Seminarios I 2015

Equivalencia créditos Seminar Informa 1. Del laboratorio al resultados de investi Ponentes: Ángel Rubé Breve CV: Ángel Ru WaveLabs S.L.Ingeni Avanzados y Doctor Diplomado en Cienc UC3M, Premio Exc Extraordinario de Do Defensa y Seguridad WaveLabs, spin-off s dedicada al diseño y f de THz. Indalecio Gil García. Cofundador Luz Wav Madrid y Executive M nuclear, se incorporó En su última etapa fu Grupo Cibeles, el inst y es consejero de var Compagina su activi Título 1. Del laboratorio al mercado. Aspectos prácticos para emprender a partir de resultados de investigación 2. Micromachined tunable Filters and Lase 3. Digital Filter Implementation Optimization 4. Redes de sensores inalámbricas: Reto Oportunidades 5. Redes de acceso FTTH: tecnología, evolución y retos 6. Virtual Photonics Instrumentation Photonics Subsystems 7. Scientific& Technical English 8. Propulsión Eléctrica aplicada a Aviac Ligera Tabla resumen de seminarios rios I: 14 sesiones de 1,5h=3ECTS ación complementaria de cada Seminario mercado. Aspectos prácticos para emprend igación én Criado Serrano & Indalecio Gil García ubén Criado Serrano. Presidente, CTO y cof iero de Telecomunicación, Master en Sistem en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automát cias Empresariales por la UNED. Ganador VI Co celencia Antiguos Alumnos Consejo Social octorado UC3M, Premio Nacional a la mejor d (COIT/AEIT-ISDEFE). Actualmente es Presiden surgida del Departamento de Tecnología Electró fabricación de sistemas y componentes fotónico Consejero Ejecutivo y Cofundador Bultaco Mot aveLabs. Ingeniero Industrial por la Universida MBA por IE Business School. Procedente del camp ó a Caja Madrid, donde desempeñó distintas fun ue Director de Recursos y miembro del Comité trumento para la expansión internacional de Caj rias empresas de los sectores tecnológico, indus idad empresarial con la docencia: colabora co Ponentes S d Ángel Rubén Criado Serrano Indalecio Gil García Luz WaveLabs S.L. & Bultaco Motors 6 ers Peter Meissner Univ Técnica de Darmstadt 2 & Dietmar Sträuβnigg Infineon Technologies 2 os y Teresa Riesgo Alcaide Universidad Politécnica Madrid 2 Julio Montalvo Telefónica I+D 2 in Kevin Hegartty Telecom Bretagne 4 Kevin Hegartty Telecom Bretagne 1 ción Miguel Suarez/ Daniel Cristóbal Axter Aerospace S.L 2 der a partir de fundador de Luz mas Electrónicos tica por la UC3M. oncurso de Ideas UC3M, Premio tesis doctoral en nte y CTO en Luz ónica de la UC3M os y especialmente tors / Consejero y ad Politécnica de po de la ingeniería nciones directivas. é de Dirección del ja Madrid. Ha sido strial y financiero. omo profesor del Sesiones de 1,5h Fechas 6 2 Oct 16:00 a 21:00 9 Oct 16:00 a 21:00 2 16 Oct 16:00 a 19:15 2 23 Oct 16:00 a 19:15 2 6 Nov 16:00 a 19:15 2 27 Nov 16:00 a 19:15 4 10 Dic 19:30 a 21:00 11 Dic 16:00 a 19:15 1 11 Dic 19:30 a 21:00 2 8 Ene 16:00 a 19:15


Seminario, master

Transcript of Seminarios I 2015

Page 1: Seminarios I 2015

Equivalencia créditos Seminarios I:

Información complementaria de cada Seminario

1. Del laboratorio al mercado. Aspectos prácticos para emprender a partir de resultados de investigación Ponentes: Ángel Rubén Criado Serrano Breve CV: Ángel Rubén Criado SerranoWaveLabs S.L.Ingeniero de Telecomunicación, Master en Sistemas Electrónicos Avanzados y Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la UC3M. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales por la UNED. Ganador VI Concurso de Ideas UC3M, Premio Excelencia Antiguos Extraordinario de Doctorado UC3M, Premio Nacional a la mejor tesis doctoral en Defensa y Seguridad (COIT/AEITWaveLabs, spin-off surgida del Departamento de Tecnología Elecdedicada al diseño y fabricación de sistemas y componentde THz. Indalecio Gil García. Cofundador Luz WaveLabs

Madrid y Executive MBA por IE Business School.nuclear, se incorporó a Caja Madrid, donde desempeñó distintas funciones directivas. En su última etapa fue Director de Recursos y miembro del Comité dGrupo Cibeles, el instrumento para la expansión internacional de Caja Madrid.y es consejero de varias empresas de los sectores tecnológico, industrial y financiero. Compagina su actividad empresarial con la docencia: colabora como


1. Del laboratorio al mercado. Aspectos prácticos para emprender a partir de resultados de investigación

2. Micromachined tunable Filters and Lasers

3. Digital Filter Implementation & Optimization

4. Redes de sensores inalámbricas: Retos y Oportunidades

5. Redes de acceso FTTH: tecnología, evolución y retos

6. Virtual Photonics Instrumentation in Photonics Subsystems

7. Scientific& Technical English

8. Propulsión Eléctrica aplicada a Aviación Ligera

Tabla resumen de seminarios

Seminarios I: 14 sesiones de 1,5h=3ECTS

Información complementaria de cada Seminario

laboratorio al mercado. Aspectos prácticos para emprender a partir de resultados de investigación

Ángel Rubén Criado Serrano & Indalecio Gil García

Ángel Rubén Criado Serrano. Presidente, CTO y cofundador de Luz

Ingeniero de Telecomunicación, Master en Sistemas Electrónicos Avanzados y Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la UC3M. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales por la UNED. Ganador VI Concurso de Ideas UC3M, Premio Excelencia Antiguos Alumnos Consejo Social UC3M, Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado UC3M, Premio Nacional a la mejor tesis doctoral en Defensa y Seguridad (COIT/AEIT-ISDEFE). Actualmente es Presidente y CTO en Luz

off surgida del Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica de la UC3M dedicada al diseño y fabricación de sistemas y componentes fotónicos y especialmente

. Consejero Ejecutivo y Cofundador Bultaco Motors / Consejero y

Cofundador Luz WaveLabs. Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Executive MBA por IE Business School. Procedente del campo de la ingeniería nuclear, se incorporó a Caja Madrid, donde desempeñó distintas funciones directivas. En su última etapa fue Director de Recursos y miembro del Comité dGrupo Cibeles, el instrumento para la expansión internacional de Caja Madrid.y es consejero de varias empresas de los sectores tecnológico, industrial y financiero. Compagina su actividad empresarial con la docencia: colabora como

Ponentes Sesiones de 1,5h

Ángel Rubén Criado Serrano Indalecio Gil García Luz WaveLabs S.L. & Bultaco Motors


Micromachined tunable Filters and Lasers Peter Meissner Univ Técnica de

Darmstadt 2

Digital Filter Implementation & Dietmar Sträuβnigg Infineon Technologies


Redes de sensores inalámbricas: Retos y Teresa Riesgo Alcaide Universidad Politécnica Madrid


Julio Montalvo Telefónica I+D


Virtual Photonics Instrumentation in Kevin Hegartty Telecom Bretagne


Kevin Hegartty Telecom Bretagne


Propulsión Eléctrica aplicada a Aviación Miguel Suarez/ Daniel Cristóbal Axter Aerospace S.L


laboratorio al mercado. Aspectos prácticos para emprender a partir de

Presidente, CTO y cofundador de Luz

Ingeniero de Telecomunicación, Master en Sistemas Electrónicos Avanzados y Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la UC3M. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales por la UNED. Ganador VI Concurso de Ideas

Alumnos Consejo Social UC3M, Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado UC3M, Premio Nacional a la mejor tesis doctoral en

Actualmente es Presidente y CTO en Luz trónica de la UC3M

s fotónicos y especialmente

Consejero Ejecutivo y Cofundador Bultaco Motors / Consejero y

idad Politécnica de Procedente del campo de la ingeniería

nuclear, se incorporó a Caja Madrid, donde desempeñó distintas funciones directivas. En su última etapa fue Director de Recursos y miembro del Comité de Dirección del Grupo Cibeles, el instrumento para la expansión internacional de Caja Madrid. Ha sido y es consejero de varias empresas de los sectores tecnológico, industrial y financiero. Compagina su actividad empresarial con la docencia: colabora como profesor del

Sesiones de 1,5h Fechas

6 2 Oct 16:00 a 21:00 9 Oct 16:00 a 21:00

2 16 Oct 16:00 a 19:15

2 23 Oct 16:00 a 19:15

2 6 Nov 16:00 a 19:15

2 27 Nov 16:00 a 19:15

4 10 Dic 19:30 a 21:00 11 Dic 16:00 a 19:15

1 11 Dic 19:30 a 21:00

2 8 Ene 16:00 a 19:15

Page 2: Seminarios I 2015

Colegio de Dirección del IE Business School , en La Salle International Graduate School y ejerce como mentor de jóvenes profesionales y emprendedores en distintos programas. Descripción: Actualmente se vive un auge emprendedor en muchas ocasifocalizado en aspectos teóricos de innovación y en empresas alejadas de la investigación que se realiza en la Universidad. El seminario aborda aspectos puramente prácticos sobre como intentar emprender a partir de resultados de investigación:

• Evaluación de una idea, atreverse y llevarla a cabo.

• Siguientes pasos. El equipo y fuentes de financiación adecuadas a cada proyecto.

• Comunicación. Síntesis, comunicación verbal y no verbal en entornos no técnicos.

• Aspectos básicos de un plan de negocio y presenta Método de evaluaciónmuy corto de 2-3 páginas). Ambos se basarán en una idea (real o no) con potencial de mercado a propuesta del alumno preferentemente. Se evaluará la capacidad síntesis, comunicación verbal y no verbal, comunicación con lenguaje no técnico y aspectos básicos de evaluación de una idea de cara a su potencial de mercado. No se incluirán aspectos relacionados con plan contable, sino con evaluación temprana de la idea: oportunidad de mercado, mercado, competidores, ventaja competitiva…

2. Micromachined tunable Filters and Lasers

Ponente: Peter Meissner

Breve CV: Prof. Meissner: Doctor Ingeniero en 1976, por la Universidad Técnica de Berlín. En 1971 se incorporó al Heinrich Hertz Institut en Berlín, donde desarronavegación y de control adaptativo de eco. En 1981 estuvo como científico en el Laboratorio Musashino de la Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, en Tokio, Japón y en 1986 en el Bell Communication Research, USA. En 1995 se incocomo profesor de Comunicaciones Ópticas en la Universidad Técnica de Darmstadt, Alemania.

Descripción: In this seminar different micromachining techniques and procedures will be described with the aim to fabricate tunable tunable devices will be described. Finally several applications for such tunable devices and sources will be discussed

Evaluación: Breve cuestionario al finalizar el seminario

3. Digital Filter Implementation & Optimization

Speaker: Dietmar Sträu

Short CV: Dietmar Sträu

the Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical

engineering, from the University of Technology, Graz, Austria, in 1991 and 1995,

respectively. In 1996, he joined the Siemens Microelectronics Design Center in Villach,

Colegio de Dirección del IE Business School , en La Salle International Graduate School y ejerce como mentor de jóvenes profesionales y emprendedores en distintos

Actualmente se vive un auge emprendedor en muchas ocasifocalizado en aspectos teóricos de innovación y en empresas alejadas de la investigación que se realiza en la Universidad. El seminario aborda aspectos puramente prácticos sobre como intentar emprender a partir de resultados de

ón de una idea, atreverse y llevarla a cabo.

Siguientes pasos. El equipo y fuentes de financiación adecuadas a cada proyecto.

Comunicación. Síntesis, comunicación verbal y no verbal en entornos no técnicos.

Aspectos básicos de un plan de negocio y presentación de ideas.

Método de evaluación: Presentación corta (3-5 minutos) e informe (plan de negocio 3 páginas). Ambos se basarán en una idea (real o no) con potencial de

mercado a propuesta del alumno preferentemente. Se evaluará la capacidad síntesis, comunicación verbal y no verbal, comunicación con lenguaje no técnico y aspectos básicos de evaluación de una idea de cara a su potencial de mercado. No se incluirán aspectos relacionados con plan contable, sino con evaluación temprana de la dea: oportunidad de mercado, mercado, competidores, ventaja competitiva…

Micromachined tunable Filters and Lasers

Prof. Meissner: Doctor Ingeniero en 1976, por la Universidad Técnica de Berlín. En 1971 se incorporó al Heinrich Hertz Institut en Berlín, donde desarronavegación y de control adaptativo de eco. En 1981 estuvo como científico en el Laboratorio Musashino de la Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, en Tokio, Japón y en 1986 en el Bell Communication Research, USA. En 1995 se incocomo profesor de Comunicaciones Ópticas en la Universidad Técnica de Darmstadt,

In this seminar different micromachining techniques and procedures will be described with the aim to fabricate tunable optical sources and components. Next, a set of tunable devices will be described. Finally several applications for such tunable devices and

Breve cuestionario al finalizar el seminario

Digital Filter Implementation & Optimization

Dietmar Sträuβnigg (Infineon Technologies)

Dietmar Sträuβnigg was born in Wolfsberg, Austria, in 1966. He received

Ing. (M.Sc.) degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical

ineering, from the University of Technology, Graz, Austria, in 1991 and 1995,

respectively. In 1996, he joined the Siemens Microelectronics Design Center in Villach,

Colegio de Dirección del IE Business School , en La Salle International Graduate School y ejerce como mentor de jóvenes profesionales y emprendedores en distintos

Actualmente se vive un auge emprendedor en muchas ocasiones focalizado en aspectos teóricos de innovación y en empresas alejadas de la investigación que se realiza en la Universidad. El seminario aborda aspectos puramente prácticos sobre como intentar emprender a partir de resultados de

Siguientes pasos. El equipo y fuentes de financiación adecuadas a cada proyecto.

Comunicación. Síntesis, comunicación verbal y no verbal en entornos no técnicos.

5 minutos) e informe (plan de negocio 3 páginas). Ambos se basarán en una idea (real o no) con potencial de

mercado a propuesta del alumno preferentemente. Se evaluará la capacidad de síntesis, comunicación verbal y no verbal, comunicación con lenguaje no técnico y aspectos básicos de evaluación de una idea de cara a su potencial de mercado. No se incluirán aspectos relacionados con plan contable, sino con evaluación temprana de la dea: oportunidad de mercado, mercado, competidores, ventaja competitiva…

Prof. Meissner: Doctor Ingeniero en 1976, por la Universidad Técnica de Berlín. En 1971 se incorporó al Heinrich Hertz Institut en Berlín, donde desarrolló sistemas de navegación y de control adaptativo de eco. En 1981 estuvo como científico en el Laboratorio Musashino de la Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, en Tokio, Japón y en 1986 en el Bell Communication Research, USA. En 1995 se incorporó como profesor de Comunicaciones Ópticas en la Universidad Técnica de Darmstadt,

In this seminar different micromachining techniques and procedures will be optical sources and components. Next, a set of

tunable devices will be described. Finally several applications for such tunable devices and

was born in Wolfsberg, Austria, in 1966. He received

Ing. (M.Sc.) degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical

ineering, from the University of Technology, Graz, Austria, in 1991 and 1995,

respectively. In 1996, he joined the Siemens Microelectronics Design Center in Villach,

Page 3: Seminarios I 2015

Austria, which in 2000 became Infineon Technologies. From 1996 to 2005 he was

concept engineer in the field of modem development (ADSL, VDSL). From 2005 to 2009

he was a Senior Staff engineer for concept development for mixed

2009 he joined Lantiq Austria. In 2011 he went back again to Infineon Technologies in

the concept development group for silicon microphone products. Since 1998 he

teaches as a lecturer for Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communications and Control

Systems at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

His main interests are in the field of oversampli

digital filter design and digital signal processing. He has contributed to more than 80

patents and has published several journal and conference papers.

Summary: Standard digital filters are described, such as FIR,

representations like transfer functions, frequency response, and difference equations).

Design and implementation are shown in Matlab environment through practical


Special filter topologies are introduced, including comb and polyphase structures,

most used in decimation stages.

The seminar is organized in two sessions. The first session will cover the theoretical

aspects, and the second session is devoted to practica

attend this second session in a computer room.

Assesment proofs: test

4. Redes de sensores inal

Ponente: Teresa Riesgo Alcaide (Universidad Polit Short CV: Teresa Riesgoand Ph.D. degrees in industrial engineering from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, in 1989 and 1996, respectively. Since 2003, she has been a Full Professor of electronics with those fields and has participated and acted as Main Researcher in several European Union- funded projects. From 2006 she has been involved in the International Relations Affairs of ETSIIVicepresident of the TIME network (www.timeUPM in different international agreements. Currently she is the head of the Automatics, Electronic Engineering and Industrial Computer ScShe was the Director of the Centro de Electrónica Industrial, UPM, until 2012. Her research interests are focused on embeddedconfigurable systems, and power estimation in digital systems.Descripción: En estesensores inalámbricas, detallando principalmente la componente hardware de dichas redes, el proceso de diseño y desarrollo de las mismas y algunas aplicaciones relevantes. En segundo lugar se muestran los retos actuales a los que se enfrentan este tipo de redes: consumo, planificación y aspectos hardware. En tercer lugar se detalla un ejemplo real de red de sensores inalámbrica. Por último se aborda las oportunidades que se prese Método de evaluación

Austria, which in 2000 became Infineon Technologies. From 1996 to 2005 he was

neer in the field of modem development (ADSL, VDSL). From 2005 to 2009

he was a Senior Staff engineer for concept development for mixed-signal modules. In

2009 he joined Lantiq Austria. In 2011 he went back again to Infineon Technologies in

elopment group for silicon microphone products. Since 1998 he

teaches as a lecturer for Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communications and Control

Systems at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

His main interests are in the field of oversampling A/D and D/A converters, advanced

digital filter design and digital signal processing. He has contributed to more than 80

patents and has published several journal and conference papers.

Standard digital filters are described, such as FIR, and IIR filters (different

representations like transfer functions, frequency response, and difference equations).

Design and implementation are shown in Matlab environment through practical

Special filter topologies are introduced, including comb and polyphase structures,

most used in decimation stages.

The seminar is organized in two sessions. The first session will cover the theoretical

aspects, and the second session is devoted to practical examples. The students will

attend this second session in a computer room.


Redes de sensores inalámbricas: Retos y Oportunidades

Teresa Riesgo Alcaide (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Teresa Riesgo was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1965. She received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in industrial engineering from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, in 1989 and 1996, respectively. Since 2003, she has been a Full Professor of electronics with the UPM. She has published a large number of papers in those fields and has participated and acted as Main Researcher in several European

funded projects. From 2006 she has been involved in the International Relations Affairs of ETSII-UPM, and she has been Vice-Director of ETSIIVicepresident of the TIME network (www.time-, and has represented UPM in different international agreements. Currently she is the head of the Automatics, Electronic Engineering and Industrial Computer Science department.She was the Director of the Centro de Electrónica Industrial, UPM, until 2012. Her research interests are focused on embedded-system design, wirelessconfigurable systems, and power estimation in digital systems.

este seminario se comienza con una introducción a las redes de sensores inalámbricas, detallando principalmente la componente hardware de dichas redes, el proceso de diseño y desarrollo de las mismas y algunas aplicaciones

gundo lugar se muestran los retos actuales a los que se enfrentan este tipo de redes: consumo, planificación y aspectos hardware. En tercer lugar se detalla un ejemplo real de red de sensores inalámbrica. Por último se aborda las oportunidades que se presentan en este campo en un futuro próximo.

Método de evaluación: cuestionario y discusión.

Austria, which in 2000 became Infineon Technologies. From 1996 to 2005 he was

neer in the field of modem development (ADSL, VDSL). From 2005 to 2009

signal modules. In

2009 he joined Lantiq Austria. In 2011 he went back again to Infineon Technologies in

elopment group for silicon microphone products. Since 1998 he

teaches as a lecturer for Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communications and Control

ng A/D and D/A converters, advanced

digital filter design and digital signal processing. He has contributed to more than 80

and IIR filters (different

representations like transfer functions, frequency response, and difference equations).

Design and implementation are shown in Matlab environment through practical

Special filter topologies are introduced, including comb and polyphase structures,

The seminar is organized in two sessions. The first session will cover the theoretical

l examples. The students will

was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1965. She received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in industrial engineering from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, in 1989 and 1996, respectively. Since 2003, she has been a Full

the UPM. She has published a large number of papers in those fields and has participated and acted as Main Researcher in several European

funded projects. From 2006 she has been involved in the International Director of ETSII-UPM,, and has represented UPM in different international agreements. Currently she is the head of the

ience department. She was the Director of the Centro de Electrónica Industrial, UPM, until 2012. Her

system design, wireless-sensor networks,

seminario se comienza con una introducción a las redes de sensores inalámbricas, detallando principalmente la componente hardware de dichas redes, el proceso de diseño y desarrollo de las mismas y algunas aplicaciones

gundo lugar se muestran los retos actuales a los que se enfrentan este tipo de redes: consumo, planificación y aspectos hardware. En tercer lugar se detalla un ejemplo real de red de sensores inalámbrica. Por último se aborda las

ntan en este campo en un futuro próximo.

Page 4: Seminarios I 2015

5. Digital Filter Implementation & Optimization

Speaker: Dietmar Sträu

Summary: Standard digital filters are described, such as FIR,

representations like transfer functions, frequency response, and difference equations).

Design and implementation are shown in Matlab environment through practical


Special filter topologies are introduced, including comb and polyphase structures,

most used in decimation stages.

The seminar is organized in two sessions. The first session will cover the theoretical

aspects, and the second session is devoted to practica

attend this second session in a computer room.

Short CV: Dietmar Sträu

the Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical

engineering, from the University of Technology, Graz, Austria, in 1991 and 1995,

respectively. In 1996, he joined the Siemens Microelectronics Design Center in Villach,

Austria, which in 2000 became Infineon Technologies. From 1996 to 2005 he was

concept engineer in the field of modem development (ADSL, VDSL). From 2005 to 2009

he was a Senior Staff engineer for concept development for mixed

2009 he joined Lantiq Austria. In 2011 he went back again to Infineon Technologies in

the concept development group for silicon microphone products. Since 1998 he

teaches as a lecturer for Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communications and Control

Systems at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

His main interests are in the field of oversampli

digital filter design and digital signal processing. He has contributed to more than 80

patents and has published several journal and conference papers.

Assesment proofs: test

6. Redes de acceso FTTH: tecnología,

Ponente: Julio Montalvo

Breve CV: Julio Montalvo es Ingeniero de Telecomunicación (UPM 2004) y Dr. en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática (UC3M 2008). Es autor de más de 30 artículos de investigación en una patente concedida. Desde 2011 trabaja como Jefe de Proyectos en Telefónica I+D en el marco de redes de acceso fija y equipamiento de cliente, y representa a Telefónica

Descripción: En este seminario se estudiarán lacomponentes optoelectrónicos empleados en los despliegues FTTH a nivel mundial, así como las arquitecturas de red de acceso empleadas, los estándares

Digital Filter Implementation & Optimization

Dietmar Sträuβnigg (Infineon Technologies)

Standard digital filters are described, such as FIR, and IIR filters (different

representations like transfer functions, frequency response, and difference equations).

Design and implementation are shown in Matlab environment through practical

Special filter topologies are introduced, including comb and polyphase structures,

most used in decimation stages.

The seminar is organized in two sessions. The first session will cover the theoretical

aspects, and the second session is devoted to practical examples. The students will

attend this second session in a computer room.

Dietmar Sträuβnigg was born in Wolfsberg, Austria, in 1966. He received

Ing. (M.Sc.) degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical

ineering, from the University of Technology, Graz, Austria, in 1991 and 1995,

respectively. In 1996, he joined the Siemens Microelectronics Design Center in Villach,

Austria, which in 2000 became Infineon Technologies. From 1996 to 2005 he was

neer in the field of modem development (ADSL, VDSL). From 2005 to 2009

he was a Senior Staff engineer for concept development for mixed-signal modules. In

2009 he joined Lantiq Austria. In 2011 he went back again to Infineon Technologies in

elopment group for silicon microphone products. Since 1998 he

teaches as a lecturer for Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communications and Control

Systems at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

His main interests are in the field of oversampling A/D and D/A converters, advanced

digital filter design and digital signal processing. He has contributed to more than 80

patents and has published several journal and conference papers.


Redes de acceso FTTH: tecnología, evolución y retos

Julio Montalvo (Telefónica I+D)

Julio Montalvo es Ingeniero de Telecomunicación (UPM 2004) y Dr. en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática (UC3M 2008). Es autor de más de 30 artículos de investigación en revistas y conferencias, un capítulo de libro y una patente concedida. Desde 2011 trabaja como Jefe de Proyectos en Telefónica I+D en el marco de redes de acceso fija y equipamiento de cliente, y

elefónica en los organismos de estandarización FSAN, ITU y BBF.

En este seminario se estudiarán las tecnologías de fibra y componentes optoelectrónicos empleados en los despliegues FTTH a nivel mundial, así como las arquitecturas de red de acceso empleadas, los estándares

and IIR filters (different

representations like transfer functions, frequency response, and difference equations).

Design and implementation are shown in Matlab environment through practical

Special filter topologies are introduced, including comb and polyphase structures,

The seminar is organized in two sessions. The first session will cover the theoretical

l examples. The students will

was born in Wolfsberg, Austria, in 1966. He received

Ing. (M.Sc.) degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical

ineering, from the University of Technology, Graz, Austria, in 1991 and 1995,

respectively. In 1996, he joined the Siemens Microelectronics Design Center in Villach,

Austria, which in 2000 became Infineon Technologies. From 1996 to 2005 he was

neer in the field of modem development (ADSL, VDSL). From 2005 to 2009

signal modules. In

2009 he joined Lantiq Austria. In 2011 he went back again to Infineon Technologies in

elopment group for silicon microphone products. Since 1998 he

teaches as a lecturer for Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communications and Control

ng A/D and D/A converters, advanced

digital filter design and digital signal processing. He has contributed to more than 80

Julio Montalvo es Ingeniero de Telecomunicación (UPM 2004) y Dr. en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática (UC3M 2008). Es autor de más de

revistas y conferencias, un capítulo de libro y una patente concedida. Desde 2011 trabaja como Jefe de Proyectos en Telefónica I+D en el marco de redes de acceso fija y equipamiento de cliente, y


tecnologías de fibra y componentes optoelectrónicos empleados en los despliegues FTTH a nivel mundial, así como las arquitecturas de red de acceso empleadas, los estándares

Page 5: Seminarios I 2015

y su evolución (GPON, NGPON1/2, WDMtecnológicos (anchura de banda, supervisión óptica, alcance físico), regulatorios y energéticos se analizarán igualmente.

Evaluación: Se realizará debate en clase y se realizará un examen tipo test al final del seminario.

7. Virtual Photonics Instrumentation in Photonics Subsystems Speakers: Kevin Heggarty Short CV: Kevin Heggarty

grew up and studied in the United Kingdom, obtaining his BA in Natural Sciences

(Physics) from Cambridge University in 1987, his MSc in Telecommunications

Engineering (Essex University) in 1988 and hi

Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris in 1991. After teaching in Africa for a

year (Chad) he was successively postdoc, research engineer and lecturer at Telecom

Bretagne in Brest, France, where he is now full profe

research interests are the design, fabrication and applications of diffractive optical

elements and spatial light modulators. He has published over 60 patents, journal and

conference publications, participated and run 6 E

regional and industrial contracts. In 2002 he was on sabbatical leave as an invited

researcher at the University of Edinburgh and CRLOpto Ltd in Scotland. He co

the start-up company Holotetrix in 2007.

Summary: Optical transmission and networking basics will be given along with some

optical link simulations to illustrate those concepts. A commercial software Virtual

Photonics Instrumentation Transmission Maker will be used on the lab sessions to

model those optical netwoks.

Assesment proofs: test on lab sessions manual

(GPON, NGPON1/2, WDM-PON). Los principales retos tecnológicos (anchura de banda, supervisión óptica, alcance físico), regulatorios y energéticos se analizarán igualmente.

Se realizará debate en clase y se realizará un examen tipo test al

Virtual Photonics Instrumentation in Photonics Subsystems

Kevin Heggarty (Telecom Bretagne)

Kevin Heggarty was born in Salisbury, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1964. He

grew up and studied in the United Kingdom, obtaining his BA in Natural Sciences

(Physics) from Cambridge University in 1987, his MSc in Telecommunications

Engineering (Essex University) in 1988 and his doctorate from the Ecole Nationale

Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris in 1991. After teaching in Africa for a

year (Chad) he was successively postdoc, research engineer and lecturer at Telecom

Bretagne in Brest, France, where he is now full professor in the Optics department. His

research interests are the design, fabrication and applications of diffractive optical

elements and spatial light modulators. He has published over 60 patents, journal and

conference publications, participated and run 6 EU projects and numerous national,

regional and industrial contracts. In 2002 he was on sabbatical leave as an invited

researcher at the University of Edinburgh and CRLOpto Ltd in Scotland. He co

up company Holotetrix in 2007.

ptical transmission and networking basics will be given along with some

optical link simulations to illustrate those concepts. A commercial software Virtual

Photonics Instrumentation Transmission Maker will be used on the lab sessions to

l netwoks.

test on lab sessions manual

PON). Los principales retos tecnológicos (anchura de banda, supervisión óptica, alcance físico), regulatorios

Se realizará debate en clase y se realizará un examen tipo test al

was born in Salisbury, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1964. He

grew up and studied in the United Kingdom, obtaining his BA in Natural Sciences

(Physics) from Cambridge University in 1987, his MSc in Telecommunications

s doctorate from the Ecole Nationale

Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris in 1991. After teaching in Africa for a

year (Chad) he was successively postdoc, research engineer and lecturer at Telecom

ssor in the Optics department. His

research interests are the design, fabrication and applications of diffractive optical

elements and spatial light modulators. He has published over 60 patents, journal and

U projects and numerous national,

regional and industrial contracts. In 2002 he was on sabbatical leave as an invited

researcher at the University of Edinburgh and CRLOpto Ltd in Scotland. He co-founded

ptical transmission and networking basics will be given along with some

optical link simulations to illustrate those concepts. A commercial software Virtual

Photonics Instrumentation Transmission Maker will be used on the lab sessions to

Page 6: Seminarios I 2015

8. Scientific& Technical English

Speakers: Bruno Fracasso and

Short CV: Kevin Heggarty

grew up and studied in the United Kingdom, obtaining his BA in Natural Sciences

(Physics) from Cambridge University in 1987, his MSc in Telecommunications

Engineering (Essex University) in 1988 and hi

Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris in 1991. After teaching in Africa for a

year (Chad) he was successively postdoc, research engineer and lecturer at Telecom

Bretagne in Brest, France, where he is now full profe

research interests are the design, fabrication and applications of diffractive optical

elements and spatial light modulators. He has published over 60 patents, journal and

conference publications, participated and run 6 E

regional and industrial contracts. In 2002 he was on sabbatical leave as an invited

researcher at the University of Edinburgh and CRLOpto Ltd in Scotland. He co

the start-up company Holotetrix in 2007.

Summary: Most common scientific and technical terms will be revisited and some

guidelines about how to write a

Assesment proofs: exercises

9. Propulsión Eléctrica aplicada a Aviación LigeraPonentes: Miguel Suarez

Scientific& Technical English

Bruno Fracasso and Kevin Heggarty (Telecom Bretagne)

Kevin Heggarty was born in Salisbury, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1964. He

grew up and studied in the United Kingdom, obtaining his BA in Natural Sciences

(Physics) from Cambridge University in 1987, his MSc in Telecommunications

Engineering (Essex University) in 1988 and his doctorate from the Ecole Nationale

Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris in 1991. After teaching in Africa for a

year (Chad) he was successively postdoc, research engineer and lecturer at Telecom

Bretagne in Brest, France, where he is now full professor in the Optics department. His

research interests are the design, fabrication and applications of diffractive optical

elements and spatial light modulators. He has published over 60 patents, journal and

conference publications, participated and run 6 EU projects and numerous national,

regional and industrial contracts. In 2002 he was on sabbatical leave as an invited

researcher at the University of Edinburgh and CRLOpto Ltd in Scotland. He co

up company Holotetrix in 2007.

ost common scientific and technical terms will be revisited and some

guidelines about how to write a scientific publication in English will be given


Propulsión Eléctrica aplicada a Aviación Ligera Miguel Suarez/ Daniel Cristóbal

was born in Salisbury, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1964. He

grew up and studied in the United Kingdom, obtaining his BA in Natural Sciences

(Physics) from Cambridge University in 1987, his MSc in Telecommunications

s doctorate from the Ecole Nationale

Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris in 1991. After teaching in Africa for a

year (Chad) he was successively postdoc, research engineer and lecturer at Telecom

ssor in the Optics department. His

research interests are the design, fabrication and applications of diffractive optical

elements and spatial light modulators. He has published over 60 patents, journal and

U projects and numerous national,

regional and industrial contracts. In 2002 he was on sabbatical leave as an invited

researcher at the University of Edinburgh and CRLOpto Ltd in Scotland. He co-founded

ost common scientific and technical terms will be revisited and some

cientific publication in English will be given.