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ISFD Lenguas vivasTaller de práctica docente – 2014

Alumno: Cantaroni Andrea Alejandra

Período de Prática: Segundo período

Institución Educativa: EP N°75

Dirección: Enrique Julio y Bélgica.

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 4° año b

Cantidad de alumnos: 26 alumnos

Nivel lingüístico del curso: ELEMENTAL

Tipo de Planificación: Por clase

Unidad Temática: Meal

Clase Nº: 6

Fecha: 14/9/14Hora: 13hs – 13:50hsDuración de la clase: 50 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 12/9/14

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Teaching points: I like ….I don’t like I don't like... at the… (Party/place)Aims or goals during this lesson: - Learners will be able to recognize, name and identify different food items from the Zappy’s party. - Learners will be able to talk about like and dislike in a general context. -Learners will be able to talk about different food items that they eat.

· Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation


Referring to colours

Vocabulary: colours This is…

NewIdentifying Food: Meat, vegetables, fruits.

Vocabulary: Banana, tomatoes, spinach, apples, oranges ,chicken,, hamburger, fish, carrots, mushrooms ,pears,

Do you like? Yes, I do No, I don’t.I don’t like….I like…..

I like…

Voiceless Alveoli Palatal Fricative/ʃ/

Voiced Dental Fricative/ð/

· Teaching approach: Communicative Approach

· Materials and resources: poster, board, photocopies, cards.

· Integration of skills: speaking, writing. Listening and speaking will be worked together since it is aimed that students can interpret the short story and be able to reproduce the specific structure working with speaking tasks and games that allow to practise vocabulary. They will be expected to recognize the new food vocabulary. · Seating arrangement: they will work in pairs for the oral task and for the written activity. · Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Students may face difficulties in acquiring the new structure (I like /I do not like) thus I will help them understand by applying different strategies though activities . I will use gestures, flashcards, miming and body language.

· Assessment: what will be assessed and how Students’ learning process will be assessed orally through games and dynamic activities. As a final task, they will be given an activity to practice associations of new food vocabulary. Stages of the lesson:

ROUTINE (5 min)I will say ‘Hello’ to the class and I will write the date on the board. Then I’ll ask: What’s the weather like today? Then I will write what the weather is like, for instance “It’s sunny”.

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INTRODUCTION (15 minutes)

I will hang on the board a picture with vegetables, fruits and meat from Zappy’s party. I will tell a story about Zappy’s party .I will tell them that Zappy, the fairy, organised a party for her friends Ana, Kevin, Sonia and other friends. They are very happy at the party. Ana says “I like fruits. I don’t like meat” Kevin says “I like vegetables”. I will use mimes and gestures in order to help students understand the short story about Nappy’s party. They danced, listened to music and they ate fruits, vegetables and meat. They enjoyed the party. I will say: look at this picture. I will introduce each vegetable that appear at Zappy's party, as well as the meat and fruits that the characters eat. It is a vegetable, I will guide them to help them to repeat each vegetable from the Zappy’s party .Then I will continue with the meat, and finally I will continue with the fruits. I will guide learners to talk about vegetables, fruits, and meat. Through examples .I will say “I like fruits”, “I like bananas, apples, oranges” I will say “I like…or “I don’t like…or answer the question “Do you like…?” Students will practise the use of I like / I do not like……..

The picture of Zappy’s party.

Zappy’s partyMeat Vegetables Fruits

Chicken Spinach Pear

hamburger potatoes orange

fish mushrooms Banana

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beaf of pig carrots Apple

Students will work with the pictures in order to say what food they like and they do not like. I will make them remember each item by showing it to learners. I will say: ‘I like meat” “Do you like meat?” “Do you like vegetables?”

PRACTICE (20 minutes)

As I am teaching ‘I like / I don’t like’, I will invite students to classify the food ítems according to this criteria.Iwill draw on the board three circles and I will write in each circle a word. I will write the word meat in the circle number one, I will write the word “fruits” in the second circle and the word “vegetables” in the third circle. I will tell them that they have to draw the circles in their notebook and I will give to each child a group of drawings with vegetables, fruits and meat that they have to select, cut and stick in each circle in order to practise the selection of each food that was in the party of Zappy.


The drawing for each child:

Spinach Chicken potatoes

hamburger Pear orange

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Banana Apple fish

Beaf of pig carrots mushrooms

Teaching approach: Communicative Approach

Then I will walk around the class in order to help them to do the activity or explain when they do not understand something. Then I will check their work. As students classify the food items, they can say what they like or don’t like. Finally I will invite them to play a game as a conclusion the class with points and mimes.

CLOSURE (10 minutes)GAME: I will prepare a game in order to practise new vocabulary about food from Zappy’s party. I will make four groups .Then one member of each group come to the front .I will tell student an item of food in secret.The rest of the group has to guess to get one point .Each student has one minute to mime the item so they can guess it. The group that has more points wins. Finally I will sum up the total points, after three times. The winner will be the group with more points. Then, when the time is over, I will say “good bye Children” and they will say “good bye” Miss Andrea.

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