
SPSS Software Predictivo Estadistico.


mineria de datos

Transcript of Spss

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Software Predictivo Estadistico.

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Corporate History

* La Tecnología SPSS ha heho de las tareas analíticas tareas

Más fáciles atraves de los avances en la usabilidad y acceso a los datos, permitiendo que más gente se beneficie de el uso de técnicas cuantitativas y toma de decisiones. Y que expertos de la Compañía se encuentren concentrados en el análisis de dstos acerca de la gente, sus opiniones, actitudes y comportamiento.

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The Company's mission to "drive the widespread use of data in decision-making" derives directly from these two themes. The company's success has been based upon its ability to demonstrate the very real benefits that the use of SPSS technology provides. Underlying this ability is the collective conviction that analyzing data, and incorporating the results into the decision-making process, leads to better decisions.

La misión de la Compañía es el manejo de los datos dispersos en la toma de desiciones derivados de estos dos temas, los éxitos de la compañía se han basado en la demostración de los muy reales beneficios que la tecnología SPSS provee. Subrayando que la habilidad de esta convicción colectiva que anliza datos, e incorpora los resustados dentro del proceso de toma de desiciones, conlleva a las mejores decisiones.

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Process Model

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France Telecom

SituationThe ability to rapidly capitalize on the enormous amount of information that flows through an organization each day, in order to clarify issues or make

strategic decisions, is now a strong competitive edge for companies.Solution

LexiQuest Mine, as part of the "Strateasy" business intelligence information system of France Telecom, facilitates the analysis of information and accelerates its strategic use. The Strateasy offering resulted from the

experience that France Telecom has gained since 1997 in the establishment of an information system devoted to gaining business intelligence.

Initially designed for the group's internal requirements, this business intelligence portal is now being made available to other companies.

The Strateasy offering makes it possible to:Acquire information in various formats and from various sources, including external

sources such as the Internet, market research, the trade press, and third-party databases, as well as internal content such as new recruit surveys, reports, and

summaries Automate the gathering and updating of information

Classify information in monitoring plans adapted to the needs of the company Distribute information in a targeted way to users

Be alerted to opportunities for development and competitive risks

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Strateasy is designed to meet the information needs of its users. Previously, users had to spend a great deal of time searching for relevant information

and trying to understand its correlations. "The main difficulty did not relate to finding the correlations that occur most frequently, since they are readily

identifiable, but rather to finding the weak signals. This specific need prompted us to turn to LexiQuest Mine, which is the best tool for quickly identifying weak signals. That is still what gives it its major added value,"

says Gil Debret, director of the Business Intelligence Division.Within Strateasy, LexiQuest Mine interfaces transparently with other software solutions in the market, such as the Verity K2 search tool.

Fast detection of weak signals

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Prueba de χ² (Redirigido desde Prueba chi-cuadrado)Saltar a navegación, búsquedaLa prueba de ji-cuadrado (a veces incorrectamente pronunciado como "chi-cuadrado") es considerada como una prueba no paramétrica que mide la discrepancia entre una distribución observada y otra teórica (bondad de ajuste), indicando en qué medida las diferencias existentes entre ambas, de haberlas, se deben al azar en el contraste de hipótesis. También se utiliza para probar la independencia de dos variables entre sí, mediante la presentación de los datos en tablas de contingencia.La fórmula que da el estadístico es la siguiente:

Cuanto mayor sea el valor de χ2, menos verosímil es que la hipótesis sea correcta. De la misma forma, cuanto más se aproxima a cero el valor de chi-cuadrado, más ajustadas están ambas distribuciones.Los grados de libertad vienen dados por :gl= (r-1)(k-1). Donde r es el número de filas y k el de columnas.Criterio de decisión: Se acepta H0 cuando

. En caso contrario se rechaza.Donde t representa el valor proporcionado por las tablas, según el nivel de significación estadística elegido.

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Data mining helps SPSS customers solve business problemsSPSS data mining solutions and services have enabled hundreds of

organizations to achieve remarkable results in many areas. For example, organizations have used data mining to:

Boost sales by 50 percent and reduce marketing costs by 30 percent by uncovering cross-selling and "rollover" sales opportunities. Read the complete

data mining customer story. Triple online profits by improving personalization features. Read the complete

data mining customer story. Secure an additional $50 million in revenue by using an accurate propensity model to target offers. Read the complete data mining customer story.

Improve the response rate of direct mail campaigns by 100 percent. Read the complete data mining customer story.

La mineria de datos ayuda los usuarios a resolver problemas de negocios utilizando soluciones y servicio que ha permitido a cientos de organizaciones alcanzar resultados notables. Por ejemplo organizaciones que utilizan datamining para: Aumento de la ventas en un 50% y reducción de costos de Marketing por un 30% por el uso de ventas-cruzadas expuestas y rollover.

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Del Monte Fresh Produce Situation Del Monte Fresh Produce is one of the world’s leading producers, marketers, and

distributors of high-quality fresh and fresh-cut fruit and vegetables. The company is also a leading producer and distributor of prepared fruit and vegetables, juices, beverages, snacks, and desserts across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Challenge In September 2003 Del Monte bought Del Monte Foods Europe, bringing the Del

Monte brand under common ownership in Europe for the first time in decades. One of the key applications inherited in the takeover was the Baan Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system running on an IBM platform that was used to support Del Monte Foods operations in northern Europe.

Following the takeover, the requirement for analysis and reporting grew, as the European business was reorganized into more country-specific operations. While the ERP provided a solid tool for running the business, there was a gap that was best filled by a data warehouse solution for information analysis.


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The company selected SPSS’ analytics solution to maximize the value of corporate data held in the ERP system. The technology supports the analytical needs of the business and enables users throughout the region to view and access customized reports, extending complex analysis capabilities throughout the business.The software, which is used by employees across five countries, supports all areas of the business—from finance, marketing, and manufacturing to senior management and sales.Sales and marketing use the solution to undertake detailed analyses in order to improve departmental efficiency. For example, the SPSS solution enables personnel to review sales figures across Europe, highlight any areas of concern, and take remedial action to get sales back on track. In addition, the software plays an important role in forecasting and product profitability analysis as well as new in product development.The software also supports manufacturing and new product launches. For example, when Del Monte released a range of chilled juices under the “Juice Bar” label, the SPSS software enabled the company to manage and accurately forecast sales on a daily. With the short shelf life of the fresh product compared to the previous juice ranges, this ability is critical to ensure stock levels remain adequate to meet demand, but not excessive, which would result in waste.

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Interested in Del Monte Fresh Produce? Download the PDFResultsOne of the key benefits of the SPSS technology is that the quality of the data used for analysis has improved. All data in the system can be validated to ensure its accuracy, resulting in better-quality reporting and analysis. This directly impacts decision making across the business by giving senior management more accurate and detailed information on which to base strategic and tactical decisions.After five years of deployment, user feedback at the company on SPSS has been overwhelmingly positive. The software is easy to use and can be used to "slice and dice" data and drill down into the detail to meet specific user reporting requirements no matter what the area of the business.

In September 2003 Del Monte bought Del Monte Foods Europe, bringing the DelMonte brand under common ownership in Europe for the first time in decades.One of the key applications inherited in the takeover was the Baan EnterpriseResource Planning (ERP) system running on an IBM platform that was used tosupport Del Monte Foods operations in northern Europe.

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LexiQuest Mine acts as a linguistic extractor. Based on a sophisticated processor, it recognizes the language of documents, and extracts not only the thematic concepts but also the proper names of places and

products. LexiQuest Mine is a dynamic tool which represents the identified concepts and their interactions in a color-coded, graphical map. For the user, this visual presentation is much more practical to

work with than a linear list of concepts.LexiQuest Mine also provides valuable help with the creation of

classification plans.

The three main roles of LexiQuest Mine

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In the context of strategic monitoring, France Telecom cites several examples in which the time needed to identify the representative terms of a corpus has been cut by half. This represents a clear productivity gain, which on the one hand frees up more time to analyze and summarize the acquired information, and on the other hand raises the responsiveness to increasingly specialized

organizational demands.From a technological point of view, "Integrating LexiQuest Mine into the

Strateasy platform was easy and straightforward, thanks in particular to its APIs, but also to technological choices which are consistent with ours," adds

Gil Debret.Mention should also be made of LexiQuest Mine's growing ability to identify

different concepts, whatever the corpus, thanks to the constant enrichment of its dictionaries.

Reduced analysis times