Examen Prueba Libre GESO Inglés 2014 - Septiembre

CALIFICACIÓN : ____________ Página 1 de 4 Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes PRUEBAS LIBRES PARA LA OBTENCIÓN DEL TÍTULO DE GRADUADO EN EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA OBLIGATORIA DESTINADA A PERSONAS MAYORES DE DIECIOCHO AÑOS EN LA COMUNIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA DNI Nombre Apellidos Centro de Examen ÁMBITO DE LA COMUNICACIÓN I N G L É S Instrucciones Generales : - Duración del ejercicio: 1 hora. - Mantenga su DNI en lugar visible durante la realización de la prueba. - Realice cada ejercicio en los espacios reservados para ello a continuación de cada pregunta y entregue este cuadernillo completo al finalizar la prueba. - Lea detenidamente los textos, cuestiones o enunciados. - Cuide la presentación y la ortografía. - Revise la prueba antes de entregarla. Criterios de calificación : Este ejercicio se calificará numéricamente entre 0 y 10. Nota: Para superar la materia de inglés correspondiente al ámbito de la comunicación, deberá obtener una puntuación mínima de cinco puntos. CUESTIONARIO CONVOCATORIA DE SEPTIEMBRE 2014


Examen Prueba Libre GESO Inglés 2014 - Septiembre CLM

Transcript of Examen Prueba Libre GESO Inglés 2014 - Septiembre

Page 1: Examen Prueba Libre GESO Inglés 2014 - Septiembre

CALIFICACIÓN : ____________

Página 1 de 4

Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes




DNI Nombre


Centro de Examen


I N G L É S Instrucciones Generales :

− Duración del ejercicio: 1 hora.

− Mantenga su DNI en lugar visible durante la realización de la prueba.

− Realice cada ejercicio en los espacios reservados para ello a continuación de cada pregunta y entregue este cuadernillo completo al finalizar la prueba.

− Lea detenidamente los textos, cuestiones o enunciados.

− Cuide la presentación y la ortografía.

− Revise la prueba antes de entregarla.

Criterios de calificación :

Este ejercicio se calificará numéricamente entre 0 y 10.

Nota: Para superar la materia de inglés correspondi ente al ámbito de la comunicación, deberá obtener una puntuación mínima de cinco puntos.


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Read the following text


Elvis Presley was born in a two‐room house in Tupelo, Mississippi, an area that can experience extremes of weather, from hot summers to unbelievably cold winters. His twin brother, Jessie, was dead at birth, leaving Elvis to grow up as an only child. From an early age, Elvis showed a tendency for music. For his 11th birthday, as a gift from his parents, Elvis chose an acoustic guitar. The Tupelo Hardware Store on Main Street, where the guitar was bought, is famous to this day and is visited by thousands of fans. The owners are proud of their Elvis connection.

Elvis used to spend all evenings sitting around on his family porch and trying to master the rudiments of guitar playing. Dreaming, imagining, but never in his wildest dreams knowing where his passion for music would lead him. Folks who knew Elvis at that time remember that he often gave away whatever toys he had to other children.

In 1946 Elvis commenced at Junior High School in Tupelo, entering the 6th grade class in which he looked very much out of place, the only pupil wearing overalls. By 7th grade, he used to take his guitar to school daily and play in the lunch and break periods, trying to impress his classmates. While he was in the 8th grade, school bullies cut the strings of his guitar, but classmates collected enough money to buy him new ones.

Adapted from The Elvis Archives. Todd Slaughter

1) Answer the following questions according to the tex t. Give full answers. (2 points)

a) What is the weather like in Tupelo?

b) How many brothers did Elvis have when he was a teenager?

c) Was Elvis generous when he was a child? Why?

d) What problem did Elvis have when he was in the 8th grade?

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Consejería de Educación,

Cultura y Deportes

2) Find words in the text that mean (1 poin t)

a) Present: ___________________

b) People: ___________________

c) Childhood: ___________________

d) Started: ___________________

3) Choose the correct option (2 points)

1) Did you buy _________ books online?

a) some b) any c) no

2) I speak French but my sister__________.

a) doesn’t b) didn’t c) don’t

3) I __________ when I was six.

a) can swim b) could swim c) can to swim

4) There is always an English conversation class ___________ Friday.

a) in b) at c) on 5) My friend often_________ in the shower.

a) sings b) sing c) is singing

6) Where are these_________ children from?

a) womens b) women’s c) womans’

7) Look! The train_________ right now!

a) is coming b) comes c) come

8) How__________ people will you invite to the party?

a) much b) any c) many

9) One World Trade Center is one of the _________ buildings in the world.

a) most tall b) taller c) tallest

10) They __________ to university last year.

a) are going b) went c) were

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4) Write questions for the underlined words ( 1 point)

a) __________________________________________?

A lot of tourists visit Tupelo each year.

b) __________________________________________?

The Hardware Store is on Main Street.

c) __________________________________________?

In 1946 Elvis commenced at Junior High School.

d) __________________________________________?

Elvis will show a tendency for music soon.

5) Complete with the appropriate verb tense: ( 2 points)

a) We ____________________ (NOT LISTEN) to music at the moment.

b) I ____________________ (BUY) a present for my mother yesterday.

c) How often ____________________ (SHE/GO) to the cinema?

d) Bye! I ____________________ (SEE) you tomorrow at school!

e) When you phoned, ____________________ (HAVE) a shower.

6) Write a composition about your hobbies and/or how y ou like spending your free time (about 80-100 words) (2 poi nts)
