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Transcript of EL LOBO Y EL CABRITILLO.docx

  • 7/27/2019 EL LOBO Y EL CABRITILLO.docx



    temprano en la maana y el momento en el que lasras iban a pastar. El cabritillo y su mam seguan alao hacia el campo donde circunvalaban un arroyo.

    It was early morning and time for the goats to grazeGoat and his mother were following the flock to thwhen they bypasseda stream.

    o de los perros que guardaba el rebao dijo :El que estiento puede parar para beber. Yo me quedar a su lado


    One of the dogs which was guarding the flock"Anyone who is thirsty may stop for a drink. I wil

    guard over you."

    cabritillo estaba sediento, de modo que se dirig aloyo. Justo en el momento en que estaba a punto deer del arroyo el cabritillo vi su propio reflejo en el agua. justo en su cabeza, haban crecido dos cuernos. Elritillo estaba tan contento que salt y grit: Tengornos! Tengo cuernos!.

    Little Goat was thirsty, so he crossed over to the sJust as he was about to drink from the stream, Littlesaw his own reflection in the water. There, right head, were two newly grown horns! Little Goat wexcited that he jumped up and cried, "Ive got horngot horns!"

    pidamente corri hacia su madre y le mostr susrnos.

    He quickly ran over to his mother and showed hnewly grown horns.

    o es estupendo cario dijo la madre, pero tus cuernosan muy pequeos, de modo que no te alejes de los

    ros o el lobo te atrapar.

    "Thats great, dear," said his mother. "But your horstill tiny. So, dont wander away from the dogs or thwill catch you".

    o el cabritillo no escuchara: No voy a temer al loboca ms!. Tengo cuernos! Luchar con l si se acerca!.

    But Little Goat wouldnt listen. "Im not scared of thanymore! Ive got horns! I will fight him if he comes c

    seguida empez a anocher y los perros estaban llevandoebao de vuelta a casa.

    Soon, it was late afternoon and the dogs were usthe flock back home.

    mo de costumbre, la mam del cabritillo llam a su hijo:n con mam cario, es hora de volver a casa.

    As usual, Little Goats mother called out to her son, to mommy, dear! Its time to go home!"

    o esta vez el cabritillo no escuchara: But this time, Little Goat would not listen:

    ngo cuernos pens Ahora soy una cabra grande y no lego miedo al lobo. Comer un poco ms de hierba ycer todava ms.

    "Ive got horns!" Little Goat thought to himself. "Imgoat now and Im not scared of the wolf. I will eatmore grass and then I will grow bigger!"

    , el cabritillo sigui mordisqueando la hierba mientras el rebao comenzaba su regreso a casa.

    So, Little Goat kept nibblingon the grass whflockstarted their journey home.

  • 7/27/2019 EL LOBO Y EL CABRITILLO.docx


    repente, una gran sombra cay sobre el cabritillo.ando levant la mirada el cabritillo estaba muy asustado.a un lobo enorme!

    Suddenly, a big shadow loomed over Little Goat. Wlooked up, Little Goat was very frightened. It was big wolf!

    cabritillo corri despavorido por el campo llamando a sudre. Pero tanto las cabras como los perros se haban idoa casa.

    Little Goat ran wildly about the field, screaming mother. But all the goats had gone home, and so hdogs.

    obo se puso delante del cabritillo y dijo: Hola amiguito!reces tan irresistible!

    The wolf sprang before Little Goat and grinned. little fellow. You look so irresistible!"

    cabritillo saba que no poda correr ms deprisa que elo. As dijo: Por favor seor Lobo. S que usted va amerme pero podra concederme un deseo por favor?

    Little Goat knew he could not outrunthe wolf, so h"Please, Mr Wolf. I know you are going to eat mcould you please grant me a wish?"

    n deseo? sonri el lobo. Qu deseo encanto?. "A wish?" smiled the wolf. "What wish, my little swee

    e gustara escuchar algunamsica maravillosa antes derir, de modo que podra cantar una cancin para m poror?.

    "I would love to hear some beautiful music before I could you please sing me a song?"

    obo pens por un momento y dijo: Una cancin antesfestn? Me encanta eso!

    The wolf thought for a while and said, "A song befeast? I love that!"

    , el lobo comenz a cantar. Pero poco repar en que el

    ao y los perros no haban ido lejos.

    So, the wolf began piping away. But little did he

    that the flock and the dogs had not gone far.

    nto, dos de los perros del rebao escucharon el cantolobo. Reconocieron que era una cancin que el lobotaba antes de un festn. Inmediatamente, los dos perrosrieron de vuelta al campo.

    Soon, two of the dogs among the flock had heawolfs piping. They recognised that it was a song sang before a feast. Immediately, the two rushedback to the field.

    ando el lobo vi que venan los perros, huy tan rpidomo pudo* Por qu no me habr yo callado y comido el

    ritillo? se maldeca el lobo as mismo.

    lta en la grabacin sonora

    When the wolf saw the dogs coming, he ran away aas he could. "Why didnt I justshut up and eat that the wolf cursed himself.

    raleja:No dejes que nada te desve de tu propsito. Moral: Do not let anything turn you from your purpos