Download - Lista de vocabulario 7 a

  • 1. El brazo

2. El cepillo de dientes 3. El jabn 4. El maquillaje 5. El pecho 6. El peine 7. El piyama 8. Los dientes 9. Los hombros 10. La boca 11. La cara 12. La espalda 13. La nariz 14. La navaja 15. La pantorrilla 16. La pasta de dientes 17. La pierna 18. La secadora de pelo 19. La toalla 20. Antes de + inf. before (doing something)Despus de + inf. after (doing something)Para + inf. in order to do something*Acabar de + inf. to have just done something 21. Acostar(se) (ue) = to go to bed 22. Afeitar(se)= to shave 23. Baar(se)= to take a bath 24. Levantar(se) = to getup 25. Levantar pesas = lift weights 26. Maquillar(se) = to put on make up 27. Peinar(se) = to comb 28. Despertar(se) (ie) = towake up 29. Encontrar (ue) = to find 30. Entrenar(se) = to work out 31. Estar listo(a) = to beready 32. Estirar(se) = to stretch 33. Lavar(se) = to wash 34. Divertir(se) (ie) = to have fun 35. Mirar(se) = to lookat oneself 36. Sentir(se) = to feel 37. Hacer ejercicio = to exercise 38. Poner(se) = to put on 39. Preparar(se) = to get ready 40. Quitar(se) = to take off 41. Secar(se) = to dry 42. Vestir(se) (i) = to get dressed 43. Cepillar(se) = to brush 44. Duchar(se) = to shower 45. Ir(se) = to leave 46. Sentar(se) (ie) = to sit down 47. Tener que + Inf (ie)=to have to do something 48. Mantener(se) en forma to stay in shapeQu haces para relajarte? What do you do to relax?Cmo te mantienes en forma? How do you stay in shape?Qu te falta hacer? What do you have left to do?Dormir una siesta to take a napMe entreno. I work out.Entreno las piernas. I work out my legs.Corro y levanto pesas. I run and I lift weights.