Rivas Nicaragua

Rivas Nicaragua – La Ciudad De Grandes Acontecimientos Históricos ! La primera región Nicaragüense que exploraron los colonizadores españoles, fue la región de Rivas Nicaragua, en este lugar se dieron dos expediciones formales a la región ístmica, la primera en 1522, posteriormente el 12 de Octubre de 1523 se dio el hecho histórico denominado “El Diálogo De Los Siglos” entre dos culturas, la europea representada por Gil González y la indígena-americana representada por el cacique "Nicarao", en donde sobresale la amplia sabiduría y astucia de este caudillo aborigen ante el colonialista, cuando éste le refuta ¿Por qué tan pocos hombres ambicionan tanto oro? La segunda expedición se dio en 1524, comandada por Francisco Hernández de Córdobas. Copyright - Martín Membreño - 2007 Tres siglos después un 12 de junio de 1855, el filibustero William Walter desembarcó en el Puerto El Realejo y quiso apoderarse de la ciudad de Rivas Nicaragua para garantizar el control de la línea de transito de vapores y la ruta interoceánica del desaguadero o Río San Juan. El 29 de junio, los hombres de Walter penetraron a la plaza de la ciudad de Rivas Nicaragua en donde el maestro Enmanuel Mongalo (héroe nacional) toma parte activa en la defensa de la ciudad, acto que se conoce como “La Primera Batalla De Rivas” y en el cual el enemigo fue rechazado. En abril de 1856 el costarricense Juan Santamaría quemó el Mesón en donde se acuartelaban los filibusteros, acto que se le conoce como “La Segunda Batalla De Rivas”. Esta acción proporcionó la victoria al ejército centroamericano. Por tales acontecimientos históricos que han marcado el futuro de nuestra historia nacional, a la ciudad de Rivas Nicaragua, se le

Transcript of Rivas Nicaragua

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Rivas Nicaragua – La Ciudad De Grandes Acontecimientos Históricos !La primera región Nicaragüense que exploraron los colonizadores españoles, fue la región de Rivas Nicaragua, en este lugar se dieron dos expediciones formales a la región ístmica, la primera en 1522, posteriormente el 12 de Octubre de 1523 se dio el hecho histórico denominado “El Diálogo De Los Siglos” entre dos culturas, la europea representada por Gil González y la indígena-americana representada por el cacique "Nicarao", en donde sobresale la amplia sabiduría y astucia de este caudillo aborigen ante el colonialista, cuando éste le refuta ¿Por qué tan pocos hombres ambicionan tanto oro? La segunda expedición se dio en 1524, comandada por Francisco Hernández de Córdobas.

Copyright - Martín Membreño - 2007

Tres siglos después un 12 de junio de 1855, el filibustero William Walter desembarcó en el Puerto El Realejo y quiso apoderarse de la ciudad de Rivas Nicaragua para garantizar el control de la línea de transito de vapores y la ruta interoceánica del desaguadero o Río San Juan. El 29 de junio, los hombres de Walter penetraron a la plaza de la ciudad de Rivas Nicaragua en donde el maestro Enmanuel Mongalo (héroe nacional) toma parte activa en la defensa de la ciudad, acto que se conoce como “La Primera Batalla De Rivas” y en el cual el enemigo fue rechazado. En abril de 1856 el costarricense Juan Santamaría quemó el Mesón en donde se acuartelaban los filibusteros, acto que se le conoce como “La Segunda Batalla De Rivas”. Esta acción proporcionó la victoria al ejército centroamericano.

Por tales acontecimientos históricos que han marcado el futuro de nuestra historia nacional, a la ciudad de Rivas Nicaragua, se le conoce por excelencia como: “La Ciudad Tres Veces Heroica” siendo esta a la vez declara como parte del Patrimonio Histórico Cultural de la nación.

Durante la colonia Rivas Nicaragua fue denominada "Valle de Nicaragua", hasta que uno de sus principales pueblos fue elevado de rango el 29 de mayo de 1720, con el nombre de "Villa de la Pura y Limpia Concepción de Rivas", que es la actual ciudad de Rivas Nicaragua, nombre que se le puso en honor al Capitán General Francisco Rodríguez de Rivas, presidente de la Audiencia y Capitanía General de Guatemala en aquel entonces.

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Se encuentra ubicado en el suroeste de Nicaragua, teniendo como litoral al Gran Lago de Nicaragua, o Cocibolca (el único en el mundo que posee tiburones de agua dulce), por un lado y por el otro al Océano Pacífico, situación que lo define como istmo. Limita a su vez con los departamentos de Carazo y Granada hacia el noroeste y con Río San Juan y la República de Costa Rica por el sureste.

Es un departamento constituido por 10 municipios entre ellos Rivas, Tola, Belén, Potosí, Buenos Aires, San Jorge, San Juan del Sur, Cárdenas, Moyogalpa y Altagracia. Posee una extensión de 2,155 kms.² con una población estimada de 157,000 habitantes. Su clima es sabana tropical y muy calido con una precipitación pluvial anual de 1.500 milímetros, fundamentalmente su relieve es muy marcado, combinando grandes planicies fértiles de apenas 40 mts sobre el nivel del mar en una franja de tierra de apenas 18 km. de distancia en su punto más angosto siendo ésta la más estrecha del continente Americano (en donde se produce una gran variedad de cultivos de tipo tropical, como plátanos, bananos y caña de azúcar, y también arroz y productos hortofrutícolas) y pequeñas serranías que se proyectan a lo largo del océano pacífico. Testigo de una belleza escénica natural impresionante entre las que destacan bellas playas en toda la costa pacífica excelente para la pesca marina, un inmenso lago con una isla formada por dos volcanes en donde se da la crianza de ganado, ríos entre otros. Además de todos estos atributos de Rivas Nicaragua, su gran potencial turístico, su belleza y riqueza natural, es menester tener presente también su riqueza histórica y cultural de las que son testigos silenciosos todos los monumentos, edificaciones, obras y parajes rivenses.

La ciudad de Rivas Nicaragua es la capital del departamento homónimo, la cual está situada a 70 millas al sur de Managua y a 40 kms de la frontera con Costa Rica, en el istmo que separa el Lago de Nicaragua al este y el Oceano Pacífico al oeste con una población de 40.769 habitantes, ocupa una extensión territorial de 280.54 kms.² y un clima  semihúmedo, sabana tropical. Antiguamente era un importante pasaje entre el Caribe y el Pacífico, utilizado por el magnate Cornelius Vanderbuilt en su empresa de pasajeros y carga, antes de la construcción del canal de Panamá.

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From: Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales INETER

La ubicación de esta ciudad es excelente. Rivas está junto a la carretera Panamericana lo que le da una buena conexión con las ciudades de Managua, Granada y Carazo, así como con la frontera con Costa Rica en Peñas Blancas. También está a muy pocos kilómetros de San Jorge, el puerto que une a la isla de Ometepe (a unos pocos kilómetros de Rivas) con tierra firme. Debido a su ubicación, Rivas Nicaragua es un buen lugar para quedarse si se planea visitar varios lugares de la zona.

Para llegar a Rivas Nicaragua desde Managua se llega en aproximadamente dos horas y puede elegirse tres opciones existentes sobre la carretera panamericana:

1) Managua-Granada-Nandaime-Rivas.2) Managua-Masaya-Catarina-Nandaime-Rivas.3) Managua-Carazo-Nandaime-Rivas.

También se cuenta con servicios de transporte colectivo que viajan con itinerarios desde Managua, partiendo del mercado Roberto Huembes hacia Rivas y el puesto fronterizo de Peñas Blanca.

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Copyright - Martín Membreño - 2007

En el centro de la ciudad de Rivas Nicaragua, como en muchas otras ciudades coloniales de América Latina, se encuentra el Parque Central llamado Evaristo Carazo, centro de la comunidad rivense, su posición es muy típica de las ciudades de origen español, rodeado por edificios públicos de estilo colonial. El Parque es el punto de encuentro en el que los habitantes de Rivas Nicaragua se socializan a toda hora del día. Allí es posible encontrar artesanía, platos típicos (entre los cuales sobresale el "vigorón"), música y la muy gustada y famosa rosquilla rivense. Actualmente está formado por un quiosco que es utilizado en actos públicos, monumentos alusivos a las gestas heroicas de Rivas, así como también una estatua en honor al ex-presidente Evaristo Carazo, una plaza pública que es utilizada en actos oficiales de gobierno la cual alberga anualmente la feria de la pequeña y mediana empresa, en ella se puede observar un mural pictórico que ilustra la historia de Rivas. Junto al Parque, se encuentra la iglesia San Pedro que es en importancia el tercer  templo de Nicaragua con real influencia y arquitectura meramente española con sus imponentes columnas blancas y de gran magnitud.

Copyright - Martín Membreño - 2007

Muy cerca del Parque se encuentra el mercado municipal, el más grande de la región, en el cual podrá encontrar todas las mañanas una gama de frutas tropicales, verduras frescas, carne, productos lácteos, mariscos a precios módicos, a la vez sirve como la terminal de buses

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de Managua, Granada, Carazo y sus municipios aledaños. La ciudad cuenta también con un nuevo supermercado Palí, una variedad de tiendas, numerosos bancos entre ellos el “Bac”, clínicas, farmacias, laboratorios, estaciones de radios, hoteles entre los que sobresale el “Nicarao”, bares, restaurantes de primera categoría como el “Villas’s Pizza”, discotecas como el “Principe”, centros deportivos como el gimnasio de baloncesto y el estadio municipal de béisbol, numerosas iglesias, una escuela de español para extranjeros llamada “Nicarao”, universidades entre ellas la “Escuela Internacional de Agricultura y Ganadería’, una biblioteca pública, un hospital, salas de Internet, gasolineras, librerías, servicio de alquiler de autos, los servicios básicos y la televisión por cable también están disponibles, al igual que otros diferentes servicios con el objetivo de continuar a la cabeza incentivando al sector turístico, que cada vez más es uno de los fuertes pilares de ingreso para el municipio.

Copyright - Martín Membreño - 2007

Una característica pintoresca de Rivas Nicaragua, es que ésta es la ciudad que tiene más coches de caballos como servicio de transporte, además el  municipio cuenta con más de 1000 triciclos turísticos (pepanos) y más de 5,000 bicicletas circulando por sus calles, lo que la convierte en una de las poblaciones más sanas y con menos contaminación ambiental. Cabe mencionar que la ciudad durante los últimos siglos ha conservado su identidad, ya que en ella no se ha producido tanta inversión extranjera la cual sólo llega en forma de maquiladoras y de agencias de bienes raíces. Por tal razón cuando llegue a esta ciudad colonial usted se sentirá en un ambiente nacional, propicio para tener un contacto directo con la cultura, la forma de vida, la gastronomía y sobre todo lo que caracteriza al rivense su idiosincrasia. La ciudad también goza de un ambiente calmo y seguro, a la vez es considerada como una de las ciudad más limpias de Nicaragua

Las familias rivenses son muy hospitalarias y cariñosas con los extranjeros, por eso, una de las mejores maneras para conocer un poco de nuestra historia y costumbres, lo mejor es visitar y recorrer a pie, en coches o en triciclos turísticos esta bonita y acogedora ciudad.

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En cada esquina mirando en sus peculiares avenidas, se podrán admirar los típicos edificios coloniales la mayoría de los cuales recién remodelados.

Copyright - Martín Membreño - 2007

La ciudad de Rivas tiene muchos lugares históricos y atractivos para examinar y disfrutar como Iglesias del siglo XVIII entre ellas:

a) La iglesia colonial Parroquial San Pedrob) La Capilla Católica San Francisco de Asísc) Museo Casa Santa Úrsulad) El parque central de Rivas “Presidente Evaristo Carazo,e) La Cruz de España, una vista espectacular del Departamento y el lago desde el

Cementerio de Rivas, f) Centro Turístico Río-Lago,g) Nicarao Canopy  Tour, h) Centro de mejoramiento Genético “Cañas Gordas”..

Además de fiestas significativas y peculiares como corridas de toros, celebraciones culturales y religiosas muy completas con comida típica y artesanía de la región que se dan cada 20 de Enero en conmemoración al santo patrono San Sebastián.

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En la Semana de Dolores (semana antes de la Semana Santa), se puede apreciar su original tradición como es ver la peregrinación de personas de los alrededores y de todas partes de Nicaragua, quienes llegan hasta el santuario de Popoyuapa para rendirle culto a la imagen de Jesús del Rescate. Con la belleza de una ciudad colindando con el décimo lago más grande en el mundo y 3 volcanes vislumbrándose en el horizonte, Rivas Nicaragua es una ciudad que no se la puede perder. ¡Ven, visite, y disfrute de lo nuestro!

Rivas Nicaragua - The city of great historical events! Historically, the city of Rivas, Nicaragua was the centerpiece of the great migrations of tribes Kiribíes, Chorotegas and Nicaragua. The Kiribíes were the first tribe to arrive in the isthmic region, from North America and took possession of that region until the 606 and 629 of the Christian era, a period in which immigrants were defeated by more powerful (the Chorotegas of Chiapas Mexico) are forced to retreat to the islands of Grand Lake and then to regions of current Boaco, Chontales, Rio San Juan, to reach the mountainous regions of the Atlantic coast. This tribe was essentially a farmer, but also practiced hunting and fishing. At the end of the eleventh century and early twelfth Nicaraos arrived, which changed the name to Niquiranos (Mexican language which means "the Nicarao here), they were of Nahua Nahuatl or of Mexican origin, practiced agriculture, fishing and hunting. This tribe introduced to this region, the fruit of the cacao that was used as a currency which was a basic crop for food. The first Nicaraguan region explored by Spanish colonists, was the region of Nicaragua Rivas, in this place there were two formal expeditions to the isthmic region, the first in 1522, after which the October 12, 1523 was a historical event called "The Dialogue Of The Centuries "between two cultures, represented by Gil González European and American Indian represented by cacique" Nicarao ", where stands the vast wisdom and cunning of this leader to the colonial Indian, when he refutes Why why so few men covet so much gold? The second expedition occurred in 1524, commanded by Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba.   Copyright - Martin Membreño - 2007 Three centuries later, a June 12, 1855, the filibuster William Walker landed in the Port Realejo and wanted to seize the town of Rivas, Nicaragua to ensure control of the transit line and the oceanic route vapors from the drain or Rio San Juan . On June 29, Walter's men entered the plaza of the town of Rivas in Nicaragua where the teacher Enmanuel Mongalo (national hero) took active part in defending the city, an act known as "The First Battle of Rivas "and where the enemy was repulsed. In April 1856 the Costa Rican Juan Santamaría burned quartered Inn where the filibusters, an act which is known as "The Second Battle of Rivas." This action provided the American military victory. For these historical events that have shaped the future of our national history, the city of Rivas, Nicaragua, is known for excellence as "Three Times Heroic City" is at once being declared as part of the Cultural Heritage of the Nation . During colonial Nicaragua Rivas was named "Valley of Nicaragua", until one of their main villages was high ranking on May 29, 1720, under the name "Villa of the Pure and Clean Conception of Rivas, which is the Current city of Nicaragua Rivas, a name we gave in honor of Captain General Francisco Rodriguez de Rivas, president of the Audiencia and Captaincy General of Guatemala at that time. Nicaragua Rivas Department was established in 1858, and is the only thing that has remained intact, since it never was divided to give rise to another department, is located in southwest Nicaragua, with the coast to the Great Lake of Nicaragua, or Cocibolca (the only one in the world has freshwater sharks), on one side and the other to the Pacific Ocean, a situation which is defined as isthmus. Limit your time with the departments of Carazo and Granada to the northwest and San Juan River and the Republic of Costa Rica to the southeast.   It is a department consisting of 10 municipalities including Rivas, Tola, Belén, Potosí, Buenos Aires, San Jorge, San Juan del Sur, Cardenas, Moyogalpa and Altagracia. It has a length of 2.155 kms. ² with an estimated population of 157.000 inhabitants. Its climate is tropical savanna and very warm with an annual rainfall of 1,500 mm, mainly its relief is very strong, combining great fertile plains of just 40 feet above sea level in a strip of land just 18 km. away at its narrowest point being the closer of the Americas (where it produces a large variety of tropical crops such as plantains, bananas and sugar cane, and rice and horticultural products) and small

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mountains that projected along the Pacific Ocean. Witness a breathtaking natural scenic beauty among which beautiful beaches in the entire Pacific coast marine excellent fishing, a huge lake with an island formed by two volcanoes where there is livestock raising, rivers, among others. In addition to these attributes Rivas Nicaragua, its great tourism potential, its beauty and natural wealth, we must also bear in mind its historical and cultural wealth for which they are silent witnesses to all the monuments, buildings, works and places rivenses. The city of Rivas, Nicaragua is the capital of the eponymous department, which is located 70 miles south of Managua and 40 kms from the border with Costa Rica, on the isthmus that separates Lake Nicaragua to the east and west Pacific Ocean with a population of 40 769 inhabitants, occupies an area of 280.54 kms. ² and a semi-humid climate, tropical savanna. Formerly an important passage between the Caribbean and the Pacific, used by the magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt in passenger and cargo company, before the construction of the Panama Canal.   From: Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies INETER The location of this city is excellent. Rivas is next to the Panamerican highway that gives a good connection with the cities of Managua, Granada and Carazo, and the border with Costa Rica at Peñas Blancas. It is also far away from San Jorge, the port that connects to the island of Ometepe (a few kilometers from Rivas) with the mainland. Because of its location, Rivas Nicaragua is a good place to stay if you plan to visit several places in the area. To get to Rivas Nicaragua from Managua is reached in about two hours and is available in three options on the Pan American Highway:

1) Managua-Granada-Nandaime-Rivas. 2) Managua, Masaya, Catarina-Nandaime-Rivas. 3)-Nandaime Managua-Carazo, Rivas. There are also public transport services who travel itineraries from Managua, market shares and Roberto Rivas Huembes to the border crossing of Peñas Blancas.   Copyright - Martin Membreño - 2007 In the center of the city of Rivas, Nicaragua, as in many other colonial cities of Latin America, Central Park is named Evaristo Carazo, rivense community center, its position is very typical of Spanish cities, surrounded by buildings colonial-style government. The park is the meeting point in which the inhabitants of Nicaragua Rivas socialize at all hours of the day. There you can find handicrafts, traditional dishes (including Excel "vigorón"), music and the much loved and famous donut rivense. Currently consists of a kiosk that is used in public events, monuments depicted the heroic deeds of Rivas, as well as a statue in honor of former President Evaristo Carazo, a public square that is used in official acts of government which has the annual fair of small and medium enterprises, it can be seen painting a mural illustrating the history of Rivas. Next to Park, is the church San Pedro is the third most important temple of Nicaragua with real influence and purely Spanish architecture with its imposing white columns and of great magnitude.   Copyright - Martin Membreño - 2007 Very close to the Park is the municipal market, the largest in the region, where every morning you will find a range of tropical fruits, fresh vegetables, meat, dairy products, seafood at reasonable prices, while serving as the bus terminal in Managua, Granada, Carazo and its surrounding municipalities. The city also has a new supermarket Palí, a variety of shops, many banks including the "Bac", clinics, pharmacies, laboratories, radio stations, hotels, among which the "Nicarao, bars, restaurants class as the "Villas's Pizza" clubs like the "Prince" and sports centers such as the gym's basketball and the municipal stadium of baseball, many churches, a Spanish school for foreigners called "Nicarao, universities including the" International School Agriculture and Livestock ', a public library, hospital, Internet facilities, gas stations, bookstores, car rental service, basic services and cable television are also available, as well as other different services in order to continue head encouraging the tourism sector, which increasingly is one of the strong pillars of income for the town.   Copyright - Martin Membreño - 2007 A picturesque property Rivas Nicaragua, is that this is the city with more cars of horses as transportation services, the town also has over 1000 tourist tricycles (pepanos) and circulated

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over 5,000 bikes through the streets, so the becomes a healthier populations and less pollution. It is worth mentioning that the city over the past centuries has preserved its identity since it has not produced so much foreign investment which only comes in the form of maquiladoras and real estate agencies. For this reason when it comes to this colonial city you will feel in a national environment conducive to having direct contact with the culture, lifestyle, food and everything that characterizes the rivense their idiosyncrasies. The city also enjoys a calm and secure, while it is considered one of the cleanest city in Nicaragua The rivense is very hospitable and kind to foreigners, therefore, one of the best ways to learn a little about our history and customs, it is best to visit and explore on foot, in cars or tricycles tour this beautiful and welcoming city. In every corner looking at their particular avenues, you may admire the typical colonial buildings which most newly remodeled.   Copyright - Martin Membreño - 2007 Today, the city of Rivas, Nicaragua also offers many historic sites and attractions to review and enjoy as eighteenth-century churches including San Pedro Parish colonial church and the Catholic Chapel San Francisco de Asis, Santa Ursula House Museum, Central Park Rivas "President Evaristo Carazo, La Cruz, Spain, a spectacular view of the Department and the lake from the Cemetery of Rivas, Rosquillerías and fireworks factories, cup filigree Workshop, Workshop stringed musical instruments, River-Resort Lake, Nicarao Canopy Tour, Center for Genetic Improvement "Cañas Gordas," Sugar Refinery "General Benjamin Zeledon, saddlery workshop, Rural and Artisanal Chocolates factory, surrounded by numerous fields of sugar cane, banana and mango trees, reason is also known as ("La Ciudad De Los Mangos") for walking, riding or cycling. In addition to significant and unusual events such as bullfights, cultural and religious celebrations very complete with traditional food and crafts of the region that are given every January 20 to commemorate the patron saint San Sebastian.   In Dolores Week (week before Easter), illustrating its original tradition as the pilgrimage is to see people around and all parts of Nicaragua, who come to the sanctuary to worship Popoyuapa image Rescue Jesus. With the beauty of a city adjacent to the tenth largest lake in the world and three volcanoes looming on the horizon, Nicaragua Rivas is a city not miss it. Come, visit and enjoy our field!

It is located in southwest Nicaragua, with the coast to the Great Lake of Nicaragua or Cocibolca (the only one in the world has freshwater sharks), on one side and the other to the Pacific Ocean, a situation which is defined as isthmus. Limit your time with the departments of Carazo and Granada to the northwest and San Juan River and the Republic of Costa Rica to the southeast.

TURISTIC PLACESThe city of Rivas has many historical sites and attractions to review and enjoy as eighteenth-century churches including:

a) The colonial church San Pedro Parish

b) The Chapel of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic

c) Museo Casa Santa Ursula

d) The Central Park Rivas "President Evaristo Carazo

e) The Cross of Spain, a spectacular view of lake from the Department and the Cemetery Rivasf) River-Lake Resort,

g) Nicarao Canopy Tour

h) Centre for Genetic Improvement "Cañas Gordas" ..

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RIVAS    - Rivas

Physical Description

The Department of Rivas is located in the far southwest of Nicaragua. Its entire eastern sector is bordered by Lake Nicaragua (the 10th largest lake in the world and also home of the only freshwater sharks) and to the west it is bordered by the Pacific Ocean, making it a true isthmus. A range of low mountains parallels to the coast. Its northern boundary is Rio Ochomogo and its southern border is Costa Rica.

Rivas, the capital city, is located midway on the isthmus at Km 111 on the Pan-American highway. The city, whose population is near 40,000, serves as a hub for market goods and transportation for the department's 145,000 inhabitants. The department is heavily dependent on tourism, the Island of Ometepe and San Juan del Sur being tourist destinations. Both local buses and through buses to Costa Rica originate in Rivas.


The economy is based on tourism, cattle ranching and agriculture. The agriculture in Rivas is mainly plantains, sugar cane, rice, and grenadine. Cattle ranching is growing stronger; there is now a state of the art genetic center for artificial insemination of cattle. This is helping to produce stronger and more desired breeds. Last year, several new restaurants, hotels, and a disco opened they appear to have a steady flow of customers. This year Rivas opened a new vegetable market. Nevertheless, the unemployment is high. Housing is available, but it is expensive.


Rivas traces its history back to 606 AD when

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various indigenous tribes gathered and settled in the area. The Spaniards first visited the area in 1522 and again in 1524. The current population is a mixture of Creole, Indian, Mulatto and Spanish. A Catholic Church was built in 1607. The city of Rivas was officially recognized in 1835.

William Walker stormed the city in June of 1855 but was repulsed by a teacher, Emanuel Mongalo, who became a local hero. A second battle ensued in 1865 forever banishing Walker from Rivas.

The twentieth century parallels that of the rest of Nicaragua with its various invasions, dictators, and wars. Ex-President Violetta Chamorro is a native from Rivas and also her son, who is now the Minister of Defense, Pedro Joquian Chamorro.

Community Structure

The city is laid out in a grid pattern with a central park and a large cathedral at its center. It has a large market, bus station and most goods and services can be found in the various stores and shops. There is also a new vegetable and fruit market located to the south of the central park. Rivas has yet to get a supermarket, but there are a few mini-supers where one can find almost everything one may need. There are several gyms, a movie theatre, a basketball and a baseball stadium, numerous churches, schools, universities, a public library, a hospital, many clinics, laboratories, and a disco. There are several places that have internet in Rivas, mostly computer schools and businesses that limit access to students and employees. However, access is available for a fee at the Agriculture University and a computation school on the main street in town. Within the city, transportation is available by taxis and by horse-drawn carriages. Potable water, electricity, phone service and cable TV are available. However, the city is frequently without water or electricity at least two to three days a week. ENITEL provides four public phones and a post office provides daily fax and mail service.


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The hotel Nicarao is located in the center of town and Rivas Tropical is located on the Pan-American Highway just before you enter Rivas. Both are excellent hotels and a little pricey for a Peace Corps Volunteer.


El Coco, La Primavera, and International are all located on the Pan-American Highway. Hospedaje Lidias is located just 1/2 a block west from the Texaco gas station. They are fairly clean and are reasonable priced.


With the market, new vegetable and fruit market, and the various mini-supers almost anything can be purchased in Rivas. The fruits and vegetables arrive almost daily and are abundant and inexpensive, but seasonal crops affect the variety. There is an abundance of places to purchase tortillas, nacatamales, cooked beans, and fresh breads (simple breads but fresh).


El Principe: located next to the baseball stadium on the Pan-American Highway. They serve a variety of tropical food and a version of Chinese.

La Estancia: located about 200 meters south of El Principe. They serve excellent seafood.

Hotel Nicaro: located in the center of town next to the movie theatre. They offer typical food and excellent fried cheese and tostones.

Sodas, Cafetines, Small Restaurants

Concha Shell: next to the Shell gas station

Soda Rayula: 1/4 block south from the Texaco

Pizza Hot and Chop Suey both located in the

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central park on opposite corners.

There is also Super Pollo, El Meson and numerous Eskimo outlets.


Buses leave from the main market to all major cities south of Managua with great regularity. Beginning at 5:00 am buses leave every half-hour for Managua. The schedule for buses within the department varies, but service is available to all of the municipalities: Tola, Nancimi, Belen, Potosi, Buenas Aires, Salinas, San Jorge, San Juan del Sur, and the Frontera. If you have any questions about the bus schedules, there is a kiosk in the market where you can ask about the times. Express buses are now available to Managua from port in San Jorge and the new Rivas market. These leave approximately ever hour.

Work Activities

Rivas has the usual government agencies: MARENA, MINSA, FONIF, SILIAS, MED, and PROCESUR. There are numerous groups and Ngos to work with: Casa de Cultura, Casa de Mujeres and Civite. There is not a great deal of international aid or many aid organizations in Rivas.

Banks are numerous: Bancentro, Banco de Café, Banic, and Banco Popular. There are a number of loan cooperatives and NGOs: Chispa, Asoderi, Fama, Acodep, and Finde.


Rivas itself is not a tourist destination. It has an interesting horseback riding and a beautiful relaxing seetting.

To the south about 25 km is San Juan del Sur which is oriented for the tourist. There are a variety of places to stay ranging from expensive and comfortable to cheap and adventurous. A plethora of restaurants also offer abundant seafood selections with beachfront seating. The beach is wonderful, and there are many virgin beaches only

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minutes away from San Juan.

Rivas, RivasChris Hartinger and Heather Tinker1997-1999