Post on 22-Mar-2016

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It is a work on this film. / És un treball sobre aquesta pel·lícula.



Durada: 119 min. Guió: CHRISTOPHER HAMPTON

Nacionalitat: Regne Unit i EEUU Fotografia: P. ROUSSELOT

Any: 1988 (Color) Muntatge: MICK AUDSLEY

Direcció: Stephen FEARS Música: GOERGE FENTON





France, XVIIIth Century. Fascinating and perverse Marchioness of

Merteuil is planning revenge against her latest lover with the help of an

old friend, the Viscount of Valmont, who is an immoral and deprived

seducer like she is. A virtuous married woman, Madame de Tourvel,

who Valmont wants to conquer, will become involved in the

dangerous machinations of the Marchioness.


1.You’ve got the technical details of the film in Valencià. Translate it into English, so

you can learn/revise the basic vocabulary related to audiovisual productions.

Lasted: 119 min. Script: Christopher Hampton

Nationality: U.K. and USA Photography: P. Rousselot

Year: 1988 (Color) Setting: Mick Audsley

Director: Stephen Frears Musician: George Fenton

Production: Warner Bros Artistic Direction: Stuart Craig and Gérard James

Producer: Norma Heyman and Hank Moonjean

Wardrobe: James Acheson

2.Write about 3 of the main characters (Madame de Merteuil, Viscount of Valmont,

Madame de Tourvel, and Cecile de Volanges). Include their physical and personality


Madame de Merteuil: bad person, lier and observant. Viscount of Valmont: womanizer, manipulator and intelligent. Madame de Tourvel: innocent, manipulable and distrustful. Cecile de Volanges: shy, manipulable and fall in love easily.

3.Write a description of the most representative locations of the age, like the

lounges (living rooms), the bedrooms or the gardens.

The place that we go to describe is the living room.

All was luxurious since they were upper-class. It was a very wide room with the very high ceiling, this was decorated with lights very luxurious and the walls were painted delicately with abundant details. The windows, gave to a big external garden very worked, with bushes and plants of everything type. All the pieces of furniture were wooden with pillow with beautiful cloths. This room used to recive everything type of guests, where half the time were important.

4.Do you think that they are genuine people?

What do Mme de Merteuil and the Viscount of Valmont use to dress up in front of the people? Which physical or material elements do they use to build their social identity?

I think they are a fake people, because for the most of the movie are lying to their friends and so they do not lose importance. The Mme de Merteuil and the Viscount of Valmont camouflage themselves with lies.

They use to build their social identity power and money.

5.In the film you can find people who aren’t what they are supposed to be. The

society of that age was based on rules, conventions and traditions which stopped people from being what they really were. What are the objectives that each character wants to meet? What means do they use to get those objectives? Are they really happy?

Madame de Merteuil: it wants to command of all and that all remain in ridiculous except her. Always it wants to go out benefited of his acts and wants to that all fix in her. Use to people and commands them do what she wants, without thinking in the consequences that can suffer these people. In reality it is not happy, does to believe to the people that yes because they follow believer in her.

Viscount of Valmont: it is a manipulator, takes advantage of the people, always thinking in the same. Also it is manipulated by Mme of Merteuil. Use to the women, seduces them, without mattering him his feelings neither if they are married or no. I think that is happy with what does, but that is happy achieve same. At the end it experiences the love did Mme of Tourvel.

Madame de Tourvel: at first it does not want to nothing with the Viscount, but along the work begins to feel attraction did the. First being a bit uncomfortable with the, but next begins to fall in love of him and declares him his love but next refuses it and she saddens.

6.Quina dona de les que hi apareixen a la pel·lícula et sembla més moderna, més

atrevida, més d’acord a l’esperit del Segle de les Llums reflectit a l’expressió Sapere aude? Mme de Merteuil, Mme de Tourvel, Cécile de Volanges, sa mare…? Justifica la teua resposta.

A nosaltres la dona que més moderna ens pareix és Mme de Merteuil, perquè la mentalitat que ella té és més oberta que la de les demés. A

diferencia de les altres ella no sols està pendent del seu amor, la seua vida perfecta, etc., sinó que mira més enllà d’això. A més el seu vestuari és un poc més atrevit que el de les demes.

7.Diríeu que Mme de Tourvel és una persona “major d’edat” d’acord a l’ètica de

Kant? Hi ha algun canvi en aquesta situació al llarg de la pel·lícula? Justifica detingudament la teua resposta utilitzant els teus coneixements.

Al principi de la pel·lícula Mme de Tourvel no la considere “major d’edat” perquè els actes que fa són manats per Mme de Rosemonde i després el Vescomte de Valmont amb els seus encants la convenç perquè faci el que li vingui de gust sense pensar en els altres, llavors comença a ser "major d'edat" perquè actua de la manera que ella creu que és convenient.

8.La pel·lícula és una crítica a la moral i els costums de l’aristocràcia durant el segle

XVIII. Elabora tu aquesta crítica. Un element molt important és l’escena final de Mme de Merteuil, el desenllaç de Valmont, etc.

Per començar la crítica sobre l’aristocràcia del segle XVIII podem destacar la utilitat de les dones, i la manera en el que volien cridar l’atenció als homes i donar-los plaer. Els seus recursos per aconseguir-ho eren el extravagant maquillatge i el vestuaris. Un exemple que podem destacar de la pel·lícula és quan el vescomte li diu a Mme de Tourvel que les dones son felices quan li proporcionen felicitat als homes, donant-los plaer.

Una de les coses que també crida l'atenció en aquest període és com les dones camuflen darrere del maquillatge, la vestimenta o la forma de ser que volen aparentar, com són en la realitat.

Mireia Piles Martínez Sandra Sanmartin Rejano 4rt ESO B