MIXOLOGY COCKTAILS ITALIAN COCKTAILS Casa Dragones tequila, Cointreau, tangerine and lemon MANDARINA´S MARGARITA 31 400 Conejos mezcal, pineapple juice, beetroot coulis and basil syrup TOSCANO 18 Mandarin vodka, damiana tea, pineapple juice and basil MARSALA 17 Whisky, Licor del 43, apple juice and spiced syrup THE OLD IRISH 14 Whitley Neil Rhubab gin, raspberry compote and bougainvillea infusion TI PIACE 19 Tanqueray gin, lemon, fennel, dill syrup and tangerine liqueur SPIAGGIA 18 7 Leguas tequila, house-made Limoncello, basil from Mandarina’s orchard MARGARITA LIMONCELLO’S ALLORA 18 Prosecco, Aperol and soda APEROL SPRITZ 16 Tanqueray 10, Campari and vermouth NEGRONI 20 Extra dry Prosecco, vermouth rosso, strawberries and orange juice ROSSINI 12 Whisky and Amaretto EL PADRINO 14 Vodka, lemon sorbet, prosecco and Mandarina´s house-made orchard mint SGROPPINO 15 GIN Roku 16 Bombay 12 Hendricks 15 Whitley Neil Rhubarb 18 Tanqueray 10 16 VODKA Grey Goose 15 Belvedere 15 Smirnoff 11 Tito´s 14 Absolut Mandarin 13 WHISKY Johnnie Walker Negra 15 Woodford Reserve 18 McCallan 12 18 McCallan 15 26 Hibiki Harmoni 25 Gleenfiddich 18 28 NON-ALCOHOLIC Sodas 6 Italian Coffee 8 Iced Tea 8 CRAFT BEERS Minerva IPA 9 Minerva Pale Ale 9 Cucapá Dorada 9 American Brown Ale 9 MEXICAN BEER Modelo Especial 7 Negra Modelo 7 Pacifico 7 Corona 7 Ultra 7 MEZCAL 400 Conejos Espadín 12 Pierde Almas Botanicals 18 Monte Lobos Tobalá 18 Espiritu Lauro Joven 20 Pierde Almas Tepextate 24 TEQUILA Maestro Dobel Diamante 14 1800 Añejo 15 Don Julio 70 14 Siete Legüas Blanco 14 Rey Sol 32 Don Julio 1942 32 Casa Dragones Blanco 31 Reserva de la Familia 32 RUM Oakhearth 11 Malibu 9 Havana 7 13 Prices listed are quoted in USD currency with 16% VAT included. service charge Is NOT included. optional service charge subject to modifications. extra gratuity is not included. mention allergies to your waiter. TEA Bombay Chai 12 Jasmine Green Tea 12 Merlot Mora Azul 12 Orchid Vanilla 12 Earl Grey 12 COGNAC Remy Martin 65 BRANDY Carlos 1 23 Perrier 8 S. Pellegrino 8 Bui 8 Agua de Piedra Mineral 8 Agua de Piedra Natural 8 Surgiva 8 WATER





Casa Dragones tequ i la , Coin t reau, tanger ine and lemon

M A N D A R I N A ´ S M A R G A R I T A 31

400 Conejos mezcal , p ineapple ju ice , beet root cou l i s and bas i l syrup

T O S C A N O 18

Mandar in vodka, damiana tea, p ineapple ju ice and bas i l

M A R S A L A 17

Whisky, L icor de l 43, apple ju ice and sp iced syrup

T H E O L D I R I S H 14

Whit ley Nei l Rhubab g in , raspberr y compote and bougainv i l lea in fus ion

T I P I A C E 19

Tanqueray g in , lemon, fennel ,di l l syrup and tanger ine l iqueur

S P I A G G I A 18

7 Leguas tequ i la , house -made L imoncel lo , bas i l f rom Mandar ina’s orchard

M A R G A R I T A L I M O N C E L L O ’ S A L L O R A 18

Prosecco, Apero l and sodaA P E R O L S P R I T Z 16

Tanqueray 10, Campar i and vermouthN E G R O N I 20

Ext ra dr y Prosecco, vermouth rosso, s t rawberr ies and orange ju ice

R O S S I N I 12

Whisky and Amaret toE L P A D R I N O 14

Vodka, lemon sorbet , prosecco and Mandar ina´s house -made orchard min t

S G R O P P I N O 15

GINRoku 16Bombay 12Hendr icks 15Whit ley Nei l Rhubarb 18Tanqueray 10 16

VODKAGrey Goose 15Belvedere 15Smirnof f 1 1T i to´s 14Absolu t Mandar in 13

WHISKYJohnnie Walker Negra 15 Woodford Reser ve 18McCal lan 12 18McCal lan 15 26Hibik i Harmoni 25Gleenf iddich 18 28

NON-ALCOHOLICSodas 6I ta l ian Cof fee 8Iced Tea 8

CRAFT BEERSMiner va IPA 9Miner va Pale Ale 9Cucapá Dorada 9Amer ican Brown Ale 9

MEXICAN BEERModelo Espec ia l 7Negra Modelo 7Paci f ico 7Corona 7Ul t ra 7

MEZCAL400 Conejos Espadín 12P ierde Almas Botan ica ls 18Monte Lobos Tobalá 18Espi r i tu Lauro Joven 20P ierde Almas Tepexta te 24

TEQUILAMaest ro Dobel Diamante 141800 Añejo 15Don Ju l io 70 14Sie te Legüas B lanco 14Rey Sol 32Don Ju l io 1942 32Casa Dragones B lanco 31Reser va de la Fami l ia 32

RUMOakhear th 1 1Mal ibu 9Havana 7 13

Prices l isted are quoted in USD currency with 16% VAT included. service charge I s NOT included. optional service charge subject to modifications . extra gratuity i s not included. mention allergies to your waiter .

TEABombay Chai 12Jasmine Green Tea 12Merlo t Mora Azul 12Orchid Vani l la 12Ear l Grey 12

COGNACRemy Mar t in 65

BRANDYCar los 1 23

Perr ier 8S. Pe l legr ino 8Bui 8Agua de P iedra Minera l 8Agua de P iedra Natura l 8Surgiva 8




Luois Roederer Bru t P remierVeuve Cl iquot Demi SecRuinar t RoséLa Grande Dame




Prices l isted are quoted in USD currency with 16% VAT included. service charge I s NOT included. optional service charge subject to modifications . extra gratuity i s not included. mention allergies to your waiter .


I l Fresco V i l la Sandí DOCI l Fresco Rose Mi l les imato V i l la Sandí , DOCFranc iacor ta Bru t Marchese Ant inor i Cuvée Royale , DOCG

I T A L Y6065175


Ribol la Gia l la di Os lav ia , P r imos ic , Fr iu l i , Venezia , DOC 2019 I T A L Y



Scalabrone Rosé, Bolgher i , DOC 2019 11 Minutes , Pascua, Veneto , IGT 2019

I T A L Y1820


Chateau des Fer rages , Cotes de Provence AOC 2019F R A N C E

1 15


Catr ina, Sauv ignon B lanc, V. Sn V icen te , BC 2019Don Lu i s V iognier , LA Cet to , Val le de Guadalupe 2018

M E X I C O7585



Pr imos ic , P ino t Gr ig io , DOC 2018Trebbiano Malvas ia R i s l ing, V. Ant inor i , Toscana, IGT 2019Tormaresca, Chardonnay, Pugl ia , IGT 2019 Donnachiara, Greco di Tu fo , Campar ia , DOCG, D.O.P. 2019Fontanaf redda, Gavi di Gavi , P iamonte , DOCG 2019

I T A L Y757590 1 101 10


Decoy, Chardonnay, Sonoma Coas t , Cal i forn ia 2018U N I T E D S T A T E S




Viñedo de la Re ina, Nebbio lo , V. Sn V icen te , BC 2015Jard ín Secre to , Temprani l lo , Adobe, V. de Guadalupe 2018 Único, Santo Tomas, Cabernet Sauv ignon, Mer lo t , Ensenada, BC 2013




Prices l isted are quoted in USD currency with 16% VAT included. service charge I s NOT included. optional service charge subject to modifications . extra gratuity i s not included. mention allergies to your waiter .


Barbera di A lba, Raimonda, Fontanna, DOC 2017Floramundi , Cerasuolo di V i t tor ia , S ic i l ia , DOCG 2016Chant i Super iore , Sangiovese, Toscana, DOCG 2018Car v ina Valpol ice l la , A legr in i , Veneto , DOC 2019Barolo Serra lunga D’a lba P iamonte , DOCG 2014

I T A L Y85105105105255


Al ta V is ta , Malbec, V. de Uco, Mendoza 2018A R G E N T I N A


Schug, P ino t Noi r , Sonoma Coas t , Cal i forn ia 2019 U N I T E D S T A T E S


Chatea de Bregues , Cabernet Sauv ignon, Cabernet Frank , Mer lo t , Bordeaux, 2016

F R A N C E10020