
Poem Extra Special Mom You have always been the best A better mom than all the rest I am thankful for all the things you do I am glad my mom is extra special !!!

Transcript of Mamá+2011..

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Poem Extra Special Mom

You have always been

the best

A better mom than all

the rest

I am thankful for all the

things you do

I am glad my mom is

extra special !!!

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Mami:Quiero decirte que eres una persona maravillosa, encantadora y adorable; mi corazón siempre se alegra cuando te veo, te amo más que a cualquier persona y daría lo que fuera para tenerte conmigo siempre.Eres importante para mi porque me das amor de muchas maneras: me apapachas, me abrazas, me cuidas, me proteges y me enseñas a ser mejor persona.Sé que tú me amas y me quieres porque siempre estás en mis momentos más difíciles. Por todo esto yo te respeto y quiero hacerte feliz.Que tengas un feliz día y nunca olvides que te amo.P.D. No hay otra mamá como tú.

Atentamente Tu hijo

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Mom, I love you so much

On May 10th wish you a Happy Mother’s Day

Mommy, I want you know you are the greatest !!

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Mamá hermosa, eres la

más linda

A mí me gusta estar

siempre contigo

Me emociona verte

contenta y feliz

Amo tu corazón

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My mother is beautiful and


Opens her arms and hugs


Tomorrow will be your day so I’ll give

you lot of…

Hugs and kisses XOXO

Everyday I’m thankful that you are

my mother.

Read this card that I did for


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Mi vida es completamente


Al saber que mi mamita es


Me siento el niño más


Al tener tus besos y tus

abrazos por siempre.

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Dear mom:

Thank you for taking care of me you are

beautiful and good mother.

You art very special person for me,

without you we wouldn’t exist.

When I was born you took me in your

arms and hugged me.

I’m thinking of you all the time, you are

the best mother in the world.

Have a nice mother’s day, I love you very,

very much.

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Dear mom:You are the best mom

in the world.You are very special.

You are beautiful.Thank you for your

love.You are my angel.Thank you for your

time.Happy mother’s day.