¿Por quéla impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro ... · Las marcas influyenen la...

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© Copyright 2015 HP. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

¿Por qué la impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro de los empaques?

Expositor: Stephen ShannonHP Corrugated Packaging Business GerenteAméricas

Impresión digital para empaquescorrugados

“La impresión digital de empaques es uno de los ámbitos de la impresión que está creciendo con rapidez”

Dr. Sean Smyth, Smithers Pira

Presentation Notes
Today I will focus on the transformation of CP market to digital – and during the event you will hear from other industry participants how they see digital printing impacting your industry as well as hearing from my colleagues about the portfolio of solutions that HP offers HP sees the corrugated printing market as an opportunity – which is why we have invested millions of dollars in technology, and will continue to invest. Seeing you all here in the room today, is proof to us that the industry is ready for digital transformation. This transition began 3-4 years ago, and if we had held a corrugated event then, there would have been a handful of people in the room.


publicitarioLetreros y

POSBúsqueda en

la redRedes


Las tecnologías digitales involucran a los consumidores en el trayecto hacia la propiedad

Atracción Interacción Compromiso Conversión

Medios de difusión

Las marcas influyen en la experiencia del consumidor a lo largo de numerosos puntos de contacto:

virtuales y físicos.

Presentation Notes
Digital technologies are changing how consumers engage with brands. And it’s happening across both physical and virtual touch-points. Social media, blogs, websites, and email are all ubiquitous, and brands are increasingly integrating these digital channels as part of their customer experience strategy. Likewise, they are leveraging digital technologies to make physical touch-points – such as indoor and outdoor signage, point of purchase displays and packaging – part of the customer experience. Digital can be applied to many types of form factors. Digital can be applied on anything from labels, flexible packaging, folded cartons, display, and corrugate. So, a campaign can be carried on any type of individual product packaging – from labels and sleeves, flexible bags, and folded cartons – and that same campaign can be carried into your corrugate solutions such as displays and corrugate packages. As your campaign is modified, all touch points of packaging and display can be easily changed with the simple change of a digital file

1.Optimización de la cadena de suministros

¿Por qué la impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro de los empaques?

Presión: tiempos de entrega másrápidos

Presión: competencia/mercado, rechazar tirajes largos; más cambiode órdenes, y complejidad en el planeamiento

Costos: mano de obra, uso de activos, planchas, preparación, inactividad

Costos: desperdicio, inventario, obsolescencia

Preocupaciones: sostenibilidady, securidad en salud y alimentación

Preocupaciones: lucha contra la falsificación, seguridad, seguimiento, ubicación

Presentation Notes
When brand owners are forced for economic reasons to produce packaging in runs of tens of thousands or more, the result is often that huge inventories of packaging that sit in centralized warehouses for months and months, or worse, become obsolete because of changes to the products themselves, to labeling regulations, or other reasons. But, because digital printing makes it easy and cost-effective to produce short runs of packaging, there’s no longer any need to tie up capital in mass-printed packaging and warehousing costs. Digital printing also opens the way to distributed production of packaging. Smaller quantities of packaging can be produced in multiple sites that are closer to regional packing centers or product warehouses and customers. Brands can save on shipping and logistics time and cost, and also reduce environmental impact by reducing transportation.

1. Optimización de la cadena de suministro

¿Por qué la impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro de los empaques?

Presión: mayor rapidez en la entrega

Presión: competencia/mercado, rechazar tirajes largos; másvariaciones de trabajo y complejidaden el planeamiento complexity

Costos: mano de obra, uso de activos, planchas, preparación, inactividad.

Costos: desperdicio, inventario, obsolescencia

Preocupaciones: sostenibilidad, seguridad en salud y alimentación

Preocupaciones: lucha contra la falsificación, seguridad,seguimiento, ubicación

Impresión por pedido con un diseño iterativo de alta eficienciaDiseño iterativoCambios de última horaNo hay cocina para la tintaMediciones del colorConsistencia del colorOpciones de calidad de impresión



Presentation Notes
When brand owners are forced for economic reasons to produce packaging in runs of tens of thousands or more, the result is often that huge inventories of packaging that sit in centralized warehouses for months and months, or worse, become obsolete because of changes to the products themselves, to labeling regulations, or other reasons. But, because digital printing makes it easy and cost-effective to produce short runs of packaging, there’s no longer any need to tie up capital in mass-printed packaging and warehousing costs. Digital printing also opens the way to distributed production of packaging. Smaller quantities of packaging can be produced in multiple sites that are closer to regional packing centers or product warehouses and customers. Brands can save on shipping and logistics time and cost, and also reduce environmental impact by reducing transportation.

1. Optimización de la cadena de suministro ¿Por qué la impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro de los empaques?

Fabrique solo lo que necesita. Inventario cero, reducido o exactoReimprima cuando sea necesario

Presión: tiempos de entrega másrápidos

Presión: competencia/mercado, rechazar tirajes largos; más cambiode órdenes, y complejidad en el planeamiento

Costos: mano de obra, uso de activos, planchas, preparación, inactividad

Costos: desperdicio, inventarios, obsolescencia

Preocupaciones: sostenibilidad, seguridad en salud y alimentación.

Preocupaciones: lucha contra la falsificación, seguridad, seguimientoy ubicación

Tendencia: cumplimiento por encargo y reducción de inventarios de productos terminados (capital de trabajo)

Presentation Notes
When brand owners are forced for economic reasons to produce packaging in runs of tens of thousands or more, the result is often that huge inventories of packaging that sit in centralized warehouses for months and months, or worse, become obsolete because of changes to the products themselves, to labeling regulations, or other reasons. But, because digital printing makes it easy and cost-effective to produce short runs of packaging, there’s no longer any need to tie up capital in mass-printed packaging and warehousing costs. Digital printing also opens the way to distributed production of packaging. Smaller quantities of packaging can be produced in multiple sites that are closer to regional packing centers or product warehouses and customers. Brands can save on shipping and logistics time and cost, and also reduce environmental impact by reducing transportation.

1. Optimización de la cadena de suministro

Presión: tiempos de entrega másrápidos

Presión: competencia/mercado, rechazar tirajes largos; más cambiode órdenes, y complejidad en el planeamiento

Costos: mano de obra, uso de activos, planchas, preparación, inactividad

Costos desperdicio, inventarios, obsolescencia

Preocupaciones: sostenibilidad, seguridad en salud y alimentación.

Preocupaciones: lucha contra la falsificación, seguridad, seguimientoy localización 7

ConvertidorMarca los empaques con identificaciones únicasy se escanean a lo largo de la cadena de suministro y de distribución

Enlace datos para mejorar la efectividad de los programas anti falsificación

Videos para identicar falsificaciones| Geolocalización | Comprador secreto

Los metadatos ofrecen informaciónsobre falsificaciones por geolocalizacióndel fabricante hasta la validación por parte del lector

Análisis de datosTrack & TraceAuthenticateCódigos seriales con con un

estuche jerárquico padre-hijos, cartón, caja

Presentation Notes
When brand owners are forced for economic reasons to produce packaging in runs of tens of thousands or more, the result is often that huge inventories of packaging that sit in centralized warehouses for months and months, or worse, become obsolete because of changes to the products themselves, to labeling regulations, or other reasons. But, because digital printing makes it easy and cost-effective to produce short runs of packaging, there’s no longer any need to tie up capital in mass-printed packaging and warehousing costs. Digital printing also opens the way to distributed production of packaging. Smaller quantities of packaging can be produced in multiple sites that are closer to regional packing centers or product warehouses and customers. Brands can save on shipping and logistics time and cost, and also reduce environmental impact by reducing transportation.

76% de las compras del supermercado no son planeadas

1Source: 2012 shopper engagement study, POPAI

El empaque impreso es el momento de la verdad del consumidor




Marca no planeada Cambio

Generalmente planeada

Específicamente planeada


¿Por qué la impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro de los empaques

Presentation Notes
Not so long ago, you went to the supermarket and chose between maybe 2 or 3 kinds of milk, or 3 types of flour. Now, you’re just as likely to see 6 or 7 types of flour for different types of baking… 8 varieties of juice instead of just orange or apple… � In the 5 years from 2007 to 2012, the number of products at an average supermarket increased by more than 26%, and the trend for more SKUs is continuing even now. Shelf-space certainly didn’t grow that much! So that means that products runs – and therefore packaging runs – are shrinking. Packaging is more important than ever. Look at this: more than three-quarters of all supermarket buying is either completely or somewhat unplanned. This means that packaging has a role to play in influencing 3 out of 4 buying decisions. It’s a key way for brands to speak to consumers. Digital printing is ideal for short runs, making it much better suited to helping brands meet the challenges of SKU proliferation than conventional technologies. With digital, it’s cost-effective and logistically simple to produce dedicated packaging for very SKU, no matter how many there are, or how low the quantities of each.

ent Company, L.P. The information contained h

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ange without notice.Mercadeo directo

Campañas integradasDiferenciación




Lo digital le ayuda a maximizar su próxima aventura

Producto nuevo/lanzamiento de servicios


Pruebas de mercado

Presentation Notes
Marketing campaigns have different strategies to reach consumers. Social media, blogs, websites, and email are all ubiquitous, and brands are increasingly integrating these digital channels as part of their customer experience strategy. Leveraging these digital technologies to packaging extends the customer experience with the brand. With digital printing, packaging can all be made more engaging and more relevant to more consumers. Greater engagement prompts more interaction. This all enhances differentiation – helping the brand stand out to consumers, where and when it matters! With digital printing for packaging, the opportunities for creativity are infinite. Let’s look at some ideas.

Participación del consumidor, aprendizaje, referencias, recompra, lealtad.

Integración de una campañaomni canal (móvil, social, web,


2. Optimización del marketing

Micro-segmentación para mercados meta más reducidos, diferenciación

Adaptación y personalización

Ciclo de vida del producto: mayor rapidez de comercialización, mercadeo de prueba, demanda a largo plazo

Versiones: tema, día feriado, lubicación; mercadeo de causas, promoción de ventas cruzadas

¿Por qué la impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro de los empaques


Presentation Notes
Increased microsegementation drives shorter run lengths. More versions, each with lower quantities. With digital, the number of jobs per day increases and the average run can decrease. Let’s think about this in an analog environment: In an analog environment, each job would require a specific make ready. Increasing the number of make readies reduces the overall productivity of an analog press. Every time you change a job, you have to make new plates and mix new inks. Digital does not use plates or require ink mixing. It simply requires a modification of the file. The make-ready time could in theory approach 0 as you start with a digital file that the customer defines. There is no minimum run length and in theory, every job can be different. Planning complexity is reduced. Planning complexity reduced as there is no ink mixing, no plate preparation. There is no plate or ink kitchen storage - if a customer wants reprints, you simply pull their digital file. All of this results in faster turn around time for the customer The fundamental takeaway from everything we will talk about is that digital printing opens really exciting possibilities for print in general and for packaging in particular. It brings more agility to respond to changes in the market place, enables you to make every print, every box or display as unique as you want – customized or personalized. You can easily segment geographically or demographically or pretty much any way you want. And you can integrate multi-touch campaigns that span online, direct mail, packaging and more.   It’s time to get adventurous – bring more creativity to packaging and displays. Imagine it. Create it. Grow with it So the MAIN MESSAGE of today is that technology is no longer a barrier to your creativity. If you can imagine it – the technology and solutions are available to bring it to life.

Participación del consumidor, aprendizaje, referencias, recompra, lealtad.

Integración de una campañaomni canal (móvil, social, web,


2. Optimización del marketing

Micro-segmentación para mercados meta más reducidos, diferenciación

Adaptación y personalización

Ciclo de vida del producto: mayor rapidez de comercialización, mercadeo de prueba, demanda a largo plazo

Versiones: tema, día feriado, lubicación; mercadeo de causas, promoción de ventas cruzadas

¿Por qué la impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro de los empaques

Control de revisión

Presentation Notes
Increased microsegementation drives shorter run lengths. More versions, each with lower quantities. With digital, the number of jobs per day increases and the average run can decrease. Let’s think about this in an analog environment: In an analog environment, each job would require a specific make ready. Increasing the number of make readies reduces the overall productivity of an analog press. Every time you change a job, you have to make new plates and mix new inks. Digital does not use plates or require ink mixing. It simply requires a modification of the file. The make-ready time could in theory approach 0 as you start with a digital file that the customer defines. There is no minimum run length and in theory, every job can be different. Planning complexity is reduced. Planning complexity reduced as there is no ink mixing, no plate preparation. There is no plate or ink kitchen storage - if a customer wants reprints, you simply pull their digital file. All of this results in faster turn around time for the customer The fundamental takeaway from everything we will talk about is that digital printing opens really exciting possibilities for print in general and for packaging in particular. It brings more agility to respond to changes in the market place, enables you to make every print, every box or display as unique as you want – customized or personalized. You can easily segment geographically or demographically or pretty much any way you want. And you can integrate multi-touch campaigns that span online, direct mail, packaging and more.   It’s time to get adventurous – bring more creativity to packaging and displays. Imagine it. Create it. Grow with it So the MAIN MESSAGE of today is that technology is no longer a barrier to your creativity. If you can imagine it – the technology and solutions are available to bring it to life.

Participación del consumidor, aprendizaje, referencias, recompra, lealtad

Integración de una campañaomni canal (móvil, social, web, PR, DM, POS)

2. Optimización del marketing

Micro-segmentación para mercadosmeta más reducidos, diferenciacióndifferentiation

Adaptación y personalización

Product lifecycle: faster time to market, test marketing, long tail demand

Versiones: tema, día feriado, lubicación; mercadeo de causas, promoción de ventas cruzadas

¿Por qué la impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro de los empaques

Ciclo de vida del producto: mayor rapidez de comercialización, mercadeo de prueba, demanda a largo plazo

Presentation Notes
Increased microsegementation drives shorter run lengths. More versions, each with lower quantities. With digital, the number of jobs per day increases and the average run can decrease. Let’s think about this in an analog environment: In an analog environment, each job would require a specific make ready. Increasing the number of make readies reduces the overall productivity of an analog press. Every time you change a job, you have to make new plates and mix new inks. Digital does not use plates or require ink mixing. It simply requires a modification of the file. The make-ready time could in theory approach 0 as you start with a digital file that the customer defines. There is no minimum run length and in theory, every job can be different. Planning complexity is reduced. Planning complexity reduced as there is no ink mixing, no plate preparation. There is no plate or ink kitchen storage - if a customer wants reprints, you simply pull their digital file. All of this results in faster turn around time for the customer The fundamental takeaway from everything we will talk about is that digital printing opens really exciting possibilities for print in general and for packaging in particular. It brings more agility to respond to changes in the market place, enables you to make every print, every box or display as unique as you want – customized or personalized. You can easily segment geographically or demographically or pretty much any way you want. And you can integrate multi-touch campaigns that span online, direct mail, packaging and more.   It’s time to get adventurous – bring more creativity to packaging and displays. Imagine it. Create it. Grow with it So the MAIN MESSAGE of today is that technology is no longer a barrier to your creativity. If you can imagine it – the technology and solutions are available to bring it to life. We’ve shown just a few way to make packaging different. Truly, there are no limits on creativity once you bring digital printing into play for packaging. But I would like to add another thought … the online retail market is growing. There are endless graphs and figures – just yesterday I read that internet grocery sales are set to double in key European markets by 2016. The way that packaging interacts with consumers online and in-store is fundamentally different. Consumers don’t see the physical packaging until after the purchase. This change gifts brand owners with wonderful opportunities for brand messaging without the creative limitations and purchase persuasion focus of the in-store environment. Knowing what your customer has just bought, you can tailor their package to support the next purchase. Shopping online makes it very straightforward for the consumer to upload details about themselves as part of the ordering process. As a result, soon modern systems may well remove the need for human intervention in order to create a unique online packaging design. The system could create the new package. Online shoppers are becoming increasingly used to being able to modify, amend and personalise their purchases. As a result, there is an increased expectation from consumers that brands can/will be able to tailor packs both in terms of packaging and product offered. In short, as consumers buy more online, so does the opportunity for brand owners to offer more tailored, bespoke and personalised packaging – after the event, in the customer’s home. One of the ways you can do packaging differently is personalization! This perfectly fits the “Me Generation”, but also other consumers – whether Gen Z or X, or baby boomer -- are increasingly used to products and services geared to them as individuals. The whole trend is moving away from mass marketing to my marketing Although personalization of packaging is still mostly a niche, it’s already started to gain ground in higher-end, more exclusive businesses, such as expensive wines and watches. And, it’s continuing to gather momentum. As it becomes even cheaper to personalize packaging, we’ll be seeing more consumer demand for packaging that speaks to them personally. Here’s an example of a special promotion for a wine. Customers submit a personal message and photo online, and pick up their specially dedicated presentation pack of wine from their local store or have it home delivered.

Participación del consumidor, aprendizaje, referencias, recompra, lealtad.

Integración de una campañaomni canal (móvil, social, web, PR, DM, POS)

2. Optimización del marketing

Micro-segmentación para mercadosmeta más reducidos, diferenciación

Adaptación y personalización

Ciclo de vida del producto: mayor rapidez de comercialización, mercadeo de prueba, demanda a largo plazo

Versiones: tema, día feriado, lubicación; mercadeo de causas, promoción de ventas cruzadas

¿Por qué la impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro de los empaques

Responden con más rapidez a los cambios y a la demanda del mercado.

Mercadeo de evento y regional

Presentation Notes
Increased microsegementation drives shorter run lengths. More versions, each with lower quantities. With digital, the number of jobs per day increases and the average run can decrease. Let’s think about this in an analog environment: In an analog environment, each job would require a specific make ready. Increasing the number of make readies reduces the overall productivity of an analog press. Every time you change a job, you have to make new plates and mix new inks. Digital does not use plates or require ink mixing. It simply requires a modification of the file. The make-ready time could in theory approach 0 as you start with a digital file that the customer defines. There is no minimum run length and in theory, every job can be different. Planning complexity is reduced. Planning complexity reduced as there is no ink mixing, no plate preparation. There is no plate or ink kitchen storage - if a customer wants reprints, you simply pull their digital file. All of this results in faster turn around time for the customer The fundamental takeaway from everything we will talk about is that digital printing opens really exciting possibilities for print in general and for packaging in particular. It brings more agility to respond to changes in the market place, enables you to make every print, every box or display as unique as you want – customized or personalized. You can easily segment geographically or demographically or pretty much any way you want. And you can integrate multi-touch campaigns that span online, direct mail, packaging and more.   It’s time to get adventurous – bring more creativity to packaging and displays. Imagine it. Create it. Grow with it So the MAIN MESSAGE of today is that technology is no longer a barrier to your creativity. If you can imagine it – the technology and solutions are available to bring it to life. Whenever it’s a new product or a new version, time to market is always critical. And, even in the tightest of time limits, all the elements – packaging included – have to be in place. With digital printing this is made much easier. Consumer markets move at lightning speed. A fast-changing sports tie-in, a new competitor or a recently launched competitive campaign that requires quick response. Now you can change packaging on the spot, on a dime. Just change the artwork, print and deliver! Even the traditionally time-consuming approvals process goes super-quickly when you can print a one-off on the production press and get sign-off on the spot. A recent campaign in Australia is a great example of a fast response campaign that leveraged digital printing alongside conventional printing. For a World Cup Series, the brand created a tie-in that stayed in step with the changing tournament results. Thousands of copies of the main part of the display stand were printed conventionally and distributed to stores. After each major game, the team-specific panels were printed digitally, and swapped out in-store. With major games happening every few days, time was of the essence.

Participación del consumidor, aprendizaje, referencias, recompra, lealtad.

Integración de una campaña omni canal (móvil, social, web, PR, DM, POS)

2. Optimización del marketing

Micro-segmentación para mercados meta más reducidos, diferenciación

Adaptación y personalización

Ciclo de vida del producto: mayor rapidez de comercialización, mercadeode prueba, demanda a largo plazo

Versiones: tema, día feriado, lubicación; mercadeo de causas, promoción de ventas cruzadas

¿Por qué la impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro de los empaques

Prueba con eficienciacantidades ultra reducidas y evalúadiferentes opcionesde empaque

Responde con rapidez a lasdemandas del consumidor

Presentation Notes
A trend that goes hand-in-hand with SKU proliferation is the need to constantly introduce new products, and to replace under-performers with better-sellers. This means that testing a product or testing its package is becoming more commonplace. With digital printing you can cost efficiently produce the small quantities of packaging required to support test runs of products. Can’t decide whether to launch the red or the purple espresso box – test them both. Let’s take a look at a video of Bacardi brand Aberfledy, and how they decided to test market a new concept. SHOW ABERFELDY VIDEO

Participación del consumidor, aprendizaje, referencias, recompra, lealtad

Integración de una campañaomni canal (móvil, social, web,


2. Optimización de mercado

Micro-segmentación para mercados meta más reducidos, diferenciación

Adaptación y personalización

Ciclo de vida del producto: mayor rapidez de comercialización, mercadeo de prueba, demanda a largo plazo

Versiones: tema, día feriado, lubicación; mercadeo de causas, promoción de ventas cruzadas

¿Por qué la impresión digital es fundamental para el futuro de los empaques

Smithers Pira, Consumer Packaging to 2018 - Enero 2015

Empaques inteligentes

“El próximo gran desafío es crear una relación significativa con susclientes gracias a que los empaques inteligentes se integran por la

web y los teléfonos inteligentes”

Presentation Notes
Smithers Pira says this is our next big challenge – using web and smartphones to integrate with intelligent packaging to create meaningful relationships with customers. Now, placing a QR code on a box, leading to a website or a generic video is not enough. Remember what we said about the digital dependents? They will expect the content they receive to be customized for them. And, in return, they have no issues about providing you with the details, so that you can better customize that content. Clearly a sales driver.

Post-impresión digital para volúmenes medios

¿Cómo aborda HP la oportunidad del corrugado?

Cajas con corrida de producción de alto volumen Corridas cortas a medianas de desplegadores y cajas, alto valor

HP Tecnología PageWide (Single Pass) HDR Multi Pass Technology

Preimpresión digital para eficiencia de alto volumen

Rotativa Prensa de láminas

PageWide T400S PageWide T1100S PageWide C500 Scitex 17000

De la caja de cartón café a medios recubiertos de alta calidad

Proveedores de servicios de impresión

Fábricas integradas de cajas

Los proveedores de corrugado se benefician con la impresión digital de HP


Gracias¿Por qué HP?

• Experiencia consolidada en la transformación de empresas• La mayor cartera de soluciones con los asociados para transformar su industria• Tecnología probada y de avanzada