El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres...

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  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…



    Rhvkscft lhs fgstrhs hxphrkêfikhs

    k cprhfhftctmhs.

    Dgrfc`hs hftrh ohekfksths

    `hl Ecmrhb k `h Ictclufyc


    2: `h ohbrhr k 3 `h ecrí `h 2>30

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…



    ^RHYHFPCIKÙ  ........................................................................................................... >?


    _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    L‛hxphrkêfikc `h Pufkskc - Fhklc Tgmjlcek ...................................... >:

    L‛hxphrkêfikc `hl Ecrrgi - Tcjrc Gucr`k ........................................... 30L‛hxphrkêfikc `h l‛Clmêrkc - @clklc Ectuquhfh .................................. 3;L‛hxphrkêfikc c Ictclufyc, eës `h 9> cfys - Egftsh Ihrvhrc ..... 2?L‛hxphrkêfikc c Ictclufyc cituclehft - Yålvkc Clbhrkij ............... 99

    ^rhmufths k igehftcrks `hl pôblki ..................................................... 9:K`hhs rhllhvcfts `h lhs hxphrkêfikhs `h lhs pgfhfts .................... 08


    Hl egvkehft ohekfkstc ige c subdhith `h igfstruiikù `h lc `hegirîikc

    BLGI K. Ygbrh hl egvkehft ohekfkstc c l‛kfthrf4ige hfs grmcfktzhe7 ............................................................................... 82BLGI KK. Lc rhlcikù `hl egvkehft ohekfkstc cebcltrhs egvkehfts sgikcls .......................................................................... 8=BLGI KKK. Hl tkpus `‛Hstct g `hegirîikc cl quh cspkrhe`hs `hl egvkehft ohekfkstc ................................................................... ?3

     PCFICEHFP @H LHY DGRFC@HY .................................................................................. ?8

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    PCXLC RG@GFC2: `h ohbrhr 2>30,

    Yclc `‛Ciths `h lc

    Ociultct `h Bhllhs Crts,

    Xfkvhrsktct `h Bcrihlgfc

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


      Q ? U

    Hstrhllc RceklIggphrciikù

    L‛gbdhitku `‛cquhsths dgrfc`hs ës hl `h igepcrtkr lhs hxphrkêfikhs khls cprhfhftctmhs quh jhe cfct ohft lhs ohekfksths sgbrh hstrctêmkhs

    `‛hfogrtkehft ̀ h lhs ̀ hegirîikhs cl Eh`kthrrcfk, ckxå ige vkskbklktzcr hl pcphr`hls egvkehfts ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `‛cquhsths `hegirîikhs.

    ^hfshe quh ës uf thec kepgrtcft `h rhflhxkù hf uf egehft hf hl quhc lc rhmkù `hl Eh`kthrrcfk hsthe vkvkft ufc kepgrtcft trcfsogrecikù sgikcl,pglåtkic k higfòekic. ^hrò fg fgeës `h rhflhxkù, skfù tcebë `h prgpgskikùsgbrh qukf ës hl pcphr quh hls egvkehfts sgikcls thfhf hf lc igfstruiikù`h fgus eg`hls `h ohr pglåtkic. ^hr tcft irhkhe quh ës `h mrcf kfthrêsigfêkxhr lhs prgpgsths k hstrctêmkhs `hl egvkehft ohekfkstc, pcrtkft `hls

    cprhfhftctmhs quh trcitcrhe cvuk, rhclktzcts `hs `h `kohrhfts igfthxtgs khxphrkêfikhs `h lc rhmkù.

    Ige scbhu, k phr lhs phrsgfhs quh fg hsthu oceklkcrktzc`hs, hl egvkehftohekfkstc ës uf egvkehft `kvhrs k hs fg`rhkx `h `kohrhfts hxprhsskgfs k`kohrhfts ogrehs `h ohr. Pgths hllhs hfs jcf shrvkt c lhs `gfhs phr hstcr cquågf hsthe cvuk k phr shmukr trhbcllcft ceb tgt hl quh hfs ocltc phr igfstrukr,`hs `hl eùf quh lhs `gfhs vglhe.

    Ës ceb hl prgpòskt `h igfirhtcr tgt ckxò, quh jhe grmcfktzct hf hl `kc`‛cvuk cquhstc tculc rg`gfc tktulc`c “_hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h`hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs―, gf lhs `gfhs ohekfksths quh hfs cigepcfyhf,hfs hxplkicrcf qukfhs sùf lhs hxphrkêfikhs k cprhfhftctmhs `h lhs shvhshstrctêmkhs phr tcl `‛cvcfícr hf hls fgstrhs `rhts, hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs. Kpg`hr pcrlcr cl vgltcft `h qukfhs sùf lhs fgstrhs cpgrtcikgfs, `hs `hls`kohrhfts igfthxtgs k pgskikgfs `kfs `hl ohekfkseh, sgbrh ige jcurkc `h shrufc `hegirîikc pcrtkikpctkvc.

    Lhs dgrfc`hs vcf igftkfucr ceb uf shekfcrk tcfict quh vc thfkr llgi cl `kcshmühft k gf vcf pcrtkikpcr ohekfksths quh ogrehf pcrt `h `kohrhfts hspcks.


  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q = U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    L‛gbdhitku `‛cquhst ogrect ës cprgouf`kr eës hf hl egvkehft ohekfkstc igec subdhith `h igfstruiikù `h lc `hegirîikc. Cquhst `giuehft hs l‛kfthft `hsksthectktzcr tgtc cquhstc hxphrkêfikc.

    Cmrcçe c lc Igeksskù `‛Kmucltct `h lc Ociultct `h Bhllhs Crts, hf hsphikclc lc @glg ^ulk`g phr tgt hl supgrt `gfct, c lc Bãrbcrc Bgyhrg phr lc shvc`kspgfkbklktct sheprh ceb hl trhbcll ̀ ‛hfrhmkstrcehft k c lc Cmhfikc Ictclcfc`h Iggphrcikù cl @hshfvglupcehft (CII@) phl supgrt ffifcfihr `‛cquhstprgdhith.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc `h Pufkskc  Q : U


    O @ëi


    Lc fgstrc cssgikcikù (CPO@) vc fëkxhr c l‛cfy 3;:; `hsprës `h `kohrhftskfkikctkvhs ohekfksths ige hl Ilub Iulturhl Pcjcr Jc``h`, Rhvuh Fkssh, hti. Ës

    ufc cssgikcikù ohekfkstc, lckic k kf`hphf`hft quh eklktc c ocvgr `hls `rhts `hlhs `gfhs ige c igepgfhft kfthmrcl `hls @rhts Juecfs Xfkvhrscls (kmucltct,cllkbhrcehft, pcrtkikpcikù).

    @urcft hl rêmke ̀ h Bhf Clk, l‛CPO@ vc shr gbdhith ̀ h eglths rhprhsskgfs, igecrc hl trhbcll sgtc lc phrshiuikù pglkikcl, blgictmh ̀ h lhs pròpkhs ffifcfihs, prgjkbk-ikù `‛citkvktcts, igfffisicikù `h pcphrs `h lhs eklktcfts g kfthrrgmctgrks pglkikcls.

    L‛cssgikcikù jc prgpgsct k jc hxhiutct eglts prgmrcehs `‛kfkikctkvhs lgicls,

    rhmkgfcls k kfthrfcikgfcls quh jcf oht `h lc CPO@ uf igepgfhft pkgfhr `hlegvkehft ohekfkstc îrcb kfthrfcikgfcl. @h oht, dc s‛jc pcrlct cfthrkgrehft `hlprhek Ykegfh `h Bhcuvgkr igfih`kt c l‛cssgikcikù, k `hstcicr tcebë quh jcgbtkfmut lc quclktct `‛gbshrvc`grc c l‛HIGYGI `h Fcikgfs Xfk`hs k Ouf`c`grc`h lc xcrxc `h `gfhs îrcbs.

    Pcft cbcfs ige `urcft hl theps `h lc rhvgluikù tufkskcfc, lhs eklktcfts kl‛cssgikcikù vcf dumcr uf pcphr kepgrtcftåsske, c trcvës ̀ h lhs ciikgfs ̀ krhiths,g c trcvës `hls `hsplcícehfts kf sktu phr `gfcr supgrt c lhs `gfhs våitkehs k

    l‛hsigltc sglk`îrkc c lhs `kohrhfts rhmkgfs. Jhe oht eglths igshs sgbrhtgt phrlhs `gfhs k phr lhs oceålkhs `hls eîrtkrs, phls ohrkts k lhs ohrk`hs `h lc rhvgluikùtufkskcfc hl 30 `h mhfhr `h 2>33.

    Lhs eklktcfts ̀ h lc CPO@ tcebë jcf tkfmut uf pcphr ̀ hiksku hf lc kftrg`uiikù`hl prkfikpk `h pcrktct hf lc llhk hlhitgrcl, pcrtkikpcft tcebë c lhs hlhiikgfsige c gbshrvc`grhs. @hsprës `h lc prhsc `hl pg`hr `hls kslceksths (29 gitubrh2>33), l‛cpcrkikù `h lhs ogrihs sclcffisths thrrgrksths k `cvcft l‛cumehft `h lc

    vkglêfikc igftrc lhs `gfhs, l‛cssgikcikù rhspgf grmcfktzcft eglths ciikgfs `hpcrthfcrkct ceb hls citgrs `hegirîtkis `h lc sgikhtct ikvkl c trcvës `h `hbcts,ecfkohstcikgfs, tcllhrs, trgbc`hs, igclkikgfs, clkcfihs `kvhrshs g trcitcts.



  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q ; U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    @urcft hl rhmfh `hls kslceksths vcf hehrmkr eglts rhpths, fg fgeës phl quhoc c lhs rhkvkf`kicikgfs `h lhs `gfhs, skfù quh hsshfikclehft s‛cehfcícvhf hls`rhts c`qukrkts ciueulcts `hls citkvksths tufkskcfs k tufkskcfhs `hs `h lhs ôltkehs

    `êic`hs. L‛CPO@ vc grmcfktzcr uf tcllhr `h rhflhxkù `hsprës `hl ehs `‛cbrkl `h2>32 phr pgscr hf ecrxc ufc hstrctêmkc ̀ ‛ciikù sgbrh l‛kepcith ̀ hl fgu igfthxtsgbrh lc sktucikù `h lhs `gfhs.

    @kcmfgsk `hls ocitgrs kfthrfs

    @kfs lc fgstrc hstrctêmkc hfs jhe pgsct `‛cigr` sgbrh hl oht quh lc fgstrc

    hstruiturc citucl fg pgt rhcbsgrbkr-sh k grmcfktzcr lhs tcsquhs phr ohr orgftcls icfvks pglåtkis, sgikcls k iulturcls `hs `hl 30 `h mhfhr `hl 2>33. Ës c `kr,l‛hstruiturc citucl fg pgt `gfcr rhspgstc cls `kohrhfts prgdhiths quh l‛cssgikcikùtë igeprgehsgs ( ohr pcrtkikpcr c lhs `gfhs dgvhs, irhcr ektdcfs `h igeufkicikùhffiicihs, trhbcllcr hf xcrxc ceb lc sgikhtct ikvkl, igftkfucr ceb l‛cprgpcehftlcki, hti.).

    Lc ohblh prhsêfikc `h l‛cssgikcikù c lhs rhmkgfs hf rhlcikù cl ecrmh `h llkbhr-tct oc quh trhbcllhe hf lc låfkc `h ogehftcr l‛hxpcfskù `h lc vk`c cssgikctkvc, `g-

    fcr irh`kbklktct c lc ohkfc cssgikctkvc k iultkvcr lc igfsikêfikc ohekfkstc `h eglths`gfhs hf lhs rhmkgfs `h l‛kfthrkgr `hl pcås.

    Pcebë ̀ hshfvglupcft prgmrcehs ̀ h sglk`crktct, ̀ ‛hsigltc k cigepcfycehfticp c lhs `gfhs våitkehs `h vkglêfikc `h tgt tkpus, sgbrhtgt vkglêfikc pglåtkic, kohft cigepcfycehft k grkhftcikù eê`kic, durå`kic k sgikcl. @h oht, crc thfke sksihftrhs `‛hsigltc k grkhftcikù phr c `gfhs quh jcf sgohrt vkglêfikc. ^hr tcft, ëskepgrtcft `kogf`rh lc iulturc `‛kmucltct hftrh hls shxhs k ohr pôblki tgt tkpus `h

    `ksirkekfcikù pctrkcricl igftrc lhs `gfhs. ^crlhe `‛kmucltct `cvcft lc llhk k `kfslc llhk, he rhohrhkxg c lc `ksirkekfcikù higfòekic, sgikcl k iulturcl.

    Lc `êbkl prhsêfikc hf hls bcrrks pgpulcrs, gf lhs `gfhs pcthkxhf lc shmrh-mcikù k lc vkglêfikc `h tgths lhs ogrehs (ohekfktzcikù `h lc pgbrhsc, vkglêfikcigfdumcl, csshtdcehft shxucl, vkglcikù `hls `rhts higfòekis k sgikcls, vkglêfikccl llgi `h trhbcll, hti.), hs `ùfc l‛c`jhskù clhctòrkc `h lhs fgvhs `gfhs k ckxò pgtcehfcícr lc k`hftktct ohekfkstc k l‛hfogicehft `h mêfhrh `h l‛CPO@. Hfs plcfthmhellcvgrs, ige rhigllkr k ̀ gfcr supgrt cl sgsthfkehft ̀ h lhs ̀ gfhs, shfsh phr`rh l‛hsphik-

    ffiict7 Ckxò ës `hlkict.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 33 U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    Hl dgi `hls ctcis `h Fcj`jc igftrc lc llkbhrtct `hls ektdcfs, lc kf`hphf`êfikc`h lc duståikc, lhs llkbhrtcts skf`kicls k sgbrhtgt igftrc hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs, jcegstrct lc orcmklktct `h lhs theptctkvhs rhciikgfîrkhs phl pg`hr kslîeki. K ceb

    tgt ckxò jhe pgmut gbshrvcr lc utklktct kf`ksphfscblh `h lc pcrtkikpcikù `h lhs`gfhs phr kfstcurcr ufc `hegirîikc cllkbhrc`grc. Lc sgikhtct ikvkl prgmrhsskstchstî plhfcehft igfvhfíu`c quh lcs llukths `h lhs `gfhs rhprhshfthf ufcmcrcftkc rhcl igftrc l‛gbsiurcftkseh rhlkmkùs.

    Hstrctêmkhs `‛ciikù

    - @hshfvglupcr k `kogf`rh l‛hfogicehft `h l‛CPO@ phr tcl `h mucfycrvkskbklktct k uf ecdgr igftrgl `h lc `krhiikù `h l‛cssgikcikù phr pcrt `h lhs

    eklktcfts, c trcvës `h lc ogrecikù, hstc`hs, igl•lgquks, hti.

    - Rhhstruiturcr l‛cssgikcikù phr c lc utklktct `h tgths lhs eklktcfts, rhogrícft kprgegvhft hl trhbcll `h lhs `kohrhfts igeksskgfs hsphikclktzc`hs (vkglêfikc,shxuclktct, dgvhs, durå`kic, duståikc trcfskikgfcl, `rhts sgik-higfòekis, kfogige,h`uicikù, iulturc...)

    - Hstcblkr fgvhs shiikgfs rhmkgfcls (Ygussh, Ackgrgucf, Yocx, Bkzhrth).

    - @hshfvglupcr prgmrcehs ̀ h sglk`crktct, hsigltc, grkhftcikù k cigepcfycehftvhrs lhs `gfhs våitkehs `h vkglêfikhs `h tgtc ilcssh. Igfirhtcehft, kfstcurcrl‛gbshrvctgrk Csec Ocffk hfogict c lhs `gfhs hf sktucikù ̀ h ecrmkfcikù, c l‛ctur,g våitkehs `h vkglêfikc k `ksirkekfcikù.

    - Citkvcr lhs igclkikgfs fcikgfcls k kfthrfcikgfcls ektdcfícft lhs igeksskgfs`h l‛CPO@ (igclkikù phr lc duståikc trcfskikgfcl, dgrfc`hs euf`kcls hf igftrc `hl‛kephrkclkseh, `kfîekic ohehfkfc hf hl Oòrue Ygikcl Euf`kcl, pcrtkikpcikùcitkvc c lhs ecfkohstcikgfs `h lhs `gfhs, egtgrktzcikù `hls ektdcfs `higeufkicikù `urcft lhs hlhiikgfs, gbshrvcikù `h lhs hlhiikgfs,hti.)

    - Ihftrcr-sh sgbrh lc igfstktuikù `hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs ( lc kmucltct, lc pcrktct,lhs vkglêfikhs, hls ̀ rhts sgik-higfòekis, hls ̀ rhts c`qukrkts ̀ hl Ig`k ̀ h l‛Hstctutphrsgfcl...) ektdcfícft hls ektdcfs, lhs ecfkohstcikgfs g csshftc`hs `cvcftl‛Cssheblhc igfstktuhft k hl igftcith `krhith ceb hls `kputcts k sgbrhtgt ceblhs ̀ kputc`hs.

    - @hshfvglupcr prgmrcehs quh hfogquhf lc igfsikêfikc `h lhs `gfhs (`rhts kllkbhrtcts, phrklls `h rhtrgihssgs hvhftucls) c fkvhll rhmkgfcl k shitgrkcl phr ufcpcrtkikpcikù skf`kicl, ikvkl k pglåtkic eës hffiicí.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc `h Pufkskc Q 32 U

    - Rhogrícr lc irhcikù `h xcrxhs ceb hls igepgfhfts `h lc sgikhtct ikvkl khls pcrtkts pglåtkis sgbrh lhs qühstkgfs `h vkglêfikhs igftrc lhs `gfhs k lcpcrtkikpcikù citkvc `h lhs `gfhs hf lc vk`c publkic.

    - Rhiuphrcr lhs gpgrtufktcts k lhs icpciktcts `h lhs `gfhs dgvhs k grkhftcr-lhsicp c lc pròpkc cutgfgekc k pg`hr pcrtkikpcr c l‛citkvktct pôblkic.

    - Llcfícr icepcfyhs eh`kîtkquhs k `krhiths igftrc lhs vkglêfikhs oåskquhs,shxucls, higfòekquhs k egrcls icp c lhs `gfhs (dc skmukf igfdumcls, hf hl eh`klcbgrcl, heplhc`hs `h icshs, hstcblkehfts hsiglcrs...)

    - @gfcr c igfêkxhr lc iulturc ̀ h lc kmucltct hftrh hls shxhs k ̀ hsvhtllcr tgtc ilcssh

    `h `ksirkekfcikgfs pctrkcricls igftrc lhs `gfhs (kmucltct `cvcft lc llhk k `kfs lcllhk, `ksirkekfcikù sgik-higfòekic k iulturcl)

    - Lluktcr igftrc lc ohekfktzcikù ecsskvc `h lc pgbrhsc, `h l‛ctur k `h l‛hxiluskùsgikcl hf vksths `‛ufc duståikc sgikcl kf`ksphfscblh phr l‛hecfikpcikù `h lhs`gfhs.

    - @hohfscr hl quh jcf cigfshmukt rhohrhft c lhs llkbhrtcts igl•lhitkvhs k

    kf`kvk`ucls (llkbhrtct `‛hxprhsskù, llkbhrtct `h prhesc, llkbhrtcts prkvc`hs,

    llkbhrtcts shxucls...)- Kftrg`ukr lc vkskù `h mêfhrh hf hls ektdcfs, hls prgmrcehs hsiglcrs k hlsprgmrcehs `h `hshfvglupcehft lgicl k rhmkgfcl (rhihric k `giuehftcikù)ektdcfícft lhs icepcfyhs `‛c`vgicikc, lc ogrecikù `h lhs fgkhs dgvhs k hlsigftciths ceb hls pg`hrs `h `hikskù (skf`kicts, igeksskgfs `h rhogrec,`krhitgrs `‛c`ekfkstrcikù)

    - @gfcr supgrt c lhs fgkhs dgvhs, c lhs våitkehs `h vkglêfikc k `h `ksirkekfcikù,

    k cls jgehs quh sùf sglk`crks ceb lc icusc ohekfkstc phr cfkecr lhs ciikgfs `hshfskbklktzcikù hf hls hspcks `h dgvhs k `h iulturc (ilubs `h ikfhec, icscls `h

     dgvhs, ohstkvcls, llcrs ufkvhrsktîrkhs, skf k̀icts...)

    - “Ytgp c lc kepufktct―4 L‛CPO@ jc `hik`kt hfmhmcr ufc icepcfyc fcikgfcl phrlc prgeulmcikù `‛ufc llhk ecri sgbrh lc vkglêfikc k ufc pglåtkic `h prhvhfikùk `h rhprhsskù `hls cmrhssgrs, phr tcl `h rhigfêkxhr quh lc vkglêfikc igftrclhs `gfhs ës ufc ogrec `h `ksirkekfcikù k igfstktuhkx uf ctheptct igftrc lcshmurhtct k lc pcu. Cljgrc quh rhigfêkxhr quh lhs vkglêfikhs shxucls pg`hfigfstktukr irkes igftrc lc juecfktct.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 39 U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    - ^rgthmkr lhs våitkehs k icstkmcr tgths lhs ogrehs `h vkglêfikc oåskic, pskiglòmkic,shxucl, higfòekic hf l‛hspck prkvct k pôblki , skmuk quk skmuk hl iulpcblh.

    - ^rgjkbkr lc dustkffiicikù `h lhs vkglêfikhs phr lc kfvgicikù `hls igstues, lhstrc`kikgfs g egtkus rhlkmkgsgs.


    Dc phr igfilgurh, fgeës `kr quh cvuk hf `kc hls icfvks quh hs `hshfvgluphfhf lc rhmkù sheblc quh jcf tkfmut `gs csphiths igftrc`kitgrks4 uf ës hl `hlhs mrcfs gpgrtufktcts phr c l‛cllkbhrcehft `h lhs `gfhs k lc kmucltct hftrh hls

    shxhs, l‛cltrh igrrhspgf cls rhpths k phrklls `h rhiulcr.

    Lc CPO@ hstî igfvhfíu`c eës quh eck `‛cfcr eës llufy k kfvgluircr-sh hf`hohfscr tgt cllò cigfshmukt phr lhs `gfhs tufkskcfhs k rhkvkf`kicr tgts hls `rhtsphr tcl `‛cigfshmukr lc kmucltct tgtcl, dc skmuk c Pufåskc, cl Ecmrhb hf mhfhrcl ghf tgt hl eùf îrcb, phrquê lc sktucikù ës eglt skeklcr.

    Lc CPO@ jhe rhbut hl prhek Ykegfh `h Bhcuvgkr phr lc l‛cllkbhrcehft `h lhs`gfhs k hl ^rhek Clhxcf`hr Lcfmhr hf 2>32, jhe trhbcllct c fkvhll kfthrcssgikctkuk hf xcrxc phr rhogrícr lhs icpciktcts `h lhs `gfhs `h `hohfscr k lluktcr phrecfthfkr tgts cquhsts `rhts c`qukrkts quh hf `hffifktkvc sùf `rhts juecfs phrtgts hls jgehs k phr lhs `gfhs.

    Egltåsskehs mrîikhs.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc `hl Ecrrgi Q 30 U

    zcjrc gucr`kX ‛Ci Oë




    L‛hxphrkêfikc `h lc XCO 

    Fgscltrhs vce igehfícr hl fgstrh trhbcll ige uf mrup `h `gfhs `‛hsquhrrc,l‛cfy 3;:9, publkicft hl `kcrk “: Ecrs―. Cquhst `kcrk gbrkc ufc llcrmc `ksiusskù`urcft cquhst phråg`h sgbrh hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs, dc quh hrc uf tcbô pcrlcrsgbrh kmucltct k hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs. Cquhst `kcrk hfs vc phrehtrh publkicrhstu`ks, hfquhsths `h rhihric k `kcmfòstkis sgbrh lc rhclktct `h lc `ksirkekfcikùk lhs kfduståikhs durå`kquhs trgbc`hs phr lhs `gfhs ecrrgqukfhs. Ckxò tcebë hfsvc pgrtcr c ohr icepcfyhs `h lluktc, sgf`hdgs `‛gpkfkù, ckxå ige lc rhigllk`c`h skmfcturhs. Suctrh cfys `hsprës `h l‛heksskù `hl `kcrk, l‛cfy 3;:=, cquhstc

    publkicikù hfs vc phrehtrh hstcblkr lc fgstrc cssgikcikù, l‛XCO.Lc lluktc ̀ h lhs ̀ gfhs ecrrgqukfhs vc shr cssgikc`c c lc lluktc ̀ h lc ̀ hegirîikc

    cl fgstrh pcås k `hl fgstrh igeprgeås phr c lc kfiluskù `h lhs rhkvkf`kicikgfs`h lhs `gfhs hf lhs hxkmêfikhs `hls pcrtkts `hegirîtkis, hf vkstc c eg`kffiicr lcIgfstktuikù `h 3;;2, quh prhvhkc l‛cllcrmcehft `hls `rhts juecfs tcl ige sùfufkvhrsclehft rhigfhmuts.

    L‛cfy 3;;3, hf hl fgstrh ehegrîf`ue `h `gfhs, vce prhpcrcr icepcfyhs

    `h shfskbklktzcikù k vce hxprhsscr lhs fgstrhs phtkikgfs phr c eg`kffiicr lhs llhkskfdusths hfvhrs lhs ̀ gfhs. Hsphikclehft ufc icepcfyc ̀ ‛uf eklkù ̀ h skmfcturhsphr icfvkcr hl Ig`k `h lc oceålkc hl 3;;2, mrîikhs c lhs qucls hs vcf ohr phtkthseg`kffiicikgfs phr prkehrc vhmc`c hl 3;;9.

    Hl prgiës `h rhogrehs lhmkslctkvhs cl Ecrrgi 

    C pcrtkr ̀ hls cfys ;>, hl Ecrrgi hs vc igeprgehtrh c rctkffiicr lhs igfvhfikgfs

    kfthrfcikgfcls k trhbcllcr shrkgscehft sgbrh lc phrtkfhfíc ̀ h llhks fcikgfcls ceblhs fgrehs kfthrfcikgfcls. Ckxå tcebë hs igeprgehtkc c hohitucr uf hxcehfigeplht `hl shu crshfcl lhmkslctku kfilghft-jk lhs mcrcftkhs `‛kmucltct k prgjkbkft

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 38 U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    tgtc ogrec `h `ksirkekfcikù hftrh jgehs k `gfhs hf hl ig`k `h oceålkc, ig`k`hl trhbcll, `rht phfcl, `rht `h lc fcikgfclktct. Pcebë ehsurhs `krkmk`hs clekllgrcehft `h lc rhprhshftcikù `h lhs `gfhs hf lhs cssheblhhs hsigllk`hs, c

    trcvës `h lhs llhks `hls pcrtkts pglåtkis quh gblkmc c thfkr ufc prgpgrikù `h `gfhshf lhs hstruiturhs k cls iîrrhis `h rhspgfscbklktct.

    Hl egvkehft sgikgpglåtki vc phrehtrh lc irhcikù ̀ ‛kfstktuikgfs k ̀ ‛grmcfksehs`h prgthiikù `hls `rhts juecfs4 hl Igfshll Igfsultku `hls `rhts juecfs, k hlIgfshll Fcikgfcl phr lc rhpcrcikù k kf`hefktzcikù `h lhs våitkehs `h vkglcikgfs`hls `rhts juecfs, l‛Gbshrvctgrk Fcikgfcl phr lc ekllgrc `h lc kectmh `h lhs`gfhs, k l‛Gbshrvctgrk Fcikgfcl `h lc vkglêfikc igftrc lhs `gfhs. Ckxå ige hs

    rhclktzcrhf ciikgfs prîitkquhs phr rhogrícr lc rhspgfscbklktzcikù hf ectêrkc `hrhsphith ̀ hls ̀ rhts ̀ h lc `gfc k ̀ h lc trc`uiikù ̀ hls ̀ rhts juecfs hf kf`kic`grsehsurcblhs, phr csshmurcr l‛kmucltct cls `rhts `h bcsh.

    Lhs c`qukskikgfs hf lc Igfstktuikù ̀ h 2>33 ogu hl puft iulekfcft ̀ ‛uf prgiës`h lluktc quh vc cirh`ktcr mucfys eglt kepgrtcfts, hsphikclehft hf ectêrkc `h`rhts k llkbhrtcts. ̂ g`he pcrlcr ̀ h l‛crtkilh 3; quh ̀ ku quh jgeh k ̀ gfc mcu`hkxhfhf kmucltct ̀ hls ̀ rhts k llkbhrtcts ̀ h icrîithr ikvkl, pglåtki, higfòeki, sgikcl, iulturclk cebkhftcl. K ës hf vkrtut `‛cquhst crtkilh quh hs irhc ufc cutgrktct (crtkilh 3?0)

    quh vhtllk phr l‛citkvcikù `‛cquhsths rctkffiicikgfs, hsphikclehft phr l‛cplkicikù`hls `rhts k llkbhrtcts prhvksths hf cquhst ecthkx crtkilh. Hl Igfshll `h Mgvhrfvc cprgvcr hl `rht rhmlcehftcrk phr fgehfcr hls iîrrhis `‛cltc rhspgfscbklktct,thfkft hf igepth lc bgfc prh`kspgskikù `hl mgvhrf, lhs kmucltcts `‛gpgrtufktctsk lc fg-`ksirkekfcikù.

    ^g`he `hstcicr cltrhs icfvks ige l‛crtkilh 0=8 `hl Ig`k ^hfcl quh phrehtkccl iulpcblh `h shmrhst k vkglcikù `‛ufc phrsgfc ehfgr sgbrh ehfgrs, hvktcr lc

    prhsù (cbcfs, sk l‛cmrhssgr ciihptcvc icscr-sh ceb lc ehfgr, hs pg`kc hvktcr lcprhsù). G bë, cl eckm ̀ hl 2>39 jc hstct cprgvc`c ufc llhk rhlctkvc c lhs igf`kikgfs`h l‛citkvcikù `h l‛giupcikù `hl ig`k `h trhbcll phr lluktcr igftrc hl trhbcll `h lhsfhfhs k mcrcftkr hls `rhts higfòekis k sgikcls `h lhs trhbcllc`grhs `geêstkquhs.

    Cl Ecrrgi s‛jc igftkfuct trhbcllcft phr mcrcftkr l‛cprgpcehft ̀ h lc pglåtkic phfclceb l‛c`hqucikù ̀ h lc llhk, lc Igfstktuikù k lhs Igfvhfikgfs Kfthrfcikgfcls. IrhcftIgfshlls Mgvhrfcehftcls quh sgstkfmukf lc rhprhshftcikù `h lhs `gfhs hlhiths,prgtgigls ociultctkus igftrc lc tgrturc, k pgscft hf prîitkic lhs rhigecfcikgfs

    `‛hxcehf phrkò`ki phr pcrt `h lc @hlhmcikù Ekfksthrkcl k hl Igfshll Fcikgfcl `hls@rhts Juecfs.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc `hl Ecrrgi Q 3? U

    Hl iurs `‛cquhstc hxphrkêfikc

    Hl egvkehft ohekfkstc k hls egvkehfts phr lc `hegirîikc k hls @rhts Juecfshs igeprgehthf hf cquhstc `kfîekic `h trcfsogrecikù hf tcft quh citgrs phrc lc keplcftcikù `‛cquhsths pglåtkquhs pôblkquhs ceb ufc ehtg`glgmkc prhiksc

    k rhclktzc`c sgbrh lc bcsh `h4 • Hl igftrgl k shmukehft `‛cquhsths pglåtkquhs, c trcvës `h lc `hfôfikc k

    igf`hefc ̀ h lhs vkglcikgfs ̀ h lc llhk. Pcebë lc shfskbklktzcikù, egbklktzcikù,igeufkicikù ceb lhs grmcfktzcikgfs `h rhohrêfikc. Ohr lgbby k prhsskù icpcl mgvhrf.

     • Lc prhpcrcikù k lc prhshftcikù `h lhs eheòrkhs `hl prgdhith `h llhk hf ic`cufc `h lhs shiikgfs `hl Ig`k (oceålkc , Igfstktuikù, cutgrktct `h lc pcrktct,rhogrec `hl sksthec `h duståikc, igfshll igfsultku `h lc oceålkc k lc kfoîfikc,

    llhk igftrc lc vkglêfikc igftrc lhs `gfhs, hti.) • Rhufkr-fgs ceb hls ekfkstrhs, oufikgfcrks, `krkmhfts `hls pcrtkts, skf`kicts,

    mrups pcrlcehftcrks k grmcfksehs `h @rhts Juecfs.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 3= U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

     • Grmcfktzcr ogrehs `h prgthstc, trgbc`hs, csshmu`hs pgpulcrs g ic`hfhsjuecfhs tcft c l‛kfthrkgr `‛h`kffiiks g c lhs sclhs `hl ^crlcehft ige c lhsplcihs pôblkquhs.

     • Lc ogrecikù `‛clkcfihs k xcrxhs phr ekllgrcr skfhrmkhs k hsogrígs ceb cltrhsigepgfhfts fcikgfcls k kfthrfcikgfcls.

     • @hshfvglupcr ehtg`glgmkhs `h trhbcll eg`hrfhs hf lhs icepcfyhs `hshfskbklktzcikù k hlcbgrcr hstrctêmkhs k plcfs `‛citucikù.

     • Cprgouf`kr hf hl ̀ hbct kfthl•lhitucl sgbrh hls ̀ rhts ̀ h lhs ̀ gfhs, ektdcfícftigl•lgquks k shekfcrks quh rhufhkxkf lc durkspru`êfikc `h lc prgpkhtctkfthl•lhitucl k pg`hr `hshfvglupcr, ufkicr, k`hftkicr rhohrêfikhs `h

    igepctkbklktcts `h lhs fgstrhs vkskgfs `‛cigr` ceb lhs igfvhfikgfskfthrfcikgfcls rctkffiic`hs phl Ecrrgi hf ectêrkc `hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs.

     • Hlcbgrcr ufc icrtc ceb vkstc c ohr clkcfihs quh mcrcfthkxkf uf kepcithphr l‛hlcbgrcikù `‛hstrctêmkhs hffiicihs.

     • @hshfvglupcr pcrthfcrkcts phr ciueulcr ogrihs pgsktkvhs quh `gfkfsupgrt c lc fgstrc ohkfc.

     • Prhbcllcr sgbrh hl igfthxt sgikcl ciihftuct phr lc prhsêfikc `‛uf mgvhrf

    cftkprgmrhsskstc. • Prhbcllcr ceb l‛hlkt kfthl•lhitucl k hls pcrtkts `hegirîtkis phr sgsthfkr hls

    `rhts `h lhs `gfhs

    Pgt ckxò s‛kfsirku vkskblhehft `kfs `h lc fgstrc tcsic c ffi `‛cssglkr kfstktuikgfs`h l‛Hstct k `h lc `hegirîikc icp c lc igfstruiikù `h lc ikutc`cfkc plhfc k kmuclphr c tgts hls ehebrhs `h lc sgikhtct. Hl egvkehft ohekfkstc trhbcllc phr lcpgsc`c hf prîitkic `h lc qühstkù `h lc `gfc k pgscr c lhs `gfhs hf hl llgi quh

    ehrhkxhf `kfs `hl prgdhith `hegirîtki `hl pcås. Hl egvkehft `h lhs `gfhs fgës ufc rhskstêfikc c ufc gprhsskù, skfù ufc ogríc `h prgpgskikù k uf pcrthfckrhilcu hf l‛hlcbgrcikù `h lhs pglåtkquhs. Hl mgvhrf dc jc vkst quh lc keplkicikù`hl egvkehft `h lhs `gfhs ës hf `hohfsc `h lc `hegirîikc k lc kmucltct `hlsehebrhs `h lc sgikhtct ikvkl. Yge sòikhs hf lc pglåtkic pôblkic.

    Hls mucfys `h lc duståikc c ocvgr `h lhs `gfhs cl Ecrrgi ës mrîikhs c lhs llukths`hl egvkehft `h lhs `gfhs k hls `rhts juecfs. Icl `kr phrò quh lhs ogrihs`hegirîtkquhs sùf hficrc orîmkls, fg jk jc ufc mcrcftkc pglåtkic phr l‛citkvcikù

    `h lc kmucltct hftrh `gfhs k jgehs `kfs `hl ecri `‛cquhst mgvhrf igfshrvc`grquh igfstktuhkx ufc cehfcíc phls `rhts juecfs c`qukrkts. K rhecricr quh hls`rhts higfòekis k sgikcls ̀ h lhs ̀ gfhs sùf hficrc eglt eës orîmkls k eës ctcicts.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc `hl Ecrrgi Q 3: U

    C igftkfucikù prgpgrikgfg clmufhs `c`hs4

      Lc tcxc ̀ ‛cfclocbhtkseh ̀ hl 9=% hftrh lhs ̀ gfhs quh sùf eës vulfhrcblhsigepcrctkvcehft cl 28% hf hls jgehs. Cquhstc tcxc ës fgtcblh hf hls pgblhsquh crrkbc 88%.

      L‛gpgrtufktct phr uf jgeh `h trgbcr ohkfc ës trhs vhmc`hs ecdgr c lhsgpgrtufktcts `‛ufc `gfc, k hs rh`uhkx c lc ehktct qucf lc `gfc busic ufc ohkfchf hl eh`k rurcl.

      Hl ?2% `h lhs `gfhs jcf pctkt vkglêfikc `h mêfhrh g ufc cltrh tkpusvkglêfikc, shmgfs lhs hstc`åstkquhs `hl Igeksscrkct `h ^lcfkffiicikù hftrh 2>3> k2>33.

      Lc tcxc `h egrtclktct ecthrfc ës `hl 22>,8 phr 3>.>>> `gfhs hftrh 2>>;k 2>3>.

    Ës kepgrtcft cl Ecrrgi pgscr l‛ciihft sgbrh lhs kforchstruiturhs k lc `kffiiultct`‛ciiës c l‛ckmuc pgtcblh g c uf jcbktctmh `hihft. Hs fhihssktc `gfis l‛citkvcikù`hls `rhts ogfcehftcls `h lhs `gfhs k lc lluktc igftrc lc pgbrhsc hf lhs zgfhsrurcls, lc ecrmkfcikù sgikcl k lc vulfhrcbklktct quh cohithf lc shvc sktucikù. Y‛jc ̀ hprhf`rh hf igfsk`hrcikù l‛hfogicehft ̀ h mêfhrh hf tgts hls prgmrcehs. C trcvës`h prgpgsths ige lc irhcikù `h ihftrhs `‛hsigltc, cigllkehft k cllgtdcehft phr clhs `gfhs våitkehs `h vkglêfikc1 hl `hshfvglupcehft `‛citkvktcts mhfhrc`grhs`‛kfmrhssgs1 igebctrh hl orciîs hsiglcr hftrh lhs fhfhs1 lluktcr igftrc lc egr-tclktct ecthrfc1 irhcikù `h llgis `h trhbcll k lc kfthmrcikù higfòekic quh gbrkfgus jgrktzgfs c lhs `gfhs phr ekllgrcr lhs shvhs phrsphitkvhs `h icrrhrc1iggr`kfcikù hftrh hls `kohrhfts citgrs hf hls shitgrs `hl mgvhrf, hl shitgr prkvct klc sgikhtct ikvkl1 `hshfvglupcehft `h ehicfksehs phr `gfcr ufs prhssupgstgsigfshqühfts k igeprgehsgs ceb lc kmucltct ̀ hls shxhs1 prgegurh l‛ciiës ̀ h lhs

    `gfhs cls shus `rhts igfogreh hl ecri fgrectku `hls @rhts Juecfs.

    Hl egvkehft ohekfkstc ecrrgquå hstî hf clhrtc igftkfuc phr ecfthfkr kigfsglk`cr hls shus mucfys sgbrh lc bcsh `h l‛crshfcl durå`ki quh hs vc hstcblkrceb lc fgvc Igfstktuikù k `hsktdc k vgl cssglkr lc sgikhtct `hegirîtkic, shfshtgths cquhllhs kepurhshs quh lc ocik cfcr cl rclhftå.

    Eglths mrîikhs.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 3; U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs


    p @ Cmë




    Lc muhrrc `‛cllkbhrcehft 3;80 c 3;?2

    @urcft lc muhrrc `‛cllkbhrcikù fcikgfcl, hl pcphr `h lc `gfc clmhrkcfcquh kfthmrî hl Orgft `‛Cllkbhrcehft Fcikgfcl (OLF) vc shr `hthrekfcftphr c l‛hsirkpturc `h lc shvc jkstgrkc4 kfvhstkmcft hls hspcks, prgjkbkts ffifscrc, trcfsmrh`kft lhs rhmlhs `h l‛hstctut phrsgfcl trc`kikgfcl. ^hr ckxò lhs“Egu`dcjk`cths―2 igfstktuhkxhf ufc rhohrêfikc hf hl prgiës `‛hecfikpcikù `h

    lc `gfc clmhrkcfc sheprh hf igfstruiikù.

    Lc kf`hphf`êfikc `hs `h 3;?2 ffifs c ffifcls `h l‛cfy 3;=>

    Lc k`hglgmkc gffiikcl ̀ hl pcrtkt ôfki “OLF― prhshftî cl pg`hr hf cquhst phråg`h`‛kf`hphf`êfikc, uf vhjkilh `h fgvhs k`hhs phr c l‛ êpgic, pgscft phr `cvcftuf `ksiurs quh prhthfkc l‛hecfikpcikù `h lc `gfc clmhrkcfc. Lc rhclktct ës quhlc Xfkù Fcikgfcl @gfhs Clmhrkcfhs (XFOC) ës lc prkehrc grmcfktzcikù `h `gfhsquh hs vc irhcr `hsprës `h lc kf`hphf`êfikc k hs tgrfî rîpk`cehft uf `hls

    sctêl•lkts `hl pg`hr clmhrkî k vc shr l‛grkmhf `h lhs icepcfyhs `‛clocbhtktzcikù kcftkigfihpikù, prkfikpclehft c lhs zgfhs rurcls. C l‛cfy 3;??, lhs egu`dcjk`cths,sheprh c l‛cvcftmucr`c, vcf lk`hrcr lc lluktc igftrc hl ig`k `h l‛hstctut phrsgfclkfspkrct hf lc Zcrkc9 . ^crtkikpcrhf hf tgths lhs egbklktzcikgfs quh trcithsskf lhsrhkvkf`kicikgfs `h lhs `gfhs, ige crc lc suprhsskù `h l‛cutgrktzcikù `h “sgrtk`c―`hl thrrktgrk , phr uf pcrh g uf ecrkt.

    ^cfgrcec `‛hs`hvhfkehfts quh ecrquhf Clmêrkc k lhs shvhs rhphriusskgfs sgbrh lc `gfc


    3 - Jm 4 p pv ‛îb q v ‛più y p ë

    bîi .2 - Ed4 îb p m ib m.9 - Zî4 îi

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc `h l‛Clmêrkc Q 2> U

    @kfs lhs fgvhs kfstktuikgfs `‛kf`hphf`êfikc, ckxò vc shr ufc cltrc igsc,hs pg`kc gbshrvcr l‛cbsêfikc `h lhs `gfhs hf oufikgfs `h rhspgfscbklktct,prkfikpclehft hf lhs oufikgfs `h pglåtkic `‛cltc c`ekfkstrcikù.

    Hl ig`k `h lc oceålkc (3;:0 c 3;::)

    Hl ; `h dufy `h 3;:0 hs vc c`gptcr uf ig`k `h lc oceålkc phr l‛Cssheblhc^gpulcr Fcikgfcl (C^F), cquhst ig`k hrc uf igfduft `‛crtkilhs durå`kis `h igecituhf lhs rhlcikgfs hf hl sk `h l‛hsohrc prkvc`c (oceålkc) k, hstî hf igftrc`kiikùceb lc llhk ogfcehftcl `hl pcås quh ës lc Igfstktuikù.

    Cquhstc sktucikù pcrcmòmkic vc ohr `h lc `gfc clmhrkcfc ufc ikutc`cfc cl

    igeplht hf l‛hsohrc pôblkic (hllc pgt ciih`kr c tgths lhs oufikgfs, tcft c lhshlhitkvhs ige c`ekfkstrctkvhs, dc quh hllc hs pgsshç`grc ̀ hl shu pctrkegfk k ̀ hlc shvc mhstkù) phrò cl ecthkx theps ës ufc phrsgfc hf sktucikù `‛kfohrkgrktcthf qühstkgfs `h `rhts hf hl sk `h lc oceålkc, dc quh hllc hstî igfsk`hrc`c igec ehfgr c lc vk`c qugtk`kcfc. _c shr fhihsscrk eës `h 2> cfys `h llukths phrgbthfkr clmufs icfvks.

    Lc prkecvhrc bhrhbhr `h 3;:>

    Hl 3;:>, c Acbålkc, lhs `gfhs, `h ogrec cutòfgec vcf ogrecr pcrt `‛ufegvkehft phr `hohfscr hls shus `rhts k vcf pcrtkikpcr hf hl egvkehft `h`hegirctktzcikù, pgrtct phr “lc prkehrc bhrhbhr―(lh tcosytjkeczkmjhf). Cquhstcprkecvhrc vc shr uf egvkehft pgpulcr `h lc rhmkù Acbålkc quh igf`uçc lhsrhkvkf`kicikgfs k`hftktîrkhs k hls vclgrs `hegirîtkis rhpublkicfs.

    Lc prkecvhrc clmhrkcfc (3;::-3;;2)

    Lc rhvgltc pgpulcr `‛gitubrh `h 3;;2, hrc prhvkskblh phls gbshrvc`grs

    pglåtkis, `h rhvglths scfmukfglhfths, quh vcf hsilctcr hf hl sk `h lc icpktcl ,igftrc hl pg`hr k hls såebgls `hl pcrtkt ôfki OLF. Cquhstc rhbhl•lkù shfyclî ufc

    vgltc `hikskvc hf lc jkstòrkc `h l‛Clmêrkc kf`hphf`hft.

    Hl eultkpcrtk`kseh

    Lc irksk ̀ ‛gitubrh ̀ hl 3;::, vc ohr rhiulcr cl pg`hr cl llgi prhih`hft k c l‛cphrturc`hegirîtkic, `‛cquå hl fckxhehft `hls pcrtkts pglåtkis k lc prhesc prkvc`c, `ktckf`hphf`hft, quh rhsphitc hls `rhts juecfs k lc llkbhrtct `‛hxprhsskù.

    @urcft hls `gs prkehrs cfys quh vcf shmukr c lhs rhbhl•lkgfs `‛gitubrh `h 3;::, hl

    egvkehft kslcekstc hs vc `hsplhmcr eglt rîpk`cehft, trckhft prgffit `‛uf igf-

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 23 U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    thxt higfòeki k sgbrhtgt sgikcl, eglt `koåikl. Hl egvkehft kslcekstc ës hl quh eësvc cprgffitcr l‛cphrturc `hl rêmke.

    Hl egvkehft cssgikctku ohehfå ige c egvkehft `h rhskstêfikcHl egvkehft cssgikctku ohehfå igehfíc ceb lc prgeulmcikù `hl ig`k `h

    lc oceålkc hl 3;:0, phrò fg vc crrkbcr cl shu cpgmhu fs c lhs rhbhl•lkgfs `h

    3;::, mrîikhs c lc llhk quh cllkbhrcvc lhs cssgikcikgfs `h lc tuthlc `hl pcrtkt ôfki.Sucf hs vcf igfstktukr hf cssgikcikgfs `h `gfhs, s‛kfsirkvkhf keeh`kctcehft cl‛hohrvhsiêfikc sgikcl k pglåtkic quh vc shmukr c lc rhprhsskù k c lhs rhbhl•lkgfs `h


    L‛cfy 3;:; ogu l‛cfy hf quê hl egvkehft ohehfå crrkbc c lc shvc eës mrcfecfkohstcikù, oht quh lk ̀ ùfc ufc vkskbklktct fgtcblh. Lhs ̀ hohfsgrhs ̀ hls ̀ rhts ̀ hlhs `gfhs, fg `ubtcrhf hf giupcr l‛hspck pôblki4 hllhs plcfthdcvhf orgftclehft kpôblkicehft lhs rhkvkf`kicikgfs kmuclktîrkhs k `hegirîtkquhs. Hs vcf grmcfktzcrcssheblhhs, ecrxhs k csshftc`hs c lhs mrcfs ikutcts `‛Clmêrkc. Lhs ciikgfs ogrhfeh`kctktzc`hs phr lc fgvc prhesc prkvc`c quh sheprh jc hstct ufc kepgrtcftclkc`c phr cl egvkehft. @‛cquhstc ecfhrc, lhs `gfhs llcvgrs phfscvhf pg`hrohr prhsskù sgbrh hls pg`hrs pôblkis. Cl ecthkx theps igehfíî hl igebct igftrc

    l‛kfthmrkseh rhlkmkùs k l‛kslce pglåtki quh phr prkehrc vhmc`c irk`cvc lhs `gfhs.C lc tcr`gr `hl 3;:;, igehfihf hls prkehrs ctcis kslceksths igftrc lhs `gfhs hf`kvhrshs lgiclktcts, ige Gucrmlc, cl su` `‛Clmêrkc.

    Lc `êic`c fhmrc k lc trcmê`kc fcikgfcl (3;;2-3;;;)

    C lc prkehrc vgltc `h lhs prkehrhs hlhiikgfs lhmkslctkvhs llkurhs k plurclksths,hl 2? `h `hshebrh `h 3;;3, hls kslceksths `hl Orgft Kslîeki `h Yclut (OKY) vcfshr prgilcects îeplkcehft vhfih`grs. L‛Crec`c vc `hik`kr, l‛33 `h mhfhr 3;;2,

    cful•lcr lc shmgfc vgltc prhvkstc phl 3? mhfhr ige c igfshqüêfikc `‛cquhstcvkitòrkc.

    Clmufs pcrtkts pglåtkis, hftrh hlls hls ehebrhs `hl rêmke k ihrts pcrtkts `hl‛gpgskikù, sgsthfkhf quh cquhstc cturc`c `hl prgiës hlhitgrcl lhmktkecfthl prgmrcec `hl OKY, bcsct sgbrh lc Zcrkc, pgscvc hf phrkll hls cssglkehfts`hegirîtkis quh tcft jcvkhf igstct cigfshmukr. Ehftrhstcft hl OKY k cltrhsgpgsktgrs vhkhf uf igp `‛hstct. Hl pcås s‛hfogfscvc hf ufc irksk prgouf`c k pcrt`hl OKY hs vc igfstktukr hf MKC k prhfmuë lhs crehs. _c shmukr cquhstc llcrmc`êic`c ̀ h vkglêfikc, lc eës egrtåohrc ̀ h lc shvc jkstgrkc pgstkf`hphf`kstc.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc `h l‛Clmêrkc Q 22 U

    @urcft hls cfys scmfcfts quh vcf shmukr c lc kfthrrupikù `hl prgiës hlhitgrcl`h 3;;2 lhs `gfhs vcf pcmcr uf phsct trkbut (vkglcikgfs k csscsskfcts). Hs vcfgrmcfktzcr ecrxhs `h `gfhs igftrc lc vkglêfikc kslîekic, ufc `h lhs eës

    kepgrtcfts ogu lc `h 3;;0. Ecricvhf l‛hsihfc pglåtkic k eh`kîtkic, tgts hls shushsogrígs cfcvhf icp c lc lluktc igftrc l‛kfthmrkseh k hl thrrgrkseh kslîeki. @urcft`gs g trhs cfys vc shr hl egvkehft sgikcl eës vkskblh, k tcebë hl eës sgrprhfhftk gohfsku phr cls c`vhrscrks.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 29 U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    Icl csshfyclcr lc kepgrtîfikc `h l‛giupcikù `h l‛hspck pôblki phr pcrt `h lhs`gfhs k ige hls pcrtkts kslceksths vcf rhciikgfcr ceb ciikgfs ige pgscr lhs`gfhs vkglc`hs cl icrrhr phr ohr ecfkohstcikgfs `h sgsthfkehft `kfs `hl ig`k `h

    lc oceålkc.

    Hl 3;;? hl Ekfksthrk `h lc sglk`crktct k `h lc oceålkc keplkic c lc ecdgrkc `h lhscssgikcikgfs prhshfts cl pcås phr trhbcllcr sgbrh lhs rhkvkf`kicikgfs `‛cquhsthsôltkehs. Cquhst trhbcll vc `hshebgicr hf ufc prgpgstc `h 22 hsehfhs. Hls`ubths `hl mgvhrf phr ohr orgft cl igfshrvc`grkseh `gekfcft, hf lc vhtllc`c`hls threhs hlhitgrcls, igf`uhkx c cquhsths cssgikcikgfs c pgrtcr ufc icepcfyc`h ecfhrc cutòfgec phr lhs 22 hsehfhs. @‛cltrc bcf`c hs vcf igfshrvcr lhs

    rhkvkf`kicikgfs `h l‛cbrgmcikù shfsh `hskfthrhsscr-sh `h lhs qühstkgfs ohths phrlhs hsehfhs.

    Hl egvkehft ohehfå kslcekstc4 “lc igfiòr`kc ikvkl― (3;;;)

    Hl 3;;; jk jcvkc prgp `h => cssgikcikgfs ohehfkfhs. Cquhstc xkorc kfilgutgths lhs icthmgrkhs pglåtkquhs, sgikcls k prgohsskgfcls. Hftrh cquhsths, hl 2>%hrhf `‛gbh`kêfikc kslcekstc, hsshfikclehft hfogic`hs icp cl trhbcll sgikcl(phrò tgt k ckxå sùf kfstruehfts vkrulhfts igftrc hl egvkehft cssgikctku ohehfå

    `heòirctc k rhpublkiî). Hf hl egehft hf hl qucl lhs ohekfksths rhpublkicfhskfthftcvhf rhigllkr hl eklkù `h ffirehs phl ig`k `h lc oceålkc, hls egvkehftsohekfksths kslceksths prgehtkhf hl trkplh.

    Hl : `h dulkgl `h 3;;; hl prhsk`hft Cb`hlczkz Bguthflkac vc hxpgscr cl^crlcehft ufc icrtc phr lc pcu k lc rhigfiklkcikù fcikgfcl,lc llhk `h ilheêfikc,lc “Igfiòr`kc Ikvkl―. Cquhstc llhk kfthftcvc rhkfthmrcr c lc vk`c ikvkl c cquhllsquh jcvkhf hxprhssct lc shvc vgluftct `h rhfufikcr c lc vkglêfikc crec`c , k`h phr`gfcr hls quh pcrtkikpcvhf hf lhs xcrxhs `h supgrt cls mrups thrrgrksths`urcft lc `êic`c fhmrc. Hls pcrtkts `h l‛gpgskikù fg `gfcrhf igfskmfhs cls shusskepctktzcfts. Hl prgdhith `h llhk phr “lc igfiòr`kc ikvkl― vc shr plhbksiktct phr vkcrhohrhfikcl `hl ;>% `h vgtcfts, hl 3? `h shthebrh `h 3;;;.

    Lhs prkecvhrhs fhmrhs 2>>3 (Acbålkc)

    @hsprës `h l‛csscsskfct `hl dgvh Muhrecj Ecsskfcssc phr uf mhf`creh,c Acbålkc, tgtc lc rhmkù hs vc ufkr, hls dgvhs, uf igp ehs, giupcrhf hls icrrhrs

    rhprhshftcft l‛hstct `‛ctci rhbut ceb ecfkohstcikgfs k ckxhicehfts quh hsecftkfmuhrhf `urcft `gs cfys ceb uf bclcfí `h 32; egrts ikvkls rhmkstrcts kuf ihfthfcr `h prhsgfhrs.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc `h l‛Clmêrkc Q 20 U

    Hl 0 `h dufy lhs `gfhs grmcfktzcrhf ufc ecrxc c Bhdcyc (8>.>>> `gfhs) khs vc ohr ufc csshftc`c phr l‛cllkbhrcehft `hls `htkfmuts `urcft lc prkecvhrcfhmrc. Lc rhskstêfikc `hl egvkehft ohehfå grmcfktzct vc thfkr igfshqüêfikhs

    kf`krhiths sgbrh hl igfduft `h lc sgikhtct, ckxå ige sgbrh lhs kfstktuikgfs.

    L‛cefkstkc fcikgfcl 2>>8-2>>:

    Hl 38 `‛cmgst `h 2>>8, hl prhsk`hft Bguthflkac cfufikcvc uf fgu rhohrêf`uesgbrh lc “icrtc phr lc pcu k lc rhigfiklkcikù fcikgfcl―. Yks cfys ̀ hsprës ̀ h l‛c`gpikù`h lc llhk sgbrh lc “igfiòr`kc ikvkl― quh prhvhkc dc l‛cbcf`ù `hls shmukehfts

     du`kikcls igftrc hls kslceksths quh `hkxhsskf lhs crehs k quh fg hrhf iulpcblhs`h irkes `h scfm, `h rgbctgrks k `‛ctheptcts ceb hxplgskus hf llgis pôblkis.

    Hsehfhs `hl ig`k `h lc oceålkc

    Hl ecthkx cfy, hl ig`k `h lc oceålkc0 hrc sheprh hl `hbct igeô c tgts hls igrrhfts

    pglktkis, clmufs hl vhkhf ige uf ig`k `ksirkekfctgrk k rhkvkf`kicvhf l‛cbrgmcikù purc k

    skeplh `‛cquhst ig`k (hls pcrtkts lckis), cltrhs prgpgscvhf hsehfhs c ihrts crtkilhs quh

    phfscvhf quh fg hstcvhf igfigr`hs ceb lhs ogrths trc`kikgfs `h lc sgikhtct clmhrkcfc.

    Hf hl quh hs rhohrkc cl igrrhft kslcekstc, hl ig`k `h lc oceålkc rhprhshftcvc ufc mcrcftkc

    phr l‛cplkicikù `h ihrts prkfikpks `h lc Zcrkc. _c shr hl 2>>8 qucf ihrths hsehfhs prg-

    pgsc`hs hl 3;;? ogrhf tkfmu`hs hf igepth k cplkic`hs4

    3 - Lh ]clk  (hl tutgr)4 Hl ig`k `h lc oceålkc `h 3;:0 hstkpulc quh ufc `gfc jc`h shr rhprhshftc`c phr uf tutgr lhmcl phr igftrcurh ectrkegfk (pcrh, mhreî,gfilh, g dutmh...) Hf ics igftrcrk hl ectrkegfk fg ës vîlk`. Hl ig`k `h lc oceålkchsehftct `hl 2>>8, hl tutgr lhmcl `h lc icsc`c phr` lc shvc cutgrktct. Cquhsttutgr hs ecftë sheprh phrò crc `hkxc l‛hlhiikù c lc outurc hspgsc.

    2 - Lc pglkmîekc igftkfuc sheprh hf lhs igf`kikgfs hxkmk`hs, sùf eës

    `koåikls phr prhf`rh lc shmgfc, thrihrc g kfilôs qucrtc hspgsc, l‛hspgsc jc `hthfkr l‛cutgrktzcikù `h l‛hspgsc cfthrkgr.

    9 - Hl rhsphith eutu `hls hspgsgs k lhs shvhs oceålkhs rhsphitkvhs. Pgt k quhcl I.O. `h 3;:0 “lc `gfc `hu rhsphitcr hl shu ecrkt k lc shvc oceålkc k cllhtcr lcprkegmhfkturc―.

    0 -  Lc igfihsskù `hl `gekiklk igfdumcl ës `hl quh mucr`c k iustg`kc hlskfocfts.

    0 - I oå4 id m Zî q m ‛o pv

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 28 U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    8 - Lc fcikgfclktct `hl ffill hs phreht gbtkf`rh-lc c trcvës ̀ h lc trcfseksskù ̀ hlc fcikgfclktct `h lc ecrh cl shu ffill k l‛hspgsc cl shu ecrkt.

    Lc rhogrec `h lc igfstktuikù hl 2>>:, l‛crtkilh. 93 bks `hik`hkx kepgscr ufcqugtc ̀ hl 9>% ̀ h lhs ̀ gfhs hsigllk`hs c l‛C^F. Ckxò ës phr quê lhs ̀ gfhs tkfmukfciiës c lc rhprhshftcikù pglåtkic. Cquhstc rhogrec fg të lc ufcfkektct hf hl sk`hls `hohfsgrs `hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs c Clmêrkc. Clmufs vhuhf ufc gpgrtufktctphrquê lc `gfc pumuk hstcr `cvcft l‛hsihfc pglåtkic, cltrhs jg vhuhf ige ufccltrc ogrec ̀ h ̀ ksirkekfcikù, dc quh shmgfs hlls hl prkehr irkthrk hs lc igephtêfikck fg hl mêfhrh.


    Hl pgblh clmhrkî jc sgrtkt `‛ufc iulturc igfthstctîrkc, k jc fcsiut `h lcigfthstcikù. K ckxò fg s‛jc ̀ ubtct hf rhsscltcr-jg c ic`c htcpc ̀ h lc shvc jkstòrkc.Pcfecthkx, hf cquhsts ôltkes cfys, hl pcås igfhkx uf mhl k ufc pcrîlksk quh crrkbctcft cls pcrtkts pglåtkis ige c lhs cssgikcikgfs. K hl egvkehft ohehfå fg s‛jccllkbhrct `‛cquhstc pcrîlksk.

    Xfc igfsikêfikc pglåtkic ës pclpcblh tcft hf hl sk `h lc sgikhtct, ige hf hl sk`‛ufc ihrtc prhesc hsirktc k sgbrhtgt c trcvës `h lhs xcrxhs sgikcls.

    Ës `koåikl ecfthfkr uf igebct ohekfkstc hf ufc sgikhtct pctrkcricl gf hl phs`h lc trc`kikù ës hficrc eglt ogrt. Hl igebct ohehfå ës ufc cpgstc pglåtkic ksgikcl eës mrcf quh pgt shrvkr `h ictclktzc`gr, fg gbstcft ckxò, hl ohekfksehfg pgt sgluikgfcr sk l‛hftgrf pglåtki k sgikcl sùf kfhstcblhs, cquhsts ôltkes sgfkfilôs ceb orhqüêfikc prgpkiks c lc `ksirkekfcikù.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc c Ictclufyc, eës `h 9> cfys Q 2? U

    EGFPYH IHR_HRC@ @ / I L @




    “Hl shftkt `hl ohekfkseh hstî llkmct c lc igfstktuikù `‛ufcclthrfctkvc pglåtkic quh igftheplk lc ffi `h lc subgr`kfcikù k l‛hxiluskùckxå ige lc `hscitkvcikù `‛k`hftktcts jhthrgfgrectkvhs― 

    Rgsc Igbg

    eës `h 9> cfys `‛kfsubgr`kfcikù k

    ciikù igftrc hl pctrkcrict

    L‛cicbcehft `h lc `kitc`urc phr egrt fcturcl `hl `kitc`gr vc ecricr hlfckxhehft `‛ufc `hegirîikc pcitc`c ceb hls jhrhus `hl orcfqukseh quh vc

    igf`kikgfcr `‛hftrc`c lhs îfskhs `h llkbhrtct `h tgtc lc rhskstêfikc cl orcfquksehk hftrh hllhs lc `hls ohekfksehs.

    Eclmrct tgt ës hf cquhsths ikriuestîfikhs quh hl egvkehft ohekfkstccpcrhkx, rhilcec tgtc lc llkbhrtct phr c lhs `gfhs k s‛keplkic hf lc igfstruiikù`‛ufc fgvc sgikhtct.

    ^crtåhe `‛ufc mhfhclgmkc `h `gfhs, lhs eës keeh`kcths lhs `h lc Rhpôblkic,quh lc mrcf ecdgrkc fg igfhkxåhe fk jcvåhe tkfmut l‛gpgrtufktct `h shmukr, `h lc

    ocltc cbsglutc `h `rhts k `‛ufhs igfihpikgfs ohkxksths sgbrh hl llgi `h lhs `gfhsc lc sgikhtct, `h subeksskù cls jgehs (quh tcepgi thfkhf lc ecdgrkc `hls `rhts),`h lc prhsêfikc cbsglutc `h lc rhlkmkù ictòlkic c lhs hsiglhs. ^hrò igeptîvheceb tgtc lc lkthrcturc `h lc shmgfc gfc`c `hl ohekfkseh c fkvhll hurgphu k fgr`cehrkiî, quh hstcvc trc`uç`c k `kogsc hf lc rhskstêfikc orcfqukstc phr `gfhs k`kvhrsgs mrups c pcrtkr `hl ?>.

    Hf rhsue, lhs `gfhs hrhf phl rêmke g ecrhs rhprg`uitgrhs `h ffills c trcvës`h lc oceålkc k hl ectrkegfk g gbdhiths shxucls phls jgehs. Fg ërhe subdhiths`h icp `rht, k lc oceålkc pctrkcricl hrc hl `hstå fcturcl `h lhs `gfhs sgtehshs clecrkt shfsh icp `rht c `hik`kr. K icstkmc`hs phr c quclshvgl `hsvkcikù ceb llhks

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 2= U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    rhprhssgrhs quh supgscvhf prhsù, ecrmkfcikù k hxiluskù (phr c`ulthrk, shxuclktctllkurh, lhsbkcfkseh, prgstktuikù, cvgrtcehft, hti.).

    Lhs fgstrhs cpgrtcikgfs k lhs fgstrhs ̀ kffiiultctsRhilcecr ufc vhu pròpkc, `gfcr-fgs cutgrktct k vkskbklktzcr-fgs dufths c trcvës

    `h lhs dgrfc`hs, jcf hstct ufc `h lhs hkfhs eës utklktzc`hs phr `gfcr-fgs ogríck hxplkicr lhs fgstrhs k`hhs, phr cicbcr ceb hl llhmct `hl orcfqukseh igftrc lhs`gfhs.

    Lhs prkehrhs Dgrfc`hs Ictclcfhs vcf shr, shmgfs ecfkohstîvhe llcvgrs, “hlprkehr kfthft ufktcrk `‛grmcfktzcikù igl•lhitkvc `hsprës `h 0> cfys `h sklhfik

    ogríct, mrîikhs c lc egbklktzcikù `h `kohrhfts mrups `h `gfhs `h `kvhrshsk`hglgmkhs, hxtrciikù sgikcl, gffiiks k igfihpikù ohekfkstc― k hfs trgbîrhe 0>>>`gfhs .

    K cquhst fckxhehft `hl quê tgths hfs shftke jhrhvhs jc ecrict pgsktkvc-ehft lc fgstrc trcdhitòrkc ufktîrkc, eclmrct hls `hshfigftrhs, `hbcts, irksks ktrhficehfts. Hsphikclehft phrquê tgths lhs `gfhs quh pcrtkikpcrhe shftkhehf lc pròpkc phll quh dufths pg`åhe rhiuphrcr hl prgtcmgfkseh `h lc fgstrcjkstòrkc, tgt k quh vce tcr`cr ufc ekic c rhigfêkxhr-fgs ige c `kvhrshs.

    Lhs cpgrtcikgfs `hl ohekfkseh `h lc trcfskikù (3;=8-3;:2) eës kepgrtcftsjcf hstct hf rhlcikù c `gs mrcfs thehs, hl igs k lc shxuclktct `h lhs `gfhs kl‛cutgfgekc phrsgfcl k `hl egvkehft, quh hfs vcf phrehtrh igfstrukr-fgs igec egvkehft prgpk, ige c subdhiths ̀ h lc fgstrc jkstòrkc, k quh vglkhf trcfsehtrhuf gr`rh fgu k cicbcr k hfsgrrcr hl llhmct `hl ohkxkseh. “Lg phrsgfcl ës pglåtki―.Igfstrukr ufc fgvc k`hftktct `h `gfc. Hvk`hftehft tcebë igftrc tgths lhs`ksirkekfcikgfs k ceb fgvhs prgpgsths hf tgts hls thehs.

    Lhs `gfhs jcvåhe hstct `hspgsshç`hs `hls fgstrhs igssgs. @hls mrups`‛cutgigfsikêfikc pcsshe c `hbcts eës ecsskus quh hfs pgrthf c pcrlcr `hshxuclktct llkurh, `rht cl prgpk igs, ecthrfktct llkurh, `rht cl plchr, cftkigfihpikùk cvgrtcehft. Hf cquhst prgiës ës gf hs igfstruhkx ufc k`hftktct `h “shr `gfc―hforgftc`c― ilcrcehft ceb hl llhmct orcfqukstc k fcikgfcl ictòlki, phrquê fgfgeës hs rhilcec skfù quh hs prcitkic. Fg jk jc ecrxc hfrhrh.

    Cquhstc ës ufc cpgrtcikù icb`cl c lc igfstruiikù ̀ ‛ufc ̀ hegirîikc quh ig-

    ehfícvc ceb lc k`hc ̀ h ohr ufc igfstktuikù k c pcrtkr ̀ ‛cquå llhks fgvhs. ̂ hrquêtgts cquhsts `hbcts prkehr vcf ohr quh eglths `gfhs prhfmuësske igfsikêf-ikc `h fgscltrhs ecthkxhs, `hls fgstrhs igssgs k `h lc fgstrc llkbhrtct k c pcrtkr

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc c Ictclufyc, eës `h 9> cfys Q 2: U

    `‛cquå rhilceîvhe quh ckxò hs plcseës c tgt crrhu, dc quh ërhe eës ̀ h ehktct`h lc pgblcikù.

    Lc Igfstktuikù vc shr lc prkehrc gpgrtufktct phr`u`c `‛cquhst icfvk `h“rêmke―. Lc ecdgrkc `h mrups ohekfksths vcf vgtcr hf igftrc g hs vcf cbsthfkrecfkohstcft lhs shvhs `ksirhpîfikhs hf rhlcikù c lhs igshs eës hlhehftcls quhjcvåhe prgpgsct c tgts hls ecfkohstgs. Eclmrct quh hs vkf`kicvc lc kmucltct `h`rhts, sh shmukc ceb lc prgthiikù `h lc oceålkc, fg hs mcrcftkc lc igh`uicikù fkl‛hsiglc pôblkic gblkmctòrkc k hf hl thec `h l‛cvgrtcehft hs prgpgscvc quh tgthslhs phrsgfhs thfhf `rht c lc vk`c.

    K hl prkehr cprhfhftctmh `‛cquhstc sktucikù vc shr igfstctcr `uhs igshs4 lc ocltc

    `‛cutgrktct quh hfs `gfcvhf hls pcrtkts pglåtkis, quh igftkfucvhf igfsk`hrcft hls`rhts ̀ h lhs ̀ gfhs ige quhlige shiuf`crk, ige c egfh`c ̀ h icfvk ̀ hls shus pciths...

    ^rkehr sh‛fs `hkhf sheprh lhs qühstkgfs mhfhrcls k `hsprës lhs `h lhs `gfhs (quh fg

    ogrec pcrt `hl prkfikpcl4 ës c `kr `h lc vk`c `h lhs phrsgfhs k `hl plcfhtc quh `kråhe

    crc), k l‛cltrh quh lc rhvgluikù fg hstcvc c lc icftgfc`c k jcuråhe ̀ h mucfycr ic`cphtkt hspck `‛cutgfgekc k llkbhrtct `hs `h fgscltrhs ecthkxhs, ic`c `kc.

    Lc trcfskikù fg rhiull lhs cpgrtcikgfs `h lhs `gfhs, k ffifs k tgt hficrc cvuk hf

    hls thxtgs `h bclcfí fg hs `hstcquhf, phrò he sheblc eglt kepgrtcft quh ufbcmctmh “ufktcrk― `hls ohekfksehs `h lc trcfskikù vcmk pg`hr shr uf vgt igftrclc igfstktuikù g clehfys l‛cbsthfikù, skmfkffiicvc uf “fg hf fge fgstrh― egltkepgrtcft.

    Icp trcfskikù quh hs ocik shfsh ̀ hpurcr k hxkmkr rhspgfscbklktcts c lhs phrsgfhs`h l‛cftki rêmke, hxêrikts, prgpkhtcts, pglkikhs, dutmhs hti., pgt mcrcftkr lc llkbhrtct`‛ufs pgblhs k sk fk tcf sgls rhiull hl shftkr `h mrups grmcfktzcts ige hl ohekfkstchf lhs igshs eës hlhehftcls, cquhstc `hegirîikc fg igehfíc bë k crc shmuke

    pcmcft tgts cquhsts hrrgrs.

    Xfc cltrc `h lhs cpgrtcikgfs kepgrtcfts vc shr l‛cutggrmcfktzcikù `hlegvkehft, k lc shvc cutgfgekc k kf`hphf`êfikc ̀ hls pcrtkts pglåtkis k ̀ hls jgehs,`hl `rht c rhufkr-fgs shfsh jgehs. _cf fëkxhr hspcks `h `gfhs ige ufc llkbrhrkcohekfkstc k uf bcr, eës hf`cvcft ufc h`ktgrkcl, rhvksths, hti. k vcf igehfícrhls `hbcts sgbrh kf`hphf`hfts, rc`kicls, `gblhs eklktcfts (Mrcfc`c =;) quh vcfprg`ukr rupturhs k thfskgfs phrò tcebë irhkxhehft phrsgfcl kepgrtcft, sgbrh

    quh vglkhf `kr lhs sgrgrktcts k igeplkiktcts hftrh `gfhs quh hs vcf ecfthfkr hfeglts `hls icsgs hf clmufs thehs.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 2; U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    Hf cquhstc êpgic `h trcfskikù lhs ogrehs `h lluktc k lhs mcfhs quh lc fgstrcvhu hs ohs shftkr hfs vc pgrtcr giupcr hl icrrhr `h ecfhrc mckrhbë phrecfhft4ecfkohstcikgfs, igfihftrcikgfs, giupcikgfs, hfic`hfcehfts k `hscfficehfts

    `h tgtc ehfc phr hxplkicr hl quh vglåhe. Fg ës quh ogsskf ogrehs fgvhs g eglt`kohrhfts `h lhs quh jcvkhf utklktzct lhs suorcmksths g cltrhs egvkehfts sgikclsphrò hrhf lhs fgstrhs ogrehs phr crtkiulcr hl egvkehft, mcrcftkr lc fgstrcvkskbklktct k cigfshmukr duståikc k ufc cltrc ecfhrc `h prgdhitcr lc sgikhtct `hloutur.

    Igehfíîvhe c prcitkicr lc `hsgbh`kêfikc ikvkl fg vkglhftc tgt k quh fg hfpcrlîvhe mckrh. K ckxò jg pg`he vhurh hf lc ecdgrkc `‛ciikgfs `hl egvkehft,

    quh he sheblc ufc cpgrtcikù keprhsikf`kblh phr cvcfícr hf ufc `hegirîikcpcrtkikpctkvc.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc c Ictclufyc, eës `h 9> cfys Q 9> U

    Ige quh ës kepgsskblh ohr crc uf rhigrrhmut phr tgts hls scbhrs k cpgrtcikgfs`hl ohekfkseh, `hstcicrë ufs qucfts quh he sheblhf kepgrtcfts phròquh fg thfhf gr`rh fk `h prkgrktct fk `h rhlhmcikù `hls cltrhs, skfù quh jhe

    cfct igfstrukft dufths phr cfcr bcstkft cquhstc clthrfctkvc pglåtkic `hs `hl‛hxphrkêfikc `h lhs `gfhs.

    Cmcog hl ffil ̀ h lhs Dgrfc`hs hf quê jhe pcrtkikpct phrquê jcf hstct vhrktcblhslcbgrctgrks `h scbhrs `h lhs `gfhs. Hl rhigfhkxhehft `h lc `kvhrsktct `h lhs`gfhs, `h lc `kvhrsktct k`hglòmkic k pglåtkic k `‛hspcks `kohrhfts. Rhigfêkxhr lhscpgrtcikgfs `h `gfhs ceb cltrhs prgpgsths, `‛cltrhs iulturhs, h`cts, k ohr `‛ckxòquhlige vcluùs, quh sh‛fs `hkxhs `h iktcr ige “lc `gfc― k hs rhigfhmuës quh hl

    ohekfkseh thfkc uf subdhith plurcl, `kvhrs quh pg`kc igfvkurh k `hscutgrktzcr hlpctrkcrict `hs `h `kvhrshs thgrkhs, prgih`êfikhs k prîitkquhs. Fk lc kmucltct cebhls jgehs pctrkcricls, fk hftrh fgscltrhs.

    Hls ohekfksehs jcvkhf rh`hsigbhrt k rh`hffifkt lc fgstrc shxuclktct, lc fgstrcvk`c, hl fgstrh igs k hstcvhf icfvkcft hl iurs `h lc jkstòrkc. Rhigfêkxhr ufegvkehft rki k plurcl, ehfys vkskblh sgikclehft phrò crrhlct hf lhs ciikgfs `hic`c `kc `h eklhrs k eklhrs `h `gfhs quh fg jcvkhf tgrfct c lc ilh`c pctrkcricl.Fg hfickxîvhe `gfis hf shr uf cpcrtct `gfc `h lhs kfstktuikgfs pctrkcricls.

    ^gthfikcr lhs rhlcikgfs hftrh lhs `gfhs  k rhkvkf`kicr cquhstc rhlcikù ige lcpglåtkic `h lhs `gfhs. Ës c `kr pcrtkikpcr hf hl prgiës `h icfvk k trcfsogrecikù`h lc sgikhtct `hs `hl “rhigfhkxhehft `h lc `kohrêfikc k `h l‛cpgrtcikù hsphiåffiic`‛ufc pglåtkic fg `hsvkfiulc`c `h lc vk`c juecfc, lc shvc iurc k lc iurc `hlplcfhtc “.

    Hls thehs ihftrcls fgus sùf c lc rh`hffifkikù `h trhbcll k l‛cpcrkikù `hsgsthfkbklktct quh eës hf`cvcft tcebë mrîikhs c ^rhicrkcs c lc `hrkvc

    cfgehfcrhe “Iurc`cfkc―, pgscft cl ihftrh `h lhs fgstrhs prgpgsthscftkpctrkcricls k cftkicpktclksths (tgrfc hl thec `hl =>) hl thec `h lc iurc k lcfhihssktct `h rhgrmcfktzcr tgtc lc sgikhtct  pcrtkft `h lc fgstrc igfihpikù `hIkutc`cfkc, rhlcikgfct tcebë ceb lhs prgpgsths `h pcikffiseh k cftkeklktcrkseh`h lc xcrxc kfthrfcikgfcl `h `gfhs `h fhmrh igftrc lc muhrrc k lhs vkglêfikhs.

    Fg thfåhe prgpgsths mlgbcls igeplhths phrò scbåhe bë quh jcvåhe`‛grmcfktzcr lc sgikhtct pgscft cl ihftrh lc vk`c `h lhs `gfhs k hl plcfhtc, k ceb

    ufc igfihpikù `h fg shpcrcikù `hl trhbcll prg`uitku `hl rhprg`uitku. Icl`rkcphfscr hf ufs cltrhs vclgrs, hf ufc cltrc grmcfktzcikù sgikcl, hf ufc `hegirîikcpcrtkikpctkvc fgvc.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 93 U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    C lhs Dgrfc`hs `hl 2>>?, ceb hl “lhs `gfhs scbhe ohr k ohe scbhr―, rhigllke `‛ufc

    bcf`c lc mhfhclgmkc quh hfs vc phrehtrh hl rhtrgbcehft k rhigfhkxhehft ceb lhsfgstrhs cvcftpcssc`hs k hf igfirht ceb lhs “@gfhs `hl 9?“, phr prgdhitcr icp cl outur

    quh uf cltrh eùf ës pgsskblh k keprhsikf`kblh. @‛cltrc bcf`c lc sgsthfkbklktct, quhrhiull tgt hl quh lhs `gfhs ohe, `hs `h lc ikutct k `hl plcfhtc. K phr ôltke l‛hkx `h lcvkglêfikc k lc llkbhrtct, quh ̀ hs `h lc ̀ hfôfikc k thstkegfk ̀ h lhs vkglêfikhs igftrhs lhs`gfhs hfs pgrtc c lhs rhskstêfikhs k prgdhiths phrsgfcls k igl•lhitkus ̀ ‛hxhrikr lc llkbhrtct

    lhs `gfhs .

    @hs `h Ic lc @gfc, shu k hspck `‛kfsubeksskù k rhlcikù, k ceb tgths lhs fgstrhsigftrc`kiikgfs, k clts k bckxgs, hsthe kfthftcft kepulscr cquhst ohekfksehkfsubeås, pgthfikcft lc trgbc`c k cutgrktct `hls mrups `h `gfhs cutòfgehs, `hlhsbkcfhs k trcfs, `gfhs `‛cltrhs egvkehfts sgikcls, `‛hspcks giupcts , k tcebë`‛clmufhs `gfhs iòeplkihs hf clmufhs kfstktuikgfs k trcfsogrecr-lg hf ciikùpglåtkic, ceb prgdhith pglåtki trcfsogrec`gr phr c tgtc lc sgikhtct.

    Kfvhftcft k rhirhcft fgvhs ogrehs `‛kfthrshiikù ceb cltrhs egvkehfts, ohftprîitkic `h lhs xcrxhs cftkcutgrktîrkhs k `h rhlcikù hf lhs quh hsthe ffiic`hs. Xffg-llgi gf tgths trgbhe hl fgstrh hspck `hs ̀ hls ecrmhs ̀ hl sksthec phr icfvkcr-jg tgt.

    Yge igfsikhfts quh hsthe hf ekfgrkc hf lc fgstrc sgikhtct, quh cfhe cigftrcigrrhft k ckxò c vhmc`hs hfs pcrclktzc k hfs igfogf phrò shmuke corgftcfthl rhpth phrquê hf ckxò hfs vc lc vk`c. Yhr ohekfkstc crc ës eës fhihsscrk quheck, dc quh sheblc quh tgrfhe cl =>, sgrtkft `‛ufc `kitc`urc, gf shmukerhilcecft hl `rht c `hik`kr sgbrh lhs fgstrhs vk`hs k hls fgstrhs igssgs, phrò sgeeglths eës quh qucf igehfíîvhe.

    Yk hl fgstrh cocfy ës `hscitkvcr hl pg`hr quh lhmktkec hl pctrkcrict phr busicr

    hspck phr ceplkcr lhs fgstrhs k`hhs, phr icfvkcr lc sgikhtct phr prgvgicr uf icfvkjhe `h `gfcr cutgrktct c tgths lhs `gfhs quh hstkmukf hf cquhstc gbstkfcikùufkft lhs fgstrhs ogrihs phrò tcebë `hkxcft quh ic`c mrup, ocik lhs shvhspròpkhs prgpgsths.

    ^hfshe quh ige `ku Cfc Bgsij tcebë jhe `h pg`hr krrgeprh hf cquhstshspcks ceb lhs fgstrhs prgpgsths fg phr lhmktkecr skfù phr igftcekfcr c cltrhs`gfhs shfsh shmukr hls shus rktehs fk lc shvc `kfîekic kfthrfc, phr `gfcr c

    igfêkxhr lhs fgstrhs prgpgsths shfsh hsiclhs fk pgsskbklksehs skfù cfcft c l‛crrhl`hls prgblhehs quh hfs plcfthmhf.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc c Ictclufyc, eës `h 9> cfys Q 92 U

    ^hr c fgscltrhs lc pcrtkikpcikù pglåtkic `hl ohekfkseh vh `hs `h eglts hspcks`hl qugtk`kî, ̀ h ic`c ̀ gfc hf lc shvc vk`c, ̀ hl shu citkvkseh k ̀ hls shus trhbclls,`hls mrups grmcfktzcts k `hsgrmcfktzcts, `h lhs igeplkiktcts, lhs egbklktzcikgfs

    k hl rhsphith c lhs prgpgsths k clthrfctkvhs quh cfhe igfstrukft c lc prîitkicceb lc k`hc `h pgscr hf hl ihftrh lc vk`c juecfc k lc `hl plcfhtc qucf pcrlhe`‛higfgekc, `h trhbclls, `‛grmcfktzcikù `hls theps, `h shxuclktct, `h `rhts, `hpcu, hti., phr cicbcr k `hslhmktkecr hl pctrkcrict.

    Eclmrct lhs igftrc`kiikgfs k shfsh ehfysprhcr hls rksigs, pg`he busicrsgrtk`hs k trgbcr sgluikgfs pcrtkikpctkvhs ffifs k tgt hf hspcks kfstktuikgfclspuftuclehft, sk fg gblk`he lhs fgstrhs crrhls, sk rhigfhkxhe hl fgstrh prgpk

    vclgr k lhs fgstrhs ecfhrhs `h ohr lc fgstrc pròpkc cmhf`c ceb eglths cltrhs`gfhs.

    ^hrò hl ogfcehftcl `h lc fgstrc ciikù k citkvktct hstcrî sheprh hfogic`c hfhls `hbcts k prgpgsths k ciths quh shrvhkxkf phr thfkr c l‛jgrktzù quh uf cltrheùf ës pgsskblh k quh lc prgpgstc `hl ohekfkseh ës ufc prgpgstc phr cl igfduft`h lc sgikhtct, quh fg ës ufc rhogrec `h lhs llhks k hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs sk fgshrvhkx phr pgscr ̀ h icp phr cvcll ̀ hs ̀ h lc fgstrc hxphrkêfikc c cquhst sksthecceb lhs prgpgsths quh cfhe thkxkft, hsphrcft hl egehft eës gpgrtô phr ohr-

    jg irhçblh k pgsskblh, quh sheprh ës crc ecthkx.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 99 U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs








    Cls `crrhrs 2-9 cfys, hf hl igfthxt `h l‛Hstct hspcfygl, k tcebë hf hl igfthxtictclî, hls ohekfksehs jcf dumct uf prgtcmgfkseh rhllhvcft hf ohfòehfspglåtkis `‛ceplk cbcst, hf igfirht hl 38-E g egvkehft kf`kmfct k lc prgpgstckf`hphf`hftkstc c Ictclufyc4 `gs ohfòehfs eglt `kohrhfts quh, fg gbstcftckxò, igepcrthkxhf lc icrcithråstkic `‛jcvhr hstct icpcígs `h egbklktzcr cîeplkhs icphs `h lc sgikhtct k `h qühstkgfcr, hficrc quh `h ogrec bhf `kohrhft,l‛grmcfktzcikù k hstruiturc pglåtkquhs hspcfyglhs.

    Cquhsths ̀ uhs hxphrkêfikhs igkfik`hkxhf hf uf oht kepgrtcft4 hls ohekfksehss‛jcf oht prhshfts hf hl ecri `h egvkehfts eës ceplks, lhs rhkvkf`kicikgfs `hlsqucls fg prhfhf ige c hkx ihftrcl hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs fk hl qühstkgfcehft`h lhs rhlcikgfs `h pg`hr pctrkcricls, skfù lc sktucikù `h irksk higfòekic, lcocllk`c `hls shrvhks pôblkis mcrcfts `hl bhfhstcr sgikcl g hl `hsirê`kt `h lc ilcssh

    pglåtkic, hf hl prkehr ics1 k lc fhihssktct `h rupturc pglåtkic k thrrktgrkcl hf hlshmgf ics.

    Hl egvkehft 38E

    Hl 38E, egvkehft quh jc hstct icpcí `‛cmlutkfcr `h ogrec eës g ehfyshspgftîfkc hl `hsigfthftcehft sgikcl `cvcft lc kepgrtcft irksk higfòekic quhiglphdcvc k shmuhkx igphdcft l‛Hstct hspcfygl, `cvcft lhs rhtcllc`hs igftkfuc`hs`h prhstcikgfs sgikcls k shrvhks pôblkis, `cvcft l‛cehfcíc `h ecdgrs cdustgsprhssupgstcrks g l‛kfirhehft `h lhs citucikgfs rhprhsskvhs. Cquhst egvkehftjc tkfmut ufc icrcithråstkic pcrtkiulcr, quh l‛jc igfvhrtkt hf uf hs`hvhfkehft

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc c Ictclufyc cituclehft Q 90 U

    jkstòrki, ige c eåfke hf lc jkstòrkc `hls ôltkes 98 cfys c l‛Hstct hspcfygl4 jchstct uf egvkehft shfsh lå`hrs, eultktu`kfcrk k cssheblhcrk, bcsct hf l‛giupcikùk rhcprgpkcikù `‛uf hspck pôblki ic`c vhmc`c eës prkvctktzct k fgrectkvktzct,

    shfsh prgmrcec pglåtki prêvkcehft ̀ hffifkt, ceb uf ̀ ksiurs k ufc ciikù igfstruçtsigl•lhitkvcehft, jc hstct c lc rhihric igfstcft `h ogrehs `h `hegirîikc

    `krhitc, jc hstct ufc cpgstc phr lc trcfsogrecikù sgikcl `hs `h l‛jgrktzgftclktctk hl qühstkgfcehft `h pg`hr, `hs `h lc rhiuphrcikù `hls hspcks pôblkis ige cllgis `h trgbc`c k `h igfstruiikù igeufktîrkc.

    Hf cquhstc pcrtkiulcr ogrec `h ohr, hls ohekfksehs, jcf rhigllkt lhs `hecf`hsk `kohrêfikhs `‛cfys `‛hxphrkêfikc, ceb `gfhs, lhsbkcfhs k trcfs ige c

    prgtcmgfksths1 hls ohekfksehs jcf hstct icpcígs `h ohr-sh vkskblhs, `‛giupcr ufhspck c lhs plcihs, ̀ h prhf`rh prgtcmgfkseh hf lhs cssheblhhs, ̀ h pgskikgfcr lhsqühstkgfs rhlctkvhs cl mêfhrh, c lc shxuclktct k c lhs `ksirkekfcikgfs hsphiåffiquhssgohrths phr lhs `gfhs hf hl `ksiurs k l‛cmhf`c mhfhrcls `hl egvkehft4 prhfhftlc pcrculc hf ic`c cssheblhc, trhbcllcft `hs `h mrups fg ekxts phr cprgouf`krhf rhflhxkgfs k `hsprës kfigrpgrcr-lhs cl egvkehft mhfhrcl, giupcft uf hspck`hstcict hf ecfkohstcikgfs g ohft-sh pròpkhs ciikgfs mhfhrcls `hl 38-E (phrhxheplh, uf Fg ̂ cmuhe Ohekfkstc ’ës c ̀ kr, ufc “iglc`c― hf hl trcfspgrt pôblki

    quh fg hs lkektc c `hfufikcr lc pudc`c `hl prhu `hl bktllht skfù quh vkskbklktzcl‛kepcith quh hl prhu prkvctku të hf lhs `gfhs, prkfikpcls usuîrkhs `hl ecthkx).

    Hf hl 38-E lhs ohekfksths jhe pgmut cpgrtcr ufc jkstòrkc ciueulc`c `hqühstkgfcehft `hl pg`hr pctrkcricl k ohr-lc hxtrcpglcblh cl qühstkgfcehft`hl pg`hr pglåtki1 jhe fg`rkt lc rhflhxkù sgbrh lc vkglêfikc `‛hstct c pcrtkr `hl‛hxphrkêfikc `‛ufc llcrmc lluktc igftrc lc vkglêfikc ecsilkstc. Hls ohekfksehs,tcebë, s‛jcf fg`rkt `h lhs llukths phr lc scfktct, l‛h`uicikù, cftkrrciksths, phrlc trcfsogrecikù `hl eg`hl sgikcl, pglåtki k higfòeki. Hf `hffifktkvc, hl 38-E

    vc supgscr, k shmuhkx supgscft ’crc hf hls eôltkplhs mrups k igl•lhitkus hfhls qucls jc cfct eutcft hl egvkehft’ ufc kfthrhsscft cpgstc `‛crtkiulcikù`‛ceplks egvkehfts sgikcls, hftrh hls qucls prhf uf prgtcmgfkseh kepgrtcfthl ohekfkseh.

    Crc bë, pcssct hl egehft kfkikcl `‛hsilct k `‛huoòrkc, rhtgrfc`c lc vkc pôblkicc lc shvc cpcrhft iclec, qukf ës l‛cprhfhftctmh quh ige c ohekfksths hfs jhehf`ut7 Sukfs rhpths sh‛fs plcfthmhf7 Ige shmukr-fgs iggr`kfcft ceb cltrhs

    mrups hf ekl orgfts igeufs7 Ige igftkfucr ohft-fgs vkskblhs cls icrrhrs7 G ekllgr,`kt, ige ohr quh hl icrrhr shmuhkxk shft hl fgstrh llgi `h trgbc`c k igfstruiikù`hegirîtkic7 @h egehft `hkxg cquå lhs prhmufths sgbrh hl 38-E.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 98 U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    Hl prgiës kf`hphf`hftkstc c Ictclufyc

    E‛kfthrhssc crc hftrcr hf l‛cltrh mrcf ohfgehf pglåtki quh jhe vksiut ’kigftkfuhe vkvkft’ hf hl igfthxt ictclî4 hl `h lc kf`hphf`êfikc `h Ictclufyc,ecthrkclktzct hf lc eh`kîtkic k rhkvkf`kictkvc ihlhbrcikù `h lc _kc Ictclcfc kl‛hfhrmkc ̀ h lc qucl sh ihftrc, cituclehft, hf hl rhohrêf`ue quh jc ̀ h phrehtrh

    c lc pgblcikù ictclcfc `hik`kr sgbrh hl shu outur `kfs g ogrc `h l‛Hstct hspcfygl.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


     L‛hxphrkêfikc c Ictclufyc cituclehft Q 9? U

    Ige c ohfgehf eultktu`kfcrk, kmucl quh hl 38-E, hl prgdhith `‛kf`hphf`êfikcrhufhkx c phrsgfhs k kfthrhssgs eglt `kvhrsgs, hl fhxh `‛ufkù `h lhs qucls ëshl `hskm `h rupturc ceb l‛Hstct hspcfygl. Ckxå, `kfs `hl egvkehft phr lc

    kf`hphf`êfikc trgbhe prgpgsths eglt `kvhrshs. Fg gbstcft ckxò, lc prgpgstcquh hfs kfthrhssc hf cquhstc dgrfc`c, irhi, ës lc quh plcfthdc l‛hsquhrrckf`hphf`hftkstc, quh sktuc, ige c eåfke hf hl `ksiurs, cl ecthkx fkvhll lhs`hecf`hs thrrktgrkcls ’kf`hphf`hftkseh’, `‛grmcfktzcikù sgikcl k higfòekic’sgikclkseh’, k `h lluktc igftrc hl pctrkcrict ’ohekfkseh’. Ckxå, lc prgpgstc `hl‛hsquhrrc kf`hphf`hftkstc plcfthdc hl ecri `h rupturc ige l‛gpgrtufktct phrigfstrukr ufc fgvc grmcfktzcikù sgikcl hf lc qucl l‛hrc`kicikù `h lhs rhlcikgfs`h pg`hr `h mêfhrh, lhs vkglêfikhs igftrc lhs `gfhs g l‛hquktct lcbgrcl skmukf

    csphiths ihftrcls, kfhlu`kblhs k vhrthbrc`grs `hl eg`hl `h sgikhtct quh hs`hsktdc cssglkr.

    Hl “pgskikgfcehft― `hl ohekfkseh ige ufc `h lhs trhs pgths prkfikpcls `hlprgdhith pglåtki `h l‛hsquhrrc kf`hphf`hftkstc fg ës icsucl, skfù quh rhspgf cufc llcrmc lluktc `h lhs ohekfksths kf`hphf`hftksths `kfs `hl egvkehft, c ufceklktîfikc thfyk`c `h lklc, c lc irhcikù `h igeksskgfs `h mêfhrh, c rhufkgfs,cssheblhhs k trgbc`hs fcikgfcls keprhmfc`hs `h igforgftcikù k hsogrí. @‛cltrcbcf`c, cquhsths ohekfksths fg fgeës trhbcllhf phr pgskikgfcr l‛hquktct `hmêfhrh k hls ̀ rhts shxucls hf hl sk ̀ h lhs shvhs grmcfktzcikgfs skfù quh busquhfhspcks `h trgbc`c, `h mhfhrcikù `h rhflhxkù, `h `ksiurs k `‛ciikù hftrh hllhsecthkxhs, vclmuk ige c hxheplh lc trgbc`c `h 2>> `gfhs, lhsbkcfhs k trcfs`h l‛hftgrf kf`hphf`hftkstc hl pcssct ehs `h fgvhebrh, hf lc ihlhbrcikù `hlhs K Dgrfc`hs Ohekfksths `hls ^cçsgs Ictclcfs, hf lhs qucls lhs pcrtkikpcftsvcf `hstcicr hl vkfilh hstrht hftrh ohekfkseh k thrrktgrk k lc fhihssktct quh hlegvkehft hstkmuk crrhlct hf pgblhs k ikutcts k crtkiulct c fkvhll fcikgfcl.


    @gs ohfòehfs pglåtkis k sgikcls rhihfts, hl 38-E k hl egvkehft phl rhohrêf`ueicp c lc kf`hphf`êfikc, quh prhshfthf icrcithråstkquhs eglt `kohrhfts, skfg gpgsc`hs, `gfis uf gptc phr lc pglåtkic ohtc cls icrrhrs, `hscirh`ktc lhskfstktuikgfs `h mgvhrf trc`kikgfcls k qühstkgfc hl vgt ige c hxhrikik rhclehft`hegirîtki, ehftrh quh l‛cltrh gptc phr lc vkc pcrlcehftîrkc k hl prgdhith

    `‛hstct ige c ogrec `‛cigfshmukr lhs shvhs rhkvkf`kicikgfs. K cljgrc, pgtshr, `gsohfòehfs fg tcf llufycfs, pgtshr hxksthkx hftrh hlls uf pgft, ige pgt shr lc

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Q 9= U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

    fhihssktct `h rhplcfthdcr cbsglutcehft l‛citucl ecri pglåtki, sgikcl k higfòekic trcvës `‛uf prgiës igfstktuhft. Hl prgiës igfstktuhft ës prhikscehft ufcprgpgstc c lc qucl s‛jcf suect, g sk eës fg cprgpct, mrups fcsiuts iclku `hl

    38-E k `h l‛hsquhrrc kf`hphf`hftkstc.

    ^hrò fg e‛kfthrhssc hf cquhst egehft hf`kfscr-eh hf hl prgiës igfstktuhft,fk hf hl pcphr quh hls ohekfksehs jcf dumct, dumuhf g pg`rkhf dumcr hf hll.Ykfù quh prhthfi egstrcr uf cltrh fhxh hftrh hls ohekfksehs `hl 38-E k hls `hlegvkehft kf`hphf`hftkstc4 l‛gpgrtufktct `h pgskikgfcr lc shvc cmhf`c pglåtkichf egehfts `h mrcf `hsigfthftcehft sgikcl, phrò tcebë `h mrcf rhihptkvktct1ës c `kr, lc icpciktct `‛kfthmrcr-sh hf hl igfthxt sgikcl `hl egehft k `hs `‛cquå

    ohr hxthfskblh lhs shvhs rhkvkf`kicikgfs c ufc mrcf ecssc iråtkic egbklktzc`c.^gtshr skmuk cquhst l‛cprhfhftctmh quh jcmuësske `‛hf`ur-fgs `hls

    ohekfksehs citucls7 _ce cprhf`rh eglt, k shmuke cprhfhft, `h lhs llukths phl`rht cl prgpk igs, `h lhs `kffiiultcts `h lc `gblh eklktîfikc, `h lhs igftrc`kiikgfshftrh hl egvkehft cutòfge `h `gfhs k lc kfstktuikgfclktzcikù `h lc kmucltct,`h lc bctcllc igftrc lhs vkglêfikhs ecsilksths, `hl qühstkgfcehft `h lc k`hc `h“`gfc― ufkvhrscl phrò hf rhclktct giik`hftcl, `h ilcssh ektdcfc k jhthrgshxucl.^gtshr crc hfs tgic cprhf`rh `hl igfthxt citucl, k phr quê fg7 Ige cffirec

    clmufc igepcfyc, kfcumurcr uf “ohekfkseh `‛hstcr-fh ocrths―, quh skmuk icpcí`h icfclktzcr tgt hl `hsigfthftcehft kephrcft k ocik prgpgsths quh vcmkf eëshfllî `hl prgmrcec ilîsski `hls ohekfksehs, quh kfik`hkxkf hf tgts hls îebkts`h lc sgikhtct, quh hs ocikf hxthfskblhs c tgts hls egvkehfts k igl•lhitkus phr lc

    trcfsogrecikù. Xfc vcmc pgtshr7 Xfc vcmc mhfhrcl igfvgic`c phr lhs `gfhs,quh vcmk eës hfllî `h l‛ctur `hl sksthec prg`uitku, ufc vcmc `h igfsue quhtcfquk ehricts, ufc vcmc `h trhbcll `geêstki, ufc vcmc `h trcfspgrts. Gufc cltrc igsc, ufc igsc fgvc, hficrc fg kfvhftc`c, quh prhfmuk l‛hspck k quh

    cmlutkfk c eultktu`s, quh kfvhfthe `hs `hls icrrhrs, gf hsphrhe quh shmukeohft pglåtkic k igfstrukft uf cltrc ogrec `h `hegirîikc.

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…




    Sukfs sùf hls hohiths `hlc rhlkmkù hf lhs `gfhs `hlEcmrhb7 

    Cl Ecrrgi hsthe igfstrukft llhks phr ogrícr cl mgvhrf quh skmfk lhs igfvhfikgfs

    kfthrfcikgfcls, jcregfktzcr lhs llhks ecrrgqukfhs ceb lhs igfvhfikgfs kfthrfcikgfcls,

    phrquê lc fgstrc sgikhtct ës eglt igfshrvc`grc. C lc rhlkmkù, hl thec `h lhs `gfhs ës

    tcbô, fg ës pgsskblh ohr icfvks c trcvës `h lc rhlkmkù, sgbrhtgt phrquê c lc sgikhtct jk

    jc egltc pgbrhsc k cfclocbhtkseh, ckxò oc eglt `koåikl kftrg`ukr c lhs fgstrhs k`hhs k

    lhs fgstrhs rhkvkf`kicikgfs. Rhquhrhkx eglts hsogrígs hls icfvks `h llhks phrò tcebë

    sgbrh hl thrrhfy fg ës fgeës quh icl icfvkcr lhs llhks, icl uf kepcith sgbrh lhs `gfhs,

    icl quh lhs `gfhs igeprhfmukf hllhs ecthkxhs tgt ckxò. Fgscltrhs kfthfthe kftrg`ukrc lhs `gfhs hf tgts hls egvkehfts, c lhs `gfhs våitkehs `h vkglêfikc quh hstkmukf

    ceb fgscltrhs qucf ohe ecfkohstcikgfs, cl `cvcft, quh fg skmuhe fgscltrhs lhs quh

    pcrlhe quh skmukf hllhs. Lhs kfilghe hf tgt cllò quh ohe. Tcjrc Gucr`k 

    I ge lc xcrxc ohekfkstc cl Ecmrhbhstî crrkbcft eës hfllî `h lhs ikutctsc zgfhs eës rurcls k ige s‛hstî igehfícft ctrhbcllcr hl thec `h lhs vkglêfikhs7 

    Jk jc llhks quh icl prcitkicr, dc quh thfke uf crshfcl `h llhks phrò c fkvhll `h lc shvc

    cplkicikù hs oc eglt `koåikl phrquê jk jc dutmhs k cltrhs phrsgfhs ceb ufc ehftclktct quh

    fg ciihptc hls iîrrhis ̀ h `hikskù. Fg ës oîikl cplkicr lhs llhks ige vglhe phr ckxò hsthe

    trhbcllcft ceb eglths cssgikcikgfs c l‛hstrcfmhr. ^hr hxheplh, cl Ecrrgi hl vkglc`gr

    pgt sclvcr-sh `hl iîstkm sk ciihptc icscr-sh ceb lc ehfgr quh jc vkglct. @cvcft `‛ckxò

    jhe oht ufc sgl•lkiktu` ceb ufc grmcfktzcikù quh jc rhigllkt eglths skmfcturhs, jheoht uf trkbufcl skebòlki `h `gfhs igftrc hls ectrkegfks `h lhs ehfgrs.

    ^rhmufths k Igehftcrks Q 9: U

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


      Pcebë cpgrtcft thstkegfks ige hl pcrhs `‛ufc `gfc dgvh quh hs vc suçik`cr k

    vce prhshftcr eës `‛3.8>>.>>> skmfcturhs cl pcrlcehft ecrrgquå. Fhihsskthe

    l‛hxphrkêfikc `‛cltrhs pcçsgs ige Hspcfyc ceb lc llhk igftrc lc vkglêfikc `h mêfhrh,

    crrhu `‛Hurgpc, hfs cdu`c phr quê ohe uf pcs hf`cvcft. Hl fgstrh mgvhrf të eglths

    rhshrvhs igftrc cquhsts icfvks k vglhf cfcr icp hfrhrh.

     Tcjrc Gucr`k 

    I ge hs plcfthdc `hs `hl egvkehftohekfkstc `hl Ecmrhb lc plcfkokicikùoceklkcr k ige pg`rkc icfvkcr tgt cquhst prgblhec `h l‛cbcf`gfcehft `hls oklls7 

    ^hr fgscltrhs, hl thec ̀ h lc plcfkffiicikù phr lc igftrcihpikù, vc shr l‛hstct quh ̀ hsprës

    `h lc kf`hphf`êfikc vc grmcfktzcr-jg, dc quh hs vc `gfcr ufc hxplgskù `hegmrîffiic

    gf tgtjge thfkc eglts ffills, `h oht crc jk jc uf =>% ceb ehfys `h 9> cfys k vkstc lc

    irksk higfòekic, lc ecfic `‛cllgtdcehft, l‛hstct t‛cfkec c hspckcr hls fckxhehfts. ^hrò

    sùf hlls hls quh hs bhfhffiikhf cl eîxke ̀ ‛cquhstc cphrturc pglåtkic, ̀ ‛cquhstc llkbhrtct

    `‛hxprhsskù. Jcf trhbcllct eglt l‛îebkt sgikcl, jcf hxplgtct lc eksêrkc sgikcl `h lc mhft

    k tgt ckxò jg jcf oht hls kslceksths. Lhs `gfhs s‛jcf `‛cpg`hrcr k hls kslceksths trhbcllhfceb l‛cssksthfikclkseh k hlls `kuhf quh fg s‛jc `h ohr plcfkffiicikù oceklkcr, quh jk jcurkc

    `‛jcvhr hl eîxke `h fhfs, quh l‛cvgrtcehft ës phict c lc fgstrc rhlkmkù.

    Sucf vhkm c lc ehvc igl•lhmc `h Pufåskc quh lluktc phr l‛cvgrtcehft... bë, c Clmêrkc jk

    jc ufc cssgikcikù eglt phtktc c l‛hst `hl pcås quh kfthftc pcrlcr-fh, phrò ës eglt `koåikl

    phrquê fg thfhf icp cdu`c. Icl ̀ kr tcebë quh jk jc jcmut uf icfvk ̀ h lc llhk quh rhmhkx

    lhs cssgikcikgfs k ës hficrc eës rhprhsskvc k rhstrkitkvc. Cbcfs quh hs pg`kc trhbcllcr

    ceb gfms kfthrfcikgfcls phrò crc icl ufc cutgrktzcikù `hl ekfksthrk `h l‛kfthrkgr quh

    `hecfc l‛cutgrktzcikù `hl ekfksthrk `‛cohrs hxthrkgrs. Phfhf 2 ehsgs ic`c ekfksthrkphr `gfcr ufc rhspgstc k fgscltrhs thfke ?> `khs phr prhshftcr rhiurs, phr tcft, tgts

    cquhsts gbstcilhs c`ekfkstrctkus kepgsskbklkthf c lc rhclktct cvcfícr rîpk`cehft.

    ^hr tcft, tcebë phl ohekfkseh k lhs cssgikcikgfs ohehfkfhs, ës kepgrtcft quh

    hxksthkxkf `gfhs ohekfksths quh trhfqukf ceb hls tcbôs k quh sgrprhfmukf (ige

    Ohehe, ige c hxheplh). Fhihsskthe cquhsths `gfhs quh hfs phrehthf pgskikgfcr-

    fgs, pgtshr ës ufc ekic hmgkstc phrò ckxò hfs phreht cvcfícr. Sucf jk jc mhft quh

    trhfic hls tcbôs, fgscltrhs cfhe c `crrhrh k lc mhft c lhs kfstktuikgfs k c lc pglåtkic ës

    ufc igsc kepgrtcftåsskec phrquê, cvuk phr cvuk qucf hls egvkehfts cssgikctkus k hlsrhprhshftcfts ̀ h lc sgikhtct ikvkl, fhihsskthe cquhsts pglåtkis.

    Q 9; U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Ës vhrktct, hsthe `kvk`kts phrò sheprh pg`he trgbcr pufts hf igeô phr pg`hr ohr

    Ygbrh l‛c`gpikù `h fhfs cl Ecrrgi jk jc cssgikcikgfs quh trhbcllhf ceb lhs ecrhs

    sglthrhs k quh llukthf phr `gfcr hls `rhts hls fhfs quh fg thfhf pcrh, phrò hl prgblhec

    ës quh hls kslceksths vhuhf quh cquhsts fhfs phr`rcf lc shvc rhlkmkù kslîekic, phrò lc

    sgikhtct ikvkl, lhs cssgikcikgfs ohekfksths hstcf c ocvgr `h l‛c`gpikù, sk tgt hstî hf rhmlc,

    phrò hls kslceksths s‛hstkehf eës quh hls fhfs hstkmukf ecltrcitcts k cbcf`gfcts hf

    igepths `‛cfcr ceb oceålkhs c Hurgpc k phr ckxò hxksthkx cquhst prgblhec.

     Tcjrc Gucr`k 

    Eglths mrîikhs phr lhs gbshrvcikgfs. _hkhe quh hls hsogrígs quh ohe k ës kepgrtcft

    igepcrtkr lhs hxphrkêfikhs. Jk jc cltrhs oòrues `h ohekfkseh, hl ohekfkseh hs

    trcfsogrec ceb hl theps, ige tgths lhs cltrhs k`hhs, hl ohekfkseh jc `h thfkr cltrhs

    ogrehs `h prhshftcr-sh phr `hohfscr ekllgr hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs. Sucf pcrlhe `hls

    `rhts `h lhs `gfhs, fg ës fgeës hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs, vkvke dufts k pcrlhe `h lc

    fgstrc hxphrkêfikc, pcrlhe `h `rhts phrquê sheprh hls `rhts hstcf cehfcícts, k

    sheprh rhiulhf hf llgi `h prgmrhsscr.^hl quh oc lc shxuclktct, shmgfs fgscltrhs, ige cssgikcikù, ës uf thec tcbô k icl

    pgscr `ceuft lc tculc cquhst thec, k jhe oht ceb lgbby ceb cltrhs cssgikcikgfs. Jhe

    trhbcllct hl igftrgl `h lc ohiuf`ktct `h ecfhrc rhspgfscblh, hl `rht cl plchr, cl bhfhstcr

    shxucl, c lc rhclktzcikù phrsgfcl, lc k`hc `h lc llkbhrtct `h lc pcrhllc, `h l‛grkhftcikù

    shxucl k lc vgluftct `h ic`c `gfc `h thfkr g fg rhlcikgfs shxucls.

    Yùf tgts cquhsts thehs quh jhe plcfthdct, dc quh ës eglt kepgrtcft thfkr cquhsts

    `rhts, quh hstkmukf c lhs llhks `h lc sgikhtct, c lhs llhks `h l‛hstct phrquê sùf `rhts

     c`qukrkts phrquê lhs `gfhs skmukf llkurhs, hstkmukf bë ceb hllhs ecthkxhs, sk vglhfigepcrtkr lc shvc vk`c ceb ufc `gfc g ceb uf jgeh g sk fg vglhf ceb fkfmô,

    `hl ;2 cl ;:, quh vc igehfícr lc igfiòr`kc ikvkl. L‛cefkstkc, ës ihrt, fg hrc mckrh

    pgsktkvc phrò hrc uf pcs gblkmctgrk, `h oht, hl rhohrêf`ue vc c shr cprgvct cl ;>%,

    lc mhft vc vgtcr phr lc pcu k crc hl egvkehft cssgikctku ohehfå cigfshmuke pgscr-

    fgs tgts plhmcts k `ksiutkr. Fg ës oîikl, phrquê ige `hkc, lc pglåtkic hfs `kvk`hkx phrò

    ic`csiufc ocrî lc shvc phtktc ohkfc. Cbcfs ceb l‛cftki pcrtkt ôfki, quh vc hstcr eës `h

    9> cfys cl pg`hr, fg hfs hfthfåhe bë, phrò hfs jhe c`gfct quh hrc ufc xkeplhrkc

    xgicr k hforgftcr-fgs ̀ krhitcehft, dc quh ës hl pcrtkt ecdgrktcrk cl pcrlcehft, phr tcft,

    hlls pg`hf ohr cvcfícr lhs fgstrhs rhkvkf`kicikgfs, phr tcft, kfthfthe ̀ ksiutkr eës ceb

    hlls, ohr sgl•lkiktu`s g prgdhiths `h llhk quh prhshfthe.

    @clklc Ectuquhfh

    ufc ekic hl iceå plhmcts. Ës hl quh jhe kfthftct ohr c Clmêrkc `hsprës `h lc trcmê`kc

    ^rhmufths k Igehftcrks Q 0> U

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    ës lc shvc hlhiikù, ckxò ës lc llkbhrtct shxucl k ckxò ës `hl quh jcf `h shr igfsikhfts

    k fgscltrhs ecthkxhs jhe `h shr igfsikhfts, `hl fgstrh igs.

    Ckxò ës eglt kepgrtcft phr quê tgts hls prgblhehs cl vgltcft `h lc shxuclktct,

    sgbrhtgt ceb hls kslceksths k hls sclcffisths k tgths lhs rhlkmkgfs, hl prgblhec ës hl igs

    `h lhs `gfhs k fg hl igs `hls jgehs. Cquå hsthe kfthricfvkcft k`hhs k hxphrkêfikhs k

    vglhe trgbcr ufc cltrc ogrec `h `hbctrh phr ekllgrcr lc sktucikù `h lhs `gfhs sgikg

    higfòekic, iulturcl, shxucl. Ykmukf qukfhs skmukf lhs llhks k lhs igf`kikgfs `h lc rhlkmkù,

    ës ufc cltrc ogrec, irhi dg, `h ohekfkseh.

    Iktg cquå l'hxheplh `h lhs Ohehf4 Cekfc vc c hstcr c lc prhsù k lhs cltrhs `gfhs

    quh vcf vhfkr `‛Xircçfc tcebë vcf shr `htkfmu`hs cl fgstrh pcås. ^hrò igftkfucrhe

    tgths ceb vgscltrhs k ceb tgths lhs `gfhs `hl eùf phrquê lc sktucikù ës lc ecthkxc

    c Ictclufyc, c Pufåskc, c Clmêrkc, c Zklh g Fkicrcmuc. ^hr tcft jhe `h rhogrícr lhs

    icpciktcts, ohr lgbbkfm, irhcr xcrxhs sgbrhtgt c l'hftgrf rurcl k ogrc `h lhs ikutcts phr

    hfogrtkr lhs fgstrhs k`hhs, phr igepcrtkr, phr `hohfscr lc fgstrc sktucikù k hls fgstrhs

    `rhts. Ës hl fgstrh `rht, hl `rht `h lhs `gfhs k cvuk hfs trgbhf cquå phr cquhst thec.

    Fhklc Tgmjlcek 

    Y‛jc pgsct eglt hl phs hf ige hls ig`ks `hoceålkc hstcf eglt ecricts phr ufc trc`kikùkslîekic. Hfthfi quh jk jcmk ufc lluktc igftrc uf kslcekseh

    eglt rhtrgmrc` phrò hficrc quh cigfshmuke sgikhtcts lckquhs,jk jc ufc sgikhtct pctrkcricl `h ogfs quh icl igebctrh k he prhmuftg4 qucf s‛jc cigfshmukt hl lcçikseh, quê pcssc ceb

    lc sgikhtct pctrkcricl quh jk jc `h ogfs7 

    C Clmêrkc tgths lhs llhks sùf ufc jhrêfikc ̀ h l‛hstct orcfiês, c hxihpikù ̀ hl quh ̀ hpêf

    `h lc oceålkc. ^hr c lc oceålkc jcf utklktzct lc rhlkmkù phl bhfhstcr `hls jgehs. ^hrò quh

    ffifs k tgt hls jgehs pcrlhf `hl ig`k `h lc `gfc phrquê hfs jcf pgsct llhks sgbrh quê

    jhe `h ohr. Jk jc eglths igshs quh s‛jcf trcfsogrect4 lc `gfc fg pg`kc `hecfcr hl

    `kvgrik, ogs hl quh ogs hl quh lk jcmuës pcssct, k sk jcvkc `h `hkxcr hl `gekiklk igfdumcl

    jcvkc `h vhfkr uf shirhtcrk du`kikcl phr igfstctcr hl quh jcvkc pcssct k hrc uf `kvgrik

    cbusku. @hs ̀ hl puft ̀ h vkstc ikutc`î ufc ̀ gfc pgt shr heprhsîrkc, pgt ohr igftrcithshigfòekis, pgt euftcr ufc heprhsc, pgt shr icf`k`ctc c lhs hlhiikgfs

    prhsk`hfikcls, `h oht thfke 2 g 9 `gfhs icf`k`cths. Crc bë, phl quh oc

    Q 03 U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    hl shu ectrkegfk, fg jg pgt ohr. Hl ig`k `h lc oceålkc ës uf igfduft `h llhks ohths phls

    jgehs k phr cls jgehs, prîitkicehft ës l‛ôfkic igsc c Clmêrkc quh hs rhmhkx ckxå. Pcl

    ige `hkc uf hsirkptgr clmhrkî4 icl eglt `h igrctmh phr shr `gfc c Clmêrkc.

    Jh cprês eglt sgbrh lhs rhkvkf`kicikgfs `hl 38E, quh vckm shmukr eglt hf `krhith, k

    jh trgbct eglts pufts hf igeô ceb lc prkecvhrc bhrhbhr `h Acbålkc, quh cbcfs fg

    jh hxplkict mckrh bë. Lhs rhkvkf`kicikgfs `hl 3;:> `h lc prkecvhrc bhrhbhr hrc ufc

    rhkvkf`kicikù k`hftktîrkc k rhkvkf`kicvc, fg fgeës lc llhfmuc ige llhfmuc fcikgfcl k

    gffiikcl quh ̀ hs ̀ hl 2>>8 ës llhfmuc fcikgfcl phrò hficrc fg ës gffiikcl, phr tcft lc lluktc

    igftkfuc ffifs cls fgstrhs `khs. Hls eklktcfts `‛cquhst egvkehft bhrhbhr sùf hls quh

    eës cdu`hf cl igebct `h lhs `gfhs k vhkm eglts pufts `h skeklktu` ceb hl vgstrh

    egvkehft phrquê sùf phrsgfhs, sùf eklktcfts quh sheprh jcf hstct cquå qucf lhs`gfhs grmcfktzcvhf quclshvgl igsc k sheprh hstcf cllî phr cdu`cr-fgs hf tgts hls

    îebkts. Irhi quh tcebë ës ihrt quh ës eglt `kohrhft ige vhkhu vgscltrhs lhs igshs k

    ige lhs vhkhe fgscltrhs k irhi quh cquhstc ehfc `‛hspcks `h `kîlhms hfs phrehthf

    gbrkr hls ulls sgbrh eglts csphiths. _gscltrhs hsthu cl puft `h rhflhxkgfcr lc ecfhrc

    `h vhurh lc ikutct ceb hls ulls `h ohekfkstc, phrò fgscltrhs hficrc hsthe lluktcft phls

    `rhts eës ogfcehftcls. C Clmêrkc fg rhkvkf`kquhe hficrc l‛cvgrtcehft, g pg`hr

    `kspgscr ̀ hl igs ige vulmuhe, ës ufc ̀ kohrêfikc hfgreh rhsphith hls pufts ̀ h lluktc.

    ^crlhu `h mrups ekxths g fg ekxths phrquê thfku l‛gpgrtufktct `‛hstcr eës c must,phrò hls kslceksths c fgscltrhs hfs gblkmuhf k hfs kepgshf lc fg ekxtkiktct. Fgscltrhs

    sge ufc cssgikcikù fgeës `h `gfhs k fg ciihpthe jgehs quh eklktkf ceb fgscltrhs,

    pg`he cdu`cr-fgs phrò fg pg`he shr sgiks, vglhe quh skmuk uf hspck phr fgscltrhs.

    ^hrò qucf hfs prhmufthf4 “sgu `gfhs `heòircths, eg`hrfhs ige ës quh fhmuhu

    quh jcmk jgehs cssgikcts7―. @gfis cquå jk jc ufc ekic `h lluktc, ës uf igebct eglt

    igftrc`kitgrk. Fgscltrhs ceb cltrhs cssgikcikgfs hsthe c uf cltrh fkvhll, ës kepgrtcft

    quh ic`c cssgikcikù s‛hsphikclktzk k shmukr lluktcft hf `kohrhfts orgfts.

    @clklc Ectuquhfh

     ^rhmufths k Igehftcrks Q 02 U

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Y‛jc trgbct ufc ekic c ocltcr `kfs

    `‛cquhstc tculc rg`gfc pgskikgfcehfts `hs `h lhs `gfhs`h lc vk`c pglåtkic pôblkic. Yùf pgskikgfcehfts quh fghstcf cl ecrmh `hl egvkehft ohekfkstc skfù quh kepulshfhl trhbcll phr cvcfícr eglt hf lc kmucltct hohitkvc `h `rhts k`h rhspgfscbklktcts, dc quh vglhe `rhts k vglhe gblkmcikgfs krhspgfscbklktcts. Ës kepgrtcft vhurh ige `hs `‛Hurgpc jhec`gptct pglåtkquhs `krhitrkus k rhiursgs higfòekis quh hfsjcf crrkbct k quh jcf shrvkt phr ohr uf trhbcll shrkùs ceb hl

    egvkehft ohekfkstc k ceb cltrhs egvkehfts. Ës kepgrtcftquh s‛cpgrtkf hls bcmctmhs quh hs pg`hf thfkr `hs `hl pg`hr,`hs `‛ufc rhmk`grkc, `hs `‛uf pcrlcehft g `hs `hl shfct, quh

    sùf hls 9 llgis gf dg jh pgmut trhbcllcr.

    Ës kepgrtcft `kfs `‛cquhstc plurclktctegstrcr cltrhs ecfhrhs `hl ohekfkseh k ige tcebë jk

    jc prîitkquhs trcfsogrec`grhs `hs `h lc prîitkic pglåtkicg ige jg kfthfthe `hs `h lc kfstktuikù. Hls prgdhiths`kfs `h lc kfstktuikù fg jcmuhrhf hstct pgsskblhs shfshl‛cigepcfycehft, hl bcmctmh k l‛cprhfhftctmh quh jhe oht `hlhs ̀ gfhs prhih`hfts k ̀ h lhs ̀ gfhs ohekfksths ̀ hl thrrktgrk. Jhe

     pgrtct lhs hxphrkêfikhs c lc fgstrc rhclktct phr trcfsogrecr kirhi quh tcebë s‛hstî kfthftcft trcfsogrecr `hs `h l‛hsquhrrck `hs `hl ohekfkseh ceb eglths cltrhs prîitkquhs, irhi quh

    cquhst bcmctmh tcebë s‛jcurkc `h igepcrtkr.

    Q 09 U _hus ohekfksths hf lc igfstruiikù `h `hegirîikhs pcrtkikpctkvhs

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…


    Yhfsh trhurh kepgrtîfikc c eglthsllukths phr igfquhrkr `rhts, rhsphith cl thec `h lc kmucltct,

     prgvgic rholhxkù ufc k`hc `h lc Dulkhtc ^crh`hs, bglkvkcfc`hl ohekfkseh igeufktcrk, Eudhrhs Irhcf`g Igeufk`c`,quh `ku quh lc kmucltct `h mêfhrh hs ufc kfvhfikù buk`c `higftkfmut pglåtki. ^hrquê `ku quh, kmucl quh fg hs pgt pcrlcr`‛kmucltcts `h ilcssh phrquê phr quê jk jcmk ilcsshs, jk jc`‛jcvhr `hskmucltcts, fg hs pgt pcrlcr `‛kmucltct `h mêfhrhqucf hl mêfhrh ës ufc igfstruiikù jkstòrkic quh s‛jc igfstruçtsgbrh l‛gprhsskù `h lhs `gfhs k sgbrh lc k`hc `h lc suphrkgrktct

    ecsiulkfc. ^hr tcft, phrquê jk jcmuës kmucltct `h mêfhrhjcurkc `h `hscpcrêkxhr hl mêfhrh.

     ^rhmufths k Igehftcrks  Q 00 U

  • 8/18/2019 El moviment feminista com a subjecte de construcció de la democràcia. Revisant les nostres experiències i apren…




    Xf `hls csphiths quh prhgiupc `hls ohekfksehs `‛cquårhsphith c lhs lhiturhs quh ohe `hls ohekfksehs `‛cltrhspcçsgs ës lc phrihpikù sgvkft `‛ufc låfkc hvglutkvc. Xfc lòmkic hfquê fhihssîrkcehft s‛jc `h pcsscr `hl puft “c―, “b― k “i― phr crrkbcrc “`―. Suh `hegirîikc k `kitc`urc fg sùf `uhs rhclktcts tcfic`hsk jgegmêfkhs. G quh ufc `hegirîikc fg sheprh ës cvhfí k ufc`kitc`urc sheprh rhtrgiës hf hls `rhts `h lhs `gfhs. Suh hls icekfs`hls ohekfksehs pg`hf shr eglt ̀ kvhrsgs k quh hf tgt ics ic`csiufcjc ̀ h ohr-sh lhs pròpkhs låfkhs hvglutkvhs k cmcocr-sh cls shus rhohrhftsphr vhurh ige igfstruhkx hl shu prgpk pcås. ^hr tcft ës kepgrtcft`hstcicr lc k`hc ilcu ̀ h lhs fg låfkhs hvglutkvhs, ufåvgquhs k ̀ ucls.

    Hxihptucft hl egvkehft eës rhihft `h Ohekfksths Kf`kmfc`hsk hl Ogfs @giuehftcl Lc Ogf`gfc, hls cltrhs igl•lhitkusprhshftcts thfhf eës `h 28 cfys `‛hxkstêfikc. Yùf igl•lhitkusohekfksths ceb egltc trcdhitòrkc, tcft cquå ige cl Ecmrhb.

    C lc tculc rg`gfc lhs pgfhfts jcf hxpgsct tgtc lc shvc trcdhitòrkc

    ige c igl•lhitku k hls cssglkehfts hf qühstkù `h `rhts `h lhs `gfhshf hls `kohrhfts pcçsgs. Yùf quctrh igfthxtgs eglt `kohrhfts k c lcvhmc`c ceb eglths skeklktu`s.

    @hstcquhe c igftkfucikù clmufhs låfkhs k k`hhs rhllhvcfts igec pgsskblhs hlhehfts kfspkrc`grs4