Download - Tablas de Unidades, Constantes, y Datos Fisicos Ytermodinamicos

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    1. Sistema internacional de unidades (SI) El sistema SI (Sistema Internacional), es un sistema coherente de unidades, es decir, est basado en la definicin de un cierto nmero de unidades bsicas a partir de las cuales se obtiene unidades derivadas mediante simple multiplicacin y divisin de aqullas, sin que se necesite introducir ningn factor numrico. Este sistema de unidades fue propuesto a la Conferencia General de Pesos y Medidas de 1960, y su empleo se ha sido extendiendo, a nivel mundial, en forma cada vez ms intensa.

    Cantidad Fsica Nombre Smbolo Longitud Metro m Masa Kilogramo Kg Tiempo Segundo s Temperatura termodinmica Kelvin K Corriente elctrica Amperio A Intensidad luminosa Candela Cd

    Tabla 1.1: Unidades base del SI.

    Cantidad Fsica



    Expresin en unidades base SI

    Frecuencia Hertzio Hz 1/s Fuerza Newton N kgm/s Presin Pascal Pa N/m = kg/(ms) Energa, trabajo, calor Julio J Nm = kgm/s Potencia Vatio W J/s = kgm/s Potencial elctrico Voltio V W/A = kgm/(sA) Resistencia elctrica Ohmio V/A = kgm/(sA)

    Tabla 1.2: Unidades derivadas con nombre propio del SI. Existen dos excepciones muy usadas que son: Los grados centgrados o Celsius para la temperatura ( ( ) ( ) 15.273KtCt = ) y los litros para el volumen ( ( ) ( ) 1000mVLV = ). Cuando se tiene cantidades muy grandes o muy pequeas se puede agregar un prefijo a la unidad.

    Factor Prefijo Smbolo = 1012 Tera T = 109 Giga G 1.000.000 = 106 Mega M 1.000 = 103 Kilo k 100 = 102 Hecto h 10 = 101 Deca da 0,1 = 10-1 Deci d 0,01 = 10-2 Centi c 0,001 = 10-3 Mili m 0,000 001 = 10-6 Micro 0,000 000 001 = 10-9 Nano n 0,000 000 000 001 = 10-12 Pico p

    Tabla 1.3: Prefijos del SI. El valor de referencia para la entalpa en el SI suele tomarse como 200 kJ/kg para lquido saturado a 0C, y la entropa 1 kJ/kgK en las mismas condiciones.

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    2. Tablas de conversin de unidades Ejemplo de uso de las tablas de conversin de unidades: Para saber cuantos pies (ft) son un metro, en la tabla de longitud se entra por la fila de 1 m y se lee en la columna Pie (ft) entonces: 1 m = 3.28084 ft. Para saber el contrario, es decir, cuantos metros son un pie, se entra por la fila de 1 ft y se lee en la columna Metro (m) entonces: 1 ft = 0,3048 m

    2.1. Longitud Para recordar: 1 in = 2,54 cm; 1 m = 3,28 ft Unidad Metro (m) Pulgada (in) Pie (ft) 1 m 1 39,3701 3,28084 1 in 0,0254 1 0,08333 1 ft 0,3048 12 1 1 milla terrestre = 1609 m 1 milla marina = 1852 m

    2.2. Superficie Para recordar: 1 m = 10,76 ft Unidad Metro (m) Pulgada (in) Pie (ft) 1 m 1 1550,0031 10,76391 1 in 6,451610-4 1 6,944410-3

    1 ft 0,0929034 144 1

    2.3. Volumen Para recordar: 1 galn = 3,78 L Unidad Metro (m) Litro (L) Pie (ft) Galn 1 m 1 1000 35,31467 264,17205 1 L 0,001 1 0,0353147 0,264172

    1 ft 0,0283168 28,3168 1 7,4805195 1 galn 3,785410-3 3,785412 0,1336806 1

    2.4. Masa Para recordar: 1 kg = 2,2 lb Unidad Libra (lb) gramo (g) kilogramo

    (kg) Tonelada (t)

    1 lb 1 453,6 0,4536 0,453610-6 1 g 2,20510-3 1 0,001 10-6

    1 kg 2,205 1000 1 0,001 1 t 2205 106 1000 1

    2.5. Velocidad Para recordar: 1 m/s = 3,6 km/h Unidad m/s km/h ft/s ft/h 1 m/s 1 3,6 3,2808 111810,8 1 km/h 0,277 1 0,91134 3280,83 1 ft/s 0,3048 1,0973 1 3600 1 ft/h 8,46610-5 3,04810-4 2,77710-4 1 1 mph (millas por hora) = 0.44704 m/s = 1,6093 km/h 1 nudo = 0.51444 m/s = 1.8520 km/h

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    2.6. Presin Para recordar: 1 atm = 101,325 kPa; 1 m H2O = 9,81 kPa; 1 bar = 100 kPa Unidad kPa kg/cm mm Hg m H2O bar 1 kPa 1 0,0101972 7,5006278 0,1019745 0,01 1 kg/cm 98,0665 1 735,560217 10,00028 0,980665 1 mm Hg 0,1333222 1,359510-3 1 0,0135955 1,333210-3 1 m H2O 9,8063754 0,0999997 73,5539622 1 0,0980638 1 bar 100 1,0197162 750,062679 10,1974477 1 1 kPa = 1000 N/m 1 atmsfera = 101,325 kPa = 760 mm Hg 1 mm H2O = 0,0098063 kPa 1 psi = 6,89476 kPa 1 ft H2O = 2,98898 kPa 1 in H2O = 0,249082 kPa

    2.7. Energa Para recordar: 1 kcal = 4,186 kJ; 1 Btu = 1,055 kJ; 1kWh = 3600 kJ Unidad Kilocalora

    (kcal) British Thermal Unit (Btu)

    kilojulio (kJ)

    Kilovatio hora (kWh)

    1 kcal 1 3,9683207 4,1868 0,001163 1 Btu 0,2519958 1 1,0550559 2,930710-4

    1 kJ 0,2388459 0,9478171 1 2,77710-4 1 kWh 859,84523 3412,1416 3600 1 1 CVh = 0,7355 kWh = 2647,7955 kJ 1 termia = 1000 kcal 1 Tec (Tonelada equivalente de carbn) = 29,288106 kJ = 8135 kWh 1 Tep (Tonelada equivalente de petrleo) = 41,84106 kJ = 11622 kWh

    2.8. Potencia Para recordar: 1 kW = 860 kcal/h; 1 kW = 3,412 kBtu/h; 1 CV = 736 W Unidad Kilovatio

    (kW) kcal/h Btu/h Horsepower

    (hp) Caballo de vapor (CV)

    1 kW 1 859,84523 3412,1416 1,3410221 1,3596216 1 kcal/h 1,16310-3 1 3,9683297 1,559610-3 1,581210-3 1 Btu/h 2,930710-4 0,2519958 1 3,930110-4 3,984710-4 1 hp 0,7457 641,18648 2544,4336 1 1,0138697 1 CV 0,7354988 632,41509 2509,6529 0,986301 1 1 ton (Tonelada de refrigeracin) =3,5168 kW = 12000 Btu/h

    2.9. Coeficiente global de transferencia Coef. de pelcula Para recordar: 1 W/mK = 0,860 kcal/hmC Unidad kcal/hmC W/mK Btu/hftF 1 kcal/hmC 1 1,163 0,2048 1 W/mK 0,85984523 1 0,1761 1 Btu/hftF 4,882 5,678 1

    2.10. Caudal volumtrico Para recordar: 1 m/s = 3600 m/h; 1 cfm = 1,7 m/h Unidad m/s m/h L/h ft/min

    (cfm) Galn/min (gpm)

    1 m/s 1 3600 3600000 2118,88 15850,3 1 m/h 2,777810-4 1 1000 0,5886 4,4029 1 L/h 2,777810-7 0,001 1 5,885610-4 0,0044 1 cfm 4,719510-4 1,6989 1698,9 1 7,4805 1 gpm 6,309010-5 0,2271 227.27 0.1337 1 1 L/s = 3600 L/h = 15.84 gpm

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    2.11. Calor especfico 1 kcal/kgC = 1 Btu/lbF = 1 cal/gC = 4,186 kJ/kgK

    2.12. Temperatura ( ) ( )( ) 8,1/32FTCT = ( ) ( ) 32CT8,1FT += ( ) ( ) 15,273CTKT += ( ) ( ) 67,459FTRT +=

    3. Constantes y valores muy usados

    3.1. Constantes en el SI Aceleracin de la gravedad (nivel del mar): g = 9,80665 m/s Presin atmosfrica estndar: Patm = 101,325 kPa Constante universal de los gases: R= 8,315 J/kmolK Constante de los gases para el aire: Raire = 287.055 J/kgK Nmero de Avogadro: N = 6,0241023 molculas/mol Constante de Planck: h = 6,62510-34 Js/molcula Constate de Boltzmann: k = 1,38010-23 J/Kmolcula Velocidad de la luz en el vaco: c0 = 2,998108 m/s Constante de Stefan-Boltzmann: = 5,6710-8 W/mK4 Constantes de radiacin del cuerpo negro: C1 = 3,7420108 Wm4/m2 C2 = 1,4388104 mK C3 = 2897,8 mK

    3.2. Nmeros adimensionales para transmisin de calor

    N de Biot: skLh

    Bi = N de Bond: ( )


    vl LgBo

    Coef. de friccin: 2/V



    = N de Eckert: ( )=




    N de Euler: Vp


    = N de Fourier: 2Lt



    Factor de friccin: ( ) ( )2/uD/Lp

    f 2m

    = N de Froude:




    N de Graetz: LD

    PrReGz = N de Grashof: ( )


    3s LTTgGr


    Factor j Colburn: 3/H PrStj2= N de Jakob:

    ( )fg





    N de Lewis: ABD


    = N de Nusselt: fkLh

    Nu =

    N de Peclet:


    PrRePe N de Prandtl:



    cPr p

    N de Reynolds:



    LVLVRe N de Rayleigh:

    ( )


    3s LTTgPrGrRa

    N de Schmidt: ABD


    = N de Sherwood : AB



    Sh =

    N de Stanton: PrRe





    = N de Weber:




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    3.3. Valores aproximados para propiedades del aire y del agua Densidad del agua: m/kg1000w = Densidad del aire: m/kg2,1a = Calor especfico del agua lquida: Kkg/kJ18,4cw = Calor especfico a presin cte del aire: Kkg/kJ1c a,p =

    Calor especfico a volumen cte del aire: Kkg/kJ717,0c a,v =

    Calor especfico a presin cte del vapor de agua: Kkg/kJ8,1c va,p =

    Masa molecular del aire seco Ma = 28,9645 kg/mol Masa molecular del agua Mw = 18,01528 kg/mol Calor latente de vaporizacin del agua: kg/kJ2500h w,gl =

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    4. Propiedades termofsicas de la materia

    Tabla 4.1: Propiedades termofsicas de slidos metlicos a 300 K cp k 106 Descripcin (kg/m) (J/kgK) (W/mK) (m/s) Acero puro 7870 447 80.2 23.1 Acero al carbono 7854 434 60.5 17.7 Acero al carbono-silicio 7817 446 51.9 14.9 Acero al carbono-Manganeso-silicio 8131 434 41.0 11.6 Acero con cromo (bajo) 7822 444 37.7 10.9 Acero inoxidable, AISI 302 8055 480 15.1 3.91 Acero inoxidable, AISI 304 7900 477 14.9 3.95 Acero inoxidable, AISI 316 8238 468 13.4 3.48 Acero inoxidable, AISI 347 7978 480 14.2 3.71 Aluminio puro 2702 903 237 97.1 Aluminio, aleacin 2024-T6 2770 875 177 73.0 Aluminio, aleacin 195, vaciado 2790 883 168 68.2 Armco (99.75% puro) 7870 447 72.7 20.7 Berilio 1850 1825 200 59.2 Bismuto 9780 122 7.86 6.59 Boro 2500 1107 27.0 9.76 Cadmio 8650 231 96.8 48.4 Cinc 7140 389 116 41.8 Circonio 6570 278 22.7 12.4 Cromo 7160 449 93.7 29.1 Cobalto 8862 421 99.2 26.6 Cobre puro 8933 385 401 117 Bronce comercial (90% Cu, 10% Al) 8800 420 52.0 14.0 Bronce fosforoso (89% Cu, 11% Sn) 8780 355 54.0 17.0 Latn (70% Cu, 30% Zn) 8530 380 110 33.9 Constantan (55% Cu, 45% Ni) 8920 384 23.0 6.71 Estao 7310 227 66.6 40.1 Germanio 5360 322 59.9 34.7 Iridio 22500 130 147 50.3 Magnesio 1740 1024 156 87.6 Molibdeno 10240 251 138 53.7 Nquel puro 8900 444 90.7 23.0 Nicromio (80% Ni, 20% Cr) 8400 420 12.0 3.40 Inconel X-750 8510 439 11.7 3.10 Niobio 8570 265 53.7 23.6 Oro 19300 129 317 127 Paladio 12020 244 71.8 24.5 Plata 10500 235 429 174 Platino puro 21450 133 71.6 25.1 Platino, aleacin (60% Pt, 40% Rh) 16630 162 47.0 17.4 Plomo 11340 129 35.3 24.1 Renio 21100 136 47.9 16.7 Rodio 12450 243 150 49.6 Silicio 2330 712 148 89.2 Tantalio 16600 140 57.5 24.7 Titanio 4500 522 21.9 9.32 Torio 11700 118 54.0 39.1 Tungsteno 19300 132 174 68.3 Uranio 19070 116 27.6 12.5 Vanadio 6100 489 30.7 10.3 Fuente: Frank P. Incropera y David P. DeWitt, Fundamentos de la Transferencia de Calor 4 Ed., Prentice Hall, Mjico, 1999. Apndice A.

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    Tabla 4.2: Propiedades termofsicas de slidos no metlicos a 300 K cp k 106 Descripcin (kg/m) (J/kgK) (W/mK) (m/s) Azufre 2070 708 0.206 0.141 Bixido de torio 9110 235 13.0 6.10 Bixido de titanio, policristalino 4157 710 8.40 2.80 Bixido de silicio, cristalino 2650 745 10.4/6.21a Bixido de silicio, policristalino 2220 745 1.38 0.834 Boro 2500 1105 27.6 9.99 Carbono amorfo 1950 - 1.60 - Carbono, diamante tipo IIa 3500 509 2300 1290 Carburo de silicio 3160 675 490 230 Compuesto epxico de fibra de boro 2080 1122 2.29/0.59b Compuesto epxico de fibra de grafito 1400 935 11.1/0.87b Grafito piroltico 2210 709 1950/5.70c xido de aluminio, zafiro 3970 765 46.0 15.1 xido de aluminio, policristalino 3970 765 36.0 11.9 xido de Berilio 3000 1030 272 88.0 Pirocermico granulada 2600 808 3.98 1.89 Nitruro de Silicio 2400 691 16.0 9.65 a La primera conductividad es en la direccin paralela al eje del cristal y la segunda perpendicular. b La primera conductividad es en la direccin paralela a las fibras y la segunda perpendicular. c La primera conductividad es en la direccin paralela a las capas y la segunda perpendicular. Fuente: Frank P. Incropera y David P. DeWitt, Fundamentos de la Transferencia de Calor 4 Ed., Prentice Hall, Mjico, 1999. Apndice A.

    Tabla 4.3: Propiedades termofsicas de otros materiales cp k Descripcin (kg/m) (J/kgK) (W/mK) Bloque hueco de hormign 1200 1050 0.49 Contrachapado de madera 700 1600 0.17 Enlucido de yeso 800 920 0.03 Forjado cermico 1250 880 0.95 Forjado de hormign 1500 1000 1.38 Hormign armado (2% acero) 2400 1000 2.5 Hormign en masa con ridos 2400 1050 1.63 Ladrillo hueco (Fabrica) 1200 920 0.49 Ladrillo macizo (Fabrica) 1800 1380 0.87 Lana mineral MW36 50 1030 0.036 Maderas de conferas 600 2810 0.14 Mortero de cemento 2000 1050 1.4 Poliestireno Expandido tipo IV 20 1450 0.036 Poliestireno Extrudo clase 0.034 25 1450 0.034 Poliuretano conformado Clase C 50 1800 0.025 Poliuretano proyectado 30 1800 0.026 Teja arcilla 2000 800 1 Vidrio para acristalar 2500 750 0.95 Fuente: Base de datos del programa de calificacin energtica de edificios, CALENER, Grupo de Termotecnia, Universidad de Sevilla, 2002.

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    Tablas 4.4: Propiedades de gases a presin atmosfrica

    Tabla 4.4.1: Propiedades del aire seco a presin atmosfrica T cp 106 106 k 103 106 Pr (C) (kg/m) (kJ/kgK) (Ns/m) (m/s) (W/mK) (m/s) -150 2.867 0.9825 8.636 3.013 11.71 4.157 0.7246 -100 2.039 0.9656 11.9 5.835 15.82 8.034 0.7263 -90 1.927 0.9753 12.49 6.482 16.62 8.842 0.733 -80 1.828 0.9835 13.07 7.153 17.42 9.692 0.7381 -70 1.738 0.9901 13.64 7.85 18.22 10.59 0.7414 -60 1.656 0.9952 14.2 8.572 19.01 11.53 0.7433 -50 1.582 0.999 14.74 9.317 19.79 12.52 0.744 -40 1.514 1.002 15.27 10.08 20.57 13.56 0.7436 -30 1.452 1.004 15.79 10.88 21.34 14.65 0.7425 -20 1.394 1.005 16.3 11.69 22.11 15.78 0.7408 -10 1.341 1.006 16.8 12.52 22.88 16.96 0.7387 0 1.292 1.006 17.29 13.38 23.64 18.17 0.7362 5 1.269 1.006 17.54 13.82 24.01 18.8 0.735 10 1.247 1.006 17.78 14.26 24.39 19.44 0.7336 15 1.225 1.007 18.02 14.71 24.76 20.08 0.7323 20 1.204 1.007 18.25 15.16 25.14 20.74 0.7309 25 1.184 1.007 18.49 15.61 25.51 21.4 0.7296 30 1.164 1.007 18.72 16.08 25.88 22.08 0.7282 35 1.146 1.007 18.95 16.54 26.25 22.76 0.7268 40 1.117 1.007 19.18 17.02 26.62 23.45 0.7255 45 1.11 1.007 19.41 17.49 26.99 24.16 0.7241 50 1.092 1.007 19.63 17.97 27.35 24.87 0.7228 55 1.076 1.007 19.86 18.46 27.72 25.59 0.7215 60 1.06 1.007 20.08 18.95 28.08 26.31 0.7202 65 1.044 1.007 20.3 19.45 28.45 27.05 0.719 70 1.029 1.007 20.52 19.95 28.81 27.79 0.7177 75 1.014 1.008 20.74 20.45 29.17 28.55 0.7166 80 0.9996 1.008 20.96 20.97 29.53 29.31 0.7154 85 0.9857 1.008 21.17 21.48 29.88 30.07 0.7143 90 0.9721 1.008 21.39 22 30.24 30.85 0.7132 95 0.9589 1.009 21.6 22.52 30.6 31.63 0.7121 100 0.946 1.009 21.81 23.05 30.95 32.42 0.7111 110 0.9213 1.01 22.23 24.12 31.65 34.02 0.7092 120 0.8979 1.011 22.64 25.21 32.35 35.64 0.7073 130 0.8756 1.012 23.05 26.32 33.05 37.3 0.7057 140 0.8544 1.013 23.45 27.44 33.74 38.98 0.7041 150 0.8343 1.014 23.85 28.59 34.43 40.68 0.7027 160 0.815 1.016 24.24 29.74 35.11 42.4 0.7014 170 0.7966 1.017 24.63 30.92 35.79 44.15 0.7003 180 0.779 1.019 25.01 32.11 36.46 45.92 0.6992 190 0.7622 1.021 25.39 33.32 37.13 47.71 0.6983 200 0.7461 1.023 25.77 34.54 37.79 49.53 0.6974 210 0.7306 1.025 26.14 35.78 38.45 51.36 0.6967 220 0.7158 1.027 26.51 37.04 39.1 53.21 0.696 230 0.7016 1.029 26.88 38.31 39.75 55.08 0.6955 240 0.6879 1.031 27.24 39.6 40.4 56.97 0.695 250 0.6748 1.033 27.6 40.9 41.04 58.88 0.6946 260 0.6621 1.035 27.95 42.22 41.67 60.81 0.6942 270 0.6499 1.037 28.3 43.55 42.31 62.75 0.694 280 0.6382 1.04 28.65 44.9 42.93 64.72 0.6938 290 0.6269 1.042 29 46.26 43.56 66.69 0.6936 300 0.6159 1.044 29.34 47.64 44.18 68.69 0.6935

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    Tabla 4.4.1: Propiedades del aire seco a presin atmosfrica (cont.) T cp 106 106 k 103 106 Pr (C) (kg/m) (kJ/kgK) (Ns/m) (m/s) (W/mK) (m/s) 310 0.6054 1.047 29.68 49.03 44.79 70.7 0.6934 320 0.5951 1.049 30.01 50.43 45.4 72.73 0.6934 330 0.5853 1.051 30.35 51.85 46.01 74.77 0.6935 340 0.5757 1.054 30.68 53.29 46.61 76.83 0.6936 350 0.5665 1.056 31.01 54.73 47.21 78.9 0.6937 360 0.5576 1.059 31.33 56.19 47.81 80.99 0.6938 370 0.5489 1.061 31.65 57.67 48.4 83.09 0.694 380 0.5405 1.064 31.97 59.16 48.99 85.21 0.6943 390 0.5323 1.066 32.29 60.66 49.57 87.34 0.6945 400 0.5244 1.069 32.61 62.18 50.15 89.49 0.6948 410 0.5167 1.071 32.92 63.71 50.72 91.65 0.6951 420 0.5093 1.073 33.23 65.25 51.29 93.83 0.6954 430 0.502 1.076 33.54 66.8 51.86 96.02 0.6957 440 0.495 1.078 33.84 68.37 52.42 98.22 0.6961 450 0.4882 1.081 34.15 69.95 52.98 100.4 0.6965 460 0.4815 1.083 34.45 71.54 53.54 102.7 0.6969 470 0.475 1.085 34.75 73.15 54.09 104.9 0.6973 480 0.4687 1.088 35.04 74.77 54.64 107.2 0.6977 490 0.4626 1.09 35.34 76.4 55.18 109.4 0.6982 500 0.4566 1.093 35.63 78.04 55.72 111.7 0.6986 550 0.4289 1.104 37.07 86.44 58.37 123.3 0.7011 600 0.4043 1.115 38.46 95.12 60.93 135.2 0.7037 650 0.3824 1.125 39.81 104.1 63.41 147.4 0.7064 700 0.3628 1.135 41.11 113.3 65.81 159.8 0.7092 750 0.345 1.145 42.39 122.8 68.12 172.5 0.7121 800 0.329 1.153 43.62 132.6 70.37 185.5 0.7149 850 0.3143 1.162 44.83 142.6 72.54 198.7 0.7178 900 0.3009 1.169 46 152.9 74.65 212.2 0.7206 950 0.2886 1.177 47.15 163.4 76.7 225.8 0.7233 1000 0.2773 1.184 48.26 174.1 78.68 239.8 0.726 1100 0.2571 1.196 50.42 196.1 82.48 268.2 0.7312 1200 0.2396 1.207 52.48 219 86.09 297.6 0.736 1400 0.211 1.226 56.35 267.1 92.81 358.8 0.7444 1600 0.1885 1.241 59.92 317.9 99.08 423.6 0.7506 1800 0.1703 1.253 63.22 371.3 105.1 492.5 0.7539 2000 0.1553 1.264 66.3 426.9 111.1 566.2 0.7539 Fuente: Todas las propiedades de Keenan, Chao, Keyes, Gas Tables, Wiley, 1985. Excepto: Conductividad de Y.S. Touloukian, P.E. Liley, S.C. Saxena Thermophysical Properties of Matter Vol 3, IFI/Plenun, NY, 1970 Viscosidad de Y.S. Touloukian, S.C. Saxena, and P. Hestermans Thermophysical Properties of Matter Vol 11, IFI/Plenun, NY, 1970

  • 13

    Tabla 4.4.2: Propiedades del Amoniaco a presin atmosfrica T cp 107 106 k 103 106 Pr (C) (kg/m) (kJ/kgK) (Ns/m) (m/s) (W/mK) (m/s) 0 0.7715 2.179 93.58 12.13 21.97 13.07 0.9284 10 0.7426 2.169 97.11 13.08 23.02 14.29 0.9152 20 0.716 2.165 100.7 14.06 24.09 15.54 0.9047 30 0.6914 2.165 104.2 15.07 25.18 16.82 0.8962 40 0.6686 2.169 107.8 16.12 26.29 18.13 0.8894 50 0.6472 2.176 111.4 17.21 27.42 19.47 0.8838 60 0.6272 2.186 114.9 18.33 28.58 20.84 0.8792 70 0.6085 2.197 118.6 19.48 29.75 22.25 0.8755 80 0.5909 2.21 122.2 20.67 30.94 23.7 0.8724 90 0.5743 2.224 125.8 21.9 32.15 25.18 0.8699 100 0.5587 2.239 129.4 23.17 33.39 26.69 0.8678 120 0.5298 2.271 136.7 25.8 35.9 29.83 0.865 140 0.5039 2.307 144 28.59 38.49 33.11 0.8635 160 0.4804 2.345 151.4 31.52 41.14 36.52 0.863 180 0.459 2.385 158.8 34.6 43.86 40.07 0.8634 200 0.4395 2.426 166.2 37.82 46.64 43.75 0.8645 250 0.3972 2.533 184.8 46.53 53.83 53.5 0.8697 300 0.3624 2.645 203.5 56.15 61.34 63.99 0.8775 350 0.3333 2.759 222.2 66.68 69.1 75.15 0.8872 400 0.3085 2.875 240.9 78.1 77.09 86.94 0.8983 Fuente: S.A. Klein y F.L. Alvarado, Engineering Equation Solver Software (EES), Academia Versin 6.271 (20-07-2001).

    Tabla 4.4.3: Propiedades del CO2 a presin atmosfrica T cp 107 106 k 103 106 Pr (C) (kg/m) (kJ/kgK) (Ns/m) (m/s) (W/mK) (m/s) 0 1.977 0.8268 137.1 6.935 14.66 8.968 0.7734 10 1.906 0.8364 142 7.452 15.43 9.683 0.7696 20 1.839 0.846 146.9 7.985 16.22 10.43 0.766 30 1.778 0.8556 151.7 8.535 17.03 11.2 0.7624 40 1.72 0.8651 156.5 9.101 17.84 11.99 0.759 50 1.666 0.8745 161.3 9.683 18.67 12.81 0.7557 60 1.616 0.8838 166.1 10.28 19.5 13.66 0.7527 70 1.568 0.8929 170.8 10.89 20.34 14.53 0.7498 80 1.523 0.9019 175.5 11.52 21.18 15.42 0.7472 90 1.481 0.9107 180.1 12.17 22.03 16.33 0.7447 100 1.441 0.9193 184.7 12.82 22.88 17.27 0.7425 120 1.367 0.9361 193.9 14.18 24.57 19.2 0.7386 140 1.3 0.9523 202.8 15.6 26.27 21.21 0.7353 160 1.24 0.9678 211.7 17.07 27.96 23.3 0.7327 180 1.185 0.9827 220.4 18.6 29.64 25.46 0.7306 200 1.135 0.9971 228.9 20.17 31.31 27.68 0.7289 250 1.026 1.031 249.7 24.34 35.44 33.52 0.7261 300 0.9361 1.061 269.6 28.8 39.47 39.74 0.7248 350 0.8609 1.089 288.8 33.54 43.41 46.31 0.7243 400 0.7968 1.114 307.2 38.55 47.26 53.23 0.7241 450 0.7417 1.137 324.9 43.8 51.02 60.49 0.7242 500 0.6937 1.159 342 49.3 54.72 68.1 0.7239 Fuente: S.A. Klein y F.L. Alvarado, Engineering Equation Solver Software (EES), Academia Versin 6.271 (20-07-2001).

  • 14

    Tabla 4.4.4: Propiedades del CO a presin atmosfrica T cp 107 106 k 103 106 Pr (C) (kg/m) (kJ/kgK) (Ns/m) (m/s) (W/mK) (m/s) 0 1.25 1.041 163.9 13.11 24.59 18.9 0.6937 10 1.206 1.041 168.6 13.99 25.31 20.17 0.6933 20 1.164 1.04 173.3 14.88 26.01 21.48 0.693 30 1.126 1.04 177.9 15.8 26.71 22.81 0.6927 40 1.09 1.04 182.4 16.74 27.4 24.17 0.6924 50 1.056 1.04 186.9 17.69 28.07 25.56 0.6921 60 1.024 1.04 191.3 18.67 28.74 26.99 0.6919 70 0.9944 1.04 195.6 19.67 29.4 28.44 0.6917 80 0.9662 1.039 199.8 20.68 30.04 29.91 0.6915 90 0.9396 1.039 204 21.72 30.68 31.42 0.6913 100 0.9143 1.039 208.2 22.77 31.31 32.95 0.6911 120 0.8678 1.039 216.3 24.93 32.55 36.09 0.6907 140 0.8257 1.039 224.2 27.15 33.75 39.33 0.6904 160 0.7876 1.039 231.9 29.45 34.92 42.67 0.6901 180 0.7528 1.039 239.4 31.8 36.06 46.09 0.6899 200 0.7209 1.039 246.7 34.22 37.17 49.61 0.6897 250 0.652 1.04 264.1 40.51 39.85 58.78 0.6892 300 0.5951 1.04 280.6 47.16 42.38 68.45 0.6889 350 0.5473 1.041 296.3 54.14 44.8 78.61 0.6887 400 0.5067 1.042 311.4 61.46 47.13 89.25 0.6886 450 0.4716 1.043 326 69.11 49.4 100.4 0.6885 500 0.4411 1.045 340.2 77.12 51.63 112 0.6885 Fuente: S.A. Klein y F.L. Alvarado, Engineering Equation Solver Software (EES), Academia Versin 6.271 (20-07-2001).

    Tabla 4.4.5: Propiedades del vapor de agua a presin atmosfrica T cp 107 106 k 103 106 Pr (C) (kg/m) (kJ/kgK) (Ns/m) (m/s) (W/mK) (m/s) 100.1 0.5973 2.044 122.7 20.54 25.1 20.56 0.9992 110 0.5808 2.023 126.4 21.77 25.78 21.94 0.992 120 0.5652 2.007 130.2 23.04 26.5 23.37 0.9861 130 0.5504 1.995 134 24.35 27.26 24.82 0.9812 140 0.5365 1.987 137.9 25.71 28.05 26.31 0.9771 150 0.5233 1.981 141.8 27.1 28.86 27.84 0.9735 160 0.5108 1.977 145.8 28.53 29.7 29.41 0.9703 170 0.4989 1.975 149.7 30.01 30.57 31.02 0.9675 180 0.4876 1.974 153.7 31.52 31.45 32.67 0.9649 190 0.4768 1.975 157.7 33.08 32.36 34.37 0.9624 200 0.4665 1.976 161.8 34.68 33.28 36.11 0.9602 220 0.4472 1.98 169.9 37.99 35.19 39.74 0.9559 240 0.4295 1.986 178.1 41.46 37.16 43.56 0.9519 260 0.4131 1.994 186.3 45.1 39.19 47.57 0.948 280 0.398 2.003 194.6 48.89 41.28 51.77 0.9444 300 0.384 2.013 202.9 52.84 43.41 56.16 0.9408 350 0.3529 2.04 223.7 63.38 48.96 67.98 0.9323 400 0.3266 2.07 244.5 74.87 54.75 80.98 0.9245 450 0.3039 2.102 265.2 87.26 60.76 95.13 0.9173 500 0.2842 2.135 285.7 100.5 66.97 110.4 0.9108 550 0.2669 2.168 306.1 114.7 73.35 126.8 0.9048 600 0.2516 2.203 326.2 129.7 79.89 144.2 0.8994 Fuente: S.A. Klein y F.L. Alvarado, Engineering Equation Solver Software (EES), Academia Versin 6.271 (20-07-2001).

  • 15

    Tabla 4.5: Propiedades del agua lquida a presin atmosfrica T cp 106 106 k 103 106 103 Pr (C) (kg/m) (kJ/kgK) (Ns/m) (m/s) (W/mK) (m/s) (1/K) 0.001 1005 4.213 1766 1.757 567.2 0.1339 -0.08021 13.12 5 1004 4.201 1506 1.500 574.8 0.1363 0.01135 11.00 10 1003 4.191 1300 1.297 583.0 0.1387 0.08744 9.348 15 1001 4.184 1135 1.134 591.4 0.1412 0.1523 8.033 20 999.5 4.180 1001 1.001 599.8 0.1436 0.209 6.975 25 997.9 4.176 890.1 0.8920 608.0 0.1459 0.2594 6.114 30 996.2 4.175 797.6 0.8007 616.0 0.1481 0.3051 5.406 35 994.3 4.174 719.6 0.7238 623.6 0.1503 0.347 4.817 40 992.4 4.174 653.3 0.6583 630.7 0.1523 0.3859 4.323 45 990.3 4.175 596.3 0.6022 637.4 0.1542 0.4225 3.906 50 988.1 4.177 547.1 0.5537 643.6 0.1559 0.4572 3.551 55 985.7 4.179 504.2 0.5115 649.3 0.1576 0.4903 3.245 60 983.2 4.182 466.6 0.4746 654.4 0.1592 0.5221 2.981 65 980.6 4.184 433.5 0.4420 659.1 0.1606 0.5528 2.752 70 977.9 4.188 404.1 0.4132 663.2 0.1620 0.5827 2.551 75 975.0 4.191 378.0 0.3877 666.9 0.1632 0.6118 2.375 80 971.9 4.195 354.6 0.3648 670.2 0.1644 0.6402 2.219 85 968.8 4.199 333.6 0.3443 673.0 0.1654 0.6682 2.081 90 965.5 4.204 314.6 0.3259 675.5 0.1664 0.6958 1.958 95 962.1 4.209 297.5 0.3092 677.5 0.1673 0.723 1.848 100 958.5 4.214 281.9 0.2941 679.3 0.1682 0.7501 1.749 Fuente: S.A. Klein y F.L. Alvarado, Engineering Equation Solver Software (EES), Academia Versin 6.271 (20-07-2001).

  • 16

    Tabla 4.6: Propiedades termofsicas del agua saturada T psat hl-g l vg cp,l cp,g l 106 g 106 kl 103 kg 103 Prl Prg l 103 (C) (kPa) (kJ/kg) (kg/m) (m/kg) (kJ/kgK) (kJ/kgK) (Ns/m) (Ns/m) (W/mK) (W/mK) (1/k) 0.001 0.6113 2501 1000 206.1 4.229 1.868 1793 9.216 561 17.07 13.52 1.008 -0.08063 5 0.8726 2489 1000 147 4.2 1.871 1519 9.336 570.5 17.34 11.18 1.007 0.01103 10 1.228 2477 999.7 106.3 4.188 1.874 1307 9.461 580 17.62 9.435 1.006 0.08719 15 1.706 2465 999.1 77.9 4.184 1.878 1138 9.592 589.3 17.92 8.081 1.005 0.1522 20 2.339 2453 998.2 57.78 4.183 1.882 1002 9.727 598.4 18.23 7.006 1.004 0.2089 25 3.169 2442 997 43.36 4.183 1.887 890.5 9.867 607.1 18.55 6.136 1.004 0.2593 30 4.246 2430 995.6 32.9 4.183 1.892 797.7 10.01 615.4 18.88 5.422 1.003 0.305 35 5.627 2418 994 25.22 4.183 1.898 719.6 10.16 623.3 19.23 4.83 1.002 0.3469 40 7.381 2406 992.2 19.53 4.182 1.904 653.3 10.31 630.6 19.6 4.333 1.002 0.3859 45 9.59 2394 990.2 15.26 4.182 1.912 596.3 10.46 637.3 19.97 3.913 1.001 0.4225 50 12.34 2382 988 12.04 4.182 1.919 547.1 10.62 643.5 20.36 3.555 1.001 0.4572 55 15.75 2370 985.7 9.573 4.182 1.928 504.2 10.77 649.2 20.77 3.248 1 0.4903 60 19.93 2358 983.2 7.674 4.183 1.937 466.6 10.93 654.3 21.18 2.983 0.9998 0.5222 65 25.02 2345 980.5 6.2 4.184 1.947 433.4 11.1 659 21.62 2.752 0.9995 0.5529 70 31.18 2333 977.7 5.045 4.187 1.958 404 11.26 663.1 22.07 2.551 0.9992 0.5827 75 38.56 2321 974.8 4.133 4.19 1.97 377.9 11.43 666.8 22.53 2.375 0.999 0.6118 80 47.37 2308 971.8 3.409 4.194 1.983 354.5 11.59 670 23.01 2.219 0.9989 0.6403 85 57.81 2295 968.6 2.829 4.199 1.996 333.5 11.76 672.8 23.5 2.081 0.9988 0.6682 90 70.12 2283 965.3 2.362 4.204 2.011 314.5 11.93 675.3 24.02 1.958 0.9989 0.6958 95 84.53 2270 961.9 1.983 4.21 2.027 297.4 12.1 677.4 24.55 1.849 0.999 0.723 100 101.3 2257 958.4 1.674 4.217 2.044 281.9 12.27 679.1 25.09 1.75 0.9993 0.7501 110 143.2 2230 951 1.211 4.232 2.082 254.8 12.61 681.7 26.24 1.582 1.001 0.8038 120 198.5 2202 943.2 0.8922 4.249 2.125 232.1 12.96 683.2 27.46 1.444 1.003 0.8576 130 270 2174 934.9 0.6687 4.267 2.175 213 13.3 683.7 28.76 1.329 1.006 0.9122 140 361.2 2145 926.2 0.509 4.288 2.233 196.6 13.65 683.3 30.13 1.234 1.011 0.9683 150 475.7 2114 917.1 0.3929 4.312 2.298 182.5 13.99 682.1 31.58 1.154 1.018 1.026 160 617.7 2082 907.5 0.3071 4.338 2.373 170.3 14.34 680 33.11 1.086 1.028 1.087 170 791.5 2049 897.5 0.2428 4.368 2.459 159.6 14.68 677.1 34.72 1.03 1.04 1.152 180 1002 2015 887.1 0.194 4.403 2.557 150.2 15.03 673.4 36.41 0.982 1.055 1.221 190 1254 1978 876.1 0.1565 4.443 2.669 141.8 15.37 668.8 38.18 0.9421 1.074 1.296 200 1554 1940 864.7 0.1273 4.489 2.796 134.4 15.71 663.4 40.03 0.9092 1.097 1.377 220 2318 1858 840.3 0.08616 4.604 3.107 121.6 16.41 649.8 43.99 0.8613 1.159 1.567 240 3345 1766 813.5 0.05974 4.759 3.516 110.9 17.12 632 48.31 0.8351 1.246 1.807 260 4689 1662 783.8 0.04219 4.973 4.064 101.7 17.88 609.2 53.1 0.8304 1.368 2.126 280 6413 1543 750.5 0.03016 5.278 4.828 93.56 18.7 580.3 58.53 0.8511 1.542 2.576 300 8584 1405 712.4 0.02167 5.744 5.967 85.95 19.65 543.6 64.98 0.9083 1.804 3.266 320 11279 1238 667.4 0.01548 6.542 7.87 78.46 20.84 496.7 73.25 1.033 2.24 4.47 340 14594 1028 610.8 0.01079 8.237 11.79 70.45 22.55 435.6 85.24 1.332 3.118 7.116 360 18655 721.1 528.1 0.006962 14.68 25.28 60.39 25.71 351 107.5 2.525 6.046 17.11

    Fuente: S.A. Klein y F.L. Alvarado, Engineering Equation Solver Software (EES), Academia Versin 6.271 (20-07-2001).

  • AP






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  • A / 6 8 4 A P P E N D I X

    Table A.2 Properties of Alloys

    Metal Composition (%)

    Aluminum Duralumin 94-96 A1, 3-5 Cu, trace Mg Silumin 87 A1, 13 Si

    Copper Aluminum 95 Cu, 5 A1

    bronze Bronze 75 Cu, 25 Sn Red brass 85 Cu, 9 Sn, 5 Zn Brass 70 Cu, 30 Zn German silver 62 Cu, 15 Ni, 22 Zn Constantan 60 Cu, 40 Ni

    Iron Cast iron ~4 C Wrought iron

    Steel Carbon steel 1 C

    1.5 C Chrome steel 1 Cr

    5Cr 10 Cr

    Chrome-nickel 15 Cr, 10 Ni steel 20 Cr, 15 Ni

    Nickel steel 10 Ni 20 Ni 40 Ni 60 Ni

    Nickel-chrome 80 Ni, 15 Cr steel 60 Ni, 15 Cr

    40 Ni, 15 Cr 20 Ni, 15 Cr

    Manganese 1 Mn steel 5 Mn

    Silicon steel 1 Si 5 Si

    Stainless steel Type 304 Type 347

    Tungsten steel 1 W 5W

    Source: Refs. [1] and [2].

    Properties at 293 K (20~

    p c k c ~ x 10 s (kg/m 3) (J/kg.K) (W/m.K) (m2/s)

    2787 833 164 2659 871 164

    8666 410 83

    8666 343 26 8714 385 61 8522 385 111 8618 394 24.9 8922 410 22.7

    7272 420 52 7849 460 59

    7801 473 43 7753 486 36 7865 460 61 7833 460 40 7785 460 31 7865 460 19 7833 460 15.1 7945 460 26 7993 460 19 8169 460 10 8378 46O 19 8522 460 17 8266 460 12.8 8073 460 11.6 7865 46O 14.0 7865 460 50 7849 460 22 7769 460 42 7417 460 19 7817 461 14.4 7817 461 14.3 7913 448 66 8073 435 54

    6.676 7.099


    0.859 1.804 3.412 0.733 0.612

    1.702 1.626

    1.172 0.970 1.665 1.110 0.867 0.526 0.415 0.720 0.526 0.279 0.493 0.444 0.333 0.305 0.390 1.388 0.637 1.164 0.555 0.387 0.387 1.858 1.525

  • A P P E N D I X A /685

    Table A.3 Properties of Insulations and Building Materials

    Substance Temperature k p c ~ x 10 7 (~ (W/m. ~ (kg/m 3) (kJ/kg. ~ (m2/s)

    Structural and heat-resistant materials Asphalt Brick

    Building brick, common Face Carborundum brick

    Chrome brick

    Diatomaceous earth, molded and fired

    Fireclay brick, burnt 2426~

    Burnt 2642 ~



    Cement, portland Mortar

    Concrete, cinder Stone, 1-2-4 mix

    Glass, window Corosilicate

    Plaster, gypsum Metal lath Wood lath

    Stone Granite Limestone Marble Sandstone

    Wood (across the grain) Balsa, 8.8 lb/ft 3 Cypress Fir Maple or oak Yellow pine White pine



    600 1400 200 550 900 200

    870 500 800

    1100 500 800

    1100 200 600

    1400 200 650


    23 23 20 20

    30-75 20 20 20



    30 30 23 30 23 30


    0.69 1.32

    18.5 11.1 2.32 2.47 1.99 0.24

    0.31 1.04 1.07 1.09 1.28 1.37 1.40 1.00 1.47 1.77 3.81 2.77 1.90 0.29 1.16 0.76 1.37 0.78 (avg) 1.09 0.48 0.47 0.28

    1.73-3.98 1.26-1.33 2.07-2.94 1.83

    0.055 0.097 0.11 0.166 0.147 0.112

    1600 2000






    1900-2300 2700 2200 1440

    2640 2500 2500-2700 2160-2300

    140 460 420 540 640 430

    0.84 5.2






    0.88 0.84


    0.82 0.90 0.80 0.71

    2.72 2.4 2.8

    9.2 9.8 7.9




    8.2-6.8 3.4


    8-18 5.6-5.9 10-13.6 11.2-11.9

    0.96 1.28 0.82


  • A/686 A P P E N D I X

    Table A.3 (Continued)

    Substance Temperature (oc)

    k (W/m. ~

    p (kg/m 3)


    0d/kg- ~ o~ x 107 (m2/s)

    Insulating materials Asbestos

    Loosely packed

    Asbestos-cement boards Sheets Felt, 40 laminations/in.

    20 laminations/in.

    Corrugated, 4 plies/in.

    Asbestos cement Balsam wool, 2.2 lb/ft 3 Cardboard, corrugated Celotex

    Corkboard, 10 lb/ft 3 Cork, regranulated

    Ground Diatomaceous earth (Sil-o-cel) Felt, hair Wool

    Fiber, insulating board Glass wool, 1.5 lb/ft 3 Insulex, dry

    Kapok Magnesia, 85%

    Rock wool, 10 l b / ~ Loosely packed

    Sawdust Silica aerogel Wood shavings

    -45 0

    100 20 51 38

    150 260 38

    150 260 38 93



    32 30 32 32 0

    3O 3O 2O 23 32

    3O 38 93

    150 204 32

    150 260

    23 32 23

    0.149 0.154 0.161 0.74 0.166 0.057 0.069 0.083 0.078 0.095 0.112 0.087 0.100 0.119 2.08 0.04 0.064 0.048 0.043 0.045 0.043 0.061 0.036 0.052 0.048 0.038 0.064 0.144 0.035 0.067 0.071 0.074 0.080 0.040 0.067 0.087 0.059 0.024 0.059



    160 45-120 150 320 130-200 330 240



    160 64








    Source: Refs. [5] and [61.

  • A P P E N D I X A /687

    Table A.4 Properties of Dry Air at Atmospheric Pressure: SI Units

    p fix 103 Cp k u # x 1 0 6 (K) (~ (kg/m 3) (l/K) (J/kg. K) (W/m. K) (m2/s) (N. s /m 2)

    v 106 (m2/s)

    Pr gfl /v 2 10 -8 (1/K. m 3)

    273 0 1.252 3.66 1011 0.0237 19.2 17.456 293 20 1.164 3.41 1012 0.0251 22.0 18.240 313 40 1.092 3.19 1014 0.0265 24.8 19.123 333 60 1.025 3.00 1017 0.0279 27.6 19.907 353 80 0.968 2.83 1019 0.0293 30.6 20.790 373 100 0.916 2.68 1022 0.0307 33.6 21.673 473 200 0.723 2.11 1035 0.0370 49.7 25.693 573 300 0.596 1.75 1047 0.0429 68.9 39.322 673 400 0.508 1.49 1059 0.0485 89.4 32.754 773 500 0.442 1.29 1076 0.0540 113.2 35.794

    1273 1000 0.268 0.79 1139 0.0762 240 48.445

    13.9 15.7 17.6 19.4 21.5 23.6 35.5 49.2 64.6 81.0


    0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.72 0.72 0.74

    1.85 1.36 1.01 0.782 0.600 0.472 0.164 0.0709 0.0350 0.0193 0.00236

    Source: Refs. [1] and [3].

    Table A.5 Properties of Dry Air at Atmospheric Pressure: English Units

    T(~ Cp(Btu/ lbm. ~ k(Btu/h, ft. ~ # (lbm/ft. h) p(lbm/ft 3) Pr

    0 0.241 0.0131 0.0387 0.0864 0.71 20 0.241 0.0136 0.0402 0.0828 0.71 40 0.241 0.0141 0.0416 0.0795 0.71 60 0.241 0.0147 0.0428 0.0764 0.70 80 0.241 0.0152 0.0440 0.0735 0.70

    100 0.241 0.0156 0.0455 0.0709 0.70 120 0.241 0.0161 0.0467 0.0685 0.70 140 0.242 0.0166 0.0479 0.0662 0.70 160 0.242 0.0171 0.0491 0.0640 0.69 180 0.242 0.0176 0.0503 0.0620 0.69 200 0.242 0.0180 0.0515 0.0601 0.69 250 0.243 0.0192 0.0544 0.0559 0.69 300 0.244 0.0203 0.0573 0.0522 0.69 350 0.245 0.0214 0.0600 0.0490 0.69 400 0.246 0.0225 0.0627 0.0461 0.69 450 0.247 0.0236 0.0653 0.0436 0.68 500 0.248 0.0246 0.0677 0.0413 0.68 600 0.251 0.0266 0.0723 0.0374 0.68 700 0.254 0.0285 0.0767 0.0342 0.68 800 0.257 0.0303 0.0810 0.0315 0.69 900 0.260 0.0320 0.0849 0.0292 0.69

    1000 0.263 0.0337 0.0885 0.0272 0.69

    Data generated using the PRO II process simulator

  • A/688 APPENDIX

    Table A.6 Properties of Steam at Atmospheric Pressure

    p f ix10 3 Cp k c~x10 4 /zx10 6 (K) (~ (kg/m 3) (l/K) (J/kg.K) (W/m.K) (me/s) (N . s /m z)

    vx 106 (m2/s)

    Pr g ~ / v 2 x 10 -6 (1/K. m 3)

    373 100 0.5977 2034 0.0249 0.204 12.10 380 107 0.5863 2060 0.0246 0.204 12.71 400 127 0.5542 2.50 2014 0.0261 0.234 13.44 450 177 0.4902 2.22 1980 0.0299 0.307 15.25 500 227 0.4405 2.00 1985 0.0339 0.387 17.04 550 277 0.4005 1.82 1997 0.0379 0.475 18.84 600 327 0.3652 1.67 2026 0.0422 0.573 20.67 650 377 0.3380 1.54 2056 0.0464 0.666 22.47 700 427 0.3140 1.43 2085 0.0505 0.772 24.26 750 477 0.2931 1.33 2119 0.0549 0.883 26.04 800 527 0.2739 1.25 2152 0.0592 1.001 27.86 850 577 0.2579 1.18 2186 0.0637 1.130 29.69

    20.2 21.6 24.2 31.1 38.6 47.0 56.6 66.4 77.2 88.8

    102.0 115.2

    0.987 1.060 1.040 1.010 0.996 0.991 0.986 0.995 1.000 1.005 1.010 1.019

    41.86 22.51 13.16 8.08 5.11 3.43 2.35 1.65 1.18 0.872

    Source: Refs. [1] and [2].

    Table A.7 Properties of Liquid Water at Saturation Pressure: SI Units

    p f l x l 0 4 Cp k c~xl0 6 / z x l 0 6 (K) (~ (kg/m 3) (l/K) 0 /kg .K) (W/m.K) (m2/s) (N . s /m 2)

    vx 106

    (mVs) Pr gf l /v 2 x 10 -9

    (1/K. m 3)

    273 0 999.9 -0.7 4226 0.558 0.131 1794 278 5 1000 - 4206 0.568 0.135 1535 283 10 999.7 0.95 4195 0.577 0.137 1296 288 15 999.1 - 4187 0.585 0.141 1136 293 20 998.2 2.1 4182 0.597 0.143 993 298 25 997.1 - 4178 0.606 0.146 880.6 303 30 995.7 3.0 4176 0.615 0.149 792.4 308 35 994.1 - 4175 0.624 0.150 719.8 313 40 992.2 3.9 4175 0.633 0.151 658.0 318 45 990.2 - 4176 0.640 0.155 605.1 323 50 988.1 4.6 4178 0.647 0.157 555.1 348 75 974.9 - 4190 0.671 0.164 376.6 373 100 958.4 7.5 4211 0.682 0.169 277.5 393 120 943.5 8.5 4232 0.685 0.171 235.4 413 140 926.3 9.7 4257 0.684 0.172 201.0 433 160 907.6 10.8 4285 0.680 0.173 171.6 453 180 886.6 12.1 4396 0.673 0.172 152.0 473 200 862.8 13.5 4501 0.665 0.170 139.3 493 220 837.0 15.2 4605 0.652 0.167 124.5 513 240 809.0 17.2 4731 0.634 0.162 113.8 533 260 779.0 20.0 4982 0.613 0.156 104.9 553 280 750.0 23.8 5234 0.588 0.147 98.07 573 300 712.5 29.5 5694 0.564 0.132 92.18

    1.789 1.535 1.300 1.146 1.006 0.884 0.805 0.725 0.658 0.611 0.556 0.366 0.294 0.244 0.212 0.191 0.173 0.160 0.149 0.141 0.135 0.131 0.128

    13.7 11.4 9.5 8.1 7.0 6.1 5.4 4.8 4.3 3.9 3.55 2.23 1.75 1.43 1.23 1.10 1.01 0.95 0.90 0.86 0.86 0.89 0.98


    0.551 m





    85.09 140.0 211.7 290.3 396.5 517.2 671.4 848.5 1076 1360 1766

    Source: Refs. [1] and [3].

  • A P P E N D I X A /689

    Table A.8 Properties of Saturated Steam and Water: English Units

    Absolute pressure Vacuum Temperature Heat of Latent heat (in. Hg) (~ the liquid of evaporation

    (psi) (in. Hg) (Btu/lb) (Btu/lb)

    Total heat of steam (Btu/lb)

    Specific volume

    Water Steam (ft3/lb) (ft3/lb)

    0.08859 0.02 29.90 32.018 0.0003 1075.5 0.10 0.20 29.72 35.023 3.026 1073.8 0.15 0.31 29.61 45.453 13.498 1067.9 0.20 0.41 29.51 53.160 21.217 1053.5

    0.25 0.51 29.41 59.323 27.382 1060.1 0.30 0.61 29.31 64.484 32.541 1057.1 0.35 0.71 29.21 68.939 36.992 1054.6 0.40 0.81 29.11 72.869 40.917 1052.4 0.45 0.92 29.00 76.387 44.430 1050.5

    0.50 1.02 28.90 79.586 47.623 1048.6 0.60 1.22 28.70 85.218 53.245 1045.5 0.70 1.43 28.49 90.09 58 .10 1042.7 0.80 1.63 28.29 94.38 62.39 1040.3 0.90 1.83 28.09 98.24 66.24 1038.1

    1.0 2.04 27.88 101.74 69 .73 1036.1 1.2 2.44 27.48 107.91 75.90 1032.6 1.4 2.85 27.07 113.26 81 .23 1029.5 1.6 3.26 26.66 117.98 85.95 1026.8 1.8 3.66 26.26 122.22 90.18 1024.3

    2.0 4.07 25.85 126.07 94 .03 1022.1 2.2 4.48 25.44 129.61 97.57 1020.1 2.4 4.89 25.03 132.88 100.84 1018.2 2.6 5.29 24.63 135.93 103.88 1016.4 2.8 5.70 24.22 138.78 106.73 1014.7

    3.0 6.11 23.81 141.47 109.42 1013.2 3.5 7.13 22.79 147.56 115.51 1009.6 4.0 8.14 21.78 152.96 120.92 1006.4 4.5 9.16 20.76 157.82 125.77 1003.5 5.0 10.18 19.74 162.24 130.20 1000.9

    5.5 11.20 18.72 166.29 134.26 998.5 6.0 12.22 17.70 170.05 138.03 996.2 6.5 13.23 16.69 173.56 141.54 994.1 7.0 14.25 15.67 176.84 144.83 992.1 7.5 15.27 14.65 179.93 147.93 990.2

    8.0 16.29 13.63 182.86 150.87 988.5 8.5 17.31 12.61 185.63 153.65 986.8 9.0 18.32 11.60 188.27 156.30 985.1 9.5 19.34 10.58 190.80 158.84 983.6

    10.0 20.36 9.56 193.21 161.26 982.1

    11.0 22.40 7 .52 197.75 165.82 979.3 12.0 24.43 5 .49 201.96 170.05 976.6 13.0 26.47 3.45 205.88 174.00 974.2 14.0 28.50 1 .42 209.56 177.71 971.9

    1075.5 1076.8 1081.4 1084.7

    1087.4 1089.7 1091.6 1093.3 1094.9

    1096.3 1098.7 1100.8 1102.6 1104.3

    1105.8 1108.5 1110.7 1112.7 1114.5

    1116.2 1117.6 1119.0 1120.3 1121.5

    1122.6 1125.1 1127.3 1129.3 1131.1

    1132.7 1134.2 1135.6 1136.9 1138.2

    1139.3 1140.4 1141.4 1142.4 1143.3

    1145.1 1146.7 1148.2 1149.6

    0.016022 3302.4 0.016020 2945.5 0.016020 2004.7 0.016025 1526.3

    0.016032 1235.5 0.016040 1039.7 0.016048 898.6 0.016056 792.1 0.016063 708.8

    0.016071 641.5 0.016085 540.1 0.016099 466.94 0.016112 411.69 0.016124 368.43

    0.016136 333.60 0.016158 280.96 0.016178 243.02 0.016196 214.33 0.016213 191.85

    0.016230 173.76 0.016245 158.87 0.016260 146.40 0.016274 135.80 0.016287 126.67

    0.016300 118.73 0.016331 102.74 0.016358 90.64 0.016384 83.03 0.016407 73.532

    0.016430 67.249 0.016451 61.984 0.016472 57.506 0.016491 53.650 0.016510 50.294

    0.016527 47.345 0.016545 44.733 0.016561 42.402 0.016577 40.310 0.016592 38.420

    0.016622 35.142 0.016650 32.394 0.016676 30.057 0.016702 28.043


  • A/690 A P P E N D I X

    Table A.8 (Continued)

    Pressure (psi)

    Absolute Gage

    Temperature (~

    Heat of the liquid (Btu/lb)

    Latent heat of evaporation (Btu/lb)

    Total heat of steam (Btu/lb)

    Specific volume

    Water (fi-3/lb)

    Steam (ft3/lb)

    14.696 0.0 15.0 0.3 16.0 1.3 17.0 2.3 18.0 3.3 19.0 4.3

    2O.0 5.3 21.0 6.3 22.0 7.3 23.0 8.3 24.0 9.3

    25.0 10.3 26.0 11.3 27.0 12.3 28.0 13.3 29.0 14.3

    30.0 15.3 31.0 16.3 32.0 17.3 33.0 18.3 34.0 19.3

    35.0 20.3 36.0 21.3 37.0 22.3 38.0 23.3 39.0 24.3

    40.0 25.3 41.0 26.3 42.0 27.3 43.0 28.3 44.0 29.3

    45.0 30.3 46.0 31.3 47.0 32.3 48.0 33.3 49.0 34.3

    5O.0 35.3 51.0 36.3 52.0 37.3 53.0 38.3 54.0 39.3

    55.0 40.3 56.0 41.3 57.0 42.3 58.O 43.3 59.0 44.3

    212.00 213.03 216.32 219.44 222.41 225.24

    227.96 230.57 233.07 235.49 237.82

    240.07 242.25 244.36 246.41 248.40

    250.34 252.22 254.05 255.84 257.58

    259.29 260.95 262.58 264.17 265.72

    267.25 268.74 270.21 271.65 273.06

    274.44 275.80 277.14 278.45 279.74

    281.02 282.27 283.50 284.71 285.90

    287.08 288.24 289.38 290.50 291.62

    180.17 181.21 184.52 187.66 190.66 193.52

    196.27 198.90 201.44 203.88 206.24

    208.52 210.7 212.9 214.9 217.0

    218.9 220.8 222.7 224.5 226.3

    228.0 229.7 231.4 233.0 234.6

    236.1 237.7 239.2 240.6 242.1

    243.5 244.9 246.2 247.6 248.9

    250.2 251.5 252.8 254.0 255.2

    256.4 257.6 258.8 259.9 261.1

    970.3 969.7 967.6 965.6 963.7 961.8

    960.1 958.4 956.7 955.1 953.6

    952.1 950.6 949.2 947.9 946.5

    945.2 943.9 942.7 941.5 940.3

    939.1 938.0 936.9 935.8 934.7

    933.6 932.6 931.5 930.5 929.5

    928.6 927.6 926.6 925.7 924.8

    923.9 923.0 922.1 921.2 920.4

    919.5 918.7 917.8 917.0 916.2

    1150.3 1150.9 1152.1 1153.2 1154.3 1155.3

    1156.3 1157.3 1158.1 1159.0 1159.8

    1160.6 1161.4 1162.1 1162.8 1163.5

    1164.1 1164.8 1165.4 1166.0 1166.6

    1167.1 1167.7 1168.2 1168.8 1169.3

    1169.8 1170.2 1170.7 1171.2 1171.6

    1172.0 1172.5 1172.9 1173.3 1173.7

    1174.1 1174.5 1174.9 1175.2 1175.6

    1175.9 1176.3 1176.6 1177.0 1177.3

    0.016719 0.016726 0.016749 0.016771 0.016793 0.016814

    0.016834 0.016854 0.016873 0.016891 0.016909

    0.016927 0.016944 0.016961 0.016977 0.016993

    0.017009 0.017024 0.017039 0.017054 0.017069

    0.017083 0.017097 0.017111 0.017124 0.017138

    0.017151 0.017164 0.017177 0.017189 0.017202

    0.017214 0.017226 0.017238 0.017250 0.017262

    0.017274 0.017285 0.017296 0.017307 0.017319

    0.017329 0.017340 0.017351 0.017362 0.017372

    26.799 26.290 24.750 23.385 22.168 21.074

    20.087 19.190 18.373 17.624 16.936

    16.301 15.7138 15.1684 14.6607 14.1869

    13.7436 13.3280 12.9376 12.5700 12.2234

    11.8959 11.5860 11.2923 11.0136 10.7487

    10.4965 10.2563 10.0272 9.8083 9.5991

    9.3988 9.2070 9.0231 8.8465 8.6770

    8.5140 8.3571 8.2061 8.0606 7.9203

    7.7850 7.6543 7.528O 7.4059 7.2879


  • A P P E N D I X A/691

    Table A.8 (Continued)

    Pressure (psi)

    Absolute Gage

    Temperature (~

    Heat of the liquid (Btu/lb)

    Latent heat of evaporation (Btu/lb)

    Total heat of steam (Btu/lb)

    Specific volume

    Water fft3/lb)

    Steam (ft3/lb)

    60.0 45.3 61.0 46.3 62.0 47.3 63.0 48.3 64.0 49.3

    65.0 50.3 66.0 51.3 67.0 52.3 68.0 53.3 69.0 54.3

    70.0 55.3 71.0 56.3 72.0 57.3 73.0 58.3 74.0 59.3

    75.0 60.3 76.0 61.3 77.0 62.3 78.0 63.3 79.0 64.3

    80.0 65.3 81.0 66.3 82.0 67.3 83.0 68.3 84.0 69.3

    85.0 70.3 86.0 71.3 87.0 72.3 88.0 73.3 89.0 74.3

    90.0 75.3 91.0 76.3 92.0 77.3 93.0 78.3 94.0 79.3

    95.0 80.3 96.0 81.3 97.0 82.3 98.0 83.3 99.0 84.3

    100.0 85.3 101.0 86.3 102.0 87.3 103.0 88.3 104.0 89.3

    292.71 293.79 294.86 295.91 296.95

    297.98 298.99 299.99 300.99 301.96

    302.93 303.89 304.83 305.77 306.69

    307.61 308.51 309.41 310.29 311.17

    312.04 312.90 313.75 314.60 315.43

    316.26 317.08 317.89 318.69 319.49

    320.28 321.06 321.84 322.61 323.37

    324.13 324.88 325.63 326.36 327.10

    327.82 328.54 329.26 329.97 330.67

    262.2 263.3 264.4 265.5 266.6

    267.6 268.7 269.7 270.7 271.7

    272.7 273.7 274.7 275.7 276.6

    277.6 278.5 279.4 280.3 281.3

    282.1 283.0 283.9 284.8 285.7

    286.5 287.4 288.2 289.0 289.9

    290.7 291.5 292.3 293.1 293.9

    294.7 295.5 296.3 297.0 297.8

    298.5 299.3 300.0 300.8 301.5

    915.4 914.6 913.8 913.0 912.3

    911.5 910.8 910.0 909.3 908.5

    907.8 907.1 906.4 905.7 905.0

    904.3 903.6 902.9 902.3 901.6

    900.9 900.3 899.6 899.0 898.3

    897.7 897.0 896.4 895.8 895.2

    894.6 893.9 893.3 892.7 892.1

    891.5 891.0 890.4 889.8 889.2

    888.6 888.1 887.5 886.9 886.4

    1177.6 1177.9 1178.2 1178.6 1178.9

    1179.1 1179.4 1179.7 1180.0 1180.3

    1180.6 1180.8 1181.1 1181.4 1181.6

    1181.9 1182.1 1182.4 1182.6 1182.8

    1183.1 1183.3 1183.5 1183.8 1184.0

    1184.2 1184.4 1184.6 1184.8 1185.0

    1185.3 1185.5 1185.7 1185.9 1186.0

    1186.2 1186.4 1186.6 1186.8 1187.0

    1187.2 1187.3 1187.5 1187.7 1187.9

    0.017383 0.017393 0.017403 0.017413 0.017423

    0.017433 0.017443 0.017453 0.017463 0.017472

    0.017482 0.017491 0.017501 0.017510 0.017519

    0.017529 0.017538 0.017547 0.017556 0.017565

    0.017573 0.017582 0.017591 0.017600 0.017608

    0.017617 0.017625 0.017634 0.017642 0.017651

    0.017659 0.017667 0.017675 0.017684 0.017692

    0.017700 0.017708 0.017716 0.017724 0.017732

    0.017740 0.01775 0.01776 0.01776 0.01777

    7.1736 7.0630 6.9558 6.8519 6.7511

    6.6533 6.5584 6.4662 6.3767 6.2896

    6.2050 6.1226 6.0425 5.9645 5.8885

    5.8144 5.7423 5.6720 5.6034 5.5364

    5.4711 5.4074 5.3451 5.2843 5.2249

    5.1669 5.1101 5.0546 5.0004 4.9473

    4.8953 4.8445 4.7947 4.7459 4.6982

    4.6514 4.6055 4.5606 4.5166 4.4734

    4.4310 4.3895 4.3487 4.3087 4.2695


  • A/692 A P P E N D I X

    Table A.8 (Continued)

    Pressure (psi)

    Absolute Gage

    Temperature (~

    Heat of the liquid (Btu/lb)

    Latent heat of evaporation (Btu/lb)

    Total heat of steam (Btu/lb)

    Specific volume

    Water Steam (ft3/lb) (ff3/lb)

    105.0 90.3 331.37 106.0 91.3 332.06 107.0 92.3 332.75 108.0 93.3 333.44 109.0 94.3 334.11

    110.0 95.3 334.79 111.0 96.3 335.46 112.0 97.3 336.12 113.0 98.3 336.78 114.0 99.3 337.43

    115.0 100.3 338.08 116.0 101.3 338.73 117.0 102.3 339.37 118.0 103.3 340.01 119.0 104.3 340.64

    120.0 105.3 341.27 121.0 106.3 341.89 122.0 107.3 342.51 123.0 108.3 343.13 124.0 109.3 343.74

    125.0 110.3 344.35 126.0 111.3 344.95 127.0 112.3 345.55 128.0 113.3 346.15 129.0 114.3 346.74

    130.0 115.3 347.33 131.0 116.3 347.92 132.0 117.3 348.50 133.0 118.3 349.08 134.0 119.3 349.65

    135.0 120.3 350.23 136.0 121.3 350.79 137.0 122.3 351.36 138.0 123.3 351.92 139.0 124.3 352.48

    140.0 125.3 353.04 141.0 126.3 353.59 142.0 127.3 354.14 143.0 128.3 354.69 144.0 129.3 355.23

    145.0 130.3 355.77 146.0 131.3 356.31 147.0 132.3 356.84 148.0 133.3 357.38 149.0 134.3 357.91

    302.2 303.0 303.7 304.4 305.1

    305.8 306.5 307.2 307.9 308.6

    309.3 309.9 310.6 311.3 311.9

    312.6 313.2 313.9 314.5 315.2

    315.8 316.4 317.1 317.7 318.3

    319.0 319.6 320.2 320.8 321.4

    322.0 322.6 323.2 323.8 324.4

    325.0 325.5 326.1 326.7 327.3

    327.8 328.4 329.0 329.5 330.1

    885.8 885.2 884.7 884.1 883.6

    883.1 882.5 882.0 881.4 880.9

    880.4 879.9 879.3 878.8 878.3

    877.8 877.3 876.8 876.3 875.8

    875.3 874.8 874.3 873.8 873.3

    872.8 872.3 871.8 871.3 870.8

    870.4 869.9 869.4 868.9 868.5

    868.0 867.5 867.1 866.6 866.2

    865.7 865.2 864.8 864.3 863.9

    1188.0 1188.2 1188.4 1188.5 1188.7

    1188.9 1189.0 1189.2 1189.3 1189.5

    1189.6 1189.8 1189.9 1190.1 1190.2

    1190.4 1190.5 1190.7 1190.8 1190.9

    1191.1 1191.2 1191.3 1191.5 1191.6

    1191.7 1191.9 1192.0 1192.1 1192.2

    1192.4 1192.5 1192.6 1192.7 1192.8

    1193.0 1193.1 1193.2 1193.3 1193.4

    1193.5 1193.6 1193.8 1193.9 1194.0

    0.01778 4.2309 0.01779 4.1931 0.01779 4.1560 0.01780 4.1195 0.01781 4.0837

    0.01782 4.0484 0.01782 4.0138 0.01783 3.9798 0.01784 3.9464 0.01785 3.9136

    0.01785 3.8813 0.01786 3.8495 0.01787 3.8183 0.01787 3.7875 0.01788 3.7573

    0.01789 3.7275 0.01790 3.6983 0.01790 3.6695 0.01791 3.6411 0.01792 3.6132

    0.01792 3.5857 0.01793 3.5586 0.01794 3.5320 0.01794 3.5057 0.01795 3.4799

    0.01796 3.4544 0.01797 3.4293 0.01797 3.4046 0.01798 3.3802 0.01799 3.3562

    0.01799 3.3325 0.01800 3.3091 0.01801 3.2861 0.01801 3.2634 0.01802 3.2411

    0.01803 3.2190 0.01803 3.1972 0.01804 3.1757 0.01805 3.1546 0.01805 3.1337

    0.01806 3.1130 0.01806 3.0927 0.01807 3.0726 0.01808 3.0528 0.01808 3.0332


  • A P P E N D I X A / 6 9 3

    Table A.8 (Continued)

    Pressure (psi)

    Absolute Gage

    Temperature (~

    Heat of the liquid (Btu/lb)

    Latent heat of evaporation (Btu/lb)

    Total heat of steam (Btu/lb)

    Specific volume

    Water Steam (ft3/lb) (ft3/lb)

    150.0 135.3 358.43 152.0 137.3 359.48 154.0 139.3 360.51 156.0 141.3 361.53 158.0 143.3 362.55

    160.0 145.3 363.55 162.0 147.3 364.54 164.0 149.3 365.53 166.0 151.3 366.50 168.0 153.3 367.47

    170.0 155.3 368.42 172.0 157.3 369.37 174.0 159.3 370.31 176.0 161.3 371.24 178.0 163.3 372.16

    180.0 165.3 373.08 182.0 167.3 373.98 184.0 169.3 374.88 186.0 171.3 375.77 188.0 173.3 376.65

    190.0 175.3 377.53 192.0 177.3 378.40 194.0 179.3 379.26 196.0 181.3 380.12 198.0 183.3 380.96

    200.0 185.3 381.80 205.0 190.3 383.88 210.0 195.3 385.91 215.0 200.3 387.91 220.0 205.3 389.88

    225.0 210.3 391.80 230.0 215.3 393.70 235.0 220.3 395.56 240.0 225.3 397.39 245.0 230.3 399.19

    250.0 235.3 400.97 255.0 240.3 402.72 260.0 245.3 404.44 265.9 250.3 406.13 270.0 255.3 407.80

    275.0 260.3 409.45 280.0 265.3 411.07 285.0 270.3 412.67 290.0 275.3 414.25 295.0 280.3 415.81

    330.6 331.8 332.8 333.9 335.0

    336.1 337.1 338.2 339.2 340.2

    341.2 342.2 343.2 344.2 345.2

    346.2 347.2 348.1 349.1 35O.O

    350.9 351.9 352.8 353.7 354.6

    355.5 .357.7 359.9 362.1 364.2

    366.2 368.3 370.3 372.3 374.2

    376.1 378.0 379.9 381.7 383.6

    385.4 387.1 388.9 390.6 392.3

    863.4 862.5 861.6 860.8 859.9

    859.0 858.2 857.3 856.5 855.6

    854.8 853.9 853.1 852.3 851.5

    850.7 849.9 849.1 848.3 847.5

    846.7 845.9 845.1 844.4 843.6

    842.8 840.9 839.1 837.2 835.4

    833.6 831.8 830.1 828.4 826.6

    825.0 823.3 821.6 820.0 818.3

    816.7 815.1 813.6 812.0 810.4

    1194.1 1194.3 1194.5 1194.7 1194.9

    1195.1 1195.3 1195.5 1195.7 1195.8

    1196.0 1196.2 1196.4 1196.5 1196.7

    1196.9 1197.0 1197.2 1197.3 1197.5

    1197.6 1197.8 1197.9 1198.1 1198.2

    1198.3 1198.7 1199.0 1199.3 1199.6

    1199.9 1200.1 1200.4 1200.6 1200.9

    1201.1 1201.3 1201.5 1201.7 1201.9

    1202.1 1202.3 1202.4 1202.6 1202.7

    0.01809 3.0139 0.01810 2.9760 0.01812 2.9391 0.01813 2.9031 0.01814 2.8679

    0.01815 2.8336 0.01817 2.8001 0.01818 2.7674 0.01819 2.7355 0.01820 2.7043

    0.01821 2.6738 0.01823 2.6440 0.01824 2.6149 0.01825 2.5864 0.01826 2.5585

    0.01827 2.5312 0.01828 2.5045 0.01830 2.4783 0.01831 2.4527 0.01832 2.4276

    0.01833 2.4030 0.01834 2.3790 0.01835 2.3554 0.01836 2.3322 0.01838 2.3095

    0.01839 2.28728 0.01841 2.23349 0.01844 2.18217 0.01847 2.13315 0.01850 2.08629

    0.01852 2.04143 0.01855 1.99846 0.01857 1.95725 0.01860 1.91769 0.01863 1.87970

    0.01865 1.84317 0.01868 1.80802 0.01870 1.77418 0.01873 1.74157 0.01875 1.71013

    0.01878 1.67978 0.01880 1.65049 0.01882 1.62218 0.01885 1.59482 0.01887 1.56835


  • A / 6 9 4 A P P E N D I X

    Table A.8 (Continued)

    Pressure (psi)

    Absolute Gage

    Temperature (~

    Heat of the liquid (Btu/lb)

    Latent heat of evaporation (Btu/lb)

    Total heat of steam (Btu/lb)

    Specific volume

    Water Steam (ft3/lb) (ft3/lb)

    300.0 285.3 417.35 320.0 305.3 423.31 340.0 325.3 428.99 360.0 345.3 434.41 380.0 365.3 439.61

    400.0 385.3 444.60 420.0 405.3 449.40 440.0 425.3 454.03 460.0 445.3 458.50 480.0 465.3 462.82

    500.0 485.3 467.01 520.0 505.3 471.07 540.0 525.3 475.01 560.0 545.3 478.84 580.0 565.3 482.57

    600.0 585.3 486.20 620.0 605.3 489.74 640.0 625.3 493.19 660.0 645.3 496.57 680.0 665.3 499.86

    700.0 685.3 503.08 720.0 705.3 506.23 740.0 725.3 509.32 760.0 745.3 512.34 780.0 765.3 515.30

    800.0 785.3 518.21 820.0 805.3 521.06 840.0 825.3 523.86 860.0 845.3 526.60 880.0 865.3 529.30

    900.0 885.3 531.95 920.0 905.3 534.56 940.0 925.3 537.13 960.0 945.3 539.65 980.0 965.3 542.14

    1000.0 985.3 544.58 1050.0 1035.3 550.53 1100.0 1085.3 556.28 1150.0 1135.3 561.82 1200.0 1185.3 567.19

    1250.0 1235.3 572.38 1300.0 1285.3 577.42 1350.0 1335.3 582.32 1400.0 1385.3 587.07 1450.0 1435.3 591.70

    394.0 400.5 406.8 412.8 418.6

    424.2 429.6 434.8 439.8 444.7

    449.5 454.2 458.7 463.1 467.5

    471.7 475.8 479.9 483.9 487.8

    491.6 495.4 499.1 502.7 506.3

    5O9.8 513.3 516.7 520.1 523.4

    526.7 530.0 533.2 536.3 539.5

    542.6 550.1 557.5 564.8 571.9

    578.8 585.6 592.2 598.8 605.3

    808.9 802.9 797.0 791.3 785.8

    780.4 775.2 770.0 765.0 760.0

    755.1 750.4 745.7 741.0 736.5

    732.0 727.5 723.1 718.8 714.5

    710.2 706.0 701.9 697.7 693.6

    689.6 685.5 681.5 677.6 673.6

    669.7 665.8 661.9 658.0 654.2

    650.4 640.9 631.5 622.2 613.0

    603.8 594.6 585.6 567.5 567.6

    1202.9 1203.4 1203.8 1204.1 1204.4

    1204.6 1204.7 1204.8 1204.8 1204.8

    1204.7 1204.5 1204.4 1204.2 1203.9

    1203.7 1203.4 1203.0 1202.7 1202.3

    1201.8 1201.4 1200.9 1200.4 1199.9

    1199.4 1198.8 1198.2 1197.7 1197.0

    1196.4 1195.7 1195.1 1194.4 1193.7

    1192.9 1191.0 1189.1 1187.0 1184.8

    1182.6 1180.2 1177.8 1175.3 1172.9

    0.01889 1.54274 0.01899 1.44801 0.01908 1.36405 0.01917 1.28910 0.01925 1.22177

    0.01934 1.16095 0.01942 1.10573 0.01950 1.05535 0.01959 1.00921 0.01967 0.96677

    0.01975 0.92762 0.01982 0.89137 0.01990 0.85771 0.01998 0.82637 0.02006 0.79712

    0.02013 0.76975 0.02021 0.74408 0.02028 0.71995 0.02036 0.69724 0.02043 0.67581

    0.02050 0.65556 0.02058 0.63639 0.02065 0.61822 0.02072 0.60097 0.02080 0.58457

    0.02087 0.56896 0.02094 0.55408 0.02101 0.53988 0.02109 0.52631 0.02116 0.51333

    0.02123 0.50091 0.02130 0.48901 0.02137 0.47759 0.02145 0.46662 0.02152 0.45609

    0.02159 0.44596 0.02177 0.42224 0.02195 0.40058 0.02214 0.38073 0.02232 0.36245

    0.02250 0.34556 0.02269 0.32991 0.02288 0.31536 0.02307 0.30178 0.02327 0.28909


  • A P P E N D I X A /695

    Table A.8 (Continued)

    Pressure (psi)

    Absolute Gage

    Temperature (~

    Heat of the liquid (Btu/lb)

    Latent heat of evaporation (Btu/lb)

    Total heat of steam (Btu/lb)

    Specific volume

    Water Steam (ft3/lb) (ft3/lb)

    1500.0 1485.3 596.20 1600.0 1585.3 604.87 1700.0 1685.3 613.13 1800.0 1785.3 621.02 1900.0 1885.3 628.56

    2000.0 1985.3 635.80 2100.0 2085.3 642.76 2200.0 2185.3 649.45 2300.0 2285.3 655.89 2400.0 2385.3 662.11

    2500.0 2485.3 668.11 2600.0 2585.3 673.91 2700.0 2685.3 679.53 2800.0 2785.3 684.96 2900.0 2885.3 690.22

    3000.0 2985.3 695.33 3100.0 3085.3 700.28 3200.0 3185.3 705.08 3208.2 3193.5 705.47

    611.7 624.2 636.5 648.5 660.4

    672.1 683.8 695.5 707.2 719.0

    731.7 744.5 757.3 770.7 785.1

    801.8 824.0 875.5 906.0

    558.4 540.3 522.2 503.8 485.2

    466.2 446.7 426.7 406.0 384.8

    361.6 337.6 312.3 285.1 254.7

    218.4 169.3 56.1


    1170.1 1164.5 1158.6 1152.3 1145.6

    1138.3 1130.5 1122.2 1113.2 1103.7

    1093.3 1082.0 1069.7 1055.8 1039.8

    1020.3 993.3 931.6 906.0

    0.02346 0.27719 0.02387 0.25545 0.02428 0.23607 0.02472 0.21861 0.02517 0.20278

    0.02565 0.18831 0.02615 0.17501 0.02669 0.16272 0.02727 0.15133 0.02790 0.14076

    0.02859 0.13068 0.02938 0.12110 0.03029 0.11194 0.03134 0.10305 0.03262 0.09420

    0.03428 0.08500 0.03681 0.07452 0.04472 0.05663 0.05078 0.05078

    Source: Ref. [7].

  • A/6








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  • A P P E N D I X A/697

    Table A. 10 Properties of Carbon Dioxide at One Atmosphere

    (K) (oc)

    p flx 103 Cp k ct x 104 # x 106 v x 106 Pr (kg/m 3) (l /K) ( J /kg .K) (W/m. IO (m2/s) ( N . s / m 2) (m2/s)

    gf l /v 2 x 10 -6 ( 1/K. m 3)

    220 -53 2.4733 - 783 0.010805 0.0558 11.105 4.490 0.818 250 -23 2.1657 - 804 0.012884 0.0740 12.590 5.813 0.793 300 27 1.7973 3.33 871 0.016572 0.1059 14.958 8.321 0.770 350 77 1.5362 2.86 900 0.02047 0.1481 17.205 11.19 0.755 400 127 1.3424 2.50 942 0.02461 0.1946 19.32 14.39 0.738 450 177 1.1918 2.22 980 0.02897 0.2480 21.34 17.90 0.721 500 227 1.0732 2.00 1013 0.03352 0.3083 23.26 21.67 0.702 550 277 0.9739 1.82 1047 0.03821 0.3747 25.08 25.74 0.685 600 327 0.8938 1.67 1076 0.04311 0.4483 26.83 30.02 0.668


    472 224 118 67.9 41.8 26.9 18.2

    Source: Refs. [1] and [2].

    Table A. 11 Properties of Ammonia Vapor at Atmospheric Pressure

    T p Cp /~ x 107 v x 106 k x 103 (K) (kg/m 3) (J /kg. K) (N. s /m 2) (m2/s) (W/m. K)

    oe 10 6 (m2/s)


    300 0.6894 2158 101.5 14.7 24.7 320 0.6448 2170 109 16.9 27.2 340 0.6059 2192 116.5 19.2 29.3 360 0.5716 2221 124 21.7 31.6 380 0.5410 2254 131 24.2 34.0

    400 0.5136 2287 138 26.9 37.0 420 0.4888 2322 145 29.7 40.4 440 0.4664 2357 152.5 32.7 43.5 460 0.4460 2393 159 35.7 46.3 480 0.4273 2430 166.5 39.0 49.2

    500 0.4101 2467 173 42.2 52.5 520 0.3942 2504 180 45.7 54.5 540 0.3795 2540 186.5 49.1 57.5 560 0.3708 2577 193 52.0 60.6 580 0.3533 2613 199.5 56.5 63.8

    16.6 19.4 22.1 24.9 27.9

    31.5 35.6 39.6 43.4 47.4

    51.9 55.2 59.7 63.4 69.1

    0.887 0.870 0.872 0.872 0.869

    0.853 0.833 0.826 0.822 0.822

    0.813 0.827 0.824 0.827 0.817

    Source: Refs. [91 and [10].

  • A / 6 9 8 A P P E N D I X

    Table A. 12 Properties of Saturated Liquid Freon 12 (C CI2 F2)

    09 (oc)

    p BxlO 3 Cp k o~xlO 8 /xxlO 4 (kg/m 3) (l/K) (J/kg. K) (W/m. K) (m2/s) (N. s /m 2)

    v x l 0 6 Pr (m2/s)

    g~ /v 2 x 10 -10 (1/K. m 3)

    223 -50 1547 233 -40 1519 243 -30 1490 253 -20 1461 263 -10 1429 273 0 1397 283 10 1364 293 20 1330 303 30 1295 313 40 1257 323 50 1216



    875.0 0.067 5.01 4.796 0.310 884.7 0.069 5.14 4.238 0.279 895.6 0.069 5.26 3.770 0.253 907.3 0.071 5.39 3.433 0.235 920.3 0.073 5.50 3.158 0.221 934.5 0.073 5.57 2.990 0.214 949.6 0.073 5.60 2.769 0.203 965.9 0.073 5.60 2.633 0.198 983.5 0.071 5.60 2.512 0.194

    1001.9 0.069 5.55 2.401 0.191 1021.6 0.067 5.45 2.310 0.190

    6.2 5.4 4.8 4.4 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5



    Source: Refs. [1] and [2].

  • AP











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  • A/700 A P P E N D I X

    Table A. 14 Properties of Selected Saturated Liquids

    T p Cp /z 10 z v x 106 (Ix') (kg/m 3) 00 /kg . K) (N. s /m z) (m2/s)

    k 103 (W/m. K)

    ot 107 (mZ/s)

    Pr fix 103 (K -1)

    Engine oil (unused) 273 899.1 1.796 385 4280 147 280 895.3 1.827 217 2430 144 290 890.0 1.868 99.9 1120 145 300 884.1 1.909 48.6 550 145 310 877.9 1.951 25.3 288 145 320 871.8 1.993 14.1 161 143 330 865.8 2.035 8.36 96.6 141 340 859.9 2.076 5.31 61.7 139

    350 853.9 2.118 3.56 41.7 138 360 847.8 2.161 2.52 29.7 138 370 841.8 2.206 1.86 22.0 137 380 836.0 2.250 1.41 16.9 136 390 830.6 2.294 1.10 13.3 135

    400 825.1 2.337 0.874 10.6 134 410 818.9 2.381 0.698 8.52 133 420 812.1 2.427 0.564 6.94 133 430 806.5 2.471 0.470 5.83 132

    Ethylene glycol [C2H4 (OH)2] 273 1130.8 2.294 6.51 57.6 280 1125.8 2.323 4.20 37.3 290 1118.8 2.368 2.47 22.1

    300 1114.4 2.415 1.57 14.1 310 1103.7 2.460 1.07 9.65 320 1096.2 2.505 0.757 6.91 330 1089.5 2.549 0.561 5.15 340 1083.8 2.592 0.431 3.98

    350 1079.0 2.637 0.342 3.17 360 1074.0 2.682 0.278 2.59 370 1066.7 2.728 0.228 2.14 373 1058.5 2.742 0.215 2.03

    Glycerin [C3H5 (OH)3] 273 1276.0 2.261 1060 8310 280 1271.9 2.298 534 4200 290 1265.8 2.367 185 1460 300 1259.9 2.427 79.9 634 310 1253.9 2.490 35.2 281 320 1247.2 2.564 21.0 168

    242 244 248

    252 255 258 260 261

    261 261 262 263

    282 284 286 286 286 287

    0.910 0.880 0.872 0.859 0.847 0.823 0.800 0.779

    0.763 0.753 0.738 0.723 0.709

    0.695 0.682 0.675 0.662

    0.933 0.933 0.936

    0.939 0.939 0.940 0.936 0.929

    0.917 0.906 0.900 0.906

    0.977 0.972 0.955 0.935 0.916 0.897

    47,000 27,500 12,900

    6400 3400 1965 1205 793

    546 395 300 233 187

    152 125 103 88

    617 400 236

    151 103 73.5 55.0 42.8

    34.6 28.6 23.7 22.4

    85,000 43,200 15,300

    6780 3060 1870

    0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70

    0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70

    0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70

    0.65 0.65 0.65

    0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65

    0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65

    0.47 0.47 0.48 0.48 0.49 0.50

    Source: Refs. [2] and [9].

  • A P P E N D I X A/701

    Table A. 15 Thermal Conductivities of Liquids

    Liquid T (o F) k (Btu/h 9 ft. ~ F)

    Acetic acid 100% 68 0.099 Acetic acid 50% 68 0.20 Acetone 86 0.102

    167 0.095 Allyl alcohol 77-86 0.104 Ammonia 5-86 0.29 Ammonia, aqueous 26% 68 0.261

    140 0.29 Amyl acetate 50 0.083 Amyl alcohol (n-) 86 0.094

    212 0.089 Amyl alcohol (iso-) 86 0.088

    167 0.087 Aniline 32-68 0.100

    Benzene 86 0.092 140 0.087

    Bromobenzene 86 0.074 212 0.070

    Butyl acetate (n-) 77-86 0.085 Butyl alcohol (n-) 86 0.097

    167 0.095 Butyl alcohol (iso-) 50 0.091

    Calcium chloride brine 30% 86 0.32

    15% 86 0.34 Carbon disulfide 86 0.093

    167 0.088 32 0.107

    154 0.094 50 0.083 86 0.080 86 0.078

    140 0.079

    86 0.085 140 0.083

    Carbon tetrachloride

    Chlorobenzene Chloroform Cymene (para-)

    Decane (n-)

    Dichlorodi- fluoromethane

    Dichloroethane Dichloromethane

    Ethyl acetate Ethyl alcohol 100% Ethyl alcohol 80% Ethyl alcohol 60%

    20 60

    100 140 180 122

    5 86

    68 68 68 68

    0.057 0.053 0.048 0.043 0.038 0.082 0.111 0.096

    0.101 0.105 0.137 0.176

    Liquid T(~ k(Btu/h, ft. ~

    Ethyl alcohol 40% Ethyl alcohol 20% Ethyl alcohol 100% Ethyl benzene

    Ethyl bromide Ethyl ether

    Ethyl iodide

    Ethylene glycol

    Gasoline Glycerol 100% Glycerol 80% Glycerol 60% Glycerol 40% Glycerol 20% Glycerol 100%

    Heptane (n-) 86 140

    Hexane (n-) 86 140

    Heptyl alcohol (n-) 86 167

    Hexyl alcohol (n-) 86 167

    Kerosene 68 167

    Mercury 82 Methyl alcohol 100% 68 Methyl alcohol 80% 68 Methyl alcohol 60% 68 Methyl alcohol 40% 68 Methyl alcohol 20% 68 Methyl alcohol 100% 122 Methyl alcohol chloride 5


    Nitrobenzene 86 212

    Nitromethane 86 140

    Nonane (n-) 86 140

    Octane (n-) 86 140

    68 0.224 68 0.281

    122 0.087 86 0.086

    140 0.082 68 0.070 86 0.080

    167 0.078 104 0.064 167 0.063 32 0.153

    86 0.078 68 0.164 68 0.189 68 0.220 68 0.259 68 0.278

    212 0.164

    0.081 0.079 0.080 0.078 0.094 0.091 0.093 0.090

    0.086 0.081

    4.83 0.124 0.154 0.190 0.234 0.284 0.114 0.111 0.089

    0.095 0.038 0.125 0.120 0.084 0.082

    0.083 0.081


  • A/702 APPENDIX

    TableA.15 (Continued)


    Oils Oils, castor

    Oils, Olive


    Pentane (n-)

    Perchloroethylene Petroleum ether

    Propyl alcohol (n-)

    Propyl alcohol (iso-)


    Sodium chloride brine 25.0%



    86 68

    212 68


    86 212

    86 167 122 86

    167 86

    167 86


    212 410

    k(Btu/h 9 ft. ~

    86 86

    0.079 0.104 0.100 0.097 0.095

    0.084 0.078 0.078 0.074 0.092 0.075 0.073 0.099 0.095 0.091 0.090

    49 46

    0.33 0.34


    Sulfuric acid 90% Sulfuric acid 60% Sulfuric acid 30% Sulfur dioxide


    fl-Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Turpentine



    Xylene (ortho-) Xylene (meta-)


    86 86 86

    5 86

    86 167 122 122 59


    32 100 200 300 420 620

    68 68

    k(Btu/h 9 ft. ~

    0.21 0.25 0.30 0.128 0.111

    0.086 0.084 0.077 0.080 0.074


    0.343 0.363 0.393 0.395 0.376 0.275

    0.090 0.090

    Source: Ref. [11].

  • A P P E N D I X A/703

    Table A. 16 Thermal Conductivities of Tubing Materials

    Material k (Btu/h. ft. ~

    Carbon steel 24-30 304 Stainless steel 8.6-12 309 Stainless steel 29 310 Stainless steel 7.3-11 316 and 317 Stainless steel 7.7-12

    321 and 347 Stainless steel 8-12 25Cr-12Ni Steel 6.5-10 22Cr-5Ni-3Mo Steel 9.5 3.5Ni Steel 23.5 Carbon-0.5Mo Steel 25

    1.0 & 1.25Cr-0.5Mo Steel 21.5 2.25Cr-l.0Mo Steel 21 5Cr-0.5Mo Steel 16.9-19 12Cr & 13Cr Steel 15.3 15Cr Steel 14.4

    17Cr Steel 13 Nickel alloy 200 38.5 Nickel alloy 400 12.6-15 Incone1600 9 Incone1625 7.5-9

    Material k (Btu/h. ft. ~

    Incone1800 6.7-8 Incone1825 7.2 Hastelloy B 6.1-9 Hastelloy C 5.9-10 Alloy 904L 7.5-9

    Alloy 28 6.5-9 Cr-Mo Alloy XM-27 11.3 Alloy 20CB 7.6 Copper 225 90-10 Cu-Ni 30

    70-30 Cu-Ni 18 Admirality brass 64-75 Naval brass 71-74 Muntz metal (60Cu-40Zn) 71 Aluminum bronze 71

    A1-Ni Bronze 72 Aluminum alloy 3003 102-106 Aluminum alloy 6061 96-102 Titanium 11.5-12.7 Zirconium 12

    This table lists typical values of thermal conductivity that can be used to estimate the thermal resistance of tube and pipe walls. These values may not be appropriate for operation at very high or very low temperatures.

  • A/704 A P P E N D I X

    Table .4.17 Latent Heats of Vaporization of Organic Compounds

    Formula Temperature (~ X (cal./g)

    Hydrocarbon compounds Paraffins

    Methane Ethane Propane


    2-Methylpropane (isobutane)


    2-Methylbutane (isopentane)

    2,2-Dimethylpropane (neopentane)

















    CH4 C2H6 C3H8






















    -161.6 -88.9

    25 -42.1

    25 -0.50 25

    -11.72 25 36.08 25 27.86 25

    9.45 25 68.74 25 60.27 25 63.28 25 49.74 25 57.99 25 98.43 25 90.05 25 91.95 25 93.47 25 79.20 25 89.79 25 80.51 25 86.06 25 80.88 25

    125.66 25


    121.87 116.87 81.76

    101.76 86.63 92.09 78.63 87.56 87.54 85.38 81.47 80.97 72.15 75.37 87.50 80.48 82.83 76.89 83.96 78.42 76.79 73.75 80.77 76.53 87.18 76.45 83.02 73.4 83.68 74.1 84.02 74.3 77.36 69.7 81.68 72.9 78.44 70.9 78.76 70.6 76.42 69.3 86.80 73.19 83.02 70.3


  • A P P E N D I X A/705

    TableA.17 (Continued)










    Formula Temperature (~
























    25 118.92 25

    117.71 25

    118.53 25

    106.84 25

    115.60 25

    109.43 25

    109.10 25

    111.97 25

    117.72 25

    115.65 25

    118.26 25

    109.84 25

    99.24 25

    114.76 25

    113.47 106.30

    Alkyl benzenes Benzene C6H6








    Methylbenzene (toluene)


    1,2-Dimethylbenzene (o-xylene)

    1,3-Dimethylbenzene (m-xylene)

    1,4-Dimethylbenzene (p-xylene)



    25 80.10 25

    110.62 25

    136.19 25

    144.42 25

    139.10 25

    138.35 25

    159.22 25



    83.35 71.3 83.01 70.91 82.95 71.7 78.02 67.7 81.17 70.2 79.02 68.5 79.21 68.6 78.54 68.5 81.55 70.2 80.60 69.7 79.49 69.3 77.24 67.3 73.50 64.87 77.87 68.1 78.90 68.37 66.2

    103.57 94.14 98.55 86.8 95.11 81.0 97.79 82.9 96.03 82.0 95.40 81.2 91.93 76.0 89.77 74.6


  • A / 7 0 6 A P P E N D I X

    TableA.17 (Continued)





    1,2 , 3-Trim e th yl be nze n e

    1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (pseudocumene)

    1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene (mesitylene)

    Alkyl cyclopentanes Cyclopentane










    cis- l,2-Dimethylcyclopentane



    Alkyl cyclohexanes Cyclohexane













    cis- l,3-Dimethylcyclohexane

    tra ns- l,3-Dimethylcyclo hexane


    tra ns- l , 4-Dimethylcyclo hexane











    Temperature (~

    25 165.15 25

    161.30 25

    162.05 25

    176.15 25

    169.25 25


    25 49.26 25 71.81 25

    103.45 25 87.5 25 99.3 25 91.9 25 90.8

    25 80.74 25

    100.94 25

    131.79 25

    119.50 25

    129.73 25

    123.42 25

    124.45 25

    120.09 25

    124.32 25


    ~. (cal./g)

    94.9 77.3 93.3 76.6 92.7 76.4 97.56 79.6 95.33 78.0 94.40 77.6

    97.1 93.1 89.83 83.2 88.6 78.3 82.5 74.6 86.4 77.0 83.9 75.5 83.6 75.3

    93.81 85.6 86.07 76.9 86.21 73.7 80.9 70.7 84.59 72.9 81.70 71.1 83.49 72.1 81.42 70.9 83.13 71.9 80.67 70.4


  • APPENDIX A/707

    TableA.17 (Continued)

    Monoolefins Ethene (ethylene) Propene (propylene) 1-Butene




    2-Methylpropene (isobutene)

    C2H4 C3H6 C4H8




    Temperature (~

    Non-hydrocarbon compounds

    -103.71 -47.70

    25 -6.25 25

    3.72 25 0.88

    25 -6.90

    Acetal Acetaldehyde Acetic acid

    Acetic anhydride Acetone

    Acetonitrile Acetophenone Acetyl chloride Air Allyl alcohol Amyl alcohol (n-) Amyl alcohol (t-) Amyl amine (n-) Amyl bromide (n-) Amyl ether (n-) Amyl iodide (n-) Amyl methyl ketone (n-) Amylene Anethole (p-) Aniline

    Benzaldehyde Benzonitrile Benzyl alcohol Butyl acetate (n-) Butyl alcohol (n-) Butyl alcohol (s-) Butyl alcohol (t-)

    C6H1402 C2H40 C2H402

    C4H603 C3H60

    C2H3N C8H80 C3H3CIO

    C3H60 C5H11OH C5HIIOH C5Hx3N C5Hx1Br CloH220 C5HllI C7H140 C5Hlo CloH120 C6H7N

    C7H60 C7H5N C7H80 C6H1202 C4HloO C4HloO C4HloO

    102.9 21

    118.3 140 220 321 137

    0 20 40 60 8O

    100 235 8O

    203.7 51

    96 131 102 95

    129 170 155 149.2 12.5

    232 183

    179 189 204.3 124 116.8 98.1 83

    x (cal./g)

    115.39 104.62 86.8 93.36 94.5 99.46 91.8 96.94 87.7 94.22

    66.18 136.17 96.75 94.37 81.23

    0 92.2

    134.74 131.87 128.05 123.51 118.26 112.76

    0 173.68 77.16 78.84 51.0

    163.41 120.17 105.83 98.67 48.26 69.52 47.54 82.66 75.01 71.43


    86.48 87.68

    112.28 73.82

    141.26 134.38 130.44


  • A/708 A P P E N D I X


    TableA.17 (Continued)

    Butyl formate Butyl methyl ketone (n-) Butyl propionate (n-) Butyric acid (n-) Butyronitrile (n-) Bromobenzene

    Capronitrile Carbon disulfide

    Carbon tetrachloride

    Carvacrol Chloral Chloral hydrate Chlorobenzene Chloroethyl alcohol (2-) Chloroethyl acetate (fl-) Chloroform

    Chlorotoluene (o-) Chlorotoluene (p-) Cresol (m-) Cyanogen Cyanogen chloride Cyclohexanol Cycohexyl chloride

    Dichloroacetic acid Dichlorodifluormethane Diethylamine Diethylamine carbonate

    C4HloO2 C6H120 C7H1402 C4H802 C4H7N C6H5Br C6H11N CS2


    CloH140 C2HC130 C2H3C1302 C6H5C1 C2H5C10 C4H7C102 CHC13

    C7H7C1 C7H7C1 C7H80 (CN)2 CNC1 C6H120 C6H11C1

    C2H2C1202 CCI2F2 C4HnN C5HloO3

    Temperature (~

    105.1 127 144.9 163.5 117.4 155.9

    156 0

    46.25 100 140

    0 76.75

    2OO 237

    96 130.6 126.5 141.5

    0 4O 61.5

    100 26O 158.1 160.4 202

    0 13

    161.1 142.0

    194.4 -29.8 58

    126 101 185 134 193 9O

    143.5 108

    0.0 78.3 15

    213 38.4

    Diethylamine ketone Diethylamine oxalate Di-isobutylamine Dimethyl aniline Dimethyl carbonate Dipropyl ketone Dipropylamine (n-)

    Ethyl acetate Ethyl alcohol Ethylamine Ethyl benzoate Ethyl bromide

    C5HloO C6HloO4 CsH19N CsHnN C3H603 C7HuO C6H15N

    C4H802 C2H60 C2H7N C9HloO2 C2H5Br

    x (caL/~)

    86.74 82.42 71.74

    113.96 114.91 57.60

    88.15 89.35 84.09 75.49 67.37 52.06 46.42 32.73 68.09 53.99

    131.87 77.59

    122.94 80.75 64.74 60.92 59.01 55.19 0

    72.63 73.13

    100.58 102.97 134.98 108.22 74.78

    77.16 4O.40 91.02 73.10 90.78 67.61 65.70 80.75 88.15 75.73 75.73

    102.01 204.26 145.97 64.50 59.92


  • A P P E N D I X A /709

    Table A. 17 (Continued)

    Ethyl butyrate (n-) Ethyl caprylate Ethyl chloride

    Ethylene bromide Ethylene chloride

    Ethylene glycol Ethylene oxide Ethyl ether Ethyl formate Ethyl iodide Ethylidine chloride

    Ethyl isobutyl ether Ethyl isobutyrate Ethyl isovalerate Ethyl methyl ketone

    Formula Temperature (~

    C6H1202 CloH2oO2 C2H5C1

    C2H4Br2 C2H4C12

    C2H602 C2H40 C4H100 C3H602 C2H5I C2H4C12

    C6H140 C6H1202 C7H1402 C4H80

    118.9 207

    4.7 15.0 20.0 25.0

    130.8 0

    82.3 197 13 34.6 53.3 71.2 0.0

    60 79.0

    109.2 144 78.2

    182 227 97.6 60 98

    101 31


    176 173 20

    143.6 130.2 169 123 168 161 187 115.3 106.9 157 97

    169 148 137 169 154 82.3

    Ethyl methyl ketoxime Ethyl nonylate Ethyl propionate Ethyl propyl ether Ethyl valerate (n-)

    Formic acid Furane Furfural

    Heptyl alcohol (n-) Hexylmethyl ketone Hydrogen cyanide

    Isoamyl acetate Isoamyl alcohol Isoamyl butyrate (n-) Isoamyl formate Isoamyl isobutyrate Isoamyl propionate Isoamyl valerate (n-) Isobutyl acetate Isobutyl alcohol Isobutyl butyrate (n-) Isobutyl formate Isobutyl isovalerate Isobutyl isobutyrate Isobutyl propionate Isobutyl valerate (n-) Isobutyric acid Isopropyl alcohol

    C4H9NO CllH2202 C5HloO2 C5H120 C7H1402 CH202 C4H40 C5H402 C7H160 C8H160 HCN

    C7H1402 C5H120 C9H1802 C6H1202 C9H1802 C8H1602 CloH2002 C6H1202 C4H100 C8H1602 C5HloO2 C9H1802 C8H1602 C7H1402 C9H1802 C4H802 C3H80

    k (cal./g)

    74.68 60.44 92.93 92.45 92.22 91.98 46.23 85.29 77.33

    191.12 138.56 83.85 97.18 45.61 76.69 67.13 74.78 72.05 67.85

    105.93 115.87 58.05 80.08 82.66 77.16

    119.93 95.32


    104.88 74.06


    69.04 119.78 61.88 73.58 57.57 65.22 56.14 73.75

    138.08 64.50 78.50 60.44 63.31 65.94 57.81

    111.57 159.35


  • A/710 APPENDIX

    TableA.17 (Continued)

    Isopropyl methyl ketone Isovaleric acid


    Mesityl oxide Methyl acetate

    Methylal Methyl alcohol

    Formula Temperature (~

    C5H100 C5H1002 C10H16 C6H100 C3H602

    C3H802 CH40

    92 176.3


    128 0.0

    56.3 42 0

    64.7 100 160 200 220 240 149.2 194 127 102.6 -23.8 15.0 20.0 25.0 78.2

    182 31.3

    173 42 91.1 92

    116 153 79.0


    218 210 99.9

    196 180

    153 129 106 139.3 97

    100.4 97.2

    143.6 80.0

    Methyl amyl ketone (n-) Methyl aniline Methyl butyl ketone (n-) Methyl butyrate (n-) Methyl chloride

    C7H140 CTH9N C6H1202 C5HloO2 CH3C1

    C4H80 C4H9NO C2H402 C8H160 CH3I C5HloO2 C5HloO

    Methyl ethyl ketone Methyl ethyl ketoxime Methyl formate Methyl hexyl ketone Methyl iodide Methyl isobutyrate Methyl isopropyl ketone Methyl isovalerate Methyl phenyl ether Methyl propionate Methyl valerate (n-)

    Naphthalene Nitrobenzene Nitromethane

    Octyl alcohol (n-) Octyl alcohol (dl-) (sec-)

    Phenyl methyl ether Picoline (~-) Piperidine Propionic acid Propionitrile Propyl acetate (n-) Propyl alcohol (n-) Prowl butyrate (n-) Propyl formate (n-)

    C6H1202 C7H80 C4H802 C6H1202 CloH8 C6H5NO2 CH3NO2 C8H180 C8H180

    C7H80 C6H7N C5HllN C3H6Oe C3HsN C5H1002 C3H80 C7H1402 C4H802

    x (r

    89.83 101.05


    85.77 113.96 98.09 89.83

    284.29 262.79 241.29 193.51 148.12 109.89

    0 82.66 95.56 82.42 79.79

    102.25 96.04 95.32 94.60

    105.93 115.87 112.35 74.06 45.87 78.12 89.83 72.39 81.46 87.56 70.00

    75.49 79.08


    97.47 94.37

    81.46 90.78 89.35 98.81

    134.26 80.27

    164.36 68.33 88.13


  • A P P E N D I X A/711

    TableA.17 (Continued)

    Formula Temperature (~

    Propyl isobutyrate (n-) Propyl isovalerate (nO Propyl propionate (nO Pyridine


    Tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2-) Tetrachloroethylene Toluidine (o-) Trichloroethylene

    Valeronitfile (n-)

    C7H1402 C8H1602 C6H1202 CsHsN


    C2H2C14 C2Ch C7H9N C2HC13


    134 156 120.6 114.1


    145 120.7 198 85.7


    x (cal./g)

    63.79 64.50 73.15



    55.07 50.05 95.08 57.24


  • A / 7 1 2 A P P E N D I X

    Temperature o C

    200 --


    180 --

    170 --

    o F

    - 390 ~" 380 - 370 " 360 - 350 - 340 - 330

    160 --- 320 m

    150 - -

    140 -

    130 --

    120 - -

    110 "-

    1 0 0 - - "

    9 0 - -



    40 -- m

    3 0 - -

    2 0 -

    1 0 - - a

    0" - -

    - 1 0 -

    . ,

    - 2 0 -

    - 3 0 -

    " 310

    - " 300 - 2 9 0

    - 280

    - 270

    - 260

    9 - 250

    " 240

    - 230

    - 220

    - 210

    - - 200

    9 " 190





    " 140

    - 130



    - - 100

    - 90

    " 8 0

    - 7 0

    - 6 0

    - 5 0

    - 4 0

    - 3 0

    - 2 0

    - 10

    . - 0

    - - 1 0

    " - 2 0
















    o o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



    Figure A. 1 Viscosities of liquids at atmospheric pressure (Source: Ref. [11]).

    18 20

    Viscosity (cp)

    100 90 80 70







    9 8 7




    1 0.9 0.8 0.7







  • APPENDIX A/713

    Table A. 18 Coordinates to be Used with Figure A. 1

    Liquid X Y

    Acetaldehyde 15.2 4.8 Acetic acid, 100% 12.1 14.2 Acetic acid, 70% 9.5 17.0 Acetic anhydride 12.7 12.8 Acetone, 100% 14.5 7.2 Acetone, 35% 7.9 15.0 Acetonitrile 14.4 7.4 Acrylic acid 12.3 13.9 Ally1 alcohol 10.2 14.3 Ally1 bromide 14.4 9.6 Allyl iodide 14.0 11.7 Ammonia, 100% 12.6 2.0 Ammonia, 26% 10.1 13.9 Amy1 acetate 11.8 12.5 Amy1 alcohol 7.5 18.4 Aniline 8.1 18.7 Anisole 12.3 13.5 Arsenic trichloride 13.9 14.5 Benzene 12.5 10.9 Brine, CaCL2, 25% 6.6 15.9 Brine, NaC1, 25% 10.2 16.6 Bromine 14.2 13.2 Bromotolu ene 20.0 15.9 Butyl acetate 12.3 11.0 Butyl acrylate 11.5 12.6 Butyl alcohol 8.6 17.2 Butyric acid 12.1 15.3 Carbon dioxide 11.6 0.3 Carbon disulfide 16.1 7.5 Carbon tetrachloride 12.7 13.1 Chlorobenzene 12.3 12.4 Chloroform 14.4 10.2 Chlorosulfonic acid 11.2 18.1 Chlorotoluene, ortho 13.0 13.3 Chlorotoluene, meta 13.3 12.5 Chlorotoluene, para 13.3 12.5 Cresol, meta 2.5 20.8 Cyclohexanol 2.9 24.3 Cyclohexane 9.8 12.9 Dibromomethane 12.7 15.8 Dichloroethane 13.2 12.2 Dichloromethane 14.6 8.9 Diethyl ketone 13.5 9.2 Diethyl oxalate 11.0 16.4 Diethylene glycol 5.0 24.7 Diphenyl 12.0 18.3 Dipropyl ether 13.2 8.6 Dipropyl oxalate 10.3 17.7 Ethyl acetate 13.7 9.1 Ethyl acrylate 12.7 10.4 Ethyl alcohol, 100% 10.5 13.8

    Liquid X Y

    Ethyl alcohol, 95% 9.8 14.3 Ethyl alcohol, 40% 6.5 16.6 Ethyl benzene 13.2 11.5 Ethyl bromide 14.5 8.1 2-Ethyl butyl acrylate 11.2 14.0 Ethyl chloride 14.8 6.0 Ethyl ether 14.5 5.3 Ethyl formate 14.2 8.4 2-Ethyl hexyl acrylate 9.0 15.0 Ethyl iodide 14.7 10.3 Ethyl propionate 13.2 9.9 Ethyl propyl ether 14.0 7.0 Ethyl sulfide 13.8 8.9 Ethylene bromide 11.9 15.7 Ethylene chloride 12.7 12.2 Ethylene glycol 6.0 23.6 Ethylidene chloride 14.1 8.7 Fluorobenzene 13.7 10.4 Formic acid 10.7 15.8 Freon-ll 14.4 9.0 Freon-12 16.8 15.6 Freon-21 15.7 7.5 Freon-22 17.2 4.7 Freon-ll3 12.5 11.4 Glycerol, 100% 2.0 30.0 Glycerol, 50% 6.9 19.6 Heptane 14.1 8.4 Hexane 14.7 7.0 Hydrochloric acid, 31.5% 13.0 16.6 Iodobenzene 12.8 15.9 Isobutyl alcohol 7.1 18.0 Isobutyric acid 12.2 14.4 Isopropyl alcohol 8.2 16.0 IsopropyI bromide 14.1 9.2 Isopropyl chloride 13.9 7.1 Isopropyl iodide 13.7 11.2 Kerosene 10.2 16.9 Linseed oil, raw 7.5 27.2 Mercury 18.4 16.4 Methanol, 100% 12.4 10.5 Methanol, 90% 12.3 11.8 Methanol, 40% 7.8 15.5 Methyl acetate 14.2 8.2 Methyl acrylate 13.0 9.5 Methyl i-butyrate 12.3 9.7 Methyl n-butyrate 13.2 10.3 Methyl chloride 15.0 3.8 Methyl ethyl ketone 13.9 8.6 Methyl formate 14.2 7.5 Methyl iodide 14.3 9.3 Methyl propionate 13.5 9.0


  • A/714 APPENDIX

    TableA.18 (Continued)


    Methyl propyl ketone Methyl sulfide Napthalene Nitric acid, 95% Nitric acid, 60% Nitrobenzene Nitrogen dioxide Nitrotoluene Octane Octyl alcohol Pentachloroethane Pentane Phenol Phosphorus tribromide Phosphorus trichloride


    14.3 15.3 7.9

    12.8 10.8 10.6 12.9 11.0 13.7 6.6

    10.9 14.9 6.9

    13.8 16.2


    9.5 6.4

    18.1 13.8 17.0 16.2 8.6

    17.0 10.0 21.1 17.3 5.2

    20.8 16.7 10.9


    Sodium hydroxide, 50% Stannic chloride Succinonitrile Sulfur dioxide Sulfuric acid, 110% Sulfuric acid, 100% Sulfuric acid, 98% Sulfuric acid, 60% Sulfuryl chloride Tetrachloroethane Thiophene Titanium tetrachloride Toluene Trichloroethylene Triethylene glycol Turpentine Vinyl acetate Vinyl toluene Water Xylene, ortho Xylene, meta Xylene, para


    Propionic acid Propyl acetate Propyl alcohol Propyl bromide Propyl chloride Prowl formate Prowl iodide Sodium

    Source: Ref. [11].

    12.8 13.1 9.1

    14.5 14.4 13.1 14.1 16.4

    13.8 10.3 16.5 9.6 7.5 9.7

    11.6 13.9

    3.2 13.5 10.1 15.2 7.2 8.0 7.0

    10.2 15.2 11.9 13.2 14.4 13.7 14.8 4.7

    11.5 14.0 13.4 10.2 13.5 13.9 13.9


    25.8 12.8 20.8

    7.1 27.4 25.1 24.8 21.3 12.4 15.7 11.0 12.3 10.4 10.5 24.8 14.9 8.8

    12.0 13.0 12.1 10.6 10.9

  • A P P E N D I X A/715


    o C

    -100 - -


    0 - - -

    o F

    --" -100


    "--- 0

    - ' - - 1 0 0

    - - 200 100 ---

    - - - - 300


    2 0 0 - - - - - - 400 - . .

    300 - -

    400 -


    600 - -

    700 - -

    800 - -

    900 ---


    - - 600

    - - 700

    - - 800

    - 900

    - - 1000

    - - 1100


    - - - 1300 . , , - - .

    ---- 1400

    - - - 1500

    ---- 1600

    - - 1700 m

    100o -...- " " 18oo








    0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

    Viscosity (cp)

    - '-- 0,1

    "-- 0.09


    0.08 i

    --- 0.07

    =- 0.06




    - - 0 . 0 3


    r m


    0 . 0 2

    - - - 0.01

    - " 0.009

    - - 0.008

    - - 0.007

    --- 0.006

    " 0.005


    'i 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    10 11 12 13 14


    Acetic acid Acetone Acetylene Air Ammonia Argon Benzene Bromine Butene Butylene Carbon dioxide Carbon disulfide

    X Y No.

    7.7 14.3 15 8.9 13.0 16 9.8 14.9 17

    11.0 20.0 18 8.4 16.0 19

    10.5 22.4 20 8.5 13.2 21 8.9 19.2 22 9.2 13.7 23 8.9 13.0 24 9.5 18.7 25 8.0 16.0 26

    Carbon monoxide 11.0 20.0 27 Chlorine 9.0 118.4 28

    Gas X Y No.

    Chloroform Cyanogen Cyclohexane Ethane Ethyl acetate Ethyl alcohol Ethyl chloride Ethyl ether Ethylene Fluorine Freon-11 Freon-12 Freon-21 Freon-22

    8.9 5.7 29 9.2 5.2 30 9.2 2.0 31 9.1 4.5 32 8.5 3.2 33 9.2 4.2 34 8.5 5.6 35 8.9 3.0 36 9.5 5.1 37 7.3 3.8 38

    10.6 5.1 39 11.1 6.0 40 10.8 5.3 41 10.1 7.0 42

    Gas X i Y

    Freon-113 11.3 114.0 Helium 10.9 120.5 Hexane 8.6 1.8 Hydrogen 11.2 2.4 3H. + IN 2 11.2 7.2 Hy(~rogen bromide 8.8 0.9 Hydrogen chloride 8.8 8.7 Hydrogen cyanide 9.8 4.9 Hydrogen iodide 9.0 1.3 Hydrogen sulfide 8.6 8.0 Iodine 9.0 8.4 Mercury 5.3 2.9 Methane 9.9 5.6 Methyl alcohol 8.5 5.6


    43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 52 53 54 55 56

    Figure A.2 Viscosities of gases at atmospheric pressure (Source: Ref. [11]).


    Nitric oxide Nitrogen Nitrosyl chloride Nitrous oxide Oxygen Pentane Propane Propyl alcohol Propyle