EDUCACIÓN MEDIA SUPERIOR A DISTANCIA … · encontrarás una serie de actividades que deberás...

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Lengua Adicional al Español III



Juventino Alvarado TorresMa. Beatriz Escamilla EscobedoJesús Méndez Garza Elizabeth M. Zavaleta García

Lengua Adicional al Español III


Cuadernillo de procedimientos para el aprendizaje

Con la colaboración de :

Juventino Alvarado TorresMa. Beatriz Escamilla Escobedo

Jesús Méndez Garza Elizabeth M. Zavaleta García



LENGUA ADICIONAL AL ESPAÑOL IIICuadernillo de Procedimientos para el aprendizaje

Con la colaboración de:Juventino Alvarado TorresMa. Beatriz Escamilla EscobedoJesús Méndez Garza Elizabeth M. Zavaleta García

Coordinación de Educación Media Superior a DistanciaMartha Elena Fuentes Torres

Departamento de Diseño de Material Didáctico y Capacitación:Antonio Cadena Magaña

Revisión y asesoría académica a cargo de:Saúl Ureña Fernández

Diseño Gráfico:Mildred Ximena Uribe Castañón

Corrección de estilo:Cristina Miranda Huerta

©Secretaría de Educación Pública. México, agosto de 2007.

Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General del BachilleratoEducación Media Superior a Distancia

ISBN: En trámiteDerechos Reservados





















PRESENTACIÓNAhora que has abierto el Cuadernillo de Lengua Adicional al Español III (Inglés III), quizás te sorprenda darte cuenta de que te faltan sólo dos semestres para concluir una de las asig-naturas que integran el campo de Lenguaje y Comunicación, como parte del componente de Formación Básica. Los conocimientos adquiridos en semestres anteriores te han permi-tido expresar, comprender e intercambiar pronombres, tiempos verbales, preposiciones, adjetivos, sustantivos y vocabulario sencillo.

Hoy el idioma inglés ha dejado de ser un lujo, una barrera en cualquier rincón del mundo, y no me sorprendería que ahora digas en tu interior, “sí, pero a mi de qué me sirve”, y si lo pensaste, estás en un error porque es el idioma más hablado y por lo tanto, el principal que se maneja en tecnología, libros, ciencia, música, periódicos y, por si fuera poco, la mayor parte de la información por Internet está precisamente en esta lengua.

Este Cuadernillo, tiene como propósito seguir desarrollando tus habilidades y destrezas comunicativas: producción oral, producción escrita, comprensión auditiva y comprensión de lectura, mismas que nos permitirán mejorar la calidad de educación en el nivel medio superior.

Lo que revisarás en este tercer semestre de Lengua Adicional al Español III (Inglés III), te permitirá seguir practicando lo aprendido, no olvides que este idioma es acumulativo, lo cual te facilitará mantener esa base sólida dentro de tu habilidad lingüística. Este semestre agregará a tus bases del idioma inglés, nuevas estructuras gramaticales que te facilitarán expresarte de forma oral o escrita sobre las características de personas, animales, lugares y objetos, para poder determinar semejanzas y diferencias entre ellos, sean afirmativas, negativas o interrogativas.

La segunda unidad tiene como finalidad el que expreses acciones que se desarrollarán en un futuro, indicando la fecha y lugar en que se podrían ejecutar. En la tercera unidad apren-derás a redactar cualquier idea que se te ocurra, porque aprenderás a expresar el presente perfecto, señalando acciones ocurridas en el pasado y que no han terminado, así como ac-ciones ocurridas en el pasado en un tiempo indefinido y acciones que aún no se realizan.

Finalmente, revisarás los verbos modales con los cuales expresarás instrucciones, prohibi-ciones, obligaciones, sugerencias, consejos, probabilidad, y la forma correcta para extender una invitación y aceptar o rechazar de manera amable todas aquellas que se te hagan.

El presente Cuadernillo está estructurado con un enfoque comunicativo y funcional, mis-mo que te permitirá mejorar y desarrollar habilidades lingüísticas en este idioma (speaking, writing, reading and listening); dado que adopta un enfoque de enseñanza centrado en el aprendizaje permite que más que un docente, tu asesor sea un facilitador del aprendizaje que tu mismo construyes.

Por todo lo anterior, cada unidad está dividida en cuatro secciones, mismas que te llevarán de la mano durante el semestre. Dichas secciones son:

¿Qué voy a aprender?Esta sección te presenta una visión general que te permite conocer lo que revisarás en todas las unidades y la forma en que lo debes hacer.

¿Cómo aprendo?Es una sección medular, tanto en el cuadernillo como en tu aprendizaje, ya que aquí encontrarás una serie de actividades que deberás desarrollar para consolidar los obje-tivos de cada uno de los temas revisados.

¿Qué he aprendido?Esta sección es la más divertida porque deberás resolver todos los ejercicios para que te autoevalúes y determines tu nivel de conocimientos adquiridos.

Quiero saber másLa última sección se enfoca en despertar tu curiosidad para seguir investigando y pro-fundizar en lo que has aprendido en cada unidad.

Parte fundamental del mundo social al que perteneces es la interacción, por ello no dejes de considerar que, en caso de dudas o dificultades en alguna sección o unidad, puedes consultar a tu asesor.

Lengua Adicional al Español III es consecuente de LAE II y antecedente de LAE IV, se vincula con todas las asignaturas ya que promueve la mejora de las habilidades y destrezas comunicativas, para desarrollar tus conocimientos adquiridos en las demás asignaturas.

Ubicación de la asignatura

Lengua Adicional al Español III está ubicada en el componente de Formación Básica del tercer semes-tre, a través de ésta adquirirás conocimientos sobre cómo hacer comparaciones entre un objeto y otro de acuerdo a sus características, a expresar una acción que se realizará en el futuro, señalar acciones que ocurren en el pasado y no han terminado y emplear correctamente los verbos modales.

Objetivo de la asignatura

El estudiante practicará las cuatro habilidades de la lengua inglesa (producción oral, escrita, compren-sión auditiva y lectora), en la realización de funciones interactivas y transactivas, empleando los tres grados de comparación, el tiempo futuro, el presente perfecto y los verbos modales, mostrando en todo momento actitud de interés, respeto, responsabilidad, tolerancia y autonomía.



¿Qué voy a aprender?



¿ ¿


¿ ¿

Objetivo de la unidad: Aprenderás a intercambiar información con respecto a diferencias y similitudes de personas, animales, cosas y lugares, mediante el uso de comparativos y superlativos. Para ello, practica-rás diferentes habilidades comunicativas, como son leer, escribir y escuchar, mostrando en todo momento actitudes de interés, cooperación y responsabilidad.

Bienvenido a este nuevo curso de Lengua Adicional al Español III. Como recordarás, en los cursos anteriores adquiriste una serie de conocimientos básicos del Inglés, y ciertamente estos conocimientos te ayudarán mucho en este curso.

Debes estar muy atento a todo lo que vayas aprendiendo en este curso y recordar siempre que: ¡para hablar inglés, debes practicarlo! Te invitamos a que, no sólo en esta unidad, sino en todas las del curso, realices los ejercicios y estés siempre entusiasta y atento, trata de poner todo tu esfuerzo y cuenta con una actitud positiva, tanto en tus prácticas individuales como las que realices con tus compañeros. De esta manera podrás darte cuenta qué fácil y sencillo es aprender inglés.

En esta unidad podrás aprender las estructuras gramaticales con las que puedes hacer comparación de personas, animales, cosas o lugares. No sólo aprenderás a comparar similitudes y diferencias, sino que podrás expresar cuál es el mejor, el más alto, el más barato, de cualquier número de personas o cosas que quieras comparar.

Esto te será de mucha utilidad para poder dar tu punto de vista cuando te pidan tu opinión acerca de cuáles son los mejores tenis, cachuchas o computadoras; podrás expresar cuál de ellas es la mejor, la más veloz, la más barata, las que son del mismo color, etc. De igual manera podrás comparar países, los rasgos de tus amigos, lugares para visitar, y expresar quién es más viejo, grande, alto, etc.

Para aprender estos contenidos tendrás que realizar diferentes actividades, esperamos que te parezcan interesantes, y al mismo tiempo podrás aprender más vocabulario.

Deseamos que disfrutes esta unidad y que le eches muchas ganas para poder lograr los objetivos del curso. Recuerda que en el mundo en que vivimos, necesitamos de más competencias que nos ayuden a sobresalir y ser mejores cada día. Ten muy presente que todo esto lo puedes alcanzar con la ayuda de tu asesor, el cual está siempre a tu disposición para cualquier duda.


No nos queda más que decirte: ¡Ánimo, tú puedes! y desearte mucho éxito.


• Dos Santos, Manuel. Super Goal 2 y 3. México, McGraw-Hill, 2001.• Brewster, S. y otros. Skyline 2 y 3. Oxford, McMillan, 2001.• Richards, Jack. Interchange 2. 3a ed., Cambridge Universitiy Press, 2005.


• Speak up• People• Times• Newsweek• National Geographic

Sitios Web:


Fuentes de consulta






• Vocabulario de adjetivos calificativos en personas, animales, cosas y lugares

• Uso del modelo AS … AS

• Vocabulario de países, ciudades, lugares, ani-males y cosas

• Uso de los modelos MORE…THAN y MORE…ER THAN

• Vocabulario de prendas de vestir, colores, des-cripciones físicas y de personalidad

• Uso de los modelos THE MOST y THE … EST.

¿Cómo aprendo?



Objetivo temático: Aprenderás las herramientas necesarias para describir de manera oral y escrita las similitudes de personas, anima-les, cosas y lugares, comparando diferentes rasgos característicos.

Es muy importante que en esta unidad aprendas las reglas para poder comparar características de semejanza o de igualdad, para ello es necesario que conozcas las reglas que te permitan hacerlo, empaparte de vocabulario y de adjetivos ca-lificativos, para que puedas irlos utilizando al hacer tus comparaciones.

Observa el siguiente cuadro y analiza la manera en que vamos a estructurar las oraciones comparativas de semejanza.




This book is as interesting as that magazine.Este libro es tan interesante como esa revista.

Buenos Aires is as expensive as TokyoBuenos Aires es tan cara como Tokio.



This flat is not as big as that house.Este departamento no es tan grande como esa casa.

Paris is not as expensive as TokyoParís no es tan cara como Tokio.

Contesta las siguientes actividades para empezar a practicar estas reglas, te pe-dimos tu mejor disposición y que intentes, con ayuda de tu asesor o tus compa-ñeros de clase, contestar correctamente.



1. Match the image with the correct adjective. (Relaciona la imagen con el adjetivo que le corresponda.)

a. warm

b. strong

c. slow

d. scary


g. old

h. noisy

i. hungry

j. heavy

k. handsome

l. full

m. sick

n. fat

o. fast

p. far

122. These words are used to describe houses and apartments. Which are positive (P)? Which are negative (N)? (Estas palabras son utilizadas para describir casas y departamentos. ¿Cuáles de éstas son positivas, agrega una P, y cuáles son negativas, agrega una N?)

q. famous

r. difficult

s. dangerous

t. cute

u. cool

v. cold

w. busy

x. bad

y. angry




















3. Read these opinions about houses and apartments, and in the last lines, write sentences about the importance of the characteristics of your dream house.(Lee estas opiniones acerca de casas y apartamentos, y en las líneas, escribe acerca de las características más importantes de la casa de tus sueños.)

Apartments: are too small for pets. aren’t big enough for families don’t have as many rooms as houses have just as much expenses as houses don’t have enough parking spaces.

Houses: cost too much money aren’t as safe as apartments aren’t as convenient as apartments don’t have as much privacy as apartments


4. Imagine that you are looking for a house or apartment to live. Read the two announcements and look the pictures. Then write comparisons of the house and apartment using as … as with the adjectives below. Then compare with a partner. (Imagina que estás buscando una casa o departamento para vivir. Lee los siguientes anuncios y observa las imágenes, después escribe oraciones comparativas usando as … as con los adjetivos de abajo. Luego compara con tu compañero.)


2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, 2 car garage; $600 per month, located in



3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, $ 600 per month, 2 parking space, located



Example: The house is as noisy as the apartment. The apartment doesn’t have as many bedrooms as the house

a. _________________________________________________________________b. _________________________________________________________________c. _________________________________________________________________d. _________________________________________________________________e. _________________________________________________________________f. _________________________________________________________________

5. Complete the sentences below using the correct form as … as in the box. (Completa las siguientes oraciones usando la forma correcta as … as en el cuadro.)

Example: on the first day of his vacations, the boy felt as free as a bird

a. The night was ___________________________

b. Her hateful eyes were _______________________

c. Without my glasses, I am ________________________

d. The sheets on the bed looked ______________________

e. The bicycle looks heavy, but it feels ____________________

f. My computers is very fast at times, and at other times it is _______________

g. When I was a child, a man of seventy seemed to me to be _______________

h. After using our body lotion, your skin is guaranteed to feel _______________

i. The man acted so oddly that his neighbors considered him to be __________

noisy bigbedrooms expensivebathrooms convenientspace parking space

As black as coal

As white as snow

As smooth as silk

As slow as turtle

As old as the hills

As free as a bird

As nutty as a clown

As light as a feather

As cold as ice

As blind as bat


6. In this activity you have to found a different images about two persons, two places and two animals. Give them in the boxes, and in the lines you have to compare them. Search them in magazines, newspapers, etc. (En esta actividad tienes que encontrar diferentes imágenes acerca de dos personas, dos lugares y tos animales. Pégalas en los recua-dros y en las líneas de abajo, has comparaciones de igualdad. Busca las imágenes en periódicos, revistas, etc.)


a. ______________________________________________________________b. ______________________________________________________________c. ______________________________________________________________d.______________________________________________________________

a. ______________________________________________________________b. ______________________________________________________________c. ______________________________________________________________d.______________________________________________________________


a. ______________________________________________________________b. ______________________________________________________________c. ______________________________________________________________d.______________________________________________________________





Objetivo temático: Aprenderás a comparar las características y las di-ferencias de personas, animales, cosas y lugares, utilizando adjetivos de comparación.

Como viste en el tema anterior, es muy importante conocer las formas y mane-ras para poder comparar; ya aprendiste a describir lugares, personas o anima-les que tienen características iguales. En este tema vas a poder definir aquellas características diferentes de personas, animales y/o cosas. Debes tener claro el conocimiento del vocabulario de adjetivos que te ayudarán a ampliar tu voca-bulario y a enriquecer las oraciones comparativas.

De igual manera, en esta parte de la unidad conocerás las reglas para hacer comparaciones de las diferencias y las características que tienen cada una de las personas, animales, cosas y lugares, para poderlas utilizar en tu vida cotidiana.

Resuelve los siguientes ejercicios de vocabulario.

1. Using a dictionary, match the pictures with the correct meaning. (Usando un diccionario, relaciona las imágenes con su significado correcto.)





20/3*4 (3.4 + 4.4 + 1) = x + y










1 + 1 = 2


Ya que repasaste nuevo vocabulario, pon mucha atención en la siguiente regla para la comparación de cosas y lugares con estos diferentes adjetivos aprendidos.

Seguro que te será muy fácil aprender lo siguiente, da un vistazo y si tienes dudas, pregunta a tu asesor.

When we want to compare two things, placesor people we use the comparative form.

Adjective + ER + THAN = MAS + adjetivo + QUE

This book is cheaper than that magazine.Este libro es más barato que esta revista.

MORE + adjective + THAN = MAS + adjetivo + QUE

Paris is more interesting than New YorkParís es más interesante que Nueva York

Adjectives of just one syllable form the comparative by adding “-er”:

• Bright … brighter • Clear … clearer

• Fast … faster

If a one syllable adjective ends in “e”, simply add “r”:

• Nice … nicer • Fine … finer • Ripe … riper

For some adjectives, it is necessary to double the last letter before adding “-er”. (For spelling: doubling letters, see next week’s grammar question).

• Big … bigger • Slim … slimmer

• Flat … flatter

All adjectives of three or more syllables form the comparative with “more “.

• Beautiful …more beautiful • Comfortable … more comfortable

• Typical … more typical

Adjectives of two syllables are more complicated. To see which is the usual form you should see your dictionary. Most adjectives of two syllables form

the comparative with “more”:

• Famous …more famous • Thankful … more thankful

• Boring …more boring • Faithless … more faithless


Después de revisar detenidamente las reglas de la gramática, te invitamos a reali-zar varios ejercicios para que practiques y aprendas a construir los enunciados.

2. Look at the planets, and then use the adjectives in the list to make sentences comparing the planets, as the examples. (Observa los planetas, y usa los adjetivos de la lista para hacer oraciones comparativas de los planetas como el ejemplo.)

Example: Uranus is bigger than Neptuno

However, some adjectives of two syllables form the comparative with “-er”:Those that end in “y”, change the “y” to “i” and add “-er”:

• Happy … happier • Funny … funnier

• Easy …easier

Those ending in a vowel-sound that is not stressed:

• Yellow …yellower • Simple …simpler • Tender …tenderer

In addition, there are some (common) irregular comparative adjectives:

• Good …better • Bad …worse

• Far …farther or further • Little (quantity) …less

• Much … more • Old …older or elder










2, 300 Km-230°C49, 528 Km-210°C51,120 Km-214°C120,000 Km150°C143,000 Km-120°C6,780 Km-60°C12,756 Km+22°C12,100 Km+480 °C4,879 Km+180°C


big small hot coldbeautiful close to the sun far from the sun safe

a.__________________________________________________________________b.__________________________________________________________________c. _________________________________________________________________d.__________________________________________________________________e.__________________________________________________________________f.__________________________________________________________________

3. Fill in the blank with the comparative form of the adjective. (Llena el espacio con la forma correcta del adjetivo comparativo.)

a. The Mississippi River is _______________________ The Ohio River. (long)

b. The United States is ________________________ Mexico. (big)

c. Mexico City is _______________________ Pachuca. (dangerous)

d. A tulip is ____________________________ a cactus. (pretty)

e. Tokyo is ______________________ New York. (far)

f. A pick-up truck is _________________________ a Volkswagen. (large)

g. A rainy day is ________________________ a sunny day. (sad)

h. Mexican food is __________________________ French food. (good)

i. Vacations are ____________________________ work days. (exciting)

j. An airplanes is ________________________________ a bus to travel. (comfortable)

4. Write sentences comparing the cars and the buildings, like the example. (Escribe oraciones comparando los carros y los edificios, como el ejemplo.)

Mr. Smith´s car Mr. Johnson´s car

a. old Mr. Johnson´s car is older than Mr. Smith´s car.

b. new Mr. Smith´s car is newer than Mr. Johnson´s car.

c. fast _______________________________________

d. big _______________________________________


e. slow _______________________________________

f. modern _______________________________________

g. clean _______________________________________

h. dirty _______________________________________

i. low _______________________________________

j. expensive _______________________________________

5. Work with a partner. Ask and answer, and make sentences, as in the examples. (Trabaja con un compañero. Pregunten y respondan. Hagan oraciones como el ejemplo.)

Expensive Convenient Safe ConfortableCar plane

a. Traveling by plane is more expensive than traveling by car.b. _______________________________________________c. _______________________________________________d. _______________________________________________e. _______________________________________________f. _______________________________________________

6. Find the hidden adjectives, then write them on the lines. (Encuentra los adjetivos ocultos y escríbelos en la línea de abajo.)

E i C i t S f C f t bl



q ln j dvq ladbt

u aa ucqe ueeoi

a be guaa xxcrg

i rl icse upbiv

e dc ztue redne

t kn reda inhgd

e so vbar osafe

a ne guni


g ae hssa svebx

d dluyxd bedjn

b ñoigeh tzbch


7. Read the conversation and answer the next questions. (Lee la conversación y responde las siguientes preguntas.)

Tony: What are we going to watch?George: Let’s watch summo wrestling on T.V. Look at the size of those guys! They’re bigger and heavier than most football players.

Tony: Con you imagine one of them falling on you?George: There’s car reading on Channel 5. It’s mucho more exciting than sumo.Tony: No, let’s watch football. That’s the sport for me.Mary: Football? It’s all muscle and no brains. I prefer soccer.Tony: That’s the slowest and the most boring sport there is. It’s a game for girls.Mary: You have to be really smart to play soccer. That’s why l play it.George: So what are we going to watch?

What does George say about size of summo wrestlers?_________________________________________________________

What does he say about car racing?_________________________________________________________

What does Tony say about soccer?_________________________________________________________Why does Mary play soccer?_________________________________________________________

What do you think they are going watch on T.V?_________________________________________________________



Objetivo temático: en esta parte de la unidad conocerás las herramientas necesarias para comparar de manera oral y es-crita las características de más de dos personas, animales, co-sas y lugares, usando la forma superlativa e incrementando tu vocabulario.

1. What do you see? Type the name of the object. (¿Que es lo que ves? Escribe el nombre de cada objeto.)



2. Next to answer the last activity you can play with your group to the lottery. Do you remember how can you play?, you have to remove one copies of the images cut it and select one student to be a distribute the letters. The letter of players is their books. Let’s play. Remember speak only English. (Después de respon-der la actividad pasada, tú puedes jugar con tu grupo a la lotería. ¿Recuerdas cómo se juega?, tienen que sacar una copia de las imágenes, cortarlas y seleccionar un estudiante que sea el que reparta las cartas. Las cartas de cada jugador podrán ser sus libros. Vamos a jugar.)

3. Guess descriptions of this caricature of people and relates the following co-lumns. (Adivina la descripción de estas caricaturas de gente y relaciona las siguientes columnas.)

( ) short

( ) a moustache

( ) thin

( ) sad

( ) long hair

( ) big

( ) a beard

( ) female

( ) hapy

( ) male

( ) tall

( ) young

( ) old

( ) short hair

Después de recordar algo de vocabulario, vamos a continuar con la compara-ción de varias personas. A lo largo de la unidad, has aprendido a identificar las características de personas animales y cosas, así como a compararlas; en esta ocasión aprenderás a identificar las características superiores de dos o más per-sonas, utilizando la forma superlativa.

1 2 3 4


5 7 8

9 10 1112

13 14


Pon mucha atención en el siguiente cuadro, donde se te explica la gramática adecuada.

When we want to compare more than two things, places or people we use the SUPERLATIVE FORM.

For adjectives of one and two syllables ending in consonant, we add “est” to make the superlative form.

cheap cheapesttall tallest

old oldest

For adjectives of one syllables and two syllables ending in “e” we add “st”to make the superlative form.

large largestcute cutest

When an adjective ends in “y” and there is a consonant before it,change the “y” to “i” and add “est”

happy happiestbusy busiest

When an adjective ends in a consonant and is preceded by a vowel,

double the final consonant.big biggestfat fattest

For adjectives and adverbs or more than two syllables we use “most” to make the superlative form.

interesting the most interestingbeautiful the most beautiful

important the most important

the following superlatives are irregular:good the bestbad the worst

far farthest

4. Change the adjectives to superlative form using the rules. (Cambia al superlativo los siguientes adjetivos, según la regla).

Short ___________________ sweet _______________________

Large ____________________ long _________________________

Cold _____________________ ugly _________________________

Thirsty ___________________ hungry_______________________

Fat ______________________ beautiful _____________________

Serious ___________________ boring _______________________

Careful ___________________ disappointing _________________


5. In your family all the people have different abilities and characteristics, thin in them and write a superlative sentence about next adjectives. (En tu familia todos tienen diferentes habilidades y características, piensa en ellos y escribe oraciones superlativas con los siguien-tes adjetivos.)

(Happy) ____________________________________________________________

(Young) ____________________________________________________________

(Sad) _______________________________________________________________

(Tall) ______________________________________________________________

(Thin) ______________________________________________________________

(Strong) ____________________________________________________________

(Rich) ______________________________________________________________

(Cute) ______________________________________________________________

6. Write a paragraph in where you compare these prominent figures. Don’t forget to use sentences in superlative form. (Escribe un párrafo donde compares a estos dos personajes. No te olvides de utilizar oraciones en la forma superlativa.)




7. Read the next important text, and then answer the questions? Works in pairs. (Lee el siguiente texto importante, y luego contesta las preguntas. Trabaja en parejas.)

325 feet (99meters). That’s the height of a twenty-six story building. The diameter of a sequoia at the base is wider than many City streets. One sequoia was so wide that people built a dance floor in its base. A sin-gle sequoia can be heavier than 500 cars. In 1891, it took tow men thirteen days to cut down one famous sequoia.Today the tallest living sequoia is the General Sher-man. It’s 274.9 feet (84 meters) tall, it measures 35 feet (486 cubic meters). That’s enough wood to build four houses and make a lot of furniture, too.

A sequoia can take 500 years to grow to its full height. After that, in lives four hundreds of years. The giant sequoia lives longer than other kinds of sequoias. Its average age is between three to four thousand years. When the ancient Egyptians were building the pyramids, the small seed of the General Sherman tree started to grow in the California mountains. That means General Sherman is 2,600 to 3,500 years old. Think of all the events that happened in the lifetime of this tree¡ The Roman Empire, the rise of Chris-tendom, Islam, Buddhism, the Aztecs, Columbus, Napoleon … and the hundreds of changes that happened in the last century. And you were born!

a. Which is the world’s tallest living tree?b. How tall is it?c. How wide are sequoias?d. How heavy are they?e. How long can the giant sequoia live?f. How old is the General Sherman?


Has concluido el estudio de la unidad 1, esperamos que todo te haya quedado muy claro y si no fuera así, recuerda que puedes regresar cuantas veces quieras a reafirmar conocimientos. De cualquier manera, en esta sección vas a practicar todos tus conocimientos y poner a prueba tu des-treza. Si existe alguna duda también puedes consultar a tu asesor. Las respuestas a estos ejercicios están al final del cuadernillo, pero te proponemos el reto de que las utilices sólo para verificar tus respuestas, así sentirás la satisfacción de haber respondido de manera excelente todas las activida-des, además pondrás a prueba tus conocimientos.¡Manos a la obra!

I. Write the sentences in the correct order.

a) MORE / THAN / BARBARA / KELLY / IS / INTELLIGENT / ____________________________________________________________

b) A / TALLER / HORSE / COW / IS / THAN / A /____________________________________________________________

c) AS / CHIHUAHUA / HOT / SONORA / AS / IS /____________________________________________________________

d) DOCTOR / BUSIER / A / IS / THAN/ TEACHER / A /____________________________________________________________

e) BUILDING / CITY / THE / THAT / OLDEST/ IN / IS / THE /____________________________________________________________

e) SELLS / THIS / HAMBURGER / IS / THE / BIGGEST / RESTAURANT / THE / ____________________________________________________________

f) THE / RESTAURANT / WHICH / YOUR / MOST / IS / NEIGHBORHOOD / IN / EXPENSIVE / ? /____________________________________________________________

h) / ? / WHICH / NEAR / BEST / IS / THEATER / HOME / THE / ____________________________________________________________

i) AREA / BEAUTIFUL / IS / MOST / ? / THE / BUILDING / THE / IN / WHICH / _____________________________________________________________

¿Qué he aprendido?



In my opinion, México is the________________place for vacation in the world. It has

the__________________ tourist resorts. Cancun is the________________ tourist resort

in México, but it has the__________________ hotels and the clean beaches. I love it! Marian Escamilla


expensive beautiful


II. Underline the correct answer .

1. The winter is the __________________ station of the year.

a) more cold b) coldest c) the best cold d) colder

2. My boyfriend is the ______________ guy that I know.

a) Luckiest b) most lucky c) the best lucky d) luckier

3. Randy is the ____________ student in class.

a) intelligentier b) better intelligent c) most intelligent d) intelligentest

4. I´m going to buy the ________________ car I can afford.

a) newest b) newer c) most new d) better new

5. Franca is the _________________ city in Europe.

a) most romantic b) romanticer c) romantic than d) romantiest

III. Write the correct form of the adjective on the line.


IV. Use the adjectives to complete the cross word puzzle in the comparative form.














1. Good2. Huge3. Dark4. Fast5. Tender6. Far


1. Little2. Convenient3. Full4. Ripe5. Funny6. Bad

V. Answer correctly in the lines with as … as

1. John is (tall) _______________________ Glen.

2. Janet is (beautiful) ___________________ Jeniffer.

3. You are (crazy) ______________________ my sister.

4. We can run (fast) _______________________ they can.

5. My mom is (not / strict) _____________________ your mom.

6. your mobile phone is (not / trendy ) __________________________ mine.

7. Matrix II was (not / interesting) ___________________ Matrix I.

8. This yoghurt (not / taste / good ) _____________________ the one I bought yesterday.

9. I can do (many / press-ups) ______________________ you.

10. I (not / earn / much / money ) ____________________________ you do.


VI. Complete the next table.

VII. Looks at the charts of life expectancy of humans and animals. Answer the questions about them.






Sierra Leone

United States


























much / manylittlefar




More difficultBetter




The thinnest__________________

The prettiestThe safest


The worstThe most

__________________The furthest /

the farthest


1. Which animal lives the longest time?

________ ______________________________________________________________

2. Which animal has the shortest life?

______ ________________________________________________________________

3. Where do humans live the longest life?

__________ ____________________________________________________________

4. Do people have a longer life expectancy in México or in China?

_______ _______________________________________________________________

5. Which has a shorter life expectancy – a tiger or monkey?

___________ ___________________________________________________________

6. Which countries have the shortest life expectancy?



Ya concluiste la unidad 1, quizá tengas más tiempo para aprender algunas cosas extra o tengas la curiosidad y puedas dedicarle otro tiempo en tu casa para hacer más ejercicios o investigar en algunas otras páginas información que llame tu atención.

WORDS, WORDS…Hemos seleccionado tres términos que resultan muy frecuentes en inglés y que pueden tener varios significados.

Quiero saber más

ACTUALLY. In English we can ask: “The President is the leader of the government, but who is actually in charge?” Here the Word mean “in reality”: who really makes the decisions? However, when we say, “The Queen is actually here¡” we are surprised at the presence of the Queen: it´s an exclamation.

Actually is also used when we di-sagree but do not want to offend. It is often used to introduce a de-licate statement or signal reticence before speaking. If someone invi-tes you to a fish restaurant, you can reply: “Actually, I don’t like fish very much.”

CASUAL. Casual is another word that causes confusion. The princi-pal English meaning of casual is in-formal. It often describes informal clothes or behaviour. The 1990s saw the rise of casual fashion with sportswear and trainers beco-ming very popular. A person who doesn’t seem to care about correct behaviour has a casual or careless attitude to live. Casual also means superficial or not serious, so a ca-sual inspection is not carried out carefully and a casual friend is not a close friend – he is just an ac-quaintance. It is also a synonym of temporary in the sense of casual workers, people who work seaso-nally, or for short periods.

SENSITIVE. Finally, a person is sensitive when they understand other people´s feelings. They feel compassion for someone who is in pain or difficulty. An extreme example is a person with psychic or occult powers.

It is possible to be to sensitive, then a person is easily upset or irritated by other people. We can also talk about sensitive skin when it is ea-sily irritated. Sensible, on the other hand, means to act in a rational, logical way. We use “good sense” to make decisions. It is the contra-ry of stupid or thoughtless.Albert Einstein asked why scien-ce gives us so little happiness. His answer is that we don’t use it sen-sibly.

A continuación te mencionamos algunas páginas que te podrán abrir otras puertas para aprender más inglés y puedas practicarlo.

• ppt#275,10,“Superlative form”?

• html

• ves_esp.htm




Te recomendamos una revista que puedes encontrar en cualquier puesto de periódicos, que además de venir en inglés y tener un contenido interesante y de actualidad, contiene un CD en el cual podrás escuchar todos los temas y practicar tu inglés. Esta revista se llama SPEAK UP, te presentamos algunos de los temas que podrás encontrar ahí:


¡Buena suerte en las siguientes unidades! Recuerda poner todo tu entusiasmo y trabajar con muchas ganas en cada una de las actividades que se te proponen en las siguientes unidades, ya que es la continuación de lo que viste en esta unidad, de este modo podrás completar el conocimiento que pretendemos tengas al final de este curso.




¿Qué voy a aprender?






Objetivo de la unidad: En esta unidad aprenderás a dar y recibir información acerca de eventos que planeas llevar a cabo en un fu-turo cercano y de acciones que tu imaginas sucederán en un futuro que desconoces; para ello te auxiliarás de las cuatro habilidades comunicativas, de los auxi-liares will y going to, así como del primer condicional if, mostrando valores hacia tu grupo como la honesti-dad y la responsabilidad.

Estimado alumno, bienvenido seas a esta unidad 2. Estamos seguros de que los ejerci-cios pasados, de comparativos y superlativos, realmente te agradaron debido a que son interesantes y muy prácticos; pensamos que en esta unidad también te pasarás momen-tos muy amenos en el estudio del idioma inglés, pues continuamos con la misma línea: hacer que el aprendizaje de esta lengua extranjera te sea lo más interesante posible.

Comenzaremos con el futuro will, este tiempo es muy sencillo ya que la gramática es bastante simple; además es muy útil pues te ayudará a que puedas manifestar de mane-ra oral y escrita todas las cosas que en el futuro te gustaría realizar.

En el tema dos compararemos el futuro to be going to que ya viste en el segundo se-mestre y el futuro will, esto con la finalidad de que puedas distinguir en qué momento emplear cada uno de estos tiempos gramaticales.

En el segmento tres manejaremos la negación del futuro will que es won’t; éste te ser-virá para que puedas expresar lo que no quieres realizar en el futuro.

Por último, en esta unidad tenemos el tema del primer condicional, también conocido como futuro probable, el cual te ayudará a que puedas unir dos oraciones y señalar cosas que te agradaría hacer en el futuro pero que en el presente deben cumplir con ciertos requisitos (condición IF).

Este viaje a través de la lengua más universal que existe, continua amigo(a). Aprende cuanto te sea posible y mucho más, muy pronto verás resultados y tu vida puede cam-biar con el aprendizaje del idioma inglés.


Para lograr un aprendizaje más significativo requerirás de ciertas herramientas bási-cas, que te serán de gran ayuda para fortalecer lo que el cuadernillo ya te explica.

Te sugerimos acudir a la siguiente bibliografía para que complementes y fortalezcas tus conocimientos:


• Brewster, S. y otros. Skyline 2 and 3. Oxford, MacMillan, 2001.• Dos Santos, Manuel. Super Goal 2 y 3. Mexico, McGraw-Hill, 2001.• Evans, V. y Neil O Sullivan. Click on 2 and 3. Newsbury, Express Publishing, 2001.• Jenkins, R. y Staci Lyn Sabbagh. Stand Out 2 and 3. Boston, Thompson Heinle, 2002.• Richards, Jack. Interchange 2. 3a ed., Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Sitios Web:


Fuentes de consulta


¿Cómo aprendo?


• Uso del futuro WILL

• Contrastes entreWILL y “TO BE GOING TO”

• Empleo de WON’T

• Uso del primer condicional IF (futuro probable) para relacionar el presente simple con el futuro








Objetivo temático: Describirás eventos que planeas reali-zar en el futuro, haciendo uso del auxiliar will.

1. Read the following example, then answer the sentences. (Lee el siguiente ejemplo, después contesta las oraciones.)

Family/ to Paris/ next/ fly/ My/ will/ summer

POSITIVE: My family’ll fly to Paris next summer.

NEGATIVE: My family won’t fly to Paris next summer.

QUESTION: Will my family fly to Paris next summer?

a) visit/ They/ the/ will/ Eiffel tower/

POSITIVE ____________________________________________

NEGATIVE ____________________________________________

QUESTION ____________________________________________


Will future expresses a spontaneous decision, an assumption with regard to the future or an action in the future that cannot be influenced.




I will finish my carrer in 3 years.

I will not finish my carrer in 3 years.

Will I finish my carrer in 3 years?

I’ll finish my carrer in 3 years.

I won’t finish my carrer in 3 years.

Will I finish my carrer in 3 years?


b) My/ Arc of triumph/ will/ to the/ go/ uncle/

POSITIVE ___________________________________

NEGATIVE ___________________________________

QUESTION ___________________________________

c) Louvre mouseum/ will/ My sister/ be/ in the/

POSITIVE ___________________________________

NEGATIVE ___________________________________

QUESTION ___________________________________

d) will/ to Amsterdam/ sister/ travel/ in the TGV/ My/

POSITIVE ___________________________________

NEGATIVE ___________________________________

QUESTION __________________________________

e) pray/ My Grandma/ will/ Notre Dame/ in/

POSITIVE ___________________________________

NEGATIVE ___________________________________

QUESTION ___________________________________


3. Match correctly the images with the sentences & write your answer in the pa-renthesis. (Relaciona correctamente las imágenes con las oraciones y escribe tu respuesta en el parentesis.)

( ) She’ll get married in two years.

( ) She’ll buy a house.

( ) She’ll finish the universty.

( ) She’ll visit New York.

( ) She’ll work as a teacher.






2. Fill in the blanks with the verb in future. (Llena los espacios en blanco con el verbo en futuro.)

a) I think, the trip (cost) ________ more than 2000 euros.b) I (work) __________ at least 10 hours a day, to pay it.c) My dad (sell) ________ his car.d) My mother (save) _______ money all year long.e) My younger brother (not/go) ______, because of the school.f) My girlfriend (join) _________ us in France.g) She (get) ________ a loan.h) My grandma (buy) _______ the flight tickets 6 months before the trip.i) We (be)________ in Europe one month.j) I (bring) _______ gifts for my friends.

What is my future...


4. How do you imagine your future? Write five sentences of what you would like to be doing in the following years. (¿Cómo imaginas tu futuro? Escribe cinco oraciones de lo que te gustaría estar

haciendo en los siguientes años.)



Objetivo temático: Expresarás acciones que piensas realizar en el futuro, contrastando el auxiliar will y going to afirmativos, en forma escrita y oral.

1. Write the meaning in Spanish of the following expressions. (Escribe el significado en español de las siguientes expresiones.)

Time expressionsnext monday ___________ next season ___________next week ___________ next school year _________next weekend ___________ next decade ______________next month ___________ next century ______________next year ___________ next summer ____________

2. Show me your culture, guess the name of the day! (¡Muéstrame tu cultura, adivina el nombre del día!)

Days of the week

The name of this day honors the sun. ______________In this day we honor the moon. _____________________This day is dedicated to Saturn. _____________________

This day is for Freya, the Teutonic goddess of love and beauty. _____________This day is dedicated to Thor, the Norse god of thunder. __________________This one is for honoring Tiu, the Germanic god of war and the sky._________This day honors Woden, the chief Anglo-Saxon / Teutonic god. ____________



Months of the year

3. Fill in the blanks with the missing months. (Escribe los meses que faltan.)

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct future tense. (Llena los espacios en blanco con el futuro correcto.)

Will vs To be going to

Will•when the speaker will do something voluntarily

--I’ll get you some coffee• In promises

--I’ll see you tonight

To be going to• Expresses that something is a plan

-- Jane is going to study in the Law School next year

• Both “will” and “be going to” can express the idea of a general prediction about the future











a) Tere: I (buy) _________ a new car this weekend, but I’m a little worried because I don’t really know much about cars. I’m afraid the salesman (try)_______to take advantage of me when he sees how little I know.

Chente: I used to work for a mechanic in high school and I know a lot about cars. I (go)___________ with you to make sure you are not cheated.

b) Sandini: Can you see my future in the crystal ball? What (happen)__________ next year?The witch: You (meet)__________ man from Philadel-phia. You (marry)________ that mystery man.Sandini: Forget the man! I want to know if I (get)__________ a new job.


c) Barbarita: We (go)__________camping this wee-kend. Would you like to come along? Gaytán: That sounds great, but I don’t have a sleeping bag.Barbarita: No problem. I (lend)_________ you one. My family has tons of camping gear.

d) Cheli: Fred and I (visit)____________ Chicago next summer. Have you ever been there? Cazares: My family lives in Chicago! I (give)_______ you my parents’ phone number. When you get to Chicago, just call them and they (give)________ you a little tour of the town. They can show you some of the sights that most tourists never see.

5. Fill in the blanks with future will or to be going to. (Llena los espacios en blanco con el futuro will o to be going to.)

I……………… for Real Madrid someday.

We ……………………… play vs. Real Madrid next Sunday.

My friends ……………. participate in the New York marathon this summer .

We ……………….. participate in the Olympic Games in the future.



Objetivo temático: Expresarás acciones en tiempo futuro en forma negativa, agregando el adverbio de negación not al auxiliar will.

a) This kid won’t cheat in my exams anymore! ___________________

b) This girl won’t throw garbage in the street! ___________________

c) She is an executive woman; she won’t do the dishes tonight. _____________

d) Which family won’t pollute anymore? __________________

e) He won’t play for the Chicago Bulls anymore. ___________________

2. The following sentences are negatives; write them in the proper form. (Las siguientes oraciones son negativas, escríbelas correctamente.)

won’t Ana Laura absent next week be1.________________________________________________________________





come to tomorrow the class won’t Ma. Luisa

won’t take Alejandra & later the exam Lucero

the cinema won’t next weekend go to Samantha & Angelica

Gorety fail semester the won’t

Méndez family Kevin


Michel Jordan

1. Answer the following, according with the images.(Contesta lo siguiente de acuerdo con las imágenes.)



3. Imagine that you are a politician, write 10 sentences, about actions that you won’t do. (Imagina que eres un político, escribe 10 oraciones, sobre acciones que tú no harás.)

a) _____________________________________________b) _____________________________________________c) ____________________________________________________________d) ____________________________________________________________e) ____________________________________________________________f) ____________________________________________________________g) ____________________________________________________________h) ____________________________________________________________i) ____________________________________________________________j) ____________________________________________________________


Objetivo temático: Expresarás situaciones probables y su posible re-sultado, en forma oral y escrita, empleando el condicional If (presente-futuro).


This represents actions that in the future will only happen if a cer-tain condition is fulfilled by that time. We don’t know for sure

whether the condition actually will be fulfilled or not, but the con-ditions seems rather realistic – so we think it is likely to happen.

If + + present tense; Future will. If I finish my homework, I ‘ll go the cinema

Future will; If + + present tense. I’ll go to the cinema; If I finish my homework.


1. Match correctly both columns. (Relaciona correctamente ambas columnas.)

( ) If I don’t eat fast food ……

( ) If I study in the Law School……

( ) If I pass my english test …….

( ) If I have a good behavior in home....

( ) If I get good grades ……

( ) If I don’t watch TV,

( ) If I have computer skills

( ) If I find a part time job

a) I’ll buy a used car very soon

b) I’ll be programming quickly

c) I’ll be a very healthy person

d) I’ll be the #1 student!e) I’ll have more time for my books

f) I’ll work for an important firm

g) My mother will let me go to Cancún

h) I’ll study in Oxford

2. Read the following text. The words that you don’t understand, look for it in a dictionary. (Lee el siguiente texto. Las palabras que no entiendas búscalas en el diccionario.)

Global warming is already affec-ting the world we know, endan-gering polar bears, shortening ski seasons and creating more intense storms.

Change 5 lights

Change a light, and you help change the world. Replace the conventional bulbs in your 5 most frequently used light fixtures with bulbs that have the ENERGY STAR label and you will help the environment while saving money on energy bills.

Look for ENERGY STAR labeled products

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

If there is a recycling program in your community, recycle your newspapers, beverage containers, paper and other goods. Use pro-ducts in containers that can be recycled and items that can be repaired or reused. In addition, support recycling markets by bu-ying products made from recycled materials. Reducing, reusing, and recycling in your home helps con-serve energy and reduces pollu-tion and greenhouse gases from resource extraction, manufactu-ring, and disposal.

Use green powerGreen power is environmentally friendly electricity that is genera-ted from renewable energy sour-ces such as wind and the sun. There are two ways to use green

When buying new products, such as appliances for your home, get the features and performance you want AND help reduce green-house gas emissions and air po-llution. Look for ENERGY STAR-qualified products in more than 50 product categories, including lighting, home electronics, hea-ting and cooling equipment and appliances.

Use water efficiently

Everyone can save water through simple actions. Municipal water systems require a lot of energy to purify and distribute water to households, and saving water, especially hot water, can lower greenhouse gas emissions. Do not let the water run while shaving or brushing teeth. Do not use your toilet as a waste basket for toiletry items - water is wasted with each flush. And did you know a leaky toilet can waste 200 gallons of water per day? Re-pair all toilet and faucet leaks right away.



3. Read the following sentences, then find out the mistakes already written in bold & correct them. (Lee las siguientes oraciones, después encuentra los errores ya escritos en negri-

tas y corrige la oración.)

a) If we doesn’t recycle our newspapers, beverage containers, paper and other goods; we aren’t help our home, THE PLANET.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) Jonas will conserved energy and reduce pollution If he use green power.__________________________________________________________________

c) If Cecile buy an Hybrid car, She will helps the enviroment.__________________________________________________________________

d) If there is ENERGY STAR labeled products in my supermarket; I’ll buyed that kind of products.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

e) If we as human beings won’t protect the planet; we’ll are destroying our home__________________________________________________________________

f) If we tells our families that energy efficiency is good for the planet, we’ll being more responsible people.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

g) I’ll am a planet friend If I installing solar panels.___________________________________________________________________

re are a number of steps you can take to create a greener home, in-cluding installing solar panels and researching incentives for renewa-ble energy in your state.

Spread the Word

Tell family and friends that energy efficiency is good for their homes and good for the environment because it lowers greenhouse gas

emissions and air pollution. Tell 5 people and together we can help our homes help us all.

....and start doing these things to-day.


power: you can buy green power or you can modify your house to generate your own green power. Buying green power is easy, it offers a number of environmen-tal and economic benefits over conventional electricity, including lower greenhouse gas emissions, and it helps increase clean energy supply. If you are interested, the-


Do you care about obesity?...

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, is increased to a point whe-re it is associated with certain health conditions or increased mortality.

Obesity is both an individual clinical condition and is increasingly viewed as a serious public health problem. Excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascu-lar diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis.

Body fat measurement

An alternative way to determine obesity is to assess percent body fat. Doctors and scien-tists generally agree that men with more than 25% body fat and women with more than 30% body fat are obese.

Risk factors and comorbidities

The presence of risk factors and diseases associated with obesity are also used to establish a clinical diagnosis. Coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and sleep apnea are possible life-threatening risk factors that would indicate clinical treatment of obesity. Smoking, hyperten-sion, age and family history are other risk factors that may indicate treatment. Diabetes and heart disease are risk factors used in epide-miological studies of obesity.


How is it treated?

• Enhancing the food label to display calorie count more prominently and to use me aningful serving sizes • Initiating a consumer education campaign focusing on the “Calories Count” message • Encouraging restaurants to provide nutritional information to consumers • Stepping up enforcement actions concerning accuracy of food labels • Revising FDA guidance for developing drugs to treat obesity • Working cooperatively with other government agencies, non-profits, industry, and aca demia on obesity research.

Lifestyle modifications such as increasing physical activity and decreasing calorie intake are recommended instead of “dieting.” Crash diets should definitely be avoided. The best approach to changing your diet is to talk to your doctor to find out what is best for you.


4. Read the following text. The words that you don’t understand, look for them in a dictionary. (Lee el siguiente texto. Las palabras que no entiendas búscalas en el diccionario.)


5. Write in the parenthesis a “T” if the answer is true or “F” if the answer is false. (Escribe en el paréntesis una “T” si la respuesta es verdadera o una “F” si es falsa.)

a) If we care about obesity we will have more chances to protect our health................................................................................................ ( )b) If you eat more fruits you won’t risk your heart…..……...……………….. ( )c) If I practice a sport, I’ll have less body fat…………………………………… ( )d) If I eat vegetables, I won’t help my body …………………………………… ( )e) If I use a crash diet, I’ll hurt myself …………………………...….……………( )f) If I talk with my doctor, he’ll know what is best for me ….………………..( )

6. Answer the following questions. (Contesta las siguientes preguntas.)

• When will you start doing some physical activity?………………………………………………………………………………………………• Where will you go to practice it?………………………………………………………………………………………………..• Do you have fruits in your meals?………………………………………………………………………………………………..• Do you think that your eating habits are good?………………………………………………………………………………………………..• Do you know the percentage of your body fat?………………………………………………………………………………………………...

If you don’t do it, I propose you to consider it!

¡If you want to be a healthier person, improve your eating habits & practice sports!


¿Qué he aprendido?

Read the following song:

Album: New Jersey I’ll Be There For You J. Bon Jovi, R. Sambora

I guess this time you’re really leavingI heard your suitcase say goodbyeAnd as my broken heart lies bleedingYou say true love is suicide

You say you’ve cried a thousand riversAnd now you’re swimming for the shoreYou left me drowning in my tearsAnd you won’t save me anymore

Now I’m praying to God you’ll give me one more chance, girl

I’ll be there for youThese five words I swear to you

When you breathe I want to be the air for youI’ll be there for youI’d live and I’d die for youSteal the sun from the sky for youWords can’t say what love can doI’ll be there for you

I know you know we’ve had some good timesNow they have their own hiding placeI can promise you tomorrowBut I can’t buy back yesterday

And Baby you know my hands are dirtyBut I wanted to be your valentineI’ll be the water when you get thirsty, babyWhen you get drunk, I’ll be the wine

I’ll be there for youThese five words I swear to youWhen you breathe I want to be the air for youI’ll be there for you

I’d live and I’d die for youSteal the sun from the sky for youWords can’t say what love can doI’ll be there for you


And I wasn’t there when you were happyI wasn’t there when you were downI didn’t mean to miss your birthday, babyI wish I’d seen you blow those candles out

I’ll be there for youThese five words I swear to youWhen you breathe I want to be the air for youI’ll be there for youI’d live and I’d die for youSteal the sun from the sky for youWords can’t say what a love can doI’ll be there for you

Ya terminaste de construir tu aprendizaje, ahora te sugerimos que contestes esta sección sin ayuda de tu asesor, sólo apóyate de tus conocimientos, así te darás cuenta qué tanto fue lo que apren-diste.


I. What is the meaning of the following metaphors?

• You say you’ve cried a thousand rivers._________________________________________________________

• I heard your suitcase say goodbye._______________________________________________________

• When you breathe I want to be the air for you._________________________________________________________

• Now they have their own hiding place._________________________________________________________

• I’ll be the water when you get thirsty._________________________________________________________

II. Answer the following questions.

Is he in love?_________________________________________________________

Does he miss his ex girlfriend?_________________________________________________________

III. Match correctly both columns.

( ) 1.-When I’m older I …………….out late.

( ) 2.-When I’m older I……………..two children.

( ) 3.-When I’m older I………………a car.

( ) 4.-When I’m older I………………my girlfriend to the cinema.

( ) 5.-When I’m older I………………in the University.

( ) 6.-When I’m older I………………TV as long as a like.

a) will buy

b) will go

c) will take

d) will watch

e) will have

f) will stay


IV. Choose the option that has the correct verb conjugation.

( ) 1. What will you do next year? a ) I will finish the school b) I finished school c) I finish the school d) I finishing

( ) 2. Where will you go on your holidays? a) He will go to Berlin b) I will go to Berlin c) She will go to Berlin d) They ‘ll go to Berlin

( ) 3. Will Steven buy a new house next year? a) No, he didn’t b) No, he won’t c) No he will d) No he isn’t

( ) 4. Will you go to the party? a) Yes, she will b) Yes, we will c) Yes, They will d) Yes they won’t

( ) 5. The students …… …….. the test on time because they are excellent kids. a) will finish b) will finishing c) won’t finish d) won’t finished

V. Order the following sentences & choose the correct one.

( ) 1. / 1.My wife/ spring/ 3.going to/ 4.twins/ 5.have/ / a) b) c) d) e)

( ) 2. /1.going to/ 2.a car/ 3.My father/ November/ a) b) c) d) e)

( ) 3. / 3.James/ Saltillo/ 5.this Monday/ 6.going to / a) b) c) d) e)

( ) 4. /1.going to/ that restaurant/ 3.My friends/ 4.are/ weekend/ / a) b) c) d) e)

( ) 5. / 2.for this exam/ 3.I / 4.tomorrow/ 6.going to/ a) b ) c) d) e)

VI. Conjugate correctly the following verbs.

( ) 1. ... your father going to work next month with you? Yes, he is. a) Is b) Do c)Are d)Am e) Does

( ) 2. ... your cousins going to visit you next summer? No; ……… a) Are/ they are b) Are/ they aren’t c) Is/ He is d) Is/ He isn’t e) Am/ I am not


VII. Choose the correct answer.

( ) 1. If you (send) ……. this letter now, she (receive)…………it tomorrow.

a) send/ won’t receive b) sends/ will receive c) send/ will receive d) send/receive

( ) 2. I (improve) …… english, If I (do) …..this test.

a) will improve/ do b) won’t improve/ did c) will improve/does d) won’t improve/does

( ) 3. Simon (go) …….to London next week , If he (get) …….a cheap flight.

a) will go/ get b) won’t go/ get c) will go/ gets d) won’t go/ gotten

( ) 4. Susan (not/ move) …..into a new house, If she (not/be)……. ready.

a) won’t move/ is b) won’t move/isn’t c) will move/is d) will move/ isn’t

( ) 5. If it (rain) ……...tomorrow, I (not/ have) to water the plants.

a) rains/ won’t have b) rain/won’t have c) rains/ will have d) rain/ will have

VIII. Fill in the blanks with the verb in simple present or future will.

1. If I (not like) ____________ the car; I will buy another one.

2. If she (need) _________ money, I’ll lend her one hundred bucks.

3. If we (not hurry) _____________, we will arrive late.

4. If I eat a lot, I (not be) __________ healthy.

5. If I (work)_____________ hard today, I’ll rest all the weekend.

6. If you (not like)___________ this ice cream I’ll buy you a coke.

7. You (be)_____________ angry with me if you open that box.

8. If I see him I (give)______________ him a lift.

9. If you come early tomorrow; I (Let)________ you go at 13: 00

10. If she (obtain) _________ the scholarship, she’ll be an engineer soon.

( ) 3. ... I going to buy a house this year? Yes;…….. a) Am/ I am b) Am/ I am not c) Are/ they are d) Is/ He is e)Is/ He isn’t

( ) 4. ... The students ………. going to get bad grades this semester. a) am not b) aren’t c) isn’t d) don’t e) doesn’t


2. If Raymundo doesn’t finish the high school he ________________________________________

3. If Rosaura & Lolita finish high school they_________________________________

4. If Miguel finishes high school his uncle _________________________________

5. If Ingrid and Vianey finish the high school they _________________________________________________________

6. If Rebeca, Idalia, Oziel and Oswaldo finish the high school they _______________________

7. If Lupita & Carmen don’t finish high school they _________________________________

IX. According with the images complete the following sentences:

1. If Edwin finishes the high School he ____________________________________



After fifteen years the VFB Stuttgart obtained another league title.

A picture speaks a thousand words as the saying goes. Following the final whistle at the Gottlieb-Daimler-Sta-dium, the pictures spoke volumes all of their own.

The picture gallery of the German Championship winners both on and off the pitch captures the emotions of a whole city and a deserving ‘Meister’.

VfB coach Armin Veh: “I’m ecstatic!! We wanted to show our passion throughout the year, and we’ve undoubtedly done that. We have concentrated hard during the season and have had a lot of fun. Tonight my players can really celebrate. At the end of the season you appa-rently regenerate more quickly.”

VfB defender Ricardo Osorio: “It’s amazing for me to win the title in my very first year here in Stuttgart. It’s the first title I’ve ever won. I dedicate this title to God, my family, my wife who has always supported me, my parents and all the fans in Mexico.”

Worldwide interestThe final game of the Bundesliga season with VfB’s championship winning game was televi-sed in over 100 countries worldwide. The world’s press were all sitting up to take notice of the race to the championship title in Germany. As the German football federation announced, the game between vfB and Energie Cottbus at the Gottlieb-Daimler-Stadium was shown a live in over 100 countries worldwide. The two Mexican internationals, Pavel Pardo and Ri-cardo Osorio, were the centre of attention in USA and central America.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the name of the VFB Stuttgart coach?

Quiero saber más

Cada tema que aprendes en esta materia es práctico, esto significa que lo puedes usar en tu vida diaria; para probártelo este es un artículo muy reciente tomado de un periódico alemán, léelo y date cuenta que estas desarrollando tus destrezas y habilidades para entender el inglés.


2. How many countries watched a live the game between Energie Cottbus -& VFB Stuttgart?

3. These players were the centre of attention in the USA and Central America

4. How many title has VFB Stuttgart won in the German Bundesliga?

5. How many titles has Ricardo Osorio won in his carrier?

¡Felicidades!, esperamos que esta unidad haya sido muy provechosa para ti, y sobre todo que te sea significativa en tu vida.

Recuerda que para poder reforzar tu aprendizaje es muy importante la práctica cotidiana de los temas que en la escuela trabajas; por ello te sugerimos que tu búsqueda por el dominio del inglés no cese, sino que continúes cada día aprendiendo nuevas cosas y sobre todo que las practiques, pues ese es el único camino para poder hablar el inglés.

Para que complementes tu aprendizaje del los temas ya vistos y aprendas nuevos, a continua-ción te enunciamos sugerencias bibliográficas, así como sitios web que estamos seguros te van gustar.


• Brewster, S. y otros. Skyline 2 and 3. Oxford, MacMillan, 2001.• Dos Santos, Manuel. Super Goal 2 y 3. Mexico, McGraw-Hill, 2001.• Evans, V. and Neil O Sullivan. Click on 2 and 3. Newsbury, Express Publishing, 2001.• Jenkins, R. And Staci Lyn Sabbagh. Stand Out 2 and 3. Boston, Thompson Heinle, 2002.• Richards, Jack. Interchange 2. 3a ed., Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Sitios web:•••••••

Recuerda que también puedes hacer uso de la red Edusat, en ella encontrarás videos relacio-nados con el tema, simplemente navega en la página y descubre que es muy buena.


Asimismo, si te interesa saber sobre el calentamiento global en inglés:



También te recomendamos los siguientes recursos:

• Revistas en inglés: Newsweek, Times, National Geographic, Reader’s Digest, People, etc. de las que se obtendrá tanto material visual como artículos para su análisis y trabajo en el aula.

• Videos didácticos: Series reconocidas tales como New Interchange (CUP), Look Ahead (Long man), Skyline (Macmillan), Only in America, Central News, The Jerico Conspiracy (OUP), que te permitan revisar de manera visual y auditiva los contenidos desarrolllados en el aula.

• Videos auténticos: Programas grabados de canales de televisión norteamericanos y británi cos como National Geographic, BBC, etc. que les permita un acercamiento a material autén tico.

• Audiocassetes didácticos y auténticos: Con la misma finalidad de los apartados anteriores.

Ha sido un honor poder servirte; ¡el mejor de los éxitos para ti!




¿Qué voy a aprender? ¿

¿ ¿


¿ ¿


Objetivo de la unidad:En esta unidad podrás expresar las acciones que ini-ciaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente, así como acciones que sucedieron en el pasado en un momento indefinido. Practicarás tu inglés en estos temas al ejercitar las cuatro habilidades comunica-tivas con el presente perfecto, contrastando su uso con el pasado simple y mostrando siempre actitudes de interés, cooperación y respeto.

La mayoría de las veces cuando mencionamos nuestras experiencias, las comparti-mos utilizando el tiempo pasado simple porque sencillamente las realizamos en un momento de nuestra vida en el pasado. Lo que vivimos o estamos viviendo esta en el ahora; formuladas en presente simple o presente continuo como lo estudiaste en primero y segundo semestres.

Sin embargo, no todas las acciones que hicimos se tienen que mencionar en pasado simple. Existe un tiempo llamado presente perfecto, el cual nos permite expresar to-das las experiencias que hemos vivido en algún período de nuestra vida sin necesidad de detallar el tiempo justo, o las que iniciaron en el pasado y aún no han terminado.

Por lo que se menciona, esta unidad te proporcionará todas las herramientas y conocimientos para manejar con éxito el presente perfecto en todas sus variantes. Es un tiempo verbal compartido; se ubica en medio del pasado simple y el presente simple; un inicio sin fin o un inicio sin tomar en consideración el tiempo.

Éste es un tema emocionante que te atrapará y no podrás dejar de practicar, ya que compartir nuestras experiencias nos hace prevale-cer y vivenciar cada momento, trasladándonos a diferentes culturas y costumbres.

La unidad está dividida únicamente en dos temas que son muy enriquecedores.

En el primer tema de esta unidad lograrás describir acciones que iniciaron en el pasado y que aún no terminan, utilizando los auxiliares have o has y los verbos en pasado par-

ticipio, así como las diferencias en el manejo de este tiempo verbal entre Estados Unidos y México.



I have worked at this school for many years.

She has eaten frogs’ legs.

They have rafted in “Los Pescados” river.

En el último tema tendrás la oportunidad de expresar acciones que sucedieron en el pasado en un momento indefinido, haciendo uso del presente perfecto en sus tres modos: afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo.


I have been in Acapulco twice.

She hasn’t dived.

Have they done their homework yet?




• Brewster, S. y otros. Skyline 2 and 3. Oxford, MacMillan, 2001.• Dos Santos, Manuel. Super Goal 2 y 3. México, McGraw-Hill, 2001.• Evans, V. y Neil O Sullivan. Click On 2 and 3. Newsbury, Express Publishing, 2001.• Evans y Co. Enterprise 2. Newbury, Express Publishing, 2001.• Jenkins, R. y Staci Lyin Sabbagh. Stand Out 2 y 3. Boston, Thompson Heinle, 2002.• Murphy Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. 2a ed., Cambridge University Press, 1997.• Richards, Jack. Intechange 2. 3 a ed., Cambridgde Unicversity Press, 2005.• Velasco Aponte y Co. Imagine in Search of Nature 3. México, 1994.

Web pages:


Fuentes de consulta


¿Cómo aprendo?

• Pasado participio (regulares e irregulares)

• Presente perfecto

• Presente perfecto

• Expresiones de tiempo y preposicio-nes que acompañan al presente perfec-to (just, already, yet, since, for, once, twice,how long …)

3.1. Acciones que iniciaron en el pasado y que no han terminado

3.2. Acciones que sucedieron en el pasado en un tiempo indefinido





Objetivo temático: Obtendrás la información que te per-mitirá describir acciones que iniciaron en el pasado y que aún no terminan, utilizando verbos en pasado participio y el auxiliar have o has.

1. Read very carefully the dialogue and then comment with your teacher why some expressions are underlined. (Lee cuidadosamente el diálogo y después comenta con tu

maestro porqué algunas expresiones están subrayadas.)

Oh! I see; and what have you thought

about it?

Have you studied? Yes, I have, but I have spent more time on watching TV

than on my homework.

Fine,thank you. And you?

Hello Blossom. How have you been?

More or less, I’ve had some problems with my

parents lately.

What is the problem?

Well, it is because my school grades. They have

been very low so far.

I’ve decided to do my best in

order to impro-ve my grades.



En este momento sabes cuál es el tema de la unidad: el presente perfecto. Has discutido con tu maestro un poco sobre él gracias a la actividad previa. En esta sección vas a adquirir toda la estructura necesaria para manejar este tiempo verbal.


Utilizamos el presente perfecto para hablar de algo que pasó y la accióntodavía continua, esto es, no ha terminado del todo.

Compare the following statements:

Jeff is at hospital.He has been there since Tuesday.

They know each other very well. They have known each other for a long time.

Is he waiting for somebody?But How long has he waited?

Sigue con las actividades y descubre má s acerca del presente perfecto.

2. Label the pictures with their names by writing in the parentheses the right letter. (Relaciona las imágenes con sus nombres, escribiendo en el paréntesis la letra correcta.)

• See the Perfume movie……….( )• Raft……………….....................( )• Travel……………….................( )• Visit Mexico city………….……( )• Study all night……………….....( )• Eat Maguey worms……….……( )• Skate………………...................( )• Dive………………....................( )• Ride a horse………………........( )• Paint………………....................( )




d)e) f)






Have you ever done one of the actions in activity 2?

3. Ask to your classmates about the actions in activity 2. Use the expression Have you ever …? (Pregúntale a tus compañeros sobre cada una de las acciones de la actividad 2. Utiliza la expresión: Have you ever …?)

A:Have you ever eaten maguey worms?B: Yes, I have

A:When did you eat them?B: I ate them last week.

Now it’s your turn. (Ahora es tu turno.)

Como podrás haberte dado cuenta necesitas conocer cómo se forma el presen-te perfecto con la finalidad de compartir tus propias experiencias. Este tiempo verbal es necesario para entablar una conversación en inglés.

Primero debes saber que el presente perfecto se conjuga con los auxiliares have o has y el verbo principal cambia a pasado participio. A continuación tendrás una breve explicación y algunos ejemplos de este tema.


En el caso de los verbos regulares, tenemos que agregar -ed, -d o -ied a la base del verbo. Observa que es igual a las reglas de los verbos regulares en pasado simple que ya estudiaste en el segundo semestre. Puedes ver lo anterior en el siguiente cuadro:

Base formVisitTryPackCloseFinishStop *RelatePlayWaterLiveHelpSmokeClean

-d, -ed or -iedediededded


Past participlevisitedtriedpackedclosedfinishedtalkedrelatedplayedwateredlivedhelpedsmokedcleaned


Sin embargo, es necesario memorizar los verbos irregulares, ya que no hay una regla para cambiarlos a pasado participio. Los más comunes son:

Base Form


Past participle


Base Form

DriveEatFallFeelGiveGo HaveLoseMeet

Past participle


Base Form


Past participle


4. Complete the crossword by writing the past participle of the following indi-cated verbs. (Complete el crucigrama al escribir el pasado participio de los siguientes verbos señalados.)

ACROSS1. Become2. Tell3. Understand4. Play5. Have6. Live7. Need8. Stop9. Be

1. Bring2. Explain3. Eat4. Take5. Do6. Sleep7. Sit

8. Go 9. Sell10. Write11. Drive12. Send13. Meet14. See















4 52








A continuación, tenemos varios cuadros para identificar y aprender la conju-gación correcta del Presente Perfecto en sus tres formas (afirmativo, pregunta y negación) así como también con verbos regulares e irregulares.)


I have livedYou have livedHe has livedShe has livedIt has livedWe have livedYou have livedThey have lived

Short form

I’ve livedYou’ve livedHe’s livedShe’s livedIt’s livedWe’ve livedYou’ve livedThey’ve lived

Have I lived?Have you lived?Has he lived?Has she lived?Has it lived?Have we lived?Have you lived?Have they lived?

Long form

I have not livedYou have not livedHe has not livedShe has not livedIt has not livedWe have not livedYou have not livedThey have not lived

Short form

I haven’t livedYou haven’t livedHe hasn’t livedShe hasn’t livedIt hasn’t livedWe haven’t livedYou haven’t livedThey haven’t lived



Long form

I have cutYou have cutHe has cutShe has cutIt has cutWe have cutYou have cutThey have cut

Short form

I’ve cutYou’ve cutHe’s cutShe’s cutIt’s cutWe’ve cutYou’ve cutThey’ve cut

Have I cut?Have you cut?Has he cut?Has she cut?Has it cut?Have we cut?Have you cut?Have they cut?

Long form

I have not cutYou have not cutHe has not cutShe has not cutIt has not cutWe have not cutYou have not cutThey have not cut

Short form

I haven’t cutYou haven’t cutHe hasn’t cutShe hasn’t cutIt hasn’t cutWe haven’t cutYou haven’t cutThey haven’t cut

Acabas de estudiar la conjugación del presente perfecto –estructura gramati-cal– pero también es de gran utilidad entender la función de este tiempo verbal, es decir, el cuándo y el cómo usarlo.

5. Underline, in the box of the next page and with the color that is in parenthe-ses, the sentences that represent two forms of the conjugation of the sentences from the table below.(Subraya en la caja de la siguiente página y con el color entre paréntesis, las oraciones que representen las dos formas de la conjugación de las oraciones de la tabla de abajo.)

He has read that report. (blue)

Have you changed your mind? (green)

I have called the agency. (pink)

The cat hasn’t eaten its food. (black)

We haven’t been to Tepic. (red)

She has written many books. (orange)


El presente perfecto se utiliza cuando queremos mencionar las acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y que continúan

hasta nuestro presente (they are still happening).

Puede ser utilizado para:

• To describe experiences

• To describe the duration of continuing states and actions • To describe a past action with a result in the presente

No obstante, el uso del pasado simple se confunde mucho conel presente perfecto. Estamos acostumbrados a usar con mayor frecuencia

el pasado simple en vez del presente perfecto.

Examina esta situación:

Check the image.





d t


t re


Have we been to Tepic?

Have I called

Called you?

I haven’t c

alled the ag


The cat has eaten its food

Has she written many books?

you have changed your mind

Have I called the agency?




’t r


d r




You haven’t changed your mind

I have worked

I worked

Past Present


Analyze the sentence below with your classmates and your assessor.(Analiza la oración de abajo con tus compañeros de clase y tu asesor.)

El pasado simple se enfoca a las actividades que terminamos, es decir, finiquita-mos en un determinado tiempo en el pasado, ya no continuamos haciéndolas. Por otro lado, el presente perfecto se usa para las acciones que comenzaron en el pasado pero que seguimos haciendo, son acciones incompletas.

Si analizamos la oración mencionada, podemos decir que Carlos trabajó en una escuela privada por 3 años, pero ya no trabaja ahí, ha estado trabajando por 8 años en el COBAEV y continúa trabajando ahí.

6. Read the sentences and correct them if they are wrong. Be careful they may be in present perfect or past simple. (Lee las oraciones y corrígelas si están equivocadas. Ten

cuidado pueden estar en presente perfecto o pasado simple.)

a) He has visited my aunt last week.

b) I have spent all my money yesterday night.

c) Have you ever been to Cuernavaca?

d) She played soccer since 1992.

e) Did he listen to music in the afternoon?

Charles worked at a private school for 3 years and he has worked at COBAEV for 8 years.


Otra de las confusiones que podría ocasionar este tiempo verbalradica en el manejo correcto de BEEN y GONE. El primer verbo indica

el hecho de haber estado en un lugar, mientras que el segundova de camino a su destino o todavía esta ahí.

Did you…? / Have you…?7. In groups you are going to play the “Question game”. Each group needs a handout of the game, a die, and four markers. First, put your markers on “Start”. Then, one of you rolls the die and moves his o her marker the number of the squares indicated on the die. After, this student uses the words in the square to make a simple past or present perfect questions. Finally the second student takes a turn. Ask for your assessor’s help to do this activity. Have fun and learn. (En grupos vas a jugar “El juego de la pregunta”. Cada grupo necesita una fotocopia del juego, un dado y 4 señaladores. Primero pon tu señal en “Start”. Después, uno de ustedes tira el dado y mueve su señalador según el número de los cuadros indicados en el dado. Luego, dicho estudiante usa las palabras en el cuadro para realizar preguntas en pasado simple o presente perfecto. Finalmente, el segundo estudiante toma el turno. Pide la ayuda de tu asesor para hacer la actividad. Diviértete y aprende.)

ever see a ghost


cook last weekend


see a movie

33 26

sleep late last Sunday


work after school


ever cut your own


call someone at

3:00 am.33

win a competence


get up early

Sunday 14

speak to an


use a computer yesterday

16 28

go shopping


play any sports this

month13 5

ever run in a race

1 7

write any e-mails


make your bed yester-

day morning 24 12

ever appear on tv


STARTeat out lately

2 8

ever ride a motorcycle

18ever enjoy

a play

23 11

ever be late for a test

3 9

take a vacation last year

19ever fall asleep in


do the dishes yes-

terday night 32

eat lunch yet

22 10

ever meet a celebrity


spend all the afternoon in

a library 29

watch TV last night

38ever try

Indian food

42 31

go to party last Satur-


ever imita-te an artist


visit a foreign country last

year 39

go to bed early last


do much exercise

this week 40

Basado en el libro de Interchange 1. Jack C. Richards y Co. 2005.


8. To practice about it, we are going to do the following activity. Write on the line been or gone according to the sentences. (Para practicar esto, vamos a realizar la siguien-

te actividad. Escribe en la línea been o gone de acuerdo con las oraciones.)

a. Where is David? He is on vacations. He has ________________ to France.b. Good morning, Sr. I’ve just ______________ to the restaurant. I brought you some fruit and juice.c. I can’t find Ted. Where has he ____________? d. Carol isn’t here. She has _______________ to downtown.e. Is he going to the theatre? No, I’ve already ____________ to the first play.

9. To sum this stage of the topic 3.1. you need to order the sentences below. (Con el fin de cerrar la etapa del tema 3.1. necesitas ordenar las oraciones de abajo.)

a. at / I the / been / University / have

b. cleaned / your / room / have…/ you…?

c. PEMEX / but / hasn’t / ok/ the / in / he / opportunity / had / work / Jeff / to / is

d. homework / finished / Margaret / has / her

e. lived / for / Canada / years / Tom / hasn’t / in / ten

10. Complete the dialogues using the verbs in parentheses in present perfect. (Completa los diálogos usando los verbos entre paréntesis en presente perfect.)

_____ ever ________ inQuintano Roo? (be)

Yes, ____________________________ there twice.(be)


Have you ever _________a book, Memin? (read) Yes, Sure, _________________

a lot of books. (read)

___________________________ this Program? (see)

Yes, I have. It’s very good.

I ____________ Can Cunand Tulum. (visit)

What _____________________________ there? (do)



Objetivo temático: Podrás expresar acciones que su-cedieron en el pasado en un momento indefinido, ha-ciendo uso del presente perfecto en su forma afirmati-va, negativa e interrogativa.

En este tema estudiarás el presente perfecto para expresar las acciones que sucedieron en el pasado en un momento indefinido, en sus tres formas: afirma-tivo, negativo e interrogativo. Además, este tiempo verbal utiliza expresiones de tiempo, así como algunas preposiciones para describirse mejor (just, ever, never, since, for, already, yet, how long).

Ya viste cómo se conjugan las tres formas –afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo–del presente perfecto en el tema anterior. Aquí vamos a practicar estas formas con la explicación y un ejercicio de cada adverbio de tiempo y preposición, que nos ayudarán a desmenuzar el tema detalladamente para poder manejar bien el presente perfecto en inglés.

Ever / Never

Comenzaremos con este par de adverbios de tiempo. EVER significa “alguna vez” y NEVER, “nunca”.

We use ever in questions and statements.Example: Have you ever visited Oaxaca?

Oaxaca is the best place I’ve ever visited.

We use never in statements.Example: I’ve never visited Ciudad Mante.

This is, I haven’t visited Ciudad Mante.

Henri Matisse’s “Sleeping Woman”


1. This activity will help you to understand it much better. Look at the cities from México. Then, make sentences as in the examples. Use your own information. (Esta actividad te ayudará a entenderlo mucho mejor. Observa las ciudades de México. Después realiza ora-ciones como en los ejemplos. Usa tu propia información.)

• I have been in Puebla. It’s the best country I’ve ever visited.• I have never gone to Tijuana.• ________________________________________________________• ________________________________________________________• ________________________________________________________• ________________________________________________________• ________________________________________________________• ________________________________________________________• ________________________________________________________• ________________________________________________________

Puebla Tijuana





Celayacities from méxico

Puebla Tijuana





Celayacities from méxico

Since / ForPara manifestar de alguna manera el tiempo, se emplea

la expresión en pregunta How long…? (hace cuánto tiempo) y las preposiciones SINCE (desde)

y FOR (por) para responder a ello.

We use FOR to express duration..Example: How long have you been here? I have been here for twenty years.

We use SINCE to state a starting point of the action. Example: How long have you been here? I have been here since 1987.

“Belvedere” by M.C. Escher.



2. Fill in since or for according to the information given. (Completa con since o for de acuerdo con la información dada.)

a. I have studied here ______________ eight years.b. You haven’t admitted the agreement ______________ Wednesday.c. Has he hung that coat ______________ three dayas? Oh, my God!d. She has begun her classes ______________ 1992.e. It hasn’t cried ______________ yesterday.f. Have we seen each other ______________ last month? I don’t think so.g. They have dried the seeds ______________six weeks.h. You haven’t done the activities ______________a weekend.i. I have identified people______________ December.j. You have sung that song ______________ last night.

“La Catrina” by José Guadalupe posadas.

3. To practice the topic about yet and already, look at the images and write the correct conversation as in the example. (Para practicar yet y already, observa las imágenes y

escribe la conversación correcta como en el ejemplo.)


A: Have they finished the course yet?B: Yes, they have already finished their course.

Already / Yet

ALREADY y YET se emplean con la misma finalidad de ever y never. En este caso indica haber terminado una

actividad porque ALREADY se traduce como “ya”,y la palabra YET puede ser “ya”, “aún” o “todavía”;

según su uso como lo veremos a continuación:

We use ALREADY in positive statements.We use YET in questions and negative.Example: A: Have you had breakfast yet? B: No, I haven’t. I haven’t had it yet or Yes, I have already had it.

* Watch the position of these two key words



A: Has she made the bed yet?B: No, she hasn’t made the bed yet

Now it’s your turn!

(he-give-an apple-to the teacher)







JUST es muy particular, ya que su traducción en español al usarlo con presente perfecto, no se com-para con su significado. Con este tiempo verbal se entiende como “acabar de”, acabo de hacer esto.

We use JUST in statements to show that an action finishes only a few minutes earlier.

Example: A: Have you finished your homework? B: Yes, I’ve just finished it “Melancholy” by Albrecht Dürer

4. Continuing with the theme, in pairs ask and answer using the words yet and just, as in the example. (Continuando con el tema, en parejas pregunta y responde usando las pala-

bras, yet y just como en el ejemplo.)

a. call your auntb. meet Edwardc. go on a boat tripd. book a tabled. clean the roome. do the ironing

a. Have you called your aunt yet? Yes, I’ve just called her.

b. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________c. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________d. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________e. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________f. __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Hemos practicado las palabras clave del presente perfecto y esto nos da un panorama más claro sobre el tema. Vas a hacer dos actividades más acerca de lo que has aprendido.

¡Haz tu mejor esfuerzo!


5. We hope you have noticed the master pieces of art in each chart with the ad-verbs and expressions of time in present perfect. Look at them again and answer the questions by writing them or orally. Share the answers with your classmates and teacher. (Esperamos que hayas notado las piezas maestras de arte en cada uno de los cuadros en donde estaban los adverbios y expresiones de tiempo del presente perfecto. Obsérvalas otra vez y responde las preguntas escribiéndolas u oralmente. Comparte las respuestas con tus compañeros y maestro.)

a. Have you seen them before? If your answer is yes, when did you see them?b. Have you read the biographies of these great artists?c. Have you had the opportunity to study them at school?d. What have you done to enlarge your knowledge?

6. Find the sentences in the word find puzzle. Good luck! (Encuentra las oraciones en la sopa de letras. ¡Buena suerte!)


a. I have packed my suitcaseb. He has been a teacher c. She has never built

a. Have they studied?b. Have you seen him?c. It has bitten the pie



























somebody who has had the objective of helping students.somebody who has studied to complete the studiessomeone who has taken care all the time her childrenan animal that has lived in deserta very strong movement of land that has destroyed citiessomeone who has not succeeded in life.

A. A mother isB. An earthquake isC. A failure isD. A teacher is E. A lizard isF. An student is

8. Underline the correct word. (Subraya la palabra correcta.)

a. Yes, we have never / already visited London.

b. They have studied since / for forty years.

c. Have you lent the pencil she asked for yet? / already?

d. Have you seen Jeniffer?

Yes, I have ever / just met her.

e. You haven’t done your homework yet / already.

f. He has lived in Ottawa for / since 1998.

g. Have you ever / since ridden a horse?

Ahora puedes entender mejor el presente perfecto. En la siguiente sección rea-lizarás mas actividades para tener éxito con este tema.

Para apoyar tus conocimientos analiza el mapa que a continuación se muestra; observa, a modo de resumen, el tema aquí desarrollado para que tu aprendizaje sea integral.

En la siguiente sección realizarás más actividades para practicar el presente perfecto.

7. Match the beginnings and ends with a line to complete the descriptions. (Une los principios y los finales con una línea para completar las descripciones.)





! RULES ! Action has just finished(still closely connected to now)

! Connects actions that started in the past to the present

! Action repeated it self before now- exactlywhen is not important

! Action hapened before now at an unspecifi ed time in the past

! Open questions

! Action is not over

Have you ever workedfor a bank?

Yes, I have workedfor a bank before.

I have writtenmany reports.

I have just fi nishedthis report.

I have already readthat report.

I have workedhere for 3 years.


ever this week



so far

yethow long

since (+point of time)

StatementSubject + Present of

have + 3rd form of verb

I have worked.You have worked.

We have worked.They have worked.

He have worked.

She have worked.It have worked.

NegativeSubject + Present ofhelping verb:have+not+3rd form of verb

He has not (hasn´t) worked

You have not (haven´t) worked.

We have not (haven´t) worked.

They have not (haven´t) worked.I have not (haven´t) worked.

She has not (hasn´t) worked.It has not (hasn´t) worked.

?Present of helpingverb:have+subject+3rd form of verb? Question

Have I worked?Has he worked?

Have they worked?Has it worked?

Has she worked?Have we worked?

Have you worked?


Past Simple Present Simple Future Simple



¿Qué he aprendido?

Hemos dividido esta sección en varias actividades que te ayudarán a consolidar el tema de presen-te perfecto; estamos seguros que saldrás muy bien en cada una de ellas. Mucha suerte, recuerda que cuentas con el apoyo de tu asesor.

I. Complete the sentences with have or has.

1. Austin ____________ visited several cities in Mexico.2. Bridgitte ____________ learnt many languages.3. Dorothy and Edith ____________ protected endangered animals.4. Christopher ____________ cleaned the river from trash.5. You ____________ stopped the traffic many times.

Hello! My name’s Alice García and I’m from Mexico. Two years ago I traveled around the world on a sailing

ship with a group of students from different countries. It was an ecology trip . I visited

several countries. First I went to USA, then to Canada, Japan and Thailand. I met many wonderful people,

and I also learnt a lot about ecology. After the trip finished last year, I came back to Mexico. Now I’m more

interested in protecting animals . I have a lot of to do in this aspect in Mexico .

My schoolmates and I have formed an ecological club and I have traveled very much.

I have visited places where are endangered. I have learned many ways to protect endangered species.

I have gone to Michoacan three times. There I have helped save monarch butterflies from extinction. I have

gone to Chiapas five times. There I have protected macaws for the same reason. I have gone to Baja Califor-

nia twice. There I have saved some whales from the terrible hunters (whalers). I have gone to Veracruz four

times. There I have also cared turtles. And I have gone to Yucatan once. There I have helped save bats from


Well, this has been a very stressful year but I have tried to help in all what I can to protect these

beautiful animals we have in our country.

(Text based on Imagine in Search of Nature 3 textbook by Velasco Aponte y Co. printed in México in 1994.)

II. Read the letter and match with a line the endangered animals with the states of Mexico.


III. Fill in the gaps with been or gone.

1. I have ______________ in Guadalajara. I went there last winter.2. Adolph isn’t in Italy. He has ________________ to England.3. Have you ever _______________ in Belice?4. My parents have _______________ to Montreal. They’ll be back next month.5. I have never _____________ in Nebraska, but I want to go one day.







IV. Choose and underline the correct answer one.

1. We ___________________ the house. • Have painted • Have paint • Has painting • Has painted

2. Someone ___________________ my wallet. • Have stole • Has stolen • Have stolen • Has stole

3. They ___________________ in the river all the afternoon. • Has swum • Have swam • Has swam • Have swum

4.Our friend ___________________ a wonderful car. • Have boughted • Have buyed • Have bought • Has bought

5. Henry ___________________bycicle since he was a child. • Have ridden • Have rode • Has rode • Has ridden

6. Mary ___________________ a crocodile. • Have seen • Have saw • Has seen • Has saw


V. Finish the chart by writing down the correct form of the present perfect.

VI. Read the information and write an appropriate sentence.

1. Esther is making a cake. There wasn’t flour. (buy)


2. Before, Stanly got 4 in his grade. Now he has 9. (study)


3. Agnes can’t see because the light went off. (not pay)


4. Gerald didn’t go out with Susan. (break up)

They _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Joan didn’t walk to work and she didn’t catch the bus either because I didn’t see her. (buy a car)


SellIYouHeSheIt WeYouThey


She has sold

They have sold

NEGATIVEI haven’t sold

We haven’t sold


Has she sold?

Have you sold?


Haven’t you sold?y



VII. Write correctly the verbs in present perfect.

Hector 1_________________________ (be) my friend for over 10 years. We

2_________________________ (know) each other since we worked together. Recently He 3_________________________ (move) to Veracruz and now we see us just on weekends, because I studied the mastery there.For the last five years, we 4_________________________ (work) on the same project. He is more easygoing than me, but in the last few months he 5_____________________ (seem) more concentrated and active to work He 6_________________________ (do) the researches and I have more time for me now. He

7_________________________ (decide) that we need to finish our work with success. He is my best friend because he does not just think about himself but he considers me too.

VIII. Underline the right answer to complete the sentences.

1. I have ________________ a new computer. (sought / flown / bought / caught)2. He has already ________________ to Egypt. (had / stuck / found / flown)3. Steven has never ________________ the Titanic film. (looked / seen / said / acted)4. Lucy and Madeline haven’t ________________ yet to the party. (arrived / drawn / put / worked) 5. Have you ________________ his birthday? (named / understood / forgotten / invited)

IX. Read the sentences and questions, and circle the correct answer.

1. Mathilda has bought some shoes. Has she got the shoes now? Yes / Perhaps2. My uncle came to stay with us. Is uncle with us now? Yes / Probably not3. I made a cup of coffee. Is the coffee now? Yes / Probably not4. Rosemary has made a cake. Is there a cake now? Yes / Probably not5. Gregory has gone to Liverpool. Is he there now? Yes / Don’t know

X. What are people saying? Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. Use the Present Perfect.

ask lose receive stop forget quit

1. Walter __________ where he left the keys.2. Spongebob _______________ his soccer match.3. Betty Boop _______________ a bouquet of roses. 4. People from the library _______________.5. The firefighter _____________________the fire.6. The teacher _____________________the activities of the classroom.


XI. For or since? Write them down in the gaps.

1. __________ five months2. __________ March3. __________ the beginning of the year4. __________ about two years5. __________ they were friends6. __________ a long time7. __________ 1987

8. __________a year9. __________I came here10. __________9 hours a day11. __________last night12. __________a week13. __________three years14. __________ 7 hours

XII. Write down the correct adverbs from the box according to the drawings.

Ever Just Already Yet for

1. Has he had a bath ___________?

2. She has ________________finished her homework.

3. They have ________________arrived.

4. Have you ________________killed an elephant?

5. He hasn’t eaten a hamburger ________________.

6. He hasn’t repaired the television ________________.

7. I have ________________visited Paris.

8. She hasn’t washed the dishes ________________two days.


Quiero saber más

Terminaste la tercera unidad, donde pusiste en práctica tus cono-cimientos previos para aprender el nuevo tiempo verbal: Presen-te Perfecto. A lo largo de este bloque has adquirido más herra-mientas para comunicarte en inglés. Además estamos seguros de que este estudio no ha sido en balde, al contrario, lo has hecho con gran interés.

Esta sección te ayudará a reforzar más el tema y obtener biblio-grafía necesaria para que puedas estudiar por ti mismo.

Antes de llegar al objetivo de esta sección, hay información nece-saria que es de mucha utilidad que recordemos:

•El Presente Perfecto se conjuga con los auxiliares have (I, you, we, they) y has (he, she, it) respectivamente.

I haven’t attended any parties since I came here.He has written my daughter a letter every other day for the last two weeks.

We have flown on an airplane many times

• El Presente Perfecto es una acción que ocurrió sin establecer el tiempo exacto. No podemos usar las expresiones de tiempo que lo especifique tales como: yesterday, last month, three days ago, at that moment, one day, and so on. Se necesitan expresiones como: ever, never, many times, just, already, yet, how long, since, for, etc.

Have you ever eaten octopus?They have never had a dog.

I have just taken a tour of the city. He has already read that book.

It hasn’t eaten yet Have you asked the question to the teacher yet?

How long have you studied English? He has already read that book.

It hasn’t eaten yet. Have you asked the question to the teacher yet?

How long have you studied English?

• Puedes utilizar el presente perfecto para describir tus experiencias o las que nunca has tenido.

I have known him for ten years. They have traveled around the World She has visited the Khan Alkalili Bazar

• No es usado para describir un evento específico.

• Se emplea para hablar sobre cambios que han sucedido en un periodo de tiempo.

Mexicans have become more active in economy.

My students have changed a lot.


•Para mencionar los logros de la humanidad o alguien en particular.

The man has walked on the moon.

•Para establecer actividades que no se esperaban o que aun se esperan que ocurran.

Tom has still not arrived.Ted hasn’t had breakfast yet.

•Podemos utilizar el Presente Perfecto para mostrar las actividades que comenzaron en el pasado y han prevalecido hasta ahora.

She has lived here since November.

•Existen dos formas más del Presente Perfecto que posteriormente abordarás el presente perfecto continuo, el futuro perfecto y la voz pasiva del perfecto.

Como ya lo mencionamos, a continuación te presentamos bibliografía que puedes consul-tar posteriormente:

Básica:• Brewster, S. y otros. Skyline 2 and 3. Oxford, MacMillan, 2001.• Dos Santos, Manuel. Super Goal 2 y 3. México, McGraw-Hill, 2001.• Evans, Virginia, Dooley Jenny. Enterprise 1 Coursebook Elementary. • Evans, V. y Neil O. Sullivan. Click On 2 and 3. Newsbury, Express Publishing, 2001• Evans y Co. Enterprise 1. Newbury, Express Publishing, 2001.• Evans y Co. Enterprise 2. Newbury, Express Publishing, 2001.• Jenkins, R. y Staci Lyin Sabbagh. Stand Out 2 y 3. Boston, Thompson Heinle, 2002.• Murphy Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. 2a ed., Cambridge, University Press, 2000.• Richards, Jack. Intechange 2. 3a ed., Cambridgde, University Press, 2005.• Shchrampfer Azar, Betty. Understanding and Using English Grammar. 3a ed., USA, Pren tice Hall Regents, 1999.• Velasco Aponte y Co. Imagine in Search of Nature 3. México, 1994.

Web pages:••••••••••




¿Qué voy a aprender?


¿ ¿


¿ ¿

Objetivo de la unidad: En la presente unidad, apren-derás a expresar estructuras gramaticales más complejas: hacer peticiones, indicar obligaciones, prohibiciones y dar sugerencias, a través de las cuatro habilidades comu-nicativas de este idioma, en forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa, empleando correctamente los verbos mo-dales: must, have to, should, may, could y would; todo ello en un ambiente de respeto y mostrando actitudes de interés hacia los demás.

Distinguido estudiante, bienvenido a la última unidad de Lengua Adicional al Español III. Efectivamente llevas dos semestres estudiando el idioma más requerido en la ac-tualidad, y hoy inicias la última unidad de uno más. Tal vez llegaste a considerar que era una lengua difícil de aprender, sin embargo has logrado atesorar lo básico en cuan-to a pronombres, preposiciones, tiempos verbales y vocabulario sencillo, mismos que ahora te permiten emplear las cuatro habilidades (leer, escribir, hablar y escuchar), para comunicarte con tus compañeros.

Durante las tres primeras unidades aprendiste a diferenciar tanto personas, animales, objetos y lugares, utilizando los grados de comparación para considerar la relación entre dos elementos. Hablando de tiempos verbales, dominaste dos tipos de tiempo futuro: will y going to; también revisaste el presente perfecto, donde evaluaste lo que has alcanzado hasta ahora y lo que no has intentando hasta este momento.

Ahora corresponde que aprendas los diferentes auxiliares que indican obligación, pro-hibición, necesidad, capacidad y deber, sin olvidar la forma de extender cortésmente una invitación, ya sea formal o informal; y lo mejor de todo: cómo saber decir no a algunas invitaciones sin ofender a quien las hace.

En un mundo tan globalizado, donde no existen barreras, nos encontramos inmersos y pareciera que aquel que no se adapte a los cambios y necesidades del idioma, tiende a perderse de las grandes oportunidades de aprender y leer sobre los constantes avances en cualquier área del conocimiento, o de interactuar con una sociedad cada vez más demandante en conocimientos y habilidades. Tú mismo, puedes comprobar lo ante-rior, sólo recuerda cuántas veces no entendiste las indicaciones del instructivo de tu nueva computadora o cámara digital, o cuando quisiste tomar fotografías y entrar con tu mascota en un museo…. y, ¿sabes algo?, no volverá a pasarte, porque precisamente ese es el contenido de esta unidad.

Para alcanzar el objetivo de la unidad desarrollaremos diversas actividades, como redacción y complemento de oraciones, aplicando los verbos modales que revisa-rás, lecturas de artículos y sus respectivas actividades de comprensión, trabajo de investigación (tanto individual como en pareja), mismas que te permitirán reafirmar tu dominio y conocimiento en las cuatro habilidades del idioma inglés: leer, hablar, escuchar y escribir.


Sin más presentación, iniciemos este recorrido lleno de nuevos aprendizajes, para alumnos cuya destreza mental exige ser alimentada por este Cuadernillo y la buena disposición del asesor.

Los contenidos que revisaremos y que te permitirán emplear correctamente los verbos modales en cualquier contexto, son los siguientes:

En el primer tema lograrás entender y redactar, de forma afirmativa, negativa e interro-gativa, obligaciones y prohibiciones, mismas que te has encontrado en tu vida diaria en los instructivos de aparatos electrodomésticos y reglamentos de cualquier índole.

Una vez que has desarrollado y adquirido la habilidad para entender las reglas que debes seguir para estar vigente en tu contexto social, ahora es tu turno para formular preguntas, dar consejos y sugerencias sobre los acontecimientos sociales, políticos, económicos, etc. que cada día crecen en todo el mundo.

Considerando el impacto de este tipo de acontecimientos, expresarás e intercambia-rás, información sobre eventos que posiblemente resulten como consecuencia de los acontecimientos arriba mencionados.

Para concluir esta unidad, aprenderás a redactar invitaciones formales e informales y a emplear vocabulario con el cual expreses aceptación o rechazo.

Para lograr los objetivos de esta unidad, es indispensable realizar todas las actividades de aprendizaje que encontrarás en el presente Cuadernillo y, en caso de que tengas dudas, te sugerimos consultes los siguientes textos y sitios web.


• Jenkins, R. y Staci L. Sabbagh. Stand Out 2 and 3. Boston, Thompson Heinle, 2002.• Dos Santos, Manuel. Super Goal 2 y 3. México, McGraw-Hill, 2001.• Evans, V. y Neill O’Sullivan. Click on 2 and 3. Newsbury, Express Publishing, 2001. • Crews Peterson, Ingrid Anna. Inglés 3. México, Nueva Imagen, 2005.

Sitios Web:


Fuentes de consulta


¿Cómo aprendo?

Ya conoces el objetivo de unidad que pretendemos alcanzar, para lograrlo es necesario que continúes reciclando tus conocimientos de unidades y semestres anteriores; recuerda que el aprendizaje es acumulativo, sólo tú eres el indicado para medir qué tanto has aprovechado los Cuadernillos y el apoyo de tu asesor.


• Verbos modales must, have/has to• Oraciones afirmativas, interrogativas y negativas• Vocabulario referente a instructivos, en productos o reglamentos

• Verbo modal should• Oraciones afirmativas, interrogativas y negativas• Vocabulario referente a problemas de salud, sus posibles soluciones y/o remedios, clima y accidentes

• Verbos modales may y could• Oraciones afirmativas, interrogativas y negativas• Vocabulario sobre enfermedades y remedios





• Verbo modal would• Oraciones afirmativas, interrogativas y negativas• Vocabulario de actividades de esparcimiento



Objetivo temático: El estudio de este tema te permitirá expresar en distin-tos contextos, obligaciones y prohibiciones, empleando los verbos modales must, have/has to, en forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

1. Read the text. Use your dictionary if necessary, some of the modals verbs that you encounter are new or you have seen before. As you read, try to deduce from the context the meaning of each one. (Lee el texto. Si es necesario usa tu diccionario, algunos de los verbos modales que encontrarás son nuevos o los has visto antes. Al leer, trata de deducir del contexto el significado de cada uno.)



A red traffic light means stop. Many people in one city often do not stop at red lights. Police there pulled over 50 drivers one afternoon for red light violations. They gave these drivers tickets. These tickets can cost a person up to $338.

Lots of people slow down instead of coming to a complete stop at red lights. Some people call this a California or Hollywood stop. Those kinds of stops are against the law. The law states that you must come to a complete stop at a stop sign or red light.

Police hope that by giving drivers tickets it will help them remember to stop at red lights. Cameras were also placed at 11 intersections to photograph red light violators. This will help catch people who fail to stop at red lights. If they are caught not stopping at a red light, a picture is taken and a ticket is mailed to their home. So, what happens if your picture is taken while running a red light? of course, You have to pay the ticket.

(This was adapted from an original story provided by News10 KXTV Sacramento.)Texto e imagen, recuperados el 09 de abril del 2007 en:

2. Pair work. Read again the text and determine the modal verb that refers to…(Trabaja en pareja. Lee el texto otra vez y determina el verbo modal que se refiere a…)

a) Strong obligation (rules):b) Necessity (necessary):



Sin más preámbulos, te invitamos a iniciar las actividades marcadas para que logres los objetivos planteados y construyas tu aprendizaje a erca de este inte-resante mundo del idioma inglés.


Must is not used in questions about obligation.

Notice how questions with must are formed.Example: Must we go? Must she go too?



Subject + modal + verb

You must have a passport.

You must stop at the red light.


Subject + negative modal form + verb

You must not bring fresh fruit into the USA.

You mustn’t park on the sidewalk.


Use must, to expresses strong obligation. Generally this obli-gation comes from “inside” (is necessary) the speaker.

Use must not or mustn’t to show something is prohibited and ab-solutely not permitted (often by law).


Strong obligation




Must notor



3. Write the rule correctly, use the words in the box and then compare with a partner. (Escribe correctamente la regla, usa las palabras en el recuadro y después compara con otro com-pañero.)

verb subject modal

a) You must be school by 8:00 a.m.___________________ +____________________ + ___________________

b) She has to get a tourist visa.___________________ +___________________ + ___________________

4. Discussion:

Which of the two sentences expresses something that is strongly required, often by law or rules?


Which of the two sentences expresses something that is necessary and obliga-tory?


GRAMMAR: MODAL VERBS EXPLANATIONModals of Necessity and Prohibition



Have toor

Has to

Don´t have to

Have to?




Permissionbut no


Doubt aboutpermission



Subject + modal + verb

I have to have a passport.

She has to get a tourist visa.


Subject + negative modal form + verb

You don’t have to bring a surfboard.

She doesn’t have to bring an umbrella.


Do/Does +subject +modal +verb +?

Do you have to bring a surfboard?

Does she have to bring an umbrella?


Use have/has to, to expresses strong obligation. The obligation comes from “outside” (a law, a rule at school or work, or someo-ne in authority).

Use do not / don’t have to,to show something is permitted, but not necessary. You can do this if you want to, but you are not required to.

Notice how questions with have / has to are formed.

Use do/does with have to.


Both have to and have got to show that something is necessary and obligatory. However, many people use have got to when they want to emphasize that something is very impor-tant and very necessary.

Examples:1. He has to go on a diet.

2. He has got to follow a very strict diet because he has a serious heart condition. (If he doesn’t follow the diet, he will die).

3. They have to pay their phone bill once a month.

4. They have got to pay their phone bill immediately. (If they don´t, the phone company will disconnect the phone).

In very informal conversation among friends, some people use have got to to show they think something is a really good thing to do.

Example:1. Hey Tom, you have got to (gotta) see this movie. It´s really great. (Tom´s friend is not saying that Tom is obliged to see the movie, he is just strongly advising Tom to see it).

Use have got to in London, use have/has to in United States.

Have to and has to are usually pronounced “hafta” and “hasta” in fast speech and infor-mal conversation.


Main ideas about grammar modal verbs are taken from Larsen Freeman, Diane. Grammar dimensions Book Two. 2a ed. United States of America, Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1997, pp. 154-186. And adapted to suit the text purposes.

Have got to and has got to are usually pronounced “´ve gotta” and “´s gotta” in fast speech and informal conversation.

Notice how questions with have got to are formed.Use has/have with have got to. Don´t use do/does.

Examples:1. Have you got to bring a surfboard?

2. Has she got to bring an umbrella?


5. Pair work. Write five new rules for your English class. Use the modal verb must. (Trabaja en pareja. Escribe cinco reglas nuevas para tu clase de inglés. Usa el verbo modal must.)

Example: The student must speak only English


a) ___________________________________________________b) ___________________________________________________c) ___________________________________________________d) ___________________________________________________e) ___________________________________________________

6. Pair work. Now, choose and change three rules in negative form mustn´t. (Trabaja en pareja. Ahora, escoge y cambia tres reglas en forma negativa mustn´t.)

Example: The student mustn´t speak Spanish (Look the difference, what part of the sentence has changed? (Observa la diferencia, qué parte de la oración ha cambiado?.)


a) __________________________________________________b) __________________________________________________c) __________________________________________________


7. Put the words in order to form sentences with modal verb must. Then compa-re your answers with a partner. (Coloca las palabras en orden para formar oraciones con el verbo modal must. Después compara tus respuestas con otro compañero.)

a) on a lead / must / you / dogs / keep /_____________________________________________________________

b) not / smoke / must / they /_____________________________________________________________ c) into the pool / push / must / people / you / not /_____________________________________________________________

d) mustn´t / the pictures / touch / you /____________________________________________________________

e) your season / must / show / ticket at the entrance / you /___________________________________________________________

f) in your sits / you / remain / during the flight / must /___________________________________________________________

8. Try to guess: Who says these things? With the last information, ask to your classmates and complete the activity, then compare the answers with your tea-cher. (Trata de adivinar: ¿quién dijo estas cosas? Con la información anterior, pregunta a tus compañeros y completa la actividad, después compara las respuestas con tu maestro.)

a) Airhostess says:___________________________________________________________

b) Gate keeper says:__________________________________________________________

c) Art gallery attendant says:_________________________________________________________

d) Librarian says:_________________________________________________________

e) Park keeper says:________________________________________________________

f) Swimming pool attendant says:________________________________________________________


9. Read the following description of a popular board game and underline the modals verbs of necessity and obligation. (Lee la siguiente descripción de un popular juego de pizarrón y subraya los verbos modales de necesidad y obligación.)

OBJECT: To become the richest player.

EQUIPMENT: One board, two dice, thirty two houses, and twel-ve hotels.

RULES:1. From two to eight people can play.

2. Each player must receive $1500 from the bank.3. The rest of the money has to remain in the bank.

4. The bank can´t go bankrupt. If there is no more money in the bank, you can make money with ordinary paper.

5. The banker must keep his personal funds separate from those of the bank.

6. Players can buy properties, buy they do not have to do so.7. Other players must pay rent when they arrive on a person´s

property. Property can´t be resold.8. A person can´t collect rent if he does not ask for it before

the next player begins his turn.9. If a person buys a house, he can put it on any of his proper-ties. The following house must go on an unoccupied property.10. Houses and hotels can be sold back to the bank at ½ the

original price.11. When a player passes “GO”, the bank must pay him $200.

10. Read the text. (Lee el texto.)


A special friend of yours in United States is planning a short vacations in San Luis Potosi. As he is an American citizen, he will have to deal with immigration and Customs when he en-ters to Mexico.

He doesn´t have to pack a lot of things because he is planning to travel with just a backpack. Here are some of the things he is thinking of taking with him.

96 AAIt´s necessary and obligatory. You can´t enter to Mexico without this. You must take this with you.

It´s a good idea to bring this. You should take this with you.

And what is the meaning of should?


It´s prohibited by law. You must not take this into Mexico.

It´s O.K. to bring this, but it isn´t really necessary. You don´t have to take this.

Books about USAA credit cardA tourist visaA business suitA map of MexicoA gun

Traveler’s checkHis wild petA ski equipmentA passportA lap top computerHiking boots

A surfboardClassic music, tapes and CDsA return airline ticketPhotographs of his home townCalifornia guide booksA hat

9. Pair work. Use the boxes below to help him orga-nize the things he wants to take to Mexico. Put them in the boxes where you think they belong, after, write sentences using your ideas, compare with a different partner. (Trabaja en pareja. Usa los recuadros de abajo para ayudarlo a organizar las cosas/objetos que quiere traer a México. Coloca estas cosas/objetos donde tú consideres que pertenecen, después, escribe oraciones usando tus ideas, compara con diferentes compañeros.)


Objetivo temático: Con el estudio de este tema apren-derás a emplear correctamente el verbo modal should en forma afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa en dife-rentes contextos, permitiéndote, intercambiar suge-rencias y consejos con cualquier tipo de información.


1. Read the text. Use your dictionary if necessary, the modal verb that you en-counter is new or you have seen before. As you read, try to deduce from the context what is the meaning. (Lee el texto. Si es necesario usa tu diccionario, el verbo modal que encontrarás es nuevo o lo has visto ya antes. Al leer, trata de deducir del contexto cuál es el significado.)


In order to have a healthy baby, it is best not to do cer-tain things while pregnant. The most common reason that babies have problems when they are born is because the mother took drugs or drank alcohol while pregnant.

Any food she eats, any liquid she drinks, and any drug she takes passes through the mother’s body and into the unborn baby. There is nothing that stops the baby from getting whatever the mother has in her body.

There is no safe amount of alcohol or drugs a pregnant woman can take. Doctors do not know how any baby will react to the alcohol or drugs in the mother’s body. The best advice it is to not use any alcohol or drugs while pregnant.

There is no safe time to take any drugs or alcohol during pregnancy. If a woman discovers she is pregnant, she should stop smoking or using drugs and alcohol immediately. The sooner the woman stops taking these, the better the baby has for being born healthy.

After the baby is born, it is important for the mother to not take drugs or alcohol if she is breast feeding her child. Any drug or alcohol can be passed onto the baby through the mother’s milk.

It is best if you eat healthy foods, get plenty of sleep, and see a doctor regularly if you are pregnant.

Texto e imagen, recuperados el 09 de abril del 2007 en:

Como en el tema anterior, te invitamos a realizar las siguients actividades para que sigas preparándote y domines el idioma del inglés.



2. Write the use or meaning of this kind of modal verb. (Escribe el uso o significado de este tipo de verbo modal.)

Should is a modal that expresses_____________________________________ (obligation / advice / permission)

3. Write the rule correctly, use the words in the box, and then compare with a partner. (Escribe correctamente la regla, usa las palabras en el recuadro, y después compara con otro compañero.)

verb subject modal

a) She should stop smoking or use drugs.___________________ + ____________________ + _______________

b) She shouldn´t smoke or use drugs.___________________ + ___________________ + _______________

4. Discussion:Remember use in your answers the modal verb should/shouldn´t.(Recuerda usar en tus respuestas el verbo modal should/shouldn´t.)

How much drugs and alcohol can a mother take before risking the health of her unborn baby?

If your best friend is pregnant and she uses drugs and drinks alcohol, what would you tell her?


Main ideas about grammar modal verbs are taken from Larsen Freeman, Diane. Grammar dimensions Book Two. 2a ed., United States of America, Heinle Publishers, 1997, pp. 154-170.

And adapted to suit the text purposes.



Should notor






Moral obligation



Moral obligation

Doubt about



Moral obligation



Subject + modal + verb

She should stop smoking.

She should listen to me.


Subject + negative modal form + verb

She should not smoke.

She shouldn’t drink alcohol.


Modal + subject + verb

(+)Yes, subject + modal

(-) No, subject + negative modal

Should she stop smoking?Yes, she should/No, she shouldn´t.

Should she drink alcohol?

Yes, she should/No, she shouldn´t.


Use should, to show that you think

something is a good advice or idea.

Use should not/shouldn´t,

to show that you think something is a bad

advice or idea.

Use should to ask, if your idea, opinion or advice is right or

wrong to do.


Modal of Advice or Opinion


5. Write advices for future mothers, use the information that you have read and discussed. (Escribe consejos para futuras mamás, usa la información que has leído y discutido.)

6. Complete the following sentences with should or shouldn´t. (Completa las siguientes oraciones con should or shouldn´t.)

a) You ___________ smoke when you are in a movie.

b) When you are in San Luis Potosi, you ____________ visit the Cathedral.

c) In Mexico, people under the age of eighteen ____________ drive in


d) People ____________ ignore stoplights.

e) You _____________ talk by phone when you´re driving.

f) They _____________ ask in the math class.

g) You _____________talk to strange people.

h) She ______________ drink alcohol if she is pregnant.

i) Tom _____________ the raincoat today.

j) Mary _____________ take vacations, she is very tired.

k) I ______________ visit the doctor, I feel bad.

l) You _____________ do the homework every day.




______________________________ Eat fruits and vegetables




Drugs and smoke____________________________________




7. Put the words in order to form sentences with modal verb should/shouldn´t. Then compare your answers with a partner. (Coloca las palabras en orden para formar oracio-nes con el verbo modal should/shouldn´t. Después compara tus respuestas con otro compañero.)

a) be / shouldn´t / School uniforms / obligatory /


b) a map of Mexico / He / bring / should /


c) shouldn´t / in laboratory experiments / animals / be used /


d) Doctors / the identity / shouldn´t / of AIDS patients / reveal /


e) at home / Parents / smoke / in front of children / shouldn´t /


f) should / students / about the dangers of drugs / Teachers / teach /


8. Rewrite the sentences. Use you and should or shouldn’t. (Reescribe las oraciones. Usa you y should o shouldn’t.)

In Veracruz, it is strange not eat fish. In Veracruz, you should eat fish.

In San Luis Potosi, it is important not to say bad words. In San Luis Potosi, you shouldn´t say bad words.

a) In London, it is a good idea to be punctual. _________________________________________________________________

b) In Mexico, it is rude not to wear your shoes in people’s home. ________________________________________________________________

c) In the United States, it is rude not to make eye contact. _______________________________________________________________

d) In Asia, it is important not to make too much eye contact. _______________________________________________________________

e) In Japan, it is rude to wear your shoes in people´s home. ______________________________________________________________


f) In the Middle East, it is rude to show the bottoms of your shoes. _____________________________________________________________

g) In the party, it is important not to drink alcohol. ____________________________________________________________

h) After the party. It is important not to drive fast. ___________________________________________________________


Objetivo temático: Aprenderás a emplear los auxiliares may y could, que te permitirán expresar información sobre eventos que posiblemen-te ocurran en el futuro, en forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

1. Read the text. Use your dictionary if necessary, some of the modals verbs that you encounter are new or you have seen before. As you read, try to deduce from the context the meaning of each one. (Lee el texto. Si es necesario usa tu diccionario, algunos de los verbos modales que encontrarás son nuevos o los has visto antes. Al leer, trata de deducir del contexto el significado de cada uno.)

ABORTION PILL Women living in France can have an abortion with a pill. The pill is called RU486. It makes having an abortion easy and without surgery. Women in America do not have access to this pill.

A congress woman sent a letter. She thinks that women should be able to get the pill in the United States. Another person thinks that American women should not have it.

Some people worry about the new pill. They think it might teach people that abortion is no big deal. It will be harder to understand abortion if it is done with a pill.

Some doctors think that this pill is safe. A group of California doctors is working to get the pill approved.

Another doctor said that abortion is legal in California. He said science can make it safer for women. He wants to study the pill in California.

No one knows when the pill will be available to women in the Uni-ted States. It is clear that many women want the choice. Now the question is: Could be available the pill in the United States some day?

Texto , recuperados el 09 de abril del 2007 en:



2. Write the use or meaning of this kind of modals verbs. (Escribe el uso o significado de este tipo de verbos modales.)

Use _________________________ may / might Use _________________________ may / might

Remember: could express very weak certainty; it shows something is possible, but you are not certain if it is true or not, you are making a guess.

3. Write the rule correctly, use the words in the box and then compare with a partner. (Escribe correctamente la regla, usa las palabras en el recuadro y después compara con otro com-pañero.)

verb subject modal

a. The abortion pill may be a medical advance. _______________ +___________ + ___________________

b.The abortion pill might teach people that abortion is not good decision. _______________ +___________ + ___________________ c. The abortion pill could be available in the United States. _______________ +____________ + ___________________

4. Discussion. Remember use in your answers the modal verbs may/might/could.(Recuerda usar en tus respuestas los verbos modales may/might/could.)

a. What is your opinion about the abortion pill?

b. Might woman Mexican use the abortion pill?

for something that express possibility, probability or permission.

for something that is possible but improbable.


Main ideas about grammar modal verbs are taken from Larsen Freeman, Diane. Op.cit., pp. 154-170.And adapted to suit the text purposes.


Modals of Possibility, Probability or Permission





















Subject + modal + verb

France woman may get the abortion pill.

American woman might get the abortion pill.

Mexican woman could get the abortion pill.


Subject + negative modal form + verb

France woman may not get the abortion pill.

American woman might not get the abortion pill.

Mexican woman couldn´t get the abortion pill.


Modal + subject + verb?

Might American woman get the abortion pill?

Could Mexican woman get the abortion pill?


The modals may and might both relate to probability, but in different degrees. Use may for something that is proba-ble and might for something that is possible but improba-ble.

The modal could express very weak certainty; it shows something is possible, but you are not certain if it is true or not, you are making a guess.

May not and might not are not usually contracted when they express possibility or probability.

Couldn´t shows that you strongly believe that some-thing is impossible, it is usua-lly contracted.

May is not used in questions about possibility or probabi-lity.

Remember: Use may for offers and requests. Example: May I help you? Yes, please.

May I borrow your phone? You may/ No, you may not.

Remember: use the modals might and could to say that there is a chance that some-thing will happen in the future.


5. Complete the sentences. Use could, couldn´t, may, may not, might and might not. Share your opinions with your classmates. (Completa las oraciones. Usa could, couldn´t, may, may not, might y might not. Comparte opiniones con tus compañeros.)

a) In my opinion, the abortion pill _______________ be a good idea.

b) In my opinion, the abortion pill _______________ be approved in U.S.A.

c) In my opinion, the abortion pill _______________ teach people that the abortion is not good decision.

d) In my opinion, the church _______________ accept the abortion pill.

e) In my opinion, the society _______________ accept the abortion pill.

f) In my opinion, the Human Rights Association ____________ accept the abortion pill.

6. Write six things that she may/might do. Then, change these sentences to ne-gative and interrogative form. (Escribe seis cosas que ella podría/quizas hacer. Después, cambia las oraciones a su forma negativa e interrogativa.)

Ana may become the World Champion next year.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Put the words in order to form sentences with modals verbs may/might/could. Then compare your answers with a partner. (Coloca las palabras en orden para formar oracio-nes con los verbos modales may/might/could. Después compara tus respuestas con otro compañero.)

a) a question / I / ? / May / ask you /_________________________________________________________

b) lend me / ? / the scissors / you / Could /_________________________________________________________

c) might not / our President / She / become /_________________________________________________________


d) they / a surprise / give me / may /_________________________________________________________

e) your back / might / hurt / you /_________________________________________________________

e) rain / it / may /_________________________________________________________

f) to San Luis Potosi / he / some day / move / might /_________________________________________________________

g) ? / she / about math / know / Might /_________________________________________________________


Objetivo temático: Al concluir este tema, expresarás con el auxiliar would, la aceptación y rechazo de invitaciones formales e informales, de forma oral y escrita.

1. Read the text. (Lee el texto.)

SITUATION:My best friends are going to take a honeymoon (vacation that a man and woman take soon after they get married), but…you are going to take care of a friend´s house while they are on honeymoon. Your friends have left you a note with instructions about what to do while they are gone. Unfortunately, someone has spilled coffee on the note, and now it is difficult to read.

OUR HONEYMOON!!! Could you…?

Would you take care ofmy house while I´m away?

Could you take care of my pet while I´m away?

Could you lend me use your new car?

Could you lend me some money?



1. Try to fill in the missing parts of the note so that the note makes sense. Com-plete the note using the parts from the list below. Example a) has been done for you. (Trata de completar la nota con las partes que le faltan para que tenga sentido. Complétala usando las partes de la lista de abajo. El ejemplo a) ha sido hecho para ti.)

Look at the choices for the missing parts of the note. Write the appropiate num-ber in the spaces on the note. (Observa las opciones para las partes faltantes en la nota. Escibe el número apropiado en el espacio sobre la nota.)

…could you ask him to fix it as soon as possible? 1…remember to lock the windows and doors when it gets dark. Thanks. 2. …so will you please give them water on Tuesday and Friday? 3. …See you next week! 4. …Could you please make sure to lock the doors at night? 5. …Would you mind mailing them for me tomorrow morning? 6…please make sure they come in around 8:00. 7…Would you take a message and tell him we will back on the twenty-ninth? 8…so could you feed them in the morning and the night? 9 …Please mail it before Friday. 10

Larsen Freeman, Diane. Op. cit., pp. 256-257. And adapted to suit the text purposes.

We´re glad you will be here to watch the house while we´re gone!My neighbors think that this neighborhood is not completely safe at night,

a ) So ( 5) Could you please make sure to lock the doors at night?b) The cats eat twice a day,( )_________________________________________c) We don´t want them to stay out at night so ( ) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________d) The plants need to be watered twice a week( ) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________e) We left some bills to mail on the kitchen table ( ) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________f) Our cousin from out of town said that he would call this week( ) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________g) The rent check is on the kitchen table. It´s due at the end of the week( ) ___________________________________________________________________h) We told the landlord about the broken light in the bathroom. If he calls,( ) ___________________________________________________________________

i)Thanks for everything.( ) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Discussion.

a) Which of these favors bothers you the most?

b) Which bothers you the least?

c) What are other favors that you dislike being asked?


Making Polite Requests

I left my notes at home.

Most polite

Least polite

a) Would you mind lending me your notes?

b) Would you (please) lend me your notes?

c) Could you lend me your notes (please)?

d) Will you lend me your notes (please)?

e) Can you (please) lend me your notes?

f) Please lend me your notes

Main ideas about grammar modal verbs are taken from LarsenFreeman, Diane. Op.cit., pp. 258.And adapted to suit the text purposes.




Polite requests



Modal + subject + verb?

Would/Could you lend me your notes?


Use Would/Could to express polite requests(more for-mal).


4. For each situation, make a polite requests. (Para cada situación, haz una petición cortésmente.)

Example:You are watching a video tape in class. Your classmate in front of you is in the way. You want him to move his chair.

You say: Would you mind to move your chair?

Would you (please) move your chair?

Could you move your chair (please)?

a) Your teacher is giving a grammar presentation, but he is speaking very quietly. You cannot hear him.You say: ____________________________________________________________

b) There is a lot of noise outside your classroom. Your teacher wants the student who is sitting near the door to close it. So he says: _________________________________________________________

c) You want to know what time it is. You find someone who is wearing a watch and you say: ________________________________________________________

Main ideas about grammar modal verbs are taken from Larsen Freeman, Diane. Op.cit., pp. 258-259.


Main ideas about grammar modal verbs are taken from Larsen Freeman, Diane. Op. cit., pp. 259-260.

5. Make requests in the classroom and find someone who will grant your re-quest “say yes” for the following things. If a classmate says no, write the reason for refusing your request. (Haz peticiones en el salón de clases y encuentra alguien que te concedería tu petición “diga sí” para las siguientes cosas. Si un compañero de clases dice no, escribe la razón por la cual rechazó tu petición.)


Would you…

a) Lend me some Money?

b) Buy me a cup of coffee?

c) Help me to study for a test?

d) Teach me how to dance?




Would you lend me your notes?

a) I´m sorry, but I need them to study for the test.


b) I´m afraid that I didn´t take any notes.


c) I would like to, but I left mine at home too. (full form)

I´d like to, but I left mine at home too. (contracted form)


If you have to refuse a request, it is polite to say why you are refusing.

Phrases such as I´m afraid that or I´m sorry help to “soften” the No, and make it more polite.



Responding to Requests


Can you lend me your notes?

a) I´d be glad to.b) Sure, why not?

c) Yeah, no problem.d) Yeah, I guess so.

Could you lend me your notes?a) Yes, I can.

b) NOT, Yes, I could.

Would you lend me your notes?a) Yes, I will.

b) NOT, Yes, I would.


You can respond to requests withshort answers.

Examples:b) and

c) are very informal.

Example: d) shows that the speaker is uncertain.

Could and would are not usedin responses to requests.

Main ideas about grammar modal verbs are taken from Larsen Freeman, Diane. Op. cit., pp. 260-261.

6. Make polite requests for the following situations. Use can, could, will, would, or would you mind in these requests. What is the response? How is the request politely accepted or refused? (Haz cortésmente peticiones para las siguientes situaciones. Usa can, could, will, would o would you mind. ¿Cuál es la respuesta? ¿Cómo es cortésmente la petición aceptada o rechazada?)

a) You are at a restaurant, and the people at the next table are smoking. You want them to stop, so you say: _________________________________________

What do they say? ___________________________________________________

b) You are visiting a famous tourist site, and a family wants you to take their photograph together.

One of the family member says: _______________________________________

What do you do or say? ______________________________________________


Main ideas about grammar modal verbs are taken from Larsen Freeman, Diane. Op. cit., pp. 262-263.

7. Write the letter of the following questions in the appropriate box in the chart below. The first one has been done for you. (Escribe la letra de las siguientes preguntas en el cuadro apropiado que está abajo. El primero ha sido hecho para ti.)

Something the speaker wants to do (request for permission).


Something the speaker wants somebody else to do

(general request).


Asking for Permission

a) Would you mind if I left early?

b) Do you mind if I leave early?

c) May I leave early?

d) Could I leave early?

e) Can I leave early?

Most polite

Least polite

a) Do you mind if I smoke?b) Can you open the window?c) May I ask you a question?d) Could you speak more slowly?e) Would you mind lending me your dictionary?f) Can I leave early?g) Would you tell me the answer?h) May we swim in your pool?i) Could you show us how to do it?j) Could I borrow your knife?k) Would you mind if I handed in my assignment a day late?



Responding to Requests for Permission


Would you mind if I left early?a) No, not at all.

b) Sorry, but I need you to stay until 5:00

May I leave early?a) Yes, of course.

b) Sorry, but I´d rather have you stay until 5:00

Could I leave early?a) Yes, you can.

b) NOT, Yes, you could.


Use short phrases to answer re-quests for permission. If you refuse a request, it is polite to give the rea-son.

Could is not usually used in res-ponses to requests for permission.

Main ideas about grammar modal verbs are taken from Larsen Freeman, Diane. Op.cit., pp. 264-265.

8. Pair work. For each of the following situations, make general requests or re-quests for permission, and then respond to these requests. Decide how polite you need to be in each situation and whether can, could, will, would, may, would you mind, or do you mind is the most appropriate to use. There is more than one way to ask and answer each question. (Trabajo en pareja. Para cada una de las siguientes situaciones realiza peticiones generales o peticiones para permiso y después respóndelas. Decide que tan cortés necesitas ser en cada situación y si can, could, will, would, may, would you mind o do you mind es el más apropiado de usar. Hay más de una forma para preguntar y contestar.)

a) You are at a friend´s house, and you want to use the phone.

b) Your teacher says something, but you do not understand, and you want her to repeat it.

c) It is very cold in class, and the window is open.

d) You are at a close friend´s house, and you would like a cup of tea.


¿Qué he aprendido?

Has concluido la última unidad de Inglés 3, y en la presente sección, realizarás lo que todo alum-no considera difícil: la evaluación de tus conocimientos.

Durante la unidad trabajaste con los verbos modales, mismos que has identificado y ahora apli-carás para dar (de forma oral o escrita) instrucciones y consejos, hacer peticiones o invitaciones, indicar probabilidad y posibilidad en eventos e interpretar correctamente señales de obligación y prohibición en cualquier espacio público.

Los diferentes ejercicios que resolverás tienen el propósito de que practiques y deduzcas el uso correcto de los verbos modales, objetivo de la unidad. Esta evaluación te permitirá medir lo que realmente has aprendido, no te preocupes si llegas a tener dudas, esto significa una oportunidad más para seguir aprendiendo y consolidar tus conocimientos, no olvides que el aprendizaje del idioma inglés es reciclable y acumulativo.

Recuerda que en caso de tener algún problema, puedes volver a revisar el tema o en su caso con-sultar la bibliografía recomendada, las direcciones web o a tu asesor.


Not long ago a criminal was killed. He was executed by the State of California. Some people thought it was wrong. There were many stories about it in newspapers and on TV. These stories made people think California needs a new law.

The new law would stop executions until 2009. It would allow time to finish a report in 2008. It might say that the law should change. But if the law does not change, there could be executions in 2009.

In the last 30 years, courts said the death penalty was wrong more than 100 times. People who want the new law are worried. They are afraid that the state could kill the wrong people. They say Cali-fornia might have the same problems as other states. In other sta-tes, people were killed when they should not have been. They were

killed because of their race or because they had bad lawyers. Some people say California should stop all executions. They should do this until they are sure they are right.

Other people do not agree. These people say that there is nothing wrong with what they are doing now. They say California is more careful than anyone.

The State of California has killed 12 criminals since 1992. There are now 640 people waiting for execution in California jails.

Original Title: Moratorium on Executions in California Proposed

The controversy and publicity generated by the execution of Stanley Tookie Williams is focusing attention on a measure that would suspend California’s death penalty law for three years.

I. Reading:A. In groups, try to read the text and underline the sentences where modals verbs are used.


Assembly Bill 1121 would put executions in the state on hold until January 1, 2009. The bill’s authors say that would give lawmakers time to study a re-view of the state’s death penalty procedures being undertaken by The California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice. The commission is one year into its study, which must be completed by December 31, 2007. Legislators and criminal justice experts would have until 2008 to go over the report and make recommendations, if necessary.

Unless lawmakers act on the recommendations or extend the suspension of the death penalty, the mo-ratorium would end January 1, 2009.

With more than 100 death row convictions overturned since the 1970s because the accused were found to be innocent, the authors of “California Moratorium on Executions Act” say they fear an inno-cent person may be wrongly executed under current state procedures. “We can’t gurantee that we don’t have innocent people who have been put to death in California or will be,” said AB 1121’s co-author Sally Lieber, D-Mountain View.

Lieber said she wouldn’t be surprised if a review of California’s procedures reveal a troubled system similar to that in Illinois. In 2000, after 13 people on Illinois’ death row were exonerated, Illinois Gov. George Ryan declared a moratorium on executions in his state. “There was evidence of racial bias and that situations like inadequate council in capital cases was affecting the number of cases that should be commuted,” Lieber said.

Those who favor keeping California’s capital punishment law in place argue death penalty cases are the mostly thoroughly reviewed of any criminal cases. “The amount of review, the Williams’ case is one of them, 24 years in that case, hundreds of sepa-rate appeals. There are no cases in the country or in the world that are as closely looked at as a California death penalty case,” said David LaBahn of the California District Attorneys Association.

Court challenges overturned California’s death penalty law in 1967. It was reinstated in 1977. Since 1992, 12 inmates have been put to death. Two others are scheduled to be executed in January and February.

According to the state Department of Corrections, there are more than 640 men and women on death row in California.


B. Pair Work: According with the text that you have read, match the sentences on the left with the concepts on the right.

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Strong advice.

Moral obligation.

Possibility, probability or permission.

Possible but improbable.

Strong obligation (rules).


1. The commission is one year into its study, which must be completed by December 31, 2007.

2. With more than 100 death row convictions overturned sin-ce the 1970s because the accused were found to be innocent, the authors of “California Moratorium on Executions Act” say they fear an innocent person may be wrongly executed under current state procedures.

3. They should do this until they are sure they are right.

4. They are afraid that the state could kill the wrong people. But if the law does not change, there could be executions in 2009.

5. Some people say California should stop all executions.

6. They say California might have the same problems as other states.

II. CROSSWORD PUZZLE. Look and read the sentences. Then use the clues to complete the crossword puzzle.

DOWN1. You _____________ study more modals verbs.3. He ______________ be an astronaut. 5. It _______________ rain.

ACROSS2. I ______________ learn the use of modals verbs in this unit.4. You ___________ stop in red light.6. I __________ become a good student this year.









III. WRITING.A. Write sentences, use have/has to, must and must not, to express the concept represented by each sign. Imagine that you are going to visit the United States of America. Use the verbs have and bring.

1. You ___________________________________________

2. You ___________________________________________

3. You ___________________________________________

4. You ___________________________________________

5. You ___________________________________________

6. You ___________________________________________


B. Write sentences, use should or should not, to express the concept represented by each sign. Imagine that you are going to give advices to international travelers. Use the verbs check, bring and arrive.

1. You ____________________________________________

2. You ____________________________________________

3. You ____________________________________________

4. You ____________________________________________

5. You ____________________________________________


C. Write sentences, imagine five things that you may, might and could do when you are an adult.

1. You _____________________________________________

2. You ____________________________________________

3. You ____________________________________________

4. You _____________________________________________

5. You _____________________________________________

D. Write polite requests and answer politely refusing requests. Use Would or Could.

1. ____________________________________________ ?


2. ____________________________________________ ?


3. ____________________________________________ ?


4. ____________________________________________ ?


5. ____________________________________________ ?


6. ____________________________________________ ?



IV. GRAMMAR.Underline the correct modal verb in each sentence.

1. If German wants to pass the exams, he ______________ to study everyday. must / could / may

2. Of course, he ______________ study every weekend. shouldn´t / should

3. Next course, he _____________ get a good grades. may / mays

4. I _____________ go to the party because I was a problem with my girlfriend. could / couldn´t

5. I ____________ clean my bedroom every day (says my mother). have to / must

6. Take your raincoat. It ________ rain later. has to / might

7. If you are tired. You ___________ go to bed. should / could

8. You _________ go over 160 Km/hour. mustn´t / shouldn´t


Quiero saber más

Esta sección se ha desarrollado con el obje-tivo de que continúes con el aprendizaje y dominio de los verbos modales conjugados no sólo en tiempo presente, sino también para que los puedas emplear correctamen-te y no te limites a que solo conozcas su gramática.

A lo largo de toda la unidad, revisaste que para formar oraciones, se requiere conocer su estructura gramatical misma que tiene una forma (afirmativa, negativa e interro-gativa), un significado y uso concreto de acuerdo con el contexto.

Las actividades que encontrarás a conti-nuación pretenden que desarrolles tus habi-lidades sobre comprensión e interpretación de lectura, claro está, empleando los verbos modales y sus diferentes conjugaciones.

Te has preguntado alguna vez, ¿qué significado tiene cada párrafo de la letra de una canción en inglés?, ¿tiene el mismo sentido si la traduzco literalmente o si trato de entender lo que me dice tal cual la escucho o leo en inglés?...

Si no tienes una respuesta a estas preguntas, estás en el momento y lugar exacto para entender de qué estamos hablando, sólo necesitas continuar con la siguiente página y llegar hasta el fin de tu Cuadernillo de LAE III.


First read the song and then listen it as you need, finally check the vocabulary and grammar notes in order to understand the song’s meaning, and try to answer the activities. (Primero lee la canción y después escúchala cada que lo requieras, finalmente revisa el vocabulario y las notas sobre gramática a fin de entender el significado de la canción y trata de contestar las actividades.)


Oh baby babyOh baby baby

Oh baby babyhow was I supposed to knowthat somethin’ wasn’t right hereOh baby babyI shouldn’t have let you go---and now you’re right out of site yeah

Show mehow you want it to betell me baby‘cause I need to know nowoh because

My lonelinessis killing me (and I)I must confessI still believe (still believe)When I’m not with you lose my mindgive me a sign---hit me baby one more time.

Oh baby babya reason I breathe is youboy you’ve got me blindedOh baby babythere’s nothin’ that I wouldn’t dothat’s not the way I planned it

Show mehow you want it to betell me baby‘cause I need to know nowoh because

My lonelinessis killing me (and I)I must confessI still believe (still believe)When I’m not with you lose my mindgive me a sign---hit me baby one more time.

Oh baby baby(a ooooooooo)Oh baby baby(a yeah yeah)

Oh baby babyhow was I supposed to knowOh baby babyI shouldn’t have let you go---

I must confessthat my lonelinessis killing me now-Don’t you know I still believethat you will be hereand give me a sign---hit me baby one more time.

My lonelinessis killing me (and I)I must confessI still believe (still believe)When I’m not with you lose my mindgive me a sign---hit me baby one more time.

I must confess(my loneliness)that my loneliness(is killing me)is killing me now-- (I must confess)Don’t you know I still believe(I still believe)that you will be here(when I’m not with you I lose my mind)and give me a sign---


Oh chiquito, chiquitoOh nene, nene

Oh chiquito, chiquitocómo iba yo a saberque algo no andaba bien aquíOh chiquito, chiquitono debí haberte dejado iry ahora tu estás lejos de mi alcance si

Muéstramecómo querías que fueradime chiquitoporque necesito saber ahoraoh porque

La soledadme está matando y yodebo confesartodavía creo (aún creo)cuando no estoy contigo pierdo la cabezadame una señaldame cartas en el juego nuevamente.

Oh chiquito, chiquitouna razón por la que respiro eres tuchico me haz cegadoOh chiquito, chiquitono hay nada que no daríayo no lo planee de esa manera.

Muéstramecómo querías que fueradime neneporque ahora necesito saber oh porque

La soledadme está matando y yodebo confesartodavía creo (sigo creyendo)que cuando no estoy contigo pierdo la cabezadame una señaldame cartas en el juego nuevamente.

Oh chiquito, chiquito(a ooooooooo)Oh nene, nene(así, si)

Oh chiquito, chiquitocómo iba yo a saberOh chiquito, chiquitono debí haberte dejado ir

Debo confesarque la soledadme está matando en este momentono sabes que todavía creoque estarás aquíy me darás una señaldame cartas en el juego nuevamente.

La soledadme está matando y yodebo confesaraún creo (sigo creyendo)cuando no estoy contigo pierdo la cabezadame una señaldame cartas en el juego nuevamente.

Debo confesar(la soledad)que la soledad(me está matando)me está matando en este momentodebo confesarno sabes que aún creo(sigo creyendo)que estarás aquí(cuando no estoy contigo pierdo la cabeza)dame una señaldame cartas en el juego nuevamente.

TRADUCCIÓNChiquito una vez más

Britney Spears



Somethin’ = Something.

Out of site = Out of the place where you used to be.

Loneliness = Sadness at being alone, empteness of people.

Loss my mind = I can’t think clearly.

You’ve got me blinded = You’ve made me close my eyes to reality.

Nothin’ = Nothing.

That’s not the way I planned it = That is not how I wanted it to be.

Hit me baby one more time = When playing cards and you want to get the chan-ce to see the cards you say hit me. So this expression is used to say that she wants to continue the game, she wants one more chance.




Have to

Have got to



Ought to



Necessity means that you cannot avoid doing something.

Example: You must buy a ticket = you cannot go without a ticket.

Use the negative forms of “have to/ have got to” when the-re is no necessity. It is also possible to use “needn’t ”when

there is no necessity.

Use these modals when something is the right to do. There is little difference between “ought to” and “should” but “ought to” is sometimes a little stronger than “should”.


NOTE: some modals verbs can be used in various ways to express different ideas.

1. Talking about problems and what to do to solve them:

Work in groups of four to complete this chart giving some advice. Identify if it is necessary to use the modals in past or present and write on the space provided what she has to do or should do. (Trabaja en grupos de cuatro para completar el cuadro dando algún consejo. Identifica si es necesario usar los verbos modales en pasado o presente y escribe sobre el espacio previsto lo que ella tiene que hacer o debería hacer.)

Student 1:______________________ Student 2:______________________

Student 3:______________________ Student 4:______________________

Notice that adjectives and adverbs can often be used to paraphrase the logical uses but only rarely the social uses, of modals:

necessarily, very (certainly)

fairly certain

probable, probably, likely

perhaps, maybe, quite possible.

Possible, possibly

High certainty

Low certainty





Could, might



Must have + verb past participle

Could have + verb past participle

Should have + verb past partici-ple

May have + verb past participle


A logical deduction about something that has happened.

A possibility that didn´t happen.

A criticism, regret, or accusation about something that has happened.

A possible explanation for something that has happened.


Britney’s problem:

How was I supposed to know that somethin’ wasn’t right here

I shouldn’t have let you go

My loneliness is killing me

When I’m not with you I lose my mind

Hit me baby one more time

A reason I breathe is you

Boy you’ve got me blinded

Tell me baby ‘cause I need to know how

A piece of advice:

Student 1: (Use past tense of the modals) Answer may vary.Example:You should have talked to him more before braking up

Student 2: (Use past tense of the modals) Answer may vary.

Student 3: (Use past tense of the modals) Answer may vary.

Student 4: (Use present) Answer may vary.Example:You shouldn’t depend on someone else to feel O.K.

Student 4: (Use present) Answer may vary.

Student 3: (Use present) Answer may vary

Student 2: (Use present) Answer may vary.

Student 1: (Use present) Answer may vary.


Y ahora que terminaste de responder a tus actividades, ¿qué opinas? Es muy interesante conocer un poco más, sobre todo cuando se emplea la música para apoyarte en las actividades de enseñanza y aprendizaje.

Consulta con tu asesor para que obtengas mayor información sobre el mundo de actividades que puede encerrar una canción, te sugiero que consultes o trates de conseguir junto con tu asesor el siguiente ma-nual, clave para el desarrollo de esta sección.

Manual MusicSomething to sing and speak

Graciela Valdez.

Si no es posible lo anterior, al menos puedes enriquecer tus conocimientos del idioma inglés consultando la siguiente dirección:

Una vez que ya ingresaste, busca Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin, das doble click y buscas enseñanza del idioma inglés, es un sitio web muy completo que puede despejar cualquier duda que tengas.




1. The animal with longest live is the elephant.2. The tiger is the shortest life animal.3. The Japanese is the humans with longest life.4. The Mexican people have longer life than Chinese people.5. The Tiger have shorter life than the monkey.6. Sierra Leone and Indian people have the shortest life expectancy in the world.
























V.1. John is as tall as Glen2. Janet is as beautiful as Jennifer.3. You are as crazy as my sister.4. We can run as fast as they can.5. My mom is not as strict as your mom.6. Your mobile phone is not as trendy as mine.7. Matrix II was not as interesting as Matrix I.8. this yoghurt does not taste as good as the one I bought yesterday.9. I can do as many press-up as you10. I do not earn as mucho money as you do.

I.a) Kelly is more intelligent than Barbarab) A horse is taller than a cowc) Sonora is as tall as Chihuahuad) A Doctor is busier than a teacher.e) That is the oldest building in the city f) This is the biggest hamburger the restaurant sellsg) Which is the most expensive restaurant in your neighborhood?h) Which is the best theater near home?i) Which is the most beautiful building in the area?

II.1. b)2. a)3. c)4. a)5. a)


1. best2. most beautiful3. most expensive4. biggest5. cleanest




TallestThe most difficult





Farther/ further


2ANSWERSI. Free response.

II. Free response.

III.1. f2. e3. a4. c5. b6. d

IV.1. a2. b3. b4. b5. a


1. c2. a3. b4. a5. b

VI.1. a2. b3. a4. b5. c

VII.1. c2. a3. c4. b5. a

VIII.1. don’t like2. needs3. don’t hurry4. won’t be5. work6. don’t like7. are8. will give9. will let10. obtains

IX. 1. will work in a factory2. will build houses3. will study in the University4. will buy him an Ipod5. will buy a car6. will travel around the world7. will be married soon.


ANSWERS 3I.1. Austin has visited several cities in Mexico.2. Bridgitte has learnt many languages.3. Dorothy and Edith have protected endange-red animals4. Christopher has cleaned the river from trash.5. You have stopped the traffic many times.

II.a. Baja Californiab. Veracruzc. Michoacand. Yucatáne. Chiapas


1. been2. gone3. been4. gone 5. been

IV.1. Have painted2. Has stolen3. Have swum4. Have bought5. Has ridden6. Has seen

V. SELL AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE INTERROG. NEG.I I have sold I haven’t sold Have I sold? Haven’t I sold?You You have sold You haven’t sold Have You sold? Haven’t you sold?He He has sold He hasn’t sold Has he sold? Hasn’t he sold?She She has sold She hasn’t sold Has she sold? Hasn’t she sold?It It has sold It hasn’t sold Has it sold? Hasn’t it sold?We We have sold We haven’t sold Have we sold? Haven’t we sold?You You have sold you haven’t sold Have you sold? Haven’t you sold?They They have sold They haven’t sold Have they sold? Haven’t they sold?


1. She has bought the flour2. He has studied3. She hasn’t paid the light4. They have broken up5. She has bought a car


Hector has been my friend for over 10 years. We have known each other since we worked together. Recently He has moved to Veracruz and now we see us just on weekends, because I studied the mastery there.

For the last five years, we have worked on the same project. He is more easygoing than me, but in the last few months he has seemed more concentrated and active to work has done the researches and I have more time for me now. He has decided that we need to finish our work with success. He is my best friend because he does not just think about himself but he considers me too.


1. bought 2. flown3. seen4. arrived5.forgotten



1. has forgotten 2. has lost 3. has received 4. have quitted5. has stopped 6. has asked


1. For five months2. Since March3. Since the beginning of the year4. For about two years5. Since they were friends6. For a long time7. Since 19878. For a year9. Since I came here10. For 9 hours a day11. Since last night12. For a week13. For three years14. For 7 hours


1. yet2. already 3. just 4.ever 5. yet.6.yet7. already8. for


1. Yes2. probably not3. probably not4. Yes 5. Yes



























I. READINGA. The new law would stop executions until 2009. It would allow time to finish a report in 2008. It might say that the law should change.

... there could be executions in 2009.

They are afraid that the state could kill the wrong people. They say California might have the same problems as other states.

... they should not have been.

Some people say California should stop all execu-tions. They should do this until they are sure they are right.

Original Title: Moratorium on Executions in Califor-nia Proposed

...measure that would suspend California’s death pe-nalty law for three years.

Assembly Bill 1121 would put executions in the state on hold until January 1, 2009. The bill’s authors say that would give lawmakers time to study a review of the state’s death penalty procedures...

...which must be completed by December 31, 2007. Legislators and criminal justice experts would have until 2008...

...the moratorium would end January 1, 2009.

...they fear an innocent person may be wrongly exe-cuted under current state procedures. “We can’t gu-rantee...

...she wouldn’t be surprised if a review of California’s procedures reveal a troubled system similar to that in Illinois.

...the number of cases that should be commuted...

B. PAIR WORK ( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 2 ) ( 6 ) ( 1 ) ( 4 )


III. WRITINGA. 1. must have a passport.2. don´t have to bring books.3. must have a tourist visa.4. must not bring a gun. 5. must not bring fresh fruit into the United States. 6. don´t have to bring your pets.

B.1. should check your passport before departure. 2. should check that you have your ticket with you. 3. should bring local money.4. should arrive at the airport at least two hours before departure. 5. shouldn´t bring your pets.


C. Answer may vary.1. could be an astronaut. 2. may be a doctor. 3. might be a fireman. 4. could be a dancer. 5. may be a baseball player.

D. Free response.


1. must2. should3. may4. couldn´t5. must6. might 7. should8. mustn´t

LENGUA ADICIONAL AL ESPAÑOL IIICuadernillo de Procedimientos para el AprendizajeDerechos ReservadosNúmero de registro en trámite2007 Secretaría de Educación Pública/Dirección General del Bachillerato