May 31, 2020 St. amigo que tiene...

Post on 03-Jul-2020

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Transcript of May 31, 2020 St. amigo que tiene...

PRIESTS: 402-564-7151

Pastor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fr. Mike Swanton

Assistant Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. Walter Jong-A-Kiem

Permanent Deacons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dan Keiter Larry Mielak, Jim Naughtin and Art Spenner

PARISH OFFICE TEAM: 402-564-7151

Parish Secretary. . . . . .Stephanie Johnson/Linda Levos Liturgist……………….... . . . . . . . . . . . .Dianne Keiter

Pastoral/Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belinda Keiter

Family Faith Formation Coordinator. .Cheryl Rambour

Business Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Arlt

Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jorge Torres

Youth Ministry/Godparents Sarah Doerneman. . . . . .

Music Coordinator Jan Moser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-564-6121

HISPANIC MINISTRY Fr. Gerry Gonderinger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-352-3540

Fr. Jairo Congote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402-352-3540

GRADE SCHOOL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402-564-7153 Principal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheryl Zoucha

Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Barb Brockhaus

PRESCHOOL/CHILDCARE. . . . . . . .402-564-9338 Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Kluever

SCOTUS JR. & SR. HIGH SCHOOL 402-564-7165 President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Ohnoutka

St. Bonaventure Pentecost Sunday May 31, 2020

Catholic Church 1565 18th Avenue

Columbus, Nebraska 68601

Bulletin notices: Submit in writing to the rectory on June 1st for June 7th

MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m.-Spanish Temporarily Suspended Rosary is prayed 30 minutes before Mass. Twenty-four hour Eu-charistic Adoration in the Scotus Chapel. Call Joan Jahn 402-910-0958 for an open hour. For security purposes only assigned adorers and subs will be permitted inside the Scotus Chapel. Daily: At St. Anthony Church Tuesday through Friday: 7:00 p.m.

SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:30-4:30 pm at St. Anthony Church or by appointment. Please call the church office.

Baptism To register call the rectory. Parents should be active in their faith and be registered in the parish.

Marriage: Contact the pastor at least six months prior to a wedding. Couples should either be registered in the parish or have some connection to the parish.

Hospital Visitation: Due to privacy laws, hospitals no longer notify the parish office if parishioners are admitted. Please contact the rectory if you or one of your family members are going to be hospitalized.

Sick Calls: Contact the rectory if you are not able to attend Mass and would like Holy Communion on Sunday or First Friday.

Vocations: Do you have questions about vocations, or would like to talk about your vocation? Call the pastor, visit, contact Fr. Roza at 402-558-3100 or or our Vocation Commitee: Leonard & Theresa Gabriel 402-910-4563 or

RECTORY OFFICE . . . . . . . .402-564-7151

FAX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-562-6025

Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.–12:00 noon; 1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

New Parishioners: If you would like to join our parish, register online at or stop in the Parish Office.


From Our Pastor…

Today, we celebrate Pentecost—the gift of the Holy Spirit given to the Apostles and others to boldly go forth

and “renew the face of the earth.” The outpouring of the Spirit is always actively moving. We are called to be more aware of this movement in our own lives.

Those of us who received Confirmation accepted seven gifts: wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, holiness of life and holy awe. They help us live the Christian life more fully. Using these gifts is life-changing.

Faith grows when it is lived; and those who are attracted to Christ will attract others, just like see-ing a lit candle in a dark room. When we live Gospel values, we experience the fruitfulness of the Spirit. The Apostles were scared, lost and unaware of God’s wonderful, life-giving plan. The Holy Spirit radically changed their lives. The Holy Spirit will do the same in our lives if we allow access to our hearts. We must use the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to change the culture we live in—one of hedonism, materialism and god-lessness.

Come Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of your faith-ful and kindle in them the fire of your love!




NO CHURCH CLEANING - we will keep everyone updated



The June meeting and June Annual Banquet have been cancelled due COVID-19. Stay tuned for information regarding the upcoming 24 hour Prayer vigil to be held June 19th—20th.

Any questions, please call Bev Kudron at 402-564-7627 or 402-910-1432.


Join us for our monthly meeting on Monday June 1, 2020 at 7:00 P.M.

at the Knights of Columbus Hall. MEMBERS WILL BE SPREAD OUT IN THE MAIN


Check our website at:

PARISH OFFICE HOURS The parish office will be opening back up on Monday, June 1, 8:30 – 12:00 and 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. Everyone will be required to wear a mask if you come into the office.

The staff will also be wearing masks to protect you. Please ring the doorbell before you enter.


The color red symbolizes joy and the fire of the Holy Spirit.


Please join us in a spiritual bouquet for Fr. Mike Swanton on his 15th anniver-

sary of his ordination June 4, 2005!


We will continue to keep you updated via Flocknote, our web-site, and Facebook. Please call us if you have any questions at 402-564-7151. Confession/Reconciliation will be offered as scheduled, follow-ing the current guidelines for social distancing. Please mail in your weekly tithe or use one of our options below: Use your bank’s bill pay feature and they will send the payment to us – no stamp required! Mail your tithe to us – 1565 18th Avenue Donate online with your credit or debit card at Drop off your envelope in our secure drop box at the rectory

door Download a form to authorize automatic withdrawals and

mail it to us at 1565 18th Avenue Columbus, NE 68601



Memorial Gifts Have Been Given In Memory of:

Elaine Tworek: M/M Mike Swanson Richard Bernt: Carleen Henggeler , M/M Mike Swanson, Jane Kelly Catherine Cook: Car leen Henggeler Geronimo Andoy: Margie Swanson Gaudencia Andoy: Margie Swanson Stanley Swanson: Margie Swanson Connie Swanson: Margie Swanson Ramon Andoy: Margie Swanson Lolita Hellbusch: Margie Swanson Project 2020: Nancy “Elaine” Tworek: M/M Gene Engelber t, M/M Michael Lenihan Stained Glass Windows: Richard Bernt: M/M Marv Rinkol, M/M Royce Campbell Pat Soulliere: Betty J . Thompson Nancy “Elaine” Tworek: M/M Mark Landholm, M/M Dennis Hiemer, M/M Mike Schneider

E-TITHE Enroll in E-Tithe! You can have your withdrawal taken on the 10th or 25th of each month. Call Business Manager, Kim Arlt, for information or download a form from our website—


Contributions Received.……………………………….$14,018.64 E-Tithe………………...…………………………..….. $2,445.00 Total...………………..………………………………. $16,463.64 Year-To-Date Actual Received………………………$860,351.92 Year-To-Date Budgeted……………………………...$858,480.00 Net Excess (Deficit)...…………………………………..$1,787.00

STAINED GLASS WINDOWS Contributions Received..………………..……$932.00 Donations to-date………………………..$216,980.64 Total estimated repair cost………………$380,000.00 Learn more online at



Se dice con frecuencia que el Espíritu Santo es el gran desconocido, olvidado y ausente de los cristianos. Sabemos que en el pueblo cristiano abundan las devociones, rezos y cele-braciones para los diferentes misterios de la vida de Cristo y para las múltiples advocaciones de la Virgen María o de los Santos. ¿Por qué hay menos páginas dedicadas al Espíritu Santo en los devocionarios y oracionales? Entre las posibles causas que hacen del Espíritu un desconocido podemos ver las siguientes: La falta de formación y catequesis antes y después de los sacramentos de la iniciación cristiana: bautismo, confirmación y eucaristía; la inexperiencia vivencial de su presencia y acción en nuestra propia vida personal, debido a un bajo nivel de fe y vitalidad cristiana; la dificultad misma que en sí encierra la comprensión de los símbo-los, imágenes y expresiones que, por carencia de vocabulario y definiciones precisas, se aplican en la Escritura a los signos de la presencia y acción del Espíritu, expresiones tales como viento, fuego, lenguas, agua, paloma, defensor, consolador, amor, inspira-ción profética, carismas, frutos y dones, espíritu de adopción y de libertad. El Espíritu significa casi siempre presencia y acción de Dios, tanto en la persona y vida de Jesús desde su encarnación hasta su resurrección, como en la vida interna y en la actividad apostólica de la comunidad y de sus miembros. Si queremos defi-nir al Espíritu tendremos que decir que es el don de Cristo resuci-tado a la Iglesia que es su cuerpo; es el Espíritu de Jesús mismo en nosotros; es nuestra nueva dimensión personal y comunitaria de discípulos suyos, cristianos, hijos de Dios y hermanos de los hom-bres; es el amor de Dios (el que él nos tiene), difundido en nues-tros corazones; es el “nosotros” trinitario y la conciencia eclesial.

Vivimos la hora del Espíritu dentro y fuera de la Iglesia

pues asistimos con gozo al redescubrimiento del Espíritu en la Iglesia. Conocemos del movimiento pentecostal (protestante) y el de la renovación carismática (católico) que hablan del retorno al Espíritu. El movimiento carismático, que se ha extendido por todo

el mundo católico alerta a la comunidad cristiana sobre el papel decisivo del Espíritu Santo en la renovación de la Iglesia y en el cumplimiento de su misión evangelizadora del mundo. El rejuve-

necimiento de la Iglesia es función permanente del Espíritu; y hoy como ayer no faltan testimonios. Los carismas en la Iglesia de hoy quizá no sean tan espectaculares, o no sean los mismos, que en la Iglesia primitiva porque han cambiado las circunstancias. Pero la

llama de pentecostés no se apaga. Es perceptible el soplo del Espí-ritu en los constantes movimientos que de uno y otro signo vivifi-can la Iglesia. El pentecostés perenne del Espíritu se manifiesta también en la vida de todo creyente, hombre o mujer, que secunda

su vocación cristiana con un corazón abierto a la acción del Espí-ritu de Dios. Así, el ejemplo y la educación en la fe que dan los esposos cristianos a sus hijos, la fidelidad callada de una madre de

familia, el trabajo honrado del padre, la ayuda prestada al vecino o al amigo que tiene problemas, la paciencia alegre del enfermo en su dolor o del anciano en su soledad, la oración silenciosa, la con-fianza en Dios, la alegría del deber cumplido y de una conciencia

recta y honrada. Todo es don del Espíritu de Dios que sigue pre-sente y actuando en los creyentes. Todo lo que es noble, hermoso y profundamente humano en el corazón de un hombre o una mujer que lealmente optan por el amor y la verdad, procede del Espíritu

de Dios que sopla donde quiere, porque es el Espíritu de quien es luz que ilumina a todo hombre, Cristo Jesús, palabra personal del Padre de todos. Por todo ello, ¡creemos en el Espíritu Santo, Señor

y dador de vida! ¡Ven, Espíritu divino! Llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego perenne de tu amor. Amén.

You can submit your windows contribution by mail, drop box, online or auto-withdrawal.

Pentecost Sunday May 31, 2020


Today we include the following parishioners and friends who are sick and are in need of your care and love. Please pray for those who need the hope and strength of the Lord: Sam Nahorny, Todd Ligenza,

Fernanda Madrigal, Eldon Jedlicka

We also pray for those who have died: Craig “Doc” Riley, Martin “Marty” Jareske, Fr. Phil Amidon – associate pastor at St. John Parish at Creighton University

Monday, 06/01

No Mass

Tuesday, 06/02 St. Anthony Church

7:00 PM Max Wunderlich

Wednesday, 06/03 St. Anthony Church

7:00 PM Liv/Dec Joe & Mary Engelbert Family

Thursday , 06/04 St. Anthony Church

7:00 PM Rose Vanek

Friday, 06/05 St. Anthony Church

7:00 PM Jean & Ron Jones

Saturday, 06/06 at St. Bonaventure Church

5:00 PM Liv/Dec Tony & Rose Kurtenbach Family

Sunday, 06/07 at St. Bonaventure Church

8:30 AM Janet Ann & Beverly Jean Gates

10:30 AM St. Bonaventure Parishioners

6:30 PM Jim Loseke

PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION If you have time to temporarily sub or fill in an open hour, please do! Adorers needed: Saturday: Afternoon 3-4 pm, 4-5 pm, 5-6 pm Saturday: Evening 7-8 pm (2nd & 4th Saturday) Sunday: Morning 2-3 am, 3-4 am, 4-5 am (All Once a Month) Wednesday: Morning 1-2 am (Every Other Week) Sunday: Afternoon 1-2 pm, 2-3 pm Co-Captains needed: Sunday, Wednesday, Friday (All 6am-6pm)

Substitute Adorers are always needed. Call Joan Jahn — 402-910-0958 (Please leave a message.)

PROMOTING THE ROSARY ON TWITTER Parishioner, Tami Weber has started a Twitter handle @in_rosary to promote the Rosary and give daily reflections to the world. If you are on social media, follow this site for inspiration and help find peace through the Rosary.

LOTTERY CALENDAR WINNERS May 25, 2020– May 31, 2020

$55-(0654) Tim Novicki 05-25-20

$55-(0543) Gene Engelbert 05-26-20

$55-(0422) Dolores Bernt 05-27-20

$55-(0419) Tammy Vanderwilt 05-28-20

$55-(0109) Joann Sawyer 05-29-20

$55-(0762) Bob Voboril 05-30-20

$400-(1158) Olivia Klug 05-31-20




St. Bonaventure Preschool has limited openings in Preschool and Play Group Classes for the 20/21 school year. Contact Kim Kluever with any questions or to get an enrollment form at

Scrip continues to be sold from the school office. Please email Mrs. Zoucha with your order. Scrip orders will be filled and can be picked up from the school office between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00

p.m. noon Monday through Friday beginning June 1. Visit our scrip page on our school website for more information and for a list of scrip vendors.

Thank you for your continued support of our school!

FFF & CONFIRMATION REGISTRATIONS Family Faith Formation and Confirmation Registrations for the 2020-2021 school year are available. All registrations are due back by July 1st. For more information -- Call Cheryl Rambour 564-7151.


Join our exciting mission to form the next generation of Catho-lics! RCA provides a classical, hybrid education in the Catholic tradition. Pre K3-12th grade students attend Socratic, hands-on classes two days per week and homeschool on the remaining days. Applications are now being accepted for new students and paid tutors. No formal experience is necessary, but a love for the Catholic faith is required! Classes are held at St. Peter Church: 709 South 28th Street, Omaha For more information, contact :

Diane Anderson, 402-807-3336 Additional information at:


Theology IV Assumption Seminary My name is Mauricio Tovar Quintanilla and I am originally from Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas, Gua najuato, Mexico, where I lived most of my life until coming to the United States at the age of 17. Currently I am a citizen of the United States and live in Rogers, NE. I just graduated from Conception Seminary College in December 2015. I belong to Divine Mercy Parish in Schuyler, Nebraska, where I will be doing a pastoral year. This parish is very active because they have two beautiful churches: St. Augustine and St. Mary that make a community united in faith. Apart from being a member of the parish, I also served as secretary of the Hispanic ministry. In a city where over 60% of people are Hispanic, there is a great need for evangeli-zation. My call to the priesthood began when I was 15. God has been pre-paring me to say “Yes” to do His will and not mine. The last two years I have spent in discernment and pastoral work in the parish of Divine Mercy. Every day I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to put into practice and action His Holy Gospel, and for showing me the right and clear way of my vocation. My expectations for my seminary in Conception, MO, are to grow and persevere in personal and community prayer, prepare academi-cally and fall in love more each day with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In my spare time I enjoy reading and watching movies about the Super Saints of our Catholic Church, playing guitar, spending time with my friends and talking to my parents and siblings who live in Mexico. Dear men of God, if our Lord Jesus is calling you to discern the priesthood, you just have to say “Yes” and open the door of your heart for His greater glory. Seek the help and guidance of your pastor and always know that you can talk to the vocation director of our archdiocese.

DEACON ZACHARY TUCKER Theology IV North American College I was born in Minnesota, but I have called Omaha

and Christ the King parish home for the vast majority of my life. I discerned my call to enter the seminary and begin studying for the Archdiocese of Omaha during my time as a missionary with FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). After working with FO-CUS for two years, I applied and entered seminary to study for my home diocese here in Omaha. I did my Pre-Theology studies at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, and upon completing my philosophy requirements there, I was sent to the Pontifical North American College in Rome for my theology studies. My time in seminary has been marked with much peace and joy. There are many uncertainties in life but staying close to the Lord has become my rock and refuge. Alongside an ever-deepening relationship with Christ, my friendships with the brothers consistently fill me with hope for the Church. They are good men who deeply desire to serve Christ and His Body, the Church. In my spare time, my hobbies include playing and watching a variety of sports, photography, good books and good coffee shops, and music in all forms. Studying in Rome has also given me the great gift of living close to the rich historical sites of our faith, which I love to visit. Looking forward to my diaconate and priestly ordinations, I am excit-ed to begin the work of ministering to the people of God in the Archdi-ocese of Omaha and to continue to walk along this life long journey of faith with each of you.


Mass of Ordination Please pray for the men who will be ordained!

Watch online at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, June 6, 2020