Step -By Step · 2019. 10. 31. · ...becoming the Fei Sofit or Final Fei! Here’s the Final Fei...

Licensed for distribution through August 1, 2019 Page 1 Hebrew Step-By-Step By Rae Antonoff, MAJE - Distributed by JLearnHub & ShalomLearning NEW LETTERS: ף ץNEW VOWELS: ֻ ֹ REVIEW LETTERS: /ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י א/כ/ך ל ת/פ צ ק ר ש ת מ/ם נ/ן ס עREVIEW VOWELS: ֵ ֱ ֶ ְ יָ/ יַ ָ ֲ ַ Practice online at StudyHub Hebrew Letters

Transcript of Step -By Step · 2019. 10. 31. · ...becoming the Fei Sofit or Final Fei! Here’s the Final Fei...

  • Licensed for distribution through August 1, 2019 Page 1

    Hebrew Step-By-Step By Rae Antonoff, MAJE - Distributed by JLearnHub & ShalomLearning


    ץ ףNEW VOWELS:

    ֹו ֹ ּו ֻ REVIEW LETTERS:

    ּכ/כ/ך לא ּב/ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י מ/ם נ/ן ס ע ּפ/פ צ ק ר ׁש ׂש ת


    ַ ֲ ָ ַ י/ָ י ְ ֶ ֱ ֵ Practice online at → StudyHub → Hebrew Letters

  • Page 2

    Ready to meet a new vowel? The vowel that makes an “oh” sound

    can have two shapes:

    Note that when the “oh” vowel has a Vav (in its “full” form), that Vav becomes the vowel – it doesn’t have any V-sound left:

    ”are pronounced “oh אֹ and אֹו ”are pronounced “toe טֹ and טֹוֹ and לֹו ”are pronounced “low לֹוּפ and ֹּפ are pronounced “poe”






    m ֹֹ ֹו/

    Just the dot (called Cholam Chaser or “Partial Cholam”)

    With a Vav (called Cholam Malei or “Full Cholam”)

  • Page 3

    Now you can read the word for peace (which Hebrew-speakers also use as “hello” and “goodbye”):

    And the word for “creator,” which shows up in a lot of blessings

    thanking God for making light, food, and more:

    Read the Hebrew words with a Cholam below out loud! (You can also hear them on JiTap or the StudyHub on!)

    ֹּפה ּבֹא לֹא ּבֹו זֹו לֹו 1 no/not come (command) here this/that on him to him

    טֹוב קֹול עֹוד רֹאׁש יֹום 2head more voice good day

    הֹוֵלְך ֶׁשלֹו ָידֹו ְׁשמֹו ָיבֹא 3 his he walks he/it will come his name his hand

    אֹוָתם מֹוֶרה ָקדֹוש ֲאדֹון 4holy teacher (m) them lord/ruler

    ַאֲהֹרן ְׁשֹלֹמה ּתֹוָרהֹּכֵהן 5(boy’s name) (boy’s name) Temple priest



  • Page 4

    Soundalike Matching

    Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left.

    Match the ones sound exactly the same but are spelled differently!

    (One has been done for you as an example!)

    A 1 קֹול אֹוד voice all B 2 ּבֹא ֹּכל come (command)

    no/not C 3 יֹום לֹא day D 4 לֹו ֹים to him

    in/on him/it E 5 עֹוד ּבֹו more

    she wears/ wraps herself A ָֹטהע peace 1 ָׁשלֹום

    pluck/pick (flowers/fruit) B 2 האֹוָת ֹקֵטף her

    surely/is it not? C 3 אֹובָּת ֲהלֹוא she will come

    peace D םָׁשֹל (hello? (answering the phone 4 ָהלֹו his brand E ֹוָּתו carry/bear weight 5 ּכֹוֵתף

  • Page 5

    Read Aloud! Read the Hebrew out loud. Blue lines separate the syllables for you.

    (You can also hear them on JiTap or the StudyHub on!)

    טֹוב ָרה|ּתֹו good/well

    ֹאד|ְמ ֹּכל|הַ everything very much

    ָני|דֹו|אֲ פֹות|טָ |טֹ symbols my lord/ruler

    ֵהי|לֹ |ֶא ָך|לֹוְמ |ְׁש your (m) wellbeing God of

    Can you divide the words into syllables on your own?

    ַהֹּכל ּתֹוָרה ְמֹאדvery much everything

    טֹוב ְׁשלֹוְמָך ֶאֹלֵהיGod of your (m) wellbeing good

    ֲאדֹוָני ֹטָטפֹותsymbols my lord/ruler








  • Page 6

    Reading Strategy:

    Feminine Plurals Now that you know the “oh” vowels, you can read the suffix (ending)

    for feminine plurals:

    ֹות- This ending can indicate a feminine plural noun:

    ָּכלֹות 2ָּכָלה 1

    ָמְלּכֹות 2ָמְלָּכה 1

    …or an adjective that describes a feminine group:

    ְקָטָנה ְקָטנֹותsmall (f, plural) small (f)

    …or a verb with a plural feminine subject:

    אֹוֶהֶבת אֹוָהבֹות they (f) love she loves

  • Page 7

    So now you know both plural endings:

    Masculine Plural Feminine Plural

    ִים- ֹות-

    Read through the Hebrew words below.

    Highlight every masculine plural ending yellow (or put a box around it).

    Highlight every feminine plural ending green (or circle it).

    One of each has been done for you as an example!

    ֹותֵנר ֵאִלים יםָיִד ֹותָּבנ 1 candles gods hands daughters

    ָחלֹות ִאָמהֹות ָדִגים ָּבִנים 2 fish (plural) mothers twisted breads sons

    ָהִרים ָּבאֹות קֹולֹותרֹוִאים 3 they come mountains voices they see

    ִמְׁשְּפחֹות ֵעִצים ָׂשִמים 4 they put trees families

    לֹוְמדֹות ָקלֹות ִיְׂשָרֵאִלים 5 Israelis simple/easy they learn

    ֹּכָהִנים ָחיֹות ַחִיים ָרּבֹות 6many life animals Temple priests

    ָטִליתֹות ְסָפִרים ׁשֹוָפרֹות 7horns books Jewish prayer shawls

  • Page 8

    Speed Read! Time yourself reading the Hebrew below out loud at least twice.

    What’s the fastest time you can get?

    1 ֹאֶהל מֹוֵעד ָּכבֹודhonor/respect specified/appointed tent

    2 ׁשֹוֵמעַ ׁשֹוָפר לֹוֵמדhe learns horn he hears/listens

    3 קֹוִלי ִמְצוֹות ִגּבֹורhero commandments my voice

    4 רֹאֵׁשי מֹוִציא ּתֹוָרה he brings forth heads of

    5 ָקטֹון ְמבֹוַרְך ֹהֵלְךhe walks/goes he is blessed young/little

    6 ָּכמֹוָך ָהעֹוָלם ֲאֹדָניmy lord/ruler the world like you (m)

    Time Log:

    1 2 3 4

  • Page 9

    Reverse It Write out Hebrew that sounds the same as the English on the

    left. The first one has been done for you as an example!

    LOMAYD ____________ 1 PACHOT ____________ 2 OLAM ____________ 3 TOTAYF ____________ 4 MOTEE ____________ 5 SHALOM ____________ 6 GOLAY ____________ 7 TABOR ____________ 8 ROTEM ____________ 9

    Vowels Letters

    ָ ַ ְ ִ ֵ ֶ ֹו ֹ

    ּכ ל /ְךא ב/ּב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ צ ק ר ׁש/ׂש ת ס ע פ/ּפ ןנ םמ

  • Page 10

    Whenever the Tzadee comes at the end of a word, it changes shape a little:

    ...becoming the Tzadee Sofit or Final Tzadee!

    Here’s the Final Tzadee in several different fonts and

    handwritings – as you can see, they’re all just like a

    “regular” Tzadee, but with its base dropped down:

    ץ ץ ץ ץ ץ ץ ץ ץץ ץ ץ ץ ץ ץ ץ ץ




    : Fin

    al T


    ee ץ

    Circle the base that dropped down in each Final TZadee! The first one has been done for you!

  • Page 11

    Now you can read the word for land or country:

    And the word for tree:

    When you’re in the forest and see lots of trees,

    the Tzadee goes back to its regular shape…

    Read the Hebrew words with Final Tzadee aloud: (You can also hear them on JiTap or the StudyHub on!)

    ץּבֹ ץקֹו ָרץ ָצץ ָדץ ָאץ 1 mud thorn he ran he popped up he hopped he hurried

    ץרֹובֵ ַקִיץ ִציץ ִמיץ 2 he lies down summer (flower) bud juice

    ָקָמץ ָקַצץ ץחֵ רֹו ָּפַרץ 3 T Ah-Vowel he chopped he washes he broke in

    ֶמֶרץ ֶּפֶרץ ֶאֶרץ ָהֵעץ 4 energy/strength impulse land/earth the tree



    !Watch out for lookalike letters like Ayin ֵעץ

  • Page 12

    Writing Practice Make the Final Tzadee with two diagonal lines –

    be sure the piZZa base drops past the bottom line!

    Now you try: trace the letter across the first line, then

    copy it all the way across the second line on your own!

    Copy the words at least 2 times each:



    1 2






    the land/


  • Page 13

    Read Aloud! Read the Hebrew out loud. Blue lines separate the syllables for you.

    (You can also hear them on JiTap or the StudyHub on!)

    ָרץ ֶרץ|מֶ energy/strength he ran

    ץמֵ |חָ ַצץ|ָק he chopped leavened (not-matzah) bread

    ִיץ|ַק ִמיץ|הַ the juice summer

    ֶרץ|ֶא |מֵ ַחץ|לַ |ּבְ stressed/under pressure from (the) land

    Can you divide the words into syllables on your own?

    ָרץ ָקַצץ ֶמֶרץenergy/strength he chopped he ran

    ַקִיץ ַהִמיץ ץָחמֵ leavened (not-matzah) bread the juice summer

    ְּבַלַחץ ֶאֶרץמֵ from (the) land stressed/under pressure








  • Page 14

    Sound Count How many Hebrew letters in each row

    make the same sound as the English?

    TZ 1 ץ עצ ט ע צ ץ א ע צ

    AY 2 ִא צֵ יעֵ טֵ ֶא צֵ ֵאי עֵ צֵ

    OH 3 ִא עֹ צֹ עִ צֹו אֹו צֹ עֹו אֹ

    TZAY 4 ֵעי צֵ צֵ ץ עֵ ֵצי עֶ צֵ צִ

    TZO 5 ץ צֹ צֶ עֹ צֹו טֹ עֹו צִ צֹ

    AYTZ 6 ֵעץ ֵצץ ֵטץ ִעץ ֵאיץ ֵאץ

    OTZ 7 ֹעץ ִאץ צֹוץ אֹוץ ֹצץ ֹאץ

    TZ 8 צ ע ץ א צ ן ץ ע צ ְך

    OH 9 ֹצ עֹו ֹא צֹו אֹו ׂשֹו ֹע ץ

  • Page 15

    Whenever the Fei comes at the end of a word, it changes shape a little:

    ...becoming the Fei Sofit or Final Fei!

    Here’s the Final Fei in several different fonts and

    handwritings – as you can see, they’re all just like a

    “regular” Fei, but with its base dropped down:

    ףף ף ף ף ף ף ף ף ף ףף ף ף ף ף





    al F

    ei ף

    Circle the base that dropped down in each Final Fei! The first one has been done for you!

  • Page 16

    Now you can read the Hebrew word that literally means “silver” but is also used in modern Hebrew as the word


    And the longest word in the blessing for when we put on a tallit:

    (it means “to wrap oneself”)

    Now try reading it without the syllable lines:

    Practice reading the Hebrew words with Final Fei out loud:

    ַּכף ָדף ַרף ףצַ ַסף ָאף 1spoon page/piece of paper shelf floated doorstep nose

    עֹוף נֹוף ִּפיף ִליף ִריף 2 chicken shore/beach tassel fiber/strand reef

    ּכֹוֵפף זֹוֵקף ָׂשַרף ִמָדף 3he bends/curves he straightens up he/it burned from a page/piece of paper

    ֶמְחָלף ףָאלֶ ֶחֶתף ָעֵיףֵּכיף 4 intersection (letter name) disaster tired fun (slang)


    ֵטף|עַ |ִהְת |לְ


  • Page 17

    Writing Practice Make the letter Final Fei with four almost-spiraling lines:

    Now you try: trace the letter across the first line, then

    copy it all the way across the second line on your own!

    Copy the words at least 3 times each:






    4 1








    (a horn)

  • Page 18

    Read Aloud! Read the Hebrew out loud. Blue lines separate the syllables for you.

    (You can also hear them on JiTap or the StudyHub on!) ַּכף נֹוף ֶלף|ָא

    (letter name) spoon shore/beach

    ַרף|ִנְׂש ֶטף|ׁשֶ flood was burned

    ֵיף|עָ ֵצף |ַצפְ |ְמ beep/honk (a horn) tired

    ַפף|ּכָ ִליף|חֱ |הֶ exchange/swap he bent down

    Can you divide the words into syllables on your own?

    נֹוףַּכף ָעֵיף ָּכַפףhe bent down tired shore/beach spoon

    ֶׁשֶטף ִנְׂשַרף ֶהֱחִליףexchange/swap was burned flood

    ָאֶלף ְמַצְפֵצףbeep/honk (a horn) (letter name)

    1 2 3 4




  • Page 19


    Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left.

    Match the ones that rhyme!

    (One has been done for you as an example)

    reef A 1 ַּכף ִריף spoon nose B 2 ִטֵיף ָאף flickered/moved back & forth

    caper (plant) C 3 ִליף ָצָלף fiber/strand dripped/ dropped D 4 ָחַלף ָנַטף passed by had fun E 5 ָחַטף ִּכֵיף got/received

    diverse A 1 ֶּכֶסף ָעֵנף silver/money on the limb B 2 ָּכָנף ַּבָגף wing

    got very angry C 3 ָחֵנף ָאַנף flattering D 4 ֶׁשֶנף ֶאֶסף vanilla E 5 ַהָגף ֶסֶנף the limb

  • Page 20

    Speed Read! Time yourself reading the Hebrew below out loud at least twice.

    What’s the best time you can get?

    1 ץרֹוחֵ ָחַטף ץָהעֵ the tree got/received he washes

    2 ֶּכֶסף ָךיַאֲחֶר ַקִיץsummer after you (m) silver/money

    3 ֵאַלִיְך ֶמְחָלף ִנְׂשַרףhe/it was burned he exchanges/swaps to you (f)

    4 ָחֵמץ ִמֶאֶרץ ֵנְרָךyour (m) candle from (the) land unleavened (non-matzah) bread

    5 ּכֹוֵפף ֵאֶליָך ָקַצץhe chopped to you (m) he bends/curves

    6 ַנַעץ ֶהֱאָסף ְׁשֵמְךyour (f) name he gathered thumbtack

    Time Log:

    1 2 3 4

  • Page 21

    Reverse It Write out Hebrew that sounds the same as the English on the

    left. The first one has been done for you as an example!

    SHATAF ____________ 1 KANAYF ____________ 2 POPAD ____________ 3 FAYTAF ____________ 4 MAPEEK ____________ 5 KESEF ____________ 6 KOFAYF ____________ 7 PANEEF ____________ 8 DEELOF ____________ 9

    Vowels Letters

    ָ ַ ְ ִ ֵ ֶ ֹו ֹ

    ּכ ל /ךא ב/ּב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ק ר ׁש/ׂש ת ץצ ףפ/ס ע ּפ ןנ םמ

  • Page 22

    The Vav can become one other vowel, too:

    Just like the “oh” vowel, when the “oo” vowel has a Vav, that Vav becomes the

    vowel – it doesn’t have any V-sound left:

    ”is pronounced “oo אּו ”is pronounced “too טּוּומ is pronounced “moo” ּוּב is pronounced “boo”




    : Sh


    k ּוּ

  • Page 23

    Now you can read the name (and first word) of the first “required” prayer in a Jewish service with at least 10 people,

    also known as the “Call to Prayer”:

    This word means “Bless!” – it’s a command which the service leader passes on to the congregation, who respond with a line that begins

    …which means “blessed” or “praised.”

    Who do you think we’re blessing or praising? _______________

    Read the Hebrew with a Shuruk out loud:

    טּוטּורּות זּו הּוא לּו ּבּו 1(dance skirt) Ruth (girl’s name) he that/which

    ָאנּו ָׂשמּו ְּתנּו ָּבנּו ָטסּו ָלנּו 2they flew (on a plane) in/on us give (command) they put/placed we to us

    לּוָלבטּוָנה לּוָּפהׁשּוָלה 3 magnifying glass (girl’s name)

    ֱאֹלֵהינֹו ָׁשאּול ְגבּול ָּתנּור 4our God oven border Saul (boy’s name)

    ָּכתּוב ְגבּורֹות לּוחֹות ָלזּוז 5to move blackboards heroes written



  • Page 24


    Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left.

    Match the ones that rhyme!

    (One has been done for you as an example!)

    (girl’s name) A 1 ָלנּו לּוָנה to us (girl’s name) B 2 טּוָנה ׁשּוָלה

    Us C 3 ָטסּו ָאנּו they flew (on a plane) they got up D 4 ּוָלּהּב ָקמּו her stamp

    they rejoiced E 5 מּוׂשָ ָׂשׂשּו they put/placed

    was marked/ indicated A ּוָמןס on the horse 1 ַּבּסּוס

    was noticed B 2 אטּומָ הּועַ ׁש impure to fly (on a

    plane) C 3 אּוָמן ָלטּוס artisan was split/ chopped D עּבּוָק (Biblical woman’s name) 4 ּפּוָעה

    was deceived E 5 הּוָּכה רּוָמה was hit/ struck

  • Page 25

    Read Aloud! Read the Hebrew below. Lines separate the syllables for you on the top.

    Can divide the syllables on the bottom yourself?

    הּוא רּוְך|ּבָ blessed he

    דּוׁש|ִקי בּו|טֹ good/lovely )blessing for wine)

    ָעה|נּו|ְּת רֹות|בּו|גְ heroes organization/movement

    ָעה|ׁשּו|יְ נּו|ַנְח |אֲ we help/rescue

    ָּברּוְך הּוא ִקידּוׁש(blessing for wine) he blessed

    ֹטבּו ְיׁשּוָעה ֲאַנְחנּוwe help/rescue good/lovely

    ְגבּורֹות ְּתנּוָעהorganization/movement heroes

    1 2 3 4




  • Page 26

    Reading Strategy:

    “Us”/”Our” Suffix Now that you know the Shuruk (“oo” vowel), you can read

    the suffix (ending) that means “us” or “our”:

    נּו- You’ll see this in a lot of Hebrew blessings and prayers, when the word


    Read the Hebrew below out loud. Circle or highlight every ending

    that means “us” or “our”!

    ְסַלח ָלנּו, ָאדֹוָני ֱאֹלֵהינּו, 1 ָעֵלינּו ְוַתֵּפינּו.ָרֵחם

    ָאדֹוָני, ֱאֹלֵהינּו ַאָּתה ָּברּוְך 2 ְוִאמֹוֵתינּו. ֲאבֹוֵתינּו ֵואֹלֵהי

    , ָהעֹוָלם ֶמֶלְך ֱאֹלֵהינּו, ָאדֹוָני ַאָּתה ָּברּוְך 3 נּוָתיו ְוִצּוָ ֹ ְּבִמְצו ִקְדָׁשנּו ֲאֶׁשר

    .ַׁשָּבת ֶׁשל רנֵ ְלַהְדִליק



    ֱאֹלֵהינּו(our God)




    (commanded us)

    Sometimes Vav gets a dot but keeps its V-sound: there used to be two Vavs in a row, but people started combining them and putting a dot instead.

    If there’s any other vowel attached to a

    Vav, like the “AH” below this one, then it’s

    still a V!



  • Page 27

    The “oo” vowel can have one other shape, too:

    Both of the “oo” vowels are having a very bad, terrible, no-good day: one is being punched in

    the belly, and the other is falling down the stairs!

    This version sounds exactly like the “oo” vowel with a Vav:

    ”are pronounced “oo אֻ and אּו ”are pronounced “too טֻ and טּוּומ and ֻמ are pronounced “moo” ּוּב and ֻּב are pronounced “boo”






    tz ֹֻֻ

  • Page 28

    Now you can read the name of the special “booth,” the

    that Jews around the world build for the holiday of

    …which is also the plural form of ֻסָּכה. You can also read the name of another holiday:

    Can you match the holiday symbols to the name of the holiday

    they represent?

    A 1 ֻסּכֹות B 2 טּו ִּבְׁשַבט C 3 ֲחנָֻּכה D 4 רֹאׁש ַהָשָנה E 5 ִריםּוּפ

    ֻסָּכה ֻסּכֹות


  • Page 29

    Read Aloud! Read the Hebrew below. Lines separate the syllables for you on the top.

    Can you divide the syllables on the bottom yourself?

    ָלם|ּכֻ ָּפה|ֻק everybody cash register

    ָמׁש|חֻ ּכֹות|סֻ 5 Books of the Torah

    ָין|צֻ |ְמ ָלה|דֻ |גְ importance/greatness excellent

    יֹות|ִׁש |ֻק ַּבח|ׁשֻ |ְמ is praised difficulties/challenges

    ֻּכָלם ֻקָּפה ֻסּכֹות cash register everybody

    הְגֻדלָ ֻחָמׁש ְמֻצָיןexcellent 5 Books of the Torah importance/greatness

    ְמֻׁשַּבח ֻקִׁשיֹותdifficulties/challenges is praised

    1 2 3 4 5



  • Page 30

    Soundalike Matching

    Read the Hebrew on the right out loud, then the Hebrew on the left.

    Match the ones sound exactly the same but are spelled differently!

    (One has been done for you as an example!)

    (holiday) A 1 ָלקּום ֻּפִרים to get up B 5 2 ֻחָמׁש ָלֻּכם Books of the Torah

    leniency/ flexibility C 3 ּפּוִרים ֻקָלא (holiday)

    D 4 ֻּכָלה ֻלָלב all of her 5 Books of the

    Torah E ָמׁשחּו 5 לּוָלב

    (holiday) A 1 ְמֻצָין סּוֹּכת great/ excellent blackboards B 2 ְמאּוָמן ֻלחֹות trained/ skilled importance/

    greatness C ָלהּוְגד booths 3 ֻסּכֹות trained/skilled D 4 לּוֹחת ְמֻאָמן blackboards

    great/excellent E 5 ְגֻדָלה ְמצּוָין importance/ greatness

  • Page 31

    Speed Read! Time yourself reading the Hebrew below out loud at least twice.

    What’s the fastest time you can get?

    1 ֻסּכֹות ָּפסּוק לּוֹחתblackboards verse / phrase (holiday)

    2 ֻלָלב ְמאּוָמן ֻּכָלנּוall of us skilled / trained

    3 ָּכתּוב ְגֻדָלה ִׁשעּורlesson importance / significance was written

    4 ֻּכְלֶכם ָׁשבּועֹות ִסדּורprayerbook weeks all of you

    5 ֻׁשַבחְמ ְּכתּוּבֹות ֻּכָלםall of them (wedding contracts) praised

    6 ֻחָמׁש ֲאַנְחנּו ִסיּפּורstory we 5 Books of the Torah

    Time Log:

    1 2 3 4

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    Reverse It Write out Hebrew that sounds the same as the English on the

    left. The first one has been done for you as an example!

    K’TOOVAH ____________ 1 KOOLAM ____________ 2 PASOOL ____________ 3 SEEPOOR ____________ 4 LOOLAV ____________ 5 SOOKOT ____________ 6 LASHOOM ____________ 7 ZOOZAH ____________ 8 G’DOOLAH ____________ 9

    Vowels Letters

    ָ ַ ְ ִ ֵ ֶ ּו ֻ ֹו ֹ

    ּכ ל /ךא ב/ּב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ק ר ׁש/ׂש ת ץצ ףפ/ס ע ּפ ןנ םמ

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    Put It All Together Now you can read entire blessings – like the ones for wine/grape juice and for bread below! Read them out loud with the syllables broken up

    for you (on the top), then try reading them again, breaking up the syllables in your head as you go (on the bottom)!

    ֹ |, אֱ ָני|דֹו|ָא ָּתה |רּוְך ַא |ּבָ 1 נּו |ֵהי| ל .ֶפן|גָ |ִרי הַ |ֵרא ּפְ |ּבֹו ,ָלם|עֹו|ֶלְך הָ |מֶ ֹ |, אֱ ָני|דֹו|ָא ָּתה |רּוְך ַא |ּבָ 2 נּו |ֵהי| לֶחם ִמן |ִציא לֶ |מֹו|הַ ,ָלם|עֹו|ֶלְך הָ |מֶ .ֶרץ|ָא |הָ

    , ֱאֹלֵהינּו ֶמֶלְך ָאדֹוָניָּברּוְך ַאָּתה 1 .ּבֹוֵרא ְּפִרי ַהָגֶפן ,ָהעֹוָלם

    , ֱאֹלֵהינּו ֶמֶלְך ָאדֹוָניָּברּוְך ַאָּתה 2

    .ַהמֹוִציא ֶלֶחם ִמן ָהָאֶרץ ,ָהעֹוָלם

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    Put It All Together Read some blessings & short prayers out loud. Do you recognize any of them from services?

    ֱאֹלֵהינּו ָאדֹוָניְׁשַמע ִיְׂשָרֵאל 1 .ֶאָחד ָאדֹוָני

    ֱאֹלֵהינּו ֶמֶלְך ָאדֹוָניָּברּוְך ַאָּתה 2 יֹוֵצר אֹור ּובֹוֵרא ֹחֶׁשְך ָהעֹוָלם ֹעֶׂשה ָׁשלֹום ּובֹוֵרא ֶאת ַהֹּכל.

    ִהֵנה ַמה טֹוב ּוַמה ָנִעים 3 .ֶבת ַאִחים ַגם ָיַחדׁשֶ

    ַמה ֹטבּו ֹאָהֶליָך ַיֲעֹקב, 4 ִמְׁשְּכֹנֶתיָך ִיְׂשָרֵאל.

    ִמי ָּכֹמָכה ,ָאדֹוָניִמי ָכֹמָכה ָּבֵאִלם 5 נֹוָרא ְתִהֹּלת, ֹעֵׂשה ֶפֶלא. ֶנְאָדר ַּבֹקֶדׁש,

    All you have left to learn are a few “tricky” vowel combinations – soon

    you’ll be able to read any Hebrew you want!

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    ֲחנָֻּכה ֻסָּכה ֵעץ ָׂשלֹום ֶּכֶסף ֶאֶרץ

    Vocab Bonus You’ve met a few new Hebrew words lately – write the Hebrew word next to the

    what it means using the Word List at the bottom! (Look back through the packet if

    you have trouble remembering any of them!)

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    Name Recognition Write each Hebrew letter’s English name next to it –

    you have a Name List at the bottom to help you with spelling! One has been done for you as an example!

    נ ב ּכ

    ן ּב כ

    ו ל ך

    ז ת ד

    ג ה ר

    ט ח ׁש

    מ ס שֹ

    א ם ע

    י פ צ

    ק ף ץ ּפ

    Alef Bet Vet Gimel Daled Hei Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yud Kaf Chaf Final Chaf Lamed Mem Final Mem Nun Final Nun Samech Ayin Pei Fei Final Fei Tzadee Final Tzadee Koof Resh Shin Sin Tav

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    Vowel Matching Match the Hebrew vowel to its sound!

    ee as in “beep” ָא ee as in “beep” ִא eh as in “eggs” ַא ah as in “father” ַאי ah as in “father” ֶא silent (sometimes a small “i” sound, at the start of a syllable)

    ִאיie as in “pie” ַאאי ie as in “pie” ְא oo as in “moon” ֵא oo as in “moon” אֹו oh as in “grow” אּו oh as in “grow” ֻא ay as in “bay” ֹא

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    Packet 7 Reading Review Time yourself to see how long it takes you to read this whole page. When you’re

    happy with your time, read it to a teacher to earn your Packet 7 Award!

    1 ָּברּוְך ָהֵעץ ָאדֹוָניmy lord the tree blessed

    2 ִנְׂשַרף ְמֻאָמץ ֵאֶליָךto you (m) adopted he/it was burned

    3 ּתֹוָדה ִצְמֻצם סּוסֹוhis horse reduction / decrease thank you

    4 רּוֵחי ְלֻעַמת ָּכֵתףshoulder compared to spirits of

    5 ְּכֻתָּבה ִמְצוֹות ֵסֶפרbook commandments wedding contract

    6 ֻׁשְלַחן ֱאֹלֵהינּו ֹחֶׁשְךdarkness our God table

    7 ָּבְרכּו ִיׂשָרֵאל ַעמֹוhis people Israel bless (command)

    Time Log:

    1 2 3 4

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    This award certifies that


    has completed Packet 7

    in the Hebrew Step-By-Step program,

    now knows all the Hebrew letters:


    ת✡שֹ /ׁש✡ר✡ק✡ץצ✡ףפ/ּפ✡ע✡ס✡ןנ✡מם…and vowels:

    י ַ ַָ ִ ֶ ֵ ֹ ֹו ֻ ּו ְ ַ

    …and is ready to learn the last of the

    Hebrew vowel rules in Packet 8!

    Teacher Signature: __________________

    Student Signature: __________________

