Las Ensenanzas de Silver Birch

“LAS ENSEÑANZAS DE SILVER BIRCH”  “Silver Birch” ( un piel roja en encarnaciones anteriores ) expresa a Maurice y Sylvia Barbanell así como a Hannen Swaffer mensajes ese el m!s all!" compilaos en una ecena e manuscritos# $%uí trau&co (o intent' hacerlo)# LAS ENSEÑANZAS DE SILVER BIRCH” Extraidas de: Se dejan en inglés y castellano por si algien desea enviarme na mejor tradcci!n" la cal prometo revisar y s#ir si la considero mejor $e lo a$% expesto. &ndex Mary ic*for $t $ Seance Science + ,iewe -rom Beyon .oes -ree /ill 0xist1 2o 3nspire $mbassaors roblems 4f 5ommunication 5reation 3s 3nfinite /ho are 6ou1 Spirit 3s Superior .o 7ot .espair $ll 2ruth 3s /onerful 8i*e 2he Mi9hty :a9in9 /in “$s 6our Souls ;nfol 2he 0pitome of erfect 8ove 2he .ivine Mission 2he Healin9 Mission <uiin9 8i9hts /hat is .eath1 ,iolence + 2he /ay of Self+pity  3nice Mary ic*for en una sesi=n espiritista “5iencia > ,isto ese el m!s all!” “0xiste el libre alberio1” ara inspirar a los embajao res” roblemas e comunicaci=n” 8a creaci=n es infinita “?uien eres” 0l 0spíritu es superior “7o esesperes” 2oa vera es maravillosa 5omo el viento Mi9hty furioso “5omo abrir sus almas” “0l compenio el $mor erfecto” “8a Mision .ivina” “8a Mision e Sanaci=n” “8as luces+9uias” “?u' es la muerte1” 8a violencia + 8a manera e auto+ compasi=n


Las Ensenanzas

Transcript of Las Ensenanzas de Silver Birch

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 “Silver Birch” ( un piel roja en encarnaciones anteriores )expresa a Maurice y Sylvia Barbanell así como aHannen Swaffer mensajes ese el m!s all!" compilaos enuna ecena e manuscritos#$%uí trau&co (o intent' hacerlo)# “ LAS ENSEÑANZAS DESILVER BIRCH” 

Extraidas de: dejan en inglés y castellano por si algien desea enviarme na mejor tradcci!n" lacal prometo revisar y s#ir si la considero mejor $e lo a$% expesto.

&ndexMary ic*for $t $ Seance

Science + ,iewe -rom Beyon

.oes -ree /ill 0xist1

2o 3nspire $mbassaors

roblems 4f 5ommunication

5reation 3s 3nfinite 

/ho are 6ou1 

Spirit 3s Superior 

.o 7ot .espair 

$ll 2ruth 3s /onerful 

8i*e 2he Mi9hty :a9in9 /in 

“$s 6our Souls ;nfol” 

2he 0pitome of erfect 8ove 

2he .ivine Mission 

2he Healin9 Mission 

<uiin9 8i9hts 

/hat is .eath1 

,iolence + 2he /ay of Self+pity 

3niceMary ic*for en una sesi=n espiritista

“5iencia > ,isto ese el m!s all!”

“0xiste el libre alberio1”

“ara inspirar a los embajaores”

“roblemas e comunicaci=n”

8a creaci=n es infinita

“?uien eres”

0l 0spíritu es superior

“7o esesperes”

2oa vera es maravillosa

5omo el viento Mi9hty furioso

“5omo abrir sus almas”

“0l compenio el $mor erfecto”

“8a Mision .ivina”

“8a Mision e Sanaci=n”

“8as luces+9uias”

“?u' es la muerte1”

8a violencia + 8a manera e auto+compasi=n

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2he 0ni9ma of :eli9ion 

4ur 8esser Brethren1 

Music of the Spheres 

/hy Spirit <uies :eturn 

/hy /ere 6ou Born1

“0l 0ni9ma e la :eli9ion”

7uestros hermanos menores1

“M@sica e las 0sferas”

Aor %u' el 0spíritu <uía e :etorno1

“or ?u' has nacio1”

Mary Pickford at a Seance

Having recorded a few of the messagesgiven by Silver Birch to various kinds of people, I think I must include HannenSwaffer’s story of the sitting given bythe guide to Mary Pickford, the film starwho became known as the world’ssweetheart!" 

#he $ournalist wrote%

 2he Silver Birch sittin9 provie freshconfirmation of what is often stresse

when actors an actresses" artists orcomposers sit + the 9reat importance"from the point of view of the spiritworl" of any film" play" composition orwor* of art that spreas *nowle9e orinspires lar9e numbers of people

Here" copie from a recor of the sittin9"are extracts that will be of 9eneralinterest

Silver Birch# “7ow" to the lay whocomes from across the water 6ou *now

you are much belove by many who arehere toay an that for many years inyour life you have been conscious of thelove that streams towars you fromthose who have passe throu9h thechan9e which people call eath 2hat isso" is it not1”

Mary# “6es”

Silver Birch# “$n this love an this9uiance have been realities in yourown life" time an time an time a9ain"for whenever ifficulties have raisetheir heas an you have not *nown

Mary Pickford en una ei!n

e"iri#i#aHabieno 9rabao unos pocos e losmensajes aos por Silver Birch a variostipos e personas" pienso %ue 2en9o%ue incluir la historia e Hannen Swaffere la sesi=n aa por el 9uía e Maryic*for" la estrella e cine %ue seconoci= como la novia el muno

0l perioista escribi=#

8a sesi=n con Silver Birch provey=

nueva confirmaci=n e lo %ue essubrayao a menuo cuano los actoresy actrices" artistas" compositores uobras e arte %ue extienen elconocimiento o inspiran a un 9rann@mero e personas

$%uí se ha copiao e la 9rabaci=n e lasesi=n" los extractos %ue son e inter's9eneral

Silver Birch# “$hora" a la seCorita %ue

viene el otro lao el a9ua" ;stesabe %ue es muy %ueria por muchos%ue hoy est!n a%uí y %ue urantemuchos aCos en su via ha sioconsciente el amor %ue fluye haciauste e los %ue han pasao por elcambio %ue la 9ente llama muerte 0stoes así" Ano1

Mary# “Sí”

Silver Birch# “ 6 este amor y estaorientaci=n han sio realia en supropia via" tiempo y tiempo y tiempootra ve&" caa ve& %ue las ificultaes

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where to turn" the 9uiance of the spirithas shown itself with inisputable clarityan you have 9one forwar withouthesitation to perform the tas* in front ofyou .o 3 spea* clearly1”

Mary# “6es”

Silver Birch# “However" you coulbecome more conscious of the love ofthe many people who are boun to youby ties of affection .i you but reali&eit" the whole pattern of your life is one of9reat 9uiance 6ou have been le stepby step all the way /hen" if you ha*nown at first what was in front of you"it all woul have seeme impossible ofattainment" as you have put one footforwar" so the way has been cleare to

enable you to put the other footforwarD an so pro9ress has beenconsistent an has been maintaine

 6ou have been of tremenous servicebecause you have striven to raiate thatlove which has been 9iven to you

 6ou may not *now all this" thou9h someof it is clear to you But in our worl" aworl inhabite by all the souls who aretranslate here from your plane ofactivity" we soon learn that the only realreli9ion is service Service is the coin ofthe spirit

He or she who strives to serve to theutmost is in turn serve by other bein9swho return" inspire by the attractin9force $n" as you have sou9ht throu9hyour life to brin9 happiness anunerstan the *nowle9e into the livesof others" so you have attracte toyourself not only your own love ones"but raiant bein9s who left the earth

many lon9 years a9o" an who pour outtheir accumulate wisom throu9h yourinstrumentality .o you unerstan all 3am sayin9 to you1”

Mary# “6es" 3 thin* 3 o”

Silver Birch# “6ou are re9are here asan ambassaor" one who sees in herselfan instrument" a means of reachin9lar9e numbers of people" an you havestriven to preach this simple 9ospel ofthe reality of the invisible" where all

stren9th an power an majesty anmi9ht resie $n so it has beenthrou9hout the whole of your life that

se han planteao y ; 7o sabía aone9irar" la orientaci=n el espíritu ha siomostraa con iniscutia claria y ;8a ha se9uio sin vacilaci=n parareali&ar la tarea frente planteaa frentea ; Hablo con claria1

Mary# “Sí”

Silver Birch# “Sin embar9o" ; oriavolverse mas conciente el amor etantas personas %ue estan obli9aas a; por la&os e afecto Se io cuenta; e eso1 0l patr=n e su via es unoe las 9ranes orientaciones ; hasio 9uiaa paso a paso"too el camino"5uano" si hubiera sabio en unprincipio lo %ue estaba elante e suyo"too hubiera parecio imposible e

alcan&ar"5omo uste ha puesto un pie haciaaelante" por lo %ue la ha preparao elterreno para %ue puea poner el otropie" y así el pro9reso ha sio constantey se ha mantenio

;ste ha sio y reali&ao un 9ranservicio" ya %ue se ha esfor&ao porirraiar el amor %ue se le ha ao

; no puee saber too esto" peroal9unos pensamientos son claros para; ero en nuestro muno" un munohabitao por toas las almas %ue semuan a%uí ese su plano eactivia" nosotros pronto aprenemos%ue la @nica y real reli9ion es el servicio0l servicio es la monea el espiritu

El o la %ue se esfuer&a por servir alm!ximo" a su ve& es servio por losotros seres %ue re9resan" inspiraos porla fuer&a e atracci=n 6" como hantratao a trav's e su via para traer

felicia y entener el conocimiento enla via e otros" por lo %ue han atraío así mismo no s=lo a sus propios seres%uerios sino raiano a a%uellos %ueejaron esta tierra muchos aCos atr!s yponen su ener9ia acumulaa a travese su instrumento 0ntiene too lo %uei9o1

Mary# “Si" creo %ue si”

Silver Birch# “; es miraa como unaembajaora" al9uien %ue ve en u

como un instrumento" un meio elle9ar a un 9ran n@mero e personas yse han esfor&ao para preicar el

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material obstacles have been removea9ain an a9ain an you have been ableto 9o forwar

7ow 3 want to say to you that soon youare to set the seal on your laboursD the

crown will be place upon them an youwill reach the pinnacle of attainment $llthat your heart esires will fin fruitionin the ays that lie before you”

7orthcliffe" who invariably iscloses hispresence at any sittin9 at which 3 ampresent" then 9ave Mary his 9reetin9s 3i not *now" but when she an-airban*s first came to 8onon an theywere mobbe everywhere by vastcrows" 7orthcliffe place his Surreyhome at their isposal as a retreat

 2hen -airban*s spo*e of his re9rets forwhat ha happene at the en of hisan MaryFs marria9e 3 refrain fromoin9 more than mention the factbriefly

“3 hol no bitterness a9ainst any humanbein9" on earth or off the earth"” saiMary" “only a9ainst my own wron9+oin9”

“.o not ma9nify that"” replie SilverBirch “3f the le9er of your life were tobe rawn up now" the so+calle wron9+oin9s woul be very few comparewith all the unselfishness an theservice you have renere 6ou willnever *now until you come here howmuch 9oo you have one for so manypeople

 6ou have brou9ht joy to millions ofpeople 6ou have enable them tofor9et for a while the little sorrows" their

cares an aches" their troubles anstresses" an the storms that mean somuch to them 3n your own way" throu9hyour own esire" you have 9ivenservice" an service is all that matters

/hen everythin9 else is for9otten anstrippe away" when wealth has faean power has issolve" when ran* anbirth are for9otten" when cree lies inthe ust" the character you have earneby your life of service will enure for alltime $n it is that character shinin9

throu9h your boy that 3 see" an 3rejoice in meetin9 a soul who has onesome 9oo 2hat is what 3 thin* about

evan9elio simple e la realia e loinvisible" one toa la fuer&a" el poery la majestuosia porían resiir 6 porlo %ue ha sio a lo lar9o e toa suvia"los obst!culos materiales se haneliminao una y otra ve& y uste ha sio

capa& e se9uir aelante$hora %uiero ecir %ue pronto van aponer el sello en su trabajo" la corona secolocar! sobre ellos y lle9ar! a la cimae la reali&aci=n 2oo lo %ue su cora&=nesea" encontrar! sus frutos en los ías%ue tenemos por elante

7orthcliffe" %ue invariablemente revelasu presencia en una sesi=n en la %ueestoy presente" y lue9o le io a María elsaluo 6o no lo sabía" pero cuano ellay -airban*s por primera ve& a 8onres y

%ue fueron acosaos por toas partespor una multitu" 7orthcliffe Surreypuso su casa a su isposici=n como unrefu9io

8ue9o -airban*s habl= e su pesar porlo ocurrio en el final e su matrimonioy e María Me absten9o e hacer m!s%ue mencionar brevemente el hecho

7o siento rencor contra nin9@n serhumano" en la tierra o fuera e latierra" ijo María" s=lo en contra e mipropio mal proceer

7o ma9nifi%uen eso”+replic= SilverBirch Si el libro e su via fuera a serreactao ahora" los llamaos “maloshechos” serían muy pocos encomparaci=n con too el esinter's y elservicio %ue ha prestao ;ste nunca losabr! hasta %ue uste ven9a a%uí" lobien %ue ha hecho por tantas personas

“;ste trajo la ale9ría a millones e

personas ;ste les ha permitio %ue seolvien por un momento las penas" suspreocupaciones y olores" susproblemas y tensiones" y las tormentas"%ue si9nifica mucho para ellos $ sumanera" a trav's e su propio eseo"uste ha ao servicio" y el servicio eslo @nico %ue importa

5uano too lo em!s se olvia yespojao por la istancia" cuano lari%ue&a se ha esvanecio y el poer seha isuelto" cuano se olvian ran9o y

nacimiento"cuano la reli9ion o el creose encuentra en el polvo" el car!cter%ue ha 9anao por su via e servicio"

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your wron9+oin9s

 2here is nothin9 for you to fear 6ou can9o strai9ht ahea 6ou wish me to spea*fran*ly1”

Mary# “6es”

Silver Birch# “6ou o not want to ma*elots of money /hat you want to o is too the 9reatest for 9oo that you can3snFt that so1”

Mary# “6es”

Silver Birch# “2hat motive brin9s its ownrewar" an the other is automatic 3t is9iven to you for the sin9le purpose of9ivin9 you confience an there isnothin9 to fear Have no fear in yourheart -ear isturbs vibrations 6ou*now about vibrations1”

Mary# “6es" 3 *now somethin9 aboutthem”

Silver Birch# “-ear isturbs theatmosphere 3f your heart is full ofunboune" unremittin9 confience" ifyour soul is full of inomitable resolutionbecause your min has *nowle9e ofspiritual verities" that cannot fail in aworl where all values are chan9in9

7othin9 in the worl of matter can touchyou" the real you" the inestructible"infinite" eternal you 6ou can 9o forwarwith the full *nowle9e that the powerwhich is behin you" 9uiin9 you"upholin9 you an sustainin9 you" is the

mi9htiest power in the universe" thepower of love that see*s to use you as a9reater instrument of service for the<reat Spirit of all life" to ma*e *nownHis love an His wisom" His truth anHis *nowle9e" to those who still *nownothin9 about these thin9s

Sometimes in the silence of yourchamber you have she tears becauseyou thin*" or you have thou9ht" youhave faile 6ou have not 2he roa liesstrai9ht in front of you an the 9lorious

promise of fulfillment will be attaine 3hope 3 have helpe you”

se mantenr! urante too el tiempo 6es ese el car!cter brillante a trav's esu cuerpo el %ue veo" y me ale9ro eencontrar un alma %ue ha hecho tantobien0so es lo %ue pienso acerca e sus

malas acciones7o hay naa %ue temer ;ste puee irhacia elante ;ste esea %ue hablecon fran%ue&a1

Mary# “Sí”

Silver Birch# “; no %uiere hacer unmont=n e inero 8o %ue %uiere haceres lo mejor para toos los %ue puea"vera1”

Mary# “Sí”

Silver Birch# “0sa motivaci=n es supropio premio" y lo otro es autom!tico8e es ao por el simple proposito ear su confiencia y no hay naa %uetemer 7o hay temor en su cora&=n 0ltemor molesta a las vibraciones 5onoceacerca e las vibraciones1”

MaryG ”Si" conoc&co al9o acerca eellas”

Silver Birch# 0l mieo perturba laatm=sfera Si tu cora&=n est! lleno eilimitaa y constante confian&a" si sualma est! llena e resoluci=n inomablepor%ue tu mente tiene conocimiento elas veraes espirituales %ue nopueen fallar en un muno one tooslos valores est!n cambiano 7aa en elmuno e la materia puee tocarle" alveraero t@" al inestructible" infinito"eterno uste ;ste puee se9uiraelante con el pleno conocimiento e%ue el poer %ue est! etr!s e ti es el

%ue la 9uía" efener y sostener lo %uees la potencia m!s poerosa eluniverso" la fuer&a el amor %uepretene utili&ar como un instrumentom!s e servicio por el 9ran espíritu etoa la via" ar a conocer su amor y susabiuría" su vera y su conocimiento"a los %ue toavía no saben naa eestas cosas

$ veces en el silencio e su habitacionpuee haber llorao por%ue pens= otiene pensamiento e %ue ha fallao

0so no es asi 0l camino se extieneelante suyo y las 9loriosas promesasse cumpliran 0spero haberla ayuao”

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Mary# “2han* you very much”

Silver Birch# “7o 3 never accept than*s 2han*s shoul be renere to the <reatSpirit" whose servants we all are 3 strive

to perform this tas* an 3 o it withwillin9ness an cheerfulness" an ifanythin9 3 have sai has been of help"then it is because 3 am 9oin9 about my-atherFs business erhaps some timewe will meet a9ain an 3 can be offurther service to you

 2ill then" loo* up" not own :ememberthat li9ht an love stream in abunancefrom the infinite source" whichpossesses an infinite storehouse -illyourself from that rich" vast treasury 3t

is yours for the as*in9 $n 9o onwritin9”

 2o the circle" the 9uie sai#

“May the power of the spirit remain withyou as an inspirin9 force an may youbecome increasin9ly conscious of the9ifts with which you have been enowean" evelopin9 them" rener service tothose less fortunate then yourselves" sothat your lives are truly worth while thelivin9”

 2hen" just before he 9ave up control ofthe meium" the 9uie 9ave Mary a finalmessa9e “6our Mother says 3 mustnFt9o away until she reassures you that herlove is unyin9"” he sai" “that shenever for9ets that which you have onefor her an that she is repayin9 whatshe consiers to be that ebt She woulnot let me 9o”

Mary# “But 3 owe her so much 7ot in tenlives coul 3 repay it”

Silver Birch# “/ell" you may have morethen ten lives”

Mary# “More than a cat1 3 shall haveei9hteen lives 3 shall come a9ain oneay to 0n9lan to live”

Silver Birch# “4h" itFs not the first timeyou have come here in life But thatFsanother story”

Mary# “Iust one little thin9 woul you

MaryG”Muchas 9racias”

Silver Birch# “7o" no nunca acepto las9racias 8as 9racias eben ser ofrecias

al <ran 0spíritu cuyos funcionarios losomos toos Me esfuer&o por reali&aresta tarea y lo ha9o con buena voluntay ale9ría" y si al9o he icho y ha sio eayua" entonces es por%ue se al9o elos ne9ocios e mi are 2al ve& enal9@n tiempo nos volveremos aencontrar y por' estar a su servicioHasta entonces" mire hacia arriba" nohacia abajo :ecuere %ue la lu& y lacorriente e amor es la abunancia ela fuente infinita" %ue posee un almac'ninfinito 8l'nese e ese rico tesoro"

inmenso 0s suyo para peir 6 se9uirescribieno

$l círculo" el 9uia ijo#

?ue el poer el espíritu permane&cacon ustees como una fuer&ainspiraora y %ue caa ve& sean m!sconsciente e los ones con e %ue hansio otaos" y el esarrollo e ellosrestar un servicio a los menosafortunaos %ue ustees" para %ue suvia realmente val9a la pena mientras%ue est'n vivos

0ntonces" justo antes e %ue 'lentre9ara el control al meium" la 9uíae María" io un mensaje final Sumare ice %ue no ebe irse hasta %ueella le ase9ure %ue su amor es eterno"ijo" %ue nunca se olvia e lo %ue hanhecho por ella y %ue ella est! pa9anolo %ue ella consiera %ue una eua0lla no me eja ir

María# ero yo le ebo mucho 0n ie&vias no poía pa9arlo

Silver Birch# Bueno" puee %ue ten9am!s e ie& vias

María# M!s %ue un 9ato1 ,oy a teneruna via ieciocho aCos ,enr' otrave& un ía a 3n9laterra para vivir

Silver Birch# J4h" no es la primera ve&%ue ha venio a%uí en la via ero esaes otra historia

María# S=lo una pe%ueCa cosa Aporía ecirme una cosa m!s sobre mí

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tell me one little thin9 about me + my0n9lish self1”

Silver Birch# “3t 9oes bac* more thantwo centuries /e shall have to meeta9ain 3 am 9oin9 now 3 cannot hol the

meium any more”

Mary" it seems" ha lon9 believeherself to be the reincarnation of a 9irlwho live in 0n9lan over two centuriesa9o 3 for9et now her reason foracceptin9 this as bein9 true

$nyway" havin9 been born as <laysSmith" in 2oronto" she is prou of herBritish ori9in

+ mi propio 3n9l's1

Silver Birch# Se remonta a m!s e ossi9los 2enremos %ue volver areunirnos Me voy ahora 7o pueocontener m!s al meium

María" se9@n parece" hacía tiempo %uecreía ser la reencarnaci=n e una niCa%ue vivía en 3n9laterra m!s e ossi9los atr!s Se me olvia %ue ahora sura&=n para aceptar esto como cierto

.e toos moos" haber nacio como<lays Smith" en 2oronto" est! or9ullosae su ori9en brit!nico

Science + ,iewe -rom Beyon 

742 since the ,ictorian era whenseveral note scientists investi9atean atteste psychic phenomena"incluin9 full+form materiali&ationsuner test conitions" have spirit 9iftsbeen so ri9orously place uner thescientific microscope 3t is fittin9 tobe9in this chapter with a %uestion a

scientist put to Silver Birch# “3 have reaan have always believe that service isvery important /hat is also importantis the occupation of 9atherin9*nowle9e" namely learnin9 3n the spiritworl how is this carrie out1 3nscientific matters of this physical worlwe o experiments .oes one oexperiments in the spirit worl" or is itby purely mental processes1”

“5iencia > ,isto ese el m!s all!”

.ese la 'poca ,ictoriana" cuanovarios reconocios científicosinvesti9aron y certificaron losfen=menos psí%uicos" incluyenocompletas materiali&aciones bajoconiciones e ensayo" los onesespirituales han sio ri9urosamentepuestos bajo el microscopio científico

0s oportuno comen&ar este capítulo conuna pre9unta e un científico sometioa Silver Birch# He leío y siempre hecreío %ue el servicio es muyimportante 8o %ue tambi'n esimportante es la ocupaci=n e larecopilaci=n e conocimientos" es ecir"el apreni&aje 0n el muno e losespíritus Ac=mo se lleva a cabo1 0nmateria científica e este muno físicoen el %ue hacer experimentos ?u' sehace experimentos en el muno elespíritu" o se trata e procesos

puramente mentales1”

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 2he 9uie replie#

“Knowle9e" li*e the <reat Spirit" isinfiniteD no perio can be place on it$s you pro9ress so you fit yourself formore *nowle9e 6ou are forever

climbin9 a mountain" ascenin9 onepea*" only to behol another to bescale Knowle9e" pro9ress"evelopment" unfolment"avancement" all these are eternalprocesses

3n your physical worl you experimentto see what are the results when you try“a” with “b” an so on /e haveexperiments which are ivorce from

the physical worl" because we areconcerne with some of the many anvaryin9 expressions of the spirit So weare always experimentin9 8et me 9ive asimple illustration /e have comin9 toour worl octors who are stillconcerne with helpin9 afflicte ones onearth 2hey have *nowle9e of themechanism" the wor*in9s of the humanboy an its many reactions

3n our worl they have access to aifferent *in of power" some of thee9rees of spirit" which is life" an howit can be applie" combine with earthly*nowle9e" to help the sic* in yourworl 2his is a constantexperimentation involvin9 the mixtureof forces

 2hey must not be too stron9" otherwisethey will harm the instrument throu9hwhom they are to be poure 2hey can

be increase in intensity as the humanchannel is more receptive an can bearthe hi9her velocity" or power" whicheverwor you want to use 2here is theifficulty a9ain of finin9 wors that canae%uately express what is reallybeyon lan9ua9e So we are constantlyen9a9e in experiments" ain9 to our*nowle9e all the time”

$t later circles came these answers to%uestions

“2he scientific picture of the universe a

0l 9uia responi=#

“0l conocimiento como el <ran 0spiritues infinito" nin9@n perioo puee serpuesto$ meia %ue avan&a" encuentra m!s

para conocer ;ste est! siempreescalano una montaCa" ascenienoun pico" s=lo para contemplar otro m!salto" para ser escalao0l conocimiento" el pro9reso" elesarrollo" el esplie9ue" el pro9reso"toos estos son procesos eternos

0n su muno físico ; experimentapara ver los resultaos cuano ; trata“a” con “b” y asi sucesivamente7osotros tenemos experimentos %ueson istintos el muno fisico" por%ue

estamos preocupaos con al9unas elas muchas y variaas expresiones elespíritu $sí %ue siempre estamosexperimentano ermítanme arles unsimple ilustraci=n :ecibimos muchosm'icos e su muno %ue toavía est!ninteresaos en ayuar a los afli9ios ela tierra 0llos tienen conocimiento elmecanismo" el funcionamiento elcuerpo humano y sus muchasreacciones

0n su muno ellos tienen acceso aiferentes clases e poeres" al9unose 9rao espiritual" como %u' es la viay como puee aplicarse" cobinarse conel conocimiento terrenal" para ayuar alos enfermos en su muno 0sta es unaconstante experimentaci=n %ueenvuelve y mixtura ambas fuer&as

7o ebe ser emasiao fuerte" e locontrario se aCar! el instrumento atrav's e las %ue va a ser vertio Sepuee aumentar en intensia como el

canal humano es m!s receptivo y pueesoportar la velocia m!s alta" o elpoer" cual%uiera sea la palabra %ueesea utili&ar 0s la ificulta eencontrar nuevas palabras %ue pueanexpresar aecuaamente lo %ue esrealmente m!s all! el len9uaje $sí%ue estamos constantementecomprometios en los experimentos"a9re9ano a nuestro conocimiento tooel tiempo

0n círculos posteriores lle9aron las

respuestas a las pre9untas

“8s pintura el universo cientifico hace

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century a9o is vastly ifferent from theone toay”

.oes this mean that scientists will moveaway from this materialistic research toa hi9her level1

“3t will be force on them by the lo9ic oftheir own researches as they inevitablyin%uire into the worl of the invisiblean its vast untappe potential $s theyevelop spiritually they will reali&e howthis tremenous force can be harnessefor 9oo

 2hen they will pay increasin9 attentionto the evelopment of these facultieswithin themselves /hat is without isbut an expression of what is within 2helife force is inivisible 6ou cannot cut itup into waterti9ht compartments 2helife in the atom is in essence the samelife as in the human" the animal" theflower or the tree 3t is all the one lifewith its infinite manifestations”

Have scientists come to that level ofunerstanin91

“7o" but some have 4live 8o9e is a9oo example of a spiritual scientistwith an awareness of states of realityexistin9 beyon the surface”

.o you thin* scientists will estroy toomany people an too much before theycome to an awareness1

“7o there is a limitation to whatscientists can o 2hey cannot estroythe whole of your worl 2he naturallaws will ensure the ama9e that can be

one in your worl is not so fearful assome people thin* Besies" the law ofthe <reat Spirit in the ultimate mustprevail 2here are no men in your worlwho can thwart it 2hey can elay" theycan hiner" but they cannot overrie the<reat Spirit

 2hose of us who have some insi9ht intothe mechanics an the operation ofnatural law remain confient that" comewhat may" however foolish people inyour worl may be" the <reat Spirit will

prevail $n the <reat SpiritFs laws willensure that more an more love"

mas e L aCos era ampliamenteiferente a la actual”

ASi9nifica esto %ue los científicos sealejar! e esta investi9aci=nmaterialista a un nivel superior1

Se les obli9= a aceptar la l=9ica e suspropias investi9aciones" ya %ueinevitablemente pre9untaron por elmuno e lo invisible y su enormepotencial Mientras se fortalecenespiritualmente se ar!n cuenta ec=mo esta tremena fuer&a puee serutili&ao para el bien

8ue9o ellos prestar!n mayor atencion alesarrollo e estas facultaes entro eellos mismos 8o %ue es fuera es lo %ue

se expresa entro 8a fuer&a e la viaes inivisible 7o se puee iviir encompartimientos 8a via en el !tomoes" en esencia la misma via %ue en elhumano" el animal" la flor o el !rbol 0stoo una via" con sus infinitasmanifestaciones

8le9ar!n los científicos a ese nivel eentenimiento1

7o" pero al9unos lo tienen 4live 8o9ees un 9ran ejemplo el cientificoespiritual con la conciencia e losestaos e la realia existente m!sall! e la superficie

5ree %ue los científicos estruir!nmuchas personas y mucho m!s antes elle9ar a una toma e conciencia1

7o hay una limitaci=n a lo %ue loscientíficos pueen hacer 0llos nopueen estruir la totalia e sumuno 8as leyes naturales 9aranti&ar!

los aCos %ue se puee hacer en sumuno" no es tan terrible como al9unospiensan $em!s" la ley el <ran0spíritu en lo @ltimo %ue ebeprevalecer 7o hay hombres en elmuno %ue puean frustrarla

$%uellos e nosotros %ue tenemos unaiea e la mec!nica y el funcionamientoe la ley natural se mantenr!nse9uros" pase lo %ue pase"sin importarcu!nta 9ente tonta en su muno puea

haber" el <ran 0spíritu prevalecer! 6 lasleyes el <ran 0spíritu se ase9urar!n e%ue m!s y m!s amor"compasi=n"

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compassion" charity an service will beexercise in your worl

Science is not infallible Scientists areonly human bein9s who can ma*emista*es 3 o not worship the 9o of

science 2he worl will not come to anen" as they say" it will continue $reyou familiar with scientistsFpronouncements that have beenwron91”

3 shoul explain that 3 have ha to stuythis %uestion very closely" thou9h 3 amnot a scientist

Silver Birch repeate his %uestion

“$re you familiar with scientistsFpronouncements that have beenwron91”

,ery many

“So there is no 9uarantee that anyscientific pronouncement mustautomatically be ri9ht when it concernsthe future”

3n 9reetin9 a scientist from :hoesia"the 9uie sai#

“6our footsteps have been 9uie sothat you have been brou9ht out of thear*ness into the li9ht 2his is part ofthe process by which all true humanevelopment is achieve because of thelaw of compensation" as low as you canfall so corresponin9ly hi9h can yourise 3t is in ar*ness that you fin theli9ht" it is in sorrow that you fin joy 3t iswhen it seems that earth has nothin9 tooffer that the spirit can be9in to fin


 2his is part of the polarity" the means bywhich the soul be9ins to come into itsown 3n the vast orer of universalactivity every facet of bein9 has itsorere part to play Storm is asessential as sunshine" ar*ness as li9ht3t is in the crucible of sufferin9 thatstren9th is for9e 3t is only whenextremes are reache that 9rowthbe9ins to be achieve

caria y servicio ser! ejercio en sumuno

8a ciencia no es infalible 8os científicosson s=lo seres humanos %ue pueencometer errores 6o no aoro al ios e

la ciencia 0l muno no lle9ar! a su fin"como icen" va a continuar A0st!familiari&ao con los pronunciamientoscientíficos %ue han sio e%uivocao1

.ebo ecir %ue he tenio %ue estuiaresta cuesti=n muy e cerca" aun%ue yono soy un científico

Silver Birch repiti= su pre9unta

“0st!n familiari&aos con lospronunciamientos científicos %ue hansio e%uivocaos1

Muy familiari&aos

0ntonces" no hay 9aratias e %ueal9unos pronunciamientos científicoseben ser autom!ticamente correctoscuano conciernen al futuro”

$l saluar a un científico e :hoesia" el9uía ijo#

Sus pasos han sio 9uiaoa e forma%ue lo han sacao e la oscuria a lalu& 0sto es parte el proceso por el cualtoo veraero esarrollo humano selo9ra ebio a la ley e compensaci=n"tan bajo como se puee caer" tantopor!s elevarte 0s en la oscuria %ueuste encuentre la lu&" es en el olor%ue uste encuentre la ale9ría 0scuano parece %ue la tierra no tienenaa %ue ofrecer" el espíritu pueeempe&ar a encontrarse

0sta es parte e la polaria" elsi9nificao por el cual las almascomien&an a caminar para sus aentros0n el vasto oren e la activiauniversal toas las facetas el sertienen su parte conenaa a ju9ar 8atormenta es tan esencial como el sol" laoscuria tanto como la lu& 0s en elcrisol el sufrimiento lo %ue forja lafuer&a Solo cuano se lle9a al extremoel crecimiento comien&a a seralcan&ao

7o estoy tratano e hablar e

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/e will always 9ive more than wereceive from you 2hat is our uty" tosupport" to sustain an to ensure that allyour funamental" essential nees willbe supplie 2he rest is up to you /e

re%uire instruments who will beeicate to serve 3Fve sai it before"an 3 will repeat" service is the coin ofthe spirit 2o serve is noble because inservice you are expressin9 the ivinitywithin you

/hat we as* you to o is to raise yourstanars as hi9h as you can /e willalways wor* to 9et you to avanceslowly but surely towars the 9oal of

achievement /hat we say to you isvery simple .o the best you can" anto9ether we will be able to help thosewho come to us”

eber" para apoyar" sostener y9aranti&ar %ue toos sus funamentos"las necesiaes esenciales ser!nsuministraos 0l resto epene eustees 7ecesitamos instrumentos %ueest'n eicaa a servir 8o he icho

antes" y repito" el servicio es la moneael espíritu Servir es noble por%ue en elservicio %ue se est! expresano laivinia entro e ti

8o %ue le peimos es elevar su nivel tanalto como puea 7osotros siempretrabajamos para conse9uir %ue avancenen forma lenta pero se9ura hacia elobjetivo e pro9reso 8o %ue i9o esmuy simple Ha9an lo mejor %uepuean" y juntos ser!n capaces eayuar a a%uellos %ue vienen por


$Doe %ree &i'' E(i#)$

#he &uestion of free will is one that hasdogged man through the centuries! 'anwe change the course of our lives( )owe have absolute or partial free will(

Silver Birch always welcomes difficult&uestions! Since some regard free willas a thorny problem, it is apposite todevote a chapter to it! *nswering avisitor, the guide said%

“3t is part of the complementary aspectof the law that man an woman help toma*e the whole 3ntuition can helpwhere reason cannot 9ive the answer 6ou are bein9 9iven an opportunity tofulfill yourselves 6ou have free will 6ou

may ma*e your choice

8ife is not chance" accient or evencoincience 2he whole of life is9overne by immutable natural law/hatever aspect of bein9 you examine"it is ue to natural law Human bein9sare not outsie the operation of naturallaw 2hey are inte9ral parts of it

 2he law has operate at a time whenyou have a choice to ma*e 3t is for youto ma*e that choice 6ou have been le

by those who love you 3t is love thatirects your footsteps $n that love is

“E(i#e e' 'i*re a'*edrio)”

8a pre9unta el libre alberio es una elas %ue hemos cambiao en el curso enuestras vias1 2enemos absoluto oparcial libre alberio1

Silver Birch siempre recibe laspre9untas ificiles .ao %ue al9unosconsierar! al libre alberio como unproblema espinoso" es oportuno eicarun capítulo al mismo :esponieno aun visitante" el 9uía ijo#0s parte el aspecto complementarioe la ley %ue el hombre y la mujerayuen a hacer e too 8a intuici=npuee ayuar a lo %ue la ra&=n nopuee ar respuesta Se les est! anola oportunia e cumplir con usteesmismos ;ste tiene libre alberío

;ste puee hacer su elecci=n

8a via no es una chance" acciente ocasualia 2oa la via se ri9e por laley natural inmutable 5ual%uier aspectoel ser se examina" es ebio a la leynatural 8os seres humanos no est!nfuera e la operaci=n e la ley natural0llos son inte9ra parte e ella

8a ley operaa en el momento en %uehaya %ue tomar una ecisi=n 0s para%ue uste puea hacer esa elecci=n Ha

sio iri9ia por los %ue lo aman 0s elamor %ue iri9e sus pasos 6 el amor es

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capable of 9uiin9 you if you will allow itto o so

8ove" li*e life" is inestructible 2hethin9s of matter must perish because bytheir very nature they are ephemeral

 2he thin9s of the spirit are eternal 8oveis a %uality of the spirit 8ove enures"love survives" love" as your Bible says" isthe fulfillin9 of the law”

)o all the paths lead to the same place, or do they lead nowhere(" theguide was asked!

“2he wor “place” is ifficult 3f 3 mi9htput it my way" all paths lea to the one9reat ivine source of creation 2he

<reat Spirit" what you call “<o"” isinfinite So there must be an infinitenumber of paths leain9 to the <reatSpirit" the epitome of perfect love anwisom

 2he <reat Spirit is life" an life is spirit$ll that is enowe with life has the%uality of ivinity as part of its herita9eof birth $n all the bein9s who inhabit

your planet are en9a9e on an eternalpil9rima9e" pursuin9 paths that mustlea in the ultimate to the one ivine9oal

3t oes not matter what the path is aslon9 as the pil9rim treas it withhonesty of purpose" sincerely see*in9 tofulfill himself" ac%uit himself anexpress those 9ifts with which he hasbeen enowe so that others can beenriche for his presence on earth”

Many young people today arewondering if this planet will survive forvery long because of what man is doingto it!" 

“2he planet will survive”

+ill man(" 

“6es" man will survive too 2here is alimitation place by natural law on whatman can o to the planet on which helives He cannot estroy the whole of

the planet an all that it contains 7owthis is part of manFs free will" his choice

capa& e 9uiarlo si ; permite hacerlo

0l amor" como la via" es inestructible8as cosas e la materia eben morir"por%ue por su propia naturale&a sonefímeras 8as cosas el espíritu son

eternas 0l amor es una cualia elespíritu or%ue el amor perura"sobrevive" el amor" como ice la Biblia"es el cumplimiento e la ley

A2oos los caminos llevan al mismolu9ar" o no llevan a nin9una parte1 Sele pre9unt= al 9uia#

8a palabra lu9ar es ifícil Si se mepermite ecirlo a mi manera" toos loscaminos conucen a la fuente e una9ran ivinia e la creaci=n 0l <ran

0spíritu" lo %ue ustees llaman .ios"es infinito $sí %ue ebe haber uninfinito n@mero e caminos %ueconucen al <ran 0spíritu" el epítome ela perfecci=n el amor y la sabiuría 0l <ran 0spíritu es via" y via esespíritu 2oo lo %ue sea otao e viatiene la calia e la ivinia comoparte e su patrimonio ese sunacimiento 6 toos los seres %uehabitan el planeta est!n comprometiosen un eterno pere9rinaje" si9uieno loscaminos %ue ebe llevar al final e lameta ivina

7o importa lo %ue el camino sea elar9o si el pere9rino pisa con honestiae prop=sito" buscano sinceramente supropio pro9reso" absolverse a sí mismoy expresar esos ones con los %ue hasio otao para %ue otros puean serenri%uecios por su presencia en latierra

“Mucha 9ente joven se pre9unta si este

planeta sobrevivir! por mucho tiempopor lo %ue el hombre est! hacieno con'l”“0l planeta sobrevivir!”

“6 el hombre1”

“Sí" el hombre tambi'n sobrevivir! Hayuna limitaci=n impuesta por la leynatural por la %ue el hombre pueehacer por el planeta en el %ue vive Elno puee estruir too el planeta y toolo %ue contiene $hora bien" esto es

parte el hombre y e su libre alberío"su ecisi=n sobre si se elevar! laivinia entro e 'l o si va a fallar 0n

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as to whether he will rise to the ivinitywithin him or whether he will fail 3n thatcase he will not fulfill himself He willpass to our worl une%uippe anunreay an have to learn all overa9ain

7o man" an no combination of men"have the power to thwart ivine will 2hey can elay" they can harass anthey can impee 3nfinite wisom anlove rule the universe 2hese will prevailbecause that is the law”

Here the visitor said% +e havedestroyed many things which can neverreturn to what they were! #his applies tomuch of what was in the ground and itis a limited place that we inhabit!" 

“But it has tremenous potentialities 2here is much to be reveale in yourworl" much to be iscovere 6ou arenot at the en of evolution 6ou are stillin its early sta9es

 2hose who are familiar with the truths ofthe spirit never espair 2heir optimumis base on the *nowle9e that has

been reveale to them /ith that*nowle9e they can have complete faithin the overriin9 power

3n its lon9 history your worl has hamany isasters Man has survive themMan has pro9resse in spite of himselfHe will continue to evolve becauseevolution is part of the natural law $nspiritual evolution is part of that samelaw”

 *t another circle meeting came the&uestion, How far is free willdependent on karma, for eample(" #hereply was%

“2he whole of life is re9ulate by naturallaws 7othin9 is left to frea*ishness" tomiracles or to chance $ll is cause aneffect" sowin9 an reapin9" otherwisethe universe woul be chaotic 6ou haveevience of the infinite plan of aninfinite intelli9ence in the operation ofnatural laws wherever you loo*

ese caso" no se cumple a sí mismoasar! a nuestro muno sin conicionesy sin preparaci=n" y tenr! %ueaprener too e nuevo

7in9@n hombre y nin9una combinaci=n

e hombres tienen el poer parafrustrar la volunta ivina Se pueeretrasar" pueen acosar y pueenimpeir 8a infinita sabiuría y el amorson las re9las el universo 0stosprevalecer! por%ue es la ley

$%uí el visitante ijo Hemos estruiomuchas cosas %ue nunca pueen volvera ser lo %ue eran 0sto se aplica a 9ranparte e lo %ue estaba en el suelo y esun lu9ar limitao en el %ue vivimos

ero tienen potencialiaes enormesHay mucho por ser revelao en sumuno" mucho por escubrir ;ste noest! al final e la evoluci=n ;ste est!toavía en sus primeras etapas

$%uellos %ue est!n familiari&aos conlas veraes el espíritu no con laesesperaci=n 8o =ptimo se basa en elconocimiento %ue se ha revelao a ellos5on ese conocimiento pueen tener unafe absoluta en el poer primorial

0n su lar9a historia el muno ha teniomuchos esastres 0l hombre hasobrevivio a ellos 0l hombre hapro9resao a pesar e sí mismoSe9uir! evolucionano por%ue laevoluci=n es parte e la ley natural 6 laevoluci=n espiritual es parte e esamisma ley

0n otra reuni=n en círculo vino lapre9unta# AHasta %u' punto el librealberío epene el *arma1 8a

respuesta fue#2oa la via se ri9e por las leyesnaturales 7aa se eja a lo raro" a losmila9ros o al a&ar 2oo es causa yefecto" sembrar y cosechar" e locontrario el universo sería un caos;ste tiene pruebas e %ue el planinfinito e una inteli9encia infinita en laoperaci=n e los recursos naturales

0s e verse en la secuencia e lasestaciones" el movimiento e los

planetas y 9alaxias" el flujo y reflujo elas mareas" el crecimiento e unamiríaa e formas e via floral" one

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3t is to be seen in the se%uence of theseasons" the movement of planets an9alaxies" the ebb an flow of ties" the9rowth of a myria forms of floral life"where natural law rei9ns supreme Sothere is the limit which the ivine power

has place because nothin9 can occurbeyon the framewor* of natural lawBut there are laws within laws 2hereare not only physical laws" there aremental an spiritual ones

 6ou live" you breathe" you exist" youhave your bein9 because from themoment of conception spirit be9ins toassociate with matter in iniviual forman 9raually that iniviuality unfols

3t is part of the plan that you shoulhave an element of free will" the poweran the ability to ma*e choices incertain circumstances ;se for its bestan hi9hest" you can play your part inthe spiritual unfolment an evolution ofthe race" the worl" the universe anthe cosmos because your spirit is part ofthe <reat Spirit

 6ou share in the ivinity that is

responsible for all that existseverywhere 6ou are the <reat Spirit inmicrocosm $ll that the <reat Spirit hasof that infinity you have an you willhave eternity in which to unfol it

 6ou can wa*e up tomorrow mornin9 atan hour later or earlier" or you can stayin be if you li*e 6ou can 9o for a wal*or rive a car 6ou can lose your temperan hope to fin it a9ain 2here is a

variety of thin9s you can o for whichyou have the free will

But you cannot stop the sun fromshinin9" you cannot halt the tempestDthese are beyon your power 6our freewill is limite because your choice isrestricte 2here is another limitationplace on your free will 3t is the mentalan spiritual sta9e which you havereache in your evelopment 6ou arefree to *ill" but your character willensure that you refrain So even whenyou have choices these are limite bywho an what you are at the time 8i*e

reina la ley natural suprema $lli est! ellímite %ue el poer ivino ha puestopor%ue no puee ocurrir m!s all! elmarco e la ley natural ero hay leyesentro e las leyes 7o son s=lo lasleyes físicas" tambi'n son mentales y


;s ,iven" respiran" existen" tienen suexistencia ese el momento e laconcepci=n por%ue ese el momentoe la concepci=n el espíritu comien&a aasociarse con la materia en formainiviual y poco a poco lainiviualia se esarrolla

0s parte el plan %ue us 2en9an unelemento e libre alberio" el poer y lahabilia para hacer elecciones en

ciertas circunstancias ;tili&aos para lomejor y lo m!s alto" uste puee ju9arsu parte en el esarrollo espiritual y laevoluci=n e la ra&a" el muno" eluniverso y el cosmos" por%ue su espíritues parte el <ran 0spíritu

5omparte la ivinia" %ue esresponsable e too lo %ue existe entoas partes ;ste es el <ran 0spírituen el microcosmos 2oo lo %ue el <ran0spíritu tiene e ese infinito" ; tiene ytenr! la eternia en la cual seesarrolla

; puee levantarse maCana tempranouna hora mas tare o m!s temprano" opuee %uearse en cama si lo %uiereuee ir a pasear o manejar el auto ;puee perer su compostura y esearvolverla a encontrar Hay una varieae cosas %ue puee hacer por lo cual; ejerce su libre alberio

ero no puee etener el brillo el sol"

no puee etener la tempesta" loscuales est!n m!s all! e su poer Suvolunta es limitaa por%ue se limita asu elecci=n 0xiste otra limitaci=nimpuesta en su libre alberío 0s laetapa mental y espiritual%ue se ha alcan&ao en su esarrollo;ste es libre e matar" pero sucar!cter se ase9urar! e %ue seabsten9an $sí %ue incluso cuanotienes estas opciones" est!n limitaaspor %uien y lo %ue es en el momento5omo muchas cosas en el universo tiene

una paraoja ;ste tiene libre alberíoentro e una limitaci=n too el tiempo

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many thin9s in the universe you have aparaox 6ou have free will withinlimitation all the time

7ow 3 must 9o a sta9e further because

you introuce the %uestion of *arma 2his too is a very importantconsieration because many of thosewho have wor* to o in your worlchose to o it beforehan 2hou9hawareness may not come immeiately"the choice imposes another restrictionin free will”

-ur consciences, are they really oursor those of the guides because they areconnected with free will(" 

“6ou are receivin9 an transmittin9stations 3t is very selom that youconstruct your own thou9hts 6ou raioan television have channels" vibrations++ fre%uencies is the ri9ht wor + towhich they can be attune So you haveyour fre%uency 2hat enables you toreceive thou9hts" ieas" su99estions"inspiration" 9uiance an a variety ofieas from those on your wavelen9ths$s you receive them they are tincturewith your iniviuality an sent on theirway so that others capture them

$ll this is etermine by your evolution 2he hi9her spiritually you are evolvethe 9reater is the thou9ht that canreach you $n" because of that" the9reater will its effect be as you transmitit an sen it on its way”

+hen the sub$ect was raised again, theguide replied%

“7oboy has perfect free will 3t is free

will within a restricte ran9e 6our will issubject to circumstances which youcannot control 2he soul *nows before itreincarnates what it has to achieve 3tmay ta*e a lon9 time for awareness toawn

 2he soul has the awareness imprintewithin it 3f that awareness oes notawn" then it will have to reincarnatea9ain 3f the awareness oes come" thenit will be9in to fulfill the purpose of its


$hora ten9o %ue ir un paso m!s" ya %ueintroujo la cuesti=n el *arma 0stotambi'n es una consieraci=n muyimportante por%ue muchos e los %uetienen trabajo %ue hacer en el munooptan por hacerlo e antemano $un%ue

la conciencia no puee venir einmeiato" la elecci=n impone otrarestricci=n en el libre alberío 7uestra conciencia" Aes realmentenuestra o e los 9uías" ya %ue est!nrelacionaos con el libre alberío1

;ste es como una estaci=n %ue recibey transmite 0s muy raro %ue construyasus propios pensamientos ;ste" comoraio y televisi=n tiene canales" lasvibraciones + frecuencias es la palabra >con las %ue puee estar en armonía $sí

%ue tiene su frecuencia ?ue le permiterecibir los pensamientos" ieas"su9erencias" inspiraci=n" 9uía y unavariea e ieas en su lon9itu eona $ meia %ue las reciben sonteCios con su iniviualia y envia ensu camino para %ue otros pueancapturarlas

 2oo esto est! eterminao por suevoluci=n 5uanto espiritualmentemayor sea" mas esarrollao ser! elpensamiento %ue puee lle9ar a uste 6" por eso" mayor ser! su efecto sea lo%ue uste transmita y envie en sucamino

5uano el tema se plante= enuevo" el 9uía le contest=#

7aie tiene libre alberío perfecto 0sel libre alberío entro e un ran9orestrin9io Su volunta est! sujeta acircunstancias %ue no puee controlar0l alma lo sabe antes e %ue se

reencarna" lo %ue tiene %ue alcan&ar Sepuee tomar un tiempo para laconcienti&aci=n

0l alma tiene la conciencia imprisa enella Si esa conciencia no la maura"entonces tenr! %ue reencarnarse enuevo Si el conocimiento viene"entonces comen&ar! a cumplir con elprop=sito e su encarnaci=n"

7o pueo cambiar la naturale&ahumana 0l Material es muy maleable

uee responer a lo m!s alta ylamentablemente puee caer a lo m!sbajos 0ste es el 9ran prop=sito e la

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3 cannot chan9e human nature 3t is verymalleable material 3t can respon to thehi9hest an pitifully can fall to thelowest 2his is the 9reat purpose ofearthly incarnation 6ou have within youall the ivine possibilities 6ou have a

physical boy that comes from theearth" but its animation is erive fromthis vitali&in9 spirit

 6ou have the choice as to how you oreryour existence" as to whether you 9ivepriority to spirit or to matter 2hat is thenature of the human problem But youmust help those who come to youwherever you can /hen you cannot"leave them -or all who are brou9ht toyou it is their opportunity to finthemselves 3f they succee" express

9ratitue for your chance to serve But ifthey fail" feel sorry for them”

+hen another visitor asked about freewill, Silver Birch took the opportunity toeplain about its relationship to time!

If I look back through my life I can seeall the intersections, decisions I made,the operation of cause and effect, thewhole chain! Supposing I had the gift oflooking into the future! I should seewhat is lined up for me! But if that is thecase, where does my free will come in("#he guide replied%

“-or9ive me for sayin9 this" but you area little confuse 2ime is the eternalpresent 3t is not past or future 3t is yourrelationship to time that eterminesyour past an future 3f you visuali&etime ++ this is very har to convey ++ as a

circle which is constantly movin9 roun"the point where you touch it is what youcall your present 2he part where youhave touche it is what you call yourpast 2he part you have yet to touch iswhat you call your future But so far astime is concerne it has no past orfuture

/hat you call “loo*in9 into the future” isonly that ability throu9h clairvoyance orattunement when you escape the three+imensional bounaries of the physical

encarnaci=n terrenal ;ste tiene en suinterior toas las posibiliaes ivinas;ste tiene un cuerpo físico %ue vienee la tierra" pero su animaci=n se erivae este espíritu vivificante

;ste tiene la opci=n e eciir c=moorenar su existencia" en cuanto a si lea prioria al espíritu o a la materia0sa es la naturale&a el problemahumano ero uste ebe ayuar aa%uellos %ue vienen aone %uiera %uevaya 7o puee ejarlos ara toos los%ue sean llevaos ante ; esa es suoportunia e encontrarse a sí mismoSi tienen 'xito" expresen su 9ratitu porla oportunia e poer servir ero sino" siento l!stima por ellos

5uano otro visitante le pre9unt= sobreel libre alberío" Silver Birch aprovech=la oportunia para explicar acerca esu relaci=n con el tiempo

Si miro hacia atr!s a trav's e mi viapueo ver toas las intersecciones" lasecisiones %ue tom'" la operaci=n ecausa y efecto" toa la caenaSuponieno %ue yo tenía el on e mirarhacia el futuro .ebo ver lo %ue est!alineao para mí ero si ese es el caso"Ae =ne viene mi libre alberíoentrar1 0l 9uía responi=#

er=neme por ecir esto" pero usteest! un poco confunia 0l tiempo es eleterno presente 7o es el pasao ofuturo 0s su relaci=n con el tiempo la%ue etermina su pasao y futuro Si sevisuali&a el tiempo + esto es muy ifícile expresar + como un círculo %ue est!en constante movimiento reono" elpunto en %ue ; toca es lo %ue llama supresente 8a parte one se ha tocao

es lo %ue uste llame a su pasao 8aparte %ue a@n no ha tocao es lo %ueuste llama su futuro ero la meia es%ue el tiempo es cuesti=n no tienepasao ni futuro

8o %ue uste llama mirar hacia elfuturo es s=lo la capacia e sintoníaa trav's e la clariviencia o cuanoescapa e las tres imensiones e loslímites el muno físico y ve lo %ue ser!su futuro He a%uí el efecto e la causa%ue pone en movimiento" lo %ue su libre

alberío ha creao ero esto no afectael tiempo mismo" s=lo su relaci=n con el

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worl an see what will be your future 6ou behol the effect of the cause youput into motion" what your free will hascreate But this oes not affect timeitself" only your relation to it”

$+o In"ire A,*aador$

-or most of the ele9ates at this lar9emeetin9 of the 5ommonwealth ofchurches connecte with the Spiritualist$ssociation of <reat Britain" hel in itsBel9rave S%uare hea%uarters" it wastheir first chance of hearin9 Silver BirchHe reaily accepte the invitation toaress them

$fter a typical invocation he tol them#

“3 am very happy to come amon9st youan to brin9 you my love an 9reetin9sfrom the worl of spirit 3 woul li*e youto feel that we are not stran9ers to oneanother" but that we are comraesactuate by the same motive of helpin9wherever we can an playin9 our part tobrin9 spiritual" mental an physicalfreeom to all who come within ourorbit

3 woul also li*e to say just a few worswhich perhaps may be of someencoura9ement to all of you who arechannels" instruments" ispensers of thepower of the spirit which prouces in itstrain such vivifyin9 effects

 2hen 3 woul li*e you to appreciate thatnone of you is ever alone" overloo*e"ne9lecte or for9otten 6ou have maeyourselves accessible to the sublimepower of the spirit" which is themi9htiest force in the bounless

universe 3t is the power of life itself 2hat is why" for example" in yourhealin9s you are able to obtain resultswhere other means have faile 6ouenable the life force to prouce itsrejuvenatin9 effect on the life force ofthe sufferer you are helpin9

 6ou are all privile9e to be ambassaorsof the <reat Spirit 6ou arerepresentatives of the <reat Spiritwherever you labour 3t becomes your

char9e an responsibility to see thatyour 9ifts are use in such a fashion

Para In"irar a 'o e,*a-adore

ara la mayoría e los ele9aos enesta 9ran reuni=n e la 5omunia ei9lesias relacionaas con la $sociaci=n0spiritista e <ran BretaCa" %ue secelebr= en su see e Bel9rave S%uare"fue su primera oportunia e oír aSilver Birch $cept= e buen 9rao lainvitaci=n para hacerles frente

8ue9o e una típica invocaci=n 'l les

ijo#0stoy muy feli& e venir ante usteespara brinarles mi amor y saluos eseel muno el espíritu Me 9ustaría %ueustees sientan %ue no son extraCosentre sí" pero %ue los compaCeros semueven por el mismo motivo e ayuarsiempre %ue poamos y ju9ar nuestraparte para llevar liberta espiritual"mental y física a toos los %ue entranentro e nuestra =rbita 2ambi'n me 9ustaría ecir unas pocaspalabras %ue tal ve& pueen ser eal9@n estímulo para toos a%uellos %ueson canales" instrumentos" ispensariose la fuer&a el espíritu %ue prouce ensu marcha efectos tan vivificantes

0ntonces" me 9ustaría %ue ten9an encuenta %ue nin9uno e ustees est!solo" pasao por alto" escuiao uolviao " 4s hab'is hecho accesibles alpoer sublime el espíritu" %ue es lafuer&a m!s poerosa en el universo sinlímites 0s el poer e la via misma

or eso" por ejemplo" en sus curacionesson capaces e obtener resultaosone otros meios han fracasao .ehabilitar la fuer&a e la via paraproucir su efecto rejuveneceor en lavia y el vi9or e la víctima a la %ueest!n ayuano

 2oos ustees son privile9iaos al serembajaores el <ran 0spíritu Son losrepresentantes el <ran 0spíritu one%uiera %ue trabajen Se convierte en sucar9a y la responsabilia e ver %ue

sus re9alos son utili&aas e manera tal%ue se prou&ca el bien m!ximo

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that they prouce the maximum 9oowherever you can

 2here will be brou9ht to you thosewhom you can help 2hey will often be

pitiful erelicts" sic*" ill" worrie"cheerless" full of problems" feelin9 thatlife on earth has nothin9 more to offerthem 3t becomes your privile9e to helpthem to become aware of themselves"of their true nature" of their inner spirit"the 9ift of ivinity conferre at birth" sothat they be9in to 9et a reali&ation ofhow they shoul orer their lives anerive from them the fullness" richness"beauty" splenour an raiance thatshoul be theirs

 2hat is your function" to ma*e the powerof the spirit available to all who come toyou 3t is the reason why you havebuilin9s" churches" temples ansocieties" so that you are accessible$n accessibility is the reason for theexistence of all your or9ani&ations

3 want you to appreciate that so far aswe are concerne" if you help one soul

to fin itself" to become aware of itslatent ivinity an to be9in to express it"then the whole of your earth life is wellworth while But you will be able to helpmore than one 6ou will be able" as aresult" to perform this uni%ue servicethat no others in your worl can possibly9ive because they have maethemselves inaccessible to the power ofthe spirit which is the life+9ivin9 essencefor the whole cosmos in which we allwell

.o not worry if any come to you anafter you have one your best you areunable to help them 2hey have hatheir chance 6ou must be sorry becausethey have not ta*en it /hat you mustreali&e is that until their soul is touche"until they are spiritually reay" there isnothin9 you can o to help them

/hat will prouce this preparation is not

always easy to unerstan 3t may be anillness 3t may be a crisis 3t may beanythin9 which brin9s them to the

siempre %ue sea posible

Habr!n traío hacia ustees a los %uepueen ayuar $ menuo ser!nva9abunos lamentable" enfermos"preocupaos" tristes" llenos e

problemas" sintieno %ue la via en latierra no tiene naa m!s %ue ofrecerlesSe convierte en su privile9io elayuarles a tomar conciencia e símismos" e su veraera naturale&a" esu espíritu interior" el on e laivinia atribuio al nacer" por lo %ueempie&an a arse cuenta e c=mo seebe orenar su via y erivar e ellosen la plenitu" la ri%ue&a" la belle&a" elesplenor y el brillo %ue ebería sersuyo

0sa es su funci=n" para %ue el poer el0spíritu est' a isposici=n e toos los%ue ven9an a ustees 0s la ra&=n por la%ue hay eificios" i9lesias" templos y lassocieaes" e moo %ue seanaccesibles 6 la accesibilia es la ra&=ne la existencia e toas susor9ani&aciones

?uiero %ue aprecien %ue" en lo %uerespecta a nosotros" si uste ayua aencontrar un alma" para tomarconciencia e su ivinia latente yempe&ar a expresarla" lue9o la totaliae su via en la tierra ya bien vale lapena Sin embar9o" uste por! ayuara m!s e uno ;ste por!" enconsecuencia" reali&ar este servicio@nico %ue nin9@n otro en su munopuee ar por%ue lo han hechoinaccesible para el poer el espíritu%ue es la %ue a esencia a la via entoo el cosmos en el %ue tooshabitamos

7o se preocupen si al9uien viene ylue9o eben hacer lo mejor sin estarse9uros e %ue lo han ayuao 0llostuvieron su chance .eber!n isculparsepor%ue ellos no la tomaron 8o %ueeben arse cuenta es %ue hasta %uesus almas sean tocaas" hasta %ue suespíritu est' listo" no habr! naa %uepuean hacer o como ayuarlos

8o %ue prouce esta preparaci=n no essiempre facil e entener uee seruna enfermea" o una crisis" puee ser

cualu%ier cosa %ue los lleve a lo m!sbajo y profuno e la esesperaci=n"cuano ellos sientan %ue no hay naa

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lowest epths of espair" when they feelthere is nothin9 in the whole of thematerial worl that can prouce theanswer 2hen they shoul be9in to comeinto their own an you shoul be able to*inle the ivine spar* so that it can

be9in to 9row into a lambent flame 2hat is why you exist in your churches"societies an or9ani&ations

3 must also say this Because of whatyou are" because this tremenouspower" ivine in ori9in flows throu9hyou" yours is the 9reater responsibilityto see that you o nothin9 that in anyway lessens the trust that is repose inyou /e are not ictators /e are notyour masters /e o not re9ar you asmarionettes who have to ance when

the strin9s are pulle in our worl 6ouare our co+operators /e want to wor*to9ether /e will always proviewhatever is spiritually necessaryaccorin9 to the conitions available atthe time

/e will lea /e will 9uie /e willirect /e will help" but we will notorer /e will not compel an we willnot ictate 3f you hear" supposelyemanatin9 from our life" entities whocomman you to o this" that an theother" you can be sure that theirspiritual status is not very evolve 5o+operation is the law of the spirit /ewoul win you with love" with commonsense an with reason /e woul offeryou nothin9 that is an insult to yourintelli9ence or woul ma*e your reasonrevolt 2o9ether we can help the <reatSpirit in the eternal processes of

evolution an creation

 2his is the tas* on which we are allen9a9e 2his is the opportunity 9ivento all of us to help the <reat Spirit sothat His chilren may live a richer" fullerlife an not waste all the opportunitiesearth provies in obtainin9 thee%uipment that is necessary whenpeople come to our sie of bein9

/e 9et too many misfits" too many ill+e%uippe" too many erelicts who are

en too el muno material %ue les euna respuestal 8ue9o ellos comen&ar!na comen&ar!n a arse cuenta y usteebera ser capa& e encener la chispaivina para %ue puea empe&ar a creceruna llama onulante 0s por eso %ue

existen sus i9lesias" socieaes yor9ani&aciones

.ebo tambi'n ecir esto or lo %ue son"por%ue tienen tremeno poer ivino enlos flujos e ori9en a trav's e ustees"la suya es la mayor responsabiliapara ver %ue uste no hace naa %ue enin9una manera isminuya la confian&a%ue se eposito en ustees 7osotros nosomos ictaores 7osotros no somossus maestros 7o los consieramoscomo marionetas %ue tienen %ue bailar

cuano las cueras se tiran en nuestromuno ;stees son nuestroscooperaores ?ueremos trabajar juntos Siempre vamos a ofrecer too lo%ue sea espiritualmente necesario eacuero a las coniciones isponibles enel momento

,amos con pie e plomo 8os 9uíamos8os iri9irimos 7os ayuan" pero novamos a orenarles 7o vamos a obli9ary no vamos a ictar Si uste oye"supuestamente proceente e nuestravia" a entiaes %ue te manan ahacer esto" a%uello y lo otro" pueeestar se9uro e %ue su estao espiritualno es muy evolucionao 8a cooperaci=nes la ley el espíritu 8o 9anaremos conamor" con sentio com@n y con ra&=n7o %ueremos ofrecerle naa %ue sea uninsulto a la inteli9encia o haría unarevuelta en su ra&=n Iuntos poemosayuar a el <ran 0spíritu en el procesoeterno e evoluci=n y creaci=n

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unreay 3t is easier for their eucationto be9in in your worl than it is in oursSo be aware of the tremenouspossibilities that lie within you Be awareof the 9reat opportunities that you havefor service .o the best you can an

then you will be fulfillin9 the purpose forwhich you came into your worl”

 2wo years later the 9uie aresse the5ouncil of Spiritualists" which was thencompose of the <reater /orl$ssociation of <reat Britain" SpiritualistsF7ational ;nion an the ;nion ofSpiritualist Meiums $mon9 hiscomments were#

“/herever there are human bein9sthere are ifficulties an problems"

because you are imperfect bein9s livin9in an imperfect worl 3f you wereperfect you woul not be on earth 6ouwoul have joine the apex of ivinitywhich is the 9reat spirit of life

 6ou must expect troubles" ifficulties"problems" pitfalls an ifferences ofopinion because you are very humanBut if you have compassion" if you areprepare to co+operate" to beemocratic" to sin* self an let the 9ooof the many prevail" then you will comethrou9h $n we will always help you 2he trouble is that there are too manypeople + 3 am not referrin9 to yourcouncil ++ who are more concerne withthemselves than with others 2hese arethe stumblin9 bloc*s in thepromul9ation of any truth

/e are always on the loo*+out formeans of ensurin9 that spirit truths anpower shoul avance in increasin9measure /e brin9 to9ether" wherever

we can" those who can help to ensurethat the spirit plan 9oes forwar 3t isnot an easy tas* because themanipulation of matter from our worl isvery ifficult an involves manyproblems /e have to wor* with veryelicate an subtle vibrations which canbe easily nullifie by foolish actions inyour worl

3f you will co+operate with us" anfor9ive my sayin9 this because 3 mean itmost *inly" not eman" but be

prepare to receive" you will fin that inthis atmosphere we can accomplishmuch to9ether 3t is always esirable to

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have unity in iversity" but not to try toachieve uniformity 6ou can unite on thefunamentals on which you all a9ree 2here must always be ifferences ofopinion because all the iniviualswithin the ran*s of what you mi9ht

loosely call the Spiritualist movementare at ifferent sta9es of spiritual anmental 9rowth an evolution 2heycannot thin* ali*e

Some of you are perhaps alreayfamiliar with the fact that you haveiscare views" beliefs an opinionsthat you hel early in years 9one bybecause a 9reater unerstanin9 hasbrou9ht you a ifferent perspective $nso the 9reat necessity is for tolerationBrotherhoo oes not mean that you

will all a9ree 3t means that youreco9ni&e brotherhoo in spite of youriversities 2hat is the only way 3 canput it 6ou must try to achieve the ieal 6ou may not succee in oin9 so Lper cent

<o on tryin9 to enlist others" becauseco+operation is part of the law 9overnin9the universe 6ou shoul always striveto achieve it amon9 yourselves $fterall" basically you are a9ree on theprime facts 2here are ifferences ofinterpretation :espect one anotherFsviewpoints an combine on what youcan a9ree 2his is not easy But 3 alwayssay that 9enerals must not expect to be9iven easy battles to fi9ht”