Gacetilla de Prensa Alianza Regional - Saber Más III en inglés (eng)

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  • 8/3/2019 Gacetilla de Prensa Alianza Regional - Saber Ms III en ingls (eng)





    The Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresin e Informacinpresents its regional report

    called SABER MAS III, Acceso a la Informacin y Proteccin de DatosPersonales"in English.

    In the context of the Right to know Day, the Alianza Regional released its third report

    explaining the relationship and coexistence of access to public information and

    ensuring the protection of personal data. This time, we share this report in English.

    Fourteen countries participated of this report, represented by member organizations of

    the Alianza. Access - Info from Spain also participated showing the balance of these

    rights in Europe; and the Cyrus Vance Center with a technical-legal report on the

    relationship between access to information and personal data protection in the United


    SABER MS IIIcontains a diversity of views from members of the Alianza Regionaland the other authors, based on their experiences in the exercise of the promotion,

    implementation and defense of access to public information.

    The report is available (in English)here.

    The Executive SecretariatKarina [email protected]

    The member organizations of the Alianza Regionalare:

    1. Accin Ciudadana (AC), Guatemala

    2. Asociacin de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES), El Salvador

    3. Asociacin Nacional de la Prensa (ANP), Bolivia

    4. Asociacin por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), Argentina

    5. Centro de Archivos y Acceso a la Informacin (CAInfo), Uruguay

    6. Comit por la Libre Expresin (C-Libre), Honduras

    7. Consejo Nacional de Periodismo (CNP), Panam

    8. Fundacin Democracia sin Fronteras (FDsF), Honduras
  • 8/3/2019 Gacetilla de Prensa Alianza Regional - Saber Ms III en ingls (eng)



    9. Fundacin para el Debido Proceso Legal (DPLF), Estados Unidos

    10. Fundacin para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP), Colombia

    11. Fundacin Pro Acceso, Chile

    12. Fundacin Salvadorea para el Desarrollo Econmico y Social (FUSADES), El


    13. Fundacin Violeta Barrios de Chamorro (FVBCH), Nicaragua

    14. Fundamedios, Ecuador

    15. Fundar A.C, Mxico

    16. Instituto de Derecho y Economa Ambiental (IDEA), Paraguay

    17. Instituto de Prensa y Libertad de Expresin (IPLEX), Costa Rica

    18. Instituto Nicaragense de Estudios Humansticos (INEH), Nicaragua

    19. Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS), Per

    20. Participacin Ciudadana (PC), Repblica Dominicana

    21. Transparencia Colombia, Colombia

    22. Transparencia Venezuela, Venezuela

    23. Trust for the Americas (OEA), Estados Unidos