Download - SUMARY


SUMARYEl da de hoy mi compaera y yo les hablaremos acerca de nuestro proyecto multidisciplinario, el cual lleva por nombre Aceite de cocina a base de Xoconostle.Nuestro tema se basa en un problema que existe hoy en da y resulta altamente preocupante como lo es la diabetes; primeramente, elegimos el xoconostle ya que las propiedades que contiene favoreceran de alguna manera la alimentacin de las personas que padecen esta grave enfermedad.Quisimos utilizar como fruta principal el xoconostle ya que por sus altos beneficios que contiene en toda su estructura nos seria de suma utilidad para la elaboracin de este aceite de cocina.Adems, este aceite no sera solo para personas enfermas, sino que tambin sera comestible para toda la familia, previniendo diversas enfermedades, y as tener una condicin saludable.

SUMARYToday my partner and I will speak to them about our multidisciplinary project, which goes for name kitchen Oil by means of Xoconostle. Our topic is based on a problem that exists nowadays and turns out to be highly worrying as it it is the diabetes; firstly, we choose the xoconostle since the properties that it contains would favor somehow the feeding of the persons who suffer illness is seriously ill. We wanted to use the xoconostle as a main fruit since for its high benefits that it contains in all its structure it us would be of supreme utility for the making of this kitchen oil. Also, this oil would not be alone for sick persons, but also it would be eatable for the whole family, preparing diverse illnesses, and this way to have a healthy condition.