

Transcript of Correos

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  • Prestacin de servicio de giros postales y telegrficos, as como el recibo, Clasificacin y entrega de envos de correspondencia y otros objetos postales, transportados por personas naturales o jurdicas, pblicas o privadas, debidamente autorizadas por concesin, va superficie y/o area, a travs de la red oficial de correos, dentro del territorio nacional e internacional.

Providing service and telegraphic money orders and the receipt, classification and delivery of mailings and other postal items carried by individuals or entities, public or private, duly authorized by grant, via surface and / or air to through the official postal network within the country and internationally 3. The mail server is accessible for personal use from any website with some restrictions and recommendations for their use. If you plan to use from networks outside of our control it is best to use a secure connection to prevent them from capturing our password 4. Network is a system that allows users to send and receive messages quickly through a system of electronic communication. Primarily uses this name to describe the system that provides this service on the Internet . 5.

  • Es un tipo especial de servicio de reparto de correspondencia proporcionado por las agencias postales. Casi todos los pases miembros de laUnin Postal Universal(UPU) lo ofrecen. Se caracteriza por que el correo queda registrado desde el momento de ser depositado en elsistema postalhasta su recepcin por parte deldestinatario . Durante todo el trayecto de la correspondencia, la agencia decorreosefecta un seguimiento del mismo, permitiendo al remitente que verifique la recepcin por parte del destinatario.

It is a special type of mail delivery service provided by post offices. Almost all member countries of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) is offered. Characterized in that the mail is recorded from the time of being deposited in the postal system until it is received by the recipient. Throughout the course of the correspondence, the post office keeps track of it, allowing the sender to verify receipt by the addressee. 6.

  • Se llamaspam ,correo basuraomensaje basuraa los mensajes no solicitados, no deseados o de remitente no conocido, habitualmente de tipopublicitario , enviados en grandes cantidades (incluso masivas) que perjudican de alguna o varias maneras al receptor. La accin de enviar dichos mensajes se denominaspamming .
  • Aunque se puede hacer por distintas vas, la ms utilizada entre el pblico en general es la basada en elcorreo electrnico .

It's called spam, junk mail or junk message to unsolicited, unwanted or unknown sender, normally containing advertising, sent in large quantities (even mass) that damage to one or several ways to the receiver. The act of sending such messages is called spamming. Although you can do in various ways, the most used among the general public is based on the email. 7. The postal service is a dedicated system to carry written documents and other packet size small around the world. All packages sent through the postal system is called mail or correspondence. A postal system can be private or state. Private systems often have restrictions imposed by governments. 8.

  • Usted debe de haber notado que la mayora de empresas de prestigio otorgan a sus empleados cuentas de correo del tipo empleado@miempresa. com, dichas cuentas de correo que han sido personalizadas con el dominio de la empresa son las llamadas correo POP

You must have noticed that most prestigious companies give their employees email accounts of the type used @ my company. com, said e-mail accounts that have been customized with the corporate domain are called POP 9. Identity theft (phishing) is a type of deception designed in order to steal their most valuable personal data like credit card numbers, passwords, account information or other information. The scammers send millions of fraudulent e-mail messages that appear to come from trusted Web sites, such as your bank or credit card company and ask for your personal information. 10. IMAP accounts allow you to keep incoming mail on the server of your provider as long as you want. In this way, you can read and manage your messages from different places. Their mailboxes, Out and Trash, as well as additional mailboxes you want to create, are always visible, regardless of the computer used to access your mail account, and manage your messages as if they were stored on your computer. For this reason, you may want to use an IMAP account if you actually read your mail from more than one computer. 11.