Santiago Zabala

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  • Curriculum Vitae

    SANTIAGO ZABALA ICREA Research Professor at the University of Barcelona

    Prof. Dr. Santiago Zabala

    ICREA Research Professor

    University of Barcelona

    Faculty of Philosophy

    Department of History of Philosophy, Aesthetics and Cultural Philosophy

    Montalegre, 6, 4 floor, Office 4022

    Centre Ciutat, 08001 Barcelona,

    Catalonia (Spain)

    Home Page:

    Email: [email protected]

    Date of Birth, 27th June 1975. Passport (Italian): YA0042314


    Hermeneutics, Continental Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion.

    Heidegger, Gadamer, Derrida, Rorty, Tugendhat, Vattimo.


    Analytic Philosophy, Pragmatism, Ethics, Phenomenology, Political Philosophy,

    Dewey, Marx, Lvinas, Davidson, Ricoeur, Wittgenstein.


    Pontifical Lateran University of Rome, Ph.D., Philosophy (summa cum laude ) 2006

    Dissertation: The Remains of Being: Hermeneutic Ontology after Metaphysics

    Dissertation Committee: Antonio Livi (Chair), Philip Larrey, Leonardo Messinese.

    University of Turin, M.A., Philosophy, 2002

    Dissertation: The Hermeneutic Nature of Analytic Philosophy. A study of Ernst Tugendhat

    Dissertation Committee: Gianni Vattimo (Chair), Giuseppe Riconda, Ugo Ugazio.

    International Schools of Vienna - Geneva, International Baccalaureate, 1995

    Languages, English, German, Italian, Spanish, and French

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae



    Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Philosophy at the University of Potsdam,



    A. Authored Books

    - The Anarchy of Hermeneutics, Forthcoming in 2015.

    - Only Art Can Save us: The Emergency of Aesthetics, Forthcoming in 2014.

    - The Remains of Being. Hermeneutic Ontology after Metaphysics, Columbia University Press


    - Spanish translation by M. Salazar: Los remanentes del ser. Barcelona: Bellaterra Press, 2010.

    - Italian translation: I residui dellessere. In translation, Rome: Meltemi Publishers 2014.

    - Chinese translation by Liu Liangjian. East China Normal University Press, 2013.

    - The Hermeneutic Nature of Analytic Philosophy. A Study of Ernst Tugendhat, Translated by M.

    Haskell and S. Zabala. This book contains a foreword by G. Vattimo and a dialogue with E.

    Tugendhat. Columbia University Press, New York, 2008, 200 pp.

    - Italian edition: Filosofare con Ernst Tugendhat. Franco Angeli Editore, Milan, 2004, 154 pp.

    B. Co-Authored Books

    - Hermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to Marx, by G. Vattimo and S. Zabala. Columbia

    University Press 2011.

    - Spanish translation: Comunismo hermenutico. Translated by M. Salazar: Barcelona: Herder,


    - Italian translation: Communismo Ermeneutico In translation, Milan: Garzanti, 2013.

    - Turkish translation: Hermeneutik Komnizm: Heidegger'den Marx'a, translated by Erhan

    Kulu, stanbul: Monokl Publishing, 2012.

    - La Faena de existir, by J. Grondin, A. Ortiz-Oses, and S. Zabala. Edited by J. Martnez

    Contreras. Bilbao: Deusto, 2011.

    - El sentido de la existencia: Postmodernidad y nihilismo, by G. Vattimo, A. Ortiz-Oss, and S.

    Zabala, edited by Luis Garagalza. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto, 2007.

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - Nichilismo e Religione, [book with DVD] by G. Vattimo, F. Orlando, and S. Zabala. Edited by

    Valter Casini. Rome, Valter Casini, 2005.

    C. Edited Volumes

    - Arts Claim to Truth, by G. Vattimo; edited by S. Zabala. Translated by L. DIsanto. Columbia

    University Press, New York 2008, 300 pp.

    - Weakening Philosophy. Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo, edited by S. Zabala with

    contributions from Richard Rorty, Umberto Eco, Charles Taylor, Jean-Luc Nancy, Fernando

    Savater, Nancy Frankenberry, Rdiger Bubner, Jack Miles, Wolfgang Welsch, Jean Grondin,

    James Risser, Manfred Frank, Reiner Schrmann, Hugh J. Silverman, Jeffrey Perl, S. Zabala,

    Gianni Vattimo, and others. McGill-Queens University Press 2007.

    - Spanish translation by J. M. Contreras, Debilitando la filosofa, for Anthropos Publishers,


    - Italian translation by Lucio Saviani, La Filosofia debole, Milan: Garzanti, 2012.

    - The Future of Religion, by Richard Rorty and G. Vattimo; edited by S. Zabala, Columbia

    University Press, New York 2005.

    Translated in

    German (Suhrkamp),

    French (Bayard),

    Spanish (Paidos),

    Italian (Garzanti),

    Czechoslovakian (Charles University in Prague),

    Dutch (Klement Uitgeverij),

    Portuguese (Angelus Novus),

    Brazilian (Relume Dumar),

    Bulgarian (Critique & Humanism),

    Turkish (Ayrinti Yayinlari),

    Danish (Aarhus University Press), and

    Indonesian (Penerbit-Percetakan Kanisius)

    Romanian (Paralela 45 Publishers)

    Polish (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego)

    Serbian (Albatros Plus)

    - Nihilism and emancipation. Ethics, Politics, and Law, by G. Vattimo. Edited by S. Zabala.

    Forward by R. Rorty and translated by W. McCuaig, Columbia University Press 2004.

    Translated in

    Bulgarian (Critique & Humanism),

    Danish (Aarhus University Press),

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    Albanian (IPLS & DITA 2000),

    Spanish (Paidos)

    Italian (Garzanti)

    Serbian (IP Adresa di Novi Sad)

    Turkish (Paradigm Publishers)

    D. Co-Edited Books

    - Being Shaken: Ontology and the Event, Edited by M. Marder and S. Zabala with contributions

    from B. Babich, C. Baracchi, W. Brogan, E. Casey, C. Dotolo, W. Egginton, J. Grondin, J.

    Malpas, M. Marder, J. Risser, C. Romano, R. Polt, J. Risser, G. Vattimo, and others. Palgrave


    - Consequences of Hermeneutics: Fifty Years after Truth and Method, Edited by Jeff Malpas and

    S. Zabala with contributions from B. Babich, N. Davey, R. Dostal, J. Grondin, M. Marder, W.

    McNeill, C. Prado, J. Risser, L. K. Schmidt, G. Warnke, P. Vandevelde, G. Vattimo, and others.

    Northwestern University Press, 2010.

    D. Book Chapters

    - Being at Large: The only Emergency is the Lack of Events, in C. Mendes, Rio de Janerio,

    Academy of Latinity Press, 2012, pp. 211-223; also in Being Shaken: Ontology and the Event,

    Edited by M. Marder and S. Zabala. Palgrave, 2013.

    - The Hermeneutic Stance: Being at the Margins of Political Zionism, in Deconstructing

    Zionism, edited by M. Marder and G. Vattimo, Bloomsbury, 2013.

    - Truth Absence: The Hermeneutic Resistance to Phenomenology, in Phenomenological

    Variations on Truths: The Hermeneutic Challenge. Edited by Kevin Hermberg and Pol

    Vandevelde. New York & London: Continuum, 2011, pp. 201-208.

    - Financing Our Economics of Fear. In Elements for an Economics of Fear, edited by M.

    Cedrini and M. Novarese, Icfai University Press, Andhra Pradesh, India 2011.

    - Being is Conversation. Remains, Weak Thought, and Hermeneutics, in Consequences of

    Hermeneutics, Edited by Jeff Malpas and S. Zabala. Northwestern University Press in 2010, pp.


    Reprinted in Aurora: Papeles del Seminario Mara Zambrano. N. 12, 2011: pp. 93-104

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - Ser Fraco: A Constituicao Autonoma do bermensch, in O Futuro da Autonomia: Uma

    Sociedade de Indivduos?, Edited by I. Neutzling, M. C. Bingemer, E. Yunes (Rio: Editora

    Unisinos, 2010), pp. 121-130.

    - Weakening Ontology through Actuality: Foucault and Vattimo, in Foucault's Legacy, Edited

    by Carlos Prado. London: Continuum, 2009, pp. 109-123.

    - Through the Lateran. Livi: A Perfect Candidate to Deconstruct. In Per Una Filosofia del

    Senso Comune. Studi in Onore di A. Livi, edited by Philip Larrey, Milan: Italianova, 2009. pp.


    - Introduction: The Hermeneutic Consequence of Arts Ontological Bearing, in Arts Claim to

    Truth, by Gianni Vattimo; edited by S. Zabala. Translated by Luca DIsanto. Columbia

    University Press, New York 2008, pp. xi-xxii.

    - Introduction. Gianni Vattimo and Weak Philosophy, In Weakening Philosophy. Essays in

    Honour of Gianni Vattimo, edited by S. Zabala. McGill-Queens University Press in 2007, p. 3-


    - Pharmakons of Onto-theology, In Weakening Philosophy. Essays in Honour of Gianni

    Vattimo, edited by S. Zabala. McGill-Queens University Press in 2007, p. 231-249.

    - Bibliography, In Weakening Philosophy. Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo, edited by S.

    Zabala. McGill-Queens University Press in 2007, p. 421-443.

    - Introduction. A Religion Without Theist or Atheist, In The Future of Religion, by Richard

    Rorty and Gianni Vattimo; edited by S. Zabala , Columbia University Press, New York 2005

    - Editors Preface In Nihilism and emancipation. Ethics, Politics, and Law, by Gianni

    Vattimo. Edited by S. Zabala. Forward by Richard Rorty and translated by William McCuaig,

    Columbia University Press 2004.

    E. Journal Articles

    - Europes Right Step in the Wrong Direction: Zizek, Heidegger, and Hermeneutic

    Communism, in Political Theology 14.2 (April 2013): 5-14.

    - Hermeneutiki komunizam, trad. di Saa Hrnjez, in: Stvar / Thing - Journal for Theoretical

    Practices, no. 3/2012, pp. 196 - 205, ISSN: 1821 4193.

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - Comunismo hermenutico: de Heidegger a Marx (with G. Vattimo) In Guaraguao: Revista de

    Cultura Latinoamericana, n. 40, Ao 16, Otoo 2012, pp. 9-16.

    - Being in the University: The Legitimations of Analytic Philosophy or a Philosophical

    Education? in Purlieu: A Philosophical Journal, Volume 1. Issue 3. (Fall 2011 - Special

    Edition), pp. 6 19. Also available on

    Translated in Chinese: in

    "" (Thought and Culture"), Vol. 12, edited by Yang Guorong, Shanghai:

    East China Normal University Press, 2012.

    - What is the Purpose of Faith? Introducing Gianni Vattimo and Antonio Livi. In Aquinas, 50,

    n.1, September 2007, pp. 257-262.

    - Deconstruction, Semantics, and Interpretation. In Aquinas, 05/XLVIII/3, pp. 669-690.

    Translated in Spanish under the title: Interpretacin: mediacin y remedio, by Javier

    Martnez Contreras, in Diccionario de la Existencia. Asuntos revelantes de la vida humana,

    Edited by Andres Ortiz-Oss and Paxti Lanceros. Anthropos, Barcelona, 2006. pp. 320-332.

    Translated in Italian under the title: Farmaci dellonto-teologia. Decostruzione,

    semantica, interpretazione, by Alessio Vaccari, in Iride, August 2006, pp. 271-290.

    - Christianity and the Death of God: A Response to Cardinal Lustiger. In Common

    Knowledge, Volume 11, Issue 1, Fall 2005, Duke University Press, pp. 33-40.

    - Ending the Rationality of Faith through Interpretation. Why Blessed are those who believe

    without seeing? In Sensus Communis, vol. 5 (2004), N. 4 (September December), Issue 14,

    pp. 422-447.

    Translated into Spanish by Teresa Onate in tica de las verdades Hoy. Edited by Teresa

    Onate and Simn Royo Hernndez. Madrid : UNED ediciones, 2006. pp. 271-292.

    - Che cosa significa pensare dopo la svolta linguistica? La filosofia di Ernst Tugendhat. In

    Eidos Genova, il Nuovo Melangolo Editore, N. 1/2003 pp. 39-53.

    Translated into Spanish by Gorka Fernndez Villrn in Endoxa, n. 20, 2005, pp. 619-

    637. UNED, Madrid.

    - Le speranze di Richard Rorty. Il significato della filosofia per la politica. In Filosofia

    Politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, N. 2, 2004, pp. 259-276.

    - Le conseguenze della differenza ontologica. Dialogo con Gianni Vattimo. In Teoria. Rivista di

    Filosofia Pisa, Edizioni ETS, N. 2, 2004, pp. 169-177.

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - El significado de la filosofa para la poltica. Las esperanzas de Richard Rorty. In Claves de

    Razn Prctica, N. 144, 2004, pp. 60-66.

    - La Religin de Vattimo. El cristianismo despus de la muerte de Dios. In Claves de Razn

    Prctica, N. 132, Mayo 2003, pp. 57-62.

    - Weak Thought and the reduction of violence. A Dialogue with Gianni Vattimo. In Common

    Knowledge, volume 8, Issue 3, fall 2002, Duke University Press, pp. 425-463.

    - De la justice du Droit au droit la Justice. Entretien Gianni Vattimo. In Le Magazine

    littraire, N. 402, Octobre 2001, pp. 98-102.

    - Come fare giustizia del diritto? Per una filosofia del diritto d'impianto nichilistico. Intervista a

    Gianni Vattimo a cura di S. Zabala. In Iride, Bologna, il Mulino, N. 32, Aprile 2001, pp. 123-


    F. Newspapers and Media Articles

    - The Logic of Democracy (with C. Davis), in Al Jazeera, May 15th


    - Out of Network: Words and the Art of Filippo Minelli, in The New York Times, April 16th


    - The Philosophy of Plants, in Stir Magazine, March 23rd


    - Zizek and the Communist Horizon, in Al Jazeera, February 3rd


    - Zizek and the Role of the Philosopher, in Al Jazeera, December 25th


    - What is the Meaning of Philosophy for Politics? in Project Syndicate, November 27th


    - Predicting the future through online data mining, in Al Jazeera, October 5th


  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - How Wired is your Life?, in Al Jazeera, September 10th


    - Only art can save us now, in Al Jazeera, August 5th


    - Im Wired, therefore I Exist, in the New Statesman, July 29th 2012.

    - Why so many Communist Philosophers?, in Al Jazeera, July 23rd


    - The Academy of Latinity: For a new humanism, in Ceasefire Magazine, July 14th


    - Five years without Rorty, in Al Jazeera, June 9th


    - Nietzsche on Wikileaks, in Al Jazeera, May 25th


    - Does Italy want Berlusconi Back?, in Al Jazeera, April 18th


    - Ten Years without Gadamer, in Al Jazeera, March 23th


    - How to Be a European (Union) Philosopher, in The New York Times, February 23rd


    - Being a Communist in 2012, in Al Jazeera, February 9th


    Burmese translation, in Maukkha, Education Magazine, Tuesday 14th

    February, 2012


    - Why Latin America Calls on Philosophers, in Al Jazeera, January 6th


    French translation by Thierry Deronne, in La revolucion vive, mardi 10 janvier


  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - A Philosophy for Our Protesters, in Al Jazeera, November 30th


    Latvian translation in Rigas Laiks (Riga Time). January 2012, pp. 10-11.

    G. Translations

    -The Hermeneutical Nature of Analytic Philosophy. A Study of Ernst Tugendhat. Translated from

    Italian by M. Haskell and S. Zabala. Columbia University Press, New York, 2008.

    - The Age of Interpretation by Gianni Vattimo, translated from in The Future of Religion, by

    Richard Rorty and Gianni Vattimo; edited by S. Zabala, Columbia University Press, New York

    2005, pp. 43-54.

    - Quale futuro aspetta alla religione dopo la metafisica? Richard Rorty, Gianni Vattimo e S.

    Zabala discutono il futuro della religione. Translated from English in Il futuro della religione.

    Solidariet, carit, ironia, di Richard Rorty e Gianni Vattimo; a cura di S. Zabala, Garzanti,

    Milano, 2005, pp. 61-89.

    - Anticlericalismo e ateismo, by Richard Rorty, translated from English, in Il futuro della

    religione. Solidariet, carit, ironia, di Richard Rorty e Gianni Vattimo; a cura di S. Zabala,

    Garzanti, Milano, 2005, pp. 33-45.

    - Ethic's without transcendence, by Gianni Vattimo. Translated from Italian, in Common

    Knowledge, Volume 9, Issue 3, Fall 2003, Duke University Press, pp. 399-405.

    - Dilogo con Gianni Vattimo. Cmo hacer justicia del Derecho, by S. Zabala, translated by

    from Italian, in Claves de Razn Prctica, N. 114, Julio/Agosto 2001, pp. 44-52.

    H. Reviews

    - Heidegger in America by Martin Woessner, forthcoming in Common Knowledge.

    - The Actuality of Communism by Bruno Bosteels, Common Knowledge. Vol. 18, Issue 2,

    Spring 2012, pp. 137-8.

    - Cmo ser filosficamente responsable? de G. Vattimo, Vocacin y responsabilidad del

    filsofo, in Revista de Occidente, n. 373 Junio 2012, pp. 140-143

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - Hatred and Forgiveness by Julia Kristeva, Common Knowledge. Vol. 18, Issue 2, Spring

    2012, pp. 364.

    - La filosofa como instrumento de lucha. Review of Commonwealth, Michael Hardt y Antonio

    Negri and Elogio de lo comn, Antonio Negri y Cesare Casarino. In El Pais, Babelia, n. 1.057,

    25/2/12, pp. 16.

    - Cmo ejercer el pensamiento filosfico? Review of M. Heidegger, Ejercitacin en el

    pensamiento filosfico and Rudolf Bultmann/Martin Heidegger, Correspondencia 1925-1975. In

    El Pais, Babelia, n. 1.043, 19/11/11, pp. 16.

    - La necesidad de la filosofa en su inutilidad. Review of Prejuzgados by J. Derrida;

    Fenomenologa de la voluntad by Alexander Pfnder; Apologa de lo intil, edited by S.

    Eguidazu; and Nietzsche by Giuliano Campioni. In El Pais, Babelia, n. 1.047, 17/12/11, pp. 20.

    - The Death of God: An Investigation into the History of the Western Concept of God, by

    Frederiek Depoortere, in the Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. Issue: 11.2 Spring

    2011, pp. 238-239.

    - The Uses of the Past from Heidegger to Rorty: Doing Philosophy Historically, by R. Piercey, in

    Common Knowledge, Vol. 17, Issue 3, Fall 2011, pp. 539.

    - Unquiet Understanding: Gadamers Philosophical Hermeneutics by Nicholas Davey, in

    Symposium: The Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, Vol. 15, 2011, Spring, n. 1, pp.


    - Groundless Existence: The Political Ontology of Carl Schmitt by M. Marder, International

    Journal of Philosophical Studies Vol. 19(1), 2011, 145148.

    - A Thing of This World: A History of Continental Anti-Realism by L. Braver, in Journal of the

    History of Philosophy. Volume 48, Number 4, October 2010: 539-540

    - Il pensiero di Gianni Vattimo. Lemancipazione dalla metafisica tra dialettica ed ermeneutica,

    by Giovanni Giorgio. In Ricerche Teologiche, n. 2, 2006, pp. 506-510. Reprinted in

    Aquinas, 50, n.1, September 2007, pp. 257-262.

    - L'ultimo dio. Un dialogo filosofico con Riccardo Dottori, by Hans-Georg Gadamer. In Iride",

    Bologna, il Mulino, N. 39, 2003 pp. 205-207.

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    K. Authored Forewords

    Foreword (co-authored with G. Vattimo) in M. Marder, Plant-Thinking, New York: Columbia

    University Press, 2012, pp. xi-xv.

    L. Co-authored Reviews

    - [With Gianni Vattimo] Prefazione by Gianni Vattimo and S. Zabala, in Scrittura e

    Ermeneutica, by Lucio Saviani. Reggio Emilia: Aliberti, 2008, pp. 9-13.

    - [With Gianni Vattimo] Prlogo by Gianni Vattimo and S. Zabala, in La justicia deconstruida,

    by Ana Messuti. Barcellona: Bellaterra, 2008, pp. 9-13.

    - [With Gianni Vattimo] Responses as Indications of a New Philosophy. Review of R. Rortys

    Take care of Freedom and Truth Will Take Care of Itself: Interviews with Richard Rorty.

    Review by Gianni Vattimo and S. Zabala, in "Books in Canada. The Canadian Review of

    Books", January 2007, Volume 36, Number 1, p. 26-27.

    Translated into Italan by Barbara Amali in R. Rorty, Verit e libert, a cura di E.

    Mendietta, Massa; Transeuropa, 2008, pp. ix-xi.

    - [With Gianni Vattimo] Knowing Through Civilization. Review of Barry Allen Knowledge and

    Civilization. Review by Gianni Vattimo and S. Zabala, in "Books in Canada. The Canadian

    Review of Books", May, 2005, Volume 34, Number 4, p. 25.

    - [With Gianni Vattimo] An Old Scourge of Civilization: Deciphering One's Way to Murder.

    Review of Abdelwahab Meddebs The Malady of Islam. Review by Gianni Vattimo and S.

    Zabala, in "Books in Canada. The Canadian Review of Books", September 2004, Volume No.

    33, Number 6, pp. 23-24.

    Translated in Spanish under the title: Fundamentalismo islamico, by Javier Martnez

    Contreras in Diccionario de la Existencia. Asuntos revelantes de la vida humana, Edited by

    Andres Ortiz-Oss and Paxti Lanceros. Anthropos, Barcelona, 2006. pp. 250-252.

    - [With Gianni Vattimo] Dedicated to Dialogue and Socratic Wisdom. Review of Jean

    Grondins: Hans-Georg Gadamer a Biography. Review by Gianni Vattimo and S. Zabala, in

    Books in Canada. The Canadian Review of Books" January/February 2004, Volume No. 33,

    Number 1, pp. 27 and 34. Re-printed in Sensus Communis, vol. 5 (2004), N. 4 (September

    December), Issue 14, pp. 463-466.

    Translated into Spanish under the title: Una vida dedicada a la hermenutica, by Teresa

    Oate in Hans-Georg Gadamer: Ontologa esttica y hemenutica, edited by Teresa Oate,

    Cristina Garca Santos, and Miguel ngel Quintana Paz, Dykinson, Madrid, 2005, 35-39.

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    M. Co-authored Forewords

    - [With Gianni Vattimo] Foreword, in M. Marder, Plant-Thinking, New York: Columbia

    University Press, 2012, pp. xi-xv.

    - [With Gianni Vattimo] Presentazione, in R. Rorty, Verit e libert, a cura di E. Mendietta,

    Massa; Transeuropa, 2008, pp. ix-xi.

    - [With Gianni Vattimo] Presentazione, in Tu non morirai di Gabriel Marcel, a cura di M.

    Pastrello e F. Riva. Roma: Valter Casini, 2006, pp. 7-9.

    - [With Gianni Vattimo] Presentazione, in Figure del conflitto. Studi in onore di Giacomo

    Marramao, a cura di Alberto Martinengo. Roma: Valter Casini, 2006, pp. 9-11.

    N. Interviews with S. Zabala

    - Comunismo Hermeneutico: Respuestas a Guaraguao, In Guaraguao: Revista de Cultura

    Latinoamericana, n. 40, Ao 16, Otoo 2012, pp. 50-54.

    - 'Hermeneutic Communism: An Interview with Santiago Zabala, by M. Marder, in Telos,

    Volume 161 (Winter 2012), pp. 188-192.

    - 'Chavez is still a model for Obama': Interview with Santiago Zabala, by S. Mazzini, in Al-

    Jazeera, 11/11/2012:

    - Interview with Gianni Vattimo and Santiago Zabala, authors of Hermeneutic Communism:

    From Heidegger to Marx, by Columbia University Press:

    - Das HumanKapital incontra il prof. Santiago Zabala, Luglio 14 2011:


    - "Porqu no hay hechos, sino slo interpretaciones? Dilogo sobre Filosofa ciencia y poltica

    sin verdad " Interview with Santiago Zabala by Javier Catalan, in Claves de Razn Practica, n.

    211, April, 2011, pp. 26-29.

    - Interview with Santiago Zabala author of The Remains of Being: Hermeneutic Ontology after

    Metaphysics, by Columbia University Press


  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - Interview with Santiago Zabala, author of The Hermeneutic Nature of Analytic Philosophy: A

    Study of Analytic Philosophy, by Columbia University Press, 2008, in

    - Por qu creemos en Dios? Interview with S. Zabala and Others by Esteban Hernndez,

    Mircoles, 12 de julio de 2006, published in El Confidencial.

    - The future of Religion. A dialogue with Santiago Zabala by Jens Viggo Nielsen. In Literature

    & Aesthetics. The Journal of the Sydney Soceity of Litterature and Aesthetics, vol. 17, n. 2,

    December 2007, pp. 7-27.

    - Danish translation forthcoming in Slagmark - tidsskrift for idehistorie 2009.

    - Fortissimamente Vattimo da Cuba agli Stati Uniti. Interview with Gianni Vattimo, Luisa

    Capelli and S. Zabala by Laura Maragnani. Panorama - 14/12/2006, pp. 263-264.


    A. Academic Appointments

    - University of Barcelona, ICREA Research Professor, Department of History of Philosophy,

    Aesthetics and Cultural Philosophy, Tenure position, 2010-

    - Coordinator of the Deconstruction and Hermeneutics Research Group at the University

    of Barcelona.

    - University of Deusto Bilbao, Department of Philosophy, Visiting Assistant Professor

    (with Prof. A. Ortiz-Oss), 2007-8

    - University of Deusto Bilbao, Department of Philosophy, Lecturer (with Prof. A. Ortiz-

    Oss), 2006-7

    - University of Turin, Department of Philosophy (with Prof. Gianni Vattimo), Instructor,


    - University of Turin, Department of Philosophy (with Prof. Gianni Vattimo), Instructor,


    B. Courses

    University of Barcelona, 2011-2012: Master in Contemporary Philosophy, Course:

    Hermeneutics and Ontology

    University of Barcelona, 2011-2012: Master in Human Rights and Philosophy, Course:

    Consequences of Hermeneutics

    C. Research Appointments

    - University of Barcelona, ICREA Research Professor, 2010-

    - Johns Hopkins University, Visiting Scholar, Spring Semester 2010

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - Potsdam University, Alexander von Humboldt Fellow 2008-2009

    D. Senior Thesis Mentoring

    Javier Fernndez Cataln, PhD Thesis in Philosophy, University of Turin: La recepcin de la

    Teora Esttica de Adorno en Alemania (2007-8).


    A. Series Editor

    - Palgrave Studies in Postmetaphysical Thought. Series co-edited with M. Marder for Palgrave

    McMillan (Hampshire), 2012-

    Published volumes:

    Marder and Zabala, Being Shaken. (2013)

    - Filosofia Politica. Series edited S. Zabala for Bellaterra Publisher (Barcelona), 2011-2021.

    Published volumes:

    Gianni Vattimo, El Socialismo, o sea, Europa (2011)

    Danilo Zolo, Terrorismo Humanitario (2011)

    Fernando Buen Abad Domnguez, La Guerra Simblica (2012)

    Carmen Revilla Guzmn, Mara Zambrano y el pensamiento contemporneo (2013)

    - Libri di Vattimo e Zabala. Series edited by Gianni Vattimo and S. Zabala for Aliberti Publisher

    (Reggio Emilia), 2008. Published volumes:

    Lucio Saviani, Ermeneutica e scrittura

    Alberto Martinengo, Il pensiero incompiuto

    - Complete Works of Gianni Vattimo. Edited by Mario Cedrini, Alberto Martinengo, and S.

    Zabala for Meltemi publisher (Rome), 70 volumes projected. Published volumes:

    Volume introduttivo (1 Book)

    Volume I Ermeneutica (7 Books)

    Volume II Nietzsche (4 Books)

    Volume III Heidegger (4 Books)

    Volume IV Postmoderno (4 Books)

    Volume V Religione (6 Books)

    Volume VI Ontologia (6 Books)

    Volume VII Scritti e dialoghi autobiografici

    Volume VIII Scritti e note filosofiche (3 Books)

    Volume IX Scritti e interviste sulla politica (3 Books)

    Volume X Scritti e interviste sui diritti (2 Books)

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    Volume XI Scritti e interviste sulla cultura e la religione (2 Books)

    - Differenze. Series edited by Gianni Vattimo and S. Zabala for Transeuropa Publisher (Massa),

    2007-2009. Published volumes:

    Hans-Georg Gadamer, Lettura, scrittura e partecipazione

    Richard Rorty, Verti e libert

    Carmelo Dotolo, Abitare i confine

    Massimo Adinolfi, Una passione senza misura

    Akbar Ganji, Iran, Islam e democrazia

    - Interpretazioni. La collana filosofica delle fusioni. Series edited by Gianni Vattimo and S.

    Zabala for Valter Casini Publisher, (Rome) 2006-2011. Published volumes:

    Gabriel Marcel, Tu non morirai

    Manuel Cruz, Come fare cose con i ricordi

    Ricardo Dottori, L'arte e il gioco dell'esistenza

    Giorgio Straniero, Eros e cattolicesimo

    Nicola de Lorenzo, Ermeneutica e psicoanalisi

    Davide Saraniti, Messianismo e Traduzione. Benjamin e Derrida

    William Egginton, Etica e perversit

    Elena Ficara, Heidegger e il problema della metafsica

    Luca Bagetto, Jean-Claude Lvque, Immagine e scrittura

    Alberto Martinengo, Figure del conflitto

    Giovanni Giorgio, Spiegare per Interpretare

    Vikika Vujica , Ermeneutica della religione e l'evento del dialogo in R. Panikkar

    Javier Catalan, Conseguenze della Teoria Estetica di Adorno

    - Contemporary European Cultural Studies. Series edited by Gianni Vattimo and S. Zabala for

    The Davies Group Publishers (Aurora, Colorado), 2005-2012. Published volumes:

    Manfred Frank, The Boundaries of Agreement

    Rodolphe Gasch, Views and Interviews: On Deconstruction in America

    Dario Antiseri, Popper's Vienna: World 3 of Vienna 18701930

    Remo Bodei, Logics of Delusion

    Paolo Crocchiolo, The Amorous Tinder

    William Egginton, A Wrinkle in History: Essays in Literature and Philosophy

    Emanuela Fornari, Modernity Out of Joint

    Jos Guimn, Art and Madness

    Duncan Kennedy, Legal Reasoning: Collected Essays

    Philip Larrey, Thinking Logically

    Antonio Livi, Reasons for Believing

    Giacomo Marramao, Kairs

    Giovanni Mari, The Postmodern, Democracy, History

    Ana Messuti, Time as Punishment

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    Jzef Ninik, The Arbitrariness of Philosophy

    Andrs Ortiz-Oss, The Sense of the World

    Franca DAgostini, Last Fumes of the Evaporating Reality

    L. Pareyson, Philosophy of Interpretation

    Laura Llevadot, Kierkegaard through Derrida

    B. Publisher Reviewer

    - Reviewer for Columbia University Press, 2005-

    - Reviewer for Northwestern University Press, 2005-

    - Reviewer for Davies Group Publishers, 2007-

    - Reviewer for MIT Press, 2010-

    - Reviewer for Continuum Press, 2010-

    C. Journals Member, Associate Editor and Reviewer

    - Reviewer for Claves de Razn Practica, 2008-

    - Associate Editor for Iride: Filosofia e opinione pubblica, Il Mulino, 2007-

    - Member of the editorial board of Topologik: International Journal of Philosophy, Educational

    and Social Sciences, 2012-

    - Reviewer for Journal of the History of Philosophy, 2009-

    - Reviewer for Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate, Firenze University

    Press, 2009-

    - Reviewer for Common Knowledge, Duke University Press, 2005-

    - Reviewer for The European Legacy, Sage Publishers, 2009-

    - Reviewer for Symposium: The Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, 2009-

    - Reviewer for International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Routledge, 2009-

    - Editorial Board Member: Purlieu A Philosophical Journal, 2010-

    - Reviewer for Babelia, El Pais, 2011-

    - Editorial Board Member: Revista Helius, 2013

    - Editorial Board Member: Quadranti - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Contemporanea, 2013-


    A. Invited Talks

    - Being at Large. Department of Philosophy, The New School, A University. New York,

    April 4th

    , 2013.

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - Being at Large. Department of Philosophy. Stony Brook University, New York, April


    , 2013.

    - Weak Faith: How to Manage Religious Diversity without Dissent? INDIAN

    COUNCIL FOR CULTURAL RELATIONS International conference On World

    Religions: Diversity, Not Dissension 7 9 March, 2013, at the ICCR Auditorium, New

    Delhi, India.

    - La dconstruction de l'Europe travers le communisme hermneutique, 26-

    28th January 2013. Conference at the XXV conference of the Academy of Latinity:

    Leurope et le legs de loccident at the Institut du Monde Arabe de Paris.

    - Elements for an Internet Hermeneutics, conference at The Power of

    information International Conference in Brussels, January 20-23 2013.

    - El comunismo del pensamiento dbil, 14 of December, 2012, Universidad de

    Barcelona, Facultad de Filologia. Aula: 3.3 Aulario.

    - Deconstructing Europe through Hermeneutic Communism? Conference at the

    Jan van Eyck Academie, December 1st 2012.

    - La Diferencia del Comunismo Hermenutico? November 23rd 2012.

    Conference at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona.

    Organized by J. Bermudo Research Group.

    - The Being of Tenera Valse October 25th, 2012. Book presentation (Terera

    Valse, Anatomia della Ragazza Zoo, Il Saggiatore Publisher) and discussion at the

    Casa delle Letterature - Piazza dell'Orologio, 3, Rome.

    - The only Emergency is the Lack of Events May 24th, 2012. Conference at the

    XXV conference of the Academy of Latinity: Humanity and Difference in the

    Global Age, in Beijing, China, May 23 - 25, 2012, In cooperation with Tsinghua

    University, Venue: Wenjin Hotel

    - Introduction to Hermeneutic Communism March 9th, 2012. Conference at the

    Department of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona. Organized by M. Cruz

    Research Group.

    - Hermeneutic Communism as Politics. November 28th 2011, Maracaibo,

    Venezuela, 1030am. Organized by VI FORO INTERNACIONAL DE

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    FILOSOFA DE VENEZUELA, Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela: Ministerio

    del Poder Popular para la Cultura.

    - Being Shaken: Ontology and the Event. November 2nd 2011. Barcelona, Catalonia,

    45th ICREA Colloquium. 6pm at the Auditorium of the FICSR building, Passeig Llus

    Companys 23, 6th floor, Barcelona.

    - Labor and Hermeneutics. October 28th 2011, Turin, Italy, 1030am. Organized

    by "Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe.

    - Replies. October 19th 2011, New York. Organized by "State University of New

    York for the Presentation of Vattimo and Zabalas Hermeneutic Communism.

    - Hermeneutics and Communism. September 3rd 2011, Morfetta, Bari, 19pm.

    Organized by "Voce di SantAndrea for the Presentation of Vattimo and Zabalas

    Hermeneutic Communism.

    - Weakening Religion. June 9th 2011, 9am. Conference Religi i democrcia en

    el mn contemporani: Repensant el llegat de la Illustraci in the Sala de Graus

    Facultat de Lletres Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona. Organized by Projecte de

    recerca La religi en lespai pblic democrtic (Departament de Filosofia,

    Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona).

    - Philosophy and Politics. March 23rd 2011, 13pm. Conference at the Department of

    Philosophy of the University of Barcelona. Organized by the Facultat de Filosofia i la

    Comissi de Dinamitzaci Lingstica i Cultural.

    - Truth Absence. November 24th 2010. Conference at the Department of Philosophy of

    Vittoria University (Spain) Organized by the Departamento de Filosofa with the

    Vicerrectorado del Campus de lava and the Decanato de la Facultad de Letras.

    - The Effects of Truth. Who is calling? Responsible Hermeneutics Hermeneutics of

    Responsibility International Conference at Aarhus University, June 3-4, 2010 at the

    Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas, Aarhus University.

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - Philosophy of Conversation. XXI Conference of the Academy of Latinity. 26-28 of

    April 2010, University of Cordoba.

    - From Ontology to Conversation. North Texas Philosophical Association Keynote

    Conference, at the University of North Texas, Denton, April 10th


    - Introduction to Hermeneutic Communism. Department of German and Romance

    Languages and Literatures and Department of Philosophy. Johns Hopkins University,

    Baltimore, April 6th


    - Being, Conversation and Ontology. University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, March 4th,


    - Vattimos Anticlerical Christianity, Religion in Modernity: The Secularization

    Thesis Reconsidered April 17 - 18, 2009, Kellogg Center, Department of Political

    Science at Michigan State University. April 18th

    , 2009.

    - Being is Conversation. Department of German and Romance Languages and

    Literatures and Department of Philosophy. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, October

    24, 2008.

    - Conversation and Ontology. Department of Philosophy. The New School, New York,

    October 28, 2008.

    - Ontology of Actuality. Department of Philosophy. University of Girona, Girona,

    October 6, 2008.

    - Rortys Conversation. Institute of Philosophy. University of Potsdam, Potsdam, June

    2, 2008.

    - Vattimo and Religion. Department of Philosophy. Universidade do Vale do Rio dos

    Sinos, June 10, 2007.

    - Post modernity and Religion. Department of Philosophy. Pontifcia Universidade

    Catlica do Rio de Janeiro, June 13, 2007.

    - The Future of Religion. Department of Philosophy. University of Rome Roma Tre,

    Rome, May 6, 2007

    - Hermeneutics and Truth. Department of Philosophy. University of Deusto in Bilbao,

    Bilbao, January 15, 2007.

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    - The Future of Religion. Department of Philosophy. University of Montreal, Montreal,

    October 6, 2006.


    Society for Phenomenology and Existentialist Philosophy (SPEP)

    Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso

    North American Society for Philosophical Hermeneutics (NASPH)

    North Texas Philosophical Association (NTPA)

    Canadian Philosophical Association (CAP)

    Florida Philosophical Association (FPA)


    Terry Pinkard


    Philosophy Department

    Georgetown University

    215 New North

    37th and O Streets, NW

    Washington, DC 20057, USA

    [email protected]

    Phone: (202) 687-7128

    C. G. Prado


    Department of Philosophy

    Dept. of Philosophy, Watson Hall,

    Queen's University,

    Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6,


    [email protected]

    Phone: (613) 533-6100

    Jeff Malpas


    Department of Philosophy

    University of Tasmania

    Gianni Vattimo


    Department of Philosophy

    University of Turin

    Via Po 11

    10124 Turin, Italy

    [email protected]

    Barry Allen


    Department of Philosophy

    McMaster University

    University Hall 310A

    1280 Main Street West

    Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1, Canada

    [email protected]

    Phone: 905-525-9140

    James Risser


    Department of Philosophy

    Seattle University

  • Santiago Zabala Vitae


    Hobart Campus,

    Humanities Building, 357

    Private Bag 41 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia


    [email protected]

    Phone: 0061 3 6226 2257

    Jean Grondin


    Department of Philosophy

    Universite de Montreal

    C.P. 6128, succ. Centre ville

    Montreal Quebec, H3C 3J7, Canada

    [email protected]

    Phone: 514-334-7064

    900 Broadway

    Seattle, WA 98122-4340


    [email protected]

    Phone: (206) 296 5306

    AWARDS AND HONORSD. Co-Edited BooksF. Newspapers and Media Articles- The Logic of Democracy (with C. Davis), in Al Jazeera, May 15th 2013. Out of Network: Words and the Art of Filippo Minelli, in The New York Times, April 16th 2013.- The Philosophy of Plants, in Stir Magazine, March 23rd 2013. Zizek and the Communist Horizon, in Al Jazeera, February 3rd 2013. Zizek and the Role of the Philosopher, in Al Jazeera, December 25th 2012.- What is the Meaning of Philosophy for Politics? in Project Syndicate, November 27th 2012. Predicting the future through online data mining, in Al Jazeera, October 5th 2012.- How Wired is your Life?, in Al Jazeera, September 10th 2012. Only art can save us now, in Al Jazeera, August 5th 2012. Im Wired, therefore I Exist, in the New Statesman, July 29th 2012. Why so many Communist Philosophers?, in Al Jazeera, July 23rd 2012. The Academy of Latinity: For a new humanism, in Ceasefire Magazine, July 14th 2012. Five years without Rorty, in Al Jazeera, June 9th 2012. Nietzsche on Wikileaks, in Al Jazeera, May 25th 2012. Does Italy want Berlusconi Back?, in Al Jazeera, April 18th 2012. Ten Years without Gadamer, in Al Jazeera, March 23th 2012. How to Be a European (Union) Philosopher, in The New York Times, February 23rd 2012. Being a Communist in 2012, in Al Jazeera, February 9th 2012- Why Latin America Calls on Philosophers, in Al Jazeera, January 6th 2012- A Philosophy for Our Protesters, in Al Jazeera, November 30th 2011. translation in Rigas Laiks (Riga Time). January 2012, pp. 10-11.G. Translations- The Actuality of Communism by Bruno Bosteels, Common Knowledge. Vol. 18, Issue 2, Spring 2012, pp. 137-8.- Cmo ser filosficamente responsable? de G. Vattimo, Vocacin y responsabilidad del filsofo, in Revista de Occidente, n. 373 Junio 2012, pp. 140-143- Hatred and Forgiveness by Julia Kristeva, Common Knowledge. Vol. 18, Issue 2, Spring 2012, pp. 364.- La filosofa como instrumento de lucha. Review of Commonwealth, Michael Hardt y Antonio Negri and Elogio de lo comn, Antonio Negri y Cesare Casarino. In El Pais, Babelia, n. 1.057, 25/2/12, pp. 16.- Cmo ejercer el pensamiento filosfico? Review of M. Heidegger, Ejercitacin en el pensamiento filosfico and Rudolf Bultmann/Martin Heidegger, Correspondencia 1925-1975. In El Pais, Babelia, n. 1.043, 19/11/11, pp. 16.- La necesidad de la filosofa en su inutilidad. Review of Prejuzgados by J. Derrida; Fenomenologa de la voluntad by Alexander Pfnder; Apologa de lo intil, edited by S. Eguidazu; and Nietzsche by Giuliano Campioni. In El Pais, Babelia, n. 1.047, 1...- The Uses of the Past from Heidegger to Rorty: Doing Philosophy Historically, by R. Piercey, in Common Knowledge, Vol. 17, Issue 3, Fall 2011, pp. 539.- A Thing of This World: A History of Continental Anti-Realism by L. Braver, in Journal of the History of Philosophy. Volume 48, Number 4, October 2010: 539-540- Das HumanKapital incontra il prof. Santiago Zabala, Luglio 14 2011:

    CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND WORKSHOPSA. Invited Talks- Being at Large. Department of Philosophy, The New School, A University. New York, April 4th, 2013.- Being at Large. Department of Philosophy. Stony Brook University, New York, April 3rd, 2013.- Weak Faith: How to Manage Religious Diversity without Dissent? INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CULTURAL RELATIONS International conference On World Religions: Diversity, Not Dissension 7 9 March, 2013, at the ICCR Auditorium, New Delhi, India.- Being Shaken: Ontology and the Event. November 2nd 2011. Barcelona, Catalonia, 45th ICREA Colloquium. 6pm at the Auditorium of the FICSR building, Passeig Llus Companys 23, 6th floor, Barcelona.- Philosophy of Conversation. XXI Conference of the Academy of Latinity. 26-28 of April 2010, University of Cordoba.- From Ontology to Conversation. North Texas Philosophical Association Keynote Conference, at the University of North Texas, Denton, April 10th 2010.- Introduction to Hermeneutic Communism. Department of German and Romance Languages and Literatures and Department of Philosophy. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, April 6th 2010.- Being, Conversation and Ontology. University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, March 4th, 2010.- Vattimos Anticlerical Christianity, Religion in Modernity: The Secularization Thesis Reconsidered April 17 - 18, 2009, Kellogg Center, Department of Political Science at Michigan State University. April 18th, 2009.- Being is Conversation. Department of German and Romance Languages and Literatures and Department of Philosophy. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, October 24, 2008.- Conversation and Ontology. Department of Philosophy. The New School, New York, October 28, 2008.