Generacion Milenio

Millenials! The most privileged, pampered, and protected of all the generations—even they tend to view themselves as entitled. Self-absorption attends perpetual self-celebration, and this solipsistic worldview has translated into shifting demographics. Millennials are, on average, marrying and having children later than any generation before them. Alongside that, they’ve been accused of being the least loyal generation in terms of sticking it out with their rst employers. So you might expect that family-oriented benets wouldn’t factor into Millennial’s professional considerations. Why would this generation worry about the work-life balance for their not-yet-existing families? A recent study highlighted by the Harvar d Busin ess  Review noted that while millennials “strive” for work-life balance, “this tends to mean work-me balance, not work-family balance. But, other research seems to point in a dierent direction. As a recent survey by Ernst & Young Global Generations showed, millennials “value increased exibility and paid parental leave” more than the Boomers or Generation X. Millennials who are parents were found to be “much more likely” to take paid parental leave: 48 percent of millennials compared to 35 percent of Gen Xers and 24 percent of Boomers. If a company oers “increased exibility and paid parental leave  [millennials] are more likely to recommend that company to others, ” “[more likely to] be a more e ngaged and happier employee, ” “less Millennials Care About Paid Leave, and Aren’t  Afra id to Take It BY NAOMI SHAVIN May 29, 2015