Fitness � � � � � ? �$50+

Fitness 19 � � � � � ? �$10+














Page 26: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


SUNDAY – AUGUST 05, 201210:00 am Misa en Español / Spanish Mass

El Son de México / Padre Steve Cron 11:30 am Gabriel Estrada III / Mariachi Singer12:00 pm Danza Indio Peregrino12:30 pm Jorge Hernández / Mariachi Singer

1:00 pm El Ballet Folklórico del Grupo TarascoOf The Cook Art Center

2:00 pm Ballet FolklóricoSan Francisco Xavier de Adultos

2:45pm Trovadores Del Norte3:45 pm Danza Guatemalteca de San José Obrero 4:30 pm Soccer Trophies / Coronación a la Reyna /

Queen 5:00 pm Los Tribaleroz6:00 pm Rifa/Raffle $1,000.00 6:15 pm Guanajuato Musical 7:00 pm Gracias a Todas!

Thank You for Coming!

SATURDAY - AUGUST 04, 201210:30 am Bendición & Rosario - Padre Steven Cron

Blessing & Rosary - Father Steve Cron Deacon Carlos Gutierrez

11:30am Danza Indio Peregrino12:00 pm DJ: Revelación Antillana

2:00 pm DJ: Revelación Antillana 3:00 pm DJ: Revelación Antillana4:00 pm Grupo Seyer Musical5:00 pm Conjunto Altanero6:00 pm San Francisco Xavier Grupo de Niños

Ballet Folklorico 7:00 pm Símbolo Sin Fronteras8:00 pm Grupo Sijense 9:00pm Gracias a Todos! Hasta Mañana!!

Thank You for Coming!


Page 27: Lavoz August 2012 - issue




large zucchni grated, excess water removed (Note: To do this, after yougrate the zucchini, put the grated zucchini into paper towels andsqueeze to release the water)1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese1 cup panko bread crumbssprinkle of ground nutmeg, about 1/8 teaspoon (Note: If you add toomuch it can quickly take over the taste, less is more)1/4 teaspoon paprika1 clove garlic, minced1 eggsalt and pepper to taste1-2 tablespoons olive oil

1. Combine all ingredients, except olive oil, in a bowl and mix thor-oughly. Using a heaping tablespoon form the mixture into 8 patties.

2. Heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Once heated, add pattiesand cook until golden brown. About 3-4 minutes per side. Serve.

These are great when served with a dollop of ranch dressing. Enjoy!


La calabacita es uno de los alimentos menoscalóricos de la cesta de la compra por lo quesu inclusión en los regímenes de adelgaza-miento resulta muy recomendable.

Si bien es ciertoque las vaca-ciones están he-chas pararelajarse y‘rendirse’ anteesos caprichosgastronómicosque el resto delaño no solemospermitirnos, estono significa quedebamos des-cuidar totalmentenuestra ali-mentación convir-tiéndola en un‘festival’ de hela-dos, fritos o co-midasexcesivamentecalóricas a todashoras. Por ello, esimportante noperder de vistaaquellos produc-tos que, dado subajo contenidograso, ayudan aequilibrar unpoco la balanza...Es el caso del cal-abacín, queademás deposeer un altovalor nutritivo (1,2 gramos de pro-teínas, 0,1gramos de grasay vitaminas A, B1,B2, y C) aportatan sólo 14calorías por cada100 gramos deproducto.

Además, su bajocontenido enhidratos de carbono lo convierte en un alimentoideal para las personas diabéticas, y su escasacantidad de sodio lo hace muy útil en la dieta delos hipertensos. También, su contenido en fibravegetal y la presencia de semillas en su pulpa fa-vorecen y mejoran el tránsito intestinal.

En cuanto a su forma de consumo, los amantesde esta verdura cuentan con infinidad desabrosas posibilidades a la hora de cocinarlos. Ala plancha con unas gotas de aceite y un pocode sal resultarán no sólo deliciosos sino perfec-

tos para cuidar la línea, pero tambiénpodrá prepararlos rebozados, empana-dos, fritos, rellenos, como guarniciónpara carnes o pescados, etc.


- A la hora de elegirlos se ha de escogerlos que tengan una piel de un bonitocolor verde, bien brillante y sin man-chas. Es preferible no comprarlos de untamaño demasiado grande y su pedún-culo ha de estar bien firme.

- De modo general conviene pelarlos,pero si es fresco y muy tierno, no hacefalta pelarlo, de esta manera estaránmás sabrosos.

- Si los va arellenarcórtelos alo largo, va-ciando lasmitadescon ayudade unacucharita.

- Para coci-narlos sepuedenhacer direc-tamente enalgo de ma-teria grasao cocerlosun par deminutosantes enaguahirviendosalada yluegoprepararlosde la formapensada(horno, re-

vuelto, etc.).

- Cuando quiera queresulte un plato másdecorativo, limítesea pelarlos unabanda sí y otra no.

Zucchini, a small summer squash, isbotanically a fruit but on gastro-

nomic terms, it is treated as a veg-etable. Most of you have savored thetaste of Zucchini squash, available inthe markets round the year. I know…you must be licking your tongue re-membering its sweet, tangy flavor.

Besides its good taste, have you evergiven a thought to the nutritionalvalue of this cucumber-like fruit?Don’t worry, since this cylindrical-shaped fruit has many nutritionalbenefits. In fact, one medium-sized

zucchini has just 25 calories, makingit an ideal stomach-filler. You can

avail zucchini throughout the year,but the best ones appear during latespring. Read further to know about

the nutritional value and health bene-fits of zucchini.

Health Benefits of Zucchini * Zucchini helps to cure asthma as itcontains Vitamin C, which is a power-ful antioxidant, and has anti-inflam-

matory properties.* Zucchini helps to prevent diseases,like scurvy, bruising etc, caused by

the deficiency of Vitamin C.* Eating zucchini helps to support the

arrangement of capillaries.* Regular intake of zucchini effec-

tively lowers high homocysteine levelsand also prevents the risk of having

multiple sclerosis (MS).* Zucchinis have high water content

(over 95%), so they make perfect foodfor people on diet.

* Zucchini contains useful amounts offolate, potassium, and vitamin A,

necessary for a human body.* Zucchini contains Vitamin C andlutein, both of which are good for


Tacos & Burritos(authentic mexican flavor)Platters(served with beans, rice, salad and tortillas)

Choose from:steak, chicken, pork, beef cheek, sirloin tips,shredded beef, seasoned ground beef

Tortas(mexican bread sandwich)Tostadas(flat corn shell w/toppings)Salads(beef or chicken)

Vegetarian Foods

(quesadillas, veggy taco,veggy burrito, avocado,

salad, avocado torta)

fajitas de res, pollo, puerco en salsa roja,

puerco en salsa verde,barbacoa,

guisado de res, deshebrada de res,

picadillo de res

Page 28: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


Page 29: Lavoz August 2012 - issue


CLASSIFIEDSCLASSIFIEDSSALES- The CommunityVoice/La Voz, West Michi-gan's leading bilingual pub-lication, is hiring sales stafffor the following areas.Kalamazoo, Holland,Grand Rapids, Muskegon,Lansing, Detroit, SouthHaven, and surroundingareas. Experience pre-ferred but will train the rightperson. Must have greatpeople skills and willing-ness to earn an endlessamount of income. Musthave transportation andmust also be knowledge-able of both English andSpanish. Send resume toAttn: Dr. José A. Flores1066 Grandville Ave SW,Grand Rapids, Mi. 49503 oremail resume to [email protected] for an in-terview

VENTAS- The CommunityVoice La Voz busca vende-dores con experiencia parapromover un periódico decalidad al igual que parahacer dinero. Vendedorespotenciales deben dominarel español e inglés, tenerbuena presentación, en-ergéticos, y poseer una ac-titud positiva. Personasinteresadas enviar su cur-ricula a:The Community Voice La

Voz Attn:Dr. José A. Flores

1066 Grandville Ave., SWGrand Rapids, MI 49503

DISTRIBUTION-The Com-munity Voice / La Voz ishiring a reliable distributorfor the Holland and GrandRapids area. Experiencepreferred but will train theright person. Interestedcandidates should have avalid drivers license andown transportation. Thisperson will work approx.30hrs/ month to start with apossibility of 15-20hrs+/week. Please sendresume to Attn: Dr. José A.Flores 1066 Grandville AveSW, Grand Rapids, Mi.49503 or email resume [email protected], orcall 616-243-9090 for anyquestions.

FAMILY EDUCATION - PRO-GRAM SPECIALIST CMH12-025- Kalamazoo CommunityMental Health and SubstanceAbuse Services is seeking a di-versity minded Family Education -Program Specialist. The success-ful candidate will have the abilityto develop, coordinate, and pro-vide formal training activities forfamilies served. The Family Edu-cation - Program Specialist willwork 30 hours per week providingfamily education to include a con-tinuous cycle of development, im-plementation, facilitation,improvement, and measurementof educational programs and in-formational resources offered tofamilies of adults with a mental ill-ness.A High School diploma or GEDwith 3 or more years experience inmental healthcare is required. ABachelor's Degree in HumanServices is preferred. Candidatesmust have a family member witha serious and persistent mental ill-ness. Individuals of diverse racial,ethnic, and cultural backgroundsalong with bilingual candidatesare encouraged to apply. Pleasevisit our website at to apply.

M A R K E T I N G / C U S TO M E RSERVICE CLERICAL AID PARTTIME- MAX TRANSIT- The tran-sit system for the greater Hol-land/Zeeland area has animmediate opening for a part timeMarketing/Customer Service Cler-ical Aide. Seeking professional,personable, self-starter with clearcommunication and strong inter-personal skills to assist walk-inand phone customers. Bi-lingualskills a real plus! Duties includetaking phone reservations and en-tering trips into the software pro-gram, selling bus passes, meetingand special events planning,recording monthly Board meetingminutes, data entry, correspon-dence and mailings, filing, dailyrevenue reports, and other clericaltasks as needed. Set hours areweekdays 3-7 p.m. and occa-sional Saturdays. Competitive $9-12/hr. wage, friendly workenvironment and opportunities fortraining and advancement. Mini-mum HS diploma, 3 years admin-istrative/clerical or customerservice experience in an office set-ting, and a stable work history.Must be able to pass a back-ground check, drug screen, and

medical exam. Apply online or print out the website ap-plication and return to: MAXTransit Padnos Center, 171 Lin-coln Ave. Ste. 20, Holland, MI49424. No phone calls will be ac-cepted.

SECRETARY- St. Luke’s LutheranChurch seeks a detail-oriented, or-ganized, collaborative, individualwith typing and computer skillswho can prepare and proof wor-ship bulletins and other publica-tions, manage accounts payable,handle phone calls and walk-ins,and provide clerical support forministry staff. This is a part time,hourly position (25-30 hours/wk)with paid vacation and flexiblehours. Good communication andcomputer skills are required. Ex-perience with MS Office, database systems, and web sites isdesirable. For more informationcontact Pastor Frank Rothfuss ator send a resume to [email protected]

PAYROLL TAX AND PROCESSACCOUNTANT Responsible forall payroll tax related reconcilia-tions and filings to federal, multi-state and local entities. Providesproject management and supervi-sion support to payroll team.Bachelors Degree in Accountingor closely related field plus a min-imum of four years of payroll re-lated experience required. HigherEducation experience and a CPPor FPC certification is preferred.GRAND VALLEY STATE UNI-VERSITY For a full description ofthe position please visit our web-site at Pleaseapply online at

ACCOUNTANT: Non-profitagency seeks full time, detail ori-ented accountant. Accounting de-gree, experience in non-profitaccounting, Great Plains Dynam-ics & FRx software, income/ex-pense allocations, accountsreceivable/payable, generalledger, cash management, finan-cial statement preparation. Start-ing at $36,000 per year. Sendresume to Senior Neighbors, 820Monroe NW, Suite 460, GrandRapids, MI 49503 or email [email protected] . Nophone calls.

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR - Weare a building material supplier

serving the commercial construc-tion industry. We have grown rap-idly by offering our customers theoutstanding service and expertise.We are seeking an individual whoshares our passion to work as anOffice Administrator. Job respon-sibilities include: * Billing includingAIA Billing * Managing AccountsReceivable and Payables * Pay-roll * Tax Reporting * Product Sub-mittals & Close-outs * Insurance *Financial reporting Experiencewith Quickbooks and the Con-struction billing/submittal processis essential.Apply at [email protected]

BOOKKEEPER - VredevoogdHeating & Cooling Inc. seeks full-time detail-oriented Bookkeeper.Job details: heavy payroll and ac-counts receivable, accountspayable, income/expense alloca-tions, and journal entries. Min. 2yrs exper. required. Please call forinterview, 616-534-8329.

OFFICE MANAGER - HansenCollision is in need of a part-timeoffice manager for our GrandRapids South location(76th/US131). This individual is re-sponsible for invoicing, corre-sponding with customers,insurance agents and vendors, aswell as other general office duties.The qualified candidate must haveexcellent customer service andcomputer skills. Approximately 30hours per week, schedule issomewhat flexible. Please faxyour resume to (616) 608-8322,apply on-line or emailit to [email protected]

DENTAL OFFICE MANAGER-Progressive Spa like Dental Officeseeks Professional Office Man-ager. Dental software, dental in-surance processing, dentalterminology experience required.Mature, jovial, articulate, people-oriented, high-multi tasking, busi-ness minded, attributes are amust. Base wages ($12-$18)based on experience plus profitsharing, bonuses, paid vacations,paid work clothes,and more. Emailcover letter, resume and letters ofrecommendations in MicrosoftWord document or PDF form onlyto: [email protected].

ACCOUNTANT: Non-profitagency seeks full time, detail ori-

ented accountant. Accounting de-gree, experience in non-profit ac-counting, Great Plains Dynamics& FRx software, income/expenseallocations, accounts receiv-able/payable, general ledger, cashmanagement, financial statementpreparation. Starting at $36,000per year. Send resume to SeniorNeighbors, 820 Monroe NW, Suite460, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 oremail [email protected] . No phone calls.

SALES SUPPORT - Full time at alocal manufacturer. Entails clericalduties & order processing. Candi-date must be personable & salesexp. & mechanical inclination aplus! Send resume to:[email protected]

RECEPTIONIST / ASSISTANTFull time. Professional office set-ting with established financial ad-visor. Personable, self motivatedindividual in small financial plan-ning office. Mail resume to: Pre-mier Financial Consultants Inc.,2025 East Beltline SE, Ste 203,Grand Rapids, MI 49546.

PARALEGAL/ LEGAL ASSIS-TANT- Downtown law firm seeksto hire a full-time Paralegal/LegalAssistant specializing in Litigation.Successful candidates will be mo-tivated, very organized, have ex-cellent telephone and computerskills, litigation support software isrequired, have leadership quali-ties, and have a minimum of fiveyears of paralegal/legal assistantexperience. Competitive salaryand benefits. Please forward re-sume, cover letter and salary re-quirements to Ms. Shawn Hagan,Rhoades McKee, 161 Ottawa AveNW, Suite 600 Grand Rapids, MI49503 or fax to (616) 459-5102.Visit our web site at or e-mail resume [email protected]

OFFICE ASSISTANT Full-Time/IMMEDIATE OPENING As-sistant needed in a fast pacedoffice setting. Experience in Mi-crosoft Word, Excel, and somePowerPoint. Knowledge of Quick-books helpful but not required.Data Entry, Charting, Phones, Fil-ing, Invoicing and various other of-fice duties.Email resume to: [email protected] or Mail to: Hangers PLUSAttn: Amy 411 64th Avenue Coop-ersville, MI 49404


The CommunityVoice/La Voz Magazinenow offers you accessthrough video postedads on our dynamicwebsite!

Please Thewebsite is at its promostage so you may seeyour ad or video on thewebsite.

We are happy to an-nounce the addition ofvideo posts advertisingand news at our newlyenhanced website. Youmay post banners andvideo post ads. You canalso video i-reports tourls such thenprovide us the link forposting to our website.Community News andEvents can then be an-nounced to our websiteviewers. Companies de-siring to advertise mayhave a video alreadywhich can also beposted to our website.Please contact me fordetails. We are excitedby the new technologyemployed here andhope that you like it aswell.

Website AdvertisingBanners $200 per mo.$300 for 3 mos.Video post $250 permo. $500 for 3 mos.

LaVoz Magazine Advertising

If you are interested inAdvertising in our issuethe deadline is August24 at 5pm.

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Page 30: Lavoz August 2012 - issue

RECEPTIONIST - VeterinaryHospital seeking part time recep-tionist. Looking for someone thatis self motivated, has exceptionalpeople and commnuication skills,enjoys animals and like chal-lenges. we are willing to train.Please fax resume to 810-653-8976.

LABORERES - Building Restora-tion & Waterproofing: One of thenation's largest concrete contrac-tors is seeking laborers with ex-perience in concrete and masonryrestoration. Skills should includethe ability to demo and patch con-crete, remove and replace brickand re-point mortar joints. We areadditionally seeking entry levelcandidates with minimal caulkingand waterproofing experience aswell as a good work ethic and thewillingness to learn a new trade.Apply at Kent Companies, 13060th SW, Grand Rapids MI 49548or email your resume to [email protected] . Nophone calls please.

SEASONAL LABORER Parks,Recreation & Public Services TheCity of Portage is seeking a Sea-sonal Laborer in the Streets Divi-sion. Position supports streetmaintenance, concrete sidewalkand curb repairs, asphalt patch-ing, minor landscaping and otherstreet maintenance. Must be reli-able, able to lift and maneuver50+ lbs. and work outside in ad-verse weather conditions. Sea-sonal position, generally 40 hoursa week, Mon-Fri., August to De-cember 2012. Must be at least 18yrs. of age with valid Michigandriver license and good drivingrecord. $8.25 /hr. (no benefits). In-terested candidates submit appli-cation to City of Portage,Department of Employee Devel-opment, 7900 S. WestnedgeAve., Portage, MI 49002 or applyonline at

FENCE,DECK AND RAILING IN-STALLER- Fast Growing Fence,Deck and Railing installer lookingfor a self motivated, Crewleader/forman. Must have a cleandriving record. Have some build-ing experience.Experience indeck building a plus. Very com-petetive wages with benefits.Call 616-662-0930

WELDER - Due to continuedgrowth we have an immediateopening in our Welding Fabrica-tion Department. Requirements:Minimum of 2 years, Mig, Tig, and

fabrication experience. Must beable to interpret non specifieddrawings for weldments. Able toread prints, perform layout,drilling, tapping, and paint prep offinished product. Must have owntools, and helmet. Weldingdemonstration, by applicant, re-quired at our request.We offer acompetitive wage and benefitpackage including some Com-pany paid health benefits, and401(k).Qualified applicants should sendor fax a resume to: Human Re-sources Department 2694 PrairieSW Wyoming, MI 49519 FAX:(616) 531-0506 or email [email protected] and referenceJob Code W29.

WELDER - In this position atOliver Packaging & Equipment,the candidate will have a solidmanufacturing background. Mustbe able to interpret blueprints orspecification sheets to determinemethods of fabricating, assem-bling and installing sheet metalproducts. High school diploma orequivalent and three years' expe-rience with Mig, Tig, Roboticand/or resistance welding experi-ence is required. Our competitivesalary and benefits package in-cludes medical, dental, vision,401k with company match, bonusplan, life insurance, paid companyholidays/vacations and tuition re-imbursement. Please e-mail a re-sume and cover letter [email protected] or fax to616-254-8463.

INSTALLERS NEEDED- Win-dows and Roofing Top Pay YearRound Work (616) 477-9335.

PLUMBERS - Must have min. 1yrs. Comm. exper. Have Handtools. Call 616-633-5180. GrandRapids, Mi.

PLUMBERS HELPER - experi-ence preferred. Send resume toPO Box 179, Byron Center, MI49315 .

HEAVY PLATE FABRICATOR -with blue print knowledge. In-cludes medical and dental. Paidholidays, vacations, 401k. Fax re-sume to 989-753-8409. Saginaw,Mi.

COMMERCIAL FLAT ROOFING- No experience necessary. Com-petitive pay and benefits. Apply at2286 Port Sheldon Ct, Jenison.8:30am-3:30pm. Grand Rapids,Mi.

CONSTRUCTION - Immediateopenings for Carpenters, Con-crete and General Laborers. Call616-942-8933.

ELECTRICIANS - Journey-men/Apprentice with commercialand industrial experience. Call616-942-8933. Grand Rapis, Mi.

JANITOR - Clio Mi, Clio AreaSchools is currently accepting ap-plications for substitute janitorialwith the chance for advancement.Rate of pay begins at minimumwage. Applicants must submit toa criminal background check. Ap-plications can be picked up at ourPlant Operations Office, 2242 W.Vienna Road, Clio, MI 48420.Phone (810)591-8170.

JANITORIAL - Saginaw, Mi. Re-tail Cleaning Crew & SupervisorCrew, part-time & full-time, 3rdshift. Basic cleaning duties atSaginaw location. Supervisor, full-time, 3rd shift, hands-on cleaningand supervision. At least 2 yrs re-tail janitorial experience requiredfor supervisor position. Call 800-537-1376 ext. 6048 & leave avoicemail.

MAINTENANCE - Electrical, hy-draulic, welding exp. required.Job is located in Hamilton, MI atPost Hardwoods, Inc. Excellentpay & benefits to include 401k,paid time off, health insurance.Email resume to [email protected] or send to3544 38th St. Hamilton, MI49419.

CARPENTERS - Skilled roughand finish carpenters with fiveplus years carpentry experience.Some overnight travel required.Competitive wage and benefitpackage with travel allowances.Apply in person: Wolgast Corpo-ration, 4835 Towne Centre Road,Suite 203, Saginaw, MI 48604 oremail resume to:[email protected] Only qualifiedapplicants need apply. Wolgast isan employee-owned company.

CAREER OPPORTUNITIESHOLLAND Diesel Mechanics -1st and 2nd shift Utility OperatorDriver - 2nd shift (CDL-A) LoaderOperator - 3rd shift FabricatorGRAND RAPIDS Lube Tech - 2ndshift Millwrights 2nd shiftWYOMING Hi-Lo Operators - 1stand 2nd shift Diesel Mechanic Ad-ministrative Services Represen-tative Plastic Sales Account

Executive MUSKEGON Yard As-sociate (Heavy Equipment)CADILLAC Yard Manager Applyonline at LPPADNOS 185 West Eighth St.Holland, MI 49422 Join the Greenmovement and Grow your Careerwith Padnos.

HEAD START FOR KENTCOUNTY EMPLOYMENT OP-PORTUNITIES BUS DRIVERSProvides transportation to childand families while ensuring com-pliance with Head Start Perform-ance Standards. Arranges forparent volunteers to ride as busaides and transports them to andfrom the Head Start site. Musthave an Commercial Drivers Li-cense(CDL) with Passenger (P)and School Bus (S) endorse-ments. Full Time/9 Month posi-tion. 35 hrs/wk (M-Th). Pay Ratefor this position is: $12.00/hr.Great benefit package includedafter 90 days of employment. TOAPPLY: Contact Human Re-sources Administrator 2626Walker Ave NW Walker, MI, 49544 (email) [email protected] (fax) 616-735-3279.

DRIVERS- Make the most of yourtime ON & OFF THE ROAD withNTB's steady home time and toppay NTB is now hiring in its ShortHaul regional division! 5 days outw/ 48 hours off Must have CDL-Awith HazMat To learn more comesee our recruiter Date: ThursdayJuly 26 Times: 10:00 & 1:00 &3:00 & 5:00 Directions: We are 11/2 miles west of 131 at the cor-ner of Piedmont and 84th Street.NTB, Inc. 1240 84th Street SWByron Center, MI Recent CDLSchool Grads Welcome! If youcan't attend, please call 800-446-0682 or visit

DRIVER - Grand Rapids Trans-port, a medium sized companywith great equipment, open dis-patch and family atmosphere isbusy and hiring OTR drivers for allforty eight states. CDL Class Aand 1 year over the road experi-ence required. Call 1-800-333-3694.

WAREHOUSE/DRIVER - Heat-ing & Air Conditioning distributorlooking for a dependable, hardworking person to help serviceour growing customer base.Some heavy lifting required.Please send resume to [email protected]



SALES CLERK/CASHIER - Small Grocery/Conve-nience Store on Grand Rapids' Southwest Corridorseeks responsible, mature, friendly, honest, moti-vated and dependable worker for night shift andweekends to work as sales clerk/cashier. Highschool diploma or G.E.D. with good math skillsneeded. Must be drug free. No criminal recordand no attitude! No smokers please! Must be atleast 18 years of age and U.S. Citizen or Legal Res-ident with worker authorization.Bilingual in English and Spanish is extremely de-sirable but will consider non bilingual applicants.Position includes some light stocking of products,cleaning of work area, pricing of goods, andcashiering. Not exhaustive work. Safe environmentwith high security glass and cameras. Interested persons should send resume and refer-ences by email to: [email protected] or applyin person at 1066 Grandville Ave. S.W., GrandRapids. Applications for the jobs do not guaranteean interview will be granted. Positions are full timenight shift and weekend shift. Will consider parttime weekends workers also.

Location: La Familia Stop n Shop

Compensation: $7.50 per hourSend emails to:

[email protected]


Featuring stories about people places and things inWest Michigan. Pho-tojournalist DanSalas two time emmyaward winner is backon the road withcamera in hand insearch of storiesabout West Michi-gan.Do you have astory? contact:[email protected] 616-887-3659 Studio Line.

See Dolores Huerta Dedication video at


Cherry Street Health Services is seek-ing qualified, bilingual Spanish appli-cants. Assist physician, nurse, orclinical coordinator:  Take patient vitalsigns, provide care and treatment forpatients, sterilize and clean equip-ment, and assist with exams and othermedical procedures.Must be Bilingual in Spanish.

Send resumes [email protected]

or fax to 866-700-3044

Page 31: Lavoz August 2012 - issue