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Page 1: Plot of after 20 years

Se trata de una cita convenida hace 20 años por dos buenos amigo Bob y Jimmy quienes crecieron juntos en la ciudad de nueva york pero al cumplir la mayoría de edad se separan y toman rumbos distintos, uno se queda en ciudad y otro viaja al oeste. Al trascurrir el tiempo acordado Bob llega al lugar de la cita al restaurante Joe ‘ Brady’s donde tiene una charla amena con un agente quién vigila las calles de la ciudad. El policía se despide pero después de 20 minutos llega otro vestido de manera civil quien le hace creer a Bob que es el amigo que espera para su infortunio se llevó una sorpresa no muy agradable.

It is a date agreed 20 years ago by two good friend Bob and Jimmy who grew up together in New York City but on reaching the age of adulthood they separated and took different, one is left in the city and the other travels to the west. At the agreed time elapse Bob arrives at the rendezvous to the restaurant Joe 'Brady's where he had a pleasant chat with an agent who watches the streets of the city. The police dismissed but after 20 minutes comes another way plainclothes who makes you believe that Bob is a friend waiting for his misfortune not a very pleasant surprise.


Este cuento tiene dos personajes principales Bob quien se va aventurar al oeste y hace una gran fortuna por medio de sus fechorías pero a pesar de ser ladrón siente gran estima por su amigo de infancia Jimmy quien permaneció en la ciudad y se convirtió en un agente de policía quien vela por la paz de una comunidad al ver la cara de su amigo se da cuenta que es el ladrón más buscado en la ciudad de embargo se llena de miedo y no puede hacer el arresto el sino que decide enviar a un agente vestido de civil quien es el personaje secundario del cuento este es muy audaz le hace creer a Bob que es el amigo que está esperando y al final lo arresta.


This story has two main characters Bob who will venture west and make a fortune through his misdeeds but despite being a thief feels great esteem by his childhood friend Jimmy who remained in the city and became an agent police who oversees the peace of a community to see the face of his friend realize that the thief is most wanted in the city but is filled with fear and cannot make the arrest but decides to send a dress agent civilian who is the secondary character of this story is very bold makes you think Bob is the friend who is waiting and eventually arrested him.

Esta obra literaria fue escrita en los primeros años del siglo 20

Page 2: Plot of after 20 years

After 20 years talking about an event that agreed two very good friends Bob and Jimmy who had a child together but having come of age everyone wanted to make his own life, meanwhile Bob went west to venture because according to stay in New York would have no fortune and luck for him was excellent, for its part Jimmy a good, hardworking man remained in his city.

The day of the appointment arrived Bob was there on time for the meeting point apparently all had even changed is not the old restaurant Big Joe 'Brady's.

Interestingly agent was doing his job when he saw a man in a dark street that felt threatened and began to explain without the police being asked, the agent seems a very strange situation waiting for a person without contact with her for 20 years the appearance of the man I looked away wealthy however. After some time another man approaches this time with a friendly attitude and who knows man greets this is glad his friend met the appointment, peacefully speak until the light of the place reveals his true identity Bob realizes that no is your friend that despite the years would recognize no problem to go to express surprise was another agent took this time for purposes arrest since he was the most wanted criminal in Chicago.

A note was delivered to read his expression change was stunned, nervous never have expected that his friend on his appointment would give such a coward but I was not able to do the same but he sent someone.