Double page presentation

Analysis of my chosen genre’s Double- Page spread By Charlie Newton

Transcript of Double page presentation

Analysis of my chosen genre’s

Double- Page spread

By Charlie Newton

• This is a Double Page spread from the record store day edition NME magazine , in which the front cover included Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys. It includes a total of 5 images, which tells me that I need to include around the same amount of pictures in my Double- Page spread. I would describe the layout as organised and well ordered. The double page has different colours with colours such as Red, White, Black and Grey being displayed. The Double page also has boxes situated around the article which makes the display of the page look better, I will use these in my magazine to therefore replicate the same effect.

• The Double page spread does not include Subscription information which tells me that I won’t need to include this on my Double-Page spread. The headline in the Double-Page spread is exactly the same as the one on the front cover of the magazine which could suggest that the NME Is only focused on answering the statement on the front cover, ‘The Record That Changed My Life’. The image says that the band Arctic Monkeys will tell us the records that changed their lives as an image of them appears where the statement is written. The kind of images that appear on the double page spread are images of the Arctic Monkeys and the records that changed their lives also individual images of Alex Turner & Matt Helders.