Download - Las actividades económicas y el mundo laboral. ¡Busco ...La primera carta que hemos leído es una carta informal, es decir, una carta que se escribe a un amigo sobre cosas de la


Las actividades económicas y el mundo laboral.

¡Busco trabajo!: Communication: Letters and

Phone Calls

Fotografía de Mr.Wright en Flickr bajo licencia CC


Ahora no vas a encontrar nadaverdaderamente nuevo de teoría sinoque te vas a reencontrar con todo loanterior en situaciones reales .

En este tema vamos a ver como se realizala comunicación entre una empresa y elsolicitante de un empleo a la hora deponerse de acuerdo y concertar una cita.

Aquí hemos optado por presentar estacuestión desde dos puntos de vista:

la comunicación telefónica

la correspondencia.

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1. Las cartas

Fotografía de lonely radio en Flickr bajo licencia CC

Mira estos dos ejemplos de carta que te

presentamos. La primera carta la escriben Santiago y

Diane, su compañera de piso, a un amigo de estallamado John:

Fotografía de England en Flickr bajo licencia CC

Dear John,

How are you? It's been quite long without news from you! Santiago (my

Spanish flat mate, you remember him, don't you?) and I are planning a

trip to the North next month and we would like to see you when we go

to Birmingham.

What about work? Have you got any news about your new job? I really

hope you get it. You should look at the job offers in the newspapers;

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there are lots of wonderful offers.


Diane & Santiago

Imagen de gbaku en flickr bajo CC

La segunda carta la dirige Santiago al Departamento deRecursos Humanos de unos grandes almacenes en Leedssolicitando un puesto vacante. Como podrás ver todo en ella,excepto la primera palabra de entrada (dear) es muy distinto ala primera carta.

29 Graphton Street


27 th October 2008

Human Resources Dept.

House of Fraser

140-142 Briggate

Leeds LS1 6BR

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Santiago Gómez. I am a young man from Spain looking for a

job in Leeds where I intend to move.

Although I have a good job in a big Spanish Store in Bristol at the

moment, I would like to apply for the position available, of Chief

Assistant in the International Department, in your firm. I am an expert

in International Trade and Marketing. I have worked for the most

international and well-known Department Stores in my country and I am

sure your business will benefit with my experience and contacts with the

Spanish speaking countries of America.

I would very much appreciate the opportunity of an interview to

demonstrate my abilities which could benefit both parts.

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Yours Faithfully

Santiago Gómez

Cartas informales vs cartas formales

La primera carta que hemos leído es una carta informal , es decir, una carta que seescribe a un amigo sobre cosas de la vida diaria, como en este caso, contarle que estánpreparando un viaje y que les gustaría verse cuando lleguen a su ciudad.

Este tipo de cartas no tiene una estructura concreta, usa un lenguaje más propio delhablado que del escrito, se usan contracciones del tipo "I'm" o "isn't".

La segunda carta es una carta formal . Este tipo de cartas sí tiene una estructura fijaen inglés y no se puede variar. Además el lenguaje que usa es formal y no se usancontracciones. Pinchando en este enlace verás cual es la estructura de una cartaformal en Inglés.

What is the name of the Company Santiago is writing to?

Harvey Nichols& Co. Ltd

House of Fraser

What is the job Santiago is applying for?

Shop Assistant


Pregunta de Elección Múltiple

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Chief Assistant

Does Santiago address his letter to the owner of the Store?

No, he doesn't.

Yes, he does.

Why does Santiago think that the House of Fraser will benefit with his enrolment?

Because he can speak German

Because he has many contacts in Spanish speaking countries in America

Will Santiago attend an interview if the firm asks him?

Yes, he will

No, he won't

Santiago and Diane visited John ?

No, haven't. They are going to visit him in a

Veamos si ahora puedes completar los huecos teniendo en cuenta la primera carta quete hemos presentado:

Actividad de Espacios en Blanco

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John got new job?

We know


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2. Phone Calls (Llamadas telefónicas)

En este apartado vamos a poner en práctica la interacción oral que se desarrolla a través delteléfono. Empezaremos con tres ejemplos sencillos de conversaciones telefónicas no formales.

Pincha en los iconos para escucharlos.

Como verás tienes el texto de la primera conversación a la vista; pero para visualizar los otros dostextos has de pinchar en el enlace. Te recomendamos que primero escuches los audios y trates deentender lo más que puedas, luego vas a los textos, los lees, y a continuación vuelves a escucharcada frase siguiéndola en el texto:

Paolo: Hello.

Evelyn: Hi, can I speak to Tony?

Paolo: He's not here right now. Can I take a


Evelyn: Do you know when he will be back?

Paolo: No, I don't.

Evelyn: OK. I'll call back later. Thanks.

Fotografía de jima en Flickr bajo licencia CC

Fotografía de zbrox en Flickr bajo licencia CC

Un rato más tarde vuelve a sonar el teléfono,


Ahora vuelve a escuchar el diálogo leyendo el

texto del 2º diálogo telefónico.

Una vez más vuelve a sonar el teléfono,


Ahora vuelve a escuchar el diálogo leyendo el

texto del 3º diálogo telefónico.

Fotografía de C'est June en Flickr

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En la primera llamada telefónica preguntan por:




La persona que llama en segundo lugar....

no deja mensaje.

deja un mensaje

Susan es la persona que llama...

en la primera llamada

en la segunda llamada

en la tercera llamada

Dejan su número de teléfono

la segunda y la tercera personas que llaman

la primera persona que llama

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2.1. LLamada de trabajo

Ahora tenemos otro tipo de conversación algo distinta a las tres anteriores, en este caso es unallamada a una oficina porque Santiago ha logrado contactar por teléfono con la empresaIntertours (la oferta de trabajo en la que ha estado interesado):

Fotografía de Johan Koolwaaij en Flickr bajolicencia CC

A: Intertours, good morning, can I help you?

B: Good morning. Could I speak with Mister Parker,


A: A moment, who's calling, please?

B: This is Santiago Gómez.

A: Thank you, just a moment please, I'll see if Mr

Parker is available.

B: Sorry, I don't understand. Could you repeat that,


A: Yes, of course. I will see if Mr Parker can answer

the phone, just a minute

A: Mr. Gómez?

B: Yes?

A: I am very sorry; Mr. Parker is not available now, he

is in a meeting at the moment; would you like to leave

a message?

B: Yes, please, I want to have an appointment with Mr.

Parker; I saw the job offer in the newspaper.

A: Oh, yes. Have you got a contact telephone, Mr.


B: Yes, of course; my cell phone is 44-758-567-71-07.

A: All right, Sir. Mr. Parker will contact you as soon as


B: Ok, Thank you. Good bye

Fotografía de moirabot en Flickr bajolicencia CC

Ahora veamos que es lo que la persona que coge el teléfono en la oficina del Sr. Parker hace encuanto cuelga el teléfono después de hablar con Santiago, esta persona completa una hoja demensajes. Observa:

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Verdadero Falso

Verdadero Falso

Verdadero Falso

Verdadero Falso

Lee las frases y comprueba si son verdaderas o falsas según el diálogoanterior:

Santiago is in a meeting at the moment

Mr. Parker works for Flankers International

Santiago wants to have an appointment with Mr. Parker

Santiago doesn't leave a message

Pregunta Verdadero-Falso

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2.2. Expresiones habituales. Formales o


Aquí tenemos un cuadro con las expresiones más útiles y habituales en lasconversaciones formales o comerciales

Answering the phone. (Al Contestar)Problems. (Cuando surge un


Good morning/afternoon/evening,

York Enterprises, Elizabeth Jones


Who's calling, please?

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Could you repeat that, please?

I'm sorry, I can't hear you

very well. Could you speak up a

little, please?

I'm afraid you've got the

wrong number.

Could you spell that, please?

Introducing yourself.


Putting someone through. (Pasar

la llamada a alguien)

This is Paul Smith speaking.

Hello, this is Paul Smith from

Speakspeak International.

One moment, please. I'll see

if Mr Jones is available.

I'll put you through.

I'll connect you.

I'm connecting you now.

Asking for someone. (Preguntar por


Taking a message. (Coger el


Could I speak to John Martin,


I'd like to speak to John Martin,


Could you put me through to John

Martin, please?

Can I take a message?

Would you like to leave a


Can I give him/her a


I'll tell Mr Jones that you


I'll ask him/her to call you as

soon as possible.

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Explaining. (Dando explicaciones)(Dejando a alguien a la espera)

I'm afraid Mr Martin isn't in at the


I'm sorry, he's in a meeting at the


I'm afraid he's on another line at the


Just a moment, please.

Could you hold the line,


Hold the line, please.

Hold on a moment, please

Fotografía de Andrew Scott en Flickr bajo licencia CC

Cuando quieres que alguien espere un momento al teléfono le dices:

I'll connect you

Just a moment, please.


Al coger el teléfono (en una situación formal) decimos:

Hi! This is Mary, who are you?

Pregunta de Elección Múltiple

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Good morning, Jane Howard speaking, can I help you?

Si no entendemos lo que nos han dicho y queremos que repitan, pedimos:


I don't understand!

I'm sorry I didn't understand you, Could you repeat?

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3. Resumen

En este tema hemos visto dos de las formas más habituales para comunicarnos tantoen contextos laborales como en situaciones informales: las cartas y el teléfono.

En cuanto a las cartas formales, hemos estudiado su estructura.

Sobre llamadas, hemos visto el vocabulario más común según el tipo de llamada y desituación que nos encontremos.

Answering the phone. (Al Contestar)Problems. (Cuando surge un


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Good morning/afternoon/evening,

York Enterprises, Elizabeth Jones


Who's calling, please?

Could you repeat that, please?

I'm sorry, I can't hear you

very well. Could you speak up a

little, please?

I'm afraid you've got the

wrong number.

Could you spell that, please?

Introducing yourself.


Putting someone through. (Pasar

la llamada a alguien)

This is Paul Smith speaking.

Hello, this is Paul Smith from

Speakspeak International.

One moment, please. I'll see

if Mr Jones is available.

I'll put you through.

I'll connect you.

I'm connecting you now.

Asking for someone. (Preguntar por


Taking a message. (Coger el


Could I speak to John Martin,


I'd like to speak to John Martin,


Could you put me through to John

Martin, please?

Can I take a message?

Would you like to leave a


Can I give him/her a


I'll tell Mr Jones that you


I'll ask him/her to call you as

soon as possible.

Explaining. (Dando explicaciones)Putting someone on hold.

(Dejando a alguien a la espera)

I'm afraid Mr Martin isn't in at the


I'm sorry, he's in a meeting at the


I'm afraid he's on another line at the


Just a moment, please.

Could you hold the line,


Hold the line, please.

Hold on a moment, please

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4. Para aprender hazlo tú

Dear ,

As I have already told you on the phone, last Friday I an interview with the

Chief of the HR Department of a big and important department store in Leeds. I

a bit nervous at first but the lady (for the chief is a lady) very soon made me feel at

ease. She me a lot of questions about my former jobs and she was

interested in my experience as to the staff manager

in the hotel in Marbella. Then she how many languages I

mastered and she was positively impressed when I her that I could

speak French and German, of course English and Spanish and that my Portuguese was

also fluent. We then about the salary and holidays and work timetable

and she me that she me today to tell me if

. And she , she

this morning at half past nine and... I have got the job! I'm so happy I

want to jump and cry!

Love and xxxx



Lee la carta que Santiago envía a sus padres y completa con las palabras que teadjuntamos: I had been accepted,had, highly, assistant, phoned, has phoned,would phone, parents, was, wanted to know, asked,told, informed, talked.

Jane, Peter and Bob are chatting

Jane: Peter, Bob, are you there?

Peter:........................ I've been looking at the corrections of my last task

Actividad de Espacios en Blanco

Elige la opción que creas que se adecua a cadapregunta/respuesta

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Mostrar retroalimentación

Oh, Bob, you're impossible!

When did you send your task?

Hi! Jane. I'm here.

Has the Tutor already corrected

Sorry I'm late for the chat

She hasn't corrected mine, yet

Jane: ................................. your task?

Peter: Yes, she has. Hasn't she corrected yours?

Has the Tutor already corrected

She hasn't corrected mine yet.

Sorry I'm late for the chat

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Mostrar retroalimentación

When did you send your task?

Oh, Bob, you’re impossible!

Hi! Jane. I'm here.

Bob:................................I had to do some errands for my boss in the last minute

Oh, Bob, you’re impossible!

Has the Tutor already corrected

Hi! Jane. I'm here.

When did you send your task?

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Mostrar retroalimentación

Sorry, I'm late for the chat

She hasn't corrected mine yet.

Jane: ......................... Well, to tell you the truth it was only yesterday that I sent it.Bob, don't try to excuse yourself, you're always late! Has the tutor corrected yourtask?.

Bob: No, she hasn't. She hasn’t corrected my task yet

She hasn't corrected mine yet.

Has the Tutor already corrected

Sorry I'm late for the chat

Hi! Jane. I'm here.

Oh, Bob, you’re impossible!

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Mostrar retroalimentación

Mostrar retroalimentación

When did you send your task?

Peter: Please, Bob, tell us the truth ...................................

Bob: A minute ago, that's why I was late for the chat

Has the Tutor already corrected

She hasn't corrected mine yet.

Sorry I'm late for the chat

Hi! Jane. I'm here.

When did you send your task?

Oh, Bob, you’re impossible!

Bob: A minute ago, that's why I was late for the chat

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Mostrar retroalimentación

She hasn't corrected mine yet.

Oh, Bob, you’re impossible!

Sorry I'm late for the chat

Has the Tutor already corrected

Hi! Jane. I'm here.

When did you send your task?

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