Visita La Planetario

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Transcript of Visita La Planetario

  • 7/24/2019 Visita La Planetario


    Nombre: Daniel Torres Ospina


    Visit to Planetario.

    1.Wat are te most rele!ant aspe"ts o# tis !isit #or me$

    %or me one o# te important aspe"ts o# m& !isit 'as to (o to te spa"e

    m)se)m* be"a)se + ,ne' a lot abo)t astronom&* as 'ell as te international

    &ear o# li(t* te& di"tated a "on#eren"e on 'at appens to li(t 'en it is

    intera"tin( 'it o)r atmospere. Te 'a& o# p)ttin( it 'as b& e-periments 'it

    a laser and !ario)s items s)" as mirrors* lenses* and "ontainers 'it 'ater.

    Te importan"e o# tis "on#eren"e 'as to determine te re#ra"tion* a

    penomenon attrib)ted to te ee"t o# "onditionin( te beam o# li(t in

    dierent 'a&s. + #o)nd it ")rio)s tat ad to (ood'ill messa(es #rom aro)nd

    te 'orld bro)(t to te moon b& te astrona)ts o# /pollo 11* and a s"ale

    model o# te at)rn V ro",et 'i" spa"e"ra#t la)n"ed te /pollo mission to

    te moon.

    /noter important aspe"t in te m)se)m 'as made to re"o(nie te land as

    te onl& 'orld ,no'n so #ar to arbor li#e. Were + #o)nd interestin( as )mans

    in!ented instr)ments to loo, be&ond te eart* 'i" "an so' te )man

    bein( as a li!in( bein( 'it "ara"ter* not matter o' insi(ni"ant 'e are in

    te )ni!erse.

    /noter important aspe"t is (ra!itational 3)orine* i# 'e 'ere to stars. Wen 'e

    4)mp. We #eel as i# sometin( )se ba", to eart. 5ra!it& (o!erns te 'ole

    )ni!erse. +t "an modi#& oter pats b)ddies* ma,e planets orbit aro)nd te s)n*

    stars spin aro)nd a "ommon point* and "ollide (ala-ies.

    %inall&* + li,ed te ()ide6s e-planation abo)t bla", oles* 'i" "reates a#as"ination 'it astronom&* 'i" + #o)nd !er& (ood !isit.

    2. o' "an + ma,e a "ontrib)tion to te betterment o# te Colombian so"iet&$.

    a. /s an indi!id)al.

    /s an indi!id)al "an "ontrib)te to so"iet&* rst in te 'a& o# tin,in(* bein( a

    #air and onest person* + sa& tis be"a)se Colombian so"iet& is a"")stomed to

    tin,in( o# (ettin( tin(s re(ardless o!erride oter as 'e see in te politi"al

    leaders 'o represent )s. /noter "ontrib)tion as an indi!id)al* is doin( te

    ri(t tin( no matter o' di")lt it is* as not litterin( te streets* pa& ta-es or

    not s,ip te Transmilenio* 'aitin( #or te tra" li(t to "an(e or e!en elplo'in"ome people at a time o# e"onomi" ab)ndan"e.

    b. /s an Pro#essional.

    /s a pro#essional + "an elp Colombian so"iet&* e-ploitin( te potential o#

    (eotermal ener(& in te Ne!ado del )i* or solar ener(& in "ertain areas o#

    te "o)ntr&* and tat rene'ables are a 'a& o# (eneratin( ener(& 'ito)t )sin(

    #ossil #)els li,e "oal or i# &o) a!e to b)ild a (iant dam to (enerate

  • 7/24/2019 Visita La Planetario


    &droele"tri" po'er* tis "are to'ards te en!ironment* to stop e-ploitin( te

    "o)ntr&6s reso)r"es and 'eter deli!erin( s)stainable te"nolo(ies 'i"

    elp preser!e not onl& o)r "o)ntr& b)t te planet 'e li!e. in"e te in"enti!es

    and tr& to de!elop tese te"nolo(ies "an meet te ener(& demand 'ile te

    en!ironment is "ared #or* and "ontrolled #or e-ample (reeno)se (as prod)"ed

    b& b)rnin( "oal and 'ood in termal (eneration* in addition to te

    de!elopment o# (eotermal ener(& in te Ne!ado del )i* 'o)ld a!e (reat

    4ob #or man& people in te area and #or en(ineers interested in tese

    te"nolo(ies o# po'er (eneration.