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Tipo de tanques de almacenamiento de HC

1.- Tanques verticales

Minimizan pérdidas por evaporación al exterior y reduce el daño al medio ambiente el riesgo de formación de mezclas explosivas en las cercanías del tanque.

Es un techo autoportante, es decir, no necesita columnas que lo sostenga. Esto evita el tener que perforar la membrana.•Se construye en aluminio, lo cual lo hace más liviano.•Se construyen en el suelo y se montan armados mediante una grúa, evitando trabajos riesgosos en altura.

2.- Tanques flotantes plegables

Han sido desarrollados para el almacenamiento de hidrocarburos recuperados por embarcaciones anti polución que no disponen de tanques propios o cuya capacidad es insuficiente. Pueden ser remolcados llenos o vacíos a velocidades de hasta 7 nudos en función del estado del mar. Gracias a sus conexiones rápidas ASTM es posible unir varios tanques para su remolque o fondeo conjunto.

Están fabricados de una gruesa plancha de caucho Neopreno reforzado con 4 capas interiores de tejido de poliéster, un material extraordinariamente resistente a la abrasión y a la perforación. Su recubrimiento de caucho Hypalon los hace especialmente resistentes a los hidrocarburos y a los agentes atmosféricos (rayos ultravioleta, ozono, salitre)

3.- Esferas

se construyen en gajos utilizando chapas de acero. Se sostienen mediante columnas que deben ser calculadas para soportar el peso de la esfera durante la prueba hidráulica (pandeo)


Los recipientes horizontales (cigarros) se emplean hasta un determinado volumen de capacidad.Para recipientes mayores, se utilizan las esferas. Los casquetes de los cigarros son toriesféricos, semielípticos

Page 2: Almacenamiento Del Petróleo

Types of storage tanks

1.- Vertical Tanks-floating roof

Minimize evaporation losses abroad and reduces damage to the environment, the risk of formation of explosive mixtures in the vicinity of the tank.

It is a self-supporting roof, no need columns to support it. This avoids having to pierce the membrane

The tanks are made of aluminum, which makes it lighter. Are built on the ground and mounted with a crane.

2. - Folding floating tanks-(Ro-tank)

Developed for boats that do not have their own, or tanks do not have space enough for the hydrocarbons recovered.They can be full or empty towed at speeds up to 7 knots depending on sea stateThey are made of a thick neoprene rubber sheet reinforced with 4 inner layers of polyester.Resistant to abrasion, drilling, hydrocarbons and atmospheric agents.

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3.- Sphere

Are built into wedges, using steel plates Are supported by columns that must be calculated to withstand the weight of the sphere during the hydraulic test (buckling )

4. - HorizontalThe horizontal tanks, also called cigars are used to a certain amount of capacity.For bigger capacities, the spheres are used. Caps cigars are torispherical , semi-elliptic

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Safety Standards Hydrocarbon Storage tanks statement.

The storage of fuels correctly helps the losses can be reduced, but not eliminated, by the characteristics of petroleum products features.

Storage is an element of great value in the exploitation of hydrocarbons services because:

• Acts as a lung between production and transport to absorb variations of consumption.

• Allows water sedimentation and sludge oil prior to shipping by pipeline or distillation.

• Provide operational flexibility refineries.

• Act as a point of reference in measuring product shipments, and are the only currently approved by customs.

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One of the greatest weight loss mayor are those produced by temperature change; painting of tanks has a great influence for these variations.

Usually the storage tanks are black as oil will take less to heat and arrive faster at the desired temperature.

Very important aspects are also discussed to consider to operate oil tanks, because they reach significant heights, are exposed to the rays of thunderstorms and product contents (fuel) are flammable and can cause accidents. However, there is a defined number of safety rules which must be followed carefully to avoid serious injury or death, as well as to avoid property damage and loss of production.