Study Guide With Exercises

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Transcript of Study Guide With Exercises








Elisa Araceli Albarrán León


Profa: Gabriela Noemí Berkowitz García

Profa: Verónica Vanessa Cassani Garibay

Profa: Judith Padilla Rodríguez

Prof: Carlos René Serrano Mendoza

Profa: Eva Minerva Vargas Nieto

Profa: Haydeé Venosa Figueroa




Presentación………………………………………………………………….……. 5

Cómo trabajar con ésta guía ……………………………………………….……. 6

The Simple Present Tense …………..…………………………………….......... 7

Study: Present simple affirmative

Practice: Present simple affirmative

Study: Present simple negative

Practice: Present simple negative

Study: Present simple questions

Practice: Present simple questions

Study: Frequency adverbs

Reading section

Listening section

Writing section

The Simple present continuous tense .………………………………..……......... 16

Study: present continuous affirmative and negative

Study: Spelling rules Study: present continuous questions

Practice: present continuous questions

Reading section

Listening section

Writing section The present continuous for future arrangements (activities).…………………... 22

Study: present continuous for future arrangements (activities) Practice: present continuous for future arrangements (activities) Reading section

Listening section

Writing section The present simple and present continuous ………...…………………………... 26

Practice: present simple a nd present continuous Reading section

Listening section

Writing section Going to ………...……………………………………………………………......... 31

Practice: going to Reading section

Listening section

Writing section


First Conditional ………...……………………………………………………….. 35

Practice: First conditional Reading section

Listening section

Writing section Countable nouns and Non countable nouns……………………………………... 40

Practice: countable nouns Study: non countable nouns

Practice: non countable nouns Reading section

Listening section

Writing section The Simple Past Tense: was/were & wasn’t/weren’t…………………….......... 46

Question Form

Practice: was / were

Reading section

Study: Past simple affirmative

Study: Past simple of regular verbs

Study: Past simple, irregular verbs

Practice: Past simple affirmative

Study: Pronunciation of regular verbs

Practice: Pronunciation of regular verbs

Study: Past simple negative and questions

Practice: Past simple negative and questions

Reading section

Listening section

Writing section

Should / Shouldn’t to give and ask for advice ……………….……….............. 60

Practice: Should / Shouldn‘t

Reading section

Listening section

Writing section

The Imperative ……………………………………….………………………. 64

Practice: the imperative

Reading section

Listening section

Writing section

Can / Can’t to express ability and possibility;

to offer assistance and ask for help ……………………………….71

Practice: can / can‘t

Reading section

Listening section

Would like …………………………………………………….……….………. 77

Practice: would like

Listening section


Directions, give and get ……………………………………….…….………. 79

Practice: give and get directions

Reading section

Listening section

Writing section

Subject and Object pronouns …………………………………….……….. 83

Practice: subject and Object pronouns

Reading section

Listening section

Writing section

Mock Exam ………………………………………………………….……. 87

Should / shouldn‘t to give and ask for advice

Past simple was / were & wasn‘t / weren‘t

Past Simple verbs: regular and irregular

Give and get directions: prepositions of place

Reading section: Subject and object pronouns; possessive adjectives, yes/no

questions, information questions.

Listening section: Food, countable and non countable nouns

Writing section: Present simple tense, frequency adverbs, everyday activities,

References …………………………………………………………………….…... 93

Web Links …………………………………………………………………………..94

Answer Key …………………………………………………………………………95



Recientemente se llevó a cabo un cambio de orientación en la materia de inglés de



Este cambio tiene como punto de partida el MARCO COMUN EUROPEO DE

REFERENCIA (MCER), es decir, alcanzar el nivel A1 al terminar el primer año de

estudios de la materia de inglés en la Escuela Nacional Colegio de Ciencias y


El MCER es elaborado por iniciativa del Consejo Europeo y tiene como objetivo

conseguir mayor uniformidad y transparencia entre los países miembros de la Unión

Europea en el estudio de Lenguas Extranjeras.

El MCER define niveles que determinan la capacidad lingüísticas en los campos de

competencia comunicativa, las destrezas activas y receptoras y la competencia

lingüísticas para fines específicas.

En el caso del nivel A1 serás capaz de:

a) comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso muy frecuente así como

frases sencilla destinadas a satisfacer necesidades de tipo inmediato,

b) presentarte a ti mismo y a otros,

c) pedir y dar información personal básica sobre tu domicilio, tus pertenencias y el

de las personas que conoces,

d) relacionarte de forma elemental siempre que tu interlocutor hable despacio y con

claridad y esté dispuesto a cooperar.

El objetivo de la presente guía es proporcionarte de una manera clara y concreta los

contenidos que te permitirán reforzar los conocimientos adquiridos en la materia de

inglés II (dos) mediante explicaciones sencillas y ejercicios enfocados a una exitosa

solución de tu examen extraordinario.

Para el día del examen te sugerimos:

a) llegar 15 minutos antes de la hora señalada

b) portar identificación oficial (credencial vigente del plantel donde estudias, IFE o

pasaporte vigente)

c) entregar esta guía resuelta a los sinodales

Por último, agradecemos al profesor Aníbal David Cambrón Ortíz su colaboración en la

revisión y edición de la presente guía.

¡ É X I T O !



Cómo pudiste observar en el índice, la guía está organizada por temas.

Cada tema presenta la GRAMÁTICA DE LA LENGUA donde se ofrece una

explicación sobre su USO y la FORMA en que ésta se presenta. Enseguida, encontrarás

una serie de ejercicios que te permitirán poner en práctica lo que acabas de revisar.

Los temas están organizados para que puedas estudiar y practicar con las habilidades,:

READING, LISTENING; WRITING y SPEAKING (en algunos temas) con ejemplos

que te permiten estudiar los aspectos presentados en cada uno de los temas.

En la sección de LISTENING, encontrarás que se te indica el número del audio que

debes escuchar en el CD para resolver el ejercicio correspondiente al tema que estés

trabajando. Go to CD track 1

Te ofrecemos, así mismo, un MOCK EXAM o examen simulacro que te permitirá

evaluar tu conocimiento y comprensión de los temas que has revisado.

Resuelve los ejercicios con cuidado y atención, si requieres confirmar tus respuestas

puedes referirte al ANSWER KEY que encontrarás al final de ésta guía.

Al final de la guía, se encuentra un listado o REFERENCES de las obras consultadas

para la elaboración de ésta guía de estudio. Así mismo encontrarás una serie de LINKS

o ligas que te permitirán aclarar, practicar o profundizar en el estudio de los temas, si así

lo deseas.

Finalmente, no olvides que DEBES ENTREGAR esta GUÍA RESUELTA A LOS

SINODALES, ya que es muestra de tu preparación para el examen extraordinario que

habrás de presentar.

Te deseamos éxito.




We use the simple present to talk about: repeated actions, facts and generalizations.

1. Repeated actions

Use the present simple tense to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The

action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often

happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.

She plays tennis. The train leaves every morning at 8 am. John always forgets my


2. Facts or Generalizations

The Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is

true now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about

the fact. It is also used to make generalizations about people or things.

Cats like milk. Women drive terribly. Lions are dangerous.


Word Order:

The verb form changes according to the person.

What happens to the verbs which ending is ch, sh, x, y?

Subject Verb complement

I Like Harry Potter.

She Plays soccer.

We Dance Salsa.

I / you / we /


read like wash live watch do fix study


he / she / it reads likes washes lives watches does fixes studies




1. Write these verbs with –s or –es.

1. (read) she _____ 2.(think) it ______ 3.(fly) it _______ 4.(dance) he __________

5. (finish) she ____ 6.( go) he _____ 7.(study) he _______ 8.(have) she ________

2. Complete the sentences. Use:

1. The shops in the city center usually

________________at 9:00 in the


2. The City Museum ____________at

5:00 in the evening.

3. Tina is a teacher. She

_______Mathematics to young


4. My job is very interesting.

I_________a lot of people.

5. Peter‘s car is always dirty. He never


6. Food is expensive. It

______________a lot of money.

7. Water _________________at 100° C .

8. My sister is very active. She


9. Alice always ______________when

she _________________romantic


10. Sonia __________________to read

the newspaper in the morning.

3. Unscramble these words to form sentences. Use the right form of the verbs.

1. ( always/ early / Sue / arrive ) ______________________________________________

2. (to the cinema / never / I / go) ______________________________________________

3. (work / Martina / hard / always) ____________________________________________

4. (like / chocolate / children / usually) _________________________________________

5. ( Julia / parties / enjoy / always)_____________________________________________

6. ( often/I/ people‘s names/forget)_____________________________________________

7. (Jenny/always/nice clothes/ wear)____________________________________________

8. (fix/ every year/ John/ car/his) ______________________________________________


Study the following examples:

I drink coffee, but I don’t drink tea. The weather is usually nice. It doesn’t rain

very often.

She doesn’t watch TV every night. He doesn’t speak Spanish.

Observe the following charts carefully. Now, focus your attention on the negative chart.

boil open close cost like meet teach wash has study cry see


What happens to the verb in third person?


Word Order:


1. Write the negative.

1. I play the piano very well._______________________________________________

2. Jane plays the guitar very well.___________________________________________

3. They know my phone number. ___________________________________________

4. We work very hard. ____________________________________________________

5. He has a bath every day. ________________________________________________

6. You do the same thing every day. _________________________________________

7. They go on vacation in December. ________________________________________

8. We sing like angels. ____________________________________________________

9. The police arrive on time. _______________________________________________

2. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don’t/doesn’t + these verbs:

1. I buy a newspaper every day, but

sometimes I ___________________it.

2. Paul has a car, but he

_____________________it very often.

3. Paul and his friends like films, but

they __________________________to

the cinema very often.

4. Amanda is married, but she

_______________________a ring.

5. I ______________________much

about Politics. I‘m not interested on it.

6. The Regeant Hotel isn‘t expensive. It

_________________much to stay there.

7. Brian lives very near us, but we

____________________him very often.

8. Erick teaches English, but he

____________ English with his friends.

9. Nancy lives in Toronto, but she


She prefers to speak English.

10. Josh knows how to cook, but she

_______________________very often.

3. Put the verb in the correct form, positive or negative.

1. Margaret __________four languages – English, French, German and Spanish.(speak)

2. I __________my job. It‘s very boring. (like)

3. Where‘s Martin? ‗I‘m sorry. ‗I ________________________________.‘ (know)

4. Sue is a very quiet person. She _________________very much ( talk)

5. Andy ______________________a lot of tea. It‘s his favorite drink. (drink)

Subject Auxiliary Verb Complement

I don’t like vegetables.

She doesn’t have a dog

We don´t do exercise.

cost go know read see use wear cook speakx2



We can make two kinds of questions in the simple present: the open or information

questions and the close, direct or yes/no questions.

Study the following examples of yes/no questions:

USE Notice that when the subject is third person (he, she, it), we use the auxiliary does and

the verb form of the main verb doesn’t change.

Does Lucy always have lunch?

Yes, she does. She always has lunch.

No, she doesn‘t. She sometimes has lunch.

The open questions provide us with information about:

Person Who?

Activity What?

Place Where?

Time When?

Hour What time?

Option Which?

Way to do things How?

Reason Why?

Frequency How often?

Cost How much?

Quantity How many?


Take a look at the following questions and identify the elements that form them.

Underline each one.

Where do your parents live?

How often do you wash your hair?

What does this word mean?

How much does it cost to fly to Rome?

Remember that the open questions are formed by a Wh- question, the auxiliary do/does

which changes according to the subject, the complement and the verb. Don´t forget the

question mark!

Do you go to school on Friday?

Yes, I do. I go to school on Friday.

No, I don‘t. I don‘t go to school on Friday.

Do you always have lunch?

Yes, I do. I always have lunch.

No, I don‘t. I sometimes have lunch.



1. Yes/No Questions

Make questions from the scrambled sentences below.

1. she / collect / stickers / ? _______________________________________________

2. they / play / games / ? ________________________________________________

3. the cat / sleep / with you/ ? ______________________________________________

4. she / often / dream / ? __________________________________________________

5. he / play / streetball / ? _________________________________________________

6. you / visit/ your grandparents/? ___________________________________________

7. the pupils / wear / school uniforms / ? _____________________________________

8. you / go / to the cinema / ? ______________________________________________

9. she / have / friends / ? __________________________________________________

10. he / read / books / ? ____________________________________________________

2. Open Questions (What, where, when, why, etc)

05 0Exercise on Questions with Interrogatives. Ask for the

bold part of the sentence, using question words.

1. Julia likes pop-music. ______________________________________________

2. Maria comes from Spain ____________________________________________

3. They play in the garden ____________________________________________

4. Rick rides his bike. ________________________________________________

5. I go to the cinema on Saturdays. ______________________________________

6. We go to Mallorca because it’s warm there._____________________________

7. Joe repairs his bike.________________________________________________

8. Robin drives his car carefully. _______________________________________

9. Peter runs with his dog every day. _____________________________________

10. Eric goes to Italy for a holiday. _______________________________________




In the simple present tense we also find the frequency adverbs or words. They tell us

how often we do activities.

Always Siempre

Often A menudo

Usually normalmente

Sometimes A veces

Seldom Rara vez, pocas veces

Hardly ever Casi nunca

Never Nunca

Study the following sentences:

1. My mother always helps me with my homework.

2. I sometimes eat too much

3. We often go to restaurants

4. You sometimes look unhappy

5. They usually have dinner at 7:00

6. We never speak Spanish in class.

¿What‘s the position of the adverb in sentences 2 y 3?

Now, write the rule in the box so that you don‘t forget the position of frequency

adverbs in both sentences.

3. Rewrite the following sentences use always/ usually / sometimes / never

/seldom/often, etc.

1) He listens to the radio. (often) ___________________________________________

2) They read a book. (sometimes) ___________________________________________

3) Pete gets angry. (never) _________________________________________________

4) Tom is very friendly. (usually) ___________________________________________

5) I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes) _____________________________________

6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often) ______________________________________

7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always) ______________________

8) Christine smokes. (never)________________________________________________

9) They watch TV in the afternoon. (never) ___________________________________

10) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)______________________________




Read the following text

Tim’s day Tim works for a company in Sacramento, California. He's a customer service representative. He

gets up at six o'clock each workday. He drives to work and begins his job at eight o'clock. He

speaks to people on the telephone to help them with their banking problems. People telephone

the bank to ask questions about their accounts. He doesn't give information about accounts until

people answer a few questions. Tim asks callers their birth date, the last four digits of their

social security number and their address. If a person gives incorrect information, Tim asks him

to call back with the correct information. Tim is polite and friendly with everyone. He has lunch

in a park next to his office. He returns home at five o'clock in the evening. After work, he goes

to the gym to work out. He has dinner at seven o'clock. Tim likes watching TV after dinner.

He goes to bed at eleven o'clock at night.

Answer the questions below. Choose only one option.

1. What’s the text about?

a) My best friend‘s life

b) A day in the life of Tim

c) Tim‘s routine from Monday to Friday

2. Where does Tim work?

a) In Europe

b) In the USA

c) In Asia

3. What time does he get up?

a) He gets up at seven o'clock in the


b) He gets up at six o'clock in the


c) He gets up at six o'clock in the


4. How does he get to work?

a) He walks to work.

b) He drives to work.

c) He takes the bus to work

5. What does he do during the day?

a) He helps costumers in a bank

b) He helps costumer on the phone

c) He helps costumers outside

6. What does he do to check


a) He asks people some questions

b) He tells them to call later

c) He asks them to see their documents.

7. What does he do if the information is


a) He gives banking account information

b) He asks the callers to call back with

correct information.

c) He asks to speak to the parents

8. What is Tim like on the job?

a) He is unfriendly and helpful.

b) He is funny and helpful

c) He is polite and friendly

9. Where does he eat lunch?

a) At home

b) In a park near his job

c) At work

10. What does he do in the evening?

a) He works out at the gym and watches


b) He works out at the gym and reads a


c) He watches T.V. and plays ping pong.



HOW TO WORK WITH THIS SECTION will measure your ability to understand concise

listening texts. For this reason, you will have to use the strategies you learned throughout the

semester. You will listen to the recording twice. The first time is for you to get the general idea. The

second time, is to understand specific information. If necessary, you will listen to the recording a

third time to check your answers.

Below, you will find an exercise for you to practice for your exam. Read the instructions and the

content carefully. Now, predict what the recording is going to be about.

A language school in the UK wants to know about the lives and habits of its students. Listen to an

interview with Gina, a student, and complete the questions in the survey. Complete the following chart

as you listen.

Survey of English Language Students

Study habits

1. Do you study English at the weekend?

2. Do you _______________your dictionary to class?

3. Do you _______________a computer?

4. Do you _______________the library and study centre?





More information




Work, travel and home life

5. Do you also ______________ a job?

6. Do you _________________ to school by train, bus or car?

7. Do you _________________alone, with family or with friends?







Free time

8. Do you _________________your classmates outside school?

9. Do you _________________sports?

10. What other things do you _______________in your free time?





Doesn‘t like sports


Go to CD track 1













Write about your best friend‘s routine on a normal Sunday. You have to use verbs,

connectors and time expressions. You can use the following connectors first, then, later,

after, next, later on, after that y finally to make a coherent text.*

Take the following text as an example.

Based on the previous text, write yours.

Everyone has a best friend. So surely, you‘re not an exception! We all know what our best friend does

on a normal Sunday. Write about your best friend‘s routine. Don‘t miss a detail.

* Recuerda que puedes utilizar los conectores anteriormente mencionados. Para empezar

puedes utilizar el conector First, que significa primero. Más adelante los conectores, then,

later, after, next, later on, after that cuyo significado es después. Para terminar puedes

hacerlo con los conectores in the end que significa al fina o bien, finally, finalmente

(1) For further practice on Simple Present Tense check the web links page

My best friend’s name is Fernando. He´s 17 years old and he studies high school. He has a busy

Sunday. First, he wakes up at 10:00. Then, he watches TV for about an hour. After that, at

12:00, he gets up from bed and have breakfast, something light: a glass of milk and a piece of

bread. Then, at 1:15, he takes a shower. Next, he surfs the net and checks his Facebook. He also

chats with his girlfriend for two hours.…



USE We use the present continuous to talk about actions in progress happening at the moment of

speaking and actions in progress happening around the moment of speaking.

1. Actions happening now:

Use the present continuous to express the idea that something is happening now, at this

very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.

Maria is running. Sue and Tom are watching T.V. Jim is reading a book.

She isn’t jumping. They aren’t dancing. He isn’t playing ball.

2. Actions happening around now: In English, "now" can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, etc.

Sometimes, we use the Present Continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a longer

action, which is in progress; however, we might not be doing it at this exact second.

Study the following conversation between James and Susan in a restaurant:

James: What are you studying?

Susan: I‘m studying to be a doctor.

James: Are you reading any good books?

Susan: No. I‘m only reading medicine books. And you?

James: I‘m reading Tom Sawyer. I love it!

James and Susan are eating dinner in a restaurant. He is not reading ―Tom Sawyer‖ at the

moment of speaking. But at this moment of his life, He is reading ―Tom Sawyer‖.


Word Order:

Subject (S) aux =verb to be verb -ing Complement (C)

I Am read ing Tom Sawyer

She Is eat ing chocolate ice cream.

We Are study ing for the final exam



1. To make continuous verbs add -ing to the

base verb:


ask –asking


2. silent 'e'

When the verb ends with a silent e, drop the e

and add -ing:


take -taking


3. one-syllable verbs

For short, one-syllable verbs, that end with

consonant + vowel + consonant (CVC),

we must double the last consonant and then add



run- running

4. w, x and y

For words that end w, x and y, do not double the

last consonant; just add -ing:


study- studying


5. –ie verbs

For verbs that end in –ie, change the ie to y


adding –ing:


Practice: Present Continuous Affirmative and Negative Statements and Spelling Rules

1. Write the –ing form of the following verbs:

dance Swim read live

stop Stay talk eat

wash Say clean run

make Play write work

sit Drive wait walk

2. What are they doing? Write a sentence for each picture. Use the present continuous.

1__________________________________ 5 ____________________________________

2__________________________________ 6_____________________________________

3__________________________________ 7_____________________________________

4__________________________________ 8_____________________________________


3. Change the statements into negative sentences.

1. You‘re listening to me.___________________________________________________________

2. Tim is studying English.__________________________________________________________

3. We‘re playing football.___________________________________________________________

4. You are drawing a portrait._______________________________________________________

5. It is raining.___________________________________________________________________

6. My mother is cooking lunch._______________________________________________________

7. They are doing their homework.____________________________________________________

8. Sue and Helen are watching a scary movie.___________________________________________


There are two kinds of questions: close questions and information questions.

1. Close Questions

The answer to these questions is yes or no.

Study the following examples:

Are they dancing? Is he cooking? Is he reading?

Yes, they are. No, he isn‘t. (He‘s eating). Yes, he is.


Word Order: Short Answers:

2. Information Questions

The answer to these questions gives us information.

Study the following examples:

What is he doing? Where is he singing? What are they eating?

He‘s painting the wall. He‘s singing in the shower. They are eating cheese.


I am not









Verb to be Subject Verb-ing complement ?

Am I studying english ?
















I am











Word Order


1. Change the statements into questions:

1. Laura is reading.__________________________________________________________

2. Mike and Tommy are eating.________________________________________________

3. It is raining._____________________________________________________________

4. We are waiting in the right place.____________________________________________

5. Daniel is talking to Ann.___________________________________________________

6. You are waiting for Susan.__________________________________________________

7. She is sitting here.________________________________________________________

8. Sue and Helen are watching a movie._________________________________________

2. Make questions. Order the words.

1. the children/in the garden? /doing/what/are____________________________________

2. is watching/ T.V.?/ who/__________________________________________________

3. you/crying?/are/why_____________________________________________________

4. are/Meg and Sue/studying?/where___________________________________________

5. cooking?/you/what/are/____________________________________________________

6. is/working/Paul/today?____________________________________________________

7. why/you/looking/ at me?/are________________________________________________

8. your friends/ where/ going?/ are______________________________________________

3. Match the two columns

1. Are you Studying English? 7. Yes, I am. I ‗m feeling great!

2. Where are you studying? 8. No. My parents are driving me.

3. When are you doing your test? 9. Yes, I am.

4. Are you feeling well? 10. At CCH Sur.

5. What are you doing? 11. I´m answering an English study guide

6. Are you walking to school today? 12. On July.

Wh question Verb to be subject Verb -ing complement ?

Where am I going ?







in the









for the test



4. Look at the pictures and complete the questions. Use the present continuous and the

verbs in the box:

listen to eat read

What_________________? What ___________________? What_______________?


Read the following text:

I’m Emily. I live in an apartment on a busy street. At the moment, I’m

looking out of the window. Here are the things happening:

A young woman is entering the florist. She is carrying a small bag. A man is

waiting at the bus stop. He is looking at his watch. A butcher is standing in

front of his door and waiting for customers. A black cat is walking around the butcher and

waiting for some meat. A policeman is talking to a strange man. The man is wearing a long

coat, a black hat, and sun- glasses. The policeman is looking at him very carefully. Two little

boys are walking across the road. They are holding ice cream in their hands, but they aren’t

eating it. An old man is sitting on a bench. He is reading a newspaper. A woman is walking

her brown dog and at the same time talking on the cellphone. The dog is very big.

Oh, who’s that? She is my Mum and Thomas is with her. She is parking the car in the

garage. There are shopping bags in the car. She is returning from shopping. Thomas is

running to his room in order to do his homework.

1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the circle

1. ____________ is wearing sun glasses.

2. ____________ is walking around the


3. ____________ is parking her car.

4. ____________ is buying flowers.

5. ____________ is reading newspaper.

mum old man

cat strange man

young woman

dog policeman


2. Answer the questions in complete sentences.


1. Listen to two people talking about what they are doing. Read the sentences and

check true or false.

1. Carolyn is shopping. true false

2. Carolyn is shopping with Anna, Sylvia, and Rachel. true false

3. Carolyn is having fun. true false

4. Rosie is doing homework. true false

5. Rosie is having fun. true false

Go to CD track 2


What are the people doing?

1. Look at the pictures. Compare them. and, write sentences.


In the first picture, Helen is sleeping, but in the second picture, she isn‘t sleeping, she‘s







1. Are the boys eating the ice-cream? ________________________________________.

2. Is the young woman going to the butcher? __________________________________.

3. Who is talking on the cellphone? ________________________________________.

4. Where is the old man sitting? _______________________________________________.

5. Why is Thomas running to his room? ________________________________________.




We can use the present continuous when we talk about arrangements for the future.

Arrangements are plans, but we are sure they will happen. We often write them in our

diaries. We use expressions like: this afternoon, this week, this month, and this year. We

can also use expressions like: next Monday, next week, next month, next year, etc..

Look at Monica‘s activities for next week:

Monday 12

4 p.m. Study English for Friday test. Friday 16

9 p.m. party at Jim’s Tuesday 13

5 p.m. Soccer game with Tommy Saturday 17

7 p.m. Cinema Wednesday 14

2.30 p.m. washing up Sunday 18

3 p.m. Lunch with parents Thursday 15

5 p.m. help my mother Notes:

Complete the example:

1) What is Monica doing next Monday?

She is studying English for her Friday


2) What is Monica doing next Thursday?

She __ _____________ her mother

Monica is not doing these activities right now. Monica is doing these activities next week.

Remember the word order of the present continuous:

FORM Complete the charts:

Affirmative form: S+ verb to be + verb + - ing + C

I am watching T.V.

You ___ washing the dishes

He is clean____ the house

She ___ shopping

We ____ danc______

They are ____ play_____


Negative form: S+ verb to be +not + verb + - ing + C

I am not watching T.V.

You ___ ___ washing the


He is ____clean____ the house

She ___ ______ shopping

We ____ ______danc______

They are ____ _____play_____


Interrogative form: verb to be + S + verb + - ing + C + ?

Am_____ watching T.V?

______ you wash_____ the


_____ ____ cleaning the house?

Is ______ shop_____?

____ we danc_____?

______ _______ play____


Wh- question form:

Wh- + verb to be + S + verb + - ing + C + ?

What are you doing?

Where ____ he go_____?

What ____ she____ read_____?

When are we study_____?

Who___ they talk____ to?

Short answers form:

We use the short answer form to answer

yes/no questions

Yes, I am. Or No, Im not

Yes, you are. Or No, You aren‘t.

Yes, he is. Or No, he isn‘t.

Yes, she ___ or No, ____________

Yes we _____ or No, ____________

Yes they ______ or No, _____________



1. Look at Pete’s diary. Write a sentence for each day. Use the verb in brackets.

Saturday Buy groceries Sunday exercise in park with Dan 10 a.m. Monday study at home Tuesday English class

Wednesday meet James at the mall Thursday movie at Laura’s house

Friday Party

1. (buy) He’s buying groceries._____________________________________________

2. (do) _________________________________________________________________

3. (study)_______________________________________________________________

4. (taking)______________________________________________________________

5. (meet)_______________________________________________________________

6. (watch)______________________________________________________________

7. (going)_______________________________________________________________

2. Look at the pictures. What are these people doing nest Friday? Use the words


study play go have

1. Tim and John ______________basketball. 2. Helen __________________to the


3. Linda and Sue ________________lunch. 4. Max________________________


3. Write questions. All sentences are future arrangements.

1. you/go/out/ tonight?____________________________________________________

2. you/work/next week?___________________________________________________

3. What/you/do/tomorrow evening?__________________________________________

4. What time/ your friends/come?___________________________________________

5. When/ Liz/ go/ on holiday?______________________________________________

4. Change the sentences into negative.

1. Sue is visiting her grandmother on Friday.___________________________________

2. I am having a surprise birthday party.______________________________________

3. Tom and I are going to the zoo this Sunday._________________________________

4. Hugh is studying French.________________________________________________



My name is Rita Garcia and I‘m 17 years old. Next week, I‘m going to Dublin, Ireland

to work as a nanny. I‘m taking English classes because I want to improve my English


My Irish family sent me the timetable for my first week so everything is


On Saturday at three-thirty I‘m taking the flight to Dublin airport! I will arrive at

six o‘clock and Mr. and Mrs. Green are picking me up at the airport.

On Sunday we are having a welcome party at home where I‘m meeting the rest

of the family, neighbors and other nannies in the area.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I‘m taking the children to school at eight

o‘clock in the morning. And, at ten in the morning I‘m having English lessons at the

Dublin language Center.

Once my lessons are finished, I‘m looking after the children, playing with them

and helping them with their homework.

On Tuesday and Thursday at eight o‘clock I‘m driving the children to school. At

ten a.m. I‘m cleaning the children‘s rooms. In the afternoon, at four p.m., I‘m taking

Hope and Sarah, the kids that I‘m taking care of, to their horseback riding lessons.

I’m really looking forward to living there, but I’m a bit nervous too! I’m

sure it’s going to be a great experience!

1. Complete the chart with Rita’s activities for next week.

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

2. Answer the following questions:

1. How old is Rita?_______________________________________________________

2. Where is she going to work?_____________________________________________

3. What‘s the name of her Irish Family?______________________________________

4. Where is she studying English?___________________________________________

5. Who are Hope and Sarah?_______________________________________________



1. Write your activities for next week in the diary below. Be very specific and

include at least two activities per day.









2. In a paragraph form. Write your most important activities for next week.

Write from 50 to 100 words. Include:

What are you doing?

Where are you going?

Important meetings?

Special events?
















(2) For further practice on Present continuous for future arrangements go to web links page.



1. We use the present simple for timetables, programs, trains, buses, etc…

The concert starts at 8 p.m. The bus leaves at 7 a.m. The Barber opens at 10 a.m.

What Do You Remember? Go back and review the following. Then, complete the


2. We use the present continuous for future plans and arrangements done by people.

I’m singing in the concert tomorrow night. They are leaving at 7 a.m. tomorrow.

Max is going to the barbershop next Monday at 10 a.m.

What Do You Remember? Go back and review the following. Then, complete the


Use: Affirmative form Negative form

Interrogative Form Short Answers Frequency Adverbs

Use Affirmative Form Negative Form

Interrogative form

Short Answers Expressions



1. Put the verb in the present continuous (I am studying etc..) or the present simple

(she studies etc…).as needed.

1. ―__________________________________(you/go) out tonight?‖ ―No, I‘m too tired‖

2. ―_________________(we/go) to a movie tonight. _______________(it/ start) at 8:00.

3. Sue and Tom_____________________________________(get married) next month.

4. The train to Brisbane _________________________(leave) at 7 a.m. every Monday.

5. The Classes ____________________________________________(finish) on May 7.

6. Summer Holidays ________________________________________(start) on May 8.

7. My parents__________________________________(go) to the shopping mall. They

______________________(buy) presents and decorations for my brother‘s birthday.

8. a: How ______________________(you/get) home after the party tomorrow? By taxi?

b: No, I can go by bus. The last bus________________________(leave) at midnight.

9. a: Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?

b: Yes. What time_______________________________________? (the movie/start)

10. a: What_____________________________________(you/do) tomorrow afternoon?

b: __________________________________________________________(I/work).

2. Write a sentence for each picture. Use the words below. Use the Present

Continuous or the Present Simple.

Eat walk go play cook leave open leave

The ________________________ at 4 o‘clock. Jim ___________________his dog.

Julia________________ tennis every Monday. The market ____________at 11 a.m.

My parents _________________ to Greece. Their airplane ___________ at 3 :00p.m.

John _____________________Chinese food. They usually _______________at 1 p.m.



―What is that?‖ Ronald Johnson thinks.

Ronald Johnson is a student in Kansas (the USA). He is on his way home. Suddenly he

sees a glowing mushroom-shaped object flying one meter above the ground. Ronald is

afraid and fascinated. The mushroom is making a strange sound. Suddenly the sound

changes and the object quickly takes off into the night sky.

As it leaves, the bright light blinds Ronald.

This is a famous story about a sighting of a UFO. But is the story true?

Every year, thousands of people see strange lights or objects in the sky. Some scientists

believe that these are reflections from the sun or stars, gases or even birds. Other

scientists, like Dr. Allen Hynek, disagree. Dr. Hynek is an astronomer and works at the

Centre for UFO Studies in Chicago. He says that scientists can explain most things, but

there are cases – as many as 10% of the sightings – that they can‘t explain. He says that

many reports come from serious people who take lie detector tests to show that they are

telling the truth. Also, there are often physical signs, like marks on the ground or strange

bits of metal.

Because of this, Dr. Hynek and scientists like him believe that there‘s life in the outer


Circle true or false:

1 Ronald Johnson is an engineer for the NASA. T F

2 The unidentified flying object (UFO) was flying 3 meters above the

ground. T F

3 The object doesn‘t make any sound. T F

4 All the scientists believe in this story. T F

5 Dr. Hynek believes that there‘s life in the outer space. T F

Answer the following questions:

1. Where does Ronald Johnson live?_________________________________________

2. Describe the object he saw.______________________________________________

3. What are some possible explanations for the sightings?________________________


4. Who believes in UFOs?_________________________________________________

5. Give two reasons why they believe in UFOs. ________________________________






Kay, Ray and Tina are at a barbecue. Listen to the first part of the conversation

and complete the gaps with the phrases from the box.

Excuse me / this is my friend Kate / I’m having a great time / that’s great / nice to meet


This is my best friend / I’m having so much fun / pleased to meet you / pardon me/ that’s cool

Tina: Hey, Ray, ______________________. She‘s visiting from Chicago.

Ray: Oh, Hi. _________________________. So, uh…. are you here on vacation?

Kate: Yeah. I‘m here for a week.

Ray: ____________________! Are you enjoying Laguna Beach?

Kate: Yeah! I‘m taking a scuba-diving course.

Ray: __________________. How‘s it going?

Kate: Really well. And _______________________________________________.

Tina: Oh, that‘s my cell phone. _________________________________________.

Ray: Sure.

2. Listen to the second part of the conversation and choose the correct option.

1. Ray knows Tina because:

a) They are studying at the same school b) They take the same class c) they go to the

same club.

2. Ray is studying:

a) softball b) law c) sports

3. Tina and Ray play softball

a) every Saturday b) on the weekend c) Saturday mornings

when the weather

is good.

Go to CD track 3



1. Look at the information about Anna.

Name: Anna Wilson

City: Ottawa, Canada

Age: 30

Job: Fashion designer

Right now: Watching T.V. with her daughter Lola.

During the week: Monday evening: violin lesson

Friday evening: Have dinner in a restaurant

Weekend: Always/ goes to the park with her daughter

Sometimes/ goes to the local pool.

2. Write a paragraph using the information from the box. Use present simple and


















We use verb to be + going to + verb


1. to talk about future plans:

We are going to sing at the party! He’s not going to the party. What are you going

He has to work. to do tomorrow?

2. When we are sure something is going to happen in the future:

I’m going to the beach You’re not going to school tomorrow Are you going to

have a test tomorrow?

I‘m going to do something = I have decided to do it, my intention is to do it.

Verb Form:

Affirmative form:

Subject Verb to be going to verb Complement

I am going to watch T.V

He/she/ it is going to eat lunch

We/you/they are going to dance tonight.

Negative Form:

Subject Verb to


not going to verb Complement

I am not going to watch T.V.

He/she/ it is not going to eat lunch

We/you/they are not going to dance tonight

Interrogative Form:


Wh- Verb to be Subject going to verb complement?

Am I going to see you tomorrow? Yes, you are.

Is He/she/ it going to play video games? No, he is not

What are We/you/th


going to do tonight? I‘m going to do




1. What are these people going to do? Write a sentence for each picture.

2. Rewrite each sentence or question with going to.

1. Maria plans to adopt a dog next month. Maria is going to adopt a dog next month.

2. We don‘t plan to go on vacation this year.__________________________________

3. What are your plans for the summer?_____________________________________

4. Tom and Naomi intend to get married next month.___________________________

5. Look! That tree is about to fall over!_______________________________________

6. The forecast for tomorrow is rain._________________________________________

7. Does Mary plan to make a party on Friday?_________________________________

8. I don‘t intend to get a new car.____________________________________________

9. We don‘t plan to swim today.____________________________________________

10. My friends plan to study tonight._________________________________________

3. What’s going to happen? Write a sentence for each picture. Use going to.

rain have a test tomorrow go on vacation

__________________________ _______________________ _____________



Read the following text.

This year, Carol‘s going to spend two weeks in Paris all by herself. She‘s going to do a

French course because she wants to improve her French. She‘s going to have classes

only in the mornings; the afternoons are going to be free. She‘s planning to visit

museums, walk around the city and meet the locals.

She‘s going to stay with a host family that she doesn‘t know. They have a girl of the

same age as Carol and she hopes they‘re going to get along well together.

She can‘t wait but her parents feel differently: they‘re a little worried because it‘s the

first time their daughter is going to travel alone.

It‘s going to be a completely different experience. She‘s going to meet different people

and live in a different culture for some days and besides...she‘s going to be alone. She‘s

going to have a great time.

Answer the following questions.

1. Where is Carol going to spend her next holidays?


2. What is she going to do there?


3. Is she going to have classes in the afternoon?


4. Where is she going to stay?


5. How do her parents feel about her trip?


6. Why is it going to be a different experience?




What are your plans for next summer? Write a short paragraph (50 to 100 words).

Don‘t forget to use am/is/are; going to. Use connectors: First, then, later, after that,

finally. Use the prompts below to help you with your paragraph.

What time are you going to wake up?

Are you going to do something special?

Who are you seeing?

Where are you going?

What are you going to wear?

With whom are you going?


















We use first conditional sentences to talk about an action and its consequence.

Conditional sentences have two clauses or parts; the if clause, where the action is

shown, and the consequence clause.

Look and study the following examples:

action: consequence: action: consequence:

If I study hard, I will pass the exam. If Ben doesn’t get up early, he will miss the


action: consequence:

If the weather is nice, I‘m going to go to the beach.


Word order

If + present simple, will + simple form

We use the present simple after if, and will or going to in the other clause.

if Present simple , S will/going to Verb in simple form C

If we miss the bus , we will be late.

If we don‘t go now , we Won‘t get there on time.

If I leave early , I‘m going to go to the movies.

An if- clause can come at the beginning of the sentence or at the end. Notice the use of


with commas, no commas

If she stays home, she‘s going to relax. = She‘s going to relax if she stays home.

If she has enough time, she will see the movie. = She will see the movie if she has

…………………………………………………………………………enough time.



1. Complete the sentence. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. If Tommy (not leave)__________________now, he (miss)_____________his bus.

2. If my friends ______________ (come), I ___________________ (be) very happy.

3. If it ______________ (rain), the children _________________ (not/go) for a walk.

4. If she ____________ (not earn) a lot of money, she _______________ (not fly) to

New York.

5. If he _____________ (have) a temperature, he _______________ (see) the doctor.

2. Write sentences beginning with if. Choose from the boxes.

you don‘t hurry you will choose one next time

you pass the exam we´ll be late

if + you go on holiday + you‘re not going to have any money

you don‘t work you‘ll get a certificate

you don‘t like the movie I‘ll go with you.






3. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences:

1. I‘m going to the movies if_______________________________________________

2. We can go to the party on Friday if________________________________________

3. if you don‘t come with me______________________________________________

4. Sam is not going to pass his exams_______________________________________

5. if I have time tomorrow________________________________________________

6. If you come back next week_____________________________________________

7. if I go to university____________________________________________________

8. I‘m going to feel very sad_______________________________________________

9. I‘m going to feel very angry_____________________________________________

10. I‘m going to feel very happy___________________________________________



Read the following text.

“Famous Bridges”

People and vehicles use bridges to cross bodies of water, valleys and roads. If you ask people to

name some famous American bridges, they probably will include the Golden Gate Bridge in

San Francisco, California and the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. Both are suspension

bridges. They cross great distances and have roadways that hang from steel cables supported by

high towers.

You may think the Golden Gate Bridge was named for its orange color. But it is named for the

body of water that it crosses - the Golden Gate Strait. The Golden Gate Strait is the entrance to

the San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean. The Golden Gate Bridge links the city of San

Francisco with Marin County, California.

Joseph Strauss designed the bridge. It opened in 1937. The Golden Gate Bridge extends 1,280

meters across the water. It was the longest suspension bridge in the world until 1964. That is

when the Verrazano Narrows Bridge opened in New York City. Still, the Golden Gate Bridge

has become famous around the world. And many people consider it to be the most beautiful

bridge structure in the world.

The Brooklyn Bridge is much older than the Golden Gate. It was one of the first great

suspension bridges. It was built between 1869 and 1883. John Augustus Roebling designed the

bridge. But he died as a result of an accident at the start of its construction.

His son, Washington Roebling, replaced him as chief engineer. But he became sick while

working underwater. Washington Roebling was not able to go to the construction area. Yet he

continued to direct the operations through his wife, Emily.

The Brooklyn Bridge links Brooklyn with Manhattan Island. It extends 486 meters over the East

River. It was the longest bridge in the world until the Firth of Forth cantilever bridge was built

in Scotland in 1890. Today, thousands of cars, trucks, bicycles and people cross the Brooklyn

Bridge every day.

Circle true or false:

1 The Golden Gate Bridge was the first great suspension bridge true false

2 The Brooklyn Bridge is a cantilever bridge. true false

3 The Verrazano Narrows Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the

world. true false

4 The designer of the Golden Gate Bridge died as a result of an accident at the

start of its construction. true false

5 Suspension bridges hang from steel cables supported by high towers. true false

6 The Golden Gate Bridge connects the city of San Francisco with Marin

County, California. true false

7 People only use bridges for crossing bodies of water. true false

8 The Golden Gate Bridge was named for its orange color. true false

9 The Golden Gate Strait is the entrance to the San Francisco Bay. true false

10 The Golden Gate Bridge is much older than the Brooklyn Bridge. true false



You are a reporter from your school newspaper. Write an article about your best

friend. Interview her and then write the report.

1. When were you born?

2. Where were you born?

3. Where did you grow up?

4. What do you do?

5. What are you studying now?

6. What do you like to do in your free time?

7. What would you like to do in the next five years?

Write your report using the information above. Use a minimum of 50 to 120 words.






























Click on the link below to practice a listening activity.

Choose the best answer:

1. What type of film is on Screen 1

a) horror/thriller b) romance c) sci-fi

2. Which screen has an animated film

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

3. What time does the first film start

a) 2.00 b) 3.00 c) 4.00

4. If you arrive at the cinema at 7.10, when is the next film

a) 7.25 b) 7.45 c) 7.55

5. Which screen is showing a love story

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

6. Where is the director of 'Streetmatch' from

a) England b) France c) Spain d) USA

7. What time does the last film start

a) 11.45 b) 11.55 c) 12.45

8. How much does it cost for a mother and father with 3 children (aged 16, 14 and 9) to


a) a film b) 21.50 c) 22.50 d) 23.50 e) 24.50

Go to CD track 4




Count nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count.

Count nouns can be SINGULAR or PLURAL.

o SINGULAR: My dog is hungry.

o PLURAL: The dogs are fighting.

We can use the indefinite article a/an with count nouns:

o A dog is an animal.

When a count noun is singular, we must use a word like a/the/my/this with it:

When a count noun is plural, we can use it alone:

o I like oranges.

o Bananas are delicious!

We can use some and any with count nouns:

o I have some strawberries.

o Do you have any peaches?

We use HOW MANY and ARE THERE ANY with plural count nouns:

o How many tomatoes are there in the kitchen?

o Are there any eggs?


o I want an orange. (not I want orange.)

o Where is my bottle? (not Where is bottle?)

Use SOME with affirmative sentences

Use ANY with questions



1. Complete the chart with words from the box

Singular count nouns Plural count nouns

2. Complete the conversation. Use a, an, some or any.

Marie: What do you usually have for breakfast?

Bob: _______ tuna sandwich.

Marie: And, do you eat________ fruit?

Bob: Yes, I usually eat _________ apple

or _______ banana

Marie: What do you drink?

Bob: I often drink ____________orange juice.

3. Complete the following questions. Use YOUR OWN information.

1. How many ___________________________ are there in your kitchen?

2. Are there any ______________________________ in the fridge?

3. How many _______________________________ are there on the counter?

4. Do you have some __________________________________ on the shelf?

5. Do you need any _________________________________?

6. How about some ____________________________________ ?

carrots an orange a tomato peas grapes

a pineapple raspberries papayas an avocado a watermelon



Non-count nouns are substances, liquids, gases, and abstract ideas that we can not

divide into separate elements. We can’t "count" them individually.

We usually treat Non-count nouns as SINGULAR. We always use a SINGULAR


o This fish is served with vegetables.

o Your salad looks delicious.


We do not usually use the indefinite article a/an with uncountable nouns. We can not

say "an oil" or "a butter". But we can say a something of:

o a slice of cheese

o a bottle of water

o a grain of rice

o a box of pasta

o a loaf of bread

o a bowl of soup

o a bag of onions

We can use some and any with uncountable nouns:

o I have some noodles.

o Do you have any cheese?

We use HOW MUCH and IS THERE ANY with non-count nouns.

o How much sugar do you want?

o Is there any milk in the fridge?


Use SOME with affirmative sentences

Use ANY with negative sentences

Use ANY with questions



1. Look at the picture. Complete the questions with: Are there any? Is there any?

How much? and / or How many? Then answer the questions.

1. ________________________ cheese in the fridge?

__________________________ .

2. ________________________ eggs?


3. ______________________ juice?

______________________ .

4. ______ _________bottles ________________?

________________________ .

5. ______ __________ fish ________________?


2. Match the columns.

Letter A B

z 0 ) Is there any (z) pizza on the counter?

1) Is there any (a) eggs do you need for this recipe?

2) Are there any (b) salt is in that tomato soup?

3) How much (c) pasta in the counter?

4) How many (d) peppers on the shelf?

3. Complete the conversation with SOME or ANY.

Tony: The store doesn‘t have __________________ potato salad.

Anna: Well, we have lots of potatoes. Let‘s make _____________!

Tony: OK. Do we have ___________________ mayonnaise?

Anna: No, we need to buy __________________.

Tony: We need _________________ peas, too.

Anna: Oh, I don‘t want ______________ peas. I hate peas!

Tony: Then let‘s get _______________ celery.

Anna: No, I don‘t want ____________ celery in my potato salad.



How I Became Good at Cooking

by Shen Yu from China

When other people ask me what I am good at, I

often need to think a long time and I ask myself,

"What am I good at?" I like a lot of things, but I'm

not good at anything.

In China, I liked cooking, but in my family

everyone told me, "Your food doesn't taste good,

no one likes your cooking." If I had to cook, my

parents would say, "You have cooked the food

enough for us. Don't cook so much. We will cook

next time."

Now I am in America, and my husband is very busy. He rarely cooks food, so I have to

cook every day. Sometimes my husband comes home with his friends. When I cook

Chinese food for them, they say, "Your food is delicious. I have never eaten it in

America." So now, if you ask me what I am good at, I will say cooking.

Now answer the questions.

1. Shen thinks she does a lot of things. T F

2. In China, her family always cooked for her. T F

3. Her husband don´t often cook. T F

4. Her husband‘s friends like her food. T F

5. She thinks that her cooking has improved. T F

LISTENING SECTION. Look at the waiter’s order pads. Listen to the conversation.

Which is the correct order pad, A, B, C or D? Cross out the letter.

Go to CD track 5

1 Chicken salad

1 Roast beef +


1 Mineral wáter

1 Red wine

1 Teriyaki chicken +


1 Roast beef +


1 mineral water

1 red wine

1 Grilled chicken +


1 Roast beef

1 mineral water

1 white wine


1 Teriyaki chicken

+ potatoes

1 Chicken salad

2 White wine






What do you eat every day? Write from 50 to 120 words about food you like.




















“To be” is an irregular verb. Was/ Were is the past tense of am/is/are.

Let‘s compare the lives of two famous Beatles; Paul McCartney (alive=present) and

John Lennon (dead=past):



Paul McCartney is 66 years old. John Lennon was born on 9 October 1940.

McCartney‘s father is a trumpet player. Lennon's father was a merchant seaman

during World War II.

McCartney is an English singer, song-writer,

Record and film producer.

Lennon was an English rock musician.

He is a vegetarian and an animal activist. He was a peace activist.

Linda McCartney is his wife. John Lennon and Yoko Ono were married.

They are a happy couple. They were a happy couple.

Study the following tables:

Present Past

I Am I was

You Are You were

He/She/It Is He/She/It was

We Are We were

They Are They were

Word Order

Affirmative Form:

Subject was/were Complement

I was fat. Now, I‘m thin.

He/she/it was very good at drawing when he was at school.

We/you/they were Were friends for many years. But, now we are not.

Negative Form: was not = wasn‘t

were not = weren‘t

Subject Was/were not complement

I was not happy when I was young.

He/she/it was not very rich when he was young.

We/you/they were not Very famous at the beginning.


Question Form:

To ask a yes/no questions we use was/were and a complement.

was/were subject Complement ?

was I happy when I was young. ?

was He/she/it very rich when he was young. ?

were We/you/they Very famous at the beginning. ?

Short Answers:


I was.


I wasn‘t.

he/she/it was. he/she/it wasn‘t.

we/you/they were. we/you/they weren‘t.

To ask information questions we use a wh- question and was/were. We don’t use did or


Wh- was/were subject complement ?

what was I doing ?

when was he/she/it studying English ?

who were we/you/they talking to ?


1. Complete the sentences and questions with was/were

1. Tom and Jean _______________________in Spain last week.

2. Sarah ____________________________ten years old in 1987.

3. George ________________________ tired, so he went to bed.

4. Tony _______________________ at Peter‘s house yesterday.

5. Mum and Dad _______________________ at home last night.

6. Tommy ____________________my friend when we __________________at school.

7. Alice and Kate__________________ late for school yesterday.

8. Last summer it __________________________extremely hot.

9. This morning I ________________ very hungry because I didn‘t have breakfast.

10. A: ________ John F. Kennedy an American president?

B: Yes, he ______________.

11. ____________________ there a lot of people in the concert?

12. No, there_________________________________________.

13. Why _________________________ you late for work again?

14. Because there ________________________ a lot of traffic.

15. A: Where ____________ you born?

B: I _________________ born in Sidney Australia


2. Put the next questions in order and match them with the correct answers. Questions:

1. were/ with/ you/Who/ the library/at/?______________________________________

2. the meeting/at/were/people/How many/?____________________________________

3. you/were/sad/Why/?____________________________________________________

4. last night/you/home/were/at/?____________________________________________

5. open/was/shop/the/? ___________________________________________________

6. were/much/tickets/the/how/?____________________________________________


3. Underline the correct form of “to be” in the simple past to complete the text coherently

―My name is Niall Kelly, and I 1. was/were born in 1946, in a village called Mallahyde,

in Ireland. My father Donald 2. was/were an engineer, and Maeve, my mother 3.

was/were a nurse. There 4. was/were six people in my family; my parents, my three

sisters and me. My sisters 5. was/were usually very noisy, but I 6. was/were a quiet

child. I 7. wasn’t/weren’t happy at my first school. I 8. wasn’t /weren’t good at Math

or English, but I 9. was/were very good at sports, especially football. I remember my

best friends 10. was/were two brothers called Ted and Brian, and they 11. was/were

always very naughty in class. I also remember my favorite food, it 12.was/were hot


4. Fill in the paragraph about life in the 1900’s with the correct form of “to be”

(singular, plural, affirmative or negative ) in the past.

_______ No, it was closed.

_______ Forty five.

_______ $ 20.

_______ Because I was alone.

_______ No, I was out.

_______I was with Mary.

1. The president of the United States in 1900 ________________________ William McKinley.

2. In the same year, Queen Victoria _____________________________ the queen of England.

3. There _________ many cars in the world, but bicycles ___________________ very popular.

4. In Britain, for example, there _____________________________600, 000 bicycles in 1900.

5. Cars __________ very slow. Roads ________ very good and driving ________ always safe.

6. Coca cola ______ a popular drink in America, but it _______well-known in other countries.

7. There _____ a lot of trains, but there______ any airplanes. The first plane _______ in 1907.


“The Alliens”

“Crazy Cowboys‖


Read the following reviews. Then, answer true, false or doesn‘t say.

“The Shy Girl”

Rosie is in love with her best friend, Nick.

But Nick doesn‘t know because Rosie‘s too shy to tell him.

This film is for the fans of romance... and happy endings!

The critics say:

―This film was happy and sad. The ending was brilliant.‖ ―The story wasn‘t very good,

but the acting was great‖

Many years ago, there were some alien visitors to planet Earth.

Now the Aliens are coming back and they aren‘t very friendly! Don‘t see this film


The critics say: ―The special effects were fantastic.

I was scared and amazed!‖

―A brilliant science fiction film”

Gary, Hank and Bill are in trouble. They steal some money and soon the police are

looking for them. So they go to the Wild West and become cowboys. Then, their real

problems begin! Follow the three friends on their crazy adventures! laughs for all ages.

The critics say: ―This film was really funny. Lots of good jokes and three very silly heroes!‖

―Comedies aren‘t my favorite kind of film, but this one was great. Don‘t miss it!‖

1. ―The Aliens‖ is a horror film. true false doesn’t say

2. Just over 15s can watch ―The Aliens‖. true false doesn’t say

3. The critics like ―The Aliens‖. true false doesn’t say

4. ―The Aliens‖ has very good special effects. true false doesn’t say

5. In ―Crazy Cowboys‖ Gary, Bill and Hank are the

cowboys. true false doesn’t say

6. Gary, Bill and Hank are robbers. true false doesn’t say

7. Gary, Bill and Hank are really clever friends. true false doesn’t say

8. The critics don‘t like this film. true false doesn’t say

9. ―The Shy Girl‖ is an action film. true false doesn’t say

10. In ―The Shy Girl‖, Nick can‘t tell his love. . true false doesn’t say

11. ―The Shy Girl‖ has with a happy ending. . true false doesn’t say

12. Critics think the story was boring. . true false doesn’t say




We use the simple past to express an action finished at a specific time in the past.

1. Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific

time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but

they do have one specific time in mind.

John Lennon sang with The Beatles. John Lennon wrote many songs. They lived in





Subject Verb in Past Tense Complement








liked their songs.

saw them in a concert

were very famous

in London.

their records.

very much.

in England.

all over the world.

2. There are two kind of verbs; regular and irregular verbs.


Spelling rules:

To change regular verbs into past simple, add ED to the base form of the verb.

Examples: visit - visitED, finish finishED, start startED

When the verb ends in E, add only D.

Examples: like - likeD, love - loveD, move - moveD.

If a verb ends in vowel (a, e, i, o,u) before ―y‖, add ED.

Examples: plAY - played, stAY - stayed,


Irregular verbs in the past change differently. Examples:

Go-went, take-took, make-made.



1. Complete the text with the correct past simple form of the verbs in the box.

be go see meet have

We (1)_________ to New York for a short vacation last week. It (2) __________ great!

We (3)_________our friends who live there. They _____________(4) really nice to us.

We (5) _________ to the Museum of Modern Art, where we (6) _____________some

beautiful pictures, and we (7) _________ dinner at Soho. Afterwards, we (8) ________

some friends of theirs in a bar. We also (9) _________ a really fantastic Brazilian

movie. We (10) ___________ a lot of fun.

2. Change the next verbs into past

3. Write a sentence using the past simple tense for each picture. Use the following


wake up drive buy eat fly arrive

Infinitive Past tense

























The regular past simple ending –ed can be pronounced in three different ways:


1. –ed is pronounced /t/ after verbs ending in these unvoiced sounds (sounds made

without using the voice box): K,P,F, S, Sh, X and Ch.


K P F S Sh Ch

verb looked stopped laughed Passed washed watched

pronunciation /lukt/ /stopt/ /laft/ /past/ /washt/ /watcht/


2. After voiced endings (sounds made using the voice box) –ed is pronounced /d/. This

group is the largest and includes vowels sounds (A, E, I, O, U) and other sounds like:B,

M, N L, V, Y.



verb smiled loved welcomed Yawned cried robbed

pronunciation /smaild/ /lovd/ /welcomd/ /yawnd/ /craid/ /robd/


3. After verbs ending in /t/ or /d/ the pronunciation of –ed is /Id/.



verb visited decided

pronunciation /visited/ /decided/



1. Place the verbs in the box into the correct columns below, according to their

pronunciation. There are ten answers for each column.

Allowed, flooded, mixed, visited, asked, guessed, posted, wasted, cracked, included,

relaxed, washed, cried, jailed, repeated, watched, damaged, killed, shaved,

welcomed, decided, landed, slipped, yawned, encouraged, loved, stopped, ended,

missed, tasted

/t/ /d/ /Id/


Study the following examples:

The Beatles didn’t sing in Spanish. The Beatles ddn’t live Tokyo.

Did Beatles sing in English? Did The Beatles live in Moscow?

Yes, they did. They sang in English. No, they didn’t. They lived in


Did is an auxiliary verb.

We use did/didn’t in past simple negatives and questions.



Word Order

Negative form:

To make a negative sentence we use did not = didn‘t and the verb in simple form:

Subject Didn’t verb complement












to the party.

in the lake.

videogames yesterday.

television last night.

their science


Question Form:

To ask yes/no questions we use did and the verb in simple form:

did subject Verb complement ?

did you Do your homework ?

did she Study English ?

Short Answers:

Yes, I/You/He/She/It/We/They did. No, I/You/He/She/It/We/They didn‘t.

To ask information questions we use a wh question, did, and the veb in simple form:

Wh- did Subject verb complement ?

Where did He study English ?

When did He go on holiday ?


1. Change the sentences into negative sentences.

1. Our teacher arrived on time.______________________________________________

2. Sue study last night.____________________________________________________

3. We saw Harry Potter yesterday.___________________________________________

4. I did the laundry last Monday.____________________________________________

5. Karla invited me to her party._____________________________________________

6. I went to bed early last night._____________________________________________

7. The shops opened on Sunday.____________________________________________

8. Sam phoned me._______________________________________________________

9. I lost my mobile phone._________________________________________________

10. I loved you very much._________________________________________________


2. Complete the text with the correct past simple form of the verb in parentheses

I (1) _______(have) terrible problems at school with my final exams. I (2) __________

(study) very hard and I (3) _______ (be) stressed out. I (4) _________ (drink) lots of

coffee, so I (5) _________________ (not sleep) at night. My mother (6) _________

(tell) to rest but I (7) _________________ (not want) to.

I (8) _____________ (stay) in my room, studying for two weeks. I (9) __________ (be)

sick for a month. My parents (10) ___________ (be) very good to me during that time. I

(11) ___________ (spend) a month resting and then I (12) ___________ (start) studying

again. I passed the exam, I (13) ________________ (graduate) from school and I (14)

__________ (go) to university

3. Write the words in order to make questions.

1. Did/ how/ become/Shakira/famous/?______________________________________

2. Were/?/the/famous/When/Doors__________________________________________

3. The/Doors‘/were/fans/? / who____________________________________________

4. Do/about/what/know/Rolling Stones/?/the/you______________________________

5. You/bands/like U2/? / did/ like___________________________________________

4. Match the questions to the answers.

1 Was the concert good? a Yes, he did.

2 Did he sing your favorite song? b No, it didn‘t.

3 What‘s it about? c Love.

4 Who wrote it? d John Lennon.

5 Did the concert finish early? e It was fantastic.

5. Read the sentences and make questions with the information in parentheses.

1. We had fun last night. (what/do) __What did you do?_______________________

2. We went out. (where/go) _______________________________________________

3. We saw friends.(who/see) ______________________________________________

4. I had a nice day yesterday. (go/school)____________________________________


5. We went to the movies. (what/see) _______________________________________

6. I saw an Italian movie. (like/it) _________________________________________

7. I had an exam yesterday. (exam/hard) _____________________________________

8. We went to a great restaurant.(What/have)__________________________________

9. I went to the movies last night. (see/ Chinatown)_____________________________

6. Match the previous questions to the following answers. Put the number of the question

on the line.

1. We had pizza and Jamie had spaghetti._____________________________________

2. We saw a great Indian Movie.____________________________________________

3. My friends. Alice and Elizabeth.__________________________________________

4. No, I didn‘t. We had a holiday, so I went to the beach._________________________

5. No, it wasn‘t too hard._________________________________________________

6. Yes, it was absolutely fantastic!___________________________________________

7. No, it was playing at 9:20 and that was too late for Angie, so we saw a different

movie. _______________________________________________________________

8. We went to the theatre.__________________________________________________

9. We had dinner with friends._____________________________________________



1. Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the text about?

A) The assassination of JF Kennedy. B) Kennedy‘s life. C) The Kennedys.

2. Answer with complete sentences.

1. When was John F. Kennedy born?_________________________________________

2. What was his father‘s job?_______________________________________________

3. Who did he marry?_____________________________________________________

4. How many children did he have?__________________________________________

3. Cross T (true) or F (false) if the sentences are true or false.

1. Kennedy‘s children are all alive. T F

2. Two Kennedy‘s brothers were assassinated too. T F

3. The Kennedy‘s family story is a happy one. T F



Listen to the audio and answer the following questions.

A. Underline the correct option

1. J.K. Rowling was born in:

a) 1963 b) 1955 c)1965.

2. She wrote her first story when she was:

a) 16 b) 6 c)36.

3. She had the idea for Harry Potter:

a) On a train b) at university c) when she was in France.

B. Answer with complete sentences

1. What did she do in 1992?_______________________________________________

2. Who did she marry?___________________________________________________

3. What was her daughter‘s name?__________________________________________

4. Where did she live when she returned to England?___________________________

3. Mark T for true and F for false sentences.

1. For some time she didn‘t have a job. T F

2. She didn‘t write in her house because it was cold. T F

3. She doesn‘t write in coffee shops. T F

Go to CD track 6



Write in a paragraph form all the things you did yesterday. Follow the prompts.

Write 50 to 150 words.

What time did you get up?

What did you do?

Where did you go?

Who did you see or talk to?

Did something interesting happened?

What did you do in the afternoon?

























1. We use should to give and ask for a word of advice.

Ringo should lose some weight. A: I have a terrible cold! What should I do for my party?

He’s too fat. B: You shouldn’t smoke.

Should is a social formula used to give and ask for advice. It is a Modal Auxiliary so

it‘s always associated with a verb in the simple form. Should is the same for all the

subjects, singular like I or you, third persons like she, he, it, Carlos, or Rachel, and

plural like we, they, you, my sisters or your children.

Analyze the following tables:





She/He/ It


take an aspirin.



see the dentist.




She/He/ It


eat so much candy.



swim in that river.

Questions Answers





call the doctor?

Yes, you should.

No, he shouldn't.

What we


wear for a wedding? You should wear a tuxedo.



1. Match the two columns

1. Should I see a doctor? a. No, she shouldn‘t.

2. I have a bad headache. b. She should go to bed.

3. Where should I go? c. Yes, you should.

4. Should she take something? d. He shouldn‘t go to school today.

5. He has a fever. e. You should visit the cathedral.

6. What should she do? f. You should take an aspirin.

2. Conversation. Complete the conversation with words and phrases from the box.

You should can be the streets city we shouldn‘t

buy too late go to Mexico City Where

A: We are traveling to (1)_Mexico City_ this Summer. What do you think we

should visit?

B: Well, (2)_________________take a tour in the city center. You should stop at the

Bellas Artes Palace and see the program. You should (3)___________________ a

concert there!

A: (4)___________ should we do shopping?

B: You should (5)___________ souvenirs in well established stores or you can go

shopping to Coyoacan. You should go on Sunday and walk round the main


A: Should we explore (6)____________ there?

B: Yes, but you (7)______________ go into lonely or dark streets. You shouldn‘t

walk (8)_______________ at night.

A: Should (9)___________________ rent a car or take tours?

B: I think you should book some tours, the city is too big and it (10)__________

difficult to drive in a (11)__________________ you don‘t know.

3. Suggest a remedy. Use should or shouldn’t and the base form of a verb.

1 ―I have a terrible backache.‖ You: You should lie down.

2 ―Oh, my mouth! What a toothache!‖ You:

3 ―My sister has a bad cough.‖ You:

4 ―My friend has a stomachache. He feels awful.‖ You:

5 ―I feel terrible. I have sore throat.‖ You:

6 ―I don‘t feel well. I think I have a fever.‖ You:



Read the following text and answer TRUE or FALSE in the chart below.


Once upon a time, Little Red Riding Chubby (also known as Lara) decided to visit her

grandmother. Lara took some food for her grandma. Lara was a very playful girl, she

loved games, especially video-games, but she was a little obese. She ate lots of candy

and never exercised. On the way, she met the bald wolf. The wolf wanted to compete

on a race. Lara accepted the challenge and ran to her granny's house.

As Lara had some food in her basket, she ran slowly. She wanted to win so she ate all

the food and left the basket in the forest. She ran and arrived at her granny's very very

tired, she had stomachache because she ate so much and ran so much.

She was surprised to see the bald wolf there. The wolf was a trained athlete and arrived

twenty minutes before her. Her grandmother was at home making lemonade for her

guests. The wolf told her that Lara was coming.

Lara wasn't only tired and sick, she was also shocked. She hated losing, so when the

door opened, she collapsed. Fortunately, the wolf gave her CPR and saved her life.

Grandma was very worried, but in the end the wolf told them he was a strict vegetarian,

and led a very healthy life, so he gave them some advice.


Choose the best answer, check TRUE or FALSE.

1 Lara didn't like games. T F

2 Lara shouldn't eat so much candy. T F

3 Lara should exercise regularly. T F

4 The wolf ate fat children. T F

5 The wolf let Lara win the race. T F

6 Lara shouldn't eat the food from the basket. T F

7 Lara's grandma didn't make lemonade. T F

8 The wolf shouldn't save fat children. T F

9 Lara should learn to be a good player. T F

10 The bald wolf shouldn't give them any advice. T F

(3) For further practice on Should/shouldn’t check the web links page.



1. Listen and match the two columns

Conversation 1 a. The man has a terrible backache.

Conversation. 2 b. She has sore throat and a cough.

Conversation 3 c. She asks if he has a cold.

Conversation 4 d. He should see a dentist.

Conversation 5 e. She has a headache and a bad cold

Conversation 6 f. She probably has a stomach infection.

Go to CD track 7

2. Read and listen. Read the following situations and match them with the best option you

hear. Write the number in the space given.

What a toothache!

Go to CD track 8

3. Listen to the conversation and underline the best answer. 1. The lady has _________

a. emotional problems. c. a bad cold.

b. problems with her throat. d. a backache.

2. Her symptoms are ______

a. sore throat and a headache c. cough and a headache

b. headache and diarrhea d. a bad headache

3. The pharmacist wants to know if she feels __________

a. her legs. c. pain in the stomach.

b. back pain and fever d. hot.

4. The lady is_________

a. not allergic to drugs. c. allergic to aspirin.

b. addicted to pain-killers. d. allergic to penicillin.

5. The pharmacist gives her__________

a. some aspirin. c. paracetamol.

b. antibiotics. d. some legal advice.

6. She has to take___________

a. 2 every 8 hours. c. 2 every 4 hours.

b. 1 every 4 hours. d. 1 every 8 hours.

7. She should see a doctor if ________

a. she doesn‘t feel better. c. her nose bleeds.

b. she doesn‘t like the medicine. d. she can.

8. She pays ________ for the medicine.

a. $ 4.70 c. $ 8.75

b. $ 2.75 d. $ 4.75

Go to CD track 9

A Your sister wears your clothes without even telling you. She‘s careless and rude. B When your friends go out together, your friend Sue never has any money with her. C Your best friend doesn‘t speak to you. You don‘t know why. 1 D Your friend‘s brother lives in Spain. He can‘t contact him by phone. E When you watch a drama film, you usually cry a lot. F If you need some advice. What do you say?




We can use the imperative ...

1. To give a direct order:

Stand up straight. Close the window. Do your homework.

2. To give instructions:

Take a pill every night after dinner. Take a left and then a right. Open your books.

3. To make an invitation:

Have a piece of this cake. Come in and Sit down. Please, Start without me.

4. On signs and notices:

Don’t smoke Insert one dollar. Use only for


5. To give friendly informal advice:

Speak to him. Tell him how you feel. Don´t go to school. Stay at home and rest up.

Verb Form:

To form imperatives we use the basic form of the verb:

Walk to the mall. Drink warm tea.

To make the imperative negative, add don´t before the verb:

Don’t Walk to the mall Don’t Drink warm tea.



1. Make the following instructions negative.

Write a letter. Don’t write a letter_________________.

Sit down. _________________________________.

Clean the room. _________________________________

Make dinner. _________________________________.

Call your mother. _________________________________.

Open your books. _________________________________.

2. Look at the pictures. Write an imperative for each.

1. _____________________ to the office. 2. ____________ to the airport.

3. _____________ smoke. 4. _________ some muscular cream.

3. Complete the conversations. Underline the correct word.

1. A. How do I get to the Metropolitan Museum?

B: Don‘t walk. (Take/Stop/Drive) the bus.

2. A: I have a backache.

B: Don‘t (rest/exercise/relax). And (put/use/take) these pills.

3. A: Excuse me? How do I get to the bank?

B: (Turn/Take/ Go) straight on and (turn/cross/drive) left, (turn/take/walk)

……..three blocks, the bank is on your right.


4. Read the conversations. Fill in the blanks with the words from the boxes.

Conversation 1:

1a: Hello, Maria. Are you OK?

2b: No, I feel ______________________ .

3a: What‘s the matter?

4b: I have a ________________ and a sore ___________

5a: You ________________________ take the day off and

go to bed.

6b: Yes, good idea.

7a: And ______________________________ lots of water.

8b: OK. See you tomorrow, maybe.

Conversation 2:

1a: Hi, Diana. ____________________________ are you?

2b: I‘m not very well.

3a: Oh, what‘s ________________________________?

4b: I have a bad _____________________________ ache.

5a: That‘s a shame. Why don‘t you go home?

6b: I _____________________. I have a meeting this afternoon.

7a: Oh, I‘m sorry. I hope you get better soon.

8b: Thanks. See you later.

headache terrible throat drink should

can‘t stomach wrong better how



Happy Face Sandwich

Check the supplies and ingredients needed to prepare the recipe.



butter knife


Peanut Butter



Bread (1 slice)

m & m's candy

Lemon slices

Read and arrange the directions. Write the numbers on the right.

a) ………. Then use a raisin as a nose.

b) ………. Last, make your mouth out of m&m's candy.

c) ………. Serve on a plate decorated with lemon slices.

d) …….… Spread the peanut butter on the slice of bread.

e) ………. Next, put 2 banana circles on the bread to look like eyes.

f) ……1…. Put a slice of bread on a plate.



Read the ingredients for Fish Cakes.

Fish Cakes

Ingredients (to make 24 fish cakes):

500 g boiled potatoes

350g cooked white fish

1 tablespoon tomato purée

2 tablespoons mixed herbs

50g breadcrumbs

a little oil

salt and pepper

Listen carefully. Write the missing words to complete the instructions.


1. …………………………. the boiled potatoes with a little salt and pepper.

2. ………………………….. together the potatoes and the fish, tomato purée and herbs.

3. ………………………….. a little salt and pepper.

4. ………………………….. 24 fish cakes from the mixture.

5. ………………………….. the fish cakes with the breadcrumbs.

6. ………………………….. the oil in a frying pan.

7. ………………………….. the fish cakes for about five minutes, turning them once.

8. ………………………….. the fish cakes immediately with tomato sauce and a salad.

Go to CD track 10



How do you prepare YOUR FAVORITE sandwich? What are the ingredients? Write

the instructions to prepare it. Write from 50 to 150 words.


















Can is a Modal Auxiliary, it‘s always associated with a verb in the simple form.

We use can to:

1. Express ability:

Tim can play the guitar really well. He can’t speak Spanish. Can you drive?

2. Express possibility:

We can use the computers at the IT lab. Where can I check my mails? 3. It’s a social formula used to offer assistance and ask for help.

Good morning. How can I help you? Excuse me. Can you show me this in medium size?

Remember: A more formal social use is could

e.g. Could you open the window, please?

Excuse me. Could we have the menu?

Can and Could are the same for all the subjects, singular like I or you, third persons like

she, he, it, Mary, or Paul, and plural like we, they, you, her friends or your sisters.


Analyze the following tables:

Affirmative Form Negative Form

Interrogative form Answers …………..





play the piano?

Yes, you can.

No, he can't.

What we


do this holidays? We can go to the beach.



She/He/ It


dance well.



Speak Italian.



She/He/ It


make pasta.






1. Complete the conversations with can or can’t and the base form of a verb.

1 A ______ your mother ____________ a car?

B Yes, she _____________. But she doesn‘t drive very well.

2 A ________ you ________ well?

B Yes, I _______. I swim very fast.

3 A _______ your sister ________ the guitar?

B No, she _________. She plays terribly.

4 A _________ you _________ me these shoes?

B No, I ___________. They‘re too expensive.

5 A Sorry, you _________ eat that soup.

B I see. It‘s too hot.

6 A _________ your brother _______?

B No. He ____________ cook at all.

7 A __________ Raul _________English well?

B Yes. He speaks English well.

8 A ________ your father _________ a car?

B Yes, he _________. He‘s a great mechanic.

9 A _________ you __________ well?

B Yes, I _______ skate board, but I __________ do tricks.

10 A _________ I __________ your blue sweater tonight?

B Sure. But it __________ be too big for you.

2. Look at the prompts and produce questions. Give a short answer according to

the picture and add a remark.

1 A Can he play the guitar?

B Yes, he can. But he plays terribly

2 A Can she ride a horse?

B No, she can’t. She rides awful.

3 A


4 A


5 A


6 A


7 A


8 A


9 A


10 A


Nota Fonética

La pronunciación y la

identificación de las formas

afirmativas y negativas resulta

difícil para las personas de

habla hispana.

-Tiene una forma débil:

/ kən /

que se usa de forma afirmativa

e interrogativa.

e.g. He can speak Spanish.

Can you speak Spanish?

-Y dos formas fuertes:

/ kæ nt / para negativos,

y / kæ n / para respuestas



They can’t speak Spanish.

Yes, they can.

CD track 11



Read the following text and chose the best answer

1 You can eat vegetables on a plate. T F

2 You can eat pasta from a plastic container. T F

3 You can wear jeans inside the ISS. T F

4 You can have a shower. T F

5 You can wash with a sponge. T F

6 You can sleep in a normal bed. T F

7 You can‘t go home by train. T F

Life on the International Space Station

Some people dream of traveling into space. However, life in space

is not very easy. Here are some of the problems that people on the

International Space Station (ISS) have.

1 Having lunch on the ISS is very difficult because there is no

gravity in space, and things never stay where you put them. Food

comes in plastic containers because food can't stay on a plate.

2 When they go outside, people wear special clothes, because

there is no atmosphere in space. It‘s also very cold in space. Inside

the ISS people can wear ordinary clothes.

3 You can‘t have a shower in space because the water doesn‘t stay

in one place. People wash with a sponge with water and soap.

4 People on the ISS can‘t sleep in normal beds, because their

bodies don‘t stay in the bed. They use special sleeping bags on

the wall.

If you want to have a holiday in space, remember that life there is

very different from life at home. And if you don‘t like it, you can‘t take a train or

bus home.

A ( )

Read the text and number the pictures

B ( )

C ( )


D ( )

Read the text again and check TRUE or FALSE



1. Listen and complete the chart.

Bill Amanda Jill and Sam

read music Yes Yes

use a computer No

ride a horse

CD track 12

2. Write sentences using the information from the previous exercise.

1 Bill / read music. Bill can read music.

2 Amanda / use a computer. Amanda can’t use a computer.

3 Bill / use a computer.

4 Bill / ride a horse.

5 Amanda / read music.

6 Amanda / ride a horse.

7 Jill and Sam / read music.

8 Jill and Sam / use a computer.

9 Jill and Sam / ride a horse.

3. Listen and complete the conversations with phrases from the box.

Can I have a pizza, please? Can I try on this pair of jeans, please? $ 12.30.

How much is it? Can I have a ticket to New York please?

How much is it? Can I send an e-mail, please?

Can I help you? Here‘s your ticket and $ 5.00 change.

1. a: .

b: Can I try on this pair of jeans, please?

Of course. The fitting rooms are over here.

4. a:


Good afternoon.

Yes, can I change this traveler‘s

check, please? a: Of course.

2. a: b:

a:Fifty dollars.

b: Sure. One-way or round-trip?

a: One-way, please 5. a:

b: That‘s fifteen dollars, please. b: Ok

a: Thank you. a: How much is it?

b: Twenty dollars. b: a: Thank you

3. a: b: Twenty dollars. Here‘s $7.70


b: Ok. Computer number fifteen. CD track 13


b: Twenty-five cents a minute. You pay at the



4. Listen and number the pictures

CD track 14

(4) For further practice on can’t & can’t check the web links page.

b. Write the requests you hear

1. Could you please close the window?









1. We use would like to talk about wishes, dreams and ambitions. It’s the formal

structure of “I want”

Tanya would like to have two children. Would you like to be a movie star? I would like

more cake.

2. For invitations and offerings.

Would you like more wine? Would you like to play with me? What would you like

for dinner?

Study the following Charts:





She/He/ It

'd like

a new cell phone


They 'd = would to go to the beach.

Questions Answers






a cup of coffee?

Yes, please.

No, thank you.

What we


for your birthday? I‘d like a visit to the zoo.



1. Write sentences using the prompts.

1. He would like to be millionaire. 2. be a writer. 3. live in a big city.

4. be a musician. 5. live in the country. 6. travel around the world.

7. be the president of my company. 8. ride a motorcycle. 9. be one hundred years old.

2. Number the following conversation in the correct order.

Waiter Of course, what would you like?

11 Woman Yes, please. There‘s nothing like a good American breakfast.

Man Good morning. Can we have the menu, please?

Man Yes, please. My coffee with milk, no sugar.

Waiter Sure. Would you like some orange juice?

Woman Can we order now?

1 Waiter Good morning.

Waiter Certainly. Would you like coffee to start?

Man Good idea. Only if it‘s fresh.

Waiter Would you like hash brown with your eggs?

Woman I‘d like the fried eggs and bacon-crispy.



1. Listen to three people, it’s their birthday soon. Complete the sentences.


Suzanne What ___________ ___________ like for my birthday? That‘s easy.

_________ _________ to have breakfast in bed. With the newspapers.

And in the evening, I‘d like to go to the theater.


Tom Well, I‘d like a ___________ ___________ because my computer is so old that the new

programs don‘t work on it. _________ _________ to go to a nice restaurant. I don‘t care}

if it‘s Italian, Japanese, Chinese, or Indian –just __________ ____________


Alice I don‘t have a __________ ______________, but all my friends have one, so what I‘d

__________ ________ is my own cell phone. They aren‘t ___________ these days.

And in the evening ________ _________ to go out with all my friends and have a great


CD track 15

2. Listen to Andrea and Paul ordering a meal at Joe’s Diner. Who says these things?

Write W, A or P. W = the waiter A = Andrea P = Paul

P Andrea, what would you like to start?

Can I have the tomato juice, please?

And I‘d like the chicken soup.

Can I have the steak, please?

How would you like it cooked?

What would you like to drink?

We‘d like a bottle of mineral water, too.

Delicious, thank you.

CD track 16


3. Listen to the conversations in different places. Use the words to complete them.

In the street 1 A Excuse me! Where can I buy film for my


B In a drugstore.

2 A ____________________________?

3 B Yes, 200 meters from here, _______________.

can film where I buy

there is drugstore here near

bank the to next

In a clothing


4 A __________________?

B No, thanks. I’m just looking.

5 A Excuse me! _________________ in a medium?

6 B No, I’m sorry. ____________________

7 A _____________________ a pair of jeans.

8 B Sure, ____________________?

A I think I’m a 26.

B OK. The fitting rooms are over there.

I you help can

have shirt you do this

we all that’s have

try like to I’d on

are size what you

At the


9 A Yes, miss. _________________________?

10 B ____________________ potatoes, please.

A Anything else?

11 B ______________, thanks. How much is that?

like you would what

kilo a like I’d of

that’s no, all

At the


12 A Excuse me! _______________ newspapers?

13 B _______________, we don’t.

14 A Where _________________?

B Try the hotel.

Korean sell do you

sorry no, I’m

I them buy can

CD track 17

4. Listen Where is Enrique? Write a number 1-5.

A movie theater

An internet café

A music store

A bank

A newsstand

CD track 18

(5) For further practice on would like check the web links page




1. To ask about the location of a building use where’s + the + the name of a place or a


Study the following dialogs:

A: Excuse me. Where‘s the library? A: Excuse me. Where‘s the museum?

B: The library is around the corner. B: The museum is next to the bank.

A: Thanks. C: Thanks.

Here are some locations:

2. To ask for directions we use how do I get to the + the name of a place or building

To give a direction we use one or a combination of the following structures:

Study the following dialogs:

A: Excuse me. How do I get to the train station? A: Excuse me. How do I get to

B: go two blocks and turn left. the pharmacy?

A: Thanks: B: Go straight and turn left.

A: Thanks.



Ask about the location of places:

Complete the following dialogs, use:

across the street /around the corner / down the street

/ on the left / on the right / next to the ……

/ on the corner of…… and…….

(you are under the ―Welcome to Granville sign‖)


1. Excuse me. Is there a bank near hear?

Yes, there is a bank next to the bakery. On the

corner of park avenue and Washington street.

2. Excuse me. Where is the gas station?



3. Excuse me. Is there a church near hear?



4. Excuse me. Where is the hospital?



5. Excuse me. Is there a disco near hear?



6. Excuse me. Where is the Supermarket?



7. Excuse me. Is there a school near hear?



8. Excuse me. Where is the restaurant?



Give and get directions: Complete the following dialogs, use and mix:

Turn right/turn left/ go straight/

go to the corner of ___ street and ____ Avenue

go (2,3,4) blocks and turn_______

(you are under the ―Welcome to Granville sign‖)


1. Excuse me. How do I get to the bus station?

Go two blocks. It‘s on the left, next to the church.

2. Excuse me. How do I get to the Granville Hotel?



3.Excuse How do I get to the bus station?



4. Excuse me. How do I get to Hospital?



5. Excuse me. How do I get to the school?



6. Excuse me. How do I get to the Disco?



7. Excuse me. How do I get to the bookstore?



8. Excuse me. How do I get to supermarket?





1. Look at the map. Check true or false for each sentence.

1 The museum is next to the Hotel California. true false

2 The post office is on Lawton Street. true false

3 Mario‘s Pizza is next to Madison Hotel. true false

4 Gina‘s café is between the Madison Hotel and Bob‘s Burgers. true false

5 The tourist information center is across from the hotel California. true false

6 Bob‘s Burgers is between the Drake Hotel and Gina‘s Café. true false

7 The Hotel California is between the museum and the police station. true false

8 The Madison Hotel is next to the farmer‘s market. true false


2. Listen to each conversation and look at the corresponding picture.

Circle the letter that shows the correct location of each place.

1 In conversation 1, the market is: A B

2 In conversation 2, The museum is: A B

3 In conversation 3, the post office is: A B

4 In conversation 4, the Porter Hotel is: A B

CD track 19



Look at the map. Write 10 sentences about the location of the places on Kingsville town.

Use there is or there are.






















Subject Pronouns refer to the subject of a sentence. A subject pronoun does the action.

The subject pronouns are:


Mary is a student at Oakfield Academy. Robert studies at Northern High.

She is a student at Oakfield Academy. He studies at Northern High.

Mary and Robert are high school students.

They are high school students.

Remember: in affirmative and negative sentences subject pronouns come before the verb.


Object Pronouns refer to the object of a sentence; the object that receives the action of the

verb. The object pronouns are:


John asked the boss for a raise. This letter is for the neighbors. The phone call is for Mary.

John asked him for a raise. I‘ll give it to them. The Phone call is for her.

Remember: In affirmative and negative sentences object pronouns come after the verb or


Singular Plural









Singular Plural











1. Choose the correct option. Underline the corresponding subject and object



O Ann visits Betty often. ………… visits ……. often.

a) She, him b) She, her c) He, him

1. Betty bakes muffins for the guests. …….. bakes muffins for ……. .

a) She, them b) She, her c) He, her

2. Charlie waits for Andy after school. …….. waits for ……. after school.

a) He, her b) She, him c) He, him

3. Charlie and Andy go to the gym with Bob and me. …….. go to the gym with……. .

a) They, them b) They, us c) He, we

4. Bob and I know Charlie and Andy very well. ……. know ……. very well.

a) They, them b) We, them c) They, them

5. You and Debra look like your parents. ……. look like ……. .

a) You, them b) We, them c) You, they

6. Your brother, Tom looks like your aunt Peggy. ……. looks like ……. .

a) She, him b) She, her c) He, her

2. Complete the sentences with him/her/them

1. I don‘t know Those girls. Do you Know them _________________________________?

2. I don‘t Know that man. Do you Know _______________________________________?

3. I don‘t know those people. Do you Know ____________________________________?

4. I don‘t know David‘s wife. Do you know _____________________________________?

5. I don‘t know David‘s father. Do you know____________________________________?

6. I don‘t Know Davis‘s parents. Do you know __________________________________?



Reading. About Valentina and Mario. Fill in columns A and B in the table.

Fill in the blanks with information from the readings.


name Valentina Sandri Mario Santos

town /city and country 1. Bologna, Italy 8.

job / study 2. 9.

age 3. 10.

day(s) of English classes 4. 11.

married or single 5. 12.

family / relationships 6. 13.

free time 7. 14.

Valentina Sandri. Hello my name‘s Valentina and I‘m 23

years old. I live in Bologna, a beautiful town in the north of Italy.

I‘m a student at Bologna University. I study law and I‘m in my

second year. I also study English because I need it for my course.

I go to English classes on Wednesdays and Fridays. I‘m in

Elementary level and I like my classes very much.

I‘m no married, but I have a boyfriend. His name‘s Gianluca and

he‘s a restaurant manager. I don‘t see him a lot in the week

because the restaurant is open in the evenings, but we always go

out on Sundays. In my free time I read a lot and visit friends. I

don‘t watch TV very often, but I go to the cinema every Friday.

I want to write to people who study English and live in a different


Mario Santos. Hi, my name‘s Mario. I‘m 31 years

old and I live in Curitiba, in Brazil. I‘m a teacher and

I teach history and music. I study English on Saturday

mornings but I don‘t always do my homework!

I‘m married and my wife‘s name is Julia. We have

two children, Luciana and Adriano. Luciana‘s three

and Adriano‘s five. I don‘t go out on the weekend

because I want to be at home with my family. In my

free time I watch TV and visit friends. I never go to

the cinema, but I sometimes go to concerts on the


I want to write an English student in another country.



Listen to the conversation about Sarah’s interest in music. Underline the correct

answer. (track 47)

1. Sarah likes … . a. hip-hop and pop b. hip-hop and salsa

2. Sarah favorite music is … . a. reggae b. rap

3. Sarah favorite singer is … . a. Gregory Isaacs b. Bob Marley

4. Sarah favorite song is … . a. ―No woman No cry‖ b. “Sister, Sister‖

5. Sarah plays … . a. the guitar b. the piano

6. Sarah … . a. can sing b. can‘t sing

7. Sarah … . a. sometimes goes b. never goes to

to concerts concerts

CD track 20


Write about YOU. Use the models on exercise B to write a short paragraph about you.

Organize your ideas. Check vocabulary and spelling. Write from 50 to 100 words.












A. Dr. Smith is a radio doctor. He answers listener’s questions about their medical

problems. Read their questions to him.




Here are Doctor Smith answers. Match his answers to the questions.

I‘m sorry doctor, but I can‘t talk very well because

of my sore throat. I cough a lot. I feel tired all the

time, but I‘m never so sick that I can‘t come to work

every day. The doctor ran some tests, but she can`t

find anything wrong with me. What do you think I

should do know?

Hello Doctor Smith. Well, three days ago I fell

over and cut my arm. There was a little blood,

but it quickly stopped bleeding. And I forgot

about it. Now the wound is painful and red. It

hurts when I touch it. I also think I may have a

fever. I feel a little hot and quite weak. Do you

think I should see a doctor?

…………… a) You shouldn‘t eat that much. Drink lots of water.

Take two aspirins. Change your diet. Have chicken or fish instead.

Don‘t drink soda. Try some green salad. Rest in bed. And call your


…………… b) It sounds as if you have an infection. You should

see your doctor. Meanwhile, put some medicated cream on your


…………… c) You probably have a minor infection. Sometimes

they take a long time to go away. Get plenty of rest. Drink a lot of

liquids. And maybe you should get an opinion from another doctor.

Good evening Doctor Smith. I feel terrible. I

have a stomachache. I went to a party this

afternoon and I ate a lot of pizza, french fries

and soda. I also had chocolate chip cookies and

ice-cream. I think I have a fever. What should I



B. Past Simple. Complete the sentences with was or were.

1. My grandparents ______________ married for more than fifty years.

2. When I _____________ in Madrid last year, the weather ____________ very cold.

3. How many people _____________ there at the party?

4. Where ______________ you on Sunday morning?

5. It __________ a beautiful day last Sunday. My family and I ____________ on

…holiday at the beach in Acapulco.

C. Past Simple. Complete the sentences with wasn’t or weren’t.

1. The movie _______________ very good.

2. Where you at home yesterday? No, we _______________ there.

3. It ____________ a good party. My friends ___________ happy at all.

4. Was the exam hard? No, it ________________ that hard.

5. They _______________ ready, that‘s why we arrived late.

D. Read about these famous people. Complete the questions and write short answers.

1. ________________ John Lennon an opera singer? _____________________________ .

2. ______________ he British? _____________________________________________ .

3. _____________________ he born in 1980? ___________________________________ .

4. ________________ Pedro and Blanca married?________________________________ .

5. ______________ they comedians?__________________________________________ .

6. _________ they __________together in various films?__________________________ .

Pedro Infante and Blanca Estela Pavón

- married - single

- Mexican actors -acted in four movies

-both died in plane crashes

-born 1940 -died 1980

John Lennon British musician

-born 1940 -died 1980


E. Read the story. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb (regular and

irregular) in the past simple.

From prison to President

Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa on 18th


1918. He …………….…… (start) university in 1938 and

…………………… (study) law. After he ……………..

(finish) university in 1943 he …………………….. (live) and

…………………….. (work) in Johannesburg. He was very

interested in politics and ……………………….. (want) to change the political system. He

…………………… (become) President of the ANC (the African National Congress) in

the Transvaal in 1952.

In 1964 he …………………… (go) to prison. He ………………… (stay) there for 26

years and ……………………. (be) in solitary confinement for 18 eighteen years. But the

world never ……………………… (forget) Nelson Mandela. And in 1994, only four years

after he …………………………. (leave) prison, he …………………(become) President

of South Africa.


F. Look at the map and complete the sentences. Use prepositions of place.

1. The bank is _______________ ____________ the Drake Hotel..

2. Gina‘s Café is ______________ ___________ Bob‘s Burger.

3. The museum is _____________________ the Hotel California and Meredith Street.

4. The Hotel California is _____________________ the museum and the post office.

5. The bus station is ______________ ____________ the police station.

6. Mario‘s Pizza is _____________ ____________ the Madison Hotel.

7. The police station is _______ ______ ______________ ______ Meredith Street

…and Lawton Street.


1. Read about Chandler’s family. Then answer the questions.

My name is Chandler and (O) I live with my

parents in California, in the USA. My dad‘s a

doctor and my mum‘s a manager of a shop. I

sometimes help (1) her on the weekends. I also

have a brother, Joey, and a sister, Monica. Joey‘s

an actor –we sometimes see (2) him on TV – and

Monica‘s at university. (3) They both live in New

York so we don‘t see them very often, but they

always come to visit (4) us on Thanksgiving every

year. …..Thanksgiving is a very important holiday

in the USA. (5) It´s always on the fourth Thursday

in November and people usually go home to be

with their families. In the evening (6) we all have a

big traditional meal with turkey, corn, sweet

potatoes—and pumpkin pie, of course.


O. What do his parents do? His father’s a doctor and his mother’s a manager

1. How many brothers and sisters does Chandler have?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .

2. Where do they live?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .

3. Is Monica a student?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .

4. How many people have dinner together on Thanksgiving in Chandler‘s house?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .

5. When is Thanksgiving?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .

H.1 Look at the words in italics and bold in the text above. Who or what do they talk


(O I Chandler (4) us …..………………………….

(1) her ………………………………. (5) It …………………………………

(2) him ………………………………. (6) we ……………………………….

(3) They ………………………………



Listen to two cooks at an international language school. Underline the words, food and

drink you hear they talk about. (R 4.15 Food and drink)

Andy Morning, Kevin!

Kevin Hi, Andy!

A Ah, have we got a new (1) breakfast / lunch / dinner menu?

K Yes. The students say they want lots of different breakfasts –you know, from

different (2) nations / cities / countries.

A OK. Tell me what they want and I can write it on the board.

K Right … the (3) Chinese / Japanese / Cantonese usually have rice and fish and

soup, and they drink green tea.

A And green tea. OK. What about a Brazilian breakfast?

K Well, Carlos says he has (4) beef and cheese / meat and cheese / bread and

cheese, orange juice and coffee. He says that’s a typical breakfast in Brazil.

A Orange juice and coffee. Well, that‘s easy. And what do the (5) Scotish / Spanish /


K Well, that’s another easy one. In Spain they (6) have / eat / take biscuits or toast,

or a sandwich. But they always have coffee.

A OK. Biscuits, toast, sandwich, coffee –got that.

K And some students say they want a full English breakfast. You know –eggs,

sausages, toast, (7) jam and tea / ham and tea / lamb and tea. Right.

A OK. Let‘s start cooking.

K Actually, it’s time for my break!



Fill in the chart with information about your typical day. What do you do …?

in the morning in the afternoon in the evening


Now, write a first draft of your article. Organize your ideas; be careful with spelling,

grammar, vocabulary and content. Include a minimum of 50 to 100 words for what you do

each time of the day.















Brewster, S., Davies, P., & Rogers, M. (2001). Skyline 1. Student’s Book. Macmillan

Publishers, Oxford, UK.

McCarthy, M., McCarten, J., Sandiford, H. (2005). Touchstone Student's Book 1.

Cambridge University Press, UK

Moor, P., Cunningham, S. and Eales, F. (2005). New Cutting Edge. Elementary.

Workbook. Pearson Education Limited, England.

Murphy, R. (2005). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, UK.

Oxenden, C and Latham-Koenig, C. (2009). New English File. Beginner. Oxford

University Press UK

Redston, C. & Cunningham, G. (2005). face2face Elementary Student's Book.

Cambridge, UK

Richards, Jack C. (2008). Interchange Intro. Third Edition. Cambridge University Press.

New York, NY, USA. Units 1 to 8.

Rogers, M. & Waterman, J. (2006). Attitude Workbook Starter. Editorial Macmillan de

México, México, D.F.

Saslow, J. and Ascher, A. (2005). Top Notch Fundamentals. Pearson Education, Inc. Units

New York, NY, USA. 1 to 10.

Soars , J. and Soars ,L. (2002). American Headway – Starter. Oxford University Press

UK Vince, M. (2000). Elementary Language Practice . Macmillan, New York, NY. USA



Para revisión de aspectos gramaticales generales:

(1) Simple Present Tense web links for further practice page 15

(2) Present continuous for future arrangements. web links for further practice page


(3) Should/shouldn’t web links for further practice check: page 62

Check: 3 unit 5 what should I do?

: and…


(4) Can/can’t web links for further practice check: page 74

Enlace directo:

Unidad 8 en:

―spin the grammar wheel‖ en:


(5) Present continuous for future arrangements web links for further practice check. 79



Answer Key

Present Simple Affirmative:

Exercise 1:









Exercise 2:











Exercise 3

1. Sue always arrives early.

2. I never go to the cinema

3. Martina always works hard.

4. Children usually like chocolate.

5. Julia always enjoys parties.

6. I often forget people‘s names

7. Jenny always wears nice clothes.

8. John fixes his car every year.

Present Simple Negative:

Exercise 1

1. I don‘t play the piano very well.

2. Jane doesn‘t play the guitar very well.

3. They don‘t know my phone number

4. We don‘t work very hard.

5. He doesn‘t have a bath every day.

6. You don‘t do the same thing every day.

7. They don‘t go on vacation in December.

8. We don‘t sing like angels.

9. The police doesn‘t arrive on time.

Exercise 2

1. don‘t read

2. doesn‘t use

3. don‘t go

4. doesn‘t wear

5. don‘t know

6. doesn‘t cost

7. don‘t see

8. doesn‘t speak

9. doesn‘t cook

Exercise 3


don‘t like

don‘t know

doesn‘t talk


Present Simple Questions:

Exercise 1

1. Does she collect stickers?

2. Do they play games?

3. Does the cat sleep with you?

4. Does she often dream?

5. Does he play streetball?

6. Do you visit your grandparents?

7. Do the pupils wear school uniforms?

8. Do you go to the cinema?

9. Does she have friends?

10. Does he read books?

Exercise 2

1. What kind of music does Julia like?

2. Where does Maria come from?

3. Where do the play?

4. What does Rick Ride?

5. When do you go to the cinema?

6. Why do you go to Mallorca?

7. What does Joe repair?

8. How does Robin drive his car?

9. How often does Peter run with his dog?

10: Where does Eric go for a holiday?

Frequency Adverbs

He often listens to the radio

They sometimes read a book

Pete never gets angry

Tom is usually very friendly

I sometimes take sugar in my coffee

Ramon and Frank are often hungry.

My grandmother always goes for a walk in the evening.

Walter usually helps his father in the kitchen

They never watch T.V. in the afternoon

Christine never smokes.


Reading Section: Listening Section: Gina

Present Continuous for the Future:

1. Look at Pete’s diary. Write a sentence for each day. Use the verb in brackets.

1.He is (he‘s) doing exercise in the park with


4. He is (he‘s) meeting James at the mall.

2. He is (he‘s) studying at home. 5. He is (he‘s) watching a movie at Laura‘s house.

3. He is (he‘s) taking an English class. 6. He is (he‘s) going to a party.

2. Look at the pictures. What are these people doing nest Friday? Use the words below.

1. Tim and John are playing basketball. 2. Helen is going to the movies.

3.Linda and Sue are having lunch. 4. Max is studying math.

3. Write questions. All sentences are future.

1.Are you going out tonight? 4. What time are your friends coming?

2. Are you working next week? 5. When is Liz going on holiday?

3.What are you doing tomorrow evening?

4. Change the sentences into negative

1.Sue isn‘t (is not) visiting her grandmother on


3. Tom and I aren‘t (are not) going to the zoo

this Sunday.

2. I‘m not (I am not) having a surprise birthday


4. Hugh isn‘t (is not) studying French.

Reading section:

1. Complete the chart with Rita’s activities for next week.

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Taking the

flight to

the airport




the rest of




children to








them and







Taking the

kids to






children to







helping them

and playing







the kids to





Taking children

to school.

English lessons.

Looking after


helping them

and playing

1 B 1 A

2 B 2 B

3 B 3 C

4 B 4 B

5 B 5 A

1.Bring 6 Family


11 no 16 play

2 Have 7 No time 12 but she‘s a


17 do

3 Use 8 Have 13 by bus is


18 coffee after class

4 Sunday. 1 hr. 9 Travel 14 family 19 doesn‘t like sports

5 Big old


10 live 15 meet 20 she reads


2.Answer the following questions.

1. She is 17 years old. 4.She‘s studying English at the Dublin

Language Center.

2. She is going to work in Dublin, Ireland. 5.They are the kids.


1. Put the verb in the present continuous (I am studying etc..) or the present simple (she studies


1. Are you going…… 6. start

2. we are going / it starts 7. are going /are buying

3. are getting married 8. are you getting /leaves

4. leaves 9. does the movie start

5. finish 10. are you doing? / I‘m working

2.Write a sentence for each picture. Use the words below. Use the Present Continuous or the Present


1. The train leaves at 4 o‘clock. 5. Jim is walking his dog.

2. Julia plays tennis every Monday. 6. The market opens at 11 a.m.

3. My parents are going to Greece. 7. The airplane leaves at 3 p.m.

4. John cooks Chinese food. 8. They usually eat at 1 p.m.

Reading Section

Circle true or false:

1 Ronald Johnson is an engineer for the NASA. F

2 The unidentified flying object (UFO) was flying 3 metres above the ground. F

3 The object doesn‘t make any sound. F

4 All the scientists believe in this story. F

5 Dr. Hynek believes that there‘s life in the outer space. T

Answer the following questions:

1 He lives in Kansas.

2 He saw a glowing mushroom-shaped object.

3 They are the reflections from the sun or stars, gases or even birds.

4 Dr. Hynek believes in UFO?S

5 He says there are many things that science can‘t explain.

Listening Section

1. Listen to the first part of the conversation and complete the gaps with the phrases from the box. 1. This is my friend Kate

2. nice to meet you

3. that‘s great

4. that‘s cool

5. I‘m having a great time.

6. Excuse me.

2. Listen to the second part of the conversation and choose the correct option.

1 A

2 B

3 C



1. What are these people going to do? Write a sentence for each picture.

1. 2.I´m going to take/have a bath

3.I‘m going to buy a new car. 4. We are going to play football.

2. Rewrite each sentence or question with going to.

2. We are not going on vacation this year. 7. Is Mary going to make a party on Friday?

3. What are you going to do on the summer? 8. I‘m not going to buy a new car.

4. Tom and Naomi are going to get married

next month.

9. We‘re not going to swim today.

5. Look! The tree is going to fall over 10. My friends are going to study tonight.

6. Tomorrow is going to rain

3. What’s going to happen? Write a sentence for each picture. Use going to.

1. It‘s going to rain

2. He‘s going to have a test tomorrow

3. He‘s going to go on vacation.

Reading Section

1.She´s going to spend her holidays in Paris. 4. She‘s going to stay with a host family.

2.She‘s going to take a French course. 5. Her parents feel worried.

3. No, she isn‘t. 6. Because she‘s going alone.

First Conditional

1.Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. doesn‘t leave/will miss

2. come/ will be

3. rains / won‘t go

4. doesn‘t earn / won‘t fly

5. has/ is going to see (will see)

2. Write sentences beginning with if. Choose from the boxes.

1. If you don‘t hurry, you will be late.

2. If you pass the exam, you‘ll get a certificate.

3. If you go on holiday, I‘ll go with you.

4. If you don‘t work, you‘re not going to have any money.

5. If you don‘t like the movie, you will choose one next time.

3. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.(sample sentences)

1. you come with me 6. I won‘t be here.

2. ask for permission 7. I‘ll study medicine.

3. I‘ll go with tom. 8. if you don‘t come.

4. if he doesn‘t study hard. 9. if they break my toy.

5. I´ll play video games. 10. if you come with me.


Reading Section Circle true or false:

1 True 6 True

2 False 7 False

3 True 8 False

4 True 9 True

5 True 10 False


1. Complete the chart with words from the box.

Singular Countable Nouns Plural Countable Nouns

an orange carrots

a tomato peas

a pineapple grapes

an avocado raspberries

a watermelon papayas

2. Complete the conversation use a,an, some, or any. Bob: A

Marie: any

Bob: an apple or a banana

Bob: some

3. Complete the following questions. Use your own information. 1. How many oranges are there in your kitchen? 4. Do you have some onions on the shelf?

2. Are there any tomatoes in the fridge? 5. Do you need any sugar?

3. How many boxes of pasta are there on the

counter? 6. How about some potato tomato soup ?

Non Count Nouns

1. Look at the picture. Complete the questions with Are there any? Is there any? How

much? and / or How many? 1. Is there any? / Yes, there is. 4. How many bottles are there? / There are 2.

2. Are there any? / Yes, there are four eggs. 5. How much fish is there? / There isn‘t any.

3. Is there any? / Yes, there is a bottle.

2. Match the columns 3. Complete the conversations with some or any. Tony Any Tony Some

Anna Some Anna Any

Tony Any Tony Some

Anna some Anna any

Letter Number

C 1) Is there any

D 2) Are there any

B 3) How much

A 4) How many


Was /Were

1. complete the sentences and questions with was/were 1.Were 9. was

2.Was 10. Was /was

3. Was 11. were

4. was 12. weren‘t

5. were 13. were

6. Was /were 14. was

7. were 15. were / was

8. was

2. Put the next questions in order and match them with the correct answers. 1. Who were you at the library with? I was with Mary.

2. How many people were at meeting? Forty five.

3. Why were you sad? Because I was alone.

4. Were you at home last night? No, I was out.

5. Was the shop open? No, it was closed.

6. How much were the tickets? $20.

3. Underline the correct form of “to be” in the simple past to complete the text coherently

1. was 7. wasn‘t

2. was 8. wasn‘t

3. was 9. was

4. were 10. were

5. wer 11. were

6. was 12. was

4.Fill in the paragraph about life in the 1900’s with the correct form of “to be”

(singular, plural, affirmative or negative) in the past.

1. was 5. were /weren‘t /wasn‘t

2. was 6. was / wasn‘t

3. weren‘t /were 7. were /weren‘t / was

4. were

Reading Section

1 F 7 F

2 Doesn‘t say 8 F

3 Doesn‘t say 9 F

4 T 10 F

5 T 11 T

6 T 12 Doesn‘t say



1. Complete the text with the correct past simple form of the verbs in the box.

1. went 6. saw

2. was 7. had

3. met 8. met

4. were 9. saw

5. went 10.had

2. change the next verbs into past

3. Write a sentence using the past simple tense for each picture.

1. Yesterday I woke up at 7.00. 4. I bought a plane ticket to Madrid.

2. I drove to the airport. 5. I flew to Madrid.

3. I bought a plane ticket to Madrid. 6. I arrived in Madrid the next day.


1. Place the verbs in the box into the correct columns below:

Infinitive Past tense

imagine Imagined

cry Cried

see Saw

work Worked

swim Swam

teach Taught

end Ended

study Studied

climb Climbed

laugh Laughed

smile Smiled

carry Carried

waste Wasted

paint Painted

run Ran

/t/ /d/ /Id/

Mixed Allowed Visited

Asked Loved Tasted

Cracked Cried Flooded

Relaxed Jailed Posted

Washed Damaged Wasted

Watched Killed Included

Silpped Shaved Repeated

Missed Welcomed Decided

Stopped Yawned Landed

Guessed Encouraged ended



1. Change the sentences into negative sentences.

1. Out teacher didn‘t arrive on time. 6. I didn‘t go to bed early last night

2. Sue didn‘t study last night. 7. The shops didn‘t open on Sunday.

3, We didn‘t see Harry Potter yesterday. 8. Sam didn‘t phone me.

4. I didn‘t do the laundry last month. 9. I didn‘t lose my mobile phone.

5.Karla didn‘t invite me to her party. 10. I didn‘t love you very much.

2. Complete the text with the correct past simple form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Had 8. Stayed

2. Studied 9. Was

3. Was 10 were

4. Drank 11. Spent

5. Didn‘t sleep 12. Started

6. Told 13. graduated

7. Didn‘t want 14. went

3. Write the words in order to make questions

1. How did Shakira become famous?

2. When were The Doors famous?

3. Who were The Doors‘ fans?

4. What do you know about The Rolling Stones?

5. Did you like bands like U2?

4. Match the questions to the answers.

1. E 4. D

2. A 5. B

3. C

5. Read the sentences and make questions with the information in parentheses.

2. Where did you go? 7. was the exam hard?

3. who did you see? 8. what did you have?

4. did you go to school? 9. Did you see Chinatown?

5. what did you see?

6. did you like it?

6. Match the previous questions to the following answers. Put the number of question

on the line.

1. 8 4. 4 7. 9

2. 5 5. 7 8. 2

3. 3 6. 6 9. 1


Reading Section

1. Choose the correct answer.

1 C

2. Answer with complete sentences.

1. He was born in 1917. 3. He married Jacqueline Bouvier

2. He was a businessman. 4. He married Jacqueline Bouvier

3. Cross T (true) or F (false) if the sentences are true or false.

1. Kennedy‘s children are all alive. F

2. Two Kennedy‘s brothers were assassinated too. T

3.The Kennedy‘s family story is a happy one. F

Listening Section

1. Underline the correct option

1. C

2. B

3. A

2. Answer with complete sentences 1. In 1992 she went to live in Portugal 3. Her daughter‘s name is Jessica.

2. She married a Portuguese journalist 4. She lived in Edinburgh, Scotland

3. Mark true or false.

1. For some time she didn‘t have a job. true

2. She didn‘t write in her house because it was cold true

3. She doesn‘t write in coffee shops. false



1 Match the two columns

1. c

2. f

3. e

4. a

5. d

6. b

2 Conversation.

1. Mexico City

2. You should

3. go to

4. Where

5. buy

6. the streets

7. shouldn't

8. too late

9. we

10. can be

11. city

1 Listen and match

1. e

2. a

3. f

4. c

5. b

6. d

3 Suggest a remedy Respuestas sugeridas

1. You should lie down.

2. You should see a dentist.

3. She should see a doctor.

4. He shouldn‘t eat anything. / He should take some Pepto.

5. You should drink some orange juice./ You should take

some syrup.

6. You should see a doctor.

2. Read and listen

A. 3

B. 4

C. 1

D. 6

E. 2

F. 5

3. Listen to the conversation and

choose the best answer.

1. c

2. c

3. b

4. d

5. a

6. a

8. d

Reading Section

True/False 1. F 6. T

2. T 7. F

3. T 8. F

4. F 9. T

5. F 10.F



1. Make the following instructions negative.

1. Don‘t sit down 4. Don‘t call your mother

2. Don‘t clean the room. 5. Don‘t open your books.

3. Don‘t make dinner

2. Write an Imperative for each

1.take a taxi 2.don‘t drive

3.don‘t 4. use some

3. Complete the conversatons. Underline the correct word

1. take

2. exercise. And take these pills.

3. straight, turn, walk.

4. Read the conversation. Fill in the blanks with the words from the boxes.

Conversation 1 Conversation 2

2b: terrible 1a: how

4b: headache /throat 3a: wrong?

5a: should 4b: stomach

7a:drink 6b: can‘t

Reading Section

1. Read and arrange the directions.

a) 3 d) 1

b) 4 e) 2

c) 5

Listening Section:

1.mash 5.cover

2.mix 6.heat

3.add 7.fry

4.make 8.serve



1 Complete the conversations with can or can‘t and the base form of a verb. 1 A Can your mother drive a car?

B Yes, she can. But she doesn‘t drive very well.

2 A Can you swim well?

B Yes, I can. I swim very fast.

3 A Can your sister play the guitar?

B No, she can‘t. She plays terribly.

4 A Can you buy me these shoes?

B No, I can‘t. They‘re too expensive.

5 A Sorry, you can‘t eat that soup.

B I see. It‘s too hot.

6 A Can your brother cook?

B No. He can‘t cook at all.

7 A Can Raul speak English well?

B Yes. He speaks English well.

8 A Can your father fix a car?

B Yes, he can. He‘s a great mechanic.

9 A Can you skate-board well?

B Yes, I can skate-board, but I can‘t do tricks.

10 A Can I wear your blue sweater tonight?

B Sure. But it can be too big for you.

2.Look at the prompts and produce questions Respuestas sugeridas

1 A Can he play the guitar?

B Yes, he can. But he plays terribly

2 A Can she ride a horse?

B No, she can’t. She rides awful.

3 A Can he draw?

B No, he can’t. He draws terribly.

4 A Can he play chess?

B Yes, he can. But he doesn’t play very well.

5 A Can he speak two foreign languages?

B Yes, he can. He speaks English & Japanese

6 A Can he swim 500 meters?

B No, he can’t. He swims awful.

7 A Can he read music?

B No, he can’t.

8 A Can he ride a motorcycle?

B No, he can’t. He can’t control it.

9 A Can he run five kilometers?

B No, he can’t. He’s exhausted.

10 A Can he ski?

B Yes, he can. But he skis terribly.

11 A Can she cook pizza?

B No, she can’t. She cooks awful.

12 A Can she play the piano?

B Yes, she can. But she plays terribly.


1 Listen and complete the chart.

Bill Amanda Jill and Sam

read music Yes No Yes

use a computer Yes No Yes

ride a horse No Yes No

2 Write sentences using the information from the previous exercise.

1 Bill / read music. Bill can read music.

2 Amanda / use a computer. Amanda can’t use a computer.

3 Bill / use a computer. Bill can use a computer.

4 Bill / ride a horse. Bill can’t ride a horse.

5 Amanda / read music. Amanda can’t read music.

6 Amanda / ride a horse. Amanda can ride a horse.

7 Jill and Sam / read music. Jill and Sam can read music.

8 Jill and Sam / use a computer. Jill and Sam can use a computer.

9 Jill and Sam / ride a horse. Jill and Sam can’t ride a horse.

3 Listen and complete the conversations with phrases from the box.

1 A Can I try on this pair of jeans, please?

B Of course. The fitting rooms are over here.

2 A Can I have a ticket to New York please?

B Sure. One-way or round-trip?

A One-way, please.

B That‘s fifteen dollars, please.

A Thank you.

B Twenty dollars. Here‘s your ticket and

$ 5.00 change.

3 A Can I send an e-mail, please?

B Ok. Computer number fifteen.

A How much is it?

B Twenty-five cents a minute. You pay at

the end.

4 A Good afternoon. Can I help you?

B Yes, can I change this traveler‘s check,


A Of course. How much is it?

B Fifty dollars.

5 A Can I have a pizza, please?

B Ok.

A How much is it?

B $ 12.30.

A Thank you.

B Twenty dollars. Here‘s $ 7.70 change.


Reading Section


A. 2

B. 4

C. 1

D. 3


1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. F

7. T

4. Listen and number the Pictures


2 4

1 6

3 5


1. Could you please close the window?

2. Could you please hand me my sweater?

3. Could you please turn on the stove?

4. Could you please open the refrigerator?

5. Could you please help me?

6. Could you please turn off that lamp?


1 Listen to people, it‘s their birthday soon. Complete the sentences.


Suzanne What would I like for my birthday? That‘s easy.

I‘d like to have breakfast in bed. With the newspapers.

And in the evening, I‘d like to go to the theater.


Tom Well, I‘d like a new computer because my computer is so old that the new

programs don‘t work on it. I‘d like to go to a nice restaurant. I don‘t care if it‘s

Italian, Japanese, Chinese, or Indian –just good food.


Alice I don‘t have a cellphone, but all my friends have one, so what I‘d really like is

my own cell phone. They aren‘t expensive these days. And in the evening I‘d

like to go out with all my friends and have a great time!


2. Listen to Andrea and Paul ordering a meal at Joe’s Diner

P Andrea, what would you like to start?

A Can I have the tomato juice, please?

P And I‘d like the chicken soup.

P Can I have the steak, please?

W How would you like it cooked?

W What would you like to drink?

A We‘d like a bottle of mineral water, too.

A Delicious, thank you.


1. Write sentences Posibles respuestas.

2. He would like to be a writer

3. I’d like to live in a big city.

4. He’d like to be a musician.

5. She’d like to live in the country.

6. I’d like to travel around the world.

7. I’d like to be the president of my company.

8. I’d like to ride a motorcycle.

9. I’d like to be one hundred years old.

2. Number the following conversation in the correct order.

1 Waiter Good morning.

2 Man Good morning. Can we have the menu, please?

3 Waiter Certainly. Would you like coffee to start?

4 Man Yes, please. My coffee with milk, no sugar.

5 Waiter Sure. Would you like some orange juice?

6 Man Good idea. Only if it‘s fresh.

7 Woman Can we order now?

8 Waiter Of course, what would you like?

9 Woman I‘d like the fried eggs and bacon-crispy.

10 Waiter Would you like hash brown with your eggs?

11 Woman Yes, please. There‘s nothing like a good American breakfast.

3. Listen and complete .

2. Is there a drugstore near here

3. next to the bank.

4. Can I help you

5. Do you have this shirt

6. That‘s all we have

7. I‘d like to try on

8. What size are you?

9. What would you like?

10. I‘d like a kilo of

11. No, that‘s all

12. Do you sell Korean

13. No, I‘m sorry

14. can I buy them


4. Listen Write a number 1-5.

4 A movie theater

2 An internet café

1 A music store

5 A bank

3 A newsstand


1. Ask about the location of places (many possible answers):

2 The gas station is next to the Hotel on Washington street.

3 Yes, there is a church across the street from the park.

4 The hospital is down Washington street, on the left.

5 Yes, the disco is on the corner of Jackson street and Washington street.

6 The supermarket is next to the shops.

7 Yes, the school is down Jackson street, next to the shops.

8 The restaurant is on the corner of market street and park avenue.

2. Give and get directions (many possible answers): 2 Go two blocks and turn right. It‘s next to the gas station.

3 Go straight. It‘s on Franklin Street next to the church.

4 Go two blocks. Turn right on Washington street. It‘s across the hotel.

5 Go to the corner of Jackson street and Washington street.

6 Go to Washington street. Turn left. Go down 2 blocks. It‘s next to the Granville Hotel.

7 Turn left. Go down 1 block. Go down park avenue. It‘s next to the bank.

8 Go down Market street and turn left on park avenue. It‘s across the bar.


1. Check true or false for each sentence.

1 The museum next to the Hotel California. true

2 The post office is on Lawton Street. true

3 Mario‘s Pizza is next to Madison Hotel. false

4 Gina‘s café is between the Madison Hotel and Bob‘s Burgers. false

5 The tourist information center is across from the hotel California. true

6 Bob‘s Burgers is between the Drake Hotel and Gina‘s Café. false

7 The Hotel California is between the museum and the police station. false

8 The Madison Hotel is next to the farmer‘s market. true


1. Listen to each conversation and look at the corresponding picture. Circle the letter that

shows the correct location of each place.

1 In conversation 1, the market is: A

2 In conversation 2, The museum is: A

3 In conversation 3, the post office is: B

4 In conversation 4, the Porter Hotel is: A



1. Choose the correct option. Underline the corresponding subject and object pronouns.

1. a 4. b

2. c 5. a

3. b 6. c

2. Complete the sentences with him/her/them

1.them 4.her

2.him 5.him

3.them 6.them

Reading Section

name Valentina Sandri Mario Santos

town /city and country 1. Bologna, Italy 8. Curitiba, Brazil

job / study 2. law student 9.history and music teacher

age 3.23 years old 10. 31 years old

day(s) of English classes 4. Wednesdays and Fridays 11. Saturday mornings

married or single 5. single 12. married

family / relationships 6. Gianluca (boyfriend) 13.Julie (wife), Luciana and

Adriano (children)

free time a lot, visit friends, go

to the cinema

14. watch T.V. , visit friends,

go to concerts

Listening Section

1. a 5. b

2. a 6. b

3. b 7. a

4. a