Ámbito da comunicación: lingua inglesa - edu.xunta.es · PDF...

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Ámbito da comunicación: lingua inglesa

Unidade didáctica 5

Let me tell you about

Educación secundaria para persoas adultas




1. Programación da unidade....................................................................................................2

1.1 Encadramento da unidade no ámbito da comunicación................................................2

1.2 Descrición da unidade didáctica ...................................................................................3

1.3 Obxectivos didácticos ...................................................................................................3

1.4 Contidos da unidade......................................................................................................4

1.5 Actividades e temporalización......................................................................................5

1.6 Recursos materiais ........................................................................................................8

1.7 Avaliación .....................................................................................................................8

2. Secuencia de actividades.....................................................................................................9

1. Programación da unidade

1.1 Encadramento da unidade no ámbito da comunicación

Unidade 1: Hello?... Hi? Bloque 1

Unidade 2: Ready to go?

Unidade 3: English online MÓDULO 1

Bloque 2 Unidade 4: Let’s learn more (surfing the net)

Unidade 5: Let me tell you about Bloque 1

Unidade 6: English in mind

Unidade 7: Let’s read MÓDULO 2

Bloque 2 Unidade 8: The way we live

Unidade 9: The media Bloque 1

Unidade 10: Publicity

Unidade 11: Audiovisual technology MÓDULO 3

Bloque 2 Unidade 12: English alive

Unidade 13: Getting to know you Bloque 1

Unidade 14: Professional English

Unidade 15: Let’s learn MÓDULO 4

Bloque 2 Unidade 16: Learn more


1.2 Descrición da unidade didáctica Esta unidade está dentro do módulo 2, bloque 1, e denomínase “LET ME TELL YOU

ABOUT”. A unidade fai fincapé na revisión das unidades correspondentes ao módulo 1 e

introduce a área temática dos bens e servizos, que se ampliará na seguinte unidade do bloque.

Co fin de aprender a lingua no uso e para o uso, os contidos teñen unha vertente práctica de

acción e de atención aos procesos, polo que convén que o alumnado realice actividades

comunicativas para cumprir determinadas funcións.

Así, deberán realizarse actividades de comunicación de todas as destrezas, de comprensión e

expresión oral e escrita, a través de textos, sexan orais ou escritos, todo cun fin ou propósito

de comunicación (as funcións), xunto co grao de desenvolvemento en canto á eficacia

comunicativa, coherencia, organización, cohesión e fluidez.

Os recursos lingüísticos son necesarios en canto á función comunicativa que expresan, pero

non se sosteñen por si mesmos. O seu uso contextualizado permite levar adiante actividades

comunicativas, que non son o fin senón o medio.

Nesta unidade atoparemos, como xa dixemos, dúas partes diferenciadas: unha de revisión e

unha de introdución aos bens e servizos: pedir información básica en compras, horarios,

seguir instrucións sinxelas, enumerar, localizar, usar transportes, etc.

1.3 Obxectivos didácticos 1 Ser quen de seguir instrucións, comprender avisos, diálogos ou exposicións breves e

sinxelas sobre temas coñecidos emitidos en situacións de comunicación directa, cunha

pronuncia lenta, pausada e con posibles repeticións e aclaracións, utilizando as

estratexias básicas de comprensión das mensaxes orais.

2 Comprender a información xeral e os datos máis relevantes de textos escritos

auténticos, de extensión variada e sinxelos, e próximos ao alumnado adulto.

3 Realizar breves intervencións comprensibles, solicitar a colaboración do interlocutor e

responder igualmente á petición deste para asegurar a comprensión e o mantemento

da comunicación.

4 Escribir de forma guiada mensaxes e textos diversos sinxelos e breves, relativos a

aspectos concretos coñecidos, adecuados á situación de comunicación, coas

estruturas e cos elementos de cohesión e coherencia elementais.

5 Aplicar os coñecementos sobre a lingua estranxeira e as normas de uso lingüístico nas

actividades de comprensión e expresión oral e escrita, e como instrumento de

autocorrección e autoavaliación, para compoñer e revisar de maneira cada vez máis

autónoma os textos propios.

6 Recoñecer e utilizar as formas de relación social e de tratamento máis usuais dentro

dun rexistro estándar.


1.4 Contidos da unidade COMUNICACIÓN


� Valoración positiva das intervencións orais propias e alleas. � Esforzo e interese no uso da lingua oral. � Uso de estratexias de comprensión das mensaxes orais: contexto verbal e non verbal e

coñecementos previos sobre a situación, así como identificación de palabras clave. � Produción de mensaxes orais breves e coherentes sobre temas de interese persoal e cunha

pronuncia que non dificulte a comunicación.


� Comprensión da información xeral e específica en diferentes tipos de textos, en soporte papel e dixital, auténticos e adaptados, sobre asuntos relacionados coas áreas temáticas.

� Recoñecemento e iniciación no uso dalgunhas fórmulas que diferencian a linguaxe formal e informal nas comunicacións escritas.


� Identificación de elementos morfolóxicos no uso da lingua: substantivo, verbo, adxectivo, adverbio, preposición, etc.

� Ampliación de expresións comúns, de frases feitas e de léxico apropiado a contextos concretos, cotiáns e das áreas temáticas.

� Revisión das estruturas das unidades anteriores. O pasado simple e o pasado continuo. Verbos regulares e irregulares.

� Léxico: turn left/right, on the left, at the corner, Excuse me, Sorry, I don’t know. First, second, last, next to, over there, near the exit, on platform…, departure lounge, transport facilities, take a coach/bus/train/flight to/from…, to rent, bank account, credit card, toilets, platform, bookshop, cash, ticket office. Timetables, it’s open/closed from 2 pm to 6 pm, half of, the middle of, most of. Historical buildings.

� How much is it/this?, cheap, expensive. Introdución a prezos. Where is the bustop/railway station? Preposición by, on foot, sinais, páxinas de internet relacionadas coa área temática.

� Contidos fonolóxicos: entoación para mostrar interese. Unión fonolóxica das palabras.



� Utilización de distintas fontes de información para o lecer e o coñecemento da cultura propia e doutras.

� Na lingua estranxeira, ampliación de fórmulas de cortesía axeitadas nos intercambios sociais.


1.5 Actividades e temporalización Abreviaturas utilizadas nesta táboa: CO = Comprensión oral; CL = Comprensión lectora; EO = Expresión oral; EE = Expresión Escrita; VB/PR = Vocabulario

e pronunciación; PR = Pronunciación.


1, 2 e 3


Review Unit Esta unidade comeza cun apartado de reforzo onde se repasan os contidos das unidades 1 a 4. Esta review lesson debería servir, por tanto, para que o alumnado repase os contidos estudados e traballados anteriormente antes de comezar co presente bloque. As actividades de reforzo que se inclúen servirán para que o alumnado repase os compoñentes lingüísticos antes de pasar ao seguinte estadio da súa aprendizaxe. As actividades que se inclúen baséanse e reproducen as que se traballaron nas anteriores unidades e poderán realizarse na aula, coa guía e axuda do profesorado, ou tamén na casa, como traballo individual do alumnado e previo aos exercicios e contidos novos que se propoñen a continuación. KEY ex. XIII: Name Address Hobby Job Alan Madrid (race) cars teacher at language school Jane Madrid (race) cars doctor

A1-1 Asking the Way: Asking for directions.

Preséntase vocabulario relacionado con direccións e indicacións. O profesorado deberá axudar o alumnado na pronuncia das expresións, tanto para preguntar como para responder a dúbidas sobre como chegar a un destino. Proporciónase un documento audio coas frases gravadas, que se poderá utilizar na aula se así se desexa. O texto a destacar nas expresións vai marcado en negriña. Este texto resaltado é o que deberá utilizar o alumnado para completar o exercicio 1.


A1-1 Asking the Way: Giving directions.

Nesta segunda parte do exercicio o alumnado aprende as frases que se utilizan habitualmente para dar indicacións. Deberá aprendelas e practicar a súa pronuncia coa axuda do profesorado e/ou do documento de audio. A continuación, completarán o exercicio B con parte do texto resaltado en negriña.


VB A1-2 For your information Seguindo co tema das direccións, agora preséntaselle ao alumnado unha serie de abreviaturas que atopamos no mapa da cidade de NY, co que van traballar neste exercicio. O profesorado pode aproveitar para comentar sobre este mapa a disposición en cuadrícula do plano de case toda a illa de Manhattan e que o alumnado o contraste co lugar onde vive (por exemplo, a zona vella dunha cidade de Galicia). O alumnado deberá seguir as indicacións que se lle dan por escrito (e que o profesorado poderá repetir en alto) para chegar ao seu destino. Esa información é a que debe investigar o alumnado. KEY: Se seguen correctamente as indicacións, deberían chegar á biblioteca pública na r/ 40 (New York Public Library).


MÓDULO 2 BLOQUE 1 UNIDADE 5 CO A1-2 Can you tell me the

way to ...? Continuando co tema das direccións, preséntase un exercicio de comprensión oral no cal o personaxe de Sharon, que tamén se atopa na cidade de Nova York, debe chegar á biblioteca pública da cidade. Sharon para a catro persoas ata que recibe as indicacións correctas e chega ao seu destino. O alumnado debe contestar a dúas preguntas despois de escoitar a audición unha vez. Unha vez comprobadas as respostas, deberá escoitar o texto unha segunda vez e contestar ás preguntas de verdadeiro/falso. KEY: She talks to 4 people; No, she doesn’t. She takes the bus. 1. F; 2. F, 3. F, 4. T; 5. T; 6. F; 7. T


EO A1-3 Where am I? Esta actividade pode realizarse tanto en grupos pequenos, en parellas, como co grupo clase. Consiste nun xogo onde unha persoa elixe un monumento, edificio insigne, no mapa de Londres que se proporciona. Antes de comezar a actividade, o profesorado deberá sinalar o cadro onde se explica o significado da palabra “landmark” en galego. Logo, deberá demostrar o exercicio á clase. Para isto, pode actuar o profesor como guía, elixindo un destino no mapa e respondendo ás preguntas do alumnado. Coa axuda das frases e do vocabulario visto nos anteriores exercicios, esta persoa debe guiar aos/ás seus/súas compañeiros/as ata ese destino. O alumnado, seguindo esas instrucións, deberá chegar a ese “landmark”. Compróbase que o destino ao que se chegou é o correcto. De non ser así, cómpre volver atrás e seguir as instrucións de novo. Cando remate o xogo cun compañeiro, pódese continuar ata seguir tres ou catro rutas distintas.

CL A2 Survival in the big city Trátase dunha actividade de comprensión de sinais e letreiros que acompaña aos exercicios que se veñen desenvolvendo nesta unidade. O alumnado volve repasar as expresións relacionadas con direccións, pero esta vez teñen que ver cos sinais que se podería atopar nos medios de transporte públicos, tales como estacións de tren ou metro.

6 CL/CO A3 Central Park Esta actividade é unha lectura con debuxos ou picture reading sobre un dos espazos máis famosos da cidade de Nova York: o Parque Central. Os debuxos están para axudar o alumnado a comprender o significado das palabras novas ou máis difíciles do texto, pero deberá animarse a que utilicen un dicionario cando o precisen ou que lle consulten as palabras máis difíciles ao profesor ou á profesora. Ao final do texto, o alumnado deberá responder a unhas preguntas sinxelas sobre o mesmo.

VB/EO A4 Survival English Part I A intención deste exercicio é seguir reforzando o vocabulario aprendido sobre direccións, etc., pero tamén proporcionar ao alumnado unha linguaxe útil para o viaxeiro. Estas frases para a supervivencia preséntanse nunha táboa coas situacións típicas nas que se pode atopar o turista. O alumnado deberá estudar e aprender as frases para logo utilizalas no exercicio de expresión oral. Dependendo do nivel que este teña, deberá traballar en parellas ou grupos pequenos e elixir 1 ou 2 situacións coas que vaian traballar en profundidade. Dispoñen da tradución ao galego das frases para facilitar a súa aprendizaxe e a súa utilización en situacións determinadas.


Grammar A5 Past continuos Presentación da gramática do pasado continuo. Para axudar á asimilación do tema, o alumnado conta cuns cadros resumo co texto en galego.


MÓDULO 2 BLOQUE 1 UNIDADE 5 Grammar A5 Past continuous.

Exercicios: Missing: Claire Kelly Year 2000

Realización dos exercicios relacionados co pasado continuo.


PR A6 Vowels & Diphthongs Repaso dos sons vocálicos e ditongos. Para esta práctica, cóntase coa gravación de audio. Preséntase unha táboa onde cada son (que se deberá escoitar e repetir) vai asociado a unha palabra.


1.6 Recursos materiais Textos da unidade. Internet. Bibliotecas do contorno e mapas.

1.7 Avaliación A avaliación debe entenderse como un instrumento que valore o uso axeitado da lingua fronte

ao coñecemento do seu sistema teórico ou da simple corrección formal. O erro é un elemento

inevitable, produto da interlingua de transición, que ofrece ao profesor información sobre a

evolución e o estadio lingüístico do alumno, que non exclúe, de xeito ningún, unha análise

dos erros para que o alumno reflexione sobre a súa autoaprendizaxe e mellore.

A avaliación forma parte integrante do proceso. Os aspectos procedementais avaliaranse a

través da observación e da valoración das distintas tarefas propostas nas actividades.

Valorarase a participación nas actividades en grupo e individuais.

A primeira parte da unidade recolle unha revisión das catro unidades anteriores.

Farase unha proba final de progreso co fin de comprobar que o alumnado adquiriu os

obxectivos establecidos para esta unidade.


2. Secuencia de actividades


1. Write five things you remember from lesson 1: 5 words, expressions or sentences.

2. Write five things you remember from lesson 2: 5 words, expressions or sentences.

3. Write five things you remember from lesson 3: 5 words, expressions or sentences.

4. Write five things you remember from lesson 4: 5 words, expressions or sentences.


A. Write your “personal” profile.

First name:



Date of Birth:

Marital Status:

No. children:

First language:

Postal address:

Email address:

Phone number:

Job/previous jobs: Signature


B. Exchange information from exercise 2 and 3 with your partner and write down about him/her.

Begin: My partner’s name is …..

III. About myself

Fill in the following sentences. You can use some o f the words in the box.

I like ..............................................................................................................

I want to ........................................................................................................

I don’t like .....................................................................................................

I love .............................................................................................................

do some sport have coffee or tea play a computer game listen to the radio

watch a good film go to the gym travel to other countries meet people go shopping

read adventure books sleep until late work until seventy visit my family

V. Can you write the following family names?

My mother’s mother is my .............................................

My brother’s sister is my .............................................

My mother and father are my .............................................

My mother’s parents are my .............................................

My brother’s daughter is my .............................................

My brother’s son is my .............................................

My mother’s husband is my ........................... or my ...........................

My son and daughter are my .............................................


A. Do you remember the frequency adverbs. Can you find the meaning of the underlined adverbs? Can you say them in Gallician?

Always Usually Frequently Often Sometimes Occasionally Rarely Seldom Hardly ever Never

I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. (=every night) I usually have toast for breakfast. (=happens most days)


I frequently watch the news before dinner. (=it's common) I often go to the park with my children. (=many times) I sometimes help them in the shop. (=at particular occasions but not all the time) I occasionally visit the local museum. (=not happening often or regularly) I rarely smoke. (=it is not common) I seldom go to the theatre. (=almost never) I hardly ever travel abroad. (=almost never) I never work at the weekend. (=not at any time or not on any occasion)

B. What of the following things do you do and how often?

play tennis speak English talk to people go shopping late go to the library chat with friends write letters to friends

VII. Ask your partner the following questions.

— Can you speak a foreign language? — How many seconds are there in an hour? — What is the capital city of Italy? — How many days are there in a year? — How much is a Euro? — What time is it? — How old are you? — What do you do? / What is your job? — Where do you live? — Where is Berlin?

VIII. Write the following dates.

Today’s date ______________________________________ 21st September ___________________________________ 3rd January_______________________________________ 25th September ___________________________________ 22nd of April ______________________________________ 1st of March ______________________________________

IX. Special days.

A. Can you remember three special days for you? What are they? Why are they special to you? 1.

B. Can you name a special date in the history of your country?

X. Imagine you are meeting a famous person, Can you write five questions to ask him/her?







XI. You don’t have much time to talk: answer the following questions with short answers.

Do you like coffee?_______________________

Are you married? ________________________

Have you got any pets? ___________________

Do you follow any football team? ____________

Can you read French? ____________________

XII. Write a/an or nothing (Ø).

I’m ________ engineer.

She’s ________ electrician.

He’s ________ mechanic.

They are ________ teachers.

He’s ________ teleworker.

XIII Listen to a group of people talking. Fill in the missing information.

Name Address Hobby Job

XIV. Simple present tense. Ask Helen questions about herself and her family.

Example. 1. You know that Helen plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her. How often do you play tennis?

2. Maybe Helen's sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Helen. _________ your sister ___________ ___________?

3. You know that Helen reads a newspaper every day. You want to know which one.

Ask her. ___________________________________________________?


4. You know that Helen's brother works. You want to know what he does.

Ask Helen. ___________________________________________________?

5. You know that Helen goes to the theatre a lot. You want to know how often.

Ask her. ___________________________________________________?

XV. “Family Portrait” by Pink / Octopus’s Garden by The Beatles/ “Turn, Turn, Turn” by The Byrds.

XVI. Prepositions.

Do you remember these prepositions of place? Label each picture with the right preposition.

Learn these new prepositions. How do you say them in Gallician?

XVII. There is/There are.

A. Work in pairs. Choose a picture and describe it to your partner using there is/are and the prepositions from exercise XVI. Don’t look at your partner’s picture!

Can you find the differences between the two pictures? Make sentences comparing the two photos. Example: In Picture 1 there’s a coffee table in front of the sofa. In Picture 2 there isn’t a

coffee table.

under in front of by behind in on


B. The two pictures were in a house. Can you describe your house? Is it big or small? Write about the things there are in it and in what room.

XVIII. Write the following sentences in the correct order.

Brother is my married _____________________________________________

Have lovely a they garden got _______________________________________

You do what at weekend do you the __________________________________

Getting I early up hate _____________________________________________

Love I always films watching adventure _______________________________

XIX. “I can exercise”.


� Saudar.............

� Despedirme ......................

� Presentarme .......................

� Presentar a alguén ..............

� Dirixirme a alguén .............

� Pedir desculpas ...................

� Felicitar o aniversario ..........

� Felicitar o Nadal .........

� Usar expresións de felicitación .......

� Usar expresións de pena ...........

� Pedir repetición ou aclaración ............

� Preguntar polo significado dunha palabra que esquecín ou non coñezo......

� Pedir que se soletree unha palabra

XX. Reading comprehension.


Every night in London there are 60,000 seats at cultural events, so it is very

difficult to choose a theatre play, film or concert. The ”London Pass” offers free entry

into over 60 attractions. You can find it online at: www.londonpass.com.

You can pick up the free newspaper “London Metro” from any station in the

morning. It includes ideas on things to do in London for free. The weekly entertainment


magazine “Time Out” is a great place for information on events, with shopping and

restaurant suggestions. Most theatres, museums and cinemas offer discounts for

students and the old.

1. What it the text about?


2. How can you find information about what to see?


3. Have museums got reduced prices?


XXI. Pronunciation.

Can you pronounce the following words?

snow busy short

choose try long

brush market town

cat website



A1-1 Vocabulary


Excuse me.

Could you tell me the way to Baker Street?

I’m looking for the railway station.

Is the museum far?

Do you know where the post office is, please? / Where’s the post

office, please?

Does this bus go to the Met?

Is this the right stop for Madison Square Garden?

Can you show me on the map?

How long does it take on foot/by car?

Is there a bank near here?

A. Look at the phrases in the box. Complete the sentences.

1. _________ you tell me the _______________ to the bus station?

2. __________ you know where the bank is, please?

3. Can you ____________ me __________ the map?

4. Is __________ a post office near here?

5. __________ it far?

6. __________ this bus go to 86th Street?

7. __________ this the right stop for the art gallery?

8. __________ ________ does it take by ________?

Turn left/right.

Turn left/right into 5th Avenue.

Take the first turning (on the) left/right.

Go straight on.

Go straight on until you get to the bus stop.

Walk along the street/road.

Walk up/down the hill/road/street.

Walk past the post office.

Cross over the river.

Go over the bridge.

You’ll see the shop on your left/right.

It takes (about) fifteen minutes.

B. Complete the sentences.

1. Take __________ first turning on the right.

2. Go straight _____ until you get ____ the traffic lights.

3. __________ left into Wall Street.

4. __________ past the shop.


GO by bus

by car

by train -but-

on foot



Did you know...?

…that 6th Avenue is also called

Avenue of the Americas?

… that 7th Avenue is also called

Fashion Avenue

A1-2 Vocabulary For your information.

Here are some basic abbreviations and symbols on the map.

St ............ Street Ave . ........ Avenue N.............. North S ............. South E ............. East W ............ West

Now look at the map of New York City. You are at Madison Square Garden on West 31st Street. Follow the directions. Where are you going?

1. Walk along West 31st Street.

2. Turn left into 7th Avenue.

3. Take the first turning on the right.

4. Go past Macy’s Department Store.

5. Go straight on until you get to the corner of 6th Avenue and West 34th Street.

6. Turn left into 6th Avenue.

7. Go straight on until you get to West 40th Street.

8. Turn right into 40th Street.

9. Go past the park.

10. It’s on the / your left.

Listening Can you tell me the way to...?

Sharon is in New York. Where does She want to go? How many people does she speak to? Does she walk there?

Write True (T) or false (F).

1. She’s quite near the New York Public Library.

2. She has to get a number 7 bus.

3. She needs to get off at 34th street.

4. It’s about ten stops.

5. She gets the wrong bus.

6. A tourist tells her the way.

7. The place is by a park.

You are here


A1-3 Speaking Game: Where am I?

Now you are going to play the directions game “Where am I?”

You are in London. � Choose a London landmark*, but don’t tell the other students. � Another student will choose the starting location. � Give your classmates directions to the location.

� Did they reach the right destination?

Now you are going to use the street map of London to practice asking for and giving


� Decide where you are on the map.

� Decide where you want to go.

� Role-play the situation with your partner.

� You are the tourist. Your partner is a resident of London.

Map of London

London attractions at a walking distance.

Houses of Parliament

Houses of Parliament (Palace of Westminster).

Home to the House of Commons, the House of

Lords and the famous clock tower Big Ben.

Westminster Abbey

Distance: 141m – Church

Big Ben

Distance: 380m - Landmark

Thames River Trips

Distance: 466m - Boat trip

10 Downing Street

Distance: 648m - Historic house/palace

*landmark = monumento, edificio ou lugar moi coñecido.












A2 Reading



What questions go with each sign?

1. Excuse me. Can you tell where the toilets* are?

2. Does this train go to Atlantic Avenue?

3. Excuse me. I lost my umbrella. Where’s the Lost Property Office?

4. Where’s the exit?

5. Excuse me. I need to go to West 86th street. Where’s the platform?

6. Where can I buy a ticket?

7. Excuse me. Where are the lifts*?

8. Does the E train stop at 5th Avenue and 53rd Street?

*In American English

toilets = restrooms

lifts = elevator


A3 Reading


1. The designers of Central Park __________________________________________________

2. Total cost of construction _____________________________________________________

3. Total number of years to build _________________________________________________

4. Number of visitors the park has each year ________________________________________

5. An important event that takes place in summer in the park ___________________________

6. An example of a landmark in your region or country ________________________________


A4 Vocabulary & Speaking



Choose one of the situations below. Learn the phras es.


Excuse me, where are the platforms? Onde están as plataformas? Where’s the ticket office? Onde está o despacho de billetes? I’d like a ticket to Liverpool, please. Quero un billete a Liverpool. First class. De primeira. Second class. De segunda. How much is that? Canto é?


Where’s the nearest tube station? Onde está a próxima estación de metro? Where do I buy a ticket? Onde se mercan os billetes? Could I have a map of the Underground? Podería darme un mapa do metro? *In American English, you use the word subway or metro.


Where is the bus station? Onde está a estación de autobuses? When’s the next bus to...? Cando sae o próximo autobus a …? You need bus number... Ten que coller o autobús número … Where can I buy tickets? Onde se poden mercar billetes? A one way ticket please. Un billete de ida por favor. A return* ticket please. Un billete de ida e volta por favor. How much is the fare to...? Canto costa o billete a …? *In American English you use the expression round-trip.


Is this the bus to downtown? É este o autobus ao centro? Yes, bus number 8. Si, é o número oito. Thank you very much. Moitas grazas. You’re welcome. De nada.


Choose one of the situations. Practice the dialogue with a partner.


A Two tickets to Liverpool, please. B One way or return? A Return, please.


A Is this the bus to downtown? B Yes, bus number 8. A Thank you very much. B Not at all*. *In American English you use the expression You’re welcome.


A A one way ticket to Boston, please. B Ok. A How much is it? B It’s 60 dollars, please.


A Could I have a map of the Underground? B Yes, here you are. That’s £2.50. A Here you are. B Thank you.


A5 Grammar: the past continuous.


We use a form of be (was or were), the infinitive of the verb and the ending –ing.

be (was, were) + infinitive + -ing

Positive sentences

Subject be present participle

I was singing

You were working

She/He was playing

They were eating.

In positive sentences we do not use short forms.


long form short form

I was reading. can't be formed

He, She, It was running. can't be formed

We, You, They were running. can't be formed

Negative sentences

Subject Be + not Present participle

I/He/She/It was not playing football

We/You/They were not playing football

In negative sentences we can use short forms.


long form short form

I was not reading. I wasn’t reading.

He/She/It was not running. He/She/It wasn’t running.

We/You/They were not running. We weren’t running.



In the Past Progressive we put the auxiliary (was or were) before the subject

Auxiliary Subject Present participle

Was I/he/she/it playing football

Were we/you/they playing football

Weren’t we/you/they playing football

Past continuous

(Pasado Contínuo)

Forma afirmativa

O tempo pasado progresivo expresa que unha acción se estaba desenvolvendo nun

momento do pasado ou cando outra acción aconteceu.

En inglés, ao igual que na nosa lingua, o tempo pasado progresivo está formado polo

verbo auxiliar be conxugado en pasado máis o "xerundio" (forma + -ing) do verbo principal.


Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

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A friend of mine, Claire Kelly, is missing since last week from her house in Croydon. I am now at the

local Police Station. Here is the conversation between (Me) and the Police Officer (P.O.).

P.O. Hello, Miss O’Conner. You are here because we want to ask you some questions about Miss

Claire Kelly. Her family is worried because they can’t find her. We need all her friends’ help.

We think she is missing for a serious reason.

Me Of course I want to help!

P.O. Can you remember what you were doing last Tuesday evening?

Me Well, yes. I was at home cooking all my meals for the week. After that, I was on the phone

talking with my mother before going to bed.

P.O. What were you doing on Wednesday morning?

Me Well, you see, Claire and I usually walk to work together, but on Wednesday morning she

was not at home.

P.O. How many people were at the office on Wednesday morning?

Me Five: Michael, Phil, Sandy, Claire and I. Michael is our boss.

P.O. What were they doing?

Me Michael was meeting some people out of the office. Phil was making preparations for next

week’s event—we are going to a fair in Berlin. Sandy and I were doing the usual work. We

were very busy working from 9 to five.


P.O. What were you doing at about 12:30?

Me We were having lunch.

P.O. When was the last time Claire was at the office?

Me On Tuesday. She was very happy about something and making plans for the weekend.

P.O. Who with?

Me I really don’t know but she was especially happy on Tuesday.

P.O. Has she got many friends?

Me Not many, really.

P.O. Well, thank you for your answers and for your time.

Me Not at all, I want to help.

1. Underline the past progressive tenses.

2. In pairs, practise the dialogue.

3. Write the Police officer’s interview with Sandy, Michael or Phil. Use these prompts to help you.

What /to do/ last Tuesday evening?

What /to do/ Wednesday?

Where /watch on TV?

What /to eat/ on Tuesday evening?

be / Claire’s good friend?

Why /think/ disappear/?

4. Fill in with the correct verb form. What were you doing in the year 2000?

People: _____________________________ (to have) Millennium celebrations.

Pope John Paul: I _____________________________ (to rest) in the Vatican.

Queen Elizabeth II: I _____________________________ (to enjoy) the Christmas festival in

Scotland in January.

Elton John: I _____________________________ (play) concerts around Europe.

Some 15,000 anti-globalization protesters: _____________________________ (turn violent) during

the World Bank summits in Prague.

People _____________________________ (watch) “Gladiator” at the cinema.

The United States _____________________________ (vote) for their president: Republican

candidate Texas Governor George W. Bush defeats Democratic Vice President Al Gore.

Me: I _______________________________________________________________________.

A6 Pronunciation

Look at the words and phonemes. Practice their pronunciation.