Proyecto de octavo básico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion...

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  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch


    La Tirana

    This religious celebration is based on a legend from 1535 when the Spanish conquistador

    conqueror Diego de Almagro departed from Cuzco to subdue Chile. The legend says that

    this group had two prisoners -- Huillac Huma, the last priest of the Inca Empire, and his

    beautiful daughter usta Huillac who were among thousands of Inca natives who were

    prisoners of the invaders.

    usta was taken into the Atacama Desert where she later ran away from the Spaniards.

    usta hid in the forest of Tamarugos, now known as "Pampa del Tamarugal".

    For the next four years she defended her people and is said to have slaughtered hundreds of

    Spaniards. She became known as the "Tamarugal Tyrant".

    One day usta's men brought to her a prisoner of Portuguese descent named Vasco de

    Almeyda. usta fell in love with this man, and for love she converted to Catholicism, a

    decision that her people did not forgive. usta and Vasco tried to escape but they were

    killed on a field.

    One hundred years later a monk, "Antonio", found in that same field where usta had

    fallen to her death, a Virgin del Carmen image carved on a rock and a wooden cross. He

    built a sanctuary in that very place where now thousands of believers and tourists gather

    every year to celebrate La Tirana, a religious based carnival.

  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch



    (Leyenda Mapuche - Chile)

    The Chonchon or tu-tu is the magic transformation of the powerful kalkus (mapuche s

    wizard), that knows the secret of the Kalkus, to become this feared creature.

    The kalku or the wizard would carry out the transformation in Chonchon being anointed by

    a magic cream in the throat that makes his head removed from the rest of the body, and his

    head become this creature.

    The Chonchon has the shape of a human head with feathers and talons; its ears, which areextremely large, serve as wings for its flight on moonless nights. Chonchons are supposed

    to be endowed with all the magic powers of and can only be seen by other kalkus, or by

    wizards that want this power.

    They are known for their cry of "tue tue tue" during their flights. The Chonchon is

    considered a mythical bird that announces "bad luck", and the form in that the kalkus use to

    carry out easily their wicked activities. The Kalku transformed in chonchon, also can drink

    theblood of sleeping peoples.


    a persons who is not mapuche called the chonchon tue-tue.

    Tu-Tu: is a queltehue.
  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch



    One of the most popular myths among the fishermen of Chilo Island is the one about a

    mermaid named La Pincoya. Sometimes, they say, she is accompanied by her husband,

    Pincoy. She rarely leaves the sea for the rivers and lakes. This sea nymph fertilizes the

    fish and shellfish beneath the water, and therefore the fishermens abundance or lack of

    food depend on her. When Pincoya appears, dancing on the beach, her arms open and

    looking towards the sea, it is good news for the fishermen because her dance announces

    that there will be abundant fishing. If she dances looking towards the coast, it is a bad

    omen because her dance will make the fish go away. However, the bad omen may be good

    for others, because Pincoya leads the abundance to those in need.

    Joy, even if it comes from poverty, attracts Pincoya, and this is why chilotes, or the

    inhabitants of Chilo, sing, dance and prepare curantos their traditional way of cooking

    seafood in a hole in the ground, over stones and live coals covered with leaves, branches

    and earth so that she will see their cheer and favor them. Part of the myth tells thatPincoya was born in beautiful Lake Huelde, near Cucao; that she is a gorgeous woman with

    fair, lightly-tanned skin, golden hair, and that from the waist down she has the tail of a fish.

    On certain nights she whistles or sings irresistibly haunting love songs.

  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch



    Aauca was a young girl who lived in Monte Patria, a small town near Limar River. At

    that time the river was called Monte Rey because it was still under Spanish rule. Beautiful

    Aauca drew the admiration of all the young men of the town. None of them had been

    able to win her love. One day a handsome and enigmatic miner arrived in the town. He was

    searching for a vein of gold that was much sought after. When he saw Aauca, he fell in

    love with her and decided to live in Monte Rey. She fell in love with him as well. One night

    the miner had a disturbing dream. A mountain elf appeared before him and revealed the

    precise spot where the motherlode was that he was obsessed with finding. Without

    hesitating he set off on his search, leaving Aauca with his promise to return.

    Aauca waited day after day, but her lover did not come back. The mirage had swallowed

    him up. Sadness settled into Aaucas heart. Inconsolable, she began to waste away with

    grief at the loss of her beloved. The townsfolk of Monte Rey wept for her and buried her

    one rainy day. The next day, the sun warmed the valley and it was filled with beautiful redflowers, which they named Aauca in honor of the young woman. This flower grows until

    today between Copiap and Quilimar Valley, and after the sky weeps the pampa is

    transformed into the marvelous phenomenon called desierto florido or desert in bloom.

  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch



    A ghost ship sails through the seas around Chilo. It is the Caleuche, and its crew ismade up of sorcerers. On dark nights its reddish sails glow, and when it wants to hide it

    wraps itself in a thick fog. It never wanders through the archipelago in broad daylight -- it

    makes itself invisible or transforms itself into a rock, and its crew changes into sea lions or

    sea birds. Whoever looks at the Caleuche may be left, by witchcraft, with his mouth twisted

    or his head turned around towards his back. However, shipwrecked and drowned persons

    may climb onto the ship, and see the cities under the sea and their treasures, but never tell

    of what they have seen. This happened to a chalupa a small fishing boat that sailed

    out of Chonchi, that belonged to the son of a respectable resident of that town.

    The chalupa never returned. When the father heard the bad news, he merely smiled

    strangely, concealing a revelation his son was safe aboard the Caleuche. From that day

    on, the fathers business began to make him a rich man, and at night the sound of dragging

    chains was heard near his house. It was the Caleuche, secretly unloading large quantities of

    merchandise, revealing the secret relationship between the businessman and the ghost ship.

  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch



    Her hair was red like the quitral flower, and so people called her La Quintrala. Her namewas Doa Catalina de los Ros y Lisperguer. She was beautiful and willful, and is among

    the worst criminals of the 17th century. In her hacienda in La Ligua and environs, she left

    behind a legend of horror. She is said to have made a pact with the devil. She was a wanton

    woman and indomitable for her husband, who did not live long, and who became an

    accomplice to her perverseness. Stories are told of her ill treatment of the hacienda Indians,

    who were forced to run away to the mountains.

    La Quintrala would preside over the punishments, unmoved by their suffering. Accused of

    her crimes, she was arrested and tried by the Royal Audiencia, who found her guilty of

    parricide and of murdering her servants. She was taken to Santiago, where her astuteness

    and money succeeded in delaying the proceeding. One of the demonic pacts attributed to

    her is that of making the friar who had performed her marriage fall in love with her. The

    friar resisted her harrassments and resorted to self-fagellation, finally fleeing to Peru to

    escape the seductive witch. He only returned when he learned of her arrest and illnesses.

    She never confessed her mortal sins.

  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch



    Calchona is part of the Mapuche folklore.She is a creature that looks like a large black sheep, or a woolly black dog, that roams

    around at night. The name Calchona derives from Mapuche language (Mapudungun)

    Harmless, she, for it is female, a witch, is said to be the outcome of magic spells gone awry.

    The popular tale is the following: she, the witch used some creams which she applied on

    her skin to mutate into a black sheep. She would then go out -no one knows why- every

    night. Her suspicious son, spying on her, for he believed she might be a witch, saw her

    transform into a sheep and he found the oinment and put some in his skin.inmediatly he

    transformed in a dog his father arruved to his home and saw that dog , at the same time saw

    the oinment and use it to brought his son back.So he threw away her magic ointments.

    When she returned she could not undo the spell and was forced to remain a sheep forever.

    She roams the night and bleats asking for food.

  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch


    Rubricas por dias

    June 4th and 7 th ,2010.

    Evaluation Chart

    1. Names of this Group:____2. Myth or legends name :_

    3. Guide teachers name:

    4. Monitors name:

    5. Read the myth orlegend,discuss about thetext :_ write in a paper the mostimportant ideas about thetext.6. homework: to find more

    information about mythor legend.

  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch


    June 7th and 11 th,2010.Evaluation Chart

    1.Extra information about myth orlegend.Show the information to your guideteacher.2.Interchange information about legendor myth:Discuss about it.Give ideas about it.

    3.Select the best ideas about myth orlegend._ Write the ideas in your portafolio4.organize the group example:_students to represent the principalscharecters(names)._What do you need to do the sketch?

    5. Elaborate the dialogue about myth or

    legend._Write on your portafolio.

    6. Discuss about the material you toelaborate your costume.


  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch


    June 14th and 18 th2010.

    Evaluation Chart

    1. Show you dialogue toyour teacher guide.

    2. Correct your dialoguemistake

    3. Correct yourpronunciation

    With your guide teacher.

    4. rehearsal to the sketch


  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch



    Aprendizajes esperados

    Group Members

    Myth or legend Guide Teacher Date

    Concept Explanation

    Very good Aplica correctamente el vocabulario relacionado a la unidadtemtica. Utiliza sin errores los elementos morfosintcticos ylas funciones comunicativas estudiadas.

    Good Aplica un vocabulario suficiente relacionado a la unidadtemtica con algunos errores pero que no dificultan lacomprensin del mensaje. Usa los elementosmorfosintcticos y las funciones comunicativas estudiadas

    Concepts : Poor Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent

    Points : 0 - 1 2 3 4 5

    Responde oralmente preguntas muy simples, relacionadas con personajes y lugares famoadicciones y auto cuidado.

    Responde oralmente y hace preguntas muy simples en dilogos breves, que incorporan las funcicomunicativas para referirse a eventos en el pasado, expresar comparaciones simples, exprgustos y desagrados.

    Usa ocasionalmente la pronunciacin propia de los sonidos

    Hace presentaciones orales de aproximadamente 1, 5 minutos, que incorporan las funciocomunicativas y los temas del semestre.

  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch


    con un nivel de precisin tal que no dificultan la comprensindel mensaje.

    Satisfactory Aplica escaso vocabulario relacionado a la unidad temtica.Utiliza con reiterados errores los elementos morfosintcticosy las funciones comunicativas estudiadas provocando unaconfusin en la comprensin de los mensajes.

    Poor Confunde permanentemente el vocabulario relativo a launidad temtica. No hay claridad en el uso de los elementosmorfosintcticos y las funciones comunicativas estudiadas.

    I. GENERAL ASPECTS - 1 point each -

    Indicators YES

    Utiliza material de apoyo y acorde con la temtica trabajada para la creacin de suescenografa.

    Dentro de su presentacin utiliza vestimenta, maquillaje, accesorios u otro elementoque le permita caracterizar su personaje.

    Respeta el trabajo de los otros grupos antes, durante y despus de su presentacin;guardando el silencio correspondiente y expresando opiniones en los momentosdedicados para ello.

    Presenta una organizacin adecuada de su trabajo; lo que permite optimizar los tiemposantes, durante y despus de la presentacin.

    Realiza una presentacin llamativa, creativa y dinmica que capta la atencin de suscompaeros y la del pblico en general.

  • 8/9/2019 Proyecto de octavo bsico, incluidas las rubricas de trabajos por dias y la rubrica de evaluacion del sketch



    Indicators Poor


    Good Verygood

    a) Utiliza el vocabulario temtico de uso frecuente delsemestre.

    b) Utiliza frases hechas y expresiones de uso frecuente.

    c) Utiliza elementos estructurales asociados, por ejemplo, ala funcin de referirse a eventos en el pasado.

    d) Reproduce, a veces, la pronunciacin caracterstica dealgunos sonidos del nivel.

    e) Sostiene dilogos muy simples de aproximadamente seisintercambios.

    f) Contesta y nombra personas, objetos, lugares,caractersticas, conceptos relacionados con los temas del

    semestre utilizando palabras y frases hechas de usofrecuente.

    g) Utiliza algunos elementos estructurales conocidos(lxico de alta frecuencia)



    Total Points

    ______ / ______
