Ob- main presentation

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  • 8/7/2019 Ob- main presentation



    Our PresentationOur Presentation

    Presented By-The Alliance Of Alpha

    Department Of Finance,JNU.

    1-25-11 1

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    The Alliance of AlphaThe Alliance of Alpha

    Name ID

    1. Anik Ahmed ( Group director) 091531

    2. MD. Hedayet Ullah 091582

    3. Sabekun Nahar shirin 07882734

    1-25-11 2Anik Ahmed091531

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    Submitted ToSubmitted To- -Suborna Barua

    Lecturer, Department Of FinanceJagannath University, Dhaka.

    Submitted BySubmitted By- -The Alliance Of AlphaBBA 3rd batch,4 th semester,

    Department Of Finance,Jagannath University,Dhaka.

    1-25-11 3Anik Ahmed091531

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    Presentation On-What isWhat is

    OO rganizationalrganizationalBB ehavior ? ehavior ?

    Course Title:

    Organizational BehaviorCourse Code: FIN-2208

    1-25-11 4Anik Ahmed091531

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    Objectives Of The Study:Objectives Of The Study:Demonstrate the Importance Of Interpersonal Skills.Describe what managers do.Define organizational behavior (OB).Explain the value of the systematic study of OB.Identify the contributions made by major behavioral

    science disciplines to OB.

    List the major challenges and opportunities for managersto use OB concepts.

    1-25-11 5Anik Ahmed091531

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    Definition of Organizational Behavior :The Actions and attitudes of individuals and groups towardone another and towards the organization as a whole, and

    its effect on the organization's functioning andperformance is called organizational Behavior.

    Importance Of Interpersonal Skills :Importance Of Interpersonal Skills :Succeeding in management today requires good interpersonal

    skills. Like, communication and leadership skills distinguish

    managers to managers. It is closely joined to need for organizationsto get and keep high-performing employees.In todays increasingly competitive workplace, manager cant succeed on their technical

    skills alone, also have to interpersonal skills.

    1-25-11 6Anik Ahmed091531

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    What Managers DoWhat Managers Do

    Managerial Activities:Make decisions

    Allocate resources

    Direct activities of others to attaingoals

    Managers (or administrators )Individuals who achieve goals through other people.

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    Management FunctionsManagement Functions

    PlanningPlanning OrganizingOrganizing



    1-25-11 8Anik Ahmed091531

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    Management Functions (conti..


    Planning:Planning: A process that includes defining goals, establishing

    strategy, and developing plans to coordinateactivities.

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    Management FunctionsManagement Functions ((conticonti.. )..)

    Organizing:Organizing:D etermining what tasks are to be done, who is to

    do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, whoreports to whom, and where decisions are to bemade .

    1-25-11 10Anik Ahmed091531

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    Management FunctionsManagement Functions ((conticonti.. )..)

    Leading:Leading: A function that includes motivating employees,directing others, selecting the most effective

    communication channels, and resolving conflicts.

    1-25-11 11Anik Ahmed091531

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    Management FunctionsManagement Functions ((conticonti.. )..)

    Controlling:Controlling:M onitoring activities to ensure they are

    being accomplished as planned andcorrecting any significant deviations.

    1-25-11 12Anik Ahmed091531

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    M intzbergs Ma na geri al R o les

    1-25-11 13Anik Ahmed091531

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    Mintzbergs Managerial Roles (conti.. )

    1-25-11 14Anik Ahmed091531

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    M intzbergs Ma na geri al R o les (conti..)

    1-25-11 15Anik Ahmed091531

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    Ma na gement Sk illsTechnical skills:The ability to apply specializedknowledge or expertise.

    Human skills:The ability to work with, understand,and motivate other people, bothindividually and in groups.

    Conceptual Skills:The mental ability to analyze anddiagnose complex situations.

    1-25-11 16Anik Ahmed091531

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    Eff ective Versus S uccess f u lMa na geri al A ctivities (Luth a ns)

    1. Traditional management-

    Decision making, planning, and controlling.

    2. Communication-Exchanging routine information and processingpaperwork.

    3. Human resource management-

    Motivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing, andtraining.

    4. Networking-

    Socializing, politicking, and interacting with others.

    1-25-11 17Anik Ahmed091531

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    All oc a tion o f A ctivities by T ime

    1-25-11 18Anik Ahmed091531

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    C omp lementing Intuition w ith S ystem a tic S tudy

    Systematic studyLooking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects,and drawing conclusions based on scientific evidence.

    Provides a means to predict behaviors.

    Intuition Gut feelings about why I do what I do and what makes others tick .

    1-25-11 19Md. Hedayet Ullah091582

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    Con tributi ng Disciplin es t o theOB Field

    Psychology:T he science tha t see k s to me a sure, exp la in, a nd sometimes ch a nge the beh a vior o f hum a ns a nd other a nim al s.

    1-25-11 20Md, Hedayet ullah091582

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    Con tributi ng Disciplin es t o theOB Field (c on t d)

    SociologyT he study o f peop le in re la tion to their f e llow hum a n beings.

    1-25-11 21Md. hedayet ullah 091582

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    Con tributi ng Disciplin es t o the OBField (c on t d)

    Social Psychology A n area within psychology that blends concepts from psychologyand sociology and that focuses on the influence of people on oneanother.

    1-25-11 22MD. hedayet ullahMDI. 091582

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    Con tributi ng Disciplin es t o the OBField (c on t d)

    AnthropologyThe study of societies to learn about human beings and theiractivities.

    1-25-11 23MD. Hedayet ullahMDI. 091582

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    There Are Few Abs o lutes i n OB

    x y

    Contingency variables: " ItDepends!!!"S ituational factors that make the main relationship betweentwo variables change---e.g., the relationship may hold for onecondition but not another.

    C ountry 1

    x y C ountry 2

    Ma y be re la ted to

    Ma y NOT be re la ted to



    1-25-11 24Md. hedayet ullah 091582

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    Challe ng es a n d Opp o rtu n ities f o r OB

    R esponding to Globalization- In creased f o rei gn assi gnm en ts Wo rking with pe o ple fr om differe n t cultures

    Coping with a n ti-capitalis m backlash Overseei ng mo vem e n t o f jo bs t o co un tries with l o w-

    co st lab o r Ma n aging pe o ple duri ng the war on terr o r.

    Managing Workforce Diversity- Em braci ng diversity Cha ng ing U.S. de mog raphics Im plicati on s f o r m an agers .

    1-25-11 25Md. hedayet ullah091531

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    Maj o r Wo rkf o rce DiversityCate go ries




    DisabilityDisabilityGender Gender

    1-25-11 26MD.Hedayet ullahMDI. 091582

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    Challenges and Opportunities forChallenges and Opportunities forOB (OB (conticonti..)..)

    Improving Quality and Productivity Q uality m an agem en t ( Q M) Pro cess ree ng in eeri ng

    R esponding to the Labor Shortage Cha ng ing wo rk f o rce de mog raphics Fewer skilled lab o rers Early retire m e n ts a n d o lder w o rkers

    Improving Customer Service In creased expectati on o f service quality Cust om er-resp on sive cultures

    1-25-11 27MD. hedayet ullahMDI. 091582

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    What Is Q uality Ma n age m e n t?

    1. In te n se f o cus on the cust om er.

    2. Con cer n f o r con tin uo us i m pr o ve m e n t.3. Im pr o ve m e n t in the quality o f everythi ng

    the o rgan izati on do es.

    4. Accurate m easure m e n t.5. Em po wer m e n t o f e m plo yees.

    1-25-11 28sabekun nahar07882734

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    Challe ng es a n d Opp o rtu n ity f o rOB (con t d)

    Improving People S killsEmpowering PeopleS timulating Innovation and Change

    Coping with TemporarinessWorking in Networked OrganizationsHelping Employees Balance Work/ LifeConflictsImproving Ethical BehaviorManaging People during the War onTerrorism

    1-25-11 29sabekun nahar07882734

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    Basic OB M o del, Sta ge I

    Model A n abstraction of reality. A simplified representation of some

    real-world phenomenon.

    1-25-11 30sabekunsabekun naharnahar0788273407882734

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    The Depe n de n t Variables



    Dependent variable A response that is affected by an independent variable (what organizationalbehavior researchers try to understand).

    1-25-11 31sabekun nahar07882734

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    The Depe n de n t Variables (c on t d)

    Productivity A performance measure that includeseffectiveness and efficiency.

    Effectiveness A chievement of goals.

    EfficiencyM eeting go al s a t a l ow cost.

    1-25-11 32sabekun nahar07882734

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    The Depe n de n t Variables (c on t d)

    AbsenteeismThe failure to report to work.

    Turnover The voluntary and involuntarypermanent withdrawal from anorganization.

    1-25-11 33sabekun nahar07882734

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    The Depe n de n t Variables (c on t d)

    Deviant Workplace Behavior: V oluntary behavior that violates significantorganizational norms and thereby threatens

    the well-being of the organization and/or anyof its members .

    1-25-11 34sabekunsabekun naharnahar0788273407882734

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    The Depe n de n t Variables (c on t d)

    Organizational citizenshipbehavior (OCB )D iscretionary behavior that is not part of anemployee s formal job requirements, but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioningof the organization.

    1-25-11 35sabekun nahar


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    The Depe n de n t Variables (c on t d)

    J ob satisfaction A general attitude (not a behavior) toward one s job; a positive feeling of one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

    1-25-11 36sabekun nahar


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    The In depe n de n t Variables

    IndependentIndependentVariables Can BeVariables Can Be

    IndividualIndividual- -LevelLevelVariablesVariables

    OrganizationOrganizationSystemSystem- -LevelLevel


    GroupGroup- -LevelLevelVariablesVariables

    Independent variable:The presumed cause of some change in the dependent variable; majordeterminants of a dependent variable.

    1-25-11 37sabekun nahar


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    B a sic O B

    M ode l, S ta ge II

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    1-25-11 sabeku n n ahar 07882734 39

    T hanks

    T o All

    T hanks

    T o All

    for being with us.for being with us..