Mostra Pret Polyflower Uruguay

download Mostra Pret Polyflower Uruguay

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Mostra Pret Polyflower Uruguay

Transcript of Mostra Pret Polyflower Uruguay

  • Honeys.a.r.1

    Artikel Type Bltenhonig! UruguavVertragspartner Contract Partner Honey Sari I LuxemburgLotnummer Lot nr L-2014-01-12-1A

    Tara TaraNetto Net 21280,00Homogenisiert Homogonized XAnzahl Chargen How many lots you homogonized for one FClMenoe ie Charoe How quantity in which homog.lotAnzahl Fsser DrumsFasstyp Type of drumneu newloebraucht oldGewicht pro Fass Quanlity in one drum Ikg

    Lager Warehouse Spedition ElsenWittlich

    Analvsen AnalvsesFarbe Color 64mmF/G FG 1,2HMF HMF 3,6Wasser Water 16,50%GMO GVO nnGeruch smell. Aroma trachttypischPoile Poile 68 % EucaliptusPA PA 44,1Streptomycin Streptomycin nnSulfonamide Sulfonamide nnCAP CAP nnTetracycline Tetracycline nnNitrofurane Nitrofurane nnMetronidazol Metronidazol nn

    Honey $.O.r.l.16.Esplanade da Ia Mose~el-6637 WasserbilligPhone: +352-26740333Fax: +352-26740334

    Internet: www,honeyJuE-Mail: [email protected]()Il-ko-KonlrollstelleR,C, luxembourg B 138078

    NA 2008 24 14763LU 22518717DE 261587094


    VB Hochwold-SoarblXg eGBlZ:585 647 88Kto,-Nr.: 2700983IBAN: DE87585647880C02700:183sie: GENO DEDl HWM

    Autorlsotlon d'Etablissement: sie: BGlLLULLNo, 119531

  • Quality Services International GmbH

    Pub1icly Certified Expert for Trade Chemistry by the Chamber ofCommerce BremenExpert on Official Counter SampIes by the State of Bremen

    ~((DA~ _..,_,.,_-,._~,...

    QSI GmbH. flullhaf~ndmnn1 9a - D-28199 Bremen

    Honey 16, Esplanade c'61a,.Moselie

    l-6637 WassE.rbil!~gS./_I., ,." ....... ~2-2f 74q333~ Fax: ++31 2-2~ 740'334_. contact@ onJ1l.du

    Prinled: 27-1an-2014209/1Date: 27-Jan-2014

    Order: f..-lOl'{- 0(-12 - ~ADate: 24-Jan-20 14Product: HonigIHoneyKind: UlUguayLabel: Lot: lA

    SampieNo.: L-:lOI4 -01- 11-1,4Sampie Date: 24-Jan-2014Packaging: Plastik 200 mlSeal: ohnelwithout

    Temp.: RT

    The test results are exclusively related to the items tested for this sampie. Method and measurementuncenainty details are available upon request. This report is allowed to be capied completely andunchanged but not in extracts. Test period: order date till date ofthis report

    Chernical~physical analysis (161)Tradeanalysis, Moisture, HMF, Diastase, pH, Acidity, Honey~Directive

    (Me.hod) [Uni.] Rcsult

    Watercontent (DIN 10752) [%]HMF (Hydroxymetbylfurfural) 64 LFGB L 40.00-1011 mod. [mglkg]Diastaseactivity (DIN 10750 mod.) SchadepHvalue (DrN 10756)Acidity* (DiN 10756)Accordance with EC Honey Directive


    [meq/kg]: 13,0: Speisehonig/table honey

    n,n, - bclow loq if acidity is < 17 (or < 10 in spceific honey types), proline conlem will be delermined alllom:uically

    The detennined vallIes are in accordance with the requirements orCouncil Directive 2001/110/EC of20.December 200 1 relating to Speisehonig/table honey ,

    Chemical-physical analysis (192)Colour, Hanna colorimeter, Honey

    (Method) [Uni.] Resliit

    COlOUf (Hanna Colorimeter)[mm"Pfund"]* : 64

    Order No.: 347618 Cuslomer No.: 21452 SN: 246750 Page: I of2Quulity Sen'iccs Tel.: +49 421594770 General Terms und SWIFT sie: Amtsgericht Bremen HRS 18842Interna1ional GmbH Fax: +49421 594771 Conditiolls: DRES OE FF 290 Munaging Oin;clor: Gudrun BeekhFlughafendamm 9a e-mail: [email protected] "' JBAN: DE642908 Michael Lambcrt Or. Cord Lillimann28199 Bremen VatNo. DE202142221 46011 26f020 I0, H-M iue 00100222323500 Or. Jothen P. Zoller

  • Quality Services International GmbH

    Publicly Certified Expen fOT Trade Chemistry by the Chamber ofCommerce BremenExpert on Official Counter Sampies by the State ofBremen

    QSI GmbH -l'luKhar~ndHl11m 9a - D-28199 Bremen

    Honey S.a.r.1.16, Esplanade oe la MoselleL-6637 WasserbilligTel. ++352-26740333Fax: [email protected]

    Printed: 31-1ao-20 14209/1Date: 31-.1ao-20 14

    SampIe No.: blOIIl-O (- 1;1.- A A-Date: 30-Jan20 14Product HonigIHoneyKind: UruguayLabel: Lot: JA

    Sampie Date: 24-Jan-2014Packaging: Plastik 200 mlSeal: ohneJwithout

    Temp.: RT

    The test results are cxclusively related to the items tested for this sampIe. Method and measurementuncertainty details are available upon request. This report is aUowed to be copied complelely andunchanged but not in extracts. Test period: order date till date ofthis report

    Chemical~physical analysis (177)F/G~ratio, enzymarric, honey

    [Unit] Result


    [gl IOOgJ[glIOOgJ



    n.n ... below loq (=0, Igli OOg)

    This examination is [he basis for special decision guidance.

    Quality Setvices International GmbHTestmanager: Jfugen Wehlitz -;:-:::~

    ),A ";;~~fr~"J~rgenWehlitz /" I ~.J'~f7:,;5Staatl. gepeiltIerLebe~ .,

    Version 1 (Original)

    OrderNo.: 349149Qualily Sen'icesInternational GmbHFlughafendamm 9a28199 Bremen

    Customer No.: 21452Td.: +49421 594770Fax: +49 421594771e-mail: [email protected]_No DE202142221

    General Terms andCondilions:www.qsi-q3.de4601126102010. HS-Mille

    SN: 248281SWIFT sIe:ORES DE FF 290IIJAN: OE64290800100112323500

    Page: I of 1Amtsgericht Bremen HRB 18842Managing Oireclor: Gudrun cd:hMichael Lambcn - Dr. Cord LOltmannOr. Jochen P. Zolter

  • Quality Services International GmbH

    Publicly Certified Expen for Trade Chemistry by the Chamber ofCommerce BremenExpert on Official Counter Sampies by the Stale of Bremen

    QS! GmbH - Fjll!lhl\f~ndall1m 9a. D-28199 Bremen

    1-1 ....nP'\f ~ a; 6,Esplan-ade oe '':' "'_--L-6637 Wam;el'blk,lTel. ~+352-2674C333Fax: ++352-2674 ",'13'-cc...,tact@h ....n-v.Jr


    Order:Date: 30-Jan-2UI4Product HonigIHoneyKind: UruguayLabel: Lot: IA

    Printed: 4-Feb-2014209/1Date: 04-Feb-2014

    Sam pie No.: l.cJD\ l( - 0 f -IJ -.( A-Sampie Date: 24-Jan-2014 Temp.:RTPackaging: Plastik 200 mlSeal; ohnelwithout

    The test results are exclusively related to the items tested for this sampie. Method and measurementuncertainty details are available upon request. This report is allowed to be copied completely andunchanged but not in extracts. Test period: order date till date ofthis repol1

    Chem.-phy.,mierosc., sensarie analysis (220)Pollenanalysis, D1N 10760, compliance with EC-Honey Direclive

    (Method) [Unit] Result

    Electr. eonductivity(DIN 10753)Predominant pollen 1Prcdominant pollen 2Secondary pollen 1Secondary pollen 2Secondary pollen 3Minor pollen 1Minor pollen 2Minor pollen 3







    0,8468 Eucalyptus spec_keine/none




    08 Anacardiaccae (Sumachgewchse)

    05 Brassicaceae (Kreuzbltler, Crucifers)08 TrifoliumJMeliloUIS (Kleearten, Clover-Types)

    Identified pollentypesSa!i~ !p. (Weiden, Willow): rdssiea nupus (Raps, Rap.:); Trifolium repcn~ (Weiklee. While Clm'er): LOluS sp. (Hornklee. Trefoil) .r.;

    Echium (Nollernkopf. Buglos~) O,r.; Ilidcns/Viguiera (Tahonal) _Type: l'rifoliult, pralensc (Rotklee, Red Clovcr): unidcntilied Poilen;

    Re:upolkn; Rharnn~ceac (Krcuzdnrngcw,bse. BueklhonlFarnily):

    HO-Elements, fungal spores ..HD-Elements, waxwool *HO-Elements, waxstrings *Yeasteontent, estimationStarchgrains **Other solid eonstituentsType ofhoney, HoneyDir., Art. I, Annex IBotanical origin, HoneyDirective., Art 2, (2)









    Order No.: 349147Quality Service~International GmbHI'lu!,hafendamm 9a28199 Bremen

    Customer No.: 21452Tel.: +4Q 421594/70Fax: ..4Q 421 594771e-mail: [email protected]\(-No. DE,202142221

    Geneml Terms andConditions:..",vw.qsiq3.de460iI26/01010,IIB-Mine

    SN: 248279SWlfT sIe:DRES DE FF 2QOIBAN: DE64290800100222323500

    Page: I of2Amlsg~richl Bremen HRB 18842Malluging Direclor: GudfUn eckhMichael Lamben - Dr. Cord LtlmannDr. Jochen P. Zoller

  • Quality Services International GmbH

    Publicly Certified Expert for Trade Chernistry by the Chamber ofCornmerce BremenExpert on OfIicial Counter SampIes by Ihe State of Bremen

    Geographical origin, HoneyDirective, Art. 2,(2)OdourFlavourColourConsistency


    trachttypisch I sourcc-specifictraehuypisch/sourcc-spccifictrachttypi sch/source-spcci fic

    kristallinlcrysta 11izOO

    u.r. = undcrrcpresented; !.l,T. '" I)~errcprcsclllcd"HD = Honeydew; Slurchgrains in % per 300 pollen- und Slurcl1grainscountedBased on the results detennined within Ihis analysis the honey can be classilied as Honigtau/l-Ioneydewhoney according 10 current EC Directive for honey.Based on the above determined churactct'istics a declaration as Eucalyptus honey is in accordance withAn. 2 (2b) ofthe currenl EC-Honey Directive.A declaralion ofthe geographical origin UrugullY is consistent with the above detcnnined pollenspectrum given current scientific research

    This examination is the basis for special decision guidance.

    Quality Services International GmbH

    Tesbnanager: Gudrun s;.,-c:0'~;:"~~"Guchun Be~ ,,~~ "'~~-,,;:"Diplom-Biologin ~....!:"';...~.~#.

    Version 1 (Original)

    Order No.: 349147 Customer No.: 21452 SN: 248279 Page: 2 of2Qualil)' Service~ Tel.: 1'49421 594770 General Terms and SWIFT Ble: Amtsgericht Bremen HRH 18842International GmbH Fax: +49 421594771 Conditiolls: DRES OE FF 290 Managing Oircc(or: Gudrun BcckhPlughRfcndBmm 9a e-mail: [email protected] I'ww, lBAN: OE642908 Michael Lamberl- Or_ Cord Lllmann28199 Bremen Val-No.OE202142221 460/126102010, HB-Mine 00100222323500 Or. Jochen p_ Zoller

  • Quality Services International GmbH Qsf~, ~/-'- -

    Publicly Certified Expert fr Trade Chemistry by thc Chamber of Commerce BremenExpert on OfficiaJ Counter Sampies by thc Statc of Bremen

    QS] GmbH - Flughafendamm 9a - D-28199 Bremen

    -~soneys' Il I.~ :!l.r. .ioney _1..t"'~,:'..,,-,.., I'!. ~_"..... alt: "'~740334

    1 ""Or~e: -Date: 2,Prod t: HonigII-IoneyKind:juruguayLabe: Lot: lA

    Printed: 28-Jan-20 14209/1Date: 28-Jan-2014

    SampieNo.: l-10Ilf- 0.11 -Il-,j +Sampie Date: _Packaging: Plastik 200 mlSeal: ohnelwithout

    Temp.: RT

    Tbe t st results are excJusively related to the items tcsted for this sampie. Method and measurementunce inty details are available upan request. Trus report is allowed 10 be copied complctcly andunch jnged but not in extracts. Test period: order date til! date ofthis repmt

    Chen ical-phy,ical analysis (45151)PyrTolizidine alkaloids. LC-MSIMS, HoneySub, ",ce in [~g!kg] loq* Result

    Swn fPyrrolizidineAlkaloidsEchi Pctinefehir idine-NOxHeli0l'ineHeliop;ne-NOxLyco ~amineLyco samine-NOxSene 'onineSene ionine-NOxSene 'phyllineSene iphylline-NOxSenl(fkine





    Cus[omer No .. 21452TeL: -.-49 421594770Fax: +49 42 J 594771e-mail: [email protected]. DE202142221

    General Terms aodCondilions:,,'Ww.qsi-q3.de460/126/020 I0, HB-M i!te

    SN. 246749SW1FT IC:DRES OE fF 290IBAN: DE64290800 I 00221323500

    Page: I of3Amugericht Bremen HRB 181142Managing Direclor: Gudrun BedhMichael Lambcrt Dr. Cord Ull1mannDr. JOctlCll P. Zolle,

    Order No.: 347617Quali! ServicesInterna ional GmbHFlugha{endamm 9&

    28199 r"m,"

  • Q'l"'Y s.rn~,,,.,,..",,,,GmbHPublidy Certified Expert for Trade Chernisuy by the Chamber ofCornmerce BremenExpert on Officiat Counter SampIes by the State of Bremen

    Crotaline 3 n.n.CrotaJine-NOx 3 n.n.Lasiocarpine 3 o.n.Retrorsine 3 14Retntine.NOX 3 o.n.~g P per 20 g Honey(one portion) 0.88 loq limit Qf qLlontltation, n,n. - below loq; jdenlification/qulltiftcation by literature/echimdin referenceThe sum refers 10 the listcd refCl'cncc alkaloids + only with MS idcnlificd alkaloids

    Chemical-physical analysis (45238)Antibiotics, Sulfonamides, Trimethoprim, LC-MSlMS, honeySubstance in (~glkgl pennined level** loq' result

    Sulfadimethoxin " 10 n.n.Sulfaquinoxalin .. 10 o,n.Sulfachlmpyridazin .. 10 n.n.Sulfiuhoxol .. 10 n.n.Sultadoxin .. 10 O.n.Sulfasalazin .. 10 n.n.Sulfilbenzamid ., 10 n.o.Sulfuguanidin .. 10 n.n.Sulfunilamid .. 10 n.n.Sulfucetamid .. 10 n.n.Sulfadiazin .. 10 n.n.Sulfathiawl .. 10 n.n.Sulfapyridin .. 10 n,n.Sulfamernzin .. 10 n.n.Sulfametber .. 10 n.o.Sulfildimidin (~Sulfamethazin) .. 10 n.n.Sulfamethoxypyridazin .. 10 n.n.Sulfamethoxazol .. 10 n.n.Trimethoprim .. 10 n.n.

    On:ler No.: 347617QU81ity ServicesInternatioual GmbHFlughafendamm 9a28199 Breo,en

    Customer No.: 21452Tel.: +49 421594770Fax: +49411 594771e-mail: info@q~i-q3_dcVal-Nu. DE202142221

    SN: 246749General Terms und SWIFT SIC:Condi!iQn~: DRES DE FF [BAN: DEM2908460/126/02010, HB-Mit1e 00100222323500

    Page:20f3Amtsgericht Bremen HR 18842Munaging Oireclor: Gudrun eckhMichael Lamben - Or. Cord LlilimannDr. Jochen P. Zoller

  • Quality Services International GmbH

    Publicly Cenificd Expert for Trade Chemisny by the Chamber ofCommercc BremenExpert on Official Counter Sampies by the. State ofBremen


    .... 1010 n.n.n.n. loq = limit ofquantit3tiQn, n,n. = below loquno Icgullimit (MRL) uee, EU-Reg. 470/2009 + 37120 10 means: no pemli! for using llntibiotics in beekeepingUnder consideration ofabove indicated limit of quantitation this result complies with EU Regulation37/2010 (residues ofphannacologically active substances in foodstuffs ofanimal origin).

    This examination is the basis for special decision guidance.

    Quality Services International GmbHTestmanager: JOrgen WehJitz Version 1 (Original)

    Order No.: 347617Quulity Scrvicc~International GmbHFlugnafcl1damm 9a28199 Bremen

    Customer No.: 21452Tel.: +49 421594770F"~:+49421594771e-mail [email protected]

    General Terms ~IldCondiliolls:,,,vw.qsi-q3.de460/126/02010, HB-Mille

    SN: 246749SWIFT BIC:DRES OE IT 290IBAN: DE64290H00100222:123500

    Page: 3 of3Amtsgericht Bremen HRB 18842Managing Dircctor: Gudrun eckhMichael Lambcrr _ Or. Cord UillmannOr. Jochen P. Zoller

  • Quality Services International GmbH

    Publicly Certificd Expert for Tradc Chcmistry by the Chamber of C{lmmerce BremenExpert on Official Counter Sampies by the State of Bremen

    QSI GmbH Flushafendamm 90 - 0-28199 Bremen

    --l'-.. Ho""''' S " .1i Ho I ' 18, Es", .... .,. --- -, ~ey, L~7 w.s/'"" Mo , _, -r ......_fll'9I "1" H '~'2~740:J33Fax; ++352~26740334'~ r lac_""",,.luDate: 27~Jan-2014

    Printed: 28-1an-20 1420911Date: 28-1an-2014

    Sam pI. No_: L-10\4-01--1;)' -14-Temp.: RT

    Product: HonigIHoneyKindj UruguayL.b~': Lot: lA

    Samp[e Date: 24-Jan-2014Packaging: Plastik 200 m!Seal: ohnelwithout

    I The fest results are exclusively related to the items tested far this sampie. Method and mcasurementuncertainty details are available upon requcsLns repon is aJlowed to be copied completely andunch8nged but not in extracts. Test period: order date li\1date ofthis report

    Chemical-physical analysis (15 I)Proline. 64 LFGB L40.00-3 (DIN 10754 mod.), Honey

    (Method) [Unit] Result

    Protine .; (DIN I0754mod.) [mWkg] 328 obligalory if lhe acidity is lcss Ihall 17 mmoJlkg

    The detennined Praline content is within the range for natural honey (>= 180 mglkg under considerationofthe measurement uncertainry.This examination is the basis ror special decision guidance.

    IQuality Services International GmbHTestmanager: Jtirgen Wehlitz --::-;:~

    ,A J~'$W~'''''en Weillilz ". , "::'f'1f!J../;Staat!. gepl1lfterLebe~,bJ,t!l .~

    Version 1 (Original)

    Customer No.: 21452Tel.; +49 421594770Fax: +49 421 594171e-mail: [email protected]. DE202142221

    General Terms andCondilio!ls:www.qsiq3.de4601126/020 I0, HBM itle

    SN: 247057SWIFT SIC:DRES OE FF 290[BAN, DE64290H00100222323500

    Page: I of IAm1sgerich1 Bremen HR 18842Managing Oircc10r: Gudrun Be

  • Quality Services International GmbH

    Publicly Certified Expen for Trade Chemistry by the Chamber ofCommerce BremenExpert on Official Counter Sampies by the Stat.e of Bremen

    OSI GmbH FlulI.llafendamm 911- D281991:lremen

    Printed: 28-Jan-20 1420911Date: 28-Jan-2014

    Date 24-..~;;:",u1 i.j.-SampieNo. (;JoIl(- 01-\ l..- ~A

    Temp.:RTSampie Date: L'+-J

  • +"""""'"='00>1 GmbHPublifly Cenilled Expen for Trade Chemisny by the Chamber of Conunerce BremenE'''''f 00 Offid,l CO"",,, Smnpl" by ,ho S",,, of Bcem,n

    [~ndatnm 9a - [)-2R 199 Bremen

    Printed: 31-1an201420911Date: 31-Jan-2014

    ) Sampie No.: L-;}OIlI-01-12 _AADate: 30)a20 14Product: HonigIHoneyKind: UruguayLabel: Lot: JA

    SampIe Date: 24-1an-20 14Packagmg: Plastik 200 m1Seal: ohneJwithout

    Temp.: RT

    The test results are excJusively related to the items tested far Ihis sampie. Method and measurementuncertainty details are available upon request. TIlis report i5 allowed 10 be copied complctely anduchanged but not in extracts. Test period: order date till date ofthis report

    Molecularbiological analysis (60145)GMO event specific assay, MON 40-3-2 (Roundup Ready)-Soy, Real time peR, food*Test LimitofDetection Result

    Result 10 copies positiv/positive in individual eases by qualified subcontractorRcgarding regulation I829/2003/EC MON 40-3-2 (Roundup Ready)-Soy is generally authorised for foodBased on the detennined parameters and under consideration ofthe detection limit geneticallymodified plant~DNA could be detected,

    Molecularbiological analysis (60 160)Species Com (Zea mays)-DNA detection, Real time PCR, honey*Test (Method) Result

    * in individual cascs by qua li lied subCDntraClor(LOD) ofthis method is about

  • Quality Services International GmbH

    Publicly Cen.ified Expen for Trade Chemistry by the Chamber ofCommerce BremenExpert on Official Counter Sampies by the State of Bremen

    QS! GmbH - flughafendamm9s - 0-28199 Bremen

    Honey S.a r.1./' Honey 16, Esplanade de la 'V1oselle

    L-6637 WaSSerbif, 9',s.a.r.1 Tel. +-t-352-2674(333""" ~~i::~52-2_7(J34

    Order: [._,d..Ol~~-~"I-'~)v-1ADate: 31Jon2014Product: HonigIHoncyKind:UruguayLabel: Lot: JA

    Printed: 31-Jan-2014209/1Date: 31-1an-2014

    Sam pie No.: L-JDIl(-O 1-1;:l.- -f ASampie Date: 24-Jal1-2014Packaging: Plastik 200 m1Seal: ohne/without

    Temp.: RT

    The test results are exclusively related to the items tested for this sampie. Method and measurementuncertainty details are available upon request. This report is al10wed to be copied completely andunchanged but not in extracts. Test peliod: order date till date ofthis report

    Molecularbiological Analysis (60065)Final judgement ofOMO-results

    Confonnity with Regulation 1829120031EC emspricht/accord ing

    Under consideration ofthe tested parameters (given to CillTentknowledge ofOMO plantation inCOLUltries of origin) pollen ofin the EU not authorised genetically modified plants couJd not bedetected, Therefore the hOey complies with the Regulation I829/2003IEG and is marketable accordingto current le aJ status.This examination is the basis for special decision guidance.

    Qualiry Services International GmbH

    TesnnanagerGudlunB;' .9,~c;:~;,.GUchunBefv~~ ,,~'f}/Diplom-BioJogin ~__!;"''''''~-'''

    Version 1 (Original)

    Order No.: 349291 CuslomerNo.: 21452 SN: 248423 Page: 1 of IQuality Services Tel.: .,.49 421 594770 General Terms and SWIFT IJIC: Amtsgericht Bremen IlRB 18842Internationnl GmbH Fu:+49421594771 Condiliolls: DRES OE FF 291l Managing Direelor: Gudrun BeckhFlughafendalllill 9a e-mail: info@q, www.q, JBAN: DE642'W8 Michael Lambert - Dr. Cord Liillmann28199 Bremen Val-No. DE202142111 460/126/02010, HB-MillC 00100222323500 Dr. Jochen 1'. Zoller