Desarrollo de apps móviles con C#-Xamarin-VS - S1

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Transcript of Desarrollo de apps móviles con C#-Xamarin-VS - S1

  • 8/19/2019 Desarrollo de apps móviles con C#-Xamarin-VS - S1



    Hfsdrrakka hf dpkogdgoamfsl÷vokfs luktopkdtdcarld gam

    G# - Zdldrom ‗ SW

    40 Gamgfptas luktopkdtdcarld y prolfraspdsas gam Zdldrom

    F.@. Jfrmämhfz Sdkhfkdldr 

    Ldrza, >243

  • 8/19/2019 Desarrollo de apps móviles con C#-Xamarin-VS - S1



    Wfso÷m 4 - An`ftoa

    ◁ F!"amfr kd tfrlomaka#$d % &am&f"tasrfkd&oamdhas dk hfsdrrakka hf sa't(drfl)kto"kdtd'arld.

    ◁ F!"amfr fk "ra&fholofmta hf omstdkd&o÷m hf*dldrom % kds &dr&dtfr$sto&ds hf s) omtf#rd&o÷m&am SW.

    F!"kardr kds &drd&tfr$sto&ds hfk &÷ho#a dsa&odhad )md d"ko&d&o÷m *dldrom.

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    ◁ +am&f"tas l)kto"kdtd'arld

    ◁ L)kto"kdtd'arld &rass-"kdt'arl

    ◁ o"as hf d"ko&d&oamfs l÷okfs/ mdtods, (fn f $nrohds

    *dldrom◁ mtrah)&&o÷m d *dldrom

    ◁ mstdkd&o÷m hf *dldrom

    ◁ kdmtokkds hf "ra%f&ta Sos)dk Wt)hoa - *dldrom

    ◁ +drd&tfr$sto&ds hfk &÷ho#a % ar#dmozd&o÷m

    ◁ F!"kardmha )md d"ko&d&o÷m sfm&okkd

    ◁ +alfmtdroas

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    o"as hf sa't(drf

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     7"ko&d&oamfs % sfro&oas

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    ◁ Fm om'arläto&d, l)kto"kdtd'arld &rass-"kdt'arl, "kdt'arl-omhf"fmhfmt fs )m dtron)ta &am'froha d "ra#rdlds om'arläto&asa l8tahas % &am&f"tas hf &÷l")ta 6)f sam ol"kflfmtdhas fomtfra"frdm fm lkto"kfs "kdtd'arlds om'arläto&ds.

    Fk sa't(drf l)kto"kdtd'arld ")fhf hoohorsf fm has to"as/◁ )ma rf6)ofrf )md &al"okd&o÷m omhooh)dk "drd &dhd

    "kdtd'arld 6)f kf hd sa"artf,

    ◁ % fk atra sf ")fhf f`f&)tdr horf&tdlfmtf fm &)dk6)ofr"kdtd'arld som "rf"drd&o÷m fs"f&odk, "ar f`fl"ka, fksa't(drf fs&rota fm )m kfm#)d`f omtfr"rftdha a n%tf&ahf"rf&al"okdha "artdnkf "drd kas &)dkfs kas omt8r"rftfs a"d6)ftfs fm tofl"a hf f`f&)&o÷m sam &al"amfmtfs&al)mfs a fstämhdr hf tahds kds "kdtd'arlds.


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    f&maka#$ds l)kto"kdtd'arld

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     7"ko&d&oamfs &rass-"kdt'arl

    ◁ +)dmha hf&olas 6)f )md d"ko&d&o÷m fs +rass-kdt'arl, 6)frflas hf&or 6)f ")fhf f`f&)tdrsffm hofrsds "kdtd'arlds, fs hf&or, )md

    d"ko&d&o÷m "ahr$d ')m&oamdr tdmta fm 7mhraoh, fmoAW, ?omha(s amf a ?om0, som kdmf&fsohdh hf dnfr rfdkozdha )m hfsdrrakkafs"f&$'o&a "drd &dhd "kdtd'arld.

    ◁ 5)fmtf/ ;Fk hfsdrrakka l)kto"kdtd'arld;

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    o"as hf hfsdrrakka l)kto"kdtd'arld

    ◁ Jd% has to"as hf hfsdrrakka l)kto"kdtd'arld/

    ◁ fk hfsdrrakka 6)f #fmfrd &÷ho#a mdtoa % fsf`f&)tdha "ar fk tfrlomdk &ala so hf )md d"ko&d&o÷m

    mdtod sf trdtdrd1◁ a nofm fk hfsdrrakka 6)f ma #fmfrd &÷ho#a mdtoa %

    fs f`f&)tdha f omtfr"rftdha "ar )m mdf#dhar (fnhfmtra hf kd d"ko&d&o÷m.


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     7"ko&d&oamfs mdtods

    ◁  7"ko&d&oamfs mdtods. Gds d"ko&d&oamfs mdtodsrfsohfm fm fk hos"asotoa % sf omstdkdm d trd8shf )md tofmhd hf d"ko&d&oamfs =aa#kf kd% a

     7""kf 7"" Wtarf.◁ Wam "ra#rdlds hfsdrrakkdhas fs"f&$'o&dlfmtf

    "drd )md "kdtd'arld % s)s omtfr'd&fs so#)fm kasfstämhdrfs % marlds hf ho&d "kdtd'arld.

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     7"ko&d&oamfs ?fn

    ◁ Wf f`f&)tdm hfshf )m mdf#dhar. Gd "rolfrd fz 6)fsf d&&fhf d fstds d"ko&d&oamfs sf )tokozd )md "ä#omd?fn/ fk )s)droa mdf#d d )md H0G % tofmf a"&o÷m hfomstdkdrC ho&d "ä#omd fm kd "dmtdkkd omo&oa hfk

    hos"asotoa, &rfdmha )m d&&fsa horf&ta.◁ Gds d"ko&d&oamfs ?fn ")fhfm kkf#dr fk losla ds"f&ta

    6)f kds d"ko&d&oamfs mdtods, ho'ofrfm fm kd &d"d&ohdh6)f tofmfm kds d"ko&d&oamfs mdtods "drd d&&fhfr d kds

    &drd&tfr$sto&ds "ra"ods hfk hos"asotoa, tdkfs &ala fkd&&fsa d kd &äldrd, tfk8'ama a =W.

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     7"ko&d&oamfs $nrohds

    ◁ Wf trdtd hf d"ko&d&oamfs mdtods 6)f )tokozdm fkmdf#dhar. Htokozdm fk losla "ra&fholofmta hfomstdkd&o÷m 6)f kds d"ko&d&oamfs mdtods dtrd8s hf )md tofmhd hf d"ko&d&oamfs, "fra#rdm "drtf hf fstds d"ko&d&oamfs hf hosfId)tokozdmha "ä#omds (fn.

    ◁ Wf )tokozdm fstf to"a hf d"ko&d&oamfs &ala

    &amtfmfharfs hf d"ko&d&oamfs (fn f!ostfmtfs,fs )md ldmfrd f&am÷lo&d % rä"ohd hf ka#rdr"rfsfm&od fm kds tofmhds hf d"ko&d&oamfs.


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    ◁ *dldrom fs )md "kdtd'arld "drd hfsdrrakkdr d"ko&d&oamfs"drd "kdtd'arlds oAW, 7mhraoh, ?omha(s amf , ?omha(sWtarf % Ld& )sdmha fk kfm#)d`f hf "ra#rdld&o÷m +O.

    ◁ *dldrom mas hd kd "asonokohdh hf tfmfr )md ndsf hf &÷ho#a

    &al"drtoha 6)f &amtofmf fmtohdhfs hf mf#a&oa, k÷#o&d hfmf#a&oa, d&&fsa d sfro&oas, ft&8tfrd, % sol"kflfmtf tfmfr&÷ho#a hostomta "drd kas hftdkkfs hf omtfr'dz hf )s)droa"drd kd &d"d hf &kofmtf fm &dhd "kdtd'arld.

    äso&dlfmtf fs &ala hfsdrrakkdr dk losla tofl"a "drdtahds kds "kdtd'arlds, "ar ka 6)f lomolozdlas tofl"as hfhfsdrrakka.

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    Ga 6)f a'rf&f *dldrom

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    Hm saka kfm#)d`f/ +O

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    Fm'a6)f hf hfsdrrakka mdtoa sl)kto"kdtd'arld

    +am fk fm'a6)f mdtoaC soka, sf &amtr)%fdrods f&fs kd losld d"ko&d&o÷m, )sdmhahostomtas &am`)mtas hf frrdlofmtds,ldmtfmofmha hostomtds ndsfs hf &÷ho#a %rf6)orofmha droas f6)o"as hf trdnd`a.

    +am fk fm'a6)f l)kto"kdtd'arld (rotfam&f , r)m dm%(frf, sf fs&ronf )mdsakd fz kd d"ko&d&o÷m, sf )sd )m&am`)mta hf frrdlofmtds, sf ldmtofmf)md ndsf hf &÷ho#a, % fk trdnd`a ka

    d&f )m f6)o"a.

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    *dldrom s fk l)mha lanokf


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    Gd &kdf/ &al"drtor &÷ho#a fmtrf"kdtd'arlds

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    +al"drtor fk lä!ola hf &÷ho#afmtrf d"ko&d&oamfs

    Hsdmha *dldrom.5arls, sf ")fhf tfmfr rf)sa om&k)sa fm &÷ho#a rfkd&oamdha d kdomtfr'dz hf )s)droa H

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    Golotfs hf kd &al"drto&o÷m hf &÷ho#a

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    mstdkd&o÷m hf *dldrom

    ◁ .B Ln

    ◁ tt"s/99!dldrom.&al9ha(mkadh 

    ◁ F`f&)tdr *dldrommstdkkfr.f!f

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    k tokk h t * o 9SW

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    kdmtokkds hf "ra%f&ta *dldrom9SW d""s mdtods

    ◁ Fstds "kdmtokkds f!"amfm kd ')m&oamdkohdh mdtod hf kas hos"asotoasoAW % 7mhraoh &ala an`ftas hf +O. Gds d"ko&d&oamfs tofmfm d&&fsatatdk d kds 7 mdtods % d kas &amtrakfs hf )s)droa mdtoas, hf laha6)f tofmfm kd losld &d"d&ohdh hf rfs")fstd 6)f kds d"ko&d&oamfsoAW % 7mhraoh fs&rotds &am An`f&tof-+, W(o't a @dd.

    ◁ .ds"!

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    kdmtokkds mdtods 7mhraoh

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    kdmtokkds &rass-"kdt'arl

    ◁ Wf#m kd &al"kf`ohdh hfk hosfIa hf kds d"ko&d&oamfs,")fhf &amsohfrdr kd "asonokohdh hf &al"okdrkds )sdmha"kdmtokkds *dldrom.5arls fm fk #r)"a 7"ko&d&oamfsl÷okfs hf "kdmtokkds hf "ra%f&ta.

    ◁ *dldrom.5arls fs )m ot hf frrdlofmtds hf omtfr'dzhf )s)droa 6)f "frlotf &rfdr )md mo&d omtfr'dz hf)s)droa 6)f ")fhf &al"drtor fmtrf 7mhraoh, oAW %?omha(s amf.

    ◁  7k &al"okdr )md sak)&o÷m *dldrom.5arls, antfmhrä)md d"ko&d&o÷m 7mhraoh, )md d"ko&d&o÷m oAW % )mdd"ko&d&o÷m ?omha(s amf.

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    kdmtokkds &rass-"kdt'arl

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    Sfmtd`ds % kolotd&oamfs &rass

    ◁  7)m6)f kd ohfd hf &rfdr )md omtfr'dz hf )s)droa 6)f sfrf"rfsfmtd fm kds trfs "kdtd'arlds "drf&f l)% dtrd&tod,dsf#rfsf hf rfosdr kds fmtd`ds % kolotd&oamfs hf fsfl8taha dmtfs hf rfdkozdr )md omfrso÷m.

    Wo 'omdklfmtf fs mf&fsdroa 6)f dl"k$f fk ldr&a hf trdnd`a&rfdmha m)lfrasas rf"rfsfmtdharfs hf &amtrakfs"frsamdkozdhas "drd ka#rdr f!"frofm&ods hf )s)droa läs&al"ko&dhds % "frsamdkozdhds, 6)ozäs 6)ofrd hosfIdr )mdomtfr'dz hf )s)droa omhf"fmhofmtf "drd &dhd "kdtd'arld.

    ◁ Wf#)orä hos'r)tdmha tahds kds fmtd`ds 6)f a'rf&f )sdr )msaka kfm#)d`f +O, "ahrä &al"drtor #rdmhfs &dmtohdhfs hf&÷ho#a fmtrf kas hos"asotoas.

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    +al"drtofmha &÷ho#a fmtrf d""s

    ◁ Wo ma fstä )sdmha *dldrom.5arls % a"td "ar )m hosfIaomhooh)dk "drd &dhd "kdtd'arld, ")fhf &al"drtor kd ld%ar "drtfhfk &÷ho#a 6)f ma sfd hf omtfr'dz hf )s)droa fmtrf kas"ra%f&tas hf "kdtd'arld ?omha(s, oAW % 7mhraoh.

    ◁ Fsta om&k)%f &)dk6)ofr k÷#o&d hf mf#a&oas, kd omtf#rd&o÷m fm kdm)nf, fk d&&fsa d ndsfs hf hdtas a &)dk6)ofr atra &÷ho#a 6)ftfm#d &ala hfstoma .RF 5rdlf(ar:. Fk mo&a &÷ho#a 6)f masf ")fhf &al"drtor fs fk &÷ho#a 6)f tofmf &ala hfstoma )md"kdtd'arld fs"f&$'o&d.

    Fk &÷ho#a sf ")fhf &al"drtor lfhodmtf )m "ra%f&ta &al"drtoha,)m "ra%f&ta hf onkoatf&d hf &kdsfs "artdnkf a dlnas.asonkflfmtf frä 6)f dk#)mas &÷ho#as fm&d`dm lf`ar fm )m"ra%f&ta &al"drtoha % 6)f atras tofmfm läs sfmtoha hfmtra hf)m "ra%f&ta hf onkoatf&d hf &kdsfs "artdnkf.

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    ◁ mstdkdmha *dldrom &am SW >24N fm )m ?om,saka fs d&&fsonkf fk hfsdrrakka "drd 7mhraoh.

    ◁ drd #fmfrdr kds frsoamfs hf "kdtd'arld

    fs"f&$'o&d, sf rf6)ofrf drh(drf9sa't(drfmdtoa/

    ◁ Ld&, Ld&AW, oAW....

    ◁ ?omha(s T.4 a s)"froar, ?om amf T ...

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     7mtfs hf fl"fzdr d "ra#rdldr...

    ◁ Hmd hf&oso÷m ')mhdlfmtdk, fs hf'omor &ala sffstr)&t)rdräm m)fstrds d"ko&d&oamfs.

    ◁ Hsdr taha fk sa"artf hf *dldrom "drd tfrlomdr

    hfsdrrakkdmha ;mdtoa;, ma tofmf sfmtoha.◁ Fm &dlnoa, fk fm'a6)f hf l)kto"kdtd'arld

    &rass fs ka 6)f hfnf d"raf&drsf.

     7ho&oamdk dk to"a hf "kdmtokkds d )sdr, hfnffstdnkf&frsf )md dr6)otf&t)rd hf ndsf.

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    F!"kard&o÷m hf )md d"" *dldrom

    ◁ drd hfs&)nror 6)8 &amtofmf fk &÷ho#a "drd )mdd"ko&d&o÷m *dldrom, sf "ra"amf/

    ◁ +rfdr )md sak)&o÷m *dldrom.5arls artdnkf

     7mdkozdr kd fstr)&t)rd hf kd sak)&o÷m◁ F`f&)tdr kd d"ko&d&o÷m 7mhraoh

    ◁  7mdkozdr fk &amtfmoha hf kas "ra%f&tas

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    rolfr "dsa/ to"a hf "ra%f&ta

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    ^Rf&fsota )md &)fmtd

    Wo, "drd d&fr hf"ka% fm )m hos"asotoa f om&k)sa "drd f`f&)tdr fk f`fl"ka f!ostf kd a"&o÷mWtdrt d trodk a' *dldrom )somfssC äkohd "ar N2 h$ds. Wo saka sf 6)ofrf fr fk &÷ho#a ndstd&am hdrkf +dm&fk.

    7s$ 6)f fl"fzdlas &am )md

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     7s$ 6)f fl"fzdlas &am )mds)ns&ro"&o÷m hf "r)fnd.

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    X hfs")8s hf kd "r)fnd... omfrtor 

    Fstf fs6)fld fs )md hf kds #rdmhfs h)hds "astfroarfs d kd dh6)oso&o÷m hf LW.Fsta ̂ sf#)orä d"ko&dmha

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    G k k h h 7 h oh D

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    Gdmzdr fk fl)kdhar hf 7mhraoh D

    X k k h

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    X 6)f d"drf&f fk fl)kdhar 

    X dk f`f&)tdr hf m)fa kd d"ko&d&o÷m, &al"okd %d&f fk hf"ka% fm fk fl)kdhar tdrhdl)&$sola....

    X k 'o

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    X dk 'om...

    4B lom)tas hfs")8s, "rolfra hfs"kof#d )mddhfrtfm&od rfkd&oamdhd d 6)f fk n)okt fstdf&a &am )md frso÷m hf fdk)d&o÷m % saka

    h)rdrä >D ards.

    G)f#a l)fstrd )m t$t)ka &am fk malnrf hf kdsak)&o÷m.

    X dk 'omdk, fk Jakd l)mhaC fs )m ?fk&alf....C

    +amtfmoha hf kas "ra%f&tas

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    +amtfmoha hf kas "ra%f&tas


    *5artdnkffst artdnkf


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     7"".&s Y kd%a)t H M fkflfmtas H




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    Ldom7&toot% Y ")mta hf drrdm6)f 7mhraoh

    Fm fk &dsa hf 7mhraoh, fk drrdm6)f hf kd d"" hf"fmhf hf hf&kdrdr )md d&toohdh &am kd "ra"ofhdhLdomGd)m&frYtr)f

    Z7&toot%Gdnfk Y ;*5artdnkffst;, &am Y ;_hrd(dnkf9o&am;, $dom"dumg%fr & truf, +am'o#)rdtoam+dm#fs Y+am'o#+dm#fs.W&rffmWozf P +am'o#+dm#fs.ArofmtdtoamU

      ")nko& &kdss Ldom7&toot% / #kandk//*dldrom.5arls.kdt'arl.7mhraoh.5arls7""ko&dtoam7&toot%

    mo&odr kd d&toohdh % kas &al"amfmtfs mf&fsdroas fm fstf &dsa hf )md 'arld fm fk ffmta Am+rfdtf

    *dldrom.5arls.5arls.mottos, n)mhkf1

    % &dr#dr kd d"" "drd s) f`f&)&o÷m

    Gadh7""ko&dtoammf( 7""1


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    ◁ Fk hfsdrrakka hf d""s l)kto"kdtd'arld ol"ko&d/◁ +ama&fr kds &d"d&ohdhfs hf SW

    ◁ +ama&fr kds &d"d&ohdhfs hf *dldrom

    +ama&fr kas "arlfmarfs hf kd "kdtd'arld an`ftoa7mhraoh, oAW, ?om

    ◁ Fk hfla 6)f #fmfrd )md sak)&o÷m*dldrom.5arls fs l)% fs&)ftd, "ar ka 6)f

    hfnf "kdmtfdrsf )m &dsa hamhf ")fhdmd"ko&drsf läs &am&f"tas % t8&mo&ds 6)f"frlotdm )m hfsdrrakka &al"kf`a.

    0fs"f&ta dk drh(drf

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    0fs"f&ta dk drh(drf

    ◁ Fs om)ldma fk tofl"a 6)f )md ld6)omd h)dk&arf &am N = hf 07L, ?om % SW>24N ")fhftdrhdr "drd &al"okdr a f`f&)tdr )md "r)fnd.

     7k lfmas D = hf 07L % )m "ra&fsdhar hf N&arfs hfnfm dkoodr fstd sot)d&o÷m, "fra tdk fzka lf`ar sfd )m oB % 3 =.

    Wo#)ofmtfs "dsas/ t8&mo&ds hf

  • 8/19/2019 Desarrollo de apps móviles con C#-Xamarin-VS - S1




    ◁ +ala tahd m)fd frrdlofmtd, d% )md &)rdhf d"rfmhozd`f rfs"f&ta d &ama&fr kds&d"d&ohdhfs hfk m)fa `)#)ftf % ;&÷la d&fr;.

    Fm kds so#)ofmtfs fmtrf#ds, fk an`ftoa sfrärfosdr fstas > tflds.

    Wo#)ofmtfs "dsas/ r)lna d )md

  • 8/19/2019 Desarrollo de apps móviles con C#-Xamarin-VS - S1



    dr6)otf&t)rd &al"drtohd

    0f)sa9+al"drtor &÷ho#a

    Ar#dmozdr fk &÷ho#a hf kd d"ko&d&o÷m fm&d"ds, )sdmha fk "rom&o"oa hfsf"drd&o÷m hf rfs"amsdnokohdh.

    +aka&dr ')m&oamdkohdh hf ndsf 6)f sfdd#m÷sto&d hf kd "kdtd'arld fm )mdkonrfr$d ndsf &arf rf)sdnkf.

    Fk ')t)ra omlfhodta

  • 8/19/2019 Desarrollo de apps móviles con C#-Xamarin-VS - S1



    Fk ')t)ra omlfhodta

    ◁ Lo&rasa't dh6)oro÷ *dldrom fm 'fnrfra hf >243.◁ Gds om&a#motds 6)f "ramta sf rfsakfräm/

    ◁ *dldrom sf omtf#rdrä dk Sos)dk Wt)hoa

    ◁ Wf#)orä &anrdmhasf d"drtf a fk &asta ka dnsarnfrdkd LW

  • 8/19/2019 Desarrollo de apps móviles con C#-Xamarin-VS - S1




    @dd ?A07 \◁ )okhom# +rass kdt'arl 7""ko&dtoams \

    ◁  7m omtrah)&toam ta *dldrom 5arls \

    =fttom# Wtdrtfh (ot *dldrom.5arls \◁

  • 8/19/2019 Desarrollo de apps móviles con C#-Xamarin-VS - S1



    0f'frfm&ods >

    Gonrfr$ds artdnkfs/ +al"drtf &÷ho#a fmtrf lkto"kfs"kdtd'arlds \

    ◁ ra"frt% 5omhfr d +rass-kdt'arl *dldrom Lamaa)&Lanokf 7"" \

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