Zakat presentations.pptx3

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Zakat presentations.pptx3


Ammara Nadeem

Ume HabibaIqra


Ammara KhanSara Malik

Group Members

Play Starts

Introduction of Zakat Definition and Meaning History Verses on Zakat Hadiths on Zakat Importance of Zakat Benefits of Zakat Conditions for Zakat Recipients of Zakat Persons who cannot be given Zakat Calculation of Zakat Punishment for not giving Zakat How Zakat is dynamically fair




Zakat means???





Root letters???


to be clean [Al-Quran Chapter 24: Verse 21, Chapter 23: Verse 4]to pay the obligatory charity [Al-Quran 2:43]to be better in purity [Al-Quran 18:81, 19:13]

HISTORY Zakat is a social and economic interaction and it comes under charity of wealth.

This phenomenon (charity) and movement was started in early days of Islam. The practice of zakat is initiated by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Qur'an Says: “Oh, ye Prophet Muhammad (SAW) get zakat charity out of their wealth, so that their wealth may become neat and clean.” (Quran 8-

Hijra. ) In Muharram, Six Hijra, all orders pertaining to receive Zakat were

pronounced. Abu Bakar (R A) declared war (the Ridda’s war) with sword against

those, who refused to pay Zakat/ UsherZakat became one of the five pillars of Islam.

Zakat became one of the five pillars of Islam.

five pillars of Islam

Shadah Salah Sawm Zakat Hajj

What Quran Says about


• Al Baqarah : Ayat 43 And be steadfast in prayer; give Zakat, and bow down your

heads with those who bow down (in worship).

• Al Bayyinah: Ayat 5 And they have been commanded no more than this: to

worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion, being True (in faith); to establish regular Prayer; and to practise regular Charity; and that is the Religion Right and Straight.

What did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) say

about Zakat ???

Zakat, a Bridge of Islam“Zakat is the bridge of Islam; so whoever performs it can cross the bridge and whoever withholds it will be detained beneath it. And it (Zakat) extinguishes the

anger of the Lord.”Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 74, Page 405

Zakat and its Importance “Allah has not imposed anything more serious than Zakat upon this nation – and due to it, many of them

shall perish.”Al-Kafi, Volume 3, Page 497, and Bihar al-Anwar, Volume

93, Page 22

Zakat is coupled with Prayer and Piety “There is no prayer for whom there is no zakat; and there is no

zakat for whom there is no piety.”Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 81, Page 252

The Reason for Zakat, Sustaining the Poor “Zakat has only been enforced to ensure the

sustenance of the poor and to secure the availability of their wealth.”

Al-Kafi, Volume 3, Page 498, and Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 93, Page 18



Zakat relates to one of the pillars of Islam While reading the Quran you would have come across a number of times the command:

“Be steadfast in prayer; practice regular Charity.”

"Take alms from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it." [Surah at-Tauba 103]

Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was ordered to fight the people until they made the established prayer and paid zakat

Social Impact of Zakat• Islam concentrates on the reform of

individuals, who are constituents of a society• Usually all the Islamic commands start from

the individual and travels to the establishment of an ideal community of the people

Social Impact of Zakat

Individual Impact of Zakat

Three types of impact :


Sincerity of Faith


Obedience to Law

Special financial


• Learns to come out of the race of personal interests and think for other human beings

• Extends financial help to the poor and the needy

The Holy Quran says“And whoso is saved from his

own avarice such are they who are successful”

(Al-Quran 59:9)

• “Sadaqa” derived from “Sidq” means truth• Shows his complete submission to the will of almighty Allah. “They come not to worship

save reluctantly” (Al-Quran 4:142)

• Zakat purifies from selfishness and indifference• Purifies those who receives Zakat from the feelings of haltered against the wealthy people

• Makes aman responsible and obedient citizen• The Holy Quran says” “O you who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and those of you who are in authority” (Al-Quran 4:59)

• Zakat is distinct in all other forms of charity in contemporary society

• Provides necessary financial aid for the wayfarer who unexpectedly faces financial risk regardless of being rich or poor

Individual Impact of Zakat

Conditions on Zakat

Islamic Sharia laid down some conditions that must be realized to make Zakat due.

These conditions are:• Full Ownership• Growth of Wealth, Whether Real or Assumed• Reaching Nisab (Minimum Amount Liable to

Zakat)• Exceeding One's Basic Needs• The lapse of a full year• Forbidding Twice Payment of Zakat at the Same

Year• Public wealth and charitable properties

•Full Ownership

• The giver must purely own it.

• No Zakat is due on the property which is Dimar.

• Some Companions are reported to have said, "Zakat is not due on a Dimar property, nor on the deferred amount of dower nor on the debt owed by an insolvent person.’’

• Growth of Wealth, Whether Real or Assumed

Real growth of wealth that is caused by its producing

offspring, or by gain realized from trade.

Assumed growth liability of property, such as gold,

silver and currencies to increase when exploited in trade.

No Zakat is due on properties that are not liable to real or assumed growth.

•Reaching Nisab (Minimum Amount Liable to

Zakat)• Zakat becomes due upon reaching the Nisab or

more than it

• Nisab of gold counted for Zakat is twenty dinars (85 grams) of fine gold, while the Nisab of silver is two hundred dirhams (595 grams) of fine silver.

• The Nisab of merchandise is an amount whose value equals eighty-five grams of gold.

• Exceeding One's Basic Needs

• Properties owned to meet one's basic requirements are excluded from Zakat.

• The same applies to the money dedicated to the repayment of debts, since the debtor is in need of this money to relieve himself from imprisonment and humiliation.

• The lapse of a full year

• A property is not counted for Zakat unless after the lapse of a full lunar year right from the day it reaches the Nisab.

• Forbidding Twice Payment of Zakat at the Same Year

• The crops or cattle are sold, thus transferred to cash money, this new type of property is not liable to Zakat in the same year in which Zakat is paid on the former type. "There is no repetition of Zakat.”said by Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).

• Public wealth, endowments and charitable properties

• Zakat is not due on public wealth.

• Likewise, Zakat in

not due on money dedicated to charitable purposes.



Types of wealth on which zakat is not imposed





Fixtures and fittings of a shop, car, trucks or any

delivery vehicle etc., which is used in running business On any

metals other

than gold or silver.

on a person whose liabilities

exceeds or equals his assets.

On personal residence, household

furniture, pots and pan, personal clothing

Diamonds, pearls, other precious or

semi-precious stones which

are for personal use.

Persons Who can’t be given Zakat

The Banu Hashim who are the children of Hazrat Fatima (RA) and all members of Rasoolullah (S.A.W.)'s family and wives (RA).

Parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren.

Zakat cannot be given to Non-Muslims. Zakat cannot be given as remuneration for services rendered.





Mu Allafat ul Qaloob

Ar Riqaab

Al Gharimeen

Fi Sabeelilah

Ibn Us Sabeel

Zakat has many benefits not only in this world but also in hereafter. Some of the advantages of giving zakat are as follows:1. Zakat reduces class struggles2. Zakat strengthens the middle class3. Zakat Cures Social Diseases4. Zakat liberates society from interests5. Reward by ALLAH (swt) for giving zakat

Three promises by ALLAH

God will repay them hundred-fold in this world for what they spend.

they will be rewarded bounteously in the Hereafter.

there will be for them neither fear nor grief on the Day of Judgment.

Zakat for them who really need your help


In hardship

Help them who really need

Help them who really need your support

Help them who cannot afford the basics

Help the orphans


Allah says in the Quran:   “On the Day of Judgment heat will be produced out of that wealth in the fire of Hell.” (Al‐Quran 9:34‐35)

Rasoolullah (SAWW) has said; "The nation that does not give Zakat, Allah will bring about a drought on them (i.e. necessities of life will become scarce)." 

(Bukhari)  on the Day of Qiyaamah, his wealth will be turned into a venomous bald serpent which will wind around his neck and bite his jaws and say: "I am your wealth, I am your treasure."

Lets see how Zakat is

dynamically fair!

Share your joy and happiness with others!

InshALLAH, ALLAH will return you in many folds.

Be happy when others are happy!

Play ends…