20 Color

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    Image processing operations in color space using finite-state machines

    Frederick M. Waltz

    2095 Delaware Avenue, Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4801 USA


    The SKIPSM (SSeparated- KKernel IImage PProcessing using finite-SState MMachines) has recently been extended with excellent

    results to various grey-scale operations (morphology, Gaussian Blur, ranked filters, etc.) as well as 3-dimensional binary

    operations. Another interesting direction, initiated in this paper, is the extension to color spaces.

    After a discussion of some possible goals of such image processing, this paper presents implementation techniques and

    examples. Because of the extra costs involved with the printing of colored images in journals, the example images are

    presented here in grey-scale only. Color images will be provided via e-mail on request.

    Keywords: image color spaces, binary morphology, grey-scale morphology, separability, finite-state machines


    The motivation for this paper is the opposite of the usual one: Instead of looking for techniques to solve a specified problem,

    we here investigate possible problems to which a certain technique will apply. To paraphrase a common expression, we have

    at our disposal an excellent and powerful hammer, and we are looking for things to nail with it. The excellent hammer

    is the class of image processing implementation techniques called SKIPSM (SSeparated-KKernel IImage PProcessing using

    finite-SState MMachines)1-20, which provides significant speed increases (in comparison to conventional implementations) in a

    wide range of neighborhood image processing operations. For binary morphology with very large structuring elements and

    such operations as the Grassfire transform, the speed increases are truly phenomenal, with speedup ratios of 100 or more

    being common. For other operations, the speedup ratios are typically not as large, but are still worthwhile.

    Recently, the technique has been extended to a number of grey-scale operations15, 18, 19, 20 and even to 3-dimensional and n-

    dimensional morphology13, with excellent results. This paper explores a few of the possibilities of applying SKIPSM to

    color images.

    As a starting point, let us discuss Adobe Photoshop, a widely-used multi-platform software program for manipulating

    images, and especially color images. A fairly wide range of standard image processing operations is built into this program,including Gaussian and other blurring operations, edge enhancement, nonsharp masking, something they call a median filter,

    etc. Their standard user documentation does not give theirdefinitions of their operations, but it appears (on the basis of

    operations investigated so far) that all operations applied to complete color images operate in RGB (Red-Blue-Green) space,

    with the same grey-scale operation being performed on each color plane. The user can also separate the color planes into

    three separate images, operate on each plane separately, and then recombine the results to form a new color image. Outputs

    can be saved in CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black) format and some other formats, but apparently not in HSI (Hue-

    Saturation-Intensity) format, which is the one that generally makes the most sense for industrial inspection. In no case

    examined to date is there any interaction between the RGB color planes, as there would be if the RGB information was first

    converted to HSI, these signals were processed separately, and then the results were converted back to RGB.

    An aside: For experimental purposes (although obviously not for on-line applications), it has proven to be very useful to be

    able to move images back and forth between Photoshop and a spreadsheet, to allow virtually any kind of image processing

    operation to be performed without the need to get inside Photoshop or some other image processing engine, or to spend

    time writing and debugging C code which will the be discarded in a few minutes after your experiment is completed.

    Techniques for moving images between Photoshop and Excel can be provided on request.


    As indicated above, conventional color-space operations, on all planes together or on individual planes, include edge

    enhancement, neighborhood averaging, etc. Figure 1 shows another possibility: Grey-scale erosion or dilation on one of the

    color planes (RGB or HSI), an operation for which SKIPSM is particularly appropriate15, 19, especially if the desired

    Image processing operations in color space using finite-state machines SPIE Paper 3521-33 Frederick M. Waltz SK20-1

    SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII Originally published Boston, Nov. 1998

    Copyright July 1998 by F. M. Waltz. Duplication by permission only.

  • 7/28/2019 20 Color


    structuring element is not a simple rectangle or circle. The wavy line in

    this figure is an attempt to represent the three-dimensional surface of the

    color variable.

    One possible place where operating on one of the RGB planes might

    provide useful results is that in which there are image spikes or noise of

    predominantly one color, say red. Eroding only the red plane wouldreduce this noise without affecting the other color planes, producing a

    better signal. Figure 2 presents a synthetic and highly simplified 32x32

    example of this type, in which 3x3 spikes in the red plane are completely

    removed by eroding with a 5x5 circular structuring element (shown

    below), with only minor changes a 2-pixel enlargement of the central

    dark square in the main structure in this plane. (Because color plates are

    not practical in this Proceedings volume, grey-scale versions of the

    before and after images are shown here. These contain only the

    intensity information (the I plane of the HSI representation). The smallest discernible squares in these images

    represent one pixel. Color versions of these and the other images from this article will be provided on request via

    e-mail. Contact the author at .

    Similarly, dropouts or dark spots can be reducedby grey-scale dilation on one or more of the

    color planes. Figure 3 shows grey-scale

    representations of a color image before and

    after the application of a diamond-shaped 7x7

    dilation operator (shown at right) to the green plane only.

    There has, of course, been some distortion of the signal

    aspect of the image, in that the central light area of the green

    plane of the image has been enlarged by three pixels all

    around. Except in very unusual situations, a filtering

    operation distorts the signal while removing the noise. The

    point being made here is that if additional kinds of imageprocessing operations are available, there is a better chance

    that one can be found to reduce the noise effectively

    without distorting the signal too much.

    These are clearly highly artificial examples. Should larger

    erosion or dilation operators be desired, SKIPSM can provide

    efficient implementations, including automatically-generated

    compileable main-loop computer code19.

    Image processing operations in color space using finite-state machines SPIE Paper 3521-33 Frederick M. Waltz SK20-2

    SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII Originally published Boston, Nov. 1998

    Copyright July 1998 by F. M. Waltz. Duplication by permission only.



    or intensity

    image plane


    Figure 1. Grey-scale erosion on individual

    color-space variables.

    Figure 2. A simple 32x32 synthetic image before and after

    erosion of the red color plane with a 5x5 circle.

    Figure 3. A simple 32x32 synthetic image before and after

    dilation of the green color plane with a 7x7 diamond.

    Red Before


    Grey Before

    Red After


    Grey After

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    Figure 4 shows another possibility: Applying the same operation (erosion, in this example) to all the color signals or planes,

    but using different-sized structuring elements. This would be appropriate for RGB images if the noise to be filtered out had

    different size and shapes in the color planes note likely, but certainly possible, depending on the source of the noise. For

    example, varying amounts of light in the red band might be affecting the

    acquired image adversely. Varying light intensity and color has been a realproblem in outdoor automated vehicle recognition and control systems on

    high-speed highways, because the ambient light is much more red near

    dawn and sunset. (Human eyes readily adjust to this, so that humans are

    generally unaware of slow ambient light changes, but electronic cameras

    usually dont handle this problem very well.)

    Rather than continue with more morphology examples at this point, a

    linear processing technique will now be considered. A standard method of

    finding particular features in an image, such as holes or corners, is to use

    linear filters designed to trap the features in question. These are called

    n-tuples in the PIP image processing environment16, but are not

    available in typical image processing designed to produce images for

    human viewing. The n-tuple operation involves computing the correlation

    of pixels in the image with the selected (usually non-contiguous) pixels of

    the n-tuple. SKIPSM can implement this operation rather well.

    In the example shown in Figure 5, three



    detectors are

    applied to

    the RGB planes. In the red plane, the detector looks for bright

    spots surrounded by a darker area (pupil of eye). In the green

    plane, the detector looks for a light area below a darker area

    (lower eyelid). In the blue plane, the detector looks for a lightarea above a darker area (upper

    eyelid). The combined grey-

    scale intensity image (Figure

    5e), because it merges the three

    fairly good individual detectors,

    results in not very good

    detection of any of the three

    entities, showing one of the

    advantages of using separate

    color planes for multiple

    detection tasks. Note that

    because the center spot also

    meets the other two definitions,

    it provides a strong response on

    all three planes. Larger n-tuples could be used to eliminate these ambiguities.

    Another interesting possibility for which SKIPSM is well adapted: grey-scale openings and

    closings. Figure 6 shows a case in which grey-scale erosion of one or more of the color

    variable is followed by grey-scale dilation of the result. Figure 7a) shows the application of

    this sequence using a 5x5 circular structuring element to all three color planes (RGB) of the

    Image processing operations in color space using finite-state machines SPIE Paper 3521-33 Frederick M. Waltz SK20-3

    SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII Originally published Boston, Nov. 1998

    Copyright July 1998 by F. M. Waltz. Duplication by permission only.



    image plane

    intensity(or B)




    hue(or R)




    saturation(or G)


    Figure 4. Using different operations on

    the individual color-space variables.

    Figure 5. a) 32x32 image of an eye. b) pupil detector - red.

    c) lower eyelid detector - green. d) upper eyelid detector -

    blue. e) combined detectors - intensity only.






    positive weight

    negative weight

    center pixel



    b) c) d)


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    eye image of Figure 5a). The resulting RGB results and the

    grey-scale intensity-only information are shown in Figure 7

    a real black eye. Figure 8 shows the RGB images and the

    resulting grey-scale intensity-only image resulting from

    subtracting these color images from the original color image.

    Note the way that the pupil has been highlighted.


    All the actual examples (as opposed to the discussion) in this

    paper have involved processing in RGB space. This was done

    primarily because inputs and outputs in RGB format (but

    apparently not HSI) are available in Photoshop, the tool

    used for preparing and publishing this paper. (Photoshop is

    primarily designed for the publishing business.) Thus, even

    though the actual image processing shown here was done in

    Excel, which can handle any kind of computation that one

    could desire to do, there was insufficient time to make the

    complicated nonlinear conversions to and from HSI space.

    Therefore, such examples are not provided here.

    The fact remains, however, that for many image processing

    applications, operations in HSI space can provide significant

    advantages. Of course, operation in Intensity space is familiar

    to all, because this is nothing other than the conventional

    grey-scale processing used in most machine vision system.

    For example, a line or feature on an object of one

    predominant color but varying intensity and purity will appear

    as a highly variable signal in two or perhaps all three of the

    RGB planes, as well as the S (saturation) and I (intensity)

    planes in HSI space. But in H (hue) space, it will show us as a

    contiguous set of pixels with a small color range, making

    detection and location of the feature relatively easy.

    Because the goal of this paper is to present possible uses of

    the kind of processing SKIPSM can provide, no more will be

    said here on this subject. The author expects to explore

    further the implications of SKIPSM for automated inspection

    using color images in HSI as well as RGB space.

    Image processing operations in color space using finite-state machines SPIE Paper 3521-33 Frederick M. Waltz SK20-4

    SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII Originally published Boston, Nov. 1998

    Copyright July 1998 by F. M. Waltz. Duplication by permission only.

    ximage plane














    Figure 6. Grey-scale erosion followed by grey-scale dilation

    of an individual color variable.









    Figure 7. Result of applying a 3x3 erosion diamond followed

    by 3x3 dilation diamond to Figure 5a).

    Figure 8. Result of subtracting Figure 7 from original image

    shown in Figure 5a) to highlight things removed.

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    This paper has presented ideas for using the high-speed and/or large-neighborhood capabilities of the SKIPSM paradigm to

    facilitate automated inspection involving colored images. The emphasis has been on presenting possibilities for processing,

    not on the advantages of one or another color inspection approach. This is a large field in its own right. It is hoped that

    experts in this field will find reasons here to investigate SKIPSM implementations for operations that might otherwise be too

    time consuming to be practical for on-line inspection.6. BIBLIOGRAPHY

    1. F. M. Waltz, SKIPSM: Separated-Kernel Image Processing using finite-State Machines, Proc. SPIE Conf. on

    Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration III, Vol. 2347, Paper No. 36,Boston, Nov. 1994

    2. F. M. Waltz and H. H. Garnaoui, Application of SKIPSM to binary morphology, Proc. SPIE Conf. on Machine

    Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration III, Vol. 2347, Paper No. 37,Boston, Nov. 1994

    3. F. M. Waltz and H. H. Garnaoui, Fast computation of the Grassfire Transform using SKIPSM, Proc. SPIE Conf. on

    Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration III, Vol. 2347, Paper No. 38,Boston, Nov. 1994

    4. F. M. Waltz, Application of SKIPSM to binary template matching, Proc. SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision

    Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration III, Vol. 2347, Paper No. 39,Boston, Nov. 1994

    5. F. M. Waltz, Application of SKIPSM to grey-level morphology, Proc. SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision Applications,

    Architectures, and Systems Integration III, Vol. 2347, Paper No. 40, Boston, Nov. 1994

    6. F. M. Waltz, Application of SKIPSM to the pipelining of certain global image processing operations, Proc. SPIE

    Conf. on Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration III, Vol. 2347, Paper No. 41,Boston,

    Nov. 1994

    7. A. A. Hujanen & F. M. Waltz, Pipelined implementation of binary skeletonization using finite-state machines, Proc.

    SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection, Vol. 2423, Paper No. 2,San Jose, Feb. 1995

    8. A. A. Hujanen & F. M. Waltz, Extending the SKIPSM binary skeletonization implementation, Proc. SPIE Conf. on

    Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration IV, Vol. 2597, Paper No. 12,Philadelphia, Oct.


    9. F. M. Waltz, Application of SKIPSM to binary correlation, Proc. SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision Applications,

    Architectures, and Systems Integration IV, Vol. 2597, Paper No. 11,Philadelphia, Oct. 1995

    10. F. M. Waltz, SKIPSM implementations: morphology and much, much more, Proc. SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision

    Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration IV, Vol. 2597, Paper No. 14,Philadelphia, Oct. 1995

    11. F. M. Waltz, Automated generation of finite-state machine lookup tables for binary morphology, Proc. SPIE Conf.

    on Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration V, Boston,Nov. 1996

    12. F. M. Waltz, Binary openings and closings in one pass using finite-state machines, Proc. SPIE Conf. on Machine

    Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration V, Boston, Nov. 1996

    13. F. M. Waltz, Implementation of SKIPSM for 3-D binary morphology,Proc. SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision

    Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration VI, Vol. 3205, Paper No. 13,Pittsburgh, Oct. 1997

    14. F. M. Waltz, Binary dilation using SKIPSM: Some interesting variations, Proc. SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision

    Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration VI, Vol. 3205, Paper No. 15,Pittsburgh, Oct. 1997

    15. J. W. V. Miller and F. M. Waltz, Software implementation of 2-D grey-level dilation using SKIPSM, F. M. Waltz

    and J. W. V. Miller, An efficient algorithm for Gaussian blur using finite-state machines, Proc. SPIE Conf. on

    Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII, Vol. 3521, Paper No. 18,Pittsburgh, Oct. 1997

    Image processing operations in color space using finite-state machines SPIE Paper 3521-33 Frederick M. Waltz SK20-5

    SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII Originally published Boston, Nov. 1998

    Copyright July 1998 by F. M. Waltz. Duplication by permission only.

  • 7/28/2019 20 Color


    16. R. Hack, F. M. Waltz, & B. G. Batchelor, Software implementation of the SKIPSM paradigm under PIP, Proc. SPIE

    Conf. on Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration VI, Vol. 3205, Paper No. 19,Pittsburgh,

    Oct. 1997

    17. F. M. Waltz, The application of SKIPSM to various 3x3 image processing operations, Proc. SPIE Conf. on Machine

    Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII, Vol. 3521, Paper No. 30,Boston, Nov. 1998

    18. F. M. Waltz, R. Hack, and B. G. Batchelor, Fast, efficient algorithms for 3x3 ranked filters using finite-statemachines, Proc. SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII, Vol. 3521, Paper No. 31,

    Boston, Nov. 1998

    19. F. M. Waltz, Automated generation of efficient code for grey-scale image processing, Proc. SPIE Conf. on Machine

    Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII, Vol. 3521, Paper No. 32,Boston, Nov. 1998

    20. F. M. Waltz and J. W. V. Miller, An efficient algorithm for Gaussian blur using finite-state machines, Proc. SPIE

    Conf. on Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII, Vol. 3521, Paper No. 37, Boston, Nov. 1998

    Image processing operations in color space using finite-state machines SPIE Paper 3521-33 Frederick M. Waltz SK20-6

    SPIE Conf. on Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII Originally published Boston, Nov. 1998

    Copyright July 1998 by F. M. Waltz. Duplication by permission only.