
Post on 24-Jan-2016

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Q: Based on the novel you have studied, write about a valuable lesson you have learnt. Based on the novel, The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit, a valuable lesson I have learnt is we should be kind and thoughtful to everyone, including strangers. This is seen in Roberta.

In this novel, Roberta asked the driver and the fireman to mend the broken toy engine. When Peter gave Roberta half his toy engine, she took the broken half. She wanted to get it mended for her brother. So she met the driver and the fireman to ask their help. They agreed to mend the broken toy. Some weeks later, she took Peter and Phyllis to meet the driver and the fireman. Peter was excited to see his engine mended.

Furthermore, Roberta hid the story about her imprisoned father from her brother and sister. Roberta went to the station to collect some old magazines. Perks wrapped the magazines with an old newspaper. On the way home, she stopped to rest. She read the newspaper. It is about her father. Roberta learnt that her father was in prison for spying. Nevertheless, Roberta did not tell Peter and Phyllis about it. She did not want them to be upset like her.

Finally, Roberta made Jim comfortable in the tunnel. Jim had a broken leg and cannot walk. So, she made Jim comfortable by put her petticoat under his broken leg. She talked to him and got the necessary information to help him. She found out that he is Jim from Northumberland.

In conclusion, it is clear that Roberta is kind and thoughtful to everyone, including strangers. It makes this novel interesting.


Based on the novel the Railway Children by Edith Nestbit, there are many moral value that I got.

Firstly, we need to be brave. In this novel, the character that had showed her braveness is Bobbie. Bobbie is as brave as lion. One day, as usual, the children went to their usual place to do their routine. Suddenly, a landslide happened there and blocked the railway line. The children wanted to save the train that they came out with an idea. Peter took a knife from his pocket and cut his two sisters red petticoats to make flags to stop the train. When the train approached, Bobbie thought the train will not stop as it kept coming, so she took the flag on the railway line and waved them on the railway line. The train did stop. Bobbies bravery had made the train stopped and saved many peoples life. We should be brave like her.

Secondly, we should not steal things that not belong to us. Peter had done a wrong thing. One night, Peter and his sister went to the railway station to take some coal from the large heap of coal beside the station. They did that because mother told them they could not have coal in June. When Peter was busy filling up his bag with coals, the station master came out and caught him. Peter thought nobody would mind if he took some from the middle of the heap, but he was wrong. The stationmaster advised him and Peter promised not to do it again.

Lastly, we should be responsible. In this novel, mother is responsible to her children. When father went away with the two man to somewhere else, mother took care of the children. She took the children to the country to solve the money problem. She wrote stories to gain money because father was away and they had no money to buy food. Mother take the bull by its horn herself. We should be like her.

For the conclusion, those are the moral values that I got from the novel the Railway Children.


As I saunter onto the school field, I survey the premises to behold people in coats, shielding themselves from winter's blues. The sun isn't out yet, but the place bursting with life and exuberance, with people gliding across the ice covered floor almost cat-like. The field is effervescent and despite the dire conditions, the field seems to have taken on a life of its own. The weather is bad and the ice seems to burn the skin if touched, yet the mood is still euphoric. The bare shrubs and plants about the place look like they've been whipped by Winter himself. The air is frosty and at every breath the sight of steam seems to be present. A cold, cruel northerly wind blows across the playground and creates unrest amongst some. Crack! The crisp sound of leaves is heard, as if of ice splitting and hissing. Squirrels are seen trying to find a point of safety, scurrying about the bare trees that lie around the playground. Mystery and enigma clouds the playing field, providing a sense of anticipation about the place. Who is going to be the person to spoil the moment? To kill the conversation? 'Better to live happy and die poor, than to live rich and die wretched' seems to be the general notion about the place, as an air of optimism makes its way across the playground. It is a Friday morning and the weekend seems so close. It can almost be tasted and the thought of a long, interminable, uneding sleep is a solace that constructs this impeccable scene. In the distance, the ringing of a phone can be heard as fog drifts over the playground. Through the mist and fog, a boy can be seen climbing onto a roof, collecting his ball. He climbs as sure-footed as a cat and ignores the warnings from his peers. Hurried scampering is seen, as students scurry into the building hoping for warmth and shelter. There are some, though, who brave the conditions and continue to go about their business like warriors. The teachers bring out their cups of cocoa as they patrol the school field looking for any signs of mischief. The smell of freshness journeys the air, moving and gliding through each molecule. Children from the older years administrate the playing area, whilst those from the younger try to negotiate some space. In the far corner of the playground, students seem to be talking, predicting the weekends' results. In the bulk of the playground footballs, basketballs and tennis balls are all out and the school field is infested with students running about as quick as the wind. Then there are those who walk about the place looking for some kind of action, not knowing where they are going and not knowing where they have just been. They are a sorry sight compared to those who run about and they move like ghostly figures, never in one place. For the playground to them is place of haven and where they can be free of the usual pressures that a day at the school brings. Lastly, there are those like myself, whom look upon this playing area and can do nothing but admire its beauty. For the playground is a place where we may let ourselves go and a place we can express ourselves in many different ways.

I walked home from school, carrying a heavy load of books on my aching shoulders. Each step I took was accompanied with a wish that I was already at home, resting on my cozy bed. I walked on, my eyes stuck on the burnt black road. As I dragged my foot along, I could see small pieces of dried tar rolling on the rough surface.Upon reaching my doorstep, I heaved a heavy sigh of relieve and pleasure. At last, I have reached my long waited destination; home. My red, sticky palm reached out for the doorknob. I was about to set foot onto the cold shiny tiles when I heard a soft whimper coming from behind me. When I turned to look for the source of the sound, I felt something fury brush past my ankle. Looking down at the fury thing, I was rooted to the ground. Right there, looking back at me, was a beautiful gray kitten. I could not believe my eyes. Before I could even think of what to do next, the kitten ran into the kitchen. Then, I heard my father roar in agony.I was given a ten minutes lecture. Although I explained that the kitten went into the house when I came home, my father stubbornly came with the conclusion that I purposely let it in. After the lecturing, I was ordered to throw the kitten out of the house. Reluctantly, I brought it to a playground near my house. I had brought along a tin of sardines, which I took without anybodys knowledge. I gave the kitten the sardines and watched it devour it. I stroked the soft, smooth fury creature and said goodbye, leaving it behind.Surprisingly, the kitten always waits for me at my doorstep when I return from school. It did not go into my house but instead waited patiently for me to change into my casual clothes before bringing it to the playground with a tin of cat food that has cost a quarter of my school expenses. This went on for the next two weeks, and the next and the next. The kitten has then become my friend, a special friend. Sometimes, when I am really pressurized with my schoolwork, I will complain to the kitten. People might think I am insane or just plainly stupid. Nevertheless, I think I did the right thing. This is because by doing so I can actually feel the pressure within me leaving, everytime I complained to the kitten. Moreover, the kitten seems to understand me. It would lick my hands and then playfully bite my fingers. It was like telling me to cheer up.This special friendship went on. The kitten is now a plump, healthy cat. I do not see it everyday but I will never forget to leave food for it at my doorstep. This special friendship is indeed an experience I am really proud of.