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Visitaremos dos islas en este da, la isla de los Uros que es una isla flotante de totora, conoceremos a su gente, costumbres y tradiciones. La Isla de los Uros es uno de los lugares ms extraos y pintorescos de Puno.Puno, que es el principal puerto del lago, dispone de embarcaciones con destino a la Isla del Sol o las islas flotantes de los Uros. En este hermoso Lago podremos visitar: Las Islas Flotantes de los Uros, La Isla de Taquile donde se ha quedado presente la cultura Inca, La Isla de Capacchica, La Isla de Amantan. Traslado desde su hospedaje hacia el puerto para dirigirnos a la Isla de los Uros, apreciando toda la Reserva Nacional del Lago Titicaca: Flora y fauna. Una de las tradiciones sobrevivientes ms originales son las islas de los Uros, un conjunto de 40 islas flotantes de caa hechas por el hombre en la que viven los Uros gente que vive.Usted tomara una excursin al lago Titicaca y visitara las islas de los Uros, de Taquile y de Amantan, tendr la oportunidad de interrelacionarse con la poblacin. Viajar a la isla flotante de los Uros y Taquile (1 2 dias de viaje) .Luego del desayuno, traslado al embarcadero para abordar la embarcacin con destino a las Islas flotantes de los Indios Uros, Isla que fue construida por los pobladores de la Isla a base de totora, planta acutica que forma parte de la vida cotidiana de las comunidades andinas, el lago Titicaca, el lago navegable ms alto del mundo con sus comunidades indgenas que viven en las islas flotantes de los Uros y Taquile. Visitaremos la isla flotante de Uros, una comunidad nativa, pequea, que ha vivido por dcadas en islas formadas de vegetacin en medio de este inmenso lago. Se dice que la pareja real fue enviada para dar nacimiento a los indios Uros, cuyos descendientes todava viven en la isla del lago. Los restos arqueolgicos atestiguan que por lo menos mil aos atrs exista una civilizacin junto al lago, pero tal vez su caracterstica ms enigmtica consista en sus "uros", unas 40 islas artificiales que llevan el nombre de los pueblos que las construyen y viven en ellas.

INGLS We are going to visit two islands this day, Uros Island that is a floating Totora island, meet there their people, customs and traditions. The island of Los Uros, is one of the most unusual and picturesque places in Puno. Puno, its major port, offers water taxis to the Island of the Sun and the Floating Islands of Uros . You can visit the Floating Islands of Uros, Taquile where it has remained present the Incan culture, Capacchica Island, The Island of amantan . Transfer from your hotel to the port, to head towards the Uros Islands, contemplating the whole Titicaca Lake National Reserve, as well as its flora and fauna.One of the most original surviving traditions are the Uros Islands, a set of 40 man-made floating reed islands upon which live the Uros people that live today as they have for centuries .You will have a full one day lake tour visiting the human made islands of Uros, Taquile and Amantani mingling with the local population and seeing their unique handicrafts and dress. Tour to the Islands of Los Uros and Taquile ( 1 or 2 days of tour ) .After breakfast, transfer to jetty for boat deal for the floating islands of the Uros Indians, Island that was built by the inhabitants of the island based totora, aquatic plant that forms part of the daily life of the people and that this construct their houses, rafts and craft work. of Andean communities, Lake Titicaca (the highest navegable lake in the world), with its indigenous communities that live on floating islands Uros and Taquile. We will visit the floating islands of Uros, which is actually a small, native community that has lived on reed islands in the middle of this immense lake for decades. It's said that the royal couple was sent to give birth to the Uros indians, whose descendants still live in the lake islands.Archaeological remains show that there was a civilization beside the lake at least a thousand years ago, but perhaps its most intriguing feature of all is its 40 'uros' - man-made islands named after the people who build and live on them.

El Sr. Escobar seal que las autoridades peruanas haban cedido parte de los territorios ancestrales de los uros y que las ciudades y las actividades mineras de las zonas aledaas estaban causando la contaminacin del lago Titicaca, con la consiguiente destruccin de los recursos naturales de los que dependen los uros. Dicen los habitantes de Uros que la totora es una planta enviada por los dioses, pues con ella se confeccionan las islas, las casas, la artesana, y las balsas. En la Cueva del Castillo hallar uno de los conjuntos ms importantes de la Prehistoria de Europa: 275 figuras (bisontes, uros, un mamut, referencias a la figura humana&) prueba de la presencia del Homo sapiens y que le demostrarn,La otra zona predilecta para el cultivo de la vid es el centro geogrfico de la isla, lugar en el que se cultivan las uvas a partir de las que se elaboran los vinos de la DO Binissalem.

Mr. Escobar pointed out that the Peruvian authorities had given away part of their ancestral territories and the towns and mining activities developed were now causing contamination of Lake Titicaca, with a consequent depletion of the natural resources on which the Uro depend. The inhabitants of Uros tell that the reed is a plant sent by gods, as with it they build their islands, their houses, their handicrafts, and the rafts for fishing and tours. El Castillo Cave has one of Europe's largest ensembles of prehistoric art: 275 figures (bison, wild bulls, a mammoth, references to the human form&), proof of the presence of Homo sapiens, and more exciting still, evidence of the beginnings of art in mankind. The other favourite area for the culture of the grapevine is the geographic centre of the island, place in which grapes used in the elaboration of wines from the DO Binissalem are cultivated.


The island of Los Uros, is one of the most unusual and picturesque places in Puno. Puno, its major port, offers water taxis to the Island of the Sun and the Floating Islands of Uros. You can visit the Floating Islands of Uros, Taquile where it has remained present the Incan culture, Capacchica Island, The Island of amantan and one of the most important islands as tourist places "Suhasi islands.Tour to the Islands of Los Uros and Taquile ( 1 or 2 days of tour ) . Visit of the floating islands of the Uros to discover the unique way of life and the customs of its inhabitants.We will visit the floating islands of Uros, which is actually a small, native community that has lived on reed islands in the middle of this immense lake for decades. The inhabitants of Uros tell that the reed is a plant sent by gods, as with it they build their islands, their houses, their handicrafts, and the rafts for fishing and tours.



Taquile es una de las islas ms hermosas del lago, en la que constrastan el rojo del suelo con el azul profundo del agua. Taquile es una isla especial porque sus tradiciones y costumbres se han mantenido intactas a lo largo del tiempo,. Sus ropas por ejemplo son diferentes a la de la poblacin de Uros, y en lugar de vivos colores, los hombres y mujeres de Taquile se visten predominantemente de negro y rojo. El Taquile y su arte textil recibieron esta distincin en 2005. La isla de Taquile es cuna de un emprendimiento de turismo vivencial pionero en el Per. Por ejemplo: clases de tejido con los pobladores de la isla de Taquile, observacin de flora y fauna con un poblador de la localidad, pesca en caballitos de totora, paseos en llama.Como sucede en Taquile, el textil tradicional de aqu es una verdadera maravilla, que se puede reconocer en sus distintas etapas de produccin. Taquile, Suasi y Amantan son conocidas por la amabilidad de sus moradores y por sus ancestrales tcnicas de tejido, sus construcciones precolombinas y maravillosos paisajes. Aunque el diseo del arte textil de Taquile ha introducido nuevos smbolos e imgenes contemporneas, an se mantienen el estilo y las tcnicas tradicionales. En la actualidad, Taquile se resiste a la influencia cultural extranjera, y la preocupacin de los isleos es el manejo adecuado de esta actividad que se ha convertido en su principal fuente de ingresos. En la isla Taquile se habla Quecha, hay muchas terrazas agriculturales antiguas y ruinas que datan de tiempos pre-incas. El proyecto turstico de Amantan surge posteriormente al de Taquile, por tanto, aprende de este sus aciertos. La tradicin de tejer en la isla de Taquile se remonta a las antiguas civilizaciones inca, pukara y colla, por lo que mantiene vivos ciertos elementos de las culturas andinas prehispnicas. La isla de Taquile se encuentra en la provincia de Puno, distrito de Amantan, a 35 km del puerto, en el llamado Lago Mayor. Taquile tiene una escuela especializada para aprender la artesana local, lo que contribuye a la viabilidad y a la continuidad de la tradicin. El lago tiene 36 islas, entre las ms importantes se encuentran las de Taquile y Amantani, en territorio peruano, y las islas del Sol y de la Luna en aguas bolivianas.


Taquile is one of the most beautiful islands found in the lake, its red earth contrasting with the deep blue of the water.It is an exceptional island because a lot of the old traditions and customs have been maintained over the years. The traditional costumes are different to those worn by the Uros people. On the Uros islands you can see brightly coloured fabrics but the men and women of Taquile wear a lot of black and red.Le Taquile et son art textile ont reu cette distinction en 2005. The island of Taquile is the crib of experienced-based tourism in Peru. For example: knitting classes with the dwellers of the Taquile island, flora and fauna watching with a local inhabitant, fishing on totora reed boats, riding llamas. Just as in Taquile, traditional textiles here are also a true wonder in which the diverse stages of production can be recognized. Taquile, Suasi, and Amantan are knows for their kindness of their residents, their ancestral skill in weaving, their pre-Columbian constructions, and lovely countryside Although new, contemporary symbols and images have been introduced into Taquile textile art, the traditional style and techniques have been maintained. At present, Taquile is resistant to the influence of foreign cultures, and the main preoccupation of the islander is the proper management of this activity that has become their main source of income. Taquile Island is a Quechua speaking community, full of ancient agricultural terraces and even some ruins that date back to Pre-Incan times. The tourist Project of Amantani appeared after that of Taquile, therefore, it learned from the former . The weaving tradition on the island goes back to the ancient Inca, Pukara and Colla civilizations, thus keeping alive aspects of preHispanic Andean cultures .The Island of Taquile is located in the province of Puno, in the district of Amantani, 35 km from the port in the Major Lake. Taquile has a specialized school for learning Taquile handicrafts, ensuring the viability and continuity of the tradition. The lake has 36 islands, among the most important of which are Taquile and Amantani in Peru and the Islands of the the Sun and the Moon in Bolivian waters.

La poblacin de Taquile ha crecido considerablemente a lo largo de las ltimas dcadas, lo que ha originado una escasez de recursos y la necesidad de importar cada vez ms productos del continente. Adems del turismo, los habitantes de Taquile viven de la pesca y de los pocos cultivos que se pueden recolectar en la isla. El tour tradicional del FD Uros Taquile se presenta por momentos saturado por las constantes visitas en la maana camino a la Isla de Taquile, Amantani y Suasi .

The Taquile population has grown considerably over recent decades, leading to resource shortages and the need to import more and more goods from the mainland. Amantani is located about hours by boat from Puno, north of Taquile. The island is divided into terraces on which the people grow crops, including potatoes, broad beans and corn.Other traditional 1 day Uros/Taquile tours are sometimes saturated by constant morning visitors en route to the islands of Taquile, Amantan and Suasi.


Taquile is one of the most beautiful islands found in the lake, its red earth contrasting with the deep blue of the water . The traditional costumes are different to those worn by the Uros people. On the Uros islands you can see brightly coloured fabrics but the men and women of Taquile wear a lot of black and red. The island of Taquile is the crib of experienced-based tourism in Peru. Taquile Island is a Quechua speaking community, full of ancient agricultural terraces and even some ruins that date back to Pre-Incan times. The Island of Taquile is located in the province of Puno, in the district of Amantani, 35 km from the port in the Major Lake. Taquile has a specialized school for learning Taquile handicrafts, ensuring the viability and continuity of the tradition. The Taquile population has grown considerably over recent decades, leading to resource shortages and the need to import more and more goods from the mainland.


ESPAOLEn el Titicaca hay varias islas, de las cuales Uros, Taquile y Amantani son las ms conocidas y visitadas.El proceso del emprendimiento de Amantan es muy interesante, y surge cuando a fines de la dcada de 1970, el gobierno de entonces desarroll programas de promocin artesanal. Amantan tiene rasgos propios sumamente interesantes que ameritan quedarse al menos dos das y una noche, hospedndose en alguna casa familiar. Linternas o faroles sern tiles porque no hay electricidad en la Isla Amantani y los baos estn fuera de los cuartos. Ubicada a 3.817 msnm, Amantan tiene una extensin de 9 km2 , y su naturaleza es ms diversa que en las otras islas: muestra presencia de plantas arbustivas como [...] La poblacin de Amantan suma unas 4.000 personas organizadas en 800 familias, repartidas en las ocho comunidades. La isla de Taquile se encuentra en la provincia de Puno, distrito de Amantan, a 35 km del puerto, en el llamado Lago Mayor. Una buena proporcin de turistas hacen un recorrido breve, que forma parte de un circuito con otras islas como Amantan y Uros. Por va lacustre se puede llegar desde Puno o Amantani con una navegacin de 2 y 1 horas respectivamente. Hoy, en Amantan florece un proyecto de turismo rural y vivencial muy prestigioso, que encanta a los visitantes y mejora sensiblemente la economa local.Lo esplndido de sus paisajes y la fascinante vida de sus pobladores ameritan la visita a las islas Taquile y Amantan. La visita turstica convencional incluye la ciudad de Puno, las ciudades lacustres y las islas peruanas de Uros, Taquile, Amantan y Suasi.Un poco ms al norte est la isla de Amantan, tambin muy atractiva, aunque menos conocida.Despus de la visita de la ciudad de Arequipa y la exploracin del can de Colca uno del el ms profundo del mundo, navegarn sobre el lago Titicaca hasta las islas encantadoras de Taquile y Amantani.

Nos cambiaba de lugar entonces/luego a Puno, donde a los mercados que hemos comprado verdaderamente tambin cosas, nosotros somos organizados para un viaje de tres das sobre el Lake Titicaca all, a las islas Uros - Amantani.

INGLESThere are various islands in the lake, of which Uros, Taquile and Amantani are the most well-known and most visited.The process of the Amantani venture is very interesting, and it emerges towards the end of the 1970 decade when the government developed programs for the promotion of handicrafts. Amantani has extremely interesting features worth spending at least two days and one night in some family house. Flashlights or headlamps could be useful as there is no electricity on Amantani Island and bathrooms are located outside the rooms.Located at 3.817 masl, Amantani has an extension of 9 km2 , and its nature is more diverse than that of the other islands: it shows presences of bush plants such [...]The population of Amantani adds up to 4.000 individuals, organized in 800 families scattered around eight communities. The Island of Taquile is located in the province of Puno, in the district of Amantani, 35 km from the port in the Major Lake. Most tourists do a short trip, which is part of a circuit that includes other islands such as Amantani and Uros. For lacustrine route it is possible to come from Puno or Amantani with a navigation of 2 and 1 hour respectively. Today, in Amantani a very prestigious project of rural and experienced-based tourism flourishes which charms visitors and improves the local economy. The splendid landscapes and fascinating life of its inhabitants make a visit to the islands Taquile and Amantani a must. The traditional tourist circuit includes the city of Puno, the cities by the lake and the Peruvian islands of Uros, Taquile, Amantani and Suasi. Further up north lies the islet of Amantani, as attractive but less known. After the visit of the city of Arequipa and the exploration of the Canyon of Colca, one of the world's deepest, you will navigate on the Lake Titicaca to the charming islands of Taquile and Amantani.

Moved then us to Puno, where to the markets we have bought really too things, we are organized for a trip of three days on the Lake Titicaca there, to the islands Uros - Amantani.

Tambien incluye una noche de pernocte en la Isla Amantani. Isla Amantan, ubicado a 36 kilmetros del puerto de la ciudad de Puno, frente a la pennsula de Capachica.

Also includes one night on the island overnight Amantani. Amantani Island, located at 36 kilometers from the Port of Puno, across the peninsula of Capachica.


SUMMARY:There are various islands in the lake, of which Uros, Taquile and Amantani are the most well-known and most visited.Amantani has extremely interesting features worth spending at least two days and one night in some family house. Flashlights or headlamps could be useful as there is no electricity on Amantani Island and bathrooms are located outside the rooms. Located at 3.817 masl, Amantani has an extension of 9 km2 , and its nature is more diverse than that of the other islands: it shows presences of bush plants such [...]The tourist Project of Amantani appeared after that of Taquile, therefore, it learned from the former The Island of Taquile is located in the province of Puno, in the district of Amantani, 35 km from the port in the Major Lake. Most tourists do a short trip, which is part of a circuit that includes other islands such as Amantani and Uros. The traditional tourist circuit includes the city of Puno, the cities by the lake and the Peruvian islands of Uros, Taquile, Amantani and Suasi. After having experienced some of the ancient traditions of the local people, you continue your motor boat trip to Amantani.



ESPAOLEn el camino visitaremos las chullpas de Sillustani, que son cementerios preincas en forma de torres.Los alrededores son espectaculares destacando las Chullpas de Sillustani, con su conjunto de imponentes torres funerarias construidas por los Kollas. Luego de una breve visita a las torres funerarias de Sillustani llegars a tu comfortable hotel, donde podrs descansar y aclimatizarte.En el camino visitaremos las Chulpas de Sillustani, un sitio arqueolgico denominado por sus torres de roca, las cuales fueron construidas por los incas. Complejo arqueolgico de Sillustani, ubicado a 34 kilmetros de Puno. En el camino se har una visita breve al cementerio pre-inka de Sillustani*. Tambin cerca se encuentran las ruinas de Sillustani. Tambin cerca se encuentran las ruinas de Sillustani. El recorrido es de cinco horas desde PUNO al centro ceremonial de SILLUSTANI. Adems, los centros tursticos caractersticos de la provincia son los restos arqueolgicos de Sillustani, Cutimbo y Molloko. Tambin les recomendamos una visita a las Chullpas de Sillustani las cuales se encuentran a 34 Kms. de la ciudad de Puno. Sillustani es un sitio arqueolgico y es uno de los cementerios ms importantes de SudamricaLos alrededores son espectaculares destacando las Chullpas de Sillustani, con su conjunto de imponentes torres funerarias construidas por los Kollas; Juli, clebre por sus hermosos templos coloniales; Lampa, con su iglesia virreinal construida entre 1675 y 1685; Llachn, comunidad que an conserva centenarias costumbres y manifestaciones culturales y Pucar, famosa por su cermica prenca y por los toritos de Pucar que hoy los artesanos elaboran con arcilla. A pocos minutos de la ciudad, usted podr visitar las espectaculares Chullpas de Sillustani, un complejo de impresionantes torres funerarias construidas por losAproximadamente media manana visitaremos las Tumbas interesante de Ninamarca, comunmente conocidas como "Chullpas". El recorrido es de cinco horas desde PUNO al centro ceremonial de SILLUSTANI.

INGLESOn the way visit Sillustani chullpas, which are in the form of pre-Inca burial towers. In the outskirts, you can visit the spectacular Chullpas de Sillustani, a complex of impressive burial towers built by the Kollas. After a short visit to the funeral towers at Sillustani you will arrive at your comfortable hotel where you can relax and acclimatize.En route we will visit Sillustani. a pre-Incan burial ground noted for its chullpas, or funerary towers, the earliest of which date back to the Colla civilisation around 600 A.D. There are over 60 towers at Sillustani, the styles varying according to the person buried there. Acheological site of Sillustani, located at 34 kilometers from Puno. On the way you will have a quick visit to the pre - Inka cementery of Sillustani*. Tambin cerca se encuentran las ruinas de Sillustani.The walk takes around 5 hours from Puno to the ceremonial centre at Sillustani.Moreover, the typical tourist centers in the province are the archaeological remains of Sillustani, Cutimbo and Molloko. We would also like to suggest you to visit the Sillustani archeological area located 34 kms. from Puno city . Sillustani is an archeological site that is one of the most important churchyards of South America. In the outskirts, you can visit the spectacular Chullpas de Sillustani, a complex of impressive burial towers built by the Kollas, Juli, famous for its beautiful Colonial churches, Lampa with its vice royal church built between 1675 and 1685, Llachn, a community that still maintains its centuries old customs and cultural expressions, and Pucar, known for its pre-Inca pottery and for the toritos de Pucar that the artisans of today create from clay. A few minutes from the city, you can visit the spectacular Chullpas de Sillustani, a complex of impressive burial towers built by the Kollas; Juli is famous for [...] Approximately mid-morning we visit the interesting tombs of Ninamarca, commonly known as Chullpas. The walk takes around 5 hours from Puno to the ceremonial centre at Sillustani.


On the way visit Sillustani chullpas, which are in the form of pre-Inca burial towers. In the outskirts, you can visit the spectacular Chullpas de Sillustani, a complex of impressive burial towers built by the Kollas. En route we will visit Sillustani. a pre-Incan burial ground noted for its chullpas, or funerary towers, the earliest of which date back to the Colla civilisation around 600 A.D. There are over 60 towers at Sillustani, the styles varying according to the person buried there. Acheological site of Sillustani, located at 34 kilometers from Puno. On the way you will have a quick visit to the pre - Inka cementery of Sillustani*. Moreover, the typical tourist centers in the province are the archaeological remains of Sillustani, Cutimbo and Molloko. In the outskirts, you can visit the spectacular Chullpas de Sillustani, a complex of impressive burial towers built by the Kollas, Juli, famous for its beautiful Colonial churches, Lampa with its vice royal church built between 1675 and 1685, Llachn, a community that still maintains its centuries old customs and cultural expressions, and Pucar, known for its pre-Inca pottery and for the toritos de Pucar that the artisans of today create from clay. Other cities with important archaeological remains are: Sillustani, located 34 km north of Puno, at the border of the Umayo Lagoon with the archaeological monuments [...]


ESPAOLTaquile is located about 4 hours by boat from Puno in a spectacular location between the Chucuito and Capachia peninsulas. Integracin en las sedes de Lima: Se incorpor la sede de Aduanas ubicada en Chucuito (Provincia Constitucional del Callao) a la existente telefona de voz sobre IP que interconecta las sedes ubicadas en Wilson (centro de Lima), San Isidro y Miraflores.Ubicacin: se encuentra a 5 kilmetros al norte de la ciudad de Puno, Se encuentra en la baha de Chucuito (3,810 metros sobre el nivel del mar) .Productos: Prendas de vestir de alpaca: chompas, gorros, guantes, chalinas, etc. Marcelino Silva y su familia eran criadores de alpaca en la zona alta de Ilave, provincia de Chucuito, l recibi capacitacin en el Centro Educativo Ocupacional de Ilave en la lnea de tejido a mano; despus fue contratado como tcnico en el proyecto FEAS del Ministerio [...]Continuando con la ruta que bordea el lado sur del Titicaca se atraviesa un espectacular rosario de pueblos de gran tradicin y sitios arqueolgicos: Chucuito, cora con templos de piedra poseedores de tesoros del arte colonial, paisajes de maravilla y mucho ms. los monumentos arqueolgicos llamados chullpas, construcciones de piedras en forma de torres cnicas cuya altura vara de 10 a 13 m. Ubicados al sur de Puno se encuentran las ciudades de Chucuito ( a 18 Km) con interesantes iglesias virreinales, como la de San Miguel y Santa Brbara; Pomata (a 108 Km ) donde se encuentra la Iglesia de Santiago Apstol de estilo mestizo puro, con hermosa [...] Amaru tours les ofrece viajes inolvidables: Uno de ellos es el Full Day Puno, Taquile, Luquina (peninsula de chucuito zona aymara), Uros, Puno; despues de muchos aos de ensayos para el almuerzo escogimos el lugar denominado Luquina Chico, comunidad viva de tradicin milenaria, a orillas del lago Titicaca en una playa natural y terrazas, se ofrece un almuerzo buffet y un centro de interpretacion de biodiversidad del Lago Titicaca; y por la tarde finalizamos el tour con la visita a las tradicionales islas flotantes, de esta manera obtenemos un FULL DAY entretenido y suave.

INGLESSe encuentra en un maravilloso enclave entre los archipilagos de Chucuito y Capachia y a unas 4 horas en barco desde Puno. Integration of Lima-based branches: the Customs branch located in Chucuito (Constitutional Province of El Callao) was integrated to the existing IP voice telephony that interconnects the branches located in Wilson (downtown Lima), San Isidro and MirafloresLocation: It is 5 kilometers north from the city of Puno, It can be found in the Chucuito Bay (3.810 meters above the sea level) Marcelino Silva and its family were stockbreeders of alpaca in the high zone of Ilave, province of Chucuito, he received a qualification in the Professional Educational Centre of Ilave in the fabric line with hand; it was then contracted as technician in project FEAS of the Ministry for Agriculture to train the craftsmen and to support the reinforcement of its organizations. Continuing the path that runs along the south side of the Titicaca is going through a spectacular string of towns of great tradition and archeological sites: Chucuito, acora with stone temples possessing treasures of colonial art, landscapes of wonder and much more. Other cities with important archaeological remains are: Sillustani, located 34 km north of Puno, at the border of the Umayo Lagoon with the archaeological monuments called chullpas, stone constructions shaped as conic towers which height varies from 10 to 13 meters. There are several cities located south of Puno, such as Chucuito (18 km) with interesting Colonial churches, such as San Miguel and Santa Barbara. Amaru Tours offers you unforgettable journeys: one of which is the "Full Day Puno", including stops at Taquile, Luquina (on the Chucuito peninsula in the Aymara region), Uros and Puno. After many years of experience, for lunch we have chosen the site known as "Luquina Chico" (small Luquina), a community who live the traditions of thousands of years, on the banks of lake for lunch we have chosen the site known as "Luquina Chico" (small Luquina), a community who live the traditions of thousands of years, on the banks of lake, and in the afternoon we finish our tour with a visit to the traditional Uros floating islands.

En 1993 dirigentes de la asociacin Sur Andino la pusieron en contacto con CIAP, en febrero de 1996 participan en la asamblea de CIAP en Chucuito siendo reconocidos como un miembro ms.

In 1993 the leaders of association On Andino put it in contact with the CIAP; February 1996 they take share at the assembly of the CIAP in Chucuito while being recognized like a member moreover.

SUMMARY:Taquile is located about 4 hours by boat from Puno in a spectacular location between the Chucuito and Capachia peninsulas. Location: It is 5 kilometers north from the city of Puno, It can be found in the Chucuito Bay (3.810 meters above the sea level) History: The company was founded in 1942 by Mr. Augusto Maggiolo Cavenecia, in Chucuito at the Port of Callao. Marcelino Silva and its family were stockbreeders of alpaca in the high zone of Ilave, province of Chucuito, he received a qualification in the Professional Educational Centre of Ilave in the fabric line with hand; it was then contracted as technician in project FEAS of the Ministry for Agriculture to train the craftsmen and to support the reinforcement of its organizations.Continuing the path that runs along the south side of the Titicaca is going through a spectacular string of towns of great tradition and archeological sites: Chucuito, acora with stone temples possessing treasures of colonial art, landscapes of wonder and much more.