COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES PLANTEL 14 MILPA …...en forma oral y escrita en diferentes ámbitos, con...

Página 1 | 15 COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES PLANTEL 14 MILPA ALTA “FIDENCIO VILLANUEVA ROJAS” Guía de estudio para presentar el examen de recuperación de: Ingles IV Clave 401 Nombre del alumno: ___________________________________________ Matrícula Elaboró: Profa. María Eugenia Santiago Piña RECOMENDACIONES No olvides entregar la Guía de estudio resuelta al profesor aplicador del examen. Presentarse al examen 10 minutos antes en el salón. Mostrar Credencial Escolar y Comprobante de Inscripción al examen.

Transcript of COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES PLANTEL 14 MILPA …...en forma oral y escrita en diferentes ámbitos, con...

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Guía de estudio para presentar el examen de recuperación de:

Ingles IV

Clave 401

Nombre del alumno:



Elaboró: Profa. María Eugenia Santiago Piña


No olvides entregar la Guía de estudio resuelta al profesor aplicador del examen. Presentarse al examen 10 minutos antes en el salón. Mostrar Credencial Escolar y Comprobante de Inscripción al examen.

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Colegio de Bachilleres. Plantel 14 “Fidencio Villanueva Rojas”, Milpa Alta.

Guía de Inglés IV. Clave 401. Plan de Estudios 2016.

Recopilación del material: Profa. María Eugenia Santiago Piña.


El Colegio de Bachilleres comprometido con las necesidades de sus alumnos, proporciona ésta Guía de Estudios

a quienes adeudan la Asignatura de INGLÉS 4 y que presentarán el examen de Evaluación de Recuperación o

de Acreditación Especial para su aprobación. Éste un material de apoyo indispensable que orienta hacia la

apropiación de competencias en las habilidades del idioma extranjero Inglés, con el propósito formativo de

que el estudiante logre un aprendizaje autónomo y aplique el conocimiento organizado en diferentes áreas.

Por lo tanto, ésta Guía de Estudios es un material que te facilitará incorporar los conocimientos de Inglés IV,

y reforzar los ya adquiridos en semestres anteriores para la aprobación del examen. Sin embargo, cabe aclarar

que el éxito de la guía depende de ti; de que dediques varias horas de estudio al día y de que realices los

ejercicios conscientemente con el fin de mejorar tu aprendizaje.

Al concluir el estudio de los temas de Inglés 4, serás capaz de utilizar el idioma para comunicarte, interactuar

en forma oral y escrita en diferentes ámbitos, con información de eventos que se entrecruzan en el pasado,

acciones habituales pasadas y diferentes tipos de comparaciones.

Calendariza tus tiempos de estudio, de acuerdo a la extensión del Programa de la Asignatura Inglés 4 que te

presentamos a continuación:

Bloque Temático 1: Acciones que se entrecruzan en el pasado.

1. Acciones específicas en el pasado utilizando when + pasado simple y while + pasado continuo.

2. Narrar brevemente en forma oral y escrita en pasado.

3. Wh_questions para sostener una conversación más fluida tanto en el interior como fuera del aula, utilizando

producciones modelo.

Bloque Temático 2. Lo que acostumbramos hacer.

1. Narrar en forma oral y escrito hábito pasado propio y de terceras personas.

2. Comparativos de superioridad según la intención y situación comunicativa.

3. Tag questions.

Bloque Temático 3. Comparaciones.

1. Comparativo de igualdad al expresar en forma oral y escrita semejanzas y

Diferencias (+, - , ¿).

2. El Superlativo y su función comparativa.

3. Comprar y vender artículos variados con frases fijas y producciones modelo.

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La guía te presenta el desarrollo del tema, ejemplos y ejercicios. Además, al final de los tres bloques hay una lista

de Referencias On line para que practiques tus habilidades orales y de lectura. Te recomendamos poner en

practica tus conocimientos para darle sentido a tus aprendizajes.


Función: Aprenderás cómo expresar lo que alguien estaba hacienda en cierto momento en el pasado.

Tema: PAST PROGRESSIVE. (Afirmative and negative).

Uso: Empleamos el tiempo Pasado Progresivo o Continuo para acciones que estaban sucediendo en un punto

específico del pasado.

Excercise: Pasado Continuo o Progresivo. (Formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa). Complete the sentences using

the past continuous.

a) He ________________________ breakfast at 8:30 yesterday. (have)

b) They _____________________ video games instead doing their homework. (play)

c) I ______________________ my favorite program. (not watch)

d) Yesterday at this time, we _______________ in the school library.(read)

e) She __________________a text message. (send)

f) My dog ________________________ on the grass. (lay)

g) _______ Mary __________ this morning? (work)

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h) _______ Tom and Rose _____________ dinner? (prepare)

i) You ___________________ all day. (not cycle)

j) What ________ you ________ yesterday morning? (do)

Exercise: Pasado Continuo. Yes / No questions. Answer in short form. Pay attention in the subject.

A) Read and complete the answers.

a) Were you playing soccer? Yes, __________________________________________________

b) Was your mom cleaning the kitchen? Yes, ________________________________________

c) Were they talking on the phone? No, ____________________________________________

d) Was Albert swimming in the river? No, ___________________________________________

e) Were Karly and Ben dancing at the party? Yes, _____________________________________

Función: Aprenderás cómo describir eventos que ya terminaron en el pasado.

Tema: SIMPLE PAST. (Afirmative, negative, questions.)

Uso: Combinarás dos tipos de verbos (regulares e irregulares) con características diferentes, para referirte

al pasado.

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Excercise: Write the correct form of the verbs in Simple Past.

1. Last year I (go) __________ to England on holiday.

2. It (be) ________ fantastic.

3. I (visit) ________________ lots of interesting places. I (be) __________ with two friends of mine.

4. In the mornings we (walk) _________________ in the streets of London.

5. In the evenings we (go) _________________ to pubs.

6. The weather (be) _________________ strangely fine.

7. It (not / rain) ____________________ a lot.

8. But we (see) ____________________ some beautiful rainbows.

9. Where (spend / you) ________________________ your last holiday?

Excercise: Answer these sixteen questions to score your knowledge of Past Simple. Then Check your score.

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Función: Aprenderás cómo comunicar eventos especificos del pasado.


Uso: Combinar dos tiempos del pasado para expresar eventos que se entrecruzan.

Excercise: Complete the sentences using the past continuous or the simple past in the correct form.

1) He ________________(do) his homework when the telephone ___________ (ring).

2) Patty ______________(clean) her room while her mom ________________ (wash) the dishes.

3) We ________________ (complete) some sentences when the principal ____________ (come) in.

4) Sara ____________________(smile) when he __________ (take) the photo.

5) Rose and Pedro __________________ (chat) while I _______________ (read) a magazine.

6) You ______________________(run) when you ___________ (fall) down.

7) Dan __________________ (sleep) while his father __________________ (work).

8) I _________________________(watch) TV when the lights ___________(go) out.

Excercise: Yes / no questions. Answer the questions in a complete form.

9.Were you repairing the car when the policeman arrived? Yes, ______________________________________________

10.Was Dany playing video games while his mom was cooking? No,___________________________________________

11. Were your friends playing soccer when it started to rain? No, _____________________________________________

12. Was Mark in class while the teacher was explaining? Yes, _______________________________________________

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Elaboró: Profa. María Eugenia Santiago Piña.

Excercise: Wh_questions. Answer the questions with complete ideas.

13. What were you doing yesterday afternoon? ___________________________________________________________

14. Who was listening to music? _______________________________________________________________________

15. Where were you last September 19 when the earthquake started? ________________________________________

16. What were you eating when I saw you at the mall on Sunday? ____________________________________________

Excercise: Fill in the blanks with WHEN or WHILE:.


Función: Cómo expresar lo que alguien estaba hacienda en cierto momento en el pasado.

Tema: PAST PROGRESSIVE + USED TO (Afirmative and negative).

Uso: Empleamos el tiempo Pasado Progresivo o Continuo para acciones que estaban sucediendo en un punto

específico del pasado.

The Simple Past with USED TO (acciones habituales en el pasado). ‘Used to’ has the same form in all persons, singular and plural and it is followed by infinitive.

We also use ‘Used to’ …for things that were true but are not true anymore.


I used to live with my parents but now I live with my husband or I live with my husband but I used to live

with my parents.

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We form questions and negations with the auxiliary verb did / did not (didn’t), the subject and the verb

“use” without –d.

Did Silvia use to have long hair?

Carlos didn’t use to drink a lot of alcohol.

Exercise: Complete the sentences using used to for affirmative sentences and didn’t use to for negative sentences.

Use your personal information.

When I was a child, I __________________________ eat a lot of cookies.

I ______________________________go to the movies with my parents.

I _____________________________ play soccer with my friends.

I ______________________________ go to the beach in the summer.

My best friend and I ___________________________ ride our bikes.

My grandmother ___________________________ make tortillas by hand.

My aunt _________________________________ play board games.

My mom ________________________________ go shopping every Saturday.

A) Underline the correct form to complete the sentences.

I used to walk / walking to school when I was a child.

Cecilia uses to / used to cook very early in the morning.

We used to played / play in the yard

The teacher uses to / used to play a sing in class.

You used to bought / buy lollipops.

Sam used to have / has a Walkman, now he has an iPod.

People used to keep / kept the names and telephone numbers of their acquaintances in small notebooks.

Ten years ago, people didn’t use to / used to google information as much as they do today.

Did you use / Do you use to play videogames when you were five years old?

Función: Cómo hacer comparaciones entre dos sujetos u objetos.


Uso: Emplear adjetivos o adverbios para establecer diferencias.

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Elaboró: Profa. María Eugenia Santiago Piña.


The Nile River is longer and more famous than the Thames.

Egypt is much hotter than Sweden.

Exercise: Put the adjectives between brackets in the correct form

1. My brother has a (tidy) _______________________ room than me.

2. Australia is (big) ____________________________ than England.

3. I'm (good) ________________________________ now than yesterday.

4. She's got (little) ____________________________ friends than you, but she doesn't care.

5. He thinks Chinese is (difficult) ________________________________ than English.

6. Acapulco (cheap)__________________________than Cancun.

7. Cats are not (intelligent) ___________________________ than dogs.

8. This Chinese restaurant is (good)_______________________ than that Japanese restaurant.

9. Cancun is (exclusive) ___________________________than Acapulco.

**** Follow this link for more Comparative exercise:

Elaboró: Profa. Ma Eugenia Santiago Piña.

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Función: Cómo pedir la aprobación de algo o negarla con frases cortas.


Uso: Su traducción al español es: ¿Verdad? ¿o no es así?. Toma en cuenta el tiempo de conjugación:

presente, pasado, presente continuo, etc. De eso depende el auxiliary a utilizar.


Example: He is a teacher, isn’t he? She lives in Mexico, doesn’t she?

They are intelligent, aren’t they?

Example: You aren’t angry, are you?

They don’t play hockey, do they?

She isn’t your sister, is she?

There is a special case with the following pronoun

I am new here, aren´t I?

Note: don’t use am not, use aren’t.

If the sentences is affirmative, the tag question is negative.

If the sentences is negative, the tag question is affirmative.

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Exercise: Choose the correct answer.

1. You don’t like rock, ____________


a) like

b) don’t

c) do

d) will

2. Susan is Irish, ________ she?

a) isn’t

b) does

c) can

d) is

3. The teachers need help, ________


a) doesn’t

b) do

c) need

d) don’t

4. Your sister is in Canada, _________


a) does

b) is

c) isn’t

d) doesn’t

5. We don’t eat here, __________ we?

a) won’t

b) eat

c) do

d) will

6. You swim, _______ you?

a) do

b) don’t

c) will

d) swim

7. They are a students, _______ they?

a) is

b) are

c) aren’t

Exercise: Use the tag ending to complete the questions.

1. You´re a doctor, ______________________?

2. She goes to the gym, _________________?

3. I’m your best friend, ________________?

4. Some people don’t understand that, _______________?

5. They won’t pass this course, _______________?

**** Follow this link for more Comparative exercise:

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Elaboró: Profa. María Eugenia Santiago Piña.


con las Función: Cómo expresar comparaciones mismas características


Uso: Expresan semejanzas o diferencias pero del mismo grado.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with thr correct comparative.

1) John is 1 metre 80cms tall. Dave is 1 metre 80cms tall. (is/tall)

John Dave.

2) Seville is 40ºC in summer. Cordova is 40ºC in summer. (is/hot)

Seville Cordova.

3) John is not very clever. Mary is cleverer. (is/clever)

John Mary.

4) The blue car is not expensive. The red car is more expensive. (is/expensive)

The blue car the red car.

5) Mrs Jones talks very quietly. Mrs Smith talks more loudly. (talk/loudly)

Mrs Jones Mrs Smith.

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Elaboró: Profa. María Eugenia Santiago Piña.

Función: Cómo expresar superioridad entre personas u objetos.


Uso: Indica el grado más alto de superioridad utilizando adjetivos o adverbios.

EXERCISE: Complete these statements with your knowledge of Superlatives.

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Elaboró: Profa. María Eugenia Santiago Piña.



* Grammar Andy: Past Progressive

*Past continuous tense

*Pasado Simple en Inglés / Usando "Did" / Conversación/ Past simple.

*Hable inglés rápidamente combinando verbos facilisimo!lesson-6

*The Haunted House . Past Continuous Story


*Real English® 47- Used to do - with subtitles

*Real English® 39 - Comparatives and Superlatives

*Learning English - question tag pronunciation & use

*Question Tags: The Grammar Gameshow Episode 22


*Comparatives and Superlatives.


*Buying new shoes.

*A restaurant menu.

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