Vocabulario Ingles VI

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Transcript of Vocabulario Ingles VI

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Vacabulary(20 words -10 sentences)

    Report speech

    Second conditional

    Must - Mustnt /should - shouldnt

    Present perfect

    Nombre: Alvaro D

    Asignatura: Ingles VI

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 1

    Word Meaning

    1. Lead (dirigir - guiar)2. Court (cancha - jardin)3. Customer (cliente)4. chart (graficacarta)5. course (Curso - Asignatura)6. dessert (Postre)7. lamb (Cordero)8. abroad (Extranjero)9. managing (Administrador)10.report (Declaracion)11.Amusement (Diversion)12.Fact (Hecho - realidad)13.roller (rodillo - rulo)14.rollercoaster (Montaa Rusa)15.Manufacture (Fabricar)16.Advise (Aconsejar)17.Spare (Repuesto)18.Supply (Suministrar)19.Haddock (Pescado Marino)20.Leek (ajo - cebolla)

    Sentences1. He said that he could lead the way2. She said that she was a customer3. He said that he could play at the court4. They said that they would do the chart5. He said that he was a lamb in his other life6. She said that she could be the managing7. The dessert was prepared by them8. The materials for the course was made by her9. If we phoned him now, we would know if he is at the abroad10.He said he could advise her for the test

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 2

    Words meaning

    1. Budget (Presupuesto)2.

    Schedule (Horario)

    3. Skills (Skills)4. Reliable (Fiable)5. Cape (Superar)6. Teamwork (trabajo en equipo)7. Design (Diseo)8. Brochure (Panfleto)9. Manager (director)10.Adaptable (Flexible)11.Analytical (analitico)12.Solve (resolver)13.Scuba (buceo)14.Cup (taza)15.Underwater (acuatico)16. ()17. ()18. ()19. ()20. ()

    Sentences1. Dd2. Sd3. D4. D5. D6. D7. D8. D9. D10.d

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 3

    Words meaning

    1. vacuum (Vacio - Aspiradora)2. Compulsory (Obligatorio)3. Least (Minimo)4. Delivery (entrega)5. Charge (cobrar - cargar)6. Goods (articulos - bienes)7. warehouse (almacen - bodega)8. Expensive (caro)9. Price (precio)10.Quote (citar - cotizar)11.Store (tienda - guardar)12.Quality (Calidad)13.Essential (indispensable)14.Quite (bastante)15.Northern (del norte)16.Coast (Costa)17.Ferry (transbordaror)18.Metres (metros)19.Book (reservar)20.guarantee (garantia)


    1. Sjd2. D3. D4. D5. D6. D7. D8. D9. D10.d

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 4

    Words meaning

    1. ()2.


    3. ()4. ()5. ()6. ()7. ()8. ()9. ()10. ()11. ()12. ()13. ()14. ()15. ()16. ()17. ()18. ()19. ()20. ()

    Sentences1. D2. D3. D4. D5. D6. D7. D8. D9. D10.d

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 5

    Words meaning

    1. 1.2.

    Sentences1. d2. d3. d4. d5. d6. d7. d8. d9. d10.d

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 6

    Words meaning


    Sentences1. D2. D3. D4. D5. D6. D7. D8. D9. D10.D

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 7

    Words meaning

    1. Masters (maestria)2.

    Joined (juntar)

    3. Post (correo)4. Graduated (graduado)5. Stressful (estresante)6. Luckily (afortunado)7. Several (varios)8. Large (grande)9. Career (carrera)10.Trip (viaje - tropezon)11.Frightening (aterrador)12.Skis (squis)13.Delay (retraso)14.Frightened (asustado)15.report (articulo)16. ()17. ()18. ()19. ()20. ()


  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 8

    Words meaning

    1. Fell (talarhacer caer)2.

    Index (indice)

    3. Currency (Moneda - actualmente)4. Share (compartir)5. Payment (pago)6. Major (gran)7. Against (contra)8. Rise (subir)9. Stable (fijo - invariable)10.Flat (plano)11.Huge (enorme)12.Loan (prestamo)13.Mortgage (hipoteca)14.Boom (explosion)15.Foreign (exterior)16.Contestant (contendiente)17.Dub (doblar)18. ()19. ()20. ()

    Sentences1. What has happened to share the info today?2. D3. D4. D5. D6. D7. D8. Dd9. D10.D

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 9

    Words meaning

    1. Advert (publicidad)2.

    Brand (marca)

    3. Promote (promocionar)4. Market (mercado)5. Sponsorship (patrocinio)6. Billboard (cartelera)7. Sign (firmar - seal)8. Hire (contratar)9. Fire (despedir)10.Bankrupt (bancarrota)11. Invest (invertir)12.Set up (fundar - instalar)13.Lay off (despedir)14.Launch (lanzar)15. Improve (mejorar)16.Raise (levantar)17.Fill (llenar)18.Expand (expandir)19. ()20. ()

    Sentences1. The advert was seen by him2. D3. D4. D5. D6. D7. D8. D9. D10.d

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 10

    Words meaning

    1. Suggestion (sugerencia)2.

    Packaging (embalaje - envase)

    3. Shape (forma)4. Pack (paquete)5. Lateral thinking (otor tipo d epensamiento)6. Criticise (criticar)7. Safety (seguridad)8. Proposal (propuesta)9. Benefit (ventajas - beneficios)10.Unstable (inestable)11.Staff (personal - empleado)12.Landed (propietario)13.Delayed (retarsado)14.Rushed (acelerado)15.Refund (reembolso)16. ()17. ()18. ()19. ()20. ()

    Sentences1. If the product didnt have packaging, they would be cheaper2. If we used lateral thinking , we would have better ideas3. You shouldnt criticize other peoples ideas4. D5. D6. D7. D8. D9. D10.d

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 11

    Words meaning

    1. Through (atravesar)2.

    Above (encima)

    3. Opposite (contarrio)4. Bridge (puente)5. Road (calle)6. Town (centro)7. Channel (cauce)8. Hovercraft (aerodeslizador)9. Motorway (autopista)10.Track (via)11.Wide (ancho - amplio)12.Height (altura)13.Procedure (procedimiento)14.Avoid (evitar)15. Injury (herida)16.Lake (lago)17.Balcony (galleria - terraza)18.Bunk (litera)19.Dry (seco)20.Cruise (crucero)

    Sentences1. You mustnt swim here, the lake is used for drinking water2. S3. S4. S5. S6. S7. S8. S9. S10.s

  • 5/22/2018 Vocabulario Ingles VI


    Inacap Mircoles 04 de Dic. Del 20

    Alvaro Daz Ingles VI

    Unit 12

    Words meaning

