Presentación escritor tomellosero 2.0

Post on 19-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Presentación escritor tomellosero 2.0

Interview with a Spanish Author Miguel A. Bernao

Interview with a Spanish AuthorMiguel A. Bernao

FEC Santo Toms de Aquino la MilagrosaSpain

The past...

When and why did you start writing?

How did you feel seeing your first book being published?

I was very excited and free. I felt very happy because I could see That all my efforts were living in my book.He started to write with 9 years old because his father impulse be writer and he have a lot of books in his house

Did you want to be a writer when you were young?

Did you like reading as a teenager?

I wanted to be a lot of thinks but I decided to be a writterYes, When I was a teenager, I always read a lot and I loved the narrative poems. For example is Estronceda, a famous Romanticsm Spanish writer .


How do you get the inspiration?

Could you talk about your daily routine when you are deeply inspired?I normally find inspiration at night and I always read 20 minutes before I start writing . I listen to poems and piano music in low voice

Role model, favorite writers

Who is your favorite author / role model?

Do you prefer classical or contemporary literature?

My favorite author is Moliere.I love the classic poems and I dont like much contemporary poems because they use a lot coloquial language.

Writing process: time, place, themes

How do you write-plan every day or spontaneously

Do you develop the content while writing or do you decide on the end when you start writing a book?I always write and I do it spontaneously in the day.I get the main idea but I develop the content while writing.

Do you have a special place or time for writing? How long does take complete of piece of literature?

Yes, I have . I always write in my studio because I am around my books.

What are the main themes in your books?

Is there anything biographical in your writing?

Have you ever had a writers block? How did you overcome it?I Write about romance, impossible love , ...No, I write about life but in my poems love, feelings are part of every human being...It doesnt happened very often , I have agroup friends who met regularly to encourage ourselves

Life as a writer, advice

Is writing a hobby or a way of living for you? Is it possible to make a living just by publishing books?

Do you like advice? Why? If yes, what advice would you give to a young writer?Me and many of writers have it as style of life because It is very difficult to survive only with writings , but I would like to or at least I try I dont like giving advise to other people, it is a question of fredoom . Everybody has the right to be wrong or not to be .

Plans of the future

What are your plans for the future?

I am preparing a exhibition with other authors in a local club on 28 of October. You are all invited and welcome

Is reading important to improve writers success?

What is your opinion about ebooks?

Yes, of course I a a lover reading .I always read before and after writing .I don't like ebooks because You cant feel the book in your hands.I have a close relationship with my readings when I can feel them.

How do you feel about reading critics and reviews?

I love reading my critics because they help me to correct my mistakes.HANKS A LOT MIGUEL A.BERNAO FOR SUCH ANICE , LOVELY AND WARMINTERVIEW.
