Is Investigacion ICAROS


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Investigacion acerca de Icaros en variados textos.

Transcript of Is Investigacion ICAROS

Page 1: Is Investigacion ICAROS


ICAROS, el canto de la selva Fabio García INVESTIGACION

“…cada ser vibra de la emoción...”Darwin Grajales

IcaroFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - mw-navigation - p-search

An icaro (or ikaro) is a song sung in Shipibo healing ceremonies.[1][2] or vegetalistas[3] The word icaro is believed to be derived from the Quechua verb ikaray, which means "to blow smoke in order to heal".[3]

Shipibo shamans say that spirits, particularly plant spirits, teach them the icaros. They are used to bring on mareación (the visionary effects of the ayahuasca), take mareación away, call in different plant spirits, call in the spirits of others or the deceased, take away dark spirits and dark energies, for protection and to manage the ceremony. Experienced shamans can recite hundreds of icaros.[4]

Icaros are either whistled or sung, and can be expressed in any language. The shamans generally sing in a spirit dialect that is a mixture of their native language (i.e. Quechua, Shipibo-Conibo, Asháninka, etc.), Spanish, and different evocative sounds or vocables. Icaros represent a system of communication between the shaman and the spirits, and the shaman and the participants in the ceremony. The shamans believe that every living thing has an icaro and that these icaros can be learned.

The singing of icaros is sometimes accompanied by the chakapa, rattle of bundled leaves that is used to carry the rhythm of the ceremony. The shaman will use his chakapa to direct energy and the icaros, as well as send away dark or unwanted energies.

The Los Angeles based band American Hair produced 2 songs entitled "Icaro 13" and "Icaro 9".


"One ayahuasca vision showed me how all levels of existence, including material and non-material levels as thoughts or feelings, have vibration, or sound underneath their surface manifestation. If one can reproduce the sound, vibration, or "song" of that which you are working with, you can enter into it and change it around! The shaman does just this using themselves as an instrument to effect the joining." Luis Eduardo Luna


Icaros are shamanic songs and chants learned directly from the spirits of the plants through rigorous plant dietas,  or from a human maestro.

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Page 2: Is Investigacion ICAROS


ICAROS, el canto de la selva Fabio García INVESTIGACION

The icaro may be offered for protection, to summon healing spirits, or to conduct healing energy to the patient through the curandero. They are used to communicate with the spirits of the natural world, to heal the sick, and to provoke differnt kinds of visual displays or visions in patients medicated with Ayahuasca. The most potent of these songs are those learned from the spirits themselves through dieta, or those received in the dream visions which often follow an ayahuasca ceremony.


Magic Melodies author unknown

The basic notion exists that ayahuasca teaches magic melodies known as "icaros." In fact, being a vegetalista is almost synonymous with mastering a vast repertiore of icaros - each of the different psychoactive plant spirits has its own icaro. Different types of icaros serve a variety of purposes ranging from love magic to divination to the cure of snakebite. "Shirohuehua" or fun songs, for example, animate the patient, inducing joy and hope.

"Manchari" are sung to lead an abducted soul back to its owner.

With the "icaro de aranita," a little spider spins a web around a man and a woman uniting them for all eternity.

Icaros are taught by the tutelary spirits of plants and animals: the raya-balsa, for example, an aquatic plant, can teach one to travel under the water. There are even icaros of perfumes, stones and resins.

The "sirenas" or mermaids are often invoked in ayahuasca sessions. They appear, singing beautiful icaros, accompanied by string instruments. Their icaros can give one power over the underwater world, particularly over the Bufeo or pink river dolphin.

There is a hierarchy among shamans depending on the number and power of the icaros they know. The icaros sung in Spanish are not as powerful as those in jungle Quechua; mixtures of Quechua with Cocama and Omagua are particularly potent. Yet each shaman has a principal icaro which represents the essence of his power.

In the highly sensitized state of ayahuasca intoxication, the icaros help structure the vision. They can also modify the hallucinations themselves. Luna reports: "There are icaros for increasing or diminishing the intensity and color of the visions, for changing the color perceived, and for directing the emotional contents of the hallucinations."

[email protected] 2

Page 3: Is Investigacion ICAROS


ICAROS, el canto de la selva Fabio García INVESTIGACION

The basic notion exists that ayahuasca teaches magic melodies known as "icaros." In fact, being a vegetalista is almost synonymous with mastering a vast repertiore of icaros - each of the different psychoactive plant spirits has its own icaro. Different types of icaros serve a variety of purposes ranging from love magic to divination to the cure of snakebite. "Shirohuehua" or fun songs, for example, animate the patient, inducing joy and hope.

Vegetalistas are masters of synaesthesia. Through using the most interesting acoustic effects produced by whistling and singing, the geometric designs can be seen acoustically. The maestros refer to an icaro as "my painted song," "my words with those designs," or "my ringing pattern."

The icaros are the quintessence of shamanic power. A good vegetalista is able to orchestrate beautiful or transformative visions through his or her magic melodies.

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