Transcript of AUTORIDADES DEL MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN · 2020-07-09 · 3 PRESENTACIÓN La priorización del...

Page 1: AUTORIDADES DEL MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN · 2020-07-09 · 3 PRESENTACIÓN La priorización del currículo para la Educación, responde a la necesidad del Sistema Educativo de articular,


Page 2: AUTORIDADES DEL MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN · 2020-07-09 · 3 PRESENTACIÓN La priorización del currículo para la Educación, responde a la necesidad del Sistema Educativo de articular,




S. E. ZONIA GALLARDO DE SMITH Viceministra Académica

S. E. JOSÉ PÍO CASTILLERO Viceministro Administrativo

S. E. RICARDO SÁNCHEZ Viceministro de Infraestructura


Director General de Educación

Page 3: AUTORIDADES DEL MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN · 2020-07-09 · 3 PRESENTACIÓN La priorización del currículo para la Educación, responde a la necesidad del Sistema Educativo de articular,



La priorización del currículo para la Educación, responde a la necesidad del Sistema Educativo de articular, y armonizar

estrategias, ante la nueva realidad que en materia educativa nos marca la Pandemia Mundial, desatada por el Covid-19.

Esta propuesta de priorización curricular, como parte del Plan de Acción de la Estrategia de Meduca, tiene su fundamento

en la Constitución de la República de Panamá, capítulo 5, y en los fines y principios establecidos en la Ley 47 de 1946,

Orgánica de Educación, que forma parte de las bases legales del currículo nacional.

Así, en aras de hacerle frente al cumplimiento de la Estrategia Nacional de Educación 2020/2021, y cumplir con éxito los

múltiples desafíos que, en materia de ciencia y tecnología, tiene el sistema educativo panameño, presentamos a todos los

actores, responsables de la ejecución de esta propuesta de planificación curricular priorizada.

Esta planificación, es un proceso progresivo y flexible, que debe adaptarse a la situación actual que vive el país. Con base

al currículo priorizado en situación de emergencia, los docentes podrán elaborar guías didácticas y módulos para

reforzar el aprendizaje de sus estudiantes.

El currículo priorizado será vigente hasta el período escolar 2021, se aplicará para todos los estudiantes del sistema

educativo panameño. Se espera retornar al currículo vigente para el período escolar 2022; sin embargo, la disposición

del tiempo y el abordaje de los contenidos será crucial en el logro de aprendizajes significativos. La aplicación, el

razonamiento, la contextualización de los objetivos, de manera sencilla, precisa y clara es fundamental.

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El currículo priorizado, es una planificación para dar continuidad al proceso educativo. Se fundamenta principalmente en el

derecho del estudiante para: conservar la salud individual y colectiva, adquirir el pleno desarrollo humano sostenible, poner

en práctica las habilidades sociales, científicas, tecnológicas, de emprendimiento y en fortalecer la conciencia social y


Presentamos el currículo en situación de emergencia, priorizando los objetivos de aprendizaje y contenidos, de acuerdo al

diagnóstico, visto desde un enfoque por derecho, otorgando relevancia a la relación con las competencias e indicadores,

realizando los ajustes necesarios a la situación actual.

Para cada competencia sugerida en el diagnóstico, se presentan indicadores que permiten el nivel de logro de estas y

señalan los tipos de evaluaciones que permiten alcanzarlas.

El currículo priorizado, adaptado a la situación de emergencia, se presenta como una guía para saber ¿qué enseñar?, ¿qué

aprender?, ¿cuándo hacerlo?, ¿cómo evaluar los aprendizajes?, utilizando todos los recursos que se tiene a disposición,

priorizando competencias, adaptando y manejando tiempos y metodologías acorde al contexto de la emergencia y a la

realidad geográfica y necesidades específicas de la población estudiantil y sus familias, ejerciendo el derecho a una

educación para todos en todo momento.

Page 5: AUTORIDADES DEL MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN · 2020-07-09 · 3 PRESENTACIÓN La priorización del currículo para la Educación, responde a la necesidad del Sistema Educativo de articular,


La vida ha cambiado para todos, hay un nuevo contexto, nuevas necesidades, nuevos retos, intereses y demandas de

aprendizaje, a los cuales se debe responder. ¿Podemos enseñar de la misma forma que lo hacíamos antes de la



Para la intervención del currículo en situación de emergencia se establecieron cinco (5) pasos. Los mismos se orientan en

los derechos fundamentales declarados en la Convención sobre los derechos del niño en situación de emergencia. Se

aplicaron desde la etapa de preescolar hasta la etapa de educación media, priorizando las necesidades de aprendizaje por

derecho, de acuerdo al nivel de impacto de la afectación, según el diagnóstico realizado.

Para cada etapa se priorizaron las competencias involucradas en los aprendizajes, así como sus capacidades que se deben

desarrollar con la intervención y sus respectivos indicadores.

Los derechos de los niños se establecen universalmente. Se realizó un diagnóstico para cada etapa del sistema educativo,

se establecieron los derechos fundamentales que deben priorizarse ante una emergencia (Derecho a la vida, a la salud, a

educación, a la familia…). Posteriormente, se consideraron las necesidades de aprendizaje vinculados a los derechos de

los niños por etapa, se describió el nivel de la afectación y la vulnerabilidad de los niños en tiempo de emergencia.

Estas necesidades de aprendizaje, deben adquirirse a corto, mediano y largo plazo y durante toda la escolaridad de los


Del análisis del diagnóstico situacional, se han detectado las competencias básicas, genéricas y algunas específicas, que

se desarrollan durante toda la escolaridad y que responden a los fines de la educación nacional y a los objetivos de la

educación panameña.

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Yarielis García Elisa Avalon Isabel Cubilla Yulanis Ramos Ormelis Díaz Elidenis Carreño Zuleika Zapateiro Nelson Martínez Karla Fischbach

Supervisora Nacional de Inglés Supervisora de Inglés- Región de Colón Coordinadora Académica de Inglés- Sede Central Coordinadora Académica de Inglés- Región de Herrera Coordinadora Académica de Inglés- Región de Herrera Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Panamá Centro Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Panamá Centro Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Bocas del Toro Especialista Técnico

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To apply different ways of greetings. To use the pronouns and simple present correctly.

Week 1 Greetings


✓ Hello. / Hi. ✓ Good Morning. (Before

12 O'clock) ✓ Good Afternoon (After 12

O'clock) ✓ Good Evening ✓ What’s Up?

Structure: Simple present

She says good morning when she gets to school. I greet to my friends every day.

Uses different ways of greetings at the appropriate time and situation. Writes sentences using simple present. Greet someone using the grammar structure.

Week 2 Introducing his/herself and others

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To introduce yourself and others demonstrating confidence. To greet a friend or classmate.


✓ my name is ... ✓ I am ... ✓ my friends call me ... ✓ you can call me ✓ she is my friend… ✓ nice to meet you ✓ it’s a pleasure to meet


Structures: Pronouns Simple present

His friend calls him John. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Creates formal texts to introduce himself/herself using appropriate grammar and vocabulary. Greets and introduces himself/herself with classmates and the teacher. Introduces a classmate with the appropriate grammar structure.

To share personal information. To show respect for other´s personal information

Week 3 Personal information Vocabulary:

✓ what is your name? ✓ do you have a nickname? ✓ what is your id number? ✓ where are you from? ✓ what is your address? ✓ how old are you? ✓ when is your birthday?

Provides personal information in text format. (Complete a personal information form.) Asks and answer questions about personal information. Writes a dialogue using the grammar structure.

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✓ what is your favorite hobbit?

Structures: Wh- questions Yes/no question Do you have a nickname? Where are you from?

To apply basic expressions of social interaction in daily life. To distinguish the difference between formal and informal expressions

Week 4 Leave-taking in formal and informal situations Vocabulary:

✓ Good-bye!

✓ Bye-bye! / Bye!

✓ So long!

✓ See you.

✓ See you soon. / I'll see you soon.

✓ See you around. / I'll see you around.

✓ Have a nice day.

✓ Have a good day.

✓ Good night.

Structures: Prepositions (time and place)

Expresses formal greetings and leave taking correctly in a written form. Responds greetings and leave taking. Makes a dialogue using formal expressions of greetings and leave taking properly.

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Articles A red car is in from of the house. The church is next to the market.


To recognize the importance of ecology in our country. To value the diversity of ecosystems in Panama

Week 5

Ecology Vocabulary

✓ Endangered species ✓ Ecosystem diversity ✓ Conservation ✓ Species diversity ✓ Pollutant ✓ Renewable resource ✓ Deforestation ✓ Biodiversity ✓ Extinction ✓ Global warning ✓ Drought ✓ Decompose

Structures: Adjectives Modals (could, must, etc.) We must conserve our environment. The deforestation is catastrophic.

Scans papers and online articles for specific information on environmental issues. Writes about the diversity of ecosystems in Panama and possible ideas to conserve it Gather information about the pollutant that affect the biodiversity in their community and how to solve it. .

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To identify vocabulary related to environmental issues. To design messages that promotes taking care about natural resources.

Week 6

Natural Resources Vocabulary: ✓ water ✓ plants ✓ air ✓ plants ✓ fossil fuels ✓ soil ✓ sunlight ✓ sand ✓ sun ✓ moon ✓ energy

Structures: Modals: can, could, have to, must, may, might. If clauses If it rains the plants will grow faster. The sunlight must help the plants to grow.

Identifies vocabulary related to ecology in different sources. Circles words related to natural resources Create a poster about natural resources that send a message about taking care of it.

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To point out important causes of environmental problems and to provide some solutions. To design promotional recycling projects for reducing pollution in your community.

Week 7

Conservation Policies

Vocabulary: ✓ Clean the rivers and

beaches. ✓ Do not cut the trees. ✓ Recyclable rubbish. ✓ Avoid the use of aerosol. ✓ Do not kill endangered

animals. ✓ Eliminates smoke from the

industries. ✓ Avoid the sound pollution. ✓ Hazardous waste ✓ Solid Rubbish ✓ Reduce ✓ Reuse ✓ Recycle Structure: Modals: could, have to, must, may, and might.

Makes oral support of his/her project about presumable solution to reduce pollution. Applies the given grammatical structures in written and oral practices. Designs a poster about an adopted conservation policy to promote awareness of this problem the school community

To write a short research and make

Week 8 Causes, effects and Prevention of environmental Pollution

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an oral support about causes and effect and prevention of environmental pollution To compare with peers’ written messages for promoting environmental awareness.

Structures: If Clauses – perfect tense Conjunctions: but, and, or. Connecting ideas with because. Compound sentences

Applies grammatical structures in writing short composition or paragraph Discusses ideas, opinions and propose solutions to environmental problems. (debate-speech) . Takes care of the environment by writing and posting awareness messages to your contacts.

To acquire and to use in context vocabulary related to nutrition and healthy habits. To describe good healthy habits to improve life quality

Week 9 Healthy Habits Preparing and explaining different healthy recipes. Vocabulary: ✓ drink water ✓ do exercise ✓ have a check – up ✓ play outside ✓ get enough sleep ✓ have fizzy drinks ✓ eat healthy snacks ✓ eat junk food ✓ go to bed late

Designs a series of written steps to promote healthy eating and exercise habits Describes eating and exercising habits with the appropriate use of the vocabulary and grammar. Creates a balanced diet plan and an exercise routine to keep a healthy body

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✓ Stay hydrated Structures: Contable nouns Uncountable nouns How much / how many Quantifiers: A lot, few, a few, many, less.

To reinforce the importance of good nutrition and healthy habits for improving life quality To design a nutritional plan for promoting good health in his / her school.

Week 10

Healthy problems Health Problems The impact of a good health Vocabulary: ✓ obesity ✓ high blood pressure ✓ high cholesterol ✓ heart disease and stroke ✓ type-2 diabetes ✓ osteoporosis ✓ cancer ✓ depression ✓ eating disorders ✓ nutrients ✓ proteins ✓ sugars ✓ vitamins ✓ carbohydrates ✓ fats

Writes messages using the new vocabulary related to healthy problems, apply grammar features. Keeps a food diary with specific information about your daily diet to avoid health disorders. Makes a survey about the most common chronic diseases associated to healthy habits within your relatives

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Structures: Modal: would How much / how many Quantifiers: A lot, few, a few, many, less.


To describe regional holidays, festivals and celebrations. To elaborates a brochure based on holidays and festivities applying the grammar in context.

Week 11

Holidays, Festivals and Celebrations

✓ Christmas ✓ Independence Day ✓ Others

Vocabulary: ✓ Christmas: Candy cane,

bell, bauble, bow, gift, lights, gingerbread, fireplace, and chimney.

✓ Independence Day: democracy, patriotic flag, soldiers, government, parade.

✓ Birthday: gift wrap, goodie bags, greeting card, guest.

Structures: Noun and Adjectives clauses Punctuation Jessi who always celebrate Christmas is in the hospital now.

Skims different booklets, newspapers or ads related to Panamanian festivities.

Describes the ways of celebrating holidays and traditions in Panama.

Elaborates a brochure based on festivities in Panama.

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To point out the

importance of


cultural heritage.

To value the traditions of different regions of Panama applying the grammar structures given,

Week 12


✓ Handicraft ✓ Folkloric music ✓ Traditions ✓ Traditional food


✓ Pollera ✓ Montuno ✓ Chiquita ✓ Vaquita ✓ Sancho ✓ Carnival ✓ Patriotic parade. ✓ Arroz con Pollo ✓ Rice with sweet beans. ✓ Tamborito ✓ El punto.

Structures: Punctuation rules: Capitalization Like/ prefer

Provides basic information on

Panama´s main festivities, folkloric

music, food and handicraft to


Collects information on hometown


Write a short paragraph about

regional habits, traditions and food

using the appropriate grammar.

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To name and

speak about

housing chores

they like or dislike.

To apply verb noun



Week 13 Science and Technology

Housing Chores

Vocabulary: ✓ Clean the house ✓ Make the bed ✓ Cut the grass ✓ Feed the pets ✓ Do the dishes ✓ Do the laundry ✓ Cook the dinner ✓ Paint the house ✓ Mop the floor ✓ Rake the leaves.

Structures: Verbs Present perfect

Provides information about

housing chores they usually like or


Writes about the housing chore he

or she usually does.

Collaborates and help your family

in some household tasks.

To build vocabulary related to education.

Week 14 Science and Technology


Vocabulary: ✓ High school ✓ Freshman ✓ State school ✓ Technical collage

Uses the vocabulary words in sentences using the appropriate grammar. Creates a web mind map with words related to education and its definitions.

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To design a picture dictionary using the new words and its definitions.

✓ Thesis ✓ Boarder ✓ Master´s degree ✓ Doctorate / PhD ✓ Dissertation ✓ Witten exam ✓ Skip class

Structure: Participles Since / for

Elaborates a picture dictionary about the vocabulary words and writes sentences applying the grammar given.


To associate time expressions and verbs with different daily activities. To apply correctly the grammar structures in a short paragraph

Week 15 The Calendar, Seasons of the Year, Weather Vocabulary:

✓ Month of the year: December, January, October, March………

✓ Seasons in Panama: Dry Season and Rainy Season

✓ Others: Winter, Autumn, Spring, Summer.

✓ Weather: hot, sunny, windy, and cold.

Structures: Simple Past, Past Continuous, Time Expressions Cardinal Numbers

Lists down daily and monthly activities using a calendar. Asks for and gives information about personal daily activities and routine Writes a short paragraph expressing frequency of leisure time activities with correct grammar and syntax.

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To integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas, opinions and describe personal affairs. To share knowledge on cultural diversity and professional affairs.

Week 1

Personality traits and


background of famous



✓ Reliable

✓ Outgoing

✓ Honest

✓ Hardworking

✓ Easygoing

✓ Outstanding

✓ Creative


-Review of Used to

-Time clauses in the Past

Successfully completes a listening guide with information from a biography. Correctly uses the structure of Used to in affirmative statements, negative statements and questions. Skims main ideas from reading selections on famous people.


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To integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas, opinions and describe personal affairs. To share knowledge on cultural diversity and professional affairs

Week 2

Personality traits and


background of famous

Panamanian People.


✓ Skills

✓ Good at

✓ Don´t mind

✓ Enjoy

✓ Love

✓ Hate ✓ Can’t stand


-Affirmative and negative


-yes/ no questions,

information questions

Correctly uses the past tense in affirmative statements, negative statements and questions. Paraphrases most of the personal and professional information from a video or any other source. Uses appropriate organizational pattern to compare and contrast famous Panamanian people.

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To integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas, opinions and describe personal affairs. To be aware of the importance of the English language for personal and professional success.

Week 3

Personality traits and


background of famous


Vocabulary ✓ Never

✓ Since

✓ Already

✓ Yet

✓ Would


-Present perfect

-Use of never, since, for,

already, yet.

-Use of “would” to state

wishes: affirmative/

negative statements.

Skims main ideas from reading selections on famous people. Correctly uses the present perfect in affirmative statements, negative statements and questions. Writes about his/her personal and professional goals and wishes. Uses appropriate organizational pattern to write an essay on occupations and jobs.

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To integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas, opinions and describe personal affairs. To share knowledge on cultural diversity and professional affairs. .

Week 4

Family and Society -Importance -Members Role Vocabulary

✓ Extended family

✓ Blended family ✓ Nuclear family ✓ Foster family ✓ Split family ✓ Divorced

Structure -sentence structure - reported speech

Correctly identifies family ties and its importance in society. Demonstrates understanding about oneself and his/ her family by listening a video on family members. Researches about the Panamanian Family role in society. Writes a paragraph about the relationship between family and society.


To integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas and opinions related to science and technology topics.


Week 5 The latest communication technology devices Vocabulary

✓ cellphones

Finds information required to answer questions set in advance with data related to the topic. Correctly uses the simple present tense in affirmative statements, negative statements and questions.

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✓ smartphones ✓ tablet ✓ I pad ✓

Structure: Simple Present Tense

Uses reading strategies (inferring and predicting outcomes).

To integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas and opinions related to science and technology topics

Week 6

The latest communication technology platforms and apps: their influence in human life /COVID 19. Vocabulary

✓ Zoom

✓ Moodle

✓ MS Teams

✓ Hangouts

✓ Google classroom

✓ Whatssap

✓ Youtube

Structure: Future Tenses Will / Be going to

Compares and contrasts the influence of technological advances in human life with grammatical accuracy and coherence. Uses reading strategies (inferring and predicting outcomes). Writes an essay on a chosen platform: its advantages and disadvantages with grammatical accuracy.

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To produce language related to nutrition and health habits by describing issues and giving suggestions to communicate ideas and promote good healthy habits

Week 7 The importance of healthy habits for self-caring in COVID 19.


✓ Healthy food ✓ Balanced meals ✓ Sleeping time ✓ Sanitary habits ✓ Social relationship ✓ Emotions and


Structure: Phrasal verbs Likes/Dislikes

Successfully lists from different sources, the advantages and disadvantages of eating at fast food restaurants. States preferences about food with respect and grammatical accuracy. Correctly compares different kinds of food. Writes sentences using the phrasal verbs, punctuation marks and prepositions accurately.

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To produce language related to nutrition and health habits by describing issues and giving suggestions to communicate ideas and promote good healthy habits

Week 8

The importance of healthy habits for self-caring in COVID 19. Vocabulary

✓ exercise ✓ indoor -outdoor

sports ✓ jogging ✓ Zumba ✓ Kickboxing ✓ Yoga ✓ Weight lifting ✓ Reading ✓ Keeping a journal ✓ Puzzles

Structure: Gerunds/Infinitives

Successfully lists from different sources, the advantages of exercising. States preferences about sports with respect and grammatical accuracy. Correctly compares different kinds of exercises. Writes a paragraph about the importance of exercising with clear arguments using gerunds and infinitives.


To integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas and opinions related to science. To interpret and produce language related to

Week 9

Our nature-Flora and Fauna Vocabulary

✓ Nature ✓ Earth ✓ Flora

Infers meaning of new words expressions from recorded authentic material. Describes how structural features and other adaptations of living things help him/her to survive in his/her environment.

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environmental issues and solutions by interacting with peers and writing essays in order to exchange opinions and promote environmental awareness.

✓ Ecosphere ✓ Biosphere ✓ Environment ✓ Plants ✓ Fauna ✓ Wildlife ✓ Ecosystem ✓ Animal species ✓ Marine living ✓ Kingdom

Structure -Direct/indirect speech -adverbs of manner, place and degree.

Observes and describes the structural features of some native Panamanian plants and animals. Describes some physical conditions of the environment and how these affect the growth and survival of living things

To interpret and produce language related to environmental issues and solutions by interacting with peers and writing essays in order to exchange opinions and promote environmental awareness.

Week 10

Pollution Vocabulary

✓ Air pollution ✓ Water pollution ✓ Soil pollution ✓ Noise pollution ✓ Landfills ✓ Wildlife ✓ pesticides


Successfully identifies the main ideas on environmental problems and solution from different sources. Grasps details on health matters, causes and solutions from recorded material. Suggests solutions to environmental and health with the appropriate use of simple/compound/complex sentences.

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- Simple/ compound / complex sentences

Writes solutions to environmental and health problem with appropriate use of sentence structure.

To integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas and opinions related to science. To interpret and produce language related to environmental issues and solutions by interacting with peers and writing essays in order to exchange opinions and promote environmental awareness.

Week 11

Ways to solve environmental problems Vocabulary

✓ Replace ✓ Disposable ✓ Reusable items ✓ Conserve ✓ Friendly practices ✓ Recycle ✓ Waste ✓ Natural resources

Structure: Conditionals If / whether Prepositions

Successfully identifies the main ideas on environmental problems and solution from different sources. Suggests solutions to environmental and health with appropriate use of conditional sentences. Writes solutions to environmental and health problem with appropriate use of relative adverbs and adverbs of place and degree.

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To integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas and opinions related to cultural and society issues.

Week 12

Cultural diversity in Panama. -Ethnic Groups -Nationalities


✓ Ethnicity ✓ Cultural affairs ✓ Greek ✓ Chinese ✓ Indian ✓ Italian ✓ Japanese

Structure - Passive Voice

Correctly uses the passive voice in affirmative statements, negative statements and questions Writes short stories on people’s culture with respectful language and correct use of the given vocabulary. Successfully scans an article for specific information and infers meaning of words.

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To show respect toward cultural diversity and gender through the use of the English language.

Week 13 Cultural diversity in Panama. -English as a Foreign Language. -Importance -Other languages Vocabulary

✓ Foreign ✓ Mandarin ✓ Portuguese ✓ German ✓ Korean ✓ Arabic

Structure: -Tag Questions -Connectors

Discusses current issues in Panama with confidence and correct grammar structures. Writes about the importance of learning other languages with respectful language and correct use of vocabulary. Successfully skims an article for specific information and infers meaning of words. Uses tag questions and connectors to write about cultural aspects.

To integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas and opinions related to cultural and society issues.

Week 14

Holidays around the





Uses appropriate language and organizational skills to write short paragraphs about a holiday. Identifies main ideas from a video on holidays around the world.

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To show respect toward cultural diversity and gender through the use of the English language.

-Food, Handcraft, others


✓ Christmas

✓ Thanksgiving

✓ Halloween

✓ St Patrick’s Day

✓ Valentine’s Day

✓ New Year


-Past Tense


Provides basic information on country’s main issues with adequate vocabulary and grammatical accuracy through writing sentences.

To integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas and opinions related to cultural and society issues. To show respect toward cultural diversity and gender through the use of the English language.

Week 15

Holidays in Panama





✓ Independence Day

✓ Day of the Dead

✓ Mother’s Day

Uses appropriate language and organizational skills to write about Panamanian holidays. Identifies main ideas and key information about Panamanian festivals from videos. Writes a brochure containing general and specific information on Panama attractions,

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✓ Festivals

✓ Carnivals

✓ International Fairs


-Passive voice


festivities, handcrafts, foods and others.

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Personal Growth And Success

To use the English language vocabulary and language in written way for academic and professional purposes. To recognize the importance of learning English to participate in academic and professional scenarios.

Week 1 Professions and Occupations Vocabulary

✓ lawyer ✓ teacher ✓ nurse ✓ doctor ✓ scientists ✓ mechanic ✓ tour guide ✓ secretary ✓ accountant ✓ manager ✓ technician

Structures: Verbal tense-review Modals: can/could to express ability

Identifies main job requirements and profiles by completing a chart with relevant reading material and job ads. Demonstrates the ability to write a report (10 sentences) about five common professions and occupations in Panama. Selects a profession or occupation and designs a colorful job advertisement with the information acquired on vocabulary, structures, and reading material.

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AREA 1 Personal Growth And Success

To show a clear understanding of the English language vocabulary and language in written way for academic and professional purposes. To appraise the importance of learning English to participate in academic and professional.

Week 2

Panama new Job needs Vocabulary

✓ babysitter ✓ personal care assistant ✓ personal trainer ✓ personal coach ✓ nutritionist ✓ event planner ✓ home delivery driver ✓ professional home

cleaner ✓ dog walker ✓ social media manager

Structures: -Verb tenses review - Connecting ideas with conjunctions and, but ,or

Records five ideas in a graphic organizer showing the main requirements and profile to get a job in Panama. Writes a report (10 sentences) on a job advertisement analysis with specific information. Fills in a reflection chart to demonstrate the importance of having good English language skills to get a job.


To demonstrative a clear understanding of the English language vocabulary and language in a written way for academic and professional purposes.

Week 3 Looking for new job opportunities Vocabulary

✓ Steps ✓ resume ✓ layout ✓ objective ✓ professional profile ✓ experience

Collects main ideas in a graphic organizer on a writing a resume by searching academic and professional sites on Internet.

Relates the main parts to have a resume by ordering them in a logical and sequential way.

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AREA 1 Personal Growth And Success

To apply the basic steps on writing a resume.

✓ education ✓ skills ✓ personal reference ✓ cover letter ✓ language level ✓ basic ✓ intermediate ✓ advanced

Structure: -Verb tenses review

Writes a personal resume following the steps with appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation.

To develop a good understanding of the English vocabulary and language form related to job interviews. To commit to professional excellence and personal growth on learning English to participate in academic and professional.

Week 4 Jobs/ Interviews questions: - Professions and Occupations Vocabulary 1. What can you tell me about

yourself? 2. Why should we hire you? 3. What are your strengths

and weaknesses? 4. Where do you see yourself

in 5 years’ time? 5. Why do you want to work

for this company? Structures: -Idiomatic expressions

Differentiates from a list of questions which are and are not significant for having a job interview. Selects from an array of options the most effective answers for job interview questions. Uses a checklist to reflect on his or her commitment on developing an action plan for acquiring a solid practice on answering job interview questions.

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-Independent and dependent clauses

AREA 1 Personal Growth And success

To determine the relevance of learning the English vocabulary and language use for academic and professional purposes.

To assess the importance of being prepared for a job interview.

Week 5

Preparing for a job interview

Vocabulary ✓ dress code ✓ self-image ✓ body language ✓ demeanor ✓ meeting schedule ✓ Self-introduction in

professional situations ✓ professional language

usage ✓ communication skills

Structures: -Comparative adjectives: using the same, similar, different, like, and alike. -Simple and compound nouns

Analyzes a video by using a graphic organizer to get main ideas on how dress code is important when having a job interview. Prepares a portfolio with drawings or images on the do´s and don´ts of dress code and body language when having job interviews. Describes the importance on being prepared for a job interview by providing reasoned, coherent, and substantiated responses to questions such as the following, posed in relation to specific cases:

1. Is the dress code important when having a job interview? Why? Why not?

2. How do you prepare yourself for a job interview?

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3. Why communication skills are essential when having a job interview?



To make written questions (advice/request) about technology for professional success. To write simple and compound sentences expressing different functions (advice, request).

Week 6 Use of technology for professional success Vocabulary

✓ Computers ✓ Internet ✓ E mail ✓ Zoom Meetings ✓ Google Meet

Structures: Verb tenses review Modals: should, had better, could for giving advice, Would to request.

Writes a comparison paragraph (ten sentences length) about two online platforms with accuracy, unity, and coherence. Writes a contrast Paragraph (ten sentence length) about a face-to-face meeting versus an online session. Makes a flyer about one online platform used to give classes.

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AREA 2 Science and technology

To use vocabulary and language related to telecommuting/teleworking. To read a short text and gives the main idea and the secondary ideas.

Week 7

Use of technology for professional success technology for professional success in times of Pandemic. Telecommute. Working from home. Vocabulary

✓ Teleworker

✓ telecommuter

✓ freelance

✓ fire

✓ dismIss

Structures: -Active Voice -Passive Voice

Surveys about how telecommuting/teleworking has been developed in Panama since March 2020 using a chart. Writes a report about five facts about telecommuting in Panama. Elaborates a poster with a short description of telecommuting in Panama.

To use vocabulary and language related to technology devices for communication. To distinguish facts from opinions.

Week 8 Use of technology for professional success Technology devices for communication among families and friends during the COVID-19 lockdown

Surveys about the technology devices used among his-her family members using a chart. Writes a summary (10 simple and compound sentences) about the smartphones history timeline.

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ÁREA 2 Science and technology

Vocabulary ✓ cellphones ✓ smartphones ✓ tablet ✓ ipad ✓ Padlet

Structures: Verbal Tenses Comparative adjectives: using the same, similar, different, like and alike.

Writes a short opinion paragraph (15 sentences) using adjectives denoting opinion.

To use vocabulary and language related to technology platforms. To compare and contrast technology platforms.

Week 9 Use of technology for professional success Technology platforms, apps and their influence in education and in human life during the COVID-19 pandemic. Vocabulary

✓ Zoom ✓ Moodle ✓ MS Teams ✓ Hangouts ✓ Google Meet ✓ Whatssap ✓ Youtube

Writes a report (15 sentences) about three platforms commenting on origin and features. Makes a comparison paragraph (10 sentences) about Instagram and Facebook. Completes a Venn Diagram about Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

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✓ Instagram ✓ Facebook

Structures: Verbal Tenses

- Simple and compound nouns - Descriptive adjectives

AREA 2 Science and technology

To use vocabulary and language related to global warming effects and measures. To read a short text and gives the main idea and the secondary ideas.

Week 10 Global warming Effects and measures to protect the planet Effects and measure to protect the planet during the COVID-19 outbreak Vocabulary

✓ Pandemics ✓ Global warming ✓ Overpopulation ✓ Nuclear war ✓ Cyber wars ✓ GM food ✓ Artificial intelligence ✓ Terrorism


Writes an opinion paragraph (15 sentences) about how people in Panama may help mitigate the effects of global warming. Elaborates a timeline based on some disasters that happened in the last three years in Panama. Surveys about the effects of global warming on agriculture and writes reports three of them with examples.

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Verbal tenses Gerunds and Infinitives Verb + gerund Go + -ing Verb + infinitive Verb + gerund or infinitive. Preposition + gerund Using by and with to express how something is done

To interpret vocabulary and language related to environmental issues and solutions, To apply and promoting environmental a written way.

Week 11

Global warming Effects and measures to protect the planet Natural disasters Vocabulary

✓ Rain ✔ Flood

✔ Wáter creek

✔ River ✔ Earthquake drill

✔ First aid ✔ Emergency number

Successfully identifies vocabulary related to global warming using a reading material to write a short report. Respectfully expresses opinions about global warming causes and effects using a fishbone graphic organizer. Designs a flyer about environmental issues with creativity and enthusiasm.

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AREA 2 Science and technology

✔ Indoor safety

Structures Using gerunds as subjects; using it + infinitive It + infinitive: using/or (someone)

To interpret related environmental issues and solutions. To write essays promoting environmental awareness.

Week 12 Global warming Effects and measures to protect the planet Animals protection Vocabulary Animal conservation

✓ Smog ✔ Skins eruptions ✔ Breath

✔ Ecosystem ✔ Oil continment boom ✔ hazing ✔ crude

Structures: Expressing purpose with in order to and for using infinitives with too and enough

Surveys about environmental problems in his-her community and writes a short report. Writes a descriptive paragraph (15 sentences) about the effects of human actions on the environment. Elaborates a poster with an awareness message about ways of protecting the environment with creativity and enthusiasm.

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AREA:3 Health and nutrition

To produce language related to nutrition and health habits. To make suggestions about healthy eating habits

Week 13

Good healthy eating habits Recipes and measures

Vocabulary ✓ Baking ✔ Kitchen tools

✔ Internet sources ✔ Measuring cup ✔ Deep-fry vs fry

✔ Portion ✔ Poison

✔ Left over

Structures: -Synonyms Quantifiers Imperatives

Prepares a shopping list for preparing a healthy lunch. Writes a personal report about his-her healthy and unhealthy food habits. Elaborates a chart showing the process how to prepare a healthy recipe, the ingredients and the nutritional facts.

To describe issues and giving suggestions to promote good healthy habits.

Week 14

Good healthy eating habits as a social responsibility

Food pyramid, nutrition.


Elaborates a pamphlet showing the importance of eating healthy food as a social responsibility.

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AREA:3 Health and nutrition AREA:3 Health and nutrition

To analyze the main and supplementary ideas about a reading related to nutrition.

✔ Healthy ✔ unhealthy ✔ Nutritional facts

✔ Fast food ✔ Obesity ✔ Affordable products

✔ Health check up ✔ Fresh products

✔ Stomachache

Structures; Using count and non-count nouns: several, a lot of, many/much, a few/a little

Writes a 10 sentences paragraph about the pro and cons of consuming junk food. Surveys about the importance of knowing the nutritional value of the daily consumed food and writes a short report.

To produce written language related to nutrition and healthy habits. To make written suggestions to avoid healthy problems.

Week 15 Good healthy eating habits as a social responsibility How to eat healthy during the indoors curfew? Vocabulary ✔ Boring

✔ Eating out of hours ✔ Diet ✔ Shopping

✔ Extra activities ✔ Portioning food ✔ Avoid fat

Writes a personal report about his-her experiences related to the effects of not eating healthy food. Draws a healthy food plate and writes a short description of the nutritional values of the portion. Makes a poster promoting healthy food habits with awareness phrases.

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- Using whose in adjective clause

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