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Transcript of Alaia

English Proyect

The Alhambra

The Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex located in Granada, Andalusia, Spain. It was originally constructed as a small fortresson the remains of Roman fortifications and then largely ignored until its ruins were renovated and rebuilt in the mid-13th century by the Moorish emir Mohammed ben Al-Ahmar of the Emirate of Granada, who built its current palace and walls. It was converted into a royal palace in 1333 by Yusuf I, Sultan of Granada.


Skiing is a popular sport. In the past, this sport was under development for economic reasons. However the improvement of the economy of Spain, helped skiing become an active sport event. It has become popular, and the skiing sites have been modernized in recent years. In Spain is the southernmost ski resort of Europe, Sierra Nevada. Skiing is one of the favourite sports of the Spanish Royal Family.

Famous Athletes

Estbaliz Martnez borns on the 9th of May of 1980, in Vitoria. Estibaliz, is a Spanish rhythmic gymnast and Olympic Champion. She competed at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, and won a gold medal with the Spanish group.The team was formed by Estbaliz, Estela Gimnez, Marta Bald, Nuria Cabanillas, Lorena Gurndez and Tania Lamarca.

Extraordinary School

The philosophy of Forest Schools is to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through an innovative, long term, educational approach to outdoor play and learning in a woodland environment.

1.1 Forest schools:

Uses of gold

1.1 Uses of gold in awards:This metal is selected for use because gold it is the metal of highest esteem. It would make no sense to make a king's crown out of steel - even though steel is the strongest metal. Gold is chosen for use in a king's crown because it is the metal associated with highest esteem and status.

Extinct animals

The bearded vulture is a bird of prey and the only member of the genus Gypaetus. The bearded vulture occupies an enormous territory year-around. It may forage over two square kilometers each day. The breeding period is variable, being December through September in Eurasia, November to June in the Indian subcontinent, October to May in Ethiopia, throughout the year in eastern Africa and May to January in southern Africa.

Tradicional Musical Instrument

The txalaparta is a specialized Basque music device of wood or stone. In some regions of the Basque Country, zalaparta means "racket", while in others txalaparta has been attested as meaning the trot of the horse, a sense closely related to the sound of the instrument. The txalaparta's musical use evolved out of its original use. Traditional txalaparta was almost extinct in the 1950s with a handful of pairs of peasants maintaining the tradition.The txalaparta today is a musical instrument used in Basque music.


In a village a man was living with his daughter, she had as task take care to the sheeps. Every day a young person was going to visit her while she was taking care of the sheeps, until one day they became good friends. A sunny day they started playing that he was loading and she to him, when suddenly she realized that she was flying. From this day the young person turned into his condor, he was taking care of it, was feeding her. Many years spent the two grew had children, but she was not stopping thinking about his father and every night was crying since it had left his father and had left it only with the animals. One day she was watering the flowers and he found to a butterfly which asked for help him to return to see his father, the butterfly said to him to the condor that his wife and his children had disappeared, while the butterfly was speaking with the husband she was escaping with his children and was returning with his father. Since she returned with his father, the condor never returned, she every day was flying to see if it saw to the condor but nevermore it turned it to seeing.


1.1 The happy cobbler:

It is said that in certain region of The Pyrenees, one was finding a beautiful and gigantic house, of another side of the river. About time that people were not looking in her so group of curious boys, dared to cross the bridge, and to enter the house. One of the children continued waiting for them without crossing the bridge, since the water was scaring it too much. The others continued to satisfy his curiosity, checked all the doors and windows up to finding a place which entering. Finally inside, poking hereabouts and there, they found in some enormous rooms racks, from the soil up to the ceiling, you fill completely of flasks of crystal, with some liquids of colors and some type of mass inside them, the light was slightly scanty, and nobody had had the brilliant idea of loading with a lamp. When they were going to the second floor, they saw the horrible painting of a man on the chimney, this one had an expression of annoyance, and seemed that was still attentive each of his movements. The boys continued checking the place, and they found a couple of fsforos, that on having ignited them, they allowed them to see that what existed inside the flasks they were human remains, fetuses and deformed animals. They went down traversing the stairs, the man of the picture already was not, that one was actually a window, from which they were being observed. The boy who remained out, only I listen to frightening shouts, and it went out in search of help When the persons came to the place, they could not find the boys. But they untied his anger against all those flasks of horrors, them breaking one after other one, alone to realize with tremendous terror that his children already were inside them, done also pieces in the house that in ancient epochs belonged to a doctor, accused of losing the reason.

Nature park

Gorbea Natural Park is a protected area that is located between the provinces of Alava and Vizcaya in the Basque Country, the highest Basque natural park with an area of 20,008 hectares. It covers Villaro municipalities, Castillo and Elejabeitia, Orozco, and Ceberio Cenuri in Vizcaya and Cigoitia, Zuya and Urcabustaiz in lava. Gorbea Natural Park, along with the nearby natural park of Urkiola, form an important environmental unit. Natural Park was declared by the Basque Government Decree on 21 June 1994 with the purpose of protecting their natural heritage while promoting rural development, understanding and enjoyment. It takes its name from its highest peak, the Gorbea of 1,482 metres. Other peaks of interest are Aldamin Pea of 1,373 metres and the Peas de Itxina.

Thank you for watching it!

By: Alaia Ituo Martn.