Presentation 23rd M10 Cho

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  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    ICAP Session @IHRA , Bangkok Thailand

    Drinking Patterns and Alcohol

    2009. 4


    [email protected]

    Dean of Research, Korea Alcohol Research Center

    President, BACCHUS Kor ea

    ce res ent, anagem ent nst tute o t e tate


  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Bom b Shot54.

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  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Research Structur eResearch Structur e

    Physical Factors o f



    in a day Outing(Wor kplace People)

    Bid the old year offDrinkingArchetype


    enta actor s


  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Data Inform ationData Inform ation

    National quantitative survey at 1997, 2000,

    2005, 200 , 2009



    Face to face interview

    ua tat ve ocus group nterv ew or

    r r in h rv i nn ir

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Research Structur eResearch Structur e

    of Drinking

    Archetype Probleco oProblems

    Mental Factor s

    m s

    o r n ngPatterns

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Binge drinker s are increasing 53.5% 68.1% Everyday binge drinkers a lso increasing 4.1%5.4%

    Unit : %

    Kor ean has the first ran ker in OECD ran king inbinge dr inking

    2000 2006

    None 6. 1.Under 1 time in a

    month 17.8 20.1

    . .

    1 tim e in a w eek 17.7 22.5

    Ever da .1 .


    Total 100.0 100.0Source: SG Cho, DH Kim (2006)

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (W HO)Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (W HO)

    Problem Drinker s are increasing 31.1%.

    Har m ful users and dependence are also

    u nit: %

    increasing 10.9% 15.9%

    2000 2006

    - . .

    Hazardous user

    (8-15)20.3 24.5


    5.2 7.6


    5.7 8.3


    Total 100.0 100Source : SG Cho, DK Kim (2006)

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    , , ,, , ,


    Death toll by driving driving has increased

    Traffic accident by drinking driving has

    63.2% of hom icide has been dr unk

    62.9% of violence has been drunk

    Dom estic violence, sexual assau lt


  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Negative Effects(Econom ic Costs)Negative Effects(Econom ic Costs)

    from Drinkingfrom Drinking

    Perspectives with COI approach


    Costs item s Share %

    ro uc v y oss 3 .

    Death 26.9


    Medical Expenses 5.3

    , . .

    Other Costs (Nursing, Drug etc.) 1.9

    . .

    11Copy Right @ 2008 by SG Cho

    Sour ce: Lee et al.(2007)

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Total annual benefits : 1.68 Billion$

    Estimation for the benefits of Consum er Sur plus

    by w illingness to pay approach : 422 m illion$ene ts tem s are

    Value added of Manufacturers 24.9

    Value added of W holesale & Retail 24.9

    , .


    Consum er Surplus 25.1

    100.012Sour ces: IG Yo o & SG Cho IE(2005)

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Research Structur eResearch Structur e

    of Drinking Patterns

    Drinkinco oProblemsArchetype

    Mental Factors ofDrinking Patterns

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Korean societybinge dr inking was popular

    Shar ing dr inking cup and exchange drinking

    star ted from the three k ingdom per iod (B.C. 57- . .

    Soju(19.5% volum e of ethanol), very cheapdrink, has been popular since 1965


  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Research Structur eResearch Structur e

    Physical Factor sof Dr in kin Patter ns


    Drinking Preference(TOMA) Drink m ore than tw ice

    Archetype AlcoholProblems

    in a day Outin (W ork lace eo le) Cerem ony for Bid the old

    ear offMental Factors

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Present drinker s (last 1 year) ar e very m uch7 .5 , pea w as 0.1 2000

    Heavy drinker s, 7 units + dr inker s in one o ccasion,

    Unit : %

    ar e increasing from 27.5%(2000) to 48.8%(2007)

    1997 2000 2006Present 0. 80.1 8.


    Drinker 4.1


    8.4Non -

    Drinker 25.5 12.4 13.1


    o a 100 100 100

    Sour ce: SG Cho K PC(1997) KARF(2000, 2006)

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Top of Mind Aw arenessTop of Mind Aw areness

    Top of Mind of Soju is 74.2%, and next is

    Drinkers w ho drink too m uch and for


    lessening the stress like Soju

    Sour ce: SG Cho e t al. KARC(2009)

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    47.8% of Kor ean dr inkers ar e drinking mor e than 2

    Many Kor ean drinkers are drinking Bom bo 54. , a e one s o n a rs r n 50. ,

    shar e the dr ink cup(75.0%)

    Male Female Total

    . . .

    2 tim es 46.4 33.3 40.2

    . . .

    4 tim es + 1.2 0.4 0.8


    Source: SG Cho, DH Kim (2006)

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    K orean ar e drinking in almost of the outings

    80Dr ink in tim e s Sh ar e exper ence t m e an per orm ance oss


    in 10 Outings %



    - 0 40 48.4


    60 51.6

    - .

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Every year from Nov. to Dec. Dr n ng too m uc w t r en s, co eagues etc.

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Item s Agree

    var iety of w ays



    the sake of the fatigue, thirsty, andh uma n relatio nsh i etc.



    I wish to live w ithou t alcoho lic bever age

    if I can cho ose



    I think alcoholic beverage give us o nly


    21Sour ce: SG Cho DH Kim (2006), SG Cho et al. (2009)

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    orean as a pos ve a u e or e


    61.5% recognize the alcoholic beverage is

    necessary for social life

    pregnant situation is no problem

    20.1% agree no problem for the studen ts

    dr inkin under the 19 ears

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    32.3% have exper iences of taking a car by

    dru nken driver

    shor t time 49.4%

    20.4% experience of m issing im por tant

    w or k for dr inkin

    Source: K ARC(2009)

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho



    item s Agree

    86.8%(2005)Everyone has a r ights to dr ink




    Alcoholic bever age is necessar y to 75.4%(2009)hum an being

    Alcoho lic bever age w ill be 17.7%(2006)disappeared in the en d 10.7%(2009)


    , , , , ,

    Cho etc.( 2009)

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    W et & Dr y Cultur e

    Definition of K orean dr inking is w et and dry

    because Koreans are drinkin too m uch andfrequently

    .tim es per m onth and m ore than 5 units on one

    Heav and bin e drinkin are increasin from1997 to 2005 (Male drinkers 18.0% 20.7%;Fem ale dr inkers 3.0% 6.7%)

  • 8/14/2019 Presentation 23rd M10 Cho


    Dr inkin atter ns of K or ean ar e chan in becauseof the w et and dry dr inking cultur e

    And alcoho l har m from the physical factor s ofdr inking patter ns w ith traditional archetype isincreasing

    Bu t Koreans h ave a po sitive attitude and value tothe alcoholic bever age and dr inking, and positive

    And w estern style of con tro l policy is not w or king

    HR w ay of targeted prevention activities for