Examen Sustitutorio Inglés IV 290314

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Transcript of Examen Sustitutorio Inglés IV 290314

U N I V E R S I D A D A L A S P E R U A N A SDireccin Universitaria de Educacin a Distancia




NOTA: En Nmeros En Letras

DATOS DEL ALUMNO (Completar obligatoriamente todos los campos)

Apellidos y nombres:MEDRANO SOSA, EULALIO SERGIOCdigo2012302874



Docente:Gludy Doris Barrientos Fierro

Ciclo:Periodo Acadmico:2013-III

INDICACIONES PARA EL ALUMNOEstimado alumno: Resuelva el examen dentro del margen de tiempo asignado. Fjese en el puntaje anotado al lado derecho de cada pregunta para dosificar su tiempo. De presentarse el caso que no se entienda alguna respuesta, sta n ser evaluada. Evite el plagio. De presentarse el caso se anular el examen y la calificacin ser de cero (00)




Complete each sentence with the correct word or expression we have studied (2. 5 Points)

1. Rivaldo is a very busy person, he always _____enjoy__________ near his job and never enjoy his food..2. I did many exercises yesterday so my back ____________right______ now.3. Many Mexican men (like Vicente Fernandez) have ______________4. __________They_____ is usually used . 5. Im the only ____Saturday_________ and its too difficult help my old parents. II. GRAMMAR ( 9 points)

A. Combine the sentences with the accurate linking word.

1) I dont have enough money. I cant travel with you. ______________________________________________________________________2) This main course is disgusting. That dessert is too sweet, this restaurant isnt good. ______________________________________________________________________3) Im not feeling very well. I have to work, I need money. ______________________________________________________________________

B. Order the words to make suitable sentences

1) next / have / our / trip / a / vacation / Lets / on /____________________Lets our a trip on next vacation2) mom / afford / getting / about / . /My / silver / cant / necklace / it / a / How / ? /_How 3) buy / dont / a / Why / like / we / house / . / dont / apartment / this / I / ? /

I dont like this aparment.Why , we buy a house C. Write the correct verb form to complete this text. Use the accurate grammar point we studied.think(x) go invite(2) know(x) ask meet be(2) spend have tell

I ______go_____ (1 ) to a party Yesterday, there I _______meet_____ ( 2) a beautiful girl named Sofia, You know, I never _______meet____ ( 3) any girl just at the first time but Sofia _______have_ (4) really a wonderful woman, so I __________ask__ ( 5 ) her to stay with me. We _______spend____ (6 ) all night together dancing and laughing. Today I _____be____ ( 7 ) very tired and also I _____have_____ ( 8 ) a terrible headache because I couldnt sleep, but Im happy. My mother _______tell____ ( 9) me that I ______invite___________ (10 ) too much on her because I____think_____________ ( 11 ) how she is in a real way, but Im sure she is my other half. I_______think_________ ( 12 ) her to be my girlfriend.

III. Read the Text and ANSWER the following QUESTIONS: ( 5 pts. )

Mrs. Atwell and Mrs. Kendall are sisters. Mrs. Atwell lives in a house in Duncan and Mrs. Kendall lives in a condominium in Victoria. One day Mrs. Atwell visited her sister. When her sister answered the door, Mrs. Atwell saw tears in her eyes. "What's the matter?" she asked. Mrs. Kendall said: My cat Garfield died last night and I dont have a place to bury him. She began to cry again. Mrs. Atwell was very sad because she knew her sister loved the cat very much. Suddenly Mrs. Atwell said "I can bury your cat in my garden in Duncan and you can come and visit him sometimes." Mrs. Kendall stopped crying and the two sisters had tea together and it was a nice visiting day.

It was five o'clock and Mrs. Atwell said it was time for her to go home. She put on her hat, coat and gloves and Mrs. Kendall put the dead Garfield into a shopping bag. Mrs. Atwell took the shopping bag and walked to the bus stop. She waited a long time for the bus so she bought a newspaper. When the bus arrived, she got on the bus, sat down and put the shopping bag on the floor beside her feet. She then began to read the newspaper. When the bus arrived at her bus stop, she got off the bus and walked for about two minutes. Suddenly she remembered she had left the shopping bag on the bus and notice that she was on a big problem.

1. Why was Mrs. Kendall upset? ______Your cat died.__________________________________________________2. What did Mrs. Atwell to relieve her sisters sadness?

He buried the cat in your yard. 3. What did Mrs. Atwell do while she waited the bus? _______she was reading the newspaper_____________________________________________________________________ 4. Was Mrs. Atwell busy during her journey? _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. What did she forget in the bus? ___________________________________________________________________________________

IV. Write a short paragraph ( minimum 100 words) about your childhood. ( 3.5 points)

t was Saturday, I leaped of my top bunk, drew back the curtains and surveyed my universe. The Cul-de-sac fifteen or so modern red brick semis that outlined the limit of my existence, apart from school of course. I was seven and seven eighths years old, the age when a boys sense of adventure starts to kick in with a vengeance, but my mother forbade me to play beyond the limits of the cul-de-sac and the small green that lay behind it and though I longed to go on adventures with the bigger kids I was not a disobedient child and stayed within the bounds I was given, even when it meant I had fun poked at me. This had not been a problem in the past. Until recently my best friend Paul had lived just on the other side of the road and we found plenty to occupy our young minds within our small stomping ground, but a few months ago Paul's family had moved to a town 400 miles away and the only other kid my age was Bonnie the large, sticky and petulant girl next door. We did our best to get along for lack of other options, but most of the time she wanted to play with her dolls when I was more interested in squashing the tiny red spiders that lived on the garden wall (it's a seven year old thing!)

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