[Free Scores.aaacom] Gardel Carlos Por Une Cabeza 49136

Serge Robert Arranger, Interpreter Canada, Mont Saint-Grégoire About the artist Maths teacher retired; guitarist and luthier amateur. Personal web: http://www.guitares-robert.ca About the piece Title: Por una cabeza Composer: Gardel, Carlos Arranger: Robert, Serge Licence: Public domain Instrumentation: Guitar solo (standard notation) Style: Classical Serge Robert on free-scores.com http://www.free-scores.com/Download-PDF-Sheet-Music-serge-robert.htm Contact the artist Write feedback comments Share your MP3 recording Web page access with QR Code : First added the : 2012-10-14 Last update : 2012-10-14 16:48:59



Transcript of [Free Scores.aaacom] Gardel Carlos Por Une Cabeza 49136

Page 1: [Free Scores.aaacom] Gardel Carlos Por Une Cabeza 49136

Serge RobertArranger, Interpreter

Canada, Mont Saint-Grégoire

About the artist

Maths teacher retired;guitarist and luthier amateur.Personal web: http://www.guitares-robert.ca

About the piece

Title: Por una cabezaComposer: Gardel, CarlosArranger: Robert, SergeLicence: Public domainInstrumentation: Guitar solo (standard notation)Style: Classical

Serge Robert on free-scores.com


■ Contact the artist■ Write feedback comments■ Share your MP3 recording■ Web page access with QR Code :

First added the : 2012-10-14 Last update : 2012-10-14 16:48:59

Page 2: [Free Scores.aaacom] Gardel Carlos Por Une Cabeza 49136

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Por una cabeza

Carlos Gardel
