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Mdulo de Resolucin de Problemas

Mdulo de Resolucin de ProblemasIngeniero Juan Ortiz Eljuri

ObjetivosComprenderDMAIC: Estructura y metodologaLos Roles de DMAIC y MEDominarEjecucin de DMAIC Bsico y sus herramientas

2Conhecer o Mtodo de Anlise e Soluo de Problemas DMAICEntender o objetivo de cada etapa do DMAIC.Aprender algumas ferramentas da qualidade integradas as etapas do DMAIC.Praticar com exerccios as ferramentas mais utilizadas na soluo de problemas.Desenvolver a capacidade de anlise.Aplicar o conhecimento adquirido nos projetos prioritrios de Melhoria;

IntroduccinMapa de Ruta y HerramientasDefinirMedirAnalizarImplementarControlarAgendaKey Points:We will begin with an introduction to how the DMAIC methodology is being used; the structure of the FI Pillar; the structure of the FI Pillar; the various roles on a DMAIC project; and the levels of certification/ skill in DMAIC.

Facilitator notesThis section provides useful context for the participants before they begin learning the phases and the tools of the DMAIC methodology3

AnalyseIdentify and verify the root causes

Qu es DMAIC?Resolver problemas ligados a un Proceso que es recurrente/ repetitivo y esta alineado con las necesidades y prioridades de la unidadDMAIC provee una simple y estructurada metodologa de 5 pasos para resolver problemasResolver problemas que no se conocen causas raz y no se pueden resolver con la mejora continua del da a daDefinirDefinir de forma precisa el alcance de proyectoMedirEntender y describir de forma ms precisa el proyectoImplementarImplementar acciones para eliminar causas raz y verificar su efectividadControlarAsegurar el logro de resultados sostenibles en el largo plazo (estandarizacin)1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control4Key Points:DMAIC, which stands for Define-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control, relies on a systematic, step-by-step project management approach using data and statistical tools to deliver breakthrough improvement that is sustainable over time.Some of the steps are an iterative process; you may need to repeat some steps, moving back and forth between phases. For example, you may find that you must return to the Analyse phase in order to verify root causes when you are preparing to implement solutions in the Improve phase.

Facilitator Notes:There is an animation on this slide; please view in slideshow mode as you practice delivering the training.If you did not do so on the previous slide, ask the participants to volunteer what they think the purpose of each phase is.If you are asked about CAP-do, here is a recommended response: During the piloting phase of NCE, the CAP-Do cycle was trialled specifically for master planning. Many sites also use this as a problem solving cycle, sometimes substituting the Act for Analyse. Following the successful experience with TPM, particularly in Brazil, it was decided that we would adopt the DMAIC cycle for problem solving. This also means that we can use the "belt certification structure, ensuring that each level has the most appropriate skills. To avoid confusion, we have therefore decided not to pursue CAP-Do, but we have incorporated the key elements of it into the Operational Master Planning module.

DMAIC descansa en 3 principios claveUna gestin lgica y rigurosa de la metodologa del proyectoBusca decidir basados en datos y hechosEl xito requiere trabajo en equipo, coaching y involucramiento de los lderes Estos aumentan la probabilidad del xito y aseguraremos que DMAIC se utilizar en toda la organizacin1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control5Key Points:DMAIC brings rigor to small projects, with its reliance on data and emphasis on systematic analysis. It also has the scalability to be used when tackling more complex projects. DMAIC is meant to be used in any case where the root cause of a problem is not clear.There are times when the root cause is known or immediately clear, and you do not need to use full DMAIC in those cases. Instead, you can Just Do It.Teamwork is very important to the process; you will not be performing all the steps alone, and in fact you will need to engage the appropriate experts from different areas. Not only will you need team members to participate in the problem-solving process, but you will need to engage other support staff beyond your project team to implement the improvements.It is also likely that you will need to ensure that operators, for example, receive training on any new processes, so that improvements are sustained over time.A coach and a sponsor are other key roles who provide support to the team.

Facilitator Notes:You may need to assure the participants that you will provide examples of cases where you can Just Do It versus cases that require careful data collection and analysis.

Trabajo en EquipoEs difcil alcanzar objetivos de forma consistente basndonos solo en una gran mejoraUn buen proceso de mejora se logra por medio del trabajo en equipo1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control6Key Points:Just to emphasize the importance of teamwork, this is an illustration of how much easier it is to achieve objectives when you have the appropriate staff and resources engaged.A coach who is certified in DMAIC will also be available to help you; the coach will be highly engaged during the Define phase in particular.

Facilitator Notes:Remind participants that team members from different areas of expertise all have some knowledge, and collectively can achieve more than any single individual.You can use the analogy of a football team to make the point that each individual has their own position on the field, their own skills to offer, and experience to contribute. The role of coach also fits into the sports team analogy.

Historia DMAIC1987: El CEO de Motorola declara que van a estar en 6s para 19921988: Se forma el consorcio original de Seis Sigma. Motorola,Raytheon,ABB,CDI,Kodak.1989/90: IBM/DEC prueban Seis Sigma y fracasan.1993:AlliedSignal adopta un enfoque de Black Belts con infraestructura de soporte.1995:Jack Welch en GE adopta Seis Sigma1996/97: Comienza la aplicacin en masa de Seis Sigma1997/98:El nmero de empresas crece rpidamente1999: ASQ empieza a ofrecer cursos de entrenamiento 1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. ControlEnfoques de CalidadTOC Remueve obstculos, enfocado en manejar los Cuellos de BotellaTQM Mejora Continua, enfocado en lograr la Satisfaccin de los Clientes

Kaizen:Incremento de Productividad, enfocado en la eliminacin de desperdicio

Remueve defectos. Enfocado en minimizar la VariacinISO 9000QueDMAICComoLean Eliminacin de lo que no aporta valor para los Clientes

1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. ControlDesarrollo de competencia DMAIC inicia con White BeltEntrenamientos DMAICConocimientoTiempoCompetenciasWhite BeltYellow BeltGreen BeltBlack BeltSolucin problemas da a daTiempoSponsorAplicacin con CoachingDMAIC CertificadosGo-See Think-Do (IVPH)Bsico 2 DMAICAdvanzado DMAICIntermedio DMAICBsico 1 DMAIC9Key Points:This chart represents how the competencies will be built. At the first level is a mindset that we want everyone to have, regardless of belt certifications. This is the concept of going to the gemba that is, observing what is really happening seeing what may need improvements, thinking of what you can do, and then doing it. Go-See-Think-Do applies to everyone.The basic DMAIC process, which you are being trained now, is required for White Belts certification; more advanced training is needed to handle more complex projects, which also require more advanced statistical tools. You can see there is training associated with each of the belt levels. For each belt, there are specific certification requirements, which are shown on the next slide. There are exams that must be passed for each level of certification. Each belt level is a prerequisite for the ones above.

Facilitator Notes:Depending on your participants prior knowledge, you may need to define gemba, which is a Japanese term meaning the actual place, or the real place. Japanese detectives call the crime scene gemba, and Japanese TV reporters may say they are reporting from gemba. In business, gemba refers to the place where value is created, such as the factory floor, the sales floor, a construction site, etc.If a participant asks why we use a Japanese terms such as gemba, you may note first of all that this usage is consistent with TPM. Also, the introduction of new terms helps signal a different way of thinking, focusing attention on a new mindset and approach that should become routine.IntroduccinMapa de Ruta y HerramientasDefinirMedirAnalizarImplementarControlarAgendaKey Points:We will begin with an introduction to how the DMAIC methodology is being used; the structure of the FI Pillar; the structure of the FI Pillar; the various roles on a DMAIC project; and the levels of certification/ skill in DMAIC.

Facilitator notesThis section provides useful context for the participants before they begin learning the phases and the tools of the DMAIC methodology10DEFINIR: Definicin de Proyecto

2345MEDIRAnalizarImplementarCONTROLARProblemaMetaDefinir el propsito de proyecto su alcance y ponerlo en el contexto de negocio

EntregableUna definicin clara de la mejora a alcanzar o perdida a eliminar y como se medir1DEFINIR1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control11Key Points:The first phase, DEFINE, is focused on defining the projects purpose, and ensuring that it aligns with business goals.This is the phase in which you should also assess the projects scale/complexity, and ensure that the appropriate level of competence is represented in the project leader.This phase also delivers a forecast of the projects projected benefits.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.

DEFINIR PasosAlcance y Definicin de proyectoDefinicin de ObjetivoEvaluacin de impacto financieroDefinir alcance de proyectoIdentificar/confirmar KPIs de proyectoEvaluar tendencias (daros histricos)Definir ObjetivoEvaluar prdida actual (impacto financiero)Definir beneficios tangible e intangiblePlan de ProyectoCrear un equipo multidisciplinario con las habilidades necesarias para resolver el problemaFormato EquipoDefinir actividades claras y tiempo de entregaPlan de ProyectoMedirDefinicin de Equipo5W1HEs & No esGrafico de DatosMatriz de HabilidadesMapa de habilidades iniciales del equipoMatriz de HabilidadesHoja FinancieraObjetivoHerramientasProceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control12Key Points:This is a view of the DEFINE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of DEFINE is to state the problem clearly; define the projects scope; identify the financial impact of the problem as well as projected benefits of the project; set up your project team; and establish a project timeline with milestones.It is important to go, see, and touch in order to accurately identify the problem.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.MEDIR: Medicin de la Situacin Actual

MetaFocalizar el esfuerzo de mejora reuniendo informacin de la situacin actual (datos histricos)Entregable1 a 2 declaracin especifica del problema

12345DEFINIRMEDIRAnalizarImplementarCONTROLARProblema1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control13Key Points:The goal of the MEASURE phase is to gather data about the current situation, and develop a narrower focus on the problem.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.


Identificar como clasificar los datos (tiempo, rea, sntoma etc)Grafico acumuladoGraficar evolucin de KPI en el tiempoEstratificacinDiagrama de flujoObjetivoHerramientasDiagrama ParetoGrficos de datosDefinir declaracin de problema para alcanzar objetivo de proyecto5W1H1. Identificar el punto de partida requerido para clasificar y recolectar datosAsegurarse que los datos son consistentes, confiables con el grado de detalle necesarioFormato y plan de recoleccin de datosMapa de pasos de proceso para asegurar entendimientoCriterioEstratificacinAnalizarAnlisis de Datos (estratificacin)Definir declaracin especifica del problemaSDatos son Confiables?1. Recoleccin datos Plan de Estratificacin2. Uso datos Histricos para estratificacinNoMapeo Proceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control14Key Points:This is a view of the MEASURE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of MEASURE is to collect baseline data on the defect and its potential causes; plot the defects occurrence over time; and stratify the data.This phase also involves mapping the process you are examining. You may need to map the overall process at a high level at the beginning of the Measure phase, and then, once you have focused the problem to a particular area or sub-process, create a more detailed process map.You will develop a clearly articulated, focused problem statement by the end of this phase.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.We prefer to talk about Focused Problem Statement tool instead 5W1H to avoid the confusion with the 5W2H in the IMPROVE phase for the Action PlanAnalizar: Identificar las causas

MetaIdentificar Causas Raz y verificarlas con el uso de datos y hechosEntregableUna teora de lo que ha sido probado y verificado12345DEFINIRMEDIRAnalizarImplementarCONTROLARProblema1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control15Key Points:The third phase, ANALYSE, is focused on identifying causes for the problem.You will develop hypotheses that must be tested and verified; the goal is to isolate the root causes.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.


*Its not a tool, and its not Go See Think DO Agrupar posibles causas para el problema en especificoDetectar las causas raz para cada problema especificoCon la participacin de todo el equipo haz una lista de las causas potenciales del problema especifico (identificados en la medicin)Lluvia de IdeasAgrupar potenciales causas similares de una forma clara y visualDiagrama Causa Efecto (Espina de Pescado)Detectar causas raz basndose en el diagrama causa efecto usando los 5 PorquesGo & See (Gemba)ImplementarVerificacin Verificar las causas raz con hechos y datosObjetivoHerramientasRestaurar condiciones BsicasListar las posibles causas para los problemas especficosIdentificar y eliminar los posibles problemas por medio del tarjeteoEjecutar5 Porques1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control16Key Points:This is a view of the ANALYSE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of ANALYSE is to identify root causes. To achieve that outcome, you and your team will brainstorm to identify possible causes, group them, and use the 5 Whys tool to isolate root causes.You will need to confirm root causes with data. This may require another round of data collection.Note that often, the Analyse and Improve phase involve an iterative approach, moving back and forth until the real root cause(s) can be confirmed.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.IMPLEMENTAR: Realizar las acciones y medir los resultados

MetaDesarrollar probar e implementar soluciones dirigidas a las causas raz encontradasUsar Datos para evaluar las soluciones implementadas

EntregablesReduccin o eliminacin del impacto de las causas razComparacin de la implantacin real contra lo planeado Anlisis de datos del antes y despus que demuestre el impacto de la mejora 12345DEFINIRMEDIRAnalizarImplementarCONTROLARProblema1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control17Key Points:The fourth phase, IMPROVE, is focused on implementing solutions that address the root causes of a problem.It is critical to test and verify that the solutions are in fact working; if not, its possible that you have not identified the real root cause. You may need to return to the tasks/tools used in the Analyse phase.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.

IMPLEMENTAR PasosIdentificar Soluaciones para causa raizConstruir Plan de AccinProponer acciones para resolver cada causa raz identificadaDefinir acciones, tiempos de entrega y responsabilidades de la ejecucin de la solucionesControl

Priorizar accionesPriorizar las acciones de acuerdo al impacto y el esfuerzo requerido para implementar Ejecutar Plan de AccinImplementar y verificar las ejecucin del plan de accinSe logro el Objetivo?SRealizar fase Medir o analizarVerificar la efectividad de la solucin con datos(se alcanzo la meta?)NoObjetivosHerramientasLluvia de IdeasProceso de PriorizacinPlan de Accin (5W2H)Matriz Impacto x esfuerzoPlan de Accin (5W2H), actualizacin y statusPlan de Accin (5W2H) Actualizacin1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control18Key Points:This is a view of the IMPROVE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of IMPROVE is to identify, implement, and verify a solution.You will need to establish criteria for prioritisation of the proposed solution(s) (e.g., cost, time, impact, ease of implementation, resources needed, etc). These factors will be assigned weights/scores in a prioritisation matrix.An Action Plan is one of the key outputs of this phase, defining who is responsible for each improvement task, and the timeframe for completion of each assigned task.The effectiveness of the solution(s) needs to be verified.Note that often, the Analyse and Improve phase involve an iterative approach, moving back and forth until the real root cause(s) can be confirmed.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.CONTROLAR: Estandarizar y Realizar planes futuros

MetaMantener los beneficios por medio de la estandarizacin de mtodos y procesosAnticipar futuras mejoras y capturar las lecciones del proyecto EntregableEstandarizacin de las mejoras Entrenamiento de los nuevos mtodosPlan de control y monitoreo de resultadosDocumentacin y comunicacin de resultados aprendizajes, y recomendaciones12345DEFINIRMEDIRAnalizarImplementarCONTROLARProblema1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control19Key Points:The final phase, CONTROL, is focused on sustaining the improvements via standardisation of work methods.This phase involves training of new methods, developing a plan for ongoing monitoring, and ensuring that results and recommendations are communicated to all relevant parties including learnings that other lines, factories, or markets could benefit from.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.


Crear y actualizar estndaresIdentificar entrenamientos para los afectadosTransferencia de conocimientosCelebrar ExitoImplementar un plan de controlImplementa acciones preventivasObjetivosEstandarizar cambiosEvaluacin de beneficiosComunicar los nuevos estndaresActualizar matriz de habilidadesReplica & AprendizajesRevisin de impactos financieros de la mejora Actualizar matriz de habilidades con los conocimientos adquiridos durante el proyectoMonitorear la posibilidad de replicar para otras lneasSOP, LPPsPOKAYOKEChecklist HerramientasEntrenamientoTableroActualizar hoja de impacto financieroActualizar MHAnlisis FODA 1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control20Key Points:This is a view of the CONTROL phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of CONTROL is to standardise improvements such as process changes that are proven to be effective.One of the keys to the success of CONTROL is establishing the right communication mediums/channels; another is identifying training needs and ensuring that training is delivered accordingly.Ongoing monitoring should be planned over the course of the year following the end of the DMAIC project.Successes should be shared with others and celebrated.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.

IntroduccinMapa de Ruta y HerramientasDefinirMedirAnalizarImplementarControlarAgendaKey Points:We will begin with an introduction to how the DMAIC methodology is being used; the structure of the FI Pillar; the structure of the FI Pillar; the various roles on a DMAIC project; and the levels of certification/ skill in DMAIC.

Facilitator notesThis section provides useful context for the participants before they begin learning the phases and the tools of the DMAIC methodology21DEFINIR PasosAlcance y Definicin de proyectoDefinicin de ObjetivoEvaluacin de impacto financieroDefinir alcance de proyectoIdentificar/confirmar KPIs de proyectoEvaluar tendencias (daros histricos)Definir ObjetivoEvaluar prdida actual (impacto financiero)Definir beneficios tangible e intangiblePlan de ProyectoCrear un equipo multidisciplinario con las habilidades necesarias para resolver el problemaFormato EquipoDefinir actividades claras y tiempo de entregaPlan de ProyectoMedirDefinicin de Equipo5W1HEs & No esGrafico de DatosMatriz de HabilidadesMapa de habilidades iniciales del equipoMatriz de HabilidadesHoja FinancieraObjetivoHerramientasProceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control22Key Points:This is a view of the DEFINE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of DEFINE is to state the problem clearly; define the projects scope; identify the financial impact of the problem as well as projected benefits of the project; set up your project team; and establish a project timeline with milestones.It is important to go, see, and touch in order to accurately identify the problem.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.

Principales ObjetivosPor que la fase de DEFINIR es importante?Para definir el alcance del problema (Fronteras)Para decir los integrantes del equipo Para determinar el impacto financiero del proyectoPara definir el indicador que representa le problemaEjemplos de problema: Alta prdida de produccin debido a falla de equipo, producto terminado con retrazo en la entrega, alto porcentaje de defectos, alta generacin de retrabajo, perdida por desperdicio, alto numero de reclamaciones, etc..23Key Points:Defining the target means articulating what problem you are going to solve, and why. The problems impact should be determined, in terms of the identified KPI.Defining the target also allows you to decide who will be needed on the project team, based on their expertise and job function as it relates to the specific problem you will be targeting.

Facilitator Notes:Notice that along the left, in the Process column, each step in the process will be highlighted in white to indicate which step you are focusing on in this case, Target Definition.The class has already been introduced to the phase roadmap overall; at this point you are going to break the process down and focus on one step at a time.

DEFINIR PasosAlcance y Definicin de proyectoDefinicin de ObjetivoEvaluacin de impacto financieroDefinir alcance de proyectoIdentificar/confirmar KPIs de proyectoEvaluar tendencias (daros histricos)Definir ObjetivoEvaluar prdida actual (impacto financiero)Definir beneficios tangible e intangiblePlan de ProyectoCrear un equipo multidisciplinario con las habilidades necesarias para resolver el problemaFormato EquipoDefinir actividades claras y tiempo de entregaPlan de ProyectoMedirDefinicin de Equipo5W1HEs & No esGrafico de DatosMatriz de HabilidadesMapa de habilidades iniciales del equipoMatriz de HabilidadesHoja FinancieraObjetivoHerramientasProceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control24Key Points:This is a view of the DEFINE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of DEFINE is to state the problem clearly; define the projects scope; identify the financial impact of the problem as well as projected benefits of the project; set up your project team; and establish a project timeline with milestones.It is important to go, see, and touch in order to accurately identify the problem.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.Definicin de Objetivos

Para evaluar datos histricos del problema debemos:Revisin datos histricos del Indicador de proyecto;Construir grficos que muestren datos en funcin del tiempo para el KPI;Evaluar las tendencias del problema al paso del tiempo;Describir las conclusiones del grafico obtenido. 25Key Points:You start by evaluating the historical data. Plot the data in a time series graph so that you can see the trends over time.It is critical that you describe the conclusions from the graph. Too often, data is presented with no commentary on its significance or with no gloss on what events may correspond to some of the patterns in the data.Make a habit of annotating your time series plots with notes such as: what overall observations your team has made; what certain spikes or drops in the figures may signify; what patterns require additional investigation; etc.

Facilitator Notes:Emphasize to the participants that interpretation of the data is actually more important than the graph itself; it is unacceptable to produce a time series plot with no observations/conclusions noted.

Grficos series de tiempo

Un grafico de tiempo muestra los valores que toma un indicador en contra el tiempoPara construir este tipo de grficos, capturamos los datos generados en la secuencia correcta conectando los puntos obtenidos.Cuando interpretemos la grafico debemos de buscar patrones en los puntos y cuales salen de rango (los ms grande o pequeos respecto de los dems).26Key Points:The dimensions of a time series plot are, of course, values of the identified Key Performance Indicator, and time.Plot the data against meaningful time increments, and connect the dots.The next step will be to review the graph for patterns as well as data that breaks the pattern.

Facilitator Notes:You can move quickly through this verbal description, since visual examples are coming up, and the participants likely need to see graphs and patterns to learn how to use the tool.Interpretando Grficos de Series de TiempoCual es la tendencia del indicador en los dos aos anteriores?Se tiene una tendencia ascendente, descendente o estable? Existen picos en la grafica o es uniforme? Existen patrones cclicos o estacinales?Cual es le valor ms bajo que se ha obtenido? Cual es el ms alto? En que periodo ocurri?Buscando algn comportamiento histrico, el objetivo global es realista? Pero al mismo tiempo retador? Alguna vez se ha alcanzado

27Key Points:In order to evaluate the data in the graph, you can ask yourself questions about the trends, seasonality in the data, lows/highs and whether there are known explanations for those peaks and valleys.Its also important to examine your target performance against historical data. Is the improvement target feasible, based on past history? Is it enough of a stretch goal?Be careful with outliers you would not want to base your target on a data point that departs greatly from the overall trend and may have occurred under circumstances that are not repeatable.

Facilitator Notes:You may want to pause and ask the class if they have used Time Series Plots in the past, and to share what they learned from looking at historical data.

El formato para el grafico de series de tiempo

Figura 1: Grafico Serie de tiempo0123456JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSeptOctNovDecMesesPorcentajeDe defectosObjetivoComparativoPromedio28Key Points:Note that the arrow on the left indicates that the desired performance is a *reduction* in the values associated with this KPI, since the indicator being measured is percentage of defects.The red line connects historical data that has been collected and plotted against monthly time increments.The dotted line is an average of historical performance, which may be useful information for revealing best and worst past performance, as well as setting your target.The blue line represents the target value, and the green dotted line is benchmark data, the best performance we can hope to achieve.You can see that the target is set as an improvement over historical data, but is not quite as ambitious as the benchmark data. Targets should be achievable, yet sufficiently ambitious.

Facilitator Notes:Note that a truly annotated Time Series Plot would also include commentary/interpretation of this data.

Tipos de benchmarks para medir y comparar resultados:

En bsqueda del valor Referencia

InternoComparacin interna entre lneas unidades etc.CompetitivoComparativo con los competidoresFuncionalComparativo entre las mismas funciones en diferentes entornos29Key Points:It is admittedly a challenge sometimes to research benchmarks from external competitors, unless you have a spy inside their company! But you can use the best value achieved historically on the line, as an internal benchmark.Other internal benchmarks can be derived from data from other lines, units or plants. Or you can compare similar functions, even if the product or the technology, for example, is different.An example would be to compare the rate of minor stoppages on the chocolate line with stoppages on other chocolate lines within the same factory, even if the bonbons being produced by the other lines are not the same. Or you could compare the performance of the chocolate line with another line in a different plant that may not be producing bonbons, but uses a similar process/technology.

Facilitator Notes:You may need to mention to the class that your target will not necessarily be equal to the benchmark. More information on setting the target is coming up.

Definiendo Valor del Objetivo y el Tiempo

Definiendo el valor del objetivoDefinir el valor de los objetivos exige determinar las diferencias, ej., Donde estamos" y Donde quiero estar".El anlisis Grafico es una forma eficiente para determinar la situacin actual. Solo despus de completar este anlisis podremos retarnos y objetivos tangibles podrn ser determinados.Definicin del tiempo de entregaLa fecha limite debe ser consistente con la complejidad del problema y la experiencia del equipo30Key Points:To re-cap: we assess the current situation against benchmark data in order to measure the gap; our target value should be a reduction in that gap.When you set your deadline for achieving the target value, you should take into consideration how complex the problem is, and the level of your teams experience with this type of problem.

Facilitator Notes:This slide has animations; please review in slideshow mode as you practice delivering the training.Theres no single rule that applies for all projects in terms of when a target must be achieved; project leaders need to rely on good sense in setting their deadlines.

Objetivos deben serSMARTSiempre recuerde el concepto de SMART cuando desarrolle objetivos. eSpecifico Descripcin clara y concisa de lo que de se debe hacer y completar;Medible Concreto y observable en indicadores;Accionable Posible en trminos de costo, conocimiento, reto y tiempo;Realista Relacionado con objetivos de proceso;Tiempo (deadline) incluir un plan basado en el tiempo de ejecucin.

31Key Points:The SMART acronym is useful as a reminder of the attributes we should look for in a properly defined target.

Facilitator Notes:This is Nestls standard definition of the SMART acronym. But the A could also stand for Ambitious; we want our targets to be both achievable and ambitious.

DEFINIR PasosAlcance y Definicin de proyectoDefinicin de ObjetivoEvaluacin de impacto financieroDefinir alcance de proyectoIdentificar/confirmar KPIs de proyectoEvaluar tendencias (daros histricos)Definir ObjetivoEvaluar prdida actual (impacto financiero)Definir beneficios tangible e intangiblePlan de ProyectoCrear un equipo multidisciplinario con las habilidades necesarias para resolver el problemaFormato EquipoDefinir actividades claras y tiempo de entregaPlan de ProyectoMedirDefinicin de Equipo5W1HEs & No esGrafico de DatosMatriz de HabilidadesMapa de habilidades iniciales del equipoMatriz de HabilidadesHoja FinancieraObjetivoHerramientasProceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control32Key Points:This is a view of the DEFINE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of DEFINE is to state the problem clearly; define the projects scope; identify the financial impact of the problem as well as projected benefits of the project; set up your project team; and establish a project timeline with milestones.It is important to go, see, and touch in order to accurately identify the problem.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.Tipo de GananciasEvaluar las prdidas actuales y las posibles ganancias del proyecto:Cuantitativo variables que se pueden medir financieramente ($)Reducir Costos no CalidadReducir desperdicioAumentar eficienciaCualitativo variables que no se pueden valorar financieramenteMejorar imagen corporativa mediente lealtada a la marcaAumentar Market shareTodas las prdidas financieras deben ser validadas por el rea administrativa de la localidad

33Key Points:Losses/gains that are quantifiable in terms of dollars must be reviewed and confirmed by the financial controller.Other benefits are qualitative, but certainly should be recorded as potential value of the project.

Facilitator Notes:You can move quickly to the examples of financial impact evaluation on the next slide, unless participants have questions here.

DEFINIR PasosAlcance y Definicin de proyectoDefinicin de ObjetivoEvaluacin de impacto financieroDefinir alcance de proyectoIdentificar/confirmar KPIs de proyectoEvaluar tendencias (daros histricos)Definir ObjetivoEvaluar prdida actual (impacto financiero)Definir beneficios tangible e intangiblePlan de ProyectoCrear un equipo multidisciplinario con las habilidades necesarias para resolver el problemaFormato EquipoDefinir actividades claras y tiempo de entregaPlan de ProyectoMedirDefinicin de Equipo5W1HEs & No esGrafico de DatosMatriz de HabilidadesMapa de habilidades iniciales del equipoMatriz de HabilidadesHoja FinancieraObjetivoHerramientasProceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control34Key Points:This is a view of the DEFINE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of DEFINE is to state the problem clearly; define the projects scope; identify the financial impact of the problem as well as projected benefits of the project; set up your project team; and establish a project timeline with milestones.It is important to go, see, and touch in order to accurately identify the problem.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.Definicin de Equipo

Tips para la construccin de un equipo:Combinar diferentes roles de acuerdo con la naturaleza del proyecto;Seleccionar colaboradores motivados que desean y son capaces de hacer las cosas;Crear un equipo enfocado a resultados;El lder del proyecto debe de conjuntar un equipo multidisciplinario con el fin de asegurar diversidad de conocimiento, talento y personalidades, previniendo que prevalezcan los intereses particulares.La misin de este equipo multidisciplinario es ayudar analizar y resolver el problema para alcanzar la meta compartida.35Key Points:It may seem obvious that the team should be made up of people with the right disciplinary backgrounds and experience according to the needs of the project, but this point is important. If your project is about quality control, then certainly the quality department should be represented on your team.A project team without any technology expertise, for example, could leave out important possibilities when brainstorming causes for the problem, or could miscalculate the effort required to implement a solution when prioritizing the proposed actions.Ask yourself: who will add value to this project? Whose skills will complement those we already have on the team?As with any team, the personal qualities of the individuals also matter; think about whether the candidates for your team are motivated to achieve the target, and whether they have the time required to participate. Lack of motivation is sometimes caused by too many competing responsibilities.Motivate your team by sharing with them the project target and potential benefits of the project.

Facilitator Notes:Tell a story about a team that either did or did not have the right mix of skills/disciplines. In early DMAIC projects in Brazil, for example, teams were built based on friendships a situation that soon led to lopsided sets of skills represented on the project team!

Rol de Lder de Proyecto

Facilitar las reuniones y liderar al equipo;Definir los objetivos y temas que se discutirn;Planear y comunicar la agenda a los involucrados;Dar direccin y foco en las actividades de equipo;Asegurar la participacin de los miembros del equipo con orden y lgica;Asegurar que el tiempo se usa de forma productiva, sin distracciones o desorden;Fomentar la discusin y promover la armona;Ensear y compartir herramientas y metodologa con el equipo conforme se necesite ;36Key Points:Bear in mind that as project leader, you are responsible for ensuring that team members are engaged at the right time. This means both recognizing when certain individuals are needed, and when they are not needed. It is not necessary to involve every person on the team in every project activity.The project leader is also responsible for keeping the project on time.

Facilitator Notes:Ask the class: do you have other tips you would add to this list?

Rol miembros de Equipo

Contribuir de forma activa as las reuniones del proyectos del equipo;Contribuir con ideas y sugerencias;Usar herramientas relevantes y metodologa;Hacer una contribucin positiva para el xito de las reuniones;Ejecutar sus tareas en tiempo en su respectiva rea de accin;Brindar soporte en la implementacin de acciones;Ejecutar y mantener mediciones, donde se necesite.37Key Points:The project leader should set expectations for their individual team members level of involvement and expected contributions: will they mainly participate in brainstorms? Be responsible for data collection? Draw the process map? If you have specific assignments for your team, let them know.The Team Charter should help delineate responsibilities.

Facilitator Notes:Ask the team if they have any questions or comments on how to involve their project team.

Formato de EquipoLder ProyectoNombre:Posicin / Funcin:Nombre:Posicin / Funcin:Nombre:Posicin / Funcin:Nombre:Posicin / Funcin:Nombre:Posicin / Funcin:Nombre:Posicin / Funcin:1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control38Key Points:Enter the names and positions of each team member in a team charter. This is a good place to check whether you have any disciplines that are not represented, but necessary for the success of the project.

Facilitator Notes:Ask the team if they have any questions or comments on how to involve their project team.

DEFINIR PasosAlcance y Definicin de proyectoDefinicin de ObjetivoEvaluacin de impacto financieroDefinir alcance de proyectoIdentificar/confirmar KPIs de proyectoEvaluar tendencias (daros histricos)Definir ObjetivoEvaluar prdida actual (impacto financiero)Definir beneficios tangible e intangiblePlan de ProyectoCrear un equipo multidisciplinario con las habilidades necesarias para resolver el problemaFormato EquipoDefinir actividades claras y tiempo de entregaPlan de ProyectoMedirDefinicin de Equipo5W1HEs & No esGrafico de DatosMatriz de HabilidadesMapa de habilidades iniciales del equipoMatriz de HabilidadesHoja FinancieraObjetivoHerramientasProceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control39Key Points:This is a view of the DEFINE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of DEFINE is to state the problem clearly; define the projects scope; identify the financial impact of the problem as well as projected benefits of the project; set up your project team; and establish a project timeline with milestones.It is important to go, see, and touch in order to accurately identify the problem.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.Desarrollo competencia Complementar Mapa de HabilidadesQue esUna matriz de habilidades en un resumen de la situacin inicial, actual y objetivo de nivel de competencia de cada persona (Lderes de Proyecto - White / Yellow / Green / Black Belt)

Porque la necesitamosAsegurar que entendemos y la habilidad requerida para completar el proyectoAnalizar el estado actual contra el objetivo de cada miembroIdentificar el GAP para focalizar entrenamiento

Cuando se debe de llenarLa matriz necesita de actualizada en las fases de Definir & Controlar, tipo Antes y Despus

Key Points:As the project leader, you need to fill out the Skill Matrix for each of your project team members in the Define phase, and then update it with their progress in the Control phase.

Facilitator Notes:One of the responsibilities of the FI Pillar is, of course, to build the DMAIC competency, and this tool will help to ensure that training is focused appropriately.

40Niveles de Conocimiento del Mapa Habilidades

0 Falta de conocimiento y prctica 1 Conocimiento bsico sin habilidad 2 Practica con ayuda3 Practica sin ayuda4 Puede entrenarNo aplicaNo aplicaNivel 0Nivel1Nivel 2Nivel 3Nivel 41. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. ControlKey Points:The definition of these levels is consistent across TPM.Often, a team, including the project leader, may be starting at Level 1, exhibiting basic knowledge, but no applied skills yet.By the end of the project, they may be able to practice with help or even practice some skills with no help.

Facilitator Notes:Walk through the various levels. The next slide will map these skill levels to knowledge of DMAIC.

41Niveles de conocimiento de proyectos DMAIC

1 Participa en entrenamiento de DMAIC2 Participa y concluye un proyecto como lder o miembro3 Lidera y concluye 2 proyectos DMAIC (aplica competencia White Belt)4 Realiza coaching y participa como facilitador durante entrenamientoMatriz Niveles conocimientoCorresponde con niveles de conocimiento y niveles dentro de proyectos DMAIC 0 Falta de conocimiento y prctica 1 Conocimiento bsico sin habilidad 2 Practica con ayuda3 Practica sin ayuda4 Puede entrenarNo aplica1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. ControlKey Points:You can see how the more advanced you are in the belt certifications, the higher your corresponding skill level on the matrix. For team members who are not going to be certified, their skill level increases the more projects they participate in.Note that people will receive FI training in the context of building competence and as needed for leading or participating on a project in their area. The point is always the application of these skills, not mere book learning.

Facilitator Notes:Walk through the corresponding DMAIC levels of experience. The next slide will show what topics to include on an FI self-assessment, when gathering information on the teams initial knowledge/skill level.

42Vista Grfica de Mapa de Habilidades

Actualizar temas de DMAIC para cada miembro de equipo de mejora especifica en la matriz de habilidades ANTES y DESPUES de terminado el proyecto.ANTESDESPUES

43Key Points:Using this type of chart, you can represent progress that the team makes in each DMAIC topic area towards the desired skill level.

Facilitator Notes:Note that a team members after may indicate that they gained more skill level in some areas that others, in which case the current level of skill might spike further outwards along some spokes than others. In the example shown on this slide, note the persons skill level did not advance as much in the control phase, which is typically a weak point in team members skills/knowledge.43DEFINIR PasosAlcance y Definicin de proyectoDefinicin de ObjetivoEvaluacin de impacto financieroDefinir alcance de proyectoIdentificar/confirmar KPIs de proyectoEvaluar tendencias (daros histricos)Definir ObjetivoEvaluar prdida actual (impacto financiero)Definir beneficios tangible e intangiblePlan de ProyectoCrear un equipo multidisciplinario con las habilidades necesarias para resolver el problemaFormato EquipoDefinir actividades claras y tiempo de entregaPlan de ProyectoMedirDefinicin de Equipo5W1HEs & No esGrafico de DatosMatriz de HabilidadesMapa de habilidades iniciales del equipoMatriz de HabilidadesHoja FinancieraObjetivoHerramientasProceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control44Key Points:This is a view of the DEFINE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of DEFINE is to state the problem clearly; define the projects scope; identify the financial impact of the problem as well as projected benefits of the project; set up your project team; and establish a project timeline with milestones.It is important to go, see, and touch in order to accurately identify the problem.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.IntroduccinMapa de Ruta y HerramientasDefinirMedirAnalizarImplementarControlarAgendaKey Points:We will begin with an introduction to how the DMAIC methodology is being used; the structure of the FI Pillar; the structure of the FI Pillar; the various roles on a DMAIC project; and the levels of certification/ skill in DMAIC.

Facilitator notesThis section provides useful context for the participants before they begin learning the phases and the tools of the DMAIC methodology45MEDIR Pasos

Identificar como clasificar los datos (tiempo, rea, sntoma etc)Grafico acumuladoGraficar evolucin de KPI en el tiempoEstratificacinDiagrama de flujoObjetivoHerramientasDiagrama ParetoGrficos de datosDefinir declaracin de problema para alcanzar objetivo de proyecto5W1H1. Identificar el punto de partida requerido para clasificar y recolectar datosAsegurarse que los datos son consistentes, confiables con el grado de detalle necesarioFormato y plan de recoleccin de datosMapa de pasos de proceso para asegurar entendimientoCriterioEstratificacinAnalizarAnlisis de Datos (estratificacin)Definir declaracin especifica del problemaSDatos son Confiables?1. Recoleccin datos Plan de Estratificacin2. Uso datos Histricos para estratificacinNoMapeo Proceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control46Key Points:This is a view of the MEASURE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of MEASURE is to collect baseline data on the defect and its potential causes; plot the defects occurrence over time; and stratify the data.This phase also involves mapping the process you are examining. You may need to map the overall process at a high level at the beginning of the Measure phase, and then, once you have focused the problem to a particular area or sub-process, create a more detailed process map.You will develop a clearly articulated, focused problem statement by the end of this phase.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.We prefer to talk about Focused Problem Statement tool instead 5W1H to avoid the confusion with the 5W2H in the IMPROVE phase for the Action PlanPrincipales Objetivos Fase Medir

Objetivos:Focalizarse en el problemaGanar un entendimiento profundo en el entendimiento del problema La Fase de Medir estudia efectos ms que las causasEn la fase de Medir, necesitamos:Recolectar datos (cuando sea necesario);Retar la confiabilidad de datos existentes;Definir el criterio de estratificacin que usaremos para clasificar o dividir el problema;Identificar problemas prioritarios.47Key Points:The Measure phase is about understanding the problem/current situation in greater depth and detail. The focus is still on the effects of the problem not the causes. The Analyse phase leads with causes; but whenever we are talking about the Measure phase, you should be thinking about effects, or problems.This is the phase in which historical data collection and evaluation of that data in order to *focus* the problem is key. We may only know in the Define phase that there are too many stoppages on a line; but the Measure phase can narrow down where the problem or problems occur in the process (e.g., which pieces of equipment? Which steps in the process?), when they occur (e.g., which shift? With which operators?), or other symptoms (e.g., which packaging? Which raw materials?), etc.This is also the phase in which identified effects or problems are prioritized, and detailed process mapping occurs.The outcome is a FOCUSED problem statement.

Facilitator Notes:This slide includes an animation; please review in slideshow mode when practicing delivery of this training.Throughout the Measure phase discussion and exercises, its important to correct the participants if they begin to think in terms of causes rather than *effects.* This is a common error; the other error is to begin jumping all the way to solutions.


Identificar como clasificar los datos (tiempo, rea, sntoma etc)Grafico acumuladoGraficar evolucin de KPI en el tiempoEstratificacinDiagrama de flujoObjetivoHerramientasDiagrama ParetoGrficos de datosDefinir declaracin de problema para alcanzar objetivo de proyecto5W1H1. Identificar el punto de partida requerido para clasificar y recolectar datosAsegurarse que los datos son consistentes, confiables con el grado de detalle necesarioFormato y plan de recoleccin de datosMapa de pasos de proceso para asegurar entendimientoCriterioEstratificacinAnalizarAnlisis de Datos (estratificacin)Definir declaracin especifica del problemaSDatos son Confiables?1. Recoleccin datos Plan de Estratificacin2. Uso datos Histricos para estratificacinNoMapeo Proceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control48Key Points:This is a view of the MEASURE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of MEASURE is to collect baseline data on the defect and its potential causes; plot the defects occurrence over time; and stratify the data.This phase also involves mapping the process you are examining. You may need to map the overall process at a high level at the beginning of the Measure phase, and then, once you have focused the problem to a particular area or sub-process, create a more detailed process map.You will develop a clearly articulated, focused problem statement by the end of this phase.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.We prefer to talk about Focused Problem Statement tool instead 5W1H to avoid the confusion with the 5W2H in the IMPROVE phase for the Action Plan

Como los datos te pueden ayudar?

Qu es eso ?1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control49Key Points:During the Define phase, you collected some data, and you created a Time Series Plot. But now is the time to look underneath the surface

Facilitator Notes:Dont dwell on this slide go to the next slide so the metaphor becomes clear.

Los Datos Muestran lo que en realidad esta ocurriendo

Son Tres ?1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control50Key Points:You may realize that your mass of data, representing occurrences of a problem, actually has various dimensions like discovering that what looks like one sea monster is three different creatures. Where will you focus?

Facilitator Notes:Ask the class why they need stratification; they should volunteer that you can split up your data into manageable pieces that can be examined more closely to further define the problem and the project scope.

Criterios Comunes de Estratificacin



51Key Points:Again, these are common categories of relevant stratification criteria, but you can narrow each of those categories down to identify strata that are relevant to your project.

Facilitator Notes:Ask the class if they have had experience in the past with stratification of data, and if so, what criteria they used. Examples they suggest may include: shift; type of package; machine; differences in raw material or suppliers; analyst; in the supply chain, perhaps delivery driver; etc.


Identificar como clasificar los datos (tiempo, rea, sntoma etc)Grafico acumuladoGraficar evolucin de KPI en el tiempoEstratificacinDiagrama de flujoObjetivoHerramientasDiagrama ParetoGrficos de datosDefinir declaracin de problema para alcanzar objetivo de proyecto5W1H1. Identificar el punto de partida requerido para clasificar y recolectar datosAsegurarse que los datos son consistentes, confiables con el grado de detalle necesarioFormato y plan de recoleccin de datosMapa de pasos de proceso para asegurar entendimientoCriterioEstratificacinAnalizarAnlisis de Datos (estratificacin)Definir declaracin especifica del problemaSDatos son Confiables?1. Recoleccin datos Plan de Estratificacin2. Uso datos Histricos para estratificacinNoMapeo Proceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control52Key Points:This is a view of the MEASURE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of MEASURE is to collect baseline data on the defect and its potential causes; plot the defects occurrence over time; and stratify the data.This phase also involves mapping the process you are examining. You may need to map the overall process at a high level at the beginning of the Measure phase, and then, once you have focused the problem to a particular area or sub-process, create a more detailed process map.You will develop a clearly articulated, focused problem statement by the end of this phase.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.We prefer to talk about Focused Problem Statement tool instead 5W1H to avoid the confusion with the 5W2H in the IMPROVE phase for the Action PlanRevisando la confiabilidad de los datos

DatosHerramientasEs esencial asegurar la confiabilidad de los datos!!!Si los datos no son confiables,El anlisis entero estar comprometido!AnlisisBasuraNo Confiables53Key Points:No matter how powerful or sophisticated your equipment and tools may be for analyzing data, if the data inputs are not valid, your analysis means nothing. Its the old saying: garbage in, garbage out.The issues with the data itself may require some of your problem-solving skills.

Facilitator Notes:Ask the class if they can think of ways to verify data, or what signs they should look for that might indicate the data is inconsistent, inaccurate, or incomplete.


Identificar como clasificar los datos (tiempo, rea, sntoma etc)Grafico acumuladoGraficar evolucin de KPI en el tiempoEstratificacinDiagrama de flujoObjetivoHerramientasDiagrama ParetoGrficos de datosDefinir declaracin de problema para alcanzar objetivo de proyecto5W1H1. Identificar el punto de partida requerido para clasificar y recolectar datosAsegurarse que los datos son consistentes, confiables con el grado de detalle necesarioFormato y plan de recoleccin de datosMapa de pasos de proceso para asegurar entendimientoCriterioEstratificacinAnalizarAnlisis de Datos (estratificacin)Definir declaracin especifica del problemaSDatos son Confiables?1. Recoleccin datos Plan de Estratificacin2. Uso datos Histricos para estratificacinNoMapeo Proceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control54Key Points:This is a view of the MEASURE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of MEASURE is to collect baseline data on the defect and its potential causes; plot the defects occurrence over time; and stratify the data.This phase also involves mapping the process you are examining. You may need to map the overall process at a high level at the beginning of the Measure phase, and then, once you have focused the problem to a particular area or sub-process, create a more detailed process map.You will develop a clearly articulated, focused problem statement by the end of this phase.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.We prefer to talk about Focused Problem Statement tool instead 5W1H to avoid the confusion with the 5W2H in the IMPROVE phase for the Action PlanRequerimiento Bsicos para la Calidad de los Datos

Los Datos deben ser:Relevantes: para el proceso que esta siendo analizadoRepresentativos:para la situacin que estamos analizandoLebles:siendo claros, entendibles/usables.Confiable: en la recoleccin, registro y fidelidad

1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control55Key Points:This is from TPM four requirements that data must have in order to be considered high quality.

Facilitator Notes:You do not need to dwell on this slide.

El plan de recoleccin de datos presenta informacin detallada en el proceso de recoleccin: (What) Qu se medir?; (Why) Propsito de la recoleccin?; (How) Cmo son registrados los resultados?; (Where) Dnde se registran los resultados?; (When) Tamao y frecuencia de la muestra; (Who) Persona a cargo de la recoleccin.Plan Recoleccin de Datos (5W 1H)

56Key Points:Its helpful to use the 5W 1H tool to ensure that you are thinking through all the angles for your data collection plan.

Facilitator Notes:You do not need to dwell on this slide theres an example on the next slide that will show how to use the 5W 1H approach.


Identificar como clasificar los datos (tiempo, rea, sntoma etc)Grafico acumuladoGraficar evolucin de KPI en el tiempoEstratificacinDiagrama de flujoObjetivoHerramientasDiagrama ParetoGrficos de datosDefinir declaracin de problema para alcanzar objetivo de proyecto5W1H1. Identificar el punto de partida requerido para clasificar y recolectar datosAsegurarse que los datos son consistentes, confiables con el grado de detalle necesarioFormato y plan de recoleccin de datosMapa de pasos de proceso para asegurar entendimientoCriterioEstratificacinAnalizarAnlisis de Datos (estratificacin)Definir declaracin especifica del problemaSDatos son Confiables?1. Recoleccin datos Plan de Estratificacin2. Uso datos Histricos para estratificacinNoMapeo Proceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control57Key Points:This is a view of the MEASURE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of MEASURE is to collect baseline data on the defect and its potential causes; plot the defects occurrence over time; and stratify the data.This phase also involves mapping the process you are examining. You may need to map the overall process at a high level at the beginning of the Measure phase, and then, once you have focused the problem to a particular area or sub-process, create a more detailed process map.You will develop a clearly articulated, focused problem statement by the end of this phase.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.We prefer to talk about Focused Problem Statement tool instead 5W1H to avoid the confusion with the 5W2H in the IMPROVE phase for the Action PlanCual es le Objetivo de Obtener Datos en Medir: El objetivo es separar un problema grande en problemas ms pequeos. Para definir la prioridad de los problemas debemos hacer un Diagrama de Pareto para identificar los problemas ms frecuentes. El principio de Pareto nos dice que la menor cantidad de problemas nos da el 80% de los efectos y la mayor cantidad problemas triviales nos dan el 20% de los efectos.Identificar Problemas Prioritarios

58Key Points:Pareto Charts are an important tool in the Measure phase, because again, the Measure phase is meant to focus the problem, and ensure that your project will address the effects that occur with the highest frequency or are the most severe.

Facilitator Notes:It may be a good time to ask the participants if everyone is familiar with Pareto Charts and how to build them. If not, you may need to hold a quick tutorial, and show some examples.The concept of a Pareto Chart, and how to interpret them, are included in the following slides.Diagramas de Pareto

Un diagrama de Pareto muestra la distribucin de las frecuencias para datos cualitativos.Traza la informacin de manera que hace posible concentrar los esfuerzos de mejora en las reas donde se pueden obtener mayores beneficios, tambin provee una visin clara de que problemas y proyectos deben priorizarse.El principio de Pareto clasifica los problemas relacionados con la calidad en dos categoras:Pocos vitales o Probelmas mayores (80% de los efectos).Muchos Problemas triviales (20% de los efectos).59Key Points:Pareto Charts are designed to separate the few vital issues from the many trivial issues. You often hear the principle of focusing on the vital few referred to as the 80/20 rule.

Facilitator Notes:It may be a good time to ask the participants if everyone is familiar with Pareto Charts and how to build them. If not, you may need to hold a quick tutorial, and show some examples.

Que Observar en un Diagrama de ParetoSi Observas estoInterpretacin y Accin

El principio de Pareto aplica: una o algunas categoras dan la mayor parte del problema. Enfocarse en la barra o barras ms altas.El principio de Pareto NO aplica: todas las barras tienen casi las misma altura. No vale la pena investigar la barra ms alta. Hay que buscar otra manera de categorizar los datos o buscar otro tipo de datos.1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control60Key Points:The first thing to check on a Pareto Chart is whether the Pareto principle holds. A few of the categories should account for most of the problem.

Facilitator Notes:Remember to ask the participants if they have any questions before you begin discussing the example. Ideally, you will be able to use the example to address any confusion expressed by the class.MEDIR Pasos

Identificar como clasificar los datos (tiempo, rea, sntoma etc)Grafico acumuladoGraficar evolucin de KPI en el tiempoEstratificacinDiagrama de flujoObjetivoHerramientasDiagrama ParetoGrficos de datosDefinir declaracin de problema para alcanzar objetivo de proyecto5W1H1. Identificar el punto de partida requerido para clasificar y recolectar datosAsegurarse que los datos son consistentes, confiables con el grado de detalle necesarioFormato y plan de recoleccin de datosMapa de pasos de proceso para asegurar entendimientoCriterioEstratificacinAnalizarAnlisis de Datos (estratificacin)Definir declaracin especifica del problemaSDatos son Confiables?1. Recoleccin datos Plan de Estratificacin2. Uso datos Histricos para estratificacinNoMapeo Proceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control61Key Points:This is a view of the MEASURE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of MEASURE is to collect baseline data on the defect and its potential causes; plot the defects occurrence over time; and stratify the data.This phase also involves mapping the process you are examining. You may need to map the overall process at a high level at the beginning of the Measure phase, and then, once you have focused the problem to a particular area or sub-process, create a more detailed process map.You will develop a clearly articulated, focused problem statement by the end of this phase.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.We prefer to talk about Focused Problem Statement tool instead 5W1H to avoid the confusion with the 5W2H in the IMPROVE phase for the Action PlanDescribir y entender todos los pasos y su secuencia en un proceso. Ser capaces de identificar las dependencias y pasos crticos.El Proposito de Un diagrama de Flujo

Es un mapa de todos los pasos y su secuencia lgica en un proceso.Para describir la secuencia lgica de los pasos en un proceso.Para entender como funciona el proceso.Descripcin de procesos de produccinDescripcin de programas computacionales.Qu es?Comnmente usado:Para qu se usa?62Key Points:Part of understanding the problem your team will be focused on is getting a shared understanding of all the steps in the process affected. A process map ensures that the sequence of steps is clearly understood.

Facilitator Notes:There is an animation on this slide; please view in slideshow mode when preparing to deliver the training.

Como Crear un diagrama de Proceso

Describe process and objective in wordsDefine boundaries and level of detailAre the boundaries and the objectives clear?Consult key peoplePrepare draft Is it accurate and complete?Prepare final chartConsult key peopleFINNOYESNOYESINICIODescribir el proceso en palabrasDescribir el objetivo del procesoDefinir el nivel del proceso a ser descrito y apegarse a l.Definir los lmites, el inicio y el fin del proceso.Los cuadros de accin deben tener un solo output, de otra forma usar un diamante de decisin, cada circuito debe tener una salida.Quin est involucrado en los diversos pasos?Cules son los puntos crticos de medicin?Seguir el flujo del proceso y llevar a cabo todas las acciones y decisiones en su respectiva secuencia.63Key Points:Its important to go to the gemba in order to observe and describe the process.Colors/shading can be used to identify critical steps in the process.

Facilitator Notes:Walk through the tips on this slide. Ask the class if they have questions about how to build flow charts.


Identificar como clasificar los datos (tiempo, rea, sntoma etc)Grafico acumuladoGraficar evolucin de KPI en el tiempoEstratificacinDiagrama de flujoObjetivoHerramientasDiagrama ParetoGrficos de datosDefinir declaracin de problema para alcanzar objetivo de proyecto5W1H1. Identificar el punto de partida requerido para clasificar y recolectar datosAsegurarse que los datos son consistentes, confiables con el grado de detalle necesarioFormato y plan de recoleccin de datosMapa de pasos de proceso para asegurar entendimientoCriterioEstratificacinAnalizarAnlisis de Datos (estratificacin)Definir declaracin especifica del problemaSDatos son Confiables?1. Recoleccin datos Plan de Estratificacin2. Uso datos Histricos para estratificacinNoMapeo Proceso1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control64Key Points:This is a view of the MEASURE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of MEASURE is to collect baseline data on the defect and its potential causes; plot the defects occurrence over time; and stratify the data.This phase also involves mapping the process you are examining. You may need to map the overall process at a high level at the beginning of the Measure phase, and then, once you have focused the problem to a particular area or sub-process, create a more detailed process map.You will develop a clearly articulated, focused problem statement by the end of this phase.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.We prefer to talk about Focused Problem Statement tool instead 5W1H to avoid the confusion with the 5W2H in the IMPROVE phase for the Action PlanDebemos describir el problema preguntando

What QuQu est sucediendo?How CmoCmo es diferente del estado actual?Cmo sucede?Which - CulQu patrn ves? (sucede del lado derecho, izquierdo, abajo, arriba, en frete, aleatoriamente?)When - CundoCundo sucede? Cundo ocurri el problema?Where - DndeDnde sucede? WhoEst relacionado el problema con las habilidades del operador?Descripcin del fenmeno: Qu + Cmo+ Cul + Cundo + Dnde + QuinKey Points:These questions can help you fill in the details of your problem statement.

Facilitator Notes:The next slide shows sample responses to these questions, based on the chocolate line example that has been discussed previously.

65IntroduccinMapa de Ruta y HerramientasDefinirMedirAnalizarImplementarControlarAgendaKey Points:We will begin with an introduction to how the DMAIC methodology is being used; the structure of the FI Pillar; the structure of the FI Pillar; the various roles on a DMAIC project; and the levels of certification/ skill in DMAIC.

Facilitator notesThis section provides useful context for the participants before they begin learning the phases and the tools of the DMAIC methodology66ANALIZAR Pasos

*Its not a tool, and its not Go See Think DO Agrupar posibles causas para el problema en especificoDetectar las causas raz para cada problema especificoCon la participacin de todo el equipo haz una lista de las causas potenciales del problema especifico (identificados en la medicin)Lluvia de IdeasAgrupar potenciales causas similares de una forma clara y visualDiagrama Causa Efecto (Espina de Pescado)Detectar causas raz basndose en el diagrama causa efecto usando los 5 PorquesGo & See (Gemba)ImplementarVerificacin Verificar las causas raz con hechos y datosObjetivoHerramientasRestaurar condiciones BsicasListar las posibles causas para los problemas especficosIdentificar y eliminar los posibles problemas por medio del tarjeteoEjecutar5 Porques1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control67Key Points:This is a view of the ANALYSE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of ANALYSE is to identify root causes. To achieve that outcome, you and your team will brainstorm to identify possible causes, group them, and use the 5 Whys tool to isolate root causes.You will need to confirm root causes with data. This may require another round of data collection.Note that often, the Analyse and Improve phase involve an iterative approach, moving back and forth until the real root cause(s) can be confirmed.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.Experiencia pasada muestra que la mayora de las prdidas viene de Deterioracin o inhabilidad para establecer y mantener las condiciones bsicas que garantizan un buen desempeo, (limpiado, lubricacin, chequeos de rutina, apretado de tornillos), etc.

Antes de comenzar cualquier anlisis complejo, debemos estar seguro que los pequeos defectos y los efectos de la deterioracin hayan sido eliminados. Asegurarse que toda la limpieza, lubricacin y procedimientos de ajuste sean efectivos, estableciendo una buena condicin bsica del equipo.

Por qu restaurar las condiciones bsicas del proceso?

Key Points:Over time, if maintenance routines are not followed regularly or are not effective, deterioration of equipment performance will occur on the line, and can cause losses. Even small issues can add up.Before you begin addressing the causes of major issues, it makes sense to eliminate the minor flaws and ensure that all equipment is in good basic working order.Restoring basic machine conditions is not only on tightening, lubricating and cleaning (this is machines basic conditions), it also includes correcting process parameters if they are wrong and also putting in place procedures and check lists if they are inexistent (process basic conditions)

Facilitator Notes:One of the pitfalls of failing to restore basic conditions prior to Analysis is that your Action Plan could end up largely a list of tasks having to do with maintaining the equipment (cleaning, lubricating, tightening parts). In the past, some White Belt projects have resulted in Action Plans with over 100 items. But a closer look reveals that 80% of those action items were small inconveniences that could have been eliminated without the DMAIC project.It was for this reason, specifically in cases where factories did not yet have TPM, that a step was added to the DMAIC process to restore basic conditions. It would be ideal to work in concert with the AM Pillar where TPM is in place, but the FI Pillar has had to incorporate some of the AM Pillar principles to ensure efficiency and success of DMAIC projects.


*Its not a tool, and its not Go See Think DO Agrupar posibles causas para el problema en especificoDetectar las causas raz para cada problema especificoCon la participacin de todo el equipo haz una lista de las causas potenciales del problema especifico (identificados en la medicin)Lluvia de IdeasAgrupar potenciales causas similares de una forma clara y visualDiagrama Causa Efecto (Espina de Pescado)Detectar causas raz basndose en el diagrama causa efecto usando los 5 PorquesGo & See (Gemba)ImplementarVerificacin Verificar las causas raz con hechos y datosObjetivoHerramientasRestaurar condiciones BsicasListar las posibles causas para los problemas especficosIdentificar y eliminar los posibles problemas por medio del tarjeteoEjecutar5 Porques1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control69Key Points:This is a view of the ANALYSE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of ANALYSE is to identify root causes. To achieve that outcome, you and your team will brainstorm to identify possible causes, group them, and use the 5 Whys tool to isolate root causes.You will need to confirm root causes with data. This may require another round of data collection.Note that often, the Analyse and Improve phase involve an iterative approach, moving back and forth until the real root cause(s) can be confirmed.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.Lluvia de Ideas

La lluvia de ideas es dinmica de grupo en donde los participantes generan ideas y opiniones en torno a un tema concreto de forma organizada.Todos los participantes deben de tener la oportunidad equitativa de contribuir.Caractersticas:Libertad de contribuir y participarEntusiasmo y mismo derechos entre los participantesTodos los ngulos/puntos de vista deben ser considerados y razonados.70Key Points:There is more than one method for brainstorming; you may choose to use brainwriting. In brainwriting, rather than have the group contribute ideas orally, with one person acting as a scribe, each member of the group individually writes ideas on pieces of paper, typically Post-It notes. Then the members can paste their sticky notes on the fishbone diagram (which should be printed in large format and hung on the wall, or drawn on a whiteboard).There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. Pros of Group Brainstorming: everyone invited to speak; as the group discusses ideas, they can evolve/be improved; one idea can spark another.Cons of Group Brainstorming: process can be slowed down as ideas articulated verbally must be translated by the scribe into written form; stronger personalities may dominate; group think may result, with everyone following the same narrow path instead of introducing new ideasPros of Brainwriting: everyone contributes equally (given same number of slips of paper; individuals may come up with vastly different ideas independently; the sticky notes are easy to group/re-arrangeCons of Brainwriting: ideas must be de-duped, as team members will likely come up with overlapping ideas, just articulated differently; the group cannot inspire one another/spark new ideas; less energy in the room

Facilitator Notes:You can introduce the concept of brainwriting vs. brainstorming when reviewing the Brainstorming Recommendations slide, or discuss here.ANALIZAR Pasos

*Its not a tool, and its not Go See Think DO Agrupar posibles causas para el problema en especificoDetectar las causas raz para cada problema especificoCon la participacin de todo el equipo haz una lista de las causas potenciales del problema especifico (identificados en la medicin)Lluvia de IdeasAgrupar potenciales causas similares de una forma clara y visualDiagrama Causa Efecto (Espina de Pescado)Detectar causas raz basndose en el diagrama causa efecto usando los 5 PorquesGo & See (Gemba)ImplementarVerificacin Verificar las causas raz con hechos y datosObjetivoHerramientasRestaurar condiciones BsicasListar las posibles causas para los problemas especficosIdentificar y eliminar los posibles problemas por medio del tarjeteoEjecutar5 Porques1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control71Key Points:This is a view of the ANALYSE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of ANALYSE is to identify root causes. To achieve that outcome, you and your team will brainstorm to identify possible causes, group them, and use the 5 Whys tool to isolate root causes.You will need to confirm root causes with data. This may require another round of data collection.Note that often, the Analyse and Improve phase involve an iterative approach, moving back and forth until the real root cause(s) can be confirmed.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.Relaciones de Causa EfectoY=f(x)

EFECTOFuente de los Problemas: Costo Calidad Productividad Seguridad Personas6Ms:Man, Machine, (Raw) Material, Method, Measures, (Environ)M(ent)Hombre, Mquina, Materia Prima, Medidas, AmbienteCausasCausasMateria PrimaProducto TerminadoProceso72Key Points:The causes of the problem can occur at any point in the process from introduction of raw materials to completion of the finished product, and there are various categories of possible causes.Remembering the 6Ms will help you and the team think holistically about all the possible causes for the problem, as well as group the brainstormed causes into logical categories.

Facilitator Notes:Remind the class that the effect is of course the KPI that has been identified in the focused problem statement.

Se utiliza para organizar y agrupar causas similares usando las 6Ms.El diagrama causa & efecto se conoce como espina de pescado, o diagrama Ishikawa y se utiliza despus de las secciones de lluvia de ideas.

Diagramas Causa Efecto Espina Pescado Ishikawa

73Key Points:Your brainstorm session produces a list of possible causes; the next step is to group the causes in a clear, visual way. The purpose of this step is to narrow down how many causes you will analyse in order to identify ROOT causes. Since many brainstormed causes fall into the same category, its easier to manage the list using a Cause-Effect diagram.

Facilitator Notes:Share this tip with the class: labeling the fishbone with the 6Ms and having the diagram available during brainstorming will help spark ideas across a broad range of categories. The richness of the brainstorm will be increased if the team considers at least 4 Ms, and ideally, all six.

Diagrama Causa Efecto:Define los primeros resultados de una anlisis de causa de forma concreta;Refleja la escala y complejidad del sistemas de causas;Indica cuales causas puedan afectar la ejecucin del proceso;Combina le conocimiento del grupo con respecto al proceso que se esta analizando;Se puede emplear para cualquier problema. Se sugiere utilizar las 6Ms pero no es mandatorio.Caractersticas Diagrama Causa Efecto

74Key Points:Weve emphasised using the 6Ms to brainstorm and group causes; they serve as an excellent starting point. But if you have other logical ways to group causes, thats fine. The 6Ms are not mandatory; but labeling the fishbone and grouping the causes should be a part of your process.

Facilitator Notes:You can ask the class if they think there are other categories for causes they might want to introduce.

Concepto "Medios & Fin" 1954 - Abraham Maslow







75Key Points:This is the famous cause-effect or means-end fishbone diagram. The fishbone is used to list and group the various causes. At the head of the fish is the effect the problem or KPI that is being driven by the causes. A common error is to list a cause where the effect should be; if you have taken care to focus on EFFECTS rather than causes in the previous DMAIC phases, you can avoid pursuing an incorrect analysis.

Facilitator Notes:Gauge whether the class is grasping the difference between the two key concepts: effect and cause. Effects are the result, and are measured in the product. Causes are the means that affect the result, and are measured in the process.

Descripcin de las 6MsMaquina: Enlistar variables asociadas con la maquinaria o equipo usado para el proceso de cambio.Mano de Obra: Enlistar variables asociadas con el trabajo del operador.Materiales: Enlistar variables asociadas con la materiales que intervienen en el proceso.

Mtodo: Enlistar todos los mtodos empleados durante el proceso/ tareas.M.Ambiente: Enlistar variables asociadas con el trabajo del medio ambiente.

76Key Points:The 6Ms are suggested categories for thinking through possible causes, and grouping them.

Facilitator Notes:You may not need to read through these with the class, unless you think they need the examples spelled out to better understand groupings of causes.


*Its not a tool, and its not Go See Think DO Agrupar posibles causas para el problema en especificoDetectar las causas raz para cada problema especificoCon la participacin de todo el equipo haz una lista de las causas potenciales del problema especifico (identificados en la medicin)Lluvia de IdeasAgrupar potenciales causas similares de una forma clara y visualDiagrama Causa Efecto (Espina de Pescado)Detectar causas raz basndose en el diagrama causa efecto usando los 5 PorquesGo & See (Gemba)ImplementarVerificacin Verificar las causas raz con hechos y datosObjetivoHerramientasRestaurar condiciones BsicasListar las posibles causas para los problemas especficosIdentificar y eliminar los posibles problemas por medio del tarjeteoEjecutar5 Porques1. Introduction2. Roadmap and tools3. Define4. Measure5. Analyse6. Improve7. Control77Key Points:This is a view of the ANALYSE phase roadmap; you will be learning the tasks and tools associated with this phase during this training.The purpose of ANALYSE is to identify root causes. To achieve that outcome, you and your team will brainstorm to identify possible causes, group them, and use the 5 Whys tool to isolate root causes.You will need to confirm root causes with data. This may require another round of data collection.Note that often, the Analyse and Improve phase involve an iterative approach, moving back and forth until the real root cause(s) can be confirmed.

Facilitator Notes:Keep the discussion high level here; there are chapters devoted to each phases roadmap, tools, and outputs coming up. This slide is only intended to give a quick overview.Briefly review the tools associated with this phase.Esta tcnica da profundidad al anlisis. Para usarla necesitas preguntarle a la causa porque ocurre y responder de forma especifica, continua hasta tener un mximo de 5 repeticiones. Los 5 Porques sirven para priorizar las causas identificadas en el diagrama causa & efecto despus de confirmar la hiptesis de cada causa en GEMBA. Usualmente tratamos de identificar las causas al tercer porque.Herramienta 5 Porques

78Key Points:This is a critical step in the DMAIC process. Its important to invest some time in the 5 Why analysis to ensure that the quality of thought is as high as possible.S