
the first americans who came to america were not all slaves. in the early voyages of discovery, there were some african explorers, advisors, and servants. from these expeditions, europeans learned that america was very large and rich in natural resources. opportunities for economic growth were great. but a large labor force was needed. without thousands of workers, there could be no mning, farming commerce, or industry as spanish and portuguese colonies expanded in america, this african slave trade increased portuguese traders were the first to supply the demand for labor in these colonies. later, duch french and english traders traveled to africa to find slaves for american markets europeans at this time, were already familiar with african slave labor. for more than fifty years before the voyage of columbus, portuguese explorers had been trading european goods for african slaves. but there was no great need for a large labor force in europe. so the early portuguese slave trade was never extensive today, qhen english is one of the major languages in the world, it requires an effort of the imagination to realize that this is a ralatively recent thing - that in shaspier time, for example, only a few millon people spoke english, and was unknown to the rest of the world.


verbos y posecibos

Transcript of Ingles

the first americans who came to america were not all slaves. in the early voyages of discovery, there were some african explorers, advisors, and servants. from these expeditions, europeans learned that america was very large and rich in natural resources. opportunities for economic growth were great. but a large labor force was needed. without thousands of workers, there could be no mning, farming commerce, or industry

as spanish and portuguese colonies expanded in america, this african slave trade increased portuguese traders were the first to supply the demand for labor in these colonies. later, duch french and english traders traveled to africa to find slaves for american markets

europeans at this time, were already familiar with african slave labor. for more than fifty years before the voyage of columbus, portuguese explorers had been trading european goods for african slaves. but there was no great need for a large labor force in europe. so the early portuguese slave trade was never extensive

today, qhen english is one of the major languages in the world, it requires an effort of the imagination to realize that this is a ralatively recent thing - that in shaspier time, for example, only a few millon people spoke english, and was unknown to the rest of the world.

english has become a world language because of its establishement as a mother tongue outside england, in all the continentes of the world. this exporting of english began in the seventeenth century, with the firs setlements in north america . above all, it is she great growth of population in the united states, assisted by massive immigration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, thet has given the english language its present standing in the world.

people who speak english fall into one of three groups: those who have learned it as their native language, those who have learned it as a second language in a society that is mainly bilingual, and those who are forced to use if for a practical purpose - administrative, profesional or educational. one person in seven of the worlds entire population belongs to one of these three groups. incredibly enough, 75% of the worlds mail and 60% of the worlds telephone calls are in english.

simplicityof form

old englis like modern german, french, russian and greek had inflections to show singular and pluraal, tense, person, etc, but over the centuries words have been simplified. verbs now have very few inflections, and adjetives do not change according to the noun.


As a result of the loos of inflections, English has become, over the past five centuries, a very flexible language. Without inflections, the same word can operate as many different parts of speech.

Many nouns and verbs have the same form , for example suim drink.

We can talk about water to drink and to water the flowers, time to go and to time a race, a paper to read and to paper bedroom .

Abjetives can be used as verbs, we warm our hands in front of fire if clothes are dirtied , they need to be cleaned and dried. Prepositions too are flexivible. A sixty year ald man is nearing retirement, we can talk about a round of golf cards ar drinks.

Openness of vocabulary

This involves the free admissions of words from other languages and the easy creation of compounds and derivatives. Most world languages have contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being reversed. Purists of French rusian Japanese languages are resisting the arrival of English in their vocabulary.

The future of English

Geographicaly, English is the most widespread language in the earth, second only to mandarin Chinese in the number of people who speak it.

It is the language of business, technology, sport and aviation. This will no doubt continue although the proposition that all other languages will die out is absurd.

English as a world language

hoy, cuando Ingls es uno de los idiomas ms importantes del mundo, se requiere un esfuerzo de imaginacin para darse cuenta de que esto es una cosa ralatively reciente - que en shaspier tiempo, por ejemplo, slo unas pocas personas millon hablaban Ingls, y se desconoca para el resto del mundo.

Ingls se ha convertido en un idioma mundial debido a su establishement como lengua materna fuera de Inglaterra, en todos los Continentes del mundo. esta exportacin de Ingls se inici en el siglo XVII, con los abetos setlements en norte america. por encima de todo, es que un gran crecimiento de la poblacin en los Estados Unidos, con la asistencia de la inmigracin masiva en los siglos XIX y XX, Thet ha dado el idioma Ingls su actual posicin en el mundo.

personas que hablan Ingls caen en uno de tres grupos: los que lo han aprendido como lengua materna, los que lo han aprendido como segunda lengua en una sociedad que es principalmente bilinge, y aquellos que se ven obligados a utilizar si para un propsito prctico - administrativo, profesional o educativo. una persona de cada siete de la poblacin entera DEL MUNDO pertenece a uno de estos tres grupos. aunque parezca increble, el 75% del correo DEL MUNDO y el 60% de las llamadas telefnicas DEL MUNDO estn en Ingls.

forma simplicityof

englis antiguos como modernos alemn, francs, ruso y griego tena inflexiones para mostrar singular y pluraal, tiempo, persona, etc, pero a lo largo de los siglos, las palabras se han simplificado. verbos tienen ahora muy pocas inflexiones y adjetivos no cambian de acuerdo con el sustantivo.


Como resultado de los aseos de las inflexiones, Ingls se ha convertido, en los ltimos cinco siglos, un lenguaje muy flexible. Sin inflexiones, la misma palabra puede funcionar como muchas partes diferentes del discurso.

Muchos nombres y verbos tienen la misma forma, por ejemplo suim bebida.

Podemos hablar de agua para beber y para regar las flores, tiempo para ir y medir el tiempo de una carrera, un documento para leer y para dormitorio de papel.

Abjetives se pueden utilizar como verbos, calentamos nuestras manos en frente de incendio si se ensucian la ropa, tienen que ser limpiado y secado. Las preposiciones son demasiado flexivible. Un hombre ald sesenta aos est a punto de jubilarse, se puede hablar de una ronda de golf tarjetas ar bebidas.

La apertura de vocabulario

Se trata de las entradas gratuitas de palabras de otros idiomas y la fcil creacin de compuestos y derivados. La mayora de los idiomas del mundo han contribuido unas palabras a Ingls en algn momento, y el proceso se ha invertido ahora. Los puristas de franceses rusian idiomas japoneses se resisten a la llegada de Ingls en su vocabulario.

El futuro de Ingls

Geographicaly, Ingls es el idioma ms extendido en el mundo, slo superada chino mandarn en el nmero de personas que lo hablan.

Es el lenguaje de los negocios, la tecnologa, el deporte y la aviacin. Esto, sin duda, continuar a pesar de la proposicin de que todos los dems idiomas se extinguen es absurdo.

The firts americans a brief history

Housands of years ago, a land mass connected asia and north America between what is now as the bering strait, joining Siberia to Alaska, animals crossed this land bridge, and hunters, probably travelling is amall bands, followed them. Descendants of thesehunters, the original inhabitans of the Americas, later developed into the great nations and cultures of the first americans. Some groups followed down the coast through present day Alaska, Canada, California, and central America, and on the southern tip of south America. Sometime between 11000 and 18000 bc both nort and south America were peopled by what we in the united states now call native americans, or American aindians.

Eventually. Many groups of first americans, tired of chasing the migrations herds of animals, settled in desirable locations throughout the American continents. They built cities, cultivated and grew crops such as beans, corn, potatoes, squash, and tobacco, and formed tribes that shared beliefs, values, and laws. In what is now the united states, diversecultures evolved and thrived, of often as c result of location, climate, and environment. The natural rsources of the americans the forests waterways. Plains and mountains were not only vital to early nativeamericans existence but also gratly influenced their cultures and languages. Religious beliefs and the ceremonies that sprang from them were often derived from nature, and they palyed a key role in daily life.

Before European explorers arrived, in the heart of north America, near present day st.

Louis, misury where the Mississippi and Missouri rivers (both American indian names)

Converge, a sophisticated urban civilitation had developed with trade routes that may have reached all the way to central America, Cahokia, as the area is know today, was the largest center of native American urban life noth of mexico. In its zenith between 1100 and 1200 ad this civilitation contained open plazas for gatherings, agricultural fields, and 20000 citizens living within a six-quarter mile radious. The inhabitants of this first city of what is now the united states hunted, fished in the great rivers, and cultivated gardens.

The people of Cahokia were also great builders, they construed pyramid-shaped, earthen mounds for ceremonial purposes. Sometimes, like the pyramids in in ancient Egypt. These mounds were used as burial tombs for important people. These ceremonial mounds can still be found up and down the mississsippi river and throughout the Midwestern united states, often in artistic animal shapes such as turtles or snakes. Monks mound, at the center of Cahokia, is the largest prehistoric earthen mound structure in the americans. Nearby, the site of woodhenge, a circular sun calendar made from evenly spaced logs, was where Cahokia inhabitants planned their ceremonies and determined the changing of the seasons.

5- the seasons. The earth, the animals, and all creations of nature played, and still play, a crucial role in the lives of American Indians. Traditionally, native amercans do not separate religion and the spirit world from their everyday lives. Sacred meaning is entwined with all aspects of dayly life. Building a home, eating, sleeping, dreaming, creating art and music, and telling stories are part of the sacred life. Consequently, almost all activities are embedded with a component of ritual or prayer.

This concept is most apparent in the art of native americans. Although their artis selfexpressive, it also reflects native americam valuesand connections to the spirit world. A unique feature of the art is that artwork is designed to be used in daily life. For example kachina dolls created by by the Anasazi cliff dwellers of the southwest are used today by the pueblo peoples in that region. These valuable works of art represent a supernatural spirit that visited the pueblos on various occasions. Hundreds of unique kachina dolls are used for teaching pueblo children to understand their world and culture.

7-on the great plains and in the eastern forests. Bones, deer antlers, porcupine quills, hides of deer and buffalo, feathers and even stones were used by native americans to produce pipes, bowls cloting, weapons, moccasins, and spoons. These objects were carefully decorated with images of animals or forms of nature that represent spoiritual matters, visions, or personal experiences. But the objects were also utilitarian. An ornately carved pipe for smoking tobacco could double as tool when a sharpened stone was part of its construction.