Contacontos 7 marzo

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Contacontos 7 marzo



Os nenos e as nenas de 2 ciclo de primaria participaron o da 7 de marzo de 2014 nunha actividade moi divertida:

Asistiron a unha sesin de CONTACONTOS na nosa biblioteca

MANUEL SOLLA foi o contacontos que nos visitou,

Manuel preguntounos sobre os nosos libros favoritos e agasallounos cun conto dunha princesa que quera ir a un baile

As nenas e os nenos representrona despois

Tamn fixo un truco de maxia

FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05FreedomAmos LeeSupply and Demand, track 2Rock188275.05